Shavua tov!

On Shabbat, (which btw, was one of the nicest I’ve had for quite a while, thank God I’m not buying into all the ‘fear p*rn’ and running off to buy a generator…) – I went to learn some Rabbenu with a new chevruta.

We opened it up ‘randomly’ to Likutey Moharan 2:2.

It’s a long lesson, and we got through about 4 pars, but here’s how it starts:

“The days of Chanuka are days of thanksgiving, as stated:

“They instituted these eight days of Chanuka for thanksgiving and praising.” (Al haNissim, Tractate Shabbat 21b)


And days of thanksgiving represent the delight of the World to Come, for the essential delight of the World to Come is to express thanksgiving and praise to God’s great Name and to acknowledge Him.

In this way, we come closer to Him, for the more that we know and acknowledge Him, the closer we are to Him.


Everything else will disappear in the future, as in, “All the sacrifices will be abolished except for the korban todah” (Vayeira Rabbah 9:7).

Only thanksgiving and praise will remain in the future – thanking and praising God….That is the essence of the delight of the World to Come.


This is the destination we’re aiming at.

Being able to thank Hashem for all the good things, and seeing how everything is totally for our good, after all.

BUT – and it’s a huge, massive but – trying to say thank you for all the good in our life doesn’t mean that we pretend there is no bad.

No suffering.

No pain – no days where we are so weighed down by misery and despair, we find it hard to even get out of bed in the morning.

(This is describing a serious FREEZE response, btw, where the initial reactions of FIGHT or FLIGHT either didn’t work, or aren’t on the table, so now, the snake brain is flooding the body with the chemicals designed to ‘FREEZE’ a person in place, in hibernation, to numb them until the danger passes, one way or another.)


Problem is, in our superficial world, where real emotions have been pathologised to the point where a person feels they need medication, or self-medication in the form of cannabis or alcohol any time a ‘real emotion’ pops it head above the parapet, there is a tendency to wave off another person’s real pain with platitudes about ‘just be grateful you’re alive.’

On a very deep level, this is of course true.

But when a person is stuck under a huge amount of misery and pain, and actually trapped in a bio-chemical ‘FREEZE’ response, they often just can’t get to that point.

At least, not immediately.


I’m going to bring some relevant stuff from Pete Walker in a mo, but before I do, let’s continue with one more par from Rabbenu’s lesson 2:2:

(It’s a puzzling par. Me and the chevruta chewed it over for an hour on Shabbat, and looked up all the stuff being referenced by Rabbenu. In the process of doing that, we learnt some amazing insights, which I’ll bring below, so hang on, if this is sounding like gobbledy-gook.)

“This corresponds to, “Four people are required to express thanksgiving.” (Brachot 54b)

They are listed in Psalms 107, which concludes with, “He who is wise and observes these will understand God’s kindnesses.

‘God’s kindnesses’ correspond to halachot, as Chazal said, “Whoever does not allow his student to serve him is as if he denied kindness from him, as written: “He who withholds kindness from another.” (Job 6:14; Ketubot 96a).

Serving the wise corresponds to halachot, which correspond to, “David’s kindnesses.” (Isaiah 55:3), in that the halachah is according to his opinion, as Chazal said: “God was with him”, (Samuel I, 16:18)….


“God was with him” means that he was close to God, which represents the World to Come, which corresponds to halachot.


The four people who have to give ‘thanksgiving’ are those who cross a desert or ocean, get freed from prison, or are healed from a life-threatening illness.

I.e. they say ‘thank you’ just for the gift of still being alive.

They don’t cross a desert and then get a million bucks to pay off their debts, or buy a house in Jerusalem.

They don’t get off the boat and someone is waiting to propose. No-one is curing their infertility, their shalom bayit issues – or ending ‘the war’ in Gaza.


But they have an obligation to say thank you – simply because they came through a dangerous situation, and they are still alive.


Chazal are setting the bar really low, here, when it comes to finding things to say ‘thank you’ for.


But as this is Rabbenu, there is a much deeper dimension to all this, that takes it out of ‘fake gratitude / fake emuna’ mode, and puts it in a way more deeper place that can work and resonate for so many of us who are actually struggling to say ‘thank you’ for being alive, at the moment.

Because the pain is overwhelming.

Because we are suffering so greatly.

And because we are stuck in a ‘FREEZE’ response to all the stress, that is literally keeping us trapped in mochin de’katnut, and all the bad middot and difficult emotions that hang out in that place.


When we looked up the reference to Job, we got to the passage where Job’s ‘best friend’ Eliphaz (not coincidentally, the name of the son of that arch-religious hypocrite, Esav) is trying to ‘help’ Job like this:

(These are some of the key arguments that begin Eliphaz’s ‘speech’ to Job, in Chapter 6 of Iyov):

“If He tests you with one thing, are you going to be tired out?!…Remind me, please, which innocent person ever died? When have upright people ever been obliterated?…Destruction does not emerge from the the dust, and nor does misery grow from the earth….

Behold! Fortunate is the man whom God rebukes!!!”


In other words, Eliphaz is telling Job:

Suck it up man, and stop whining! You totally deserve what’s going on right now! And not only that, you are ‘lucky’ that God is doing this to you, so SAY THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUFFERING!!!


You know why I love Rabbenu so much?

Because Rabbenu gives real advice, for real people.

Straight after telling us that ‘gratitude’ is the ideal destination, our taste of the world to come down here in this lowly world that is so full of suffering – he then throws in a hint about what Pete Walker calls: FLIGHT INTO LIGHT.

But what I usually refer to as ‘fake gratitude’ or ‘fake emuna’.


There is a whole bunch of important nuance here, let’s try to tease it out.

First, here is Walker’s description of ‘FLIGHT INTO LIGHT, which you can find online HERE, but which I actually read as part of his biography ‘Homesteading through the Calm Eye of the Storm’:


Like many survivors, my recovery process began unconsciously with a spiritual quest. I needed to find something profoundly good about life to counteract the soul crushing effects of my family.

But striving for enlightenment was a salvation fantasy, and only helped marginally with my CPTSD. My Icarus-like flights into the Light did however give me powerful subjective experiences of a Benevolence at the core of life.

Trying to permanently merge with this Light however, melted my waxen wings and repeatedly sent me plummeting into the sea of my abandonment depression.

The Icarus in me won some and lost some. When I caught enough glimmers of the Light to know that an ultimate good exists, I felt buoyed enough to journey inside – to search for something worthwhile at my psychological core.

When I finally learned to meditate effectively, I gradually found Spirit within.

Now my flights-into-light are sojourns inside to find an inner glow. My ongoing meditative practice regularly brings me helpful insights, restores my equanimity and self-acceptance, and occasionally provides me glimpses of THAT which is so much greater.


My ultimate flight-into-light was an eight hour Enlightenment experience with LSD – an experience of feeling transcendently at one with a loving God that permeated everything….

This LSD journey impassioned me to search for permanent enlightenment.

Luckily my quest short-circuited two years later, but I had enough tastes of God as Love to convince me that life is a stunning gift from an unfathomable and generous Creator. Like Walt Whitman and other poets, I increasingly saw love and beauty in life’s ordinary and myriad details.

Delusional or not, I feel lucky to believe in a Benevolent Creator.

This is not a choice but a profound subjective sense of knowing. The years before my huge epiphany – especially the Catholic ones – were desolately empty without this deep sense of a Higher Power…..

It blessed me with an increasing capacity to appreciate being alive.


Walker came of age in the 60s, when so many good people started ‘experimenting’ with drugs as the ‘shortcut’ to enlightenment – and especially weed and LSD.

Walker himself dabbled – but when he saw how many of his hippie friends literally went insane from regular use of CANNABIS, all by itself, or spent their days totally ‘drugged out’ of reality – he stopped doing drugs cold turkey, and now he counsels people to avoid using drugs to escape their emotional pain.

Over time, he found that ‘meditation’ – i.e. hitbodedut, where you talk to God and also check in with your own soul, and let your real feelings surface and be expressed – was a WAY better way of dealing with his ongoing pain.

The reason I’m quoting him here, is because his books were one of the best resources I found, for helping to figure out and overcome C-PTSD – something that I think most people today are dealing with, one way or another.


Rabbenu teaches, feel your pain for one hour a day, in hitbodedut! But the other 23 hours – be happy!!!


So, one example of ‘FLIGHT INTO LIGHT’ is trying to turn off the pain and suffering of reality, and ‘run away’ by using drugs – and that includes prescribed medication that alters a person’s mind.

But another way of FLIGHT INTO LIGHT is where you still try to ‘duck the pain’ by covering it all up with ‘just say thanks!!!!!’

Or by trying to change the subject some other way. And so many misguided therapists and even, so-called ‘frum’ mentors and rabbis,  also encourage this – especially the ones who don’t do regular hitbodedut themselves, and don’t have God in the picture in any real way.


Here’s another snippet from Walker:

My first foray with Kleinian[1] Dr. L was awful. To avoid repeating this, I had test- sessions with seven highly touted therapists.

In one interview-session after another, each renowned therapist tried to distract me from venting pain.

It was so hard to believe.

Each paid lip service to welcoming grief, but when my feelings surfaced, they [the therapists] apparently could not go where they had not been [themselves].


We all have painful stuff going on inside.

All of us.

If we aren’t talking to God about what’s going on, the pain overwhelms us in a million ways. And even if we’re going to a shrink regularly – if that shrink isn’t encouraging us to turn to God, to put God in the picture, and to develop a more emuna-dik approach to what’s going on, then even the best shrink is very limited in how much real ‘help’ they can provide.


Sometimes, it’s OK to open our hearts to another person who can actually deal with it in a healthy way. We all need some encouragement and human warmth, sometimes.

And it’s important to find people who can really empathise with us, without trying to shut us up with pat answers about ‘gratitude’ or ‘having emuna’, like Job’s ‘friend’ Eliphaz.


At the same time – the real answer to our problems actually isn’t dumping it all on to other people – and not even the people we pay a fortune to, to listen to us.

The real answer is talking to God, honestly, and regularly, every single day.


The time we spend in hitbodedut is where we find the courage to really face our inner pain.

And the strength required to really work through our ‘stress’, our anger, our fear, our disappointment, our unmet expectations, for how we hoped life would be.

That’s where we start to get some real, soul-satisfying answers, about why does it have to be like this?! Why am I suffering so much?! Why are you putting me through all this stuff, God?!

Because everything really is a message from God, even – especially – the stuff that comes wrapped in very difficult circumstances.


When we start to finally unwrap ‘the message’, and to learn the lessons, that’s when the real feelings of gratitude can start to bubble up, naturally. Without being forced or faked.

For me personally, I only got into doing hitbodedut for an hour a day because I thought that was the way to ‘force’ God into giving me what I thought I wanted, especially, more children.

About five years into the process, no more kids were forthcoming, and that’s when I had a crossroads moment, when I could have jacked the whole thing in, God forbid, as “not working out as planned.”

But instead, I started to realise how many enormous benefits I was getting, from taking the time to talk to God for an hour every single day.


The really bad FREEZE depressions I use to get all the time, even when life was externally ‘great’, pretty much totally disappeared.

I started to make some big inroads on my awful temper and anger fits, and that literally transformed the atmosphere in my house, and especially, with my kids.

And more and more, I started to realise that even though life was so very difficult, so much of the time – there was still so much to be grateful for.

And still so much that could and would improve, when I stopped running around to ‘other people’ for the answers and the comfort and the insights I needed – and instead, I dealt direct with God, and started to take responsibility for how I was really feeling about stuff.


God gets us.

God loves us unconditionally.

When God tells us ‘hard things’, He still does it with so much compassion and kindness, so we can actually hear it, without feeling even more gross about ourselves.


God is simply the best shrink you could possibly ever have.

And He’s available 24/7, and free.



Let’s pull this back around to where we began.

Rabbenu taught us in Lesson 2:2:

The essential delight of the World to Come is to express thanksgiving and praise to God’s great Name and to acknowledge Him.

In this way, we come closer to Him, for the more that we know and acknowledge Him, the closer we are to Him.


Being close to God is the biggest present a person can give themselves, in the crazy circumstances we currently all find ourselves in.

Sometimes – actually, at all times – the only way God can take down our ego enough to get us to come closer to Him, and to start really talking to Him, and including Him in our lives, is by literally crushing our yetzers into the floor, with difficulties and hard circumstances.

The point is not to kill us, God forbid, (although sometimes, it can feel like that.)

The point, is to bring us closer to Him.


When we try to ‘short’ this pain, by disappearing into medications, cannabis, never-ending ‘shrink’ sessions etc etc, we just end up prolonging the agony.

Because the point, the only point of the suffering, is just to bring us closer to God, in a real, raw, honest way.

When we get close to God like that, that is when we find the courage and support required to really face our ‘inner demons’ down, and to stop running away from ourselves, and our own hard, difficult feelings about life.

When we let our real feelings surface and pass through and out – that’s when the real healing begins.

And that’s when we start to understand that hard as everything is, it’s not stam.


Life is a process, ad 120, and there are no quick fixes.

Our mad world is bringing so much pain and hard feelings up to the surface at the moment.

God is designing things to do exactly that.

To finally get us to understand that we can’t do this without God, without regular hitbodedut, without trying to come closer to Hashem.

We can’t do this, without following the advice of Rabbenu.

And without drawing closer also to the real Tzaddikim of our generation, like Rav Berland.


So, do yourself a favor, turn this off, and go to some quiet place where you can talk to God for a while.

All of us are stuck in a paradigm that we can’t seem to change from with-out, or with the ‘power and strength of our own hands’.

All we can do, is to take responsibility for ourselves, and to begin the process of trying to change things from within.

But ultimately, that is what is going to change everything.



[1] Melanie Klein advocated a therapeutic approach where this is almost no interaction at all between the client and the therapist, with the therapist even sitting behind the client’s head to avoid eye contact, or anything that could be construed as empathy, human warmth or encouragement.


I went to the Rav’s prayers again yesterday night, BH.

The last few days, the prayers have been V. strong – lots of singing, quite a happy atmosphere (!) and the Rav himself seems to be in a good mood.

He wasn’t like that before Simchat Torah, 5784.

For a couple of months before Simchat Torah 5784, the Rav seemed very subdued, and dare we say it, even ‘depressed’.

He’d been telling us all how very important it was for him to get to Uman for Rosh Hashana 5784, and that terrible destruction would follow if he couldn’t get there to ‘sweeten’ the judgements, with Rabbenu, on Rosh Hashana.

But in the end…. the cholkim and the State got their way, and the Rav was barred permanently.


Also before Simchat Torah 5784, usually a wild night of dancing and hakafot until the dawn, at Shuvu Banim, the whole thing was VERY subdued this year.

Usually, Shuvu rents an empty migrash on Ido HaNavi, puts up a sukkah there, and that’s also where the Simchat Torah celebrations and hakafot hashniot take place.

So this last year, when that didn’t happen, we were all a bit surprised. I thought maybe it’s because the financial situation at Shuvu was so dire….

Instead, the Rav said that Simchat Torah would be done down by the Kotel, this year.


Even then, the police and the State tried to block the Rav from getting to the Kotel.

They had a million and one ‘excuses’ for why he couldn’t be allowed to get there (all illegal….) and why the ‘celebration’ had to be over, strictly, by midnight.

You know why?

Because they knew what else was meant to be happening that night, over on the Gaza periphery.


There was such a ‘heavy’ atmosphere by the Kotel on Simchat Torah.

I actually left it for a bit, to go and sit upstairs in the main plaza, next to the giant Golden Menorah donated by a Russian mafioso in exchange for an Israeli passport, next to the rebuilt Churva.

I don’t what the time was, maybe around 11pm, there was suddenly a crazy wind that blew up out of nowhere, and was strong enough to blow the skach of some of the sukkahs there.

It lasted for less than two minutes, then everything returned to calm and stillness.

It felt like a ‘wind of bad tidings’.

It was.


Why am I writing all this today?

Because right now, I’m not picking up a ‘down’ vibe from the Rav.

Of course, who knows what tomorrow brings, but the Rav really can ‘see’ what’s coming down the pipe, and he’s not currently acting or reacting like someone who is seeing another shoah, God forbid.

The Rav is not shy about warning about danger.

The last few decades, most of his energy has gone into waking us all up, about the harsh judgements hovering over us at this period of time. His lessons and shiurim and full of allusions – going back many decades.

The last few weeks, I’m just not getting that ‘vibe’.


So, you can decide how you want to spend this Shabbat.

Either you can stress yourself out to the max with more half-baked ‘prophecies’ from people like St Pollard and his acolytes.

And ruin your shabbat (and your health….) by constantly pumping up the ‘fear porn’.

Or you spend some time talking to God, and trying to do some real teshuva on having real emuna, and knowing that everything is in God’s hands.


The only thing left in ‘our hands’ is the free choice to have some emuna, make some real teshuva – and do some more praying, learning Torah and mitzvot.


This is a spiritual war, primarily.

All this ‘fear porn’ from secular sources is playing into the hands of the Evils.

The klipot are circling all the time, looking for when a person’s emuna and happiness gets weak enough for them to swoop in and drag the person away from God, and into the swamp of despair.

Just yesterday, my friend told me about a head teacher of a mamlachti dati school who just went out to a field, and shot himself.

He leaves behind a wife and five children.

We don’t need to be scared about ‘Iran’, or Hamas, or Hezbollah – or all the other agents of the satanic-masons, including those running our own failed State.

We need to be scared that our own energy, emuna and joie de vivre will be weakened so badly, we’d prefer to be dead.


So, do what you want, dear reader.

If you want to waste your last bit of adrenaline waiting to get bombed by ‘Iran’ over Shabbat – that’s up to you.

Personally, it’s a big haval.

Shabbat is the day of rest.

The day of peace.

The day of prayer and rejoicing, that we were created Jews, and we get to serve God without any ‘lowly’ distractions, for a whole day.

That’s why ‘Iran’ always apparently schedules their bombs for Shabbat.

And why ‘Hamas’ scheduled their invasion for Simchat Torah.

It’s a spiritual war, fundamentally.

And when more of us realise that, and stop wasting time with all this pointless ‘fear porn’, it will bring us a massive step closer to finally leaving this bitter galut.

Shabbat shalom!


Hold onto your hats…. This is a great post for ‘real Jewish history’ aficionados.

The story begins when I was trying to track down a bit more about R ELIYAHU MANI, of Baghdad, then Hevron (with some places in between).

There is a lot of strangely conflicting information, about when he was meant to have been the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Hebron, and who came before him. And after him.


So, I was looking through more of his descendants, to try and get a ‘feel’ for where the truth may lie, when I noticed that his son, the ‘Chacham Bashi’ SULEIMAN MANI married a woman called REINA PEREIRA.

Reina’s father is R MOSHE FEREIRA (= PEREIRA) of HEVRON, who was meant to be the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Hevron before ELIYAHU MANI took over.

Or something like that.

Except, the guy’s been mostly scrubbed out of the history books, and what remains are just faint traces of something interesting.


You’ll recall from the first post in this series about Sabbateans in Hevron that AVRAHAM PEREIRA, the wealthy patron of MENASSEH BEN ISRAEL in Amsterdam:

a) built a yeshiva in Hevron called CHESSED L’AVRAHAM.

And b) was a massive Sabbatean himself, and had notorious Sabbateans like MEIR HIYYA ROFE running his yeshiva in Hevron.

You’ll also recall that AVRAHAM PEREIRA was a converso, had a ton of cash, and was rubbing shoulders with royalty and nobles all over the place.


After he died, his son YAAKOV PEREIRA took over funding the Sabbatean yeshiva in Hevron, and renamed it CHESSED L’AVRAHAM V’EMET L’YAAKOV.

It seemed like a no-brainer that this ‘MOSHE FERREIRA’, scrubbed Chief Rabbi of Hevron, was a descendant of this family of wealthy converso Sabbateans from Amsterdam.

So, I started checking around, to see if the facts fit the theory.


When I started tracing back REINA FERREIRA on Geni, I learnt some interesting things straight out the gate.

Like for example, her sister PERL married a very Ashkenazi man from Hungary named SHMUEL KORNFELD.

And their son, ABRAHAM KORNFELD, happened to marry MIREL, the sister of that same R AKIVA YOSEF SCHLESINGER who was trying his hardest to buy land in Eretz Yisrael, to start up agricultural colonies – a full 50 years before anyone had even heard of Herzl.


We will come back to R AKIVA YOSEF SCHLESINGER again, but as usual, I am just pointing out that when it comes to Eretz Yisrael, it’s always the same people.

And they are all tightly related to each other, however it may look from a distance.

(BTW, the Schlesingers are great-grandchildren of R AKIVA EGER – who has more Frankists in his family tree than most of us. At some point, we will deep-dive on him, too.)


Tov, back in Hevron, as I’m chasing REINA FERREIRA’s family tree back down the centuries, it looks ilke this:


Strange, that such a prominent family should have such big gaps in its family tree….


I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice to say I spent 4 hours today trying to fill those gaps in – and I hit ‘Sabbatean-Frankist-Freemason’ gold, in the process.

First, I went back to a different family tree for ABRAHAM ISRAEL PEREIRA, the Sabbatean funder of MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL in Amsterdam, and CHESSED L’AVRAHAM yeshiva in Hevron, and filled in more gaps.

Here’s some of what I learnt.


His son YAAKOV ISRAEL PEREIRA (who continued to fund the yeshiva in Hevron) was apparently married to one REBECCA DE PAIVA.

If you cast your mind back four years to when we were discussing the crypto-Jew from Wales, ELIHU YALE, for whom Yale University is named, the name of his converso mistress was HIERONIMA DE PAIVA, widow of the converso diamond dealer and Paradesi Jew, JACQUES DE PAIVA.

You can read more about Eliahu Yale, Golconda diamonds and the East Indies Company HERE – but REBECCA DE PAIVA is close family.


This is a snippet from HERE, about JAIME DE PAIVA’s last voyage, and last will and testament:

Jacques notes in his will that his cousin Moses (Pereira de Paiva) should marry Mariana Gonzales. According to E.R. Samuel (see above) the mother of Moses was Ribca de Paiva, this is possibly Ribca de Paiva (b. 1631 in Seville) who in 1651 married Jacob Pereira (b. 1629 in Madrid).


YAAKOV PEREIRA and REBECCA DE PAIVA’s kids are interesting.

One of them is called SALOMON PEREIRA – and he causes a massive scandal in Amsterdam high society when he carries on a public affair with a non-Jewish noblewoman called SOPHIA VAN NOORTWIJCK, (1675-1710).


Van Noortwijck (and also her mother….) are prosecuted by the State…. But not before she bears SALOMON PEREIRA a son out of wedlock.

Read more about that HERE (translate from the Dutch):


On 1 July 1700, Sophia van der Maa and her daughter were taken to the prison gate and each imprisoned in their own cell. Sophia van der Maa was accused of inciting her daughter to illicit behavior, but she refused to confess. 

Her daughter, on the other hand, immediately confessed everything that was charged to her, although she firmly denied that her mother had played any role in this. In the end, the court ruled that Sophia Van noortwijck’s actions were the result of her youthful age and the insistence of other persons. 

She was fined ten thousand guilders because of the legal costs incurred – which, incidentally, amounted to 5246 guilders for mother and daughter together – and was allowed to serve her detention at home. Sophia van der Maa was sentenced on 7 October to life imprisonment and a fine of 68,000 guilders for inciting her daughter to an affair with a married Jewish man.


And this snippet from HERE tells us more what happened to SALOMON PEREIRA:

Salomon Pereira showered Sofia Van Noortwijck and her mother with gifts.

However, he played too much fair weather with his father’s fortune, and in early 1700 he had to flee from his creditors.

Father Pereira [i.e. YAAKOV PEREIRA – funder of the Hevron yeshiva] asked and received permission from the Court of Holland to lock Salomon in a reformatory. He was eventually arrested and imprisoned in Delft.

Sofia visited him regularly and also kept sending him letters. Meanwhile, following father Pereira’s request, the court delved into the case and into what it called the’vexatious life ‘of Salomon Pereira, Sofia van noortwijck and the widow of Noortwijck.


So we learn from this that the person who had SALOMON PEREIRA locked away and investigated was….. his own father.



Meanwhile, SOLOMON’s brother is called MOSES ISRAEL PEREIRA (1651-1702).

He is the cousin of JACQUES DE PAIVA, mentioned above (as is the infamous adulterer, Solomon Pereira of Amsterdam).

Moses son marries MIRJAM MACHADO, and she links us straight up with a bunch of the most prominent Frankist-Reformer bankers in Berlin and Vienna.


Henriette Arnstein is the grand-daughter of DAVID ITZIG, the mint master of Berlin who lived in this palace:

To say her family tree is absolutely, totally, heaving with Frankist-Reform-Masons is still a massive understatement.


Both ITZIG and BERNHARD ESKELES – another one of ITZIG’s sons-in-law – are ardent Bros of the ASIATIC BRETHREN, amongst many other masonic endeavors.

If that was all that was hiding out in this family tree – dayenu!

But we’re still just getting started, and the best is yet to come.


Once I realised the PEREIRA family tree is literally converso-Sabbatean royalty, I spent a couple more hours seeing who else is hanging out there.


The tree has been messed-around with, so while it says he married his niece – and these people did stuff like that all the time – I think he probably married someone else they are trying to scrub out of history.

Either way, his son is JOSEPH HAIM ISRAEL PEREIRA, who marries DEBORAH FONSECA.

And his children marry into the TOURO family – who two generations later spawn the famous American (masonic….) philanthropist JUDAH TOURO.

JUDAH TOURO leaves a fortune behind him, and appoints (fellow mason and Rothschild B-I-L) MOSes MONTEFIORE, to go and spend the money buying up land and building stuff in Eretz Yisrael.


But NOT just for Jews….

Here’s another snippet about JUDAH TOURO, from Wiki:

He was a major contributor to many Christian charities in New Orleans, as well as to such varied causes as the American Revolutionary War monument at Bunker Hill, and the relief of victims of a large fire in Mobile, Alabama.

In a New Orleans fund-raising drive for Christians suffering persecution in Jerusalem, he gave ten times more than any other donor.

It’s these small details that really underline who we are dealing with, here.


Meanwhile, DEBORAH FONSECA’s niece, DONA SIMHA de FONSECA, also marries a very interesting person, namely:


I am going to quote a fairly lengthy description of him from HERE, so you start to get a feel for:

a) how much money and influence these people had

b) how ‘xtian’ they actually still were, even though they were parachuted back into the Jewish community, where they effectively used their wealth and connections to take it over.



Baron Diego Lópes (Moses) Pereira d’Aguilar, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire (cr 1726), banker, financier and confidant of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria.

[Ed. Note: she is the mother of Marie Antoinette of France, and Emperor Josef II of Austria, who was a massive ‘mason’ and satanic-secret-society adept. You can read more about all this HERE.)


Snippet continues:


“Diego Lópes (Moses) Pereira d’Aguilar, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire, was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1699….

He was a Marrano financier, born in Porto, Portugal, where his father held the tobacco monopoly. He himself farmed the tobacco revenue in Portugal before establishing branches of his banking house in London and Amsterdam.


“After the War of the Spanish Succession, in 1722 Diego Lopes Pereira followed Charles VI to London, where he established a firm in the City called Pereira and Lima.

It was one of the Jewish firms which imported gold from Portugal (other Jewish merchants who did so included Francis Salvador and Moses Mendes da Costa).

The firm continued to prosper when in 1736 he went to Vienna, to make proposals to the then Empress to farm the tobacco and snuff duties, in which he was very successful, so much so that the Empress appointed him her cashier.


“Immediately on his arrival, he reverted to Judaism (ie probably he was circumcised; he probably practised Judaism privately already), adopting the name of Moses and championing other Jews whenever persecution threatened.

To this day they hold an annual service in his honour in the Sephardi synagogue in Vienna.”


Snippet continues:

Baron D’Aguilar (1726)

“In 1726 the Emperor created him Baron D’Aguilar.

Empress Maria Theresa

“Maria Theresa made him a Privy Councillor, and he was responsible for building the imperial palace at Schönbrunn.

“Ultimately, the Spanish government requested the extradition of ‘this wealthy renegade’ for trial by the Holy Office. In order to avoid being returned to Portugal to face the Inquisition, in 1757 he moved, with his fourteen children, together with his retinue of servants and slaves, to London, where he was active in the Sephardi community.


The notes give us more details, about who this MOSHE PEREIRA, BARON D’AGUILAR, really was, quoting a Jewish Families Claim Legacy dispute, from August 29, 1931, that happened in Vienna:

A story about a claim by a number of Jewish families in Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, and other countries, to a vast fortune estimated at about 42 million pounds, said to have been left by the Jewish banker, Baron Moses d’Aquilar, or d’Aguilar, who fled from Spain, where he had been a Bishop in the Catholic church, while secretly practising Judaism, and went to London, where he died in 1759, is the sensation of the day here.


The account continues:

The d’Aquelar family is stated to have owned enormous estates in Spain.

At the time of the Inquisition, they outwardly adopted Christianity, but continued secretly true to the Jewish faith. The Baron in question became a priest and after-wards a Bishop.

The Empress Maria Theresa, who had interests in Spain, entrusted her diplomatic missions to him, but when it was discovered in Spain that he was acting for Austrian interests, he had to fly. He went to Vienna, where he obtained admission to the Royal Court, and in Vienna he again became a Jew.

He lent the Empress 300,000 Taler, and applied the rest of the huge fortune he brought from Spain to speculation and it grew enormously. He then settled in London.

The brother had his wine distillery in Kosteletz, on the estate of Count Sternberg. His grave has been located in Wamberg, in Bohemia. The Spanish Synagogue in the Zirkus Strasse, in the Vienna Jewish quarter known as Leopoldstadt, has a memorial slab on the front of the building, with a gold inscription reading: Turkish-Israelite Community, founded in Vienna, in 1737-5497 by Moses Lopez Perera Diego d’Aquelar.


[Now I’m going back through this, I see I need to take a closer look at the ‘War of the Spanish Succession’, and Charles VI of Spain, who ends up in London….There is a lot there that could probably shed more light on what’s really going on in the world today.]


Who is MOSES PEREIRA’s anonymous brother, also said to have been ‘spectacularly wealthy’?

He’s called EPHRAIM in some accounts, he’s said to have changed his surname to WEINBERG in other accounts.

But one thing I’m sure of, is that this MOSES PEREIRA, spanish-catholic bishop, is directly related to ABRAHAM PEREIRA, enthusiastic Sabbatean and supporter of MANASSEH ben ISRAEL and Hevron.

The DOBRUSHKA family of Brunn – cousins of the false messiah ‘JACOB FRANK’ were also meant to have held the tobacco monopoly in Moravia under Maria Theresa at this time.

We are dealing with exactly the same family – just sometimes they have a sephardi name, sometimes they have a spanish-catholic name, and sometimes, they have an ‘ashkenazi’ name.

Let’s continue, we aren’t done yet.


In the first post, we already realised that ABRAHAM PEREIRA’s brother was also a ‘big deal’ in the spanish-catholic world – including being a Knight of the secret society of the ALCANTARAs.


That brother – SALVADOR VAEZ MARTINEZ – had a grandson called MOSES MARTINS (born in London in 1671) – who married into the NUNES HENRIQUES family.

One of his nephews was called ISAAC TEIXARA D’ANDRADE.

We’ll get to him in a minute.

Meanwhile, MOSES MARTINS’ niece by marriage was one RACHEL FRANCO…. Who married one YEHUDA LEIB ESKELES FUERTH….

And their son was the false messiah, ‘JACOB FRANK’.

It’s a small world.


OK, so now, who did this ISAAC TEIXARA D’ANDRADE (1705-1730) marry, and why should you care about it?

Read on.

Isaac marries a woman called RACHEL ISRAEL SUASSO, in the Hague.

When I go to look up her family, that’s when all the bells and whistles start tootling, because I am finally pinning this down in the real world.


First things first.

If you go HERE, you’ll open a PDF of the AGUILAR-PEREIRA family tree.

BARON D’AGUILAR, MOSHE PEREIRA (erstwhile catholic bishop and purveyor of fine tobacco) is the grandson of ‘CATARINA MARTINS / ALVERES’.

But there is somone important missing off this PEREIRA / AGUILAR family tree.

Another grandson of CATARINA MARTINS / ALVARES by the name of:


This guy:


To cut a very long short – this is the guy who gave William III of Orange 1.5 million guilders to go and ‘invade’ England, back in 1688.

Snippet from HERE:

“Like his father Antonio, Francesco Lopes Suasso was also a moneylender to the King of Spain.

He regularly supported King Charles II of Spain financially in his fight against the French king. He also lent money to Stadtholder William III, among other things to finance the Nine Years’ War (1688-1697) and gave financial assistance to William III when he wanted to claim the English crown from his father-in-law.

Francesco supported William III’s passage to England with an amount of one and a half million guilders (about 17 million euros today).”


William III was grateful to his Jewish donors. Constantijn Huygens enviously remarked in his journal that the Jewish financiers were very prominent in the first support boat when the stadtholder of the Republic crossed to England.

Stadtholder William III’s important financiers were Portuguese Jews who had good contacts with the court and the government bodies, such as Antonio Lopes Suasso and his son Francesco.

Salomon de Medina and Jacob Pereira from The Hague also gave a lot of money to the stadholder for his ‘Glorious Revolution’.


The link for JACOB PEREIRA is misdirected to a different page.

They tried very hard to scrub him out of this story.

But, this ‘JACOB PEREIRA’ seems to be one and the same as the YAAKOV PEREIRA above, who funded the Hevron (Sabbatean….) yeshiva, and arranged for his own son to be locked up for having an affair with SOFIA NOORTWIJCK.


One more strange snippet, and then I’ll tell you one more interesting detail about all this, before we close for today:

In 1685 Francesco [SUASSO] bought a house on the Juffrouw Idastraat. Seven years later, the family moved to Korte Voorhout 11.

Here the rich Francesco had bought the large house for ƒ27000, – where originally Maarten Tromp lived.


Hey look!

Maarten Harpertsz. Tromp (1597-1633) .*oil on canvas .*127 x 101.6 cm .*probably early 19th century

There’s another historical Tromp / TRUMP link up with the people who are pulling the strings here, behind the scenes.

Here’s his picture (left), and this is a snippet from his Wiki page, HERE:

“In 1610, after his father’s discharge because of a navy reorganization, the Tromps were on their way to Guinea on their merchantman when they were attacked by a squadron of seven ships under command of the English pirate Peter Easton.

During the fight, Tromp’s father was slain by a cannonball, where after the battle his body was thrown overboard by the boarding party.

According to legend, the 12-year-old boy rallied the crew of the ship with the cry “Won’t you avenge my father’s death?” The pirates seized him and sold him on the slave market of Salé where he ended up serving as a cabin boy. Two years later, Easton was moved by pity and ordered his redemption.

Set free, Tromp supported his mother and three sisters by working in a Rotterdam shipyard. He went to sea again at 19, briefly working for the navy, but he was captured again in 1621 after having rejoined the merchant fleet, this time by Barbary corsairs off Tunis.

He was kept as a slave until the age of 24 and by then had so impressed the Bey of Tunis and the corsair John Ward with his skills in gunnery and navigation that the latter offered him a position in his fleet. When Tromp refused, the Bey was even more impressed by this show of character and allowed him to leave as a free man in 1622.”


Strangely, this story is also dinging off the ‘BS’ bell loudly….

Perhaps more on ‘MAARTEN TROMP’ another time.


OK, we have one more item to address:


Her sister, SARAH SIMCHA marries the second BARON D’AGUILAR – son of MOSES PEREIRA D’AGUILAR, who runs away to London apparently to avoid being extradited and burnt at the state in an auto da fe.

And RACHEL and SARAH SIMCHA’s father is MOSES (ANTHONY) MENDES DE COSTA (1668-1747) – who sets up the Bank of England.


Snippet from HERE:

Moses was a very successful banker and owned substantial shares in the Bank of England, though he was never on the board.

In 1727 he took an action against the Muscovy Company, a trading company, that had refused to admit him as a member on the grounds of his Jewish background. Although the Attorney-General decided that he should be admitted, the Company petitioned parliament to change the law so that they could refuse membership to Jews.

Mozes was Governor of the Bank of England (in fact he wasn’t)


Let’s just recall that snippet we saw above, about ‘BARON D’AGUILAR’:

After the War of the Spanish Succession, in 1722 Diego Lopes Pereira followed Charles VI to London, where he established a firm in the City called Pereira and Lima.

It was one of the Jewish firms which imported gold from Portugal (other Jewish merchants who did so included Francis Salvador and Moses Mendes da Costa).


This ‘I own the Bank of England’ guy is this same MOSES MENDES DA COSTA who was importing gold to the UK from Portugal.

All the people that like to talk about ‘conspiracy theories’ hate the suggestion that catholic-former-Jews financed the take over of the UK, via their front men MANASSEH ben ISRAEL and OLIVER CROMWELL, and then via all the conversos in Amsterdam who paid for William of Orange to ‘invade’ – while their family members got to set up ‘the Bank of England’….

But that is just what we’ve discovered in this post, in real time.


In the past, I would stop here.

But, I am 100% sure at this point, that all these ‘catholic-Jews’ were actually just agents of the Jesuits.

ANTONIO SUASSO didn’t just get 1.5 million guildens to ‘give away’ to William of Orange to invade England all by himself.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to start researching the Jesuit angle more to see what shakes out.

But in the meantime, we learnt a lot in this post.

Didn’t we?

I found a good English translation of some of the Chessed L’Avraham’s teachings on the YeshShem site.

***UPDATE: This YESHSHEM site is put together by xtians, so I am de-linking from them, but for now, keeping up these translations, until and unless I can find a better translation.***

You can see more of the translations HERE.

Before I bring it, I know there are a lot of sincere rabbis, and sincere lomdim, who give all this stuff a wide berth, because it’s grounded in kabbalah.

We all know how learning kabbalah improperly drove, and is still driving, a whole bunch of people totally nuts. The main problem is that people with bad middot really shouldn’t learn kabbalah….

But in the meantime, kabbalah still explains how God is actually running the world, spiritually. That’s why it’s so powerful. And that’s why a person can’t really hope to understand what is really going on in the world, unless they have some firm, holy, grounding in kabbalistic concepts and teachings.

I think it’s also part of the reason the Rav ‘cherry picks’ some of the teachings specifically from people who we know 100% to be spiritually dodgy…. He’s raising the holy sparks contained in these teachings back up to the Shechina.


So, with that introduction, here is what the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM teaches about how the Shechina protects Eretz Yisrael.

And also, I’m bringing another snippet where he describes the difference between a Jewish soul that resides within Eretz Yisrael, and a Jewish soul that lives in Chul.




To explain the difference between Divine Providence upon the Jewish people when they dwell in the land of Israel and when they do not.

The matter is this, when Israel is in possession of their land this [itself] becomes the defense of every single Jew.

For the essence of the Shekhina’s holiness is below with the Jewish people, as it is written (in Deut. 23:15), “for HaShem your G-d walks within the midst of your camp.”


The reason for this is that the air of the land of Israel is the holy domain of the Shekhina.

Surrounding the borders of Israel, lie the klipot (the unclean husks). They (the klipot) surround the Holy Land and actually protect it so that the outside forces of evil should not enter in. 

They surround the land like a stretched out tent so that no stranger shall violate the boundaries. The walls and boundaries of this spiritual tent spreads out over the entire air space of the land of Israel reaching up to the opening to the spiritual Palace of Livnat Sapir (i.e., the passageway between the physical and spiritual dimensions), which is always open.


We thus find that in the atmosphere of the land of Israel resides the gateway to Heaven wherein which the angels of God ascend and descend, from the spiritual palaces to the atmosphere and from the atmosphere to the land of Israel.

The Shekhina is also below (i.e., descends from Heaven) to watch over her children.

She descends and hovers over them all day long with a spiritual divider (masach) separating them. This spiritual divider (masach) is the secret of the [klipot, which are referred to in Ezekiel’s vision as the] storm wind, thick cloud and flashing fire.

This is the secret of the atmosphere that is outside the land of Israel.


However, one klipah (husk) is not unclean which safeguards everything so that the unclean [forces] will not be able to derive benefit from the holy Light.

It is recorded in Ezekiel 1:4, “and a Nogah (brilliance) surrounded it”. It [the Nogah] protected them (the children of Israel) on all sides, as has been explained.

Everything outside of the [holy] land [is under the dominion of] the storm wind, thick cloud and flashing fire. These are the “outside” (i.e., the dark) forces, the atmosphere of the lands of the “outside” nations.

This is the secret [why] the Shekhina guards over Israel all by Herself, [but] only in the land of Israel.


This is not the case outside the land, Heaven help us. 

When the klipot seek to dominate the land of Israel, to destroy it, then does the Shekhina depart from the land and ascends above to the [spiritual] palaces and then afterwards the entry to the palace is sealed and closed.

Then is permission given to breach the walls of Jerusalem, which are the “klipah Nogah” (the brilliant husk) which separates [the good from the evil].


Then enters the nations who contaminate [everything], who send forth their hands upon the children of Israel and destroys all the physical chariots and exiles them.

The Shekhina runs after her children to see what is to be with them outside of [their] land . . . For being that her children are cast away, it is impossible for Her to let go of them.

Therefore, [does the Shekhina] dwell in the lowest of chariots .


[And now] Her spark [of holiness that enlivens souls] and Her Divine guidance are cloaked within the angelic prince who is in charge of the land to which Israel has been exiled.

For the ten [holy letters of God’s Name] become enclosed within the ten unclean klipot, in order to reverse them [somewhat], so that they will not be completely evil to Israel and not contaminate Her children.


This can be compared to the [radiance] of the sun.

Only a small element of its light reaches the earth.

This is (symbolically speaking) how it is with the Shekhina. Her essence is in Heaven and only a small element of Her light goes outside the land of Israel along with the [children of] Israel, as it is written in Ezekiel 1:1, “I am among the exiles.”

It is not Her essence God forbid, but only the sparks of Her light, thus “did the Heavens open and I saw visions of G-d” (Ez. 1:1) . . .


Mind-blowing stuff!

What strengthens the Shechina is our Torah, mitzvot and especially tznius and kedusha.

And that’s why the Evils that are attacking us here (from within, especially….) are pulling all the stops out to get the bochurim out of yeshiva and into the moral cess-pit that is the IDF.

And also, why they’ve gone all-out to get a smartphone in every child’s hand, and internet in every Jewish home.

This is what weakens the Shechina – and then, God forbids, weakens our real defence in Eretz Yisrael.

We don’t need the army to protect us – we literally just need the Shechina.


You see what I mean, about how having more of the kabbalistic underpinnings helps to clarify what is really going on here?

The Evils, sadly, know this stuff way, way better than we do.

Here’s the next snippet from the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM:



Explaining the difference between those Jewish souls that dwell in the land of Israel and those who dwell outside of the Holy Land.

Know then that the Jewish (Neshamot) souls that dwell in the Land of Israel come forth from the ten sefirot of [the realm of] Yetzirah.

[Thus, these souls] are called the “House of Israel”. They are also called “children”.


For when a Jewish person dwells outside the Holy Land then [all he/she] has is a (nefesh) soul from the [level of] the Ofanim (angels).

When one merits to enter the Land of Israel there comes upon him/her a new (nefesh level) soul from Yetzirah and cloaks itself within his older (nefesh) soul.

The first night that one sleeps in the Land of Israel both souls leave [the body] and ascend above [to visit the Heavenly realms during the allotted sleep time].

Upon returning only the new soul returns.

Therefore, such a person is not fit to receive any punishments [for any sins committed outside of the Holy Land], for this, the new soul [which now inhabits the body] is not the one who sinned.


Thus, our blessed Rabbis have taught (Ketubot 111A) that such a one (i.e., one that lives in the holy Land) is forgiven all his sins.

[Thus] every Jewish person who lives in the Land of Israel is called a tzaddik (righteous person), even if to all appearances one is not such.

For if the person was not a tzaddik the Land [itself] would vomit out such a person, as it is written, “And the land shall vomit out those who dwell upon her” (Lev. 18:25).

Being that the Land does not vomit out such a person, we must accept that he/she is a tzaddik (righteous person) even if the person is considered a rasha (criminal person).


Also, know that for one to live in the Land of Israel and then go to live outside the land is considered a sin.

In addition, this sin causes the angelic prince [of whatever land one goes to] to have dominance over him/her.

The one who takes upon him/herself to live all their days in the Land of Israel and not to leave to go outside the land is considered to have proclaimed the unity of the Holy One, blessed be He, all of one’s days.


In addition, know that the Land of Israel only atones for those sins that were performed by accident (without knowledge or intent).

Yet, those sins performed intentionally (where one knows that what is being done is in violation of Torah law), these are not forgiven other than by personal sufferings.

For those [in the Holy Land] who perform intentional sins in a spirit of arrogance, these have no forgiveness other than through repentance and the study of Torah.


Powerful stuff!

And lots and lots to think about.


PS: So far, I still haven’t heard anything from the Rav about ‘Iran’.

I wasn’t at the prayers yesterday, it’s true, but I was there the two nights previously, and while the Rav spoke a long time on each occasion (relatively)…. I didn’t hear anything specific about ‘Iran’.

Could be I missed it….

What he WAS saying, again, was the importance of girls and women wearing skirts down to the ankles, and either sewing up any slits in the skirt or dress – or throwing it away, if it can’t be sown-up.

Look what the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM is saying above, about the need for our Camp to be holy – look at Rivka HaTzaddika’s comments, about tzniut, Torah learning and guarding the eyes being the things that most strengthen the Shechina.

And then, decide for yourself what ’emergency action’ you want to take, to up your protection against ‘Iran’.

This is how the world really works.

And we don’t know it, because so many of the rabbis and influencers we listen to also have no understanding of it.

But the Rav does.

So, just do what he’s saying, and work on tznius, getting rid of the smartphones, and upping the prayers, Torah and TKs.

And then let the Shechina do it’s thing….

Thanks to Nahman for the original idea – and also to ASD and especially, Yosef D, for completing it.

Yosef D. put together a more complete translation of this video I put up yesterday, of Rivka HaTzaddika.

You can watch that here:


I still don’t know what I really think about all this, to be honest.

I am kind of out of my own ‘comfort zone’ here. But I know R Elmaliach is kodesh kodeshim, and I’m just going with the flow, and having (trying to have….) simple emuna.

So, thanks to Nahman for the original impetus to get this translated. And thanks to ASD and Yosef D for more impetus to get it properly translated.

Taken as a whole, it makes way more sense.

This video is from six months ago, BTW.


Yosef D.’s translation of ‘Rivka HaTzaddika’s comments:

Not sure if this is appropriate, but here’s a translation based on Nahman’s translation, youtube subtitles, and the audio track of the video.
Hello, I’m Rivka. Today is Wednesday, the 86th birthday of Rabbi Berland Shlit”a and also soon it will be my 46th birthday this year. And when it was last year – I am now 45 years old; last year I was already 45 because I was born in a the month of Shvat, on the ninth of Shvat.


On Lag BaOmer, I saw Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and many other tzaddikim, including Moses our Rebbe. The vision was full of a huge line of tzaddikim, yes, I am talking about a spiritual vision that I see them, this is not the first time I have seen Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Lag Ba’Omer.

Also that in the year – there passed away there 45 tzaddikim – I also saw Rabbi Shimon and other tzaddikim literally sitting as if they were sleeping in some gathering and then they said oy vavoy! and immediately after that, what happened happened.

45 years old, last year, then they told me that returnees were asked of all the tzaddikim. So it was – Lag Ba’Omer. Again I saw a committee with Rabbi Shimon.

R’ Shimon – and he asked all the tzaddikim – and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was at the head of it and he was there as well – Rav Berland, spiritually, and other tzaddikim. It was a kind of committee in the Lag BaOmer that we had passed – we had passed and they said that they should ask every tzaddik [Rashi?] to pass the merits of their Torah study and all their many merits everything they wrote[transfered] to the Shekinah.

And I saw each one simply take the unknown and simply stop(?) their Torah words and give it to the Shekinah and I was there because I am connected to the Shekinah.


In essence, from the beginning years Rabbi Berland tells me spiritually that I am Bat Sheva. Actually, I am connected to the soul of Bat Sheva and Bat Sheva is the Shekinah, as we know.

And this also explains to me all the enormous and terrible yearning that I have for building the Temple. Not once and not twice, in my messages I am literally begging and begging and with the love of fire for Hashem to build the Beit HaMikdash.

Every morning, I look out of my living room window towards the hills of Jerusalem. Jerusalem – and many times I wake up in the morning looking out the window and go to see if we have a Beit HaMikdash. This is simply because the connection that is going to be in the Beit HaMikdash will heal the neshama for all of us.

This will connect us in connection with the Kadosh Baruch Hu. The connection, the love we have [for the third beit hamikdash] will heal our nefesh, neshama, and bodies, and all simply bringing us closer to God. My experiences with the Shekinah have been significant.


I grew up in Chabad, as you know.

I studied at Beit Chana, and my parents made Aliyah from the USA, from Michigan, from Detroit Michigan. My mother is Esther, my father is Zvi, and they made Aliyah when I was five years old from the United States and my father is a Chabad hassid.


And this is what I can tell you about myself: we had nothing to do with Shuvu Banim.

we live in the place of [Brachfeld – Kiryat Sefer]. I married someone from the Lithuanian community, and my children studied in Lithuanian institutions. Before connecting with Rabbi Berland, I really had no association with the Breslov community, and I didn’t know who Rabbi Eliezer Berland was, and as I said, I’ll tell you a little more that.


About six or seven years ago, on Yom Kippur night, I fell asleep and around 12 at night, when I sleep, I see a giant gathering, the floor up to the sky, in a dream, I see my soul is up in gan eden.

There is a giant gathering of avreichim – torah students, many, many, until the heights, avreichim, and Rav Tzaddik talks to them in a long drasha. This was HaRav Ovadia Yosef Ztz”l.

It was after he passed away and I didn’t know it was HaRav Ovadia Yosef because I know him from the pictures that he is older but in the dream he looked young with the black beard and the glasses and he gave them a long long drasha about lots and lots of subjects[dvarim] also about when the geulah will be and all kinds of things about the process of the geulah, a drasha to the multitudes, to the multitudes, many, many, many, many, many avreichim, many.

And then he turned to me, my soul was up there, I didn’t understand either, so what was my neshama doing up there next to him, who am I, after all, then, no, I wasn’t that famous.

The subjects I’ve been talking about for two years, seems like I didn’t understand what exactly I was doing next to Rabbi Ztz”l and then he turns to me and asks me when the geulah will come, when the Moshiach be revealed, and then suddenly I wake up and it’s chatzot laila Yom Kippur and then I look next to me in my room I see for the first time in my life as if before.


Yes, I had real dreams that came true, but seeing a tzaddik full of light standing in my room, that was [new to] me.

I simply went into a bit of a shock because it was the first time. Today, I’m used to it because I communicate with many tzaddikim, and it’s already from the side of kedusha. Many also told me that it’s from the side of kedusha that [?].


And I see a great tzaddik rabbi, so I didn’t know it was Rav Eliezer Berland because I didn’t know him.

Because no, we had no connection with him, with a white beard all white and I see the Shekinah above. I see a great light full of love communicating with me I realized it was the Kadosh Barukh Hu, He is holding a shofar full of oil and a crown and He asks me telepathically whether to pour it on him or to enthrone him and I am like that. yes!

I answer him telepathically with such joy my whole soul has been filled with light I am like this wow!


Halavai there is a tzaddik here who would be recommend to be already a moshiach, and from that day my neshama is simply like a greater essence[?].

I felt myself existing above and below, half down, as if my neshama [….?] and since then I began to see tzaddikim and spirituality and Rav Berland, so I will continue to tell nothing how did I even find out that it was Rabbi Ovadia Yosef I saw in a dream?


On the Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, that same year in the month of cheshvan, I was in the library with my children, and my children, they went to read the children’s books, and I sat next to the adult books, and I took out a book by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef because it’s his Yahrtzeit.

And where I actually opened the book, I opened the book, where I opened the book the picture was exactly what I saw in the dream, which is what I saw in the dream, the young man with the glasses the short beard.

And then I realized, Wait a moment, essentially it was HaRav Ovadia Yosef that I saw in a dream on Yom Kippur and then a figure appeared to me because I realized that the Rav, in essence, came to tell me on his Yahrtzeit in cheshvan that it was a true dream.

And then I took things more seriously from that day.


And then since then Rav Berland accompanies me full of light talking to me with telepathy, and helps me in every step.

I went, thus, through so many corrections and thus, through so many big things. Language is not the paper(idiom?). Even if I talk about it for hours and hours, I wouldn’t tell the whole number of times that Rabbi Berland was with me all over the world, almost half the world, and all kinds of places to complete nitzotzot.

It’s not the place now to tell all the tikkunim of the Shekinah that I went through, but from that day on Yom Kippur my life changed from one end to the other.

I am telling you that I did not have one phone call with Rav Berland. Just in dalet amot, in spirituality. [….?]


He decides it from heaven.

There is above me a giant angel, a huge angel who directs me with Rav Berland and I hear an echo of a voice from the Kadosh Barukh Hu, all the time.

[….?] tikkunei of the Shekinah …. that’s it. I still haven’t met the rabbi face to face. I mean, I didn’t need to. Seven years I’m led by the Kadosh Barukh Hu and the Rav to make tikkunim for everything.

I mean yes, I went around the world.

I also had to talk about tzniut with all kinds of rabbis in the world and in the United States, and in Europe, and I conveyed many, many messages about tzniut, and encouragement to the women and girls of Israel.

And besides that, I had to finish many, many, many sparks to raise them to the Shekinah.


Now Rabbi Berland has talked with my neshama, they actually connected me to the neshama of the tzaddikim, and also to the neshama of the tzaddikim above, and to his soul, essentially, and so on.

Now what happens is that they collect nitzotzot of all kinds with me even when I speak on the line and the crowd hears me all over the world, so then they connect to my neshama, and I collect nitzotzot and return them to the Shekinah.

Now what happens is how do you actually return it to the essence of the Shekinah and then I connect to the connection[?] of the tzaddikim and they also pass it on to me now.

So, I will explain to you a little, I can’t talk about everything, but I can explain to you a little.


So that you will understand when I actually connect my soul to the Shekinah – to the Shekinah and I connect to the Kadosh Barukh Hu, because He lifts me up to a [atik?].

It is all spiritual. and I [?] more and more [….?] and I simply give everything. This happens to me spiritually, but physically I feel everything.

That really connects me to the Kadosh Barukh Hu, to the tzaddikim, and then I feel the love of Hashem so immense and I feel that all the nitzotzot rise to the Shekinah – and it simply purifies the people of Israel and it brings shefa – abundance.


And I can tell you there is no count the number of times that the Rav told me or I received a message that, chas vchalila, all kinds of things that should not happen, and if we make a Shekinah connection again, it will be – it will be sweetened – mitigated!


But I can tell you that when the daughters of Israel become stronger in modesty and people and the men become stronger by studying Torah, guarding their eyes and guarding the covenant, the tiqun of the Shekinah is much easier.

[This] reduces harsh decrees on the people of Israel – especially when the children of Beit Raban also study Torah.

I tell you that studying Torah and modesty, because what I experience and what I see, this is especially powerful in supporting the Jewish people – Am Yisroel.

Good. May we hear only good news.


Seeing it written out like this is very helpful – and also, kind of mind-blowing.

I’m still in the middle of the Hebron stuff, but as part of that, I actually went back to read more of what the original Chessed L’Avraham, R Avraham Azulai, wrote about the Land of Israel, and the Shechina.

I will BH post that up separately….

But the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM’s words on the Shechina, and the Land of Israel, connect up with a lot of what Rivka HaTzaddika is explaining here.


Ashreynu, that we have a rabbi like Rav Berland in our generation!

He’s truly One in a Generation.

Thanks to reader S. and ‘James /Joe’ for pushing me to do something with these.

This is not all the blog posts – there are literally hundreds of them, over the last five years – but it’s the more recent ones from the last two years, where a lot of the information is starting to actually coalesce into something factual and substantial.

BH, I will also try and add some of the older blog posts about Jacob Frank and Shabtai Tzvi / SHACH from 2021, but that will take a bunch more effort to sort out, so we’ll see.

In the meantime, I will also put this ‘Real Jewish History’ tab up on the Homepage here, at the top, next to the ABOUT tab etc, so going forward it’s much easier to get to.


These blog posts are unedited.

I am 100% sure that when / if I go through them again, I will find even more connections and ‘cross-fertilisation’.

I am inviting any reader who is interested in the truth about Real Jewish History to help me with that process, if they have the time and inclination.

At some point, it’s my ‘big plan’ to sit down and turn this all into a properly edited book, BH.

But as the raw material keeps accruing, and keeps shedding new light on previous assumptions, I don’t think I’m quite ‘there’ yet.

But who knows. Whatever God wants.





Click the link to download the PDF:






It happens like clockwork.

Yesterday, me and my husband were up in the North, driving all over the place, including to RASHBI in Meron.

We saw some patches of burnt ground…. but it was otherwise totally quiet.

Today – apparently, the failed State is trying to get it’s war in the North going again, on a few different fronts.

St Bibi headed off to the masonic Bros in the USA, for a confab last week, and here we are, already reaping the bitter fruit.

All this stops, when we stop buying into it.

All this stops, when we stop believing the news, and taking things at face value.

Ismail Haniyeh was working for the failed State, and the mason Bros of the USA.

Dead or not, it makes no difference – because the real Evils are still firmly in power, still channelling cash to ‘Hamas’, and all the other terrorists, including the ones who head up our government and army.


But you know where the ‘hope’ lies, in all this?

It lies in the fact that this is really a spiritual war.

When we stop fooling ourselves, the Evils no longer have the spiritual koach required to keep fooling us – and trapping us in more of their fabricated ‘wars’, which are just designed to turn the good people of the world against each other.

And of course, to get as many of those good people – and good Jews! – killed and maimed as possible.


You can’t save the next guy.

You can’t ‘save’ the stoopid who still believes in St Trump, St Bibi, the IDF, the ‘security apparatus’.

But you can for sure save yourself.

And you can also hopefully rescue the people who are closest to you, from following the satanic-masons all the way down into the pit.


Simply, by sticking to the truth.

Simply, by working on your own bad middot, arrogance and denial – and not being afraid to get some bizayon when you are trying to stand up for that truth.


When they first started talking ‘covid pandemic’, I got bizayon across the board, for daring to suggest it wasn’t what it seemed.

Even my husband thought I was nuts…. and never mind my wider family, circle of friends, readers – and other ‘bloggers’.

To name but a few.

But I stuck to my guns.

So none of my immediate family got the shots, and even the big believers in ‘innoculations’ in my wider family thought long and hard before submitting to the needle. (At least, by the end….)

I know that being willing to argue about this, being willing to ‘make a big deal’ about not masking up, not ‘following the rules’, made a big difference to the people who are closest to me.


The war of Gog and Magog is spiritual.

Every time we fall into fear and despair, waste time engaging with fake news, instead of trying to go ‘beyond superficial’, come away from Hashem, and continue believing the lies the media and our failed State feeds us 24/7 – we are giving koach to the Evils.

And conversely, every time we spend some time trying to birur stuff within and without, in our hitbodedut, and work on overcoming the bad middot that keep us blind to the truth – we are giving our koach to the real Tzaddikim and the side of good.

Ditto, for when we say Tikkun Haklalis. Ditto, for when we participate in efforts to get the Rav’s Torah-to-end-the-war written.

Ditto, for each time we accept bizayon and disgrace, for trying to stand up for ‘truth’, and going to bat for the people we really love, to drag them out of the world of lies.


From my experience, 98% of the world have no firm opinion about things, and just ‘follow what’s fashionable’.

They just go with the flow.

The 1% of the world working directly for the Evils know this, and they are the ‘leaders’ and ‘loudmouths’ and ‘influencers’ setting the agenda, and washing the brains of the 98%.

But there is the 1% on the OTHER side of the argument – and each tiny effort they make to stand up for truth pays enormous dividends, in ‘persuading’ and affecting the 98% in the middle.

In some ways, their job is way easier than the Evils – because truth resonates in the soul of every human being in the planet.

It takes way more effort, time and money to maintain the lies, then it does to uncover the truth.

Because the truth is in each person’s heart, and when we uncover the truth in our own hearts, that ‘truth’ then shines out to the people around us.

If we let it.

If we don’t get scared of being ostracised or argued with, or ‘shut down’.

If we’re willing to stand up for it.


You can’t save a stoopid.

All you can do for a stoopid is pray for them, and possibly, if they are a stoopid you really care about, pay a pidyon nefesh, so the klipah that is keeping them stuck in the world of lies can somehow get lifted off them.

But the more you live in the world of truth yourself, or try to, the more all the evil, all the lies, just can’t get close in the same way.

The less you’ll be pushing your relatives to ‘join the army’. The less you’ll be encouraging them to ‘mask up’. The less you’ll believe in politics, politicians, ‘influencers’ all the rest of it.

And the more time you’ll spend engaged in things that really do make a difference, not least to you, such as talking to God, praying, and working on your bad middot.


Don’t take anything at face value right now, especially not stuff reported in the media.

The masonic-controlled ‘terrorists’ are on all sides of this equation… and their main target is you and me, the small people of the world, who yearn for peace, and for God to be openly revealed, and for geula to come soon, the sweet way.

Once enough of us realise that… maybe, just maybe, geula will actually start to speed up again.

The sweet way.


PS: My friend S. sent me this video of ‘Rivka HaTzaddika’ from six months ago, where she explains a lot more how she came to be doing what she is now doing, for Rav Berland:


I’ve been trying to ‘engage’ with her new messages, but maybe because I’m braindead from wedding stress, or something, I’m not making a lot of headway at the moment.

If you pick up something that should be emphasised, let me know.


OK, we are finally up to learning more about ‘R ELIYAHU MANI of HEVRON’.

According to standard history, he is born in Baghdad in 1818, and was the student of one of some of the biggest Iraqi rabbis of the time, including Rav ABDULLAH SOMECH.

And he’s known as someone who has a real flair for fundraising.

Where does a rav with a talent for fundraising want to go, in the 19th century? To Eretz Yisrael, of course!

So in 1856, R MANI ups sticks, and together with his wife SAMARA and his three sons, SULIMAN, SHALOM and BARUCH, he makes it to Jerusalem.


The Rabbis in Jerusalem apparently invite him to join the prestigious kabbalistic Beit El yeshiva.

But – exactly the same as is said of R CHAIM HEZKIYAHU MEDINI – he leaves Jerusalem for Hebron, because of ‘health reasons’, after two years.

(To be fair, Jerusalem at this era is terribly overcrowded, and rife with cholera and other plagues.)

Not that cholera doesn’t happen in Hebron, too, of course. In 1860, that city is also hit by a terrible cholera outbreak.

R MANI immediately starts fundraising with the wealthy Jews in the diaspora, who respond by sending large quantities of food, medication and money.

R MANI shares this largesse out amongst the residents of Hevron – including the local Arabs.


Next, he launches another appeal for more families from Iraq and North Africa to move to Israel, and particularly, to Hevron.

Tens of families heed the call, and come to the city.

This snippet comes from the Hebron website in English, HERE:

His arrival has encouraged a dozen families from Mesopotamia (probably Baghdad) to follow his lead. It included twenty-three scholars, thirteen civil servants, six businessmen, four moneylenders, two bakers, two peddlers, a tailor, a carpenter, a vegetable vendor, and a butcher.

The Avraham Avinu synagogue alone employed a secretary, a beadle, a Torah reader, a prayer reader, a treasurer, a president, and a member of the Bet Din (religious court)….”


In the meantime, R MANI is busy with a load of other projects.

He builds a new library dedicated to the CHIDA’s memory, with the help of some rich Iraqi merchants located in the Indies.

(I am willing to bet at least some of this money comes from that same SASSOON family, we keep running in to in this series.)

He also builds a new Bet HaMidrash in Hevron.

And now, we hit one of the stranger threads of the story again. Here is how Attlan describes it, from page 153 of his ‘Book of Hevron’:


At this time, R AKIVA YOSEF SCHLESINGER arrived in Jerusalem….R SCHLESINGER is ahead of his time, and dreams of colonising the country.

His plan is split into two parts: the first part is to buy the maximum amount of land, and then get ready to start installing families on it, who are prepared to commit themselves to working the land.

Together with R MANI, he forms a secret organisation which is concerned with buying land. DAVID GUTMAN, one of the founders of the first Jewish colony (‘Petach Tikva’) soon comes to join them.


So….. Here we have yet another ‘secret society’, busy buying land in Eretz Yisrael.

We will return to Akiva Yosef Schlesinger (a close disciple of the KTAV SOFER and R MOSHE SHICK, the MAHRAM SHICK) and David Gutman another time, BH. But before we leave them alone in this post, let me quote something else from Attlan’s book:

In 1863, Akiva Schlesinger wrote: “When we got back to Jerusalem, we understood that our opponents new about our initiative [to buy land in Eretz Yisrael].

They assembled behind the Jaffa Gate in order to harass us by throwing stones. Because of this, we decided to split up. I entered the city by the Zion Gate; the son of the Rav of Hebron [i.e. Suleiman Mani] by the Damascus Gate; and Rabbi David Gutman ventured towards the Jaffa Gate.

He had to brandish his pistol and cry out: ‘The first person who tries to touch me will get a bullet in his head….’


The more we learn about real Jewish history in the Holy Land, the crazier it all becomes.

But long story short, violent sinat chinam didn’t start with Kaplan on a Saturday night.


Back to R ELIYAHU MANI of Hebron.

Like R MEDINI before him, he also suffers from blindness for a few years.

And like R MEDINI before him, he also is apparently ‘miraculously’ cured of it.

R MANI apparetly dies in the month of Tammuz 1899, aged 81.

Now, let’s quote another strange passage from Attlan’s book – and bear in mind what we know about Sabbateans, many of whom followed Shabtai’s Tzvi’s lead into externally ‘acting like Muslims’:

(From page 155:)

As it was also the case in the past, the Arabs in town started to spread a rumour that Rav Manni had been a Muslim saint (‘wali’) who, for reasons only known by a few initiates, chose to live his life with the appearance of being a Jew.

A rumour like this obliged [the Arabs] to disintere the deceased in order to give him a Muslim burial.

Shocked by the idea of such a terrible sacrilege, the Jews of Hebron mobilised themselves around the MANI family. For long months afterwards, they organised day and night vigils around the last resting place of the Rav.

(This is the reason why the Jews of Hebron didn’t write anything on the tombstones, which were also exceptionally heavy, to try and discourage every attempt at violation.).

That same year, Rav Rahamim Franco was given the responsibility of succeeding Rav Mani.


Long story short: no-one really knows who is buried where in the Hebron graveyard, because no names are on the tombstones.

We just have ‘official history’ to go on, and we know how reliable that’s been, especially when trying to track down any facts involving Chabad personalities and Sabbateans….

And personally, I’m starting to wonder what are the chances, that two chief rabbis of Hebron in a row would both be rumoured to be ‘secret Muslim saints’ at risk of being disinterred…. If the story is how we’ve been told the ‘story’ actually is?


Here’s another interesting snippet:

The 1906 Jewish Encylopedia has a entry for his listed under MANI, ELIJAH. 

Turkish rabbi; died in Hebron, Palestine, in the summer of 1899. He was a native of Bagdad, where he was held in great esteem for his piety and his knowledge of the Cabala.

About 1856 he went to Jerusalem, and two years later settled in Hebron. When R. Moses Pereire of that city died, Mani succeeded him as rabbi of the Sephardim.

For fourteen years he accepted no remuneration, but later was forced by poverty to overcome his scruples. He was very active in charitable and communal affairs, and his simple and noble life won for him the respect and admiration of all the inhabitants of that ancient city; Mohammedans as well as Jews thronged to his funeral.

He is said to have written eleven works, which he refused to publish.


Now, who is this ‘MOSHE PEREIRE’ who precedes him as Rav of Hevron?

We’ll answer this question towards the bottom of this post. Read on.


In a book called Hebron Jews: Memory and Conflict in the Land of Israel, by Jerold S Auerbach, we learn some more interesting details:

Rabbi Mani’s primary source of financial support, according to an annotation from the census[1], was a wealthy benefactor.


That same page also explains that R MANI was using money from the known Sabbatean-Mason, MOSES MONTEFIORE, to try and buy up land in Eretz Yisrael.

And that the Hebron community at this stage was 60% Sephardi, and 40% Chabad chassidic, with all the ‘unmarried adult males in the Ashkenazi community’ being Chabad students who were supported financially from abroad.


Back on the Hebron site for R MANI, HERE, we learn this:

Rabbi Mani was known for his generosity and humility, founding synagogues, study centers and guest houses. He went on numerous fundraising trips to Jewish communities abroad in places such as India, Egypt and England.

His grandson, the journalist Menashe Mani published a biography about him entitled Rabbi Eliyahu Mani of Hebron in 1936.


That link is now dead, and I can’t seem to find this biography by Menashe Mani anywhere.

There was even an English translation of it (see HERE) in 1997. But what’s weirder, is that while the National Library in Israel is listing the book in Hebrew – it’s not letting anyone see it or order it up to the reading room.

All the other links this article refers the reader to, to get more information about R MANI, including the ‘My Tzaddik’ links – they are all gone, too.

And the My Tzaddik site is still there….

It’s the ‘cover up’ vibe that encourages me to start doing more digging – because for sure, they are covering something interesting up, with R ELIYAHU MANI of Hebron.


HERE is his Hebrew Wiki page.

This is the first place that I read that apparently, none other than the BEN ISH CHAI is meant to have been R MANI’s ‘good friend’ in Baghdad, who insists he needs to go to Israel…

Machine translated snippet:

In 1856, he decided to go to the Land of Israel, Jerusalem…. But his community objected. Next to him stood his new friend…Rabbi Joseph Haim the Ben Ish Chai, who explained to the congregation that Rabbi Mani must immigrate to Israel if he wants to advance in the study of the kabbalah.

After his ascension, Rabbi Yosef Chaim used to correspond with Rabbi Mani about the customs of the Land of Israel and the Kabbalists of the Beth El yeshiva in the Holy City, and this is expressed in his book Ben Ish Hai.


Is this even true?

There’s no specific reference for where R Mani is mentioned in the BEN ISH CHAI’s works.

It’s time to turn to GENI, to see what other clues are available.


First, we have an extra name – he was called ELIYAHU AVRAHAM MANI.

Next, we learn that his wife SAMARA was actually the daughter of R Avraham Yosef Yehezkel Somekh – aka ABDULLAH SOMEKH of Baghdad.

And now already, my ears are perking up because I know this family tree.


That’s exactly the same family tree of the ELKEBIR / SASSOON / HASKELL family we read about here:


Here’s some pertinent snippets:

[T]he ‘Haskells’ are actually the SASSOONS – the same Sassoons who helped dope up the whole of China with opium for the British….

The infamous SASSOON family of Iraqi Jews acted as ‘the agents of the Rothschilds’ in the Middle East, and these HESKELLS were also closely related to them.

These same Sassoon Heskells were also directly involved in developing British colonial control of ‘Palestine’ and the Middle East – with the devastating consequences we are still experiencing here today….

So now, we have to ask the question how the grand-daughter of JONAH ZAITSOFF from Kiev (brother of MORDECHAI ZAITSOFF, aka MENACHEM NACHUM SCHNEERSON) come to marry into this family of Sassoon-Haskells from Iraq who were carving up the Middle East on behalf of the British and the Rothschilds?


It looks like we’ve uncovered another key connection between the Iraqi SASSOONs and the Chabad Rebbes here, going through the heart of Hevron’s Jewish community.


Back with ELIYAHU MANI, if you check out his descendants, you quickly find yourself amongst ‘zionist royalty’ in the Holy Land.

But before we get to that, take a look at who R MANI’s son, CHACHAM BASHI, SULEIMAN MENACHEM MANI, marries:


Her father is the R MOSHE PEREIRA (1820-1864) who was Chief Rabbi of Hebron before R MANI takes over (the guy we mentioned above).

And if you look who R MOSHE PEREIRA descends from…. You get back to that same family of Sabbatean Pereiras who had been funding Hebron’s (Sabbatean….) sephardi kabbalists for approaching 200 years, already.

(See Part I of this series, for more details.)


The family tree is a deliberate mess.

But in the middle of it, they still like to leave some ‘breadcrumbs’.

So it is, we learn that the PEREIRA family are actually one-and-the-same as the D’AGUILAR family of tobacco barons and royal favorites, hanging out with Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (the mum of Marie Antoinette of France….)


We’ll cover them off in a seperate post – there’s a lot more to learn.

For now, it’s enough to know that they are also married to the Sabbatean Fonseca family of Amsterdam….

And super, super wealthy.

And overlap with all the people I write about here a lot, including the Frankists, the masons, the Sabbateans….

And now, introducing the ‘catholic / Jesuit’ angle to all this, too.


This post could continue forever…. Go to the Wiki page for R MANI, and take a look at his famous descendents yourself, if this interests you.

They include many Israeli Supreme Court Judges, many leading zionists and ‘supporters of Herzl’ – and probably, many other secrets that will have to wait for another time to be unearthed.


OK, let’s stop here for now.

We’ll go back and take a look at the PEREIRA family of Dutch Sabbateans in the next post…. who were literally catholic bishops in Portugal.

I think we’ll learn a lot.




Back on the Hevron website HERE, R MANI’s great-grandson says that the Arabs of Hebron succeeded in taken R MANI’s body for burial in the muslim cemetery – and it was only returned almost 70 years later!


Prof. Moshe Many, The well-known urologist who served as president of Tel Aviv University was a great-grandson of Rabbi Mani. …. In a 2013 interview with Haaretz, Prof. Many related the following:

Rabbi Mani was considered such a highly respected medical authority that, when he died, the Muslims stole his body and buried it in the Muslim cemetery in Hebron. His body was returned to the Jewish cemetery only after the Six-Day War.

So… that means the picture being identified as R MANI’s ‘ancient’ tomb in the Hebron cemetery…. is fake:


If R MANI’s body was only returned after the Six Day War – his grave just wouldn’t look like this.

So, where is he actually buried?

And who does this grave, above, really belong to?

And why are they lying about this?



Prof MOSHE MANI is an interesting person. HERE is his Wiki page, and here are some of the snippets that caught my eye:

After the 1929 riots, his family fled Hebron, he studied at the Hebrew Gymnasium “Herzliya” and in 1941 moved to a English Protestant boarding school in Jerusalem.

This next bit is particularly interesting:

During his career as a doctor, he secretly treated leaders of Arab and Iranian countries and their families.

Among his patients are Saudi Arabia’s King FahdMohammed Reza Shah PahlaviJafar Numairi and Adnan Khashoggi.


Hel-lo, another ‘back door’ between the Arab puppet-elites and the masonic-puppets in our own failed State.



[1] This was the Montefiore Census of 1875.

Welcome back to part 2, of what is becoming a very interesting series on the Sabbatean rabbis – and funders – of Hebron.

Let’s begin by reminding ourselves where we got up to, and what we are researching. The Rav made some comments last week, like this:

Four cities: Hevron – there, there was the Rav Mani. HaRav Mani was the Chief Rabbi of Hevron, there, there were all the rabbonim.

There was there the ‘Chessed L’Avraham’, and there was there the ‘Sdei Chemed’ – he’s buried in Hevron still today.


Today, we’re going to ‘deep dive’ on the Sdei Chemed, R’ Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini.

But before we get to him, let’s square off what we learnt about the ‘CHESSED L’AVRAHAM’.

CHESSED L’AVRAHAM 1 is R AVRAHAM AZULAI, great-granddad of the CHIDA, a big kabbalist – and the person who got permission in a ‘dream’ to basically open R CHAIM VITAL’s grave, to take his kabbalistic manuscripts out.

We have no way of knowing if that ‘permission’ was actually ever given, or whether it came from the side of ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

What we do know is that R CHAIM VITAL left explicit instructions that his mss on the kabbalah should be buried with him….


R CHAIM VITAL’s son, SHMUEL, also became a Sabbatean.

And SHMUEL VITAL’s student, YAAKOV TZEMACH, helped R AVRAHAM AZULAI, the ‘CHESSED L’AVRAHAM’ to open R VITAL’s tomb and dis-intere his manuscripts.


Then, there is another CHESSED L’AVRAHAM – namely, the yeshiva set up in Hevron by another big supporter and funder of the false messiach SHABTAI TZVI, called ABRAHAM PEREIRA of Amsterdam.

There are many mysteries hanging out with the PEREIRA family, who seem to share a great deal in common with the OPPENHEIM clan of corrupted court Jews.

For the purposes of this series of posts, we’ll stick to the ‘known facts’, such as they are, that this ‘CHESSED L’AVRAHAM’ PEREIRA is a known Sabbatean, and his yeshiva in Hevron is run by hard-core Sabbateans, who continue to believe in their false messiah long after he a) converts to Islam and b) dies, including: MEIR HIYYA ROFE.


Maybe it’s a just a CO-IN-CID-ENCE, but both these ‘CHESSED L’AVRAHAMs’ seem to be tightly linked to some very dodgy stuff, spiritually.


One more point to pick up from Eliaou Attlan’s book on Hevron, before we move on to the SDE CHEMED, and how he fits into this whole, hot mess, going on in Hevron.

On pg 109, Attlan writes this:

“Born in Jerusalem in 1724, the Chida is the best personal illustration of the meeting of the Sephardi and Ashkenazi traditions.

Via his father [the grandson of R AVRAHAM AZULAI], he descends from a large and prestigious family of rabbis originally from Castille, installed in Eretz Yisrael for 5 generations….

Via his mother, R YOSEF DAVID AZULAI (the CHIDA) descends from an illustrious and learned family of Germans.

SARAH BIALER was the daughter of YOSEF BIALER, who came from Germany in 1700 with his master, R YEHUDA HA CHASSID.


YEHUDA HACHASSID was a known Sabbatean, who led an aliya to Eretz Yisrael (partly funded by SAMSON WERTHEIMER, SHMUEL OPPENHEIMER’s SIL and Sabbatean court Jew).

That aliya occurred because many Sabbateans expected the ‘second coming of Shabtai’ in 1700, in Eretz Yisrael.


Now, it’s possible that the CHIDA’s German ancestors weren’t Sabbateans, and just tagging along for the ride.

But it’s also very possible that they were Sabbateans.

Last point for now, SARAH BIALER, the CHIDA’s mum, seems to descend from yet another ‘YEHOSHUA FALK’, this time, Rabbi Yehoshua Falk HaCohen – Katz, (1555-1614) author of the “Sefer Meirat Einayim”.


I don’t know what that means about the CHIDA himself.

I’m just pointing out the connections his ancestors had with known Sabbateans – repeatedly, on both sides of his family tree.


OK, so now, who is the ‘SDEI CHEMED’ (1834-1904)?

HERE is the Hebrew Wiki page for him, and this is some of what we learn from it:

Hezekiah was born in Jerusalem to Rabbi Eliyahu Raphael Medini, the son of an old family in Jerusalem and Kalu Vida….

Due to his financial difficulties, he emigrated to Kushta [Constantinople]] to live with his wealthy relatives. His relatives did not help him as he thought, and his livelihood was not found.

In [?], he was called to be the chief rabbi in the Crimean city of Kerso-Bazaar in Russia for the Crimean community – an ancient Jewish community in Crimea and speakers of Crimean and the local Ashkenazi community.

He was well known in the area and also revered by local Christians and Muslims.

It was there that he began his encyclopedic work, ” Sh-a-dei Hamad.”


Yeah, so the title of his famous book was not ‘SDEI Chemed’, but actually one-of-Hashem’s-ineffable-names Chemed.

And one of the names that halacha states it is forbidden to erase.

A lot of people were very unhappy about this, so the name was changed to the ‘mispronounced’ SDEI Chemed, instead.

R MEDINI apparently gets around this by publishing his own psak justifying the title he’s chosen as acceptable.


Wiki continues that R MEDINI loses his vision for quite a while… But then is ‘miraculously’ cured and can see again.

And also, that after he dies in Hebron, the Arabs dig up his grave, apparently because they want to rebury him in the Muslim cemetery of Hevron.

(Just park these snippets for now. When we get to the post discussing R ELIYAHU MANI, next, we’ll find that exactly the same things described above also happen to him….)


And here’s another snippet:

In 1899, he decided to resign his post and leave Crimea, after thirty-three years in his rabbinate, because he wanted to be buried in the Land of Israel.

He initially lived in Jerusalem for two years, then moved to Hebron.

When he arrived in the city, he opened a yeshiva at Beit Romano, where he finished writing the great Talmudic encyclopedia “Shadi Hamad”.

After the death of Rabbi Chaim Rahamim Yosef Franco, Rabbi of Hebron, in the year of 1901, he was appointed rabbi of the city and served in the post until the day of his death [in 1904].


Elsewhere, we’re told that R MEDINI was appointed the Chief Rabbi of Crimea aged ‘33’.

That number keeps cropping up in this story, for masonic-number watchers out there.

Also, R RAHAMIM YOSEF FRANCO is also an interesting person in his own right, and apparently gets an audience with the Austrian Emperor, Franz-Josef, in Vienna.


Snippet continues:

After concerns arose about the future of the Romano house, he arranged to sell the house to Rabbi Shalom Dober Schneerson of Lubavitch, who bought the entire area and established the Yeshiva of Torat Emet.


And there’s more tight links between R MEDINI and CHABAD, like this (machine translated from Hebrew):

His series of books, “Shadi Hamad,”was published in Warsaw between the years of his death, thirteen parts of his life and five after his death.

He then sold the property to Rabbi Yosef Zvi. [5]

The rights were then sold to Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneerson of Lubavitch and his son-in-law Rabbi Menachem of Adal Schneerson Rebbe of Lubavitch who also re-edited the books and published them in his publishing house Kehat Press.


CHABAD are just lurrrrving R MEDINI!

Let’s pick up a few more clues over in the Crimea – where a thriving community of Karaites lived for many hundreds of years.

Apparently, this was not the community R MEDINI was the Chief Rabbi of. Instead, he was the head of the strange KRYMCHAK community.

That probably deserves a whole post to itself, but I’m trying to keep this focussed on Hevron, so read THIS about KRYMCHAKs, if you are interested.


Krymchaks are often perceived as “the Crimean Jews” because they practice Orthodox Judaism. However, Krymchak prayer rituals differ from the traditions of other branches of Judaism.

They developed separately from neighbouring communities and, at the same time, interacted with them, so that different communities influenced and adopted customs from one another.

Doron Hondo, a Krymchak rabbi from Simferopol, claims the Krymchak Jewish tradition is over 1,000 years old.


Now, there’s a strange story about R MEDINI apparently outlawing the study of Hebrew, and of the Tanach, while in Crimea.

You can read more about that on the On the Mainline blog, in a post entitled:

It is prohibited to study Hebrew and the Bible – a Crimean story from 1892, with an encounter with the Sde Chemed.

Snippet 1: (Reproduced from a newspaper article that appeared in 1892, in the HaMelitz ‘haskalah’ periodical of maskil Yehuda Leib Gordon):

“I asked him [i.e. The Sde Chemed] several questions….amongst these questions I also referred to the little talk I had had with his student about the Old Testament and Hebrew.

He too [i.e. The Sde Chemed] turned up his nose and answered:

“As far as I can see, you are one of this rising generation who cast off these old traditions and are infected by heresy. Is it not known to you what the Talmud expressly says, “Keep your children from thinking”, Rashi, adding ‘Study not the Old Testament too much.”

As for myself, from the day that I was elected Chacham over my congregation, more than 30 years ago, it has always been my strongest desire to clear away such deadly snares (his exact expression), and from this I will not turn aside till the day of my death.”


On the Mainline doesn’t know what to make of all this, especially as points out that:

Medini quotes Haskalah sources in his Sde Chemed, was personally friendly with maskilim, etc.


What we can take away from all this is that R MEDINI is clearly an interesting person, for a lot of different reasons.

On the Hebron website HERE, we pick up a few more clues:

The SDE CHEMED spends some time in Baghdad, between leaving Jerusalem and going to Constantinople.

One of his main rabbi / mentor in Baghdad is: Rabbi Haim Nissim Abulafia.

He returns to Jerusalem in 1899, stays there two years, then moves to Hevron.


Shortly after his arrival, Hebron’s two chief rabbis, Rabbi Eliyahu Mani and Rabbi Yosef Franco, passed away. At first, Rabbi Medini declined to become the new chief rabbi of Hebron, but he eventually agreed, serving as a community leader until his passing in 1904.

Together with the Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, Shimon Menashe Chaikin, he would pray every night in front of the Tomb of Machpela. He established educational funds and learning centers in Hebron such as the “Chen V’Chesed” free-loan society.


If the name SHIMON MENASHE CHAIKIN sounds familiar, that’s because we met him in the second post on CHARIDEE, CORRUPTION and ERETZ YISRAEL.


Shmuel Menashe Chaikin (1777-1893) was a prominent disciple of the “Mitteler Rebbe” and the Tzemach Tzedek of Chabad. He moved from Slutsk to the Holy Land in the 1810s, and served as the Chabad rabbi in Hebron for over 70 years, until his passing at the age of 116.

At the time he signed this letter, he was 113 years old.


SHMUEL MENASHE CHAIKIN apparently also had a different surname…. Namely, ZEITLIN.

How all this fits together, I still don’t know.


Tov, let’s back to the French book by Attlan, to see what else we can learn about what CHABAD are doing in Hevron at this time.

According to the Rebbe RAYATZ’s ‘memoir’ ‘Beit HaRav’ – which could win some serious prizes for creative fiction – the first Chabad chassidim come to Hevron in 1816, under one SHIMON SHMERLING.

They are said to be trying to escape all the nasty arguments between the chassids and the ‘mitnagedim’ going on in Tiberious at this time.

Kind of strange, when the main ‘argument’ seems to between the Chabad Rebbes, and the other chassidic rebbes, with nary a ‘mitnaged’ to be found….


Here is the GENI page for ‘SHIMON SHMERLING’ – he appears to be the son of ‘MOSHE OF SHKLOV’.

It’s at least possible that this ‘MOSHE of SHKLOV’ is MOSHE ZEITLIN of SHKLOV – son of YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN, and father of two ‘privates’ and one SHNEUR ZALMAN….


What I can tell you for sure, is that SHIMON SHMERLING gets straight in ‘fundraising’ for EY, and seems to have pioneered the way of doing this that was later adopted by the KKL.

This snippet is machine translated from his WIKI Hebrew page:

At the time of his mission, R. Shimon used a special method for collecting the funds, similar to today’s practice of issuing certificates such as the “Minister of Chesed” or the “altar stone” so that the benefactor received the desired title.

R. Shimon used to travel around the Jewish colonies abroad and declare that whoever wanted to buy four amot nachala in Hebron would donate a substantial sum.

His method was successful, and it reached its climax when the middle Adm. recommended that Chabad’s followers buy an estate in Hebron and promised that whoever bought D’amot in Hebron would be saved from the crushing of the tomb[2]


According to the Rebbe RAYATZ, there is a second group of Chabadnikim who come to Hevron also in 1823, headed by (SHMUEL] MENASHE CHAIKIN, and including the legendary MENUCHA RACHEL SHNEURI / SLONIM, daughter of the MITTELER REBBE of Chabad.


According to Attlan, beginning 1830 a Muslim sheikh from the nearby village of Dura starts demanding danger money from the Jewish community, and especially, from the European Chabad community that he figures are richer than their Sephardi counterparts in Hebron.

He gets his way, and his part of the haluka payment made to Hevron is written out to ‘The BLACK RABBI’, (i.e. Sheikh Abdel Rahaman).


From 1830 on, the Sephardim and Ashkenazim (i.e. Chabad) communities of Hevron decide to present a united front, financially.

They send shadarim to fundraise for the city of Hebron together, and not just for the Sephardi or Ashkenazi (i.e. Chabad) community.

This next snippet is very interesting (from page 142 of Attlan’s book):


The Chabad emissaries get as far as Bombay, in order to receive important sums of money from the prestigious Sassoon family, surnamed ‘the Rothschilds of the Orient’….

At the beginning of the [18]60s, R SHIMON MENASHE CHAIKIN is given the title of ‘Av Beit Din’ and Parnass, until 1892. He was the Rosh Yeshiva of the local Chabad yeshiva….

The [Chabad] Rebbe of that time, the Tzemach Tzedek, called SHIMON MENASHE CHAIKIN ‘my Tzaddik’.

He is succeeded at the head of the chassidim of Hebron by R DOV BAER EFRATI, despite the opposition of the Rebbe.


I don’t know which ‘Rebbe’ Attlan is referring to, here – but I have a hunch it’s connected to the internal Chabad ‘war’ over the charity funds and Eretz Yisrael that saw Kopust Chabad split from Lubavitch Chabad.

Chabad internecine warfare was going on pretty much the whole of the 1800s…. And onwards. Even to our day.

Nevertheless, R DOV BAER EFRATI is still a g-great-grandson of the ALTER REBBE (of course…) like this:



Attlan then says that DOV BAER EFRATI retires to Jerusalem, and is succeeded by R SHLOMO YEHUDA LEV ELIOZOROV, the disciple of R CHAIKIN, and Rav MANI.

Guess what?

SHLOMO YEHUDA LEV ELIOZOROV is also a descendent of the ALTER REBBE, like this:



Attlan than says that one R SHNEUR ZALMAN ben MENACHEM MENDEL is designated by Hevron to go and fundraise in the East in 1852 – where he hits it off big time with DAVID SASsOON of Bombay, who then builds two synagogues in Hebron.

Attlan then totally misses out anything to do with R MEDINI and BEIT ROMANO, when saying that the 5th Lubavitcher Rebbe buys BEIT ROMANO from CHAIM ROMANO in 1912 – who is a ‘rich Turkish agent’ who decided to move to Hebron ‘33 years earlier’.

There is that number again.


SHNEUR ZALMAN ben MENACHEM MENDEL is none other than the brother of CHAIM TZVI SHNEERSON, agent of the British who was a very early proponent of a ‘Jewish National State’ who we wrote about HERE.

CHAIM TZVI got run out of Tiberius in disgrace accused of stealing charity monies he’d raised for the yishuv for himself…. And believing himself to be Moshiach ben David, whilst also suspected of converting to xtianity.

He’s the great-grandson of MOSHE SHNEURI, the Alter Rebbe’s son who definitely DID convert to xtianity and become a missionary for the Russian Tzar.


Point is, his brother SHNEUR ZALMAN is also hanging out with the SASSOON family of (drug baron) philanthropists.

And that connects us back to THIS very interesting post, about the BEILIS blood libel.


Here’s the problem I’ve got:

When I try to track down when R CHAIM HEZKIAYHU MEDINI begins, and where Chabad ends…. I’m finding it very hard to disentangle who did what, when. Even though one is meant to be ‘Ashkenazi’ while the other is meant to be ‘Sephardi’, when it comes to the interesting people, these distinctions don’t actually count for much.

One of the clearest indications you are dealing with interesting people is when you find lots of high level intermarriage between Sephardim and Ashkenazim, many decades and centuries before that was actually a thing, for the rest of us.


So, there are conflicting accounts about who started up the MAGEN AVOT Yeshiva in BEIT ROMANO – Chabad, or R MEDINI.

(I just decided to do a specific post on Chabad in Hevron, so I can keep this more focussed…. So we’ll keep the Chabad-flavored weird stuff – and there is plenty of it – for another time.)


I could also write a ton more about the KRYMCHAKs of Crimea – and their strange connections with Khazars and Karaites.

But that will do for now.

In the next post, we’re going to finally get to RAV MANI of HEVRON – and there is plenty more weird stuff to discover over there, too.

Do you remember 20 years ago, when there were all those ‘scamming’ emails being sent around?

Always some Nigerian prince, or other minor royalty from Asia or Africa, who apparently had $50 million he was trying to smuggle out of his country, and he just needed your bank account details to help him do that?

And then he’d pay you $1 million for the privilege of helping him out?


Those emails ALWAYS contained a lot of rudimentary spelling errors, that made them seem sloppy and unprofessional.

Clearly, these were very slick ‘scamming’ operations, and clearly, a lot of people were instantly turned off and had their suspicions raised, by these bad spelling errors.

Organised crime may be evil, but it ain’t dumb….

What, they couldn’t spell check a few times, before pressing send? Or pay an editor to proofread?


That would be missing the point.

The point, was to find those ‘stupid’ people who weren’t put off by the spelling errors, and so easy to keep fooling, until they’d turned over their bank account details (and everything in it….) to Prince Mwenga from Nairobi.

THAT was the point.


I’m watching the whole circus continuing to play out around St Trump – from a distance.

Really, just via the small things people are sending me over email – like this, from my husband yesterday:

Trump – look no scars!

First photos of Trump without ear bandage has everyone saying the same thing (

Let me ask you something: do you really think that the Evils are soooooo stupid, that they wouldn’t even take care of small details like this, that are so obvious?

Or is something else going on?


First, let’s deal with the obvious.

My husband scratched his hand in the supermarket last year, a small cut, but deep enough to draw blood.

He showed it to me yesterday – there is a tiny scar there.

Meanwhile, I cut my finger on a sharp bit of my kitchen sieve three weeks ago. Even with ‘healing clay’ on it, you could still see a visible mark there, until a couple of days ago.

But St Trump apparently got the top half of his ear ‘grazed’ by a bullet two weeks ago…. and there is absolutely nothing to show for it.


Here’s your choice:

  1. Trump’s ear was never grazed by a bullet, and the ‘shooting of Trump’ part of this whole production was 100% staged, to get the stoopids back in his corner.
  2. Trump is drinking baby’s blood, or something, to miraculously ‘speed’ the healing process in a way that defies logic.


But really?

There is something much deeper going on.

The Evils can install whoever they want as President – or PM here, or anywhere else.

They just need enough ‘credibility’ for their candidate, however far-fetched, so that enough people stay fast asleep and still believing in ‘democracy’.

All this is not about getting Trump re-elected as President.

It’s about the Evils checking to see how many people out there are stoopid enough to keep mindlessly following ‘the circus’, wherever it wants to lead them.


That’s also why St Trump is still blathering on about ‘how great’ his Operation Warp Speed was – even though a huge part of his base is clearly ‘anti’ or confused by what happened.

They are using Trump to gauge public sentiment, to see how much further they can push their agenda, how much they can really get away with, without sparking huge public outcry, and even revolutions.

Trump is really just the bait on the hook – the ‘Prince Mwenga of Nairobi’, on a global scale.


One more thought, about ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’.

It looks like it’s now mutated, into ‘TDS 24’.

That’s where you throw up a million and one reasonable, obvious ‘issues’ with Trump, and particularly the staged ‘assassination attempt’ – but people with TDS 24 are so bought into St Trump, they can’t even engage with basic information that would have a preschooler raising a suspicious eyebrow.

I don’t know what the antidote to TDS 24 is.

But if you know someone who has it, just warn them that ‘Prince Mwenga from Nairobi’ will be in touch soon.