This was initially put up as ‘updates’ on the previous post.

But it’s so interesting, that I am pulling it out into it’s own post.

It all started when the Rav said this:

[The priest] said that he knew all of the SHAS.

Because Tuvia Beilis – more than a hundred years’ ago, he was a convert [to Judaism]. His father had been in the parliament in America.

[Click the link for more details about the Beilis blood libel, I’ll also put more details under the footnotes below.]

Then, there was a libel against the Jews, because they found some cute boy, with payot, some sweet child. And they discovered that he’d been he’d been stabbed 49 times.

So, this has to be the Jews!!!

Because this is 49 – 7 x 7, symbolising the counting of the omer!


So, [the Russian Tzar] he was already believing in this.

He said, it’s true that not every Jew puts blood in their matzahs, but half of them do put blood in.


I  just started ‘filling in the blanks’ on the blood libel case, and then… we got to where we got to.

Make of it what you will.


This is the ‘official story’ of the Beilis blood libel, snippets from the ANU website HERE:

On the spring morning of March 12, 1911, 13-year-old Andrei Yushchinsky left his house to go to school, just like he did every morning.

But when he didn’t come home that afternoon, it turned out that he hadn’t made it school either. On March 16, his mother and stepfather contacted the editors of the local newspaper and asked them to publish a notice about a missing child. Four days later, Andrei’s body was found in one of the caves located in the outskirts of the city of Kiev.

His hands were tied and he had stab wounds all over his body….

During Andrei’s funeral, leaflets were handed out to those in attendance, which claimed that he had been tortured to death by Zhyds, namely Jews.

He had been tortured so they could use his blood to make matzos for the upcoming Passover holiday….


Long  story short, they arrest a Jew called MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS, and accuse him of the murder.

Beilis worked as the manager of one of the local brick factories in Kiev, close to the scene of the crime, and:

Suddenly, witnesses appeared who described “a man with a black beard” who had chased after Andrei and dragged him to one of the furnaces at the factory, where two other men “wearing strange clothing” were waiting for them.


(Why, oh why, am I suddenly getting that sinking feeling about this story….)

It continues:

Beilis was brought in for questioning, but denied having any connection with the incident.

It also came to light that neither he nor the factory owner were religious Jews and did not dress like ones.

Beilis’s wife, Esther, told the investigators that her husband did not observe the Sabbath and did not celebrate Jewish holidays because he had to work around the clock to support his five young children.


OK, so basically he’s let go.

But then, he’s re-arrested as new evidence comes to light, including a confession Beilis is said to have made to a cellmate, and another confession said to have been obtained under torture, where he admits to killing “Andrei and drain[ing] his blood using “special ritual implements.””

Of course, Jews don’t use blood in matzahs….

But franco-masonic satanists DO murder children and use blood in all of their black magic rituals.


Long story short, a big trial is scheduled, and some famous Russian-Jewish lawyer who specialises in defending Jews against blood-libels, called Oskar Gruzenberg, takes the case.

His brother Samuel Gruzenberg was working as a writer and ‘social activist’, and was also a member of the ‘Jewish Colonisation Associate‘, that was working very hard to get Jews out of Russia (and out of ‘religion’….) and into places like Canada, Argentina, and then later on, also Eretz Yisrael.

(Edmund de Rothschild was working with Baron Maurice de Hirsch – all good franco-masons – using the JCA as one of their ‘cut outs’.)

But I digress.


Of course, Beilis is acquitted:

The Beilis trial became the most famous show trial in the Russian Empire in the pre-revolutionary period.

On October 28th, a year after the trial started and more than two years following his arrest, Mendel Beilis was released. Thousands of people gathered near his home to congratulate him because the truth had finally come to light.


In the meantime, MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS is forced to leave Kiev, and in January 1914, he ends up in….Tel Aviv.

Where else?

The story ends with this strange bit of information:

In 1921, after encountering financial problems and learning that his eldest son had committed suicide, Beilis left for the United States.

He is buried in Queens.

And this is what’s written on the grave of this man who had totally turned his back on his yiddishkeit:

Make note of this grave

Here lies a holy person, a chosen man.

The people of Kiev made him a target

And imposed the suffering on all Jews.

They falsely accused him and his community

 Of taking the blood of a Christian child to observe

A fabricated tenet of his faith on the Passover festival.

They bound him in chains and lowered him into a hole

And for many years he did not see the light of day.

And to punish all Jews he was brutally tortured.

Pay tribute to this pure and innocent soul

Who dwells in the shadow of the Lord in the heights of heaven

Until those who sleep shall awaken to life.


Kind of a weird inscription for a committed atheist-proto-Bolshevik.


I highly recommend you take a look at the pictures of MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS in that ANU post.

They don’t really ‘jive’ with the official story being told, on a number of levels.

And when you see the haunted look in the faces of his children, you come to understand a bit more why so many of the kids of these ‘franco-masons’ had serious mental issues and often committed suicide.

When you live a secret life of ‘torture’ and terrible abuse at home, that often appears to be the only way out.

But as always…. continue to think for yourself.



The Russian Wiki page has a lot more pertinent info about MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS.

Here’s the stuff that took my eye:

Menachem Mendel’s (anonymous…) father is described as a ‘very pious chassid’. Meanwhile, the son is totally disinterested in religion – and is also hanging out with the local xtian clergy.


He was on good terms with the Christian population and, in particular, with the local priest. His reputation was so good that during the pogrom of 1905, local members of the Union of Russian People came to him with the assurance that they had nothing to fear.


This type of information – where you have the son of a pious ‘chassid’ thick-as-thieves with the local xtian clergy is one of the main ‘red flags’ I look for to spot potential Frankists.

Then, it turns out that MM’s oldest son, Pinchas, is being sent to the local Russian Gymnasium – and his friend from school is that same ANDREI YUSHCHINSKY who is later found murdered.

So, now we know that Beilis wasn’t some ‘random Jew’ they took off the street and accused, he did actually have a connection with the murdered boy.


I’m not saying Beilis was the murderer.

I don’t know anything.

But what I do know, is that whenever the Rav starts hinting at things in his comments, it always pays to dig a little deeper.

One day, all this will come out….

But in the meantime, there’s plenty to think about, about who was really running the show here, in Eretz Yisrael, from the beginning of the 20th century.

And that’s quite a scary thought.



Well, as usual, the story just got even more crazy.

If you go HERE, you’ll find a detailed account of the Beilis case in Russian, that has a lot more details.

While the ANU website claimed that the murdered boy ANDREI was probably done away with by his mother and step-father, because he was the ‘heir to a big fortune from his biological father’ – this seems to be a total fabrication.

Andrei was his mother’s illegitimate son from some unnamed ‘first love’, and his parents were very poor.


His mother told Andrei that his father had been taken away to be a soldier, and that’s why he was out the picture.

The boy ‘romanticised’ his missing biological father, wanted to try and track him down in the army – and this is the part of the story where things take a step-up into ‘crazy’.

Translated snippet:

Andryusha was constantly looking for soldiers who served simultaneously with his father in the Far East.

 One such man lived in Lukyanovka; he was a Jew named Schneerson, and he took his meals at the Beilis’s.

It was rumored that Andryusha had once told someone that Schneerson had promised to take him to his father.

Schneerson denied this at the trial and, in general, denied that he had ever spoken to Andryusha. It is very possible that this was the case, since years passed before these words, allegedly spoken by Andryusha, were mentioned.

However, this assumption was enough to make Schneerson a prominent figure in the trial.

The prosecutor, having no other grounds, insisted that Schneerson was connected with the murder of Andryusha, and this despite the fact that Schneerson appeared at the trial as a witness, not the accused, and no attempt was made to bring charges against him.

The fact is that the prosecutor’s office had its own reasons to be interested in Schneerson because of side circumstances.


The surname Schneerson belonged to the famous” dynasty ” of rabbis, * whose descendants still occupy a high position in the Jewish religious hierarchy.

According to the accusers, it was the rabbis who performed the rites of ritual murder; the logical conclusion – if there was such a Jewish dogma.

The fact that Schneerson was not a rabbi at all, but was a small hay and straw merchant, that he had no Jewish education, and that he had nothing to do with the Schneerson rabbis, the prosecutor’s office did not find it necessary to take into account.


What in the world…

Also, the main witness against Beilis (who had links with the minor criminals etc in Kiev and worked as a prostitute) had two of her children ‘die’, shortly after Beilis was first arrested…

And then, her testimony deteriorated greatly.



The owner of that brick factory where Beilis worked is one Jonah Mordkov (Mordkovich) Zaitsev (died 1907).

And again, the ANU site is caught in a lie – it claimed that the owner of the brick factory was also a secular Jew, but that’s actually not all the case.

JONAH ZAITZOFF, as he was also known, was a hasid, and a ‘philanthropist’.

Here’s his picture:


His family is intermarried with the GUNZBURGS and also the HALPERNS – those exact same HALPERNS who were the BERDICHEV BANKERS we wrote about earlier, who were the main supports of the TZEMACH TZEDEK.

Jonah’s daughter Sima (Sophie) married MOSES HALPERIN – and his grandma was the sister of:

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Halperin, of Berdichev.


The Halperins were not only the first prominent Jewish financiers of the Russian Ukraine in the early 19th century, but also the most influential lay supporters of Lubavitch Hassidic Judaism.


Strange how the story always returns back to the same people, the same family, the same names….

Even with all the ongoing attempts to keep covering it all up.



Some more interesting info on the English Wiki page for ‘Mendel Beilis’.

Here’s what caught my eye:

Mendel Beilis was a former soldier before he became a clerk in the brick factory.


This is the bit that ties in with the Rav’s ‘priest’ above:

One prosecution witness, presented as an expert in Judaic rituals, was a Lithuanian Catholic priest, Justinas Pranaitis from Tashkent, well known for his antisemitic 1892 work Talmud Unmasked.

Pranaitis testified that the murder of Yushchinskyi was a religious ritual….


Pranaitis’ credibility rapidly dissipated when the defense demonstrated his ignorance of basic Talmudic concepts and definitions, such as hullin, to the point where “many in the audience occasionally laughed out loud when he clearly became confused and couldn’t even intelligibly answer some of the questions asked by my lawyer.”…


A Beilis Defense Committee advisor, a writer named Ben-Zion Katz, suggested countering Father Pranaitis with questions like “When did Baba Bathra live and what was her activity” which he described as the equivalent of asking an American “Who lived at the Gettysburg Address?”


And lastly, Beilis came to Israel to take up residence on a farm that was bought for him by none other than….Baron de Rothschild:

[H]e and his family left Russia for a farm purchased by Baron Rothschild in Palestine, then a province of the Ottoman Empire.


It’s going to have to wait for motzash now, but I started taking a look at who else this Zaitoff family links to.

One kid marries a Gunzburg, child of Baron Horace de Gunzburg.

Another grandkid, Vera, marries ‘Arthur Heshel’, the famous ballet critic – and when I went to look up who he descends from…. I tripped over a whole other can of worms.

But we’ll keep that for motzash.


There is a strange feeling in the air today again in Israel – v heavy and ‘exhausting’.

I think it’s all the fear-mongering about Iran again.

Just ignore the news, and make shabbos happily.

They are trying to take us out spiritually, always on Shabbat, always on yom tovim, because they know the real power and strength the Jewish soul gets from these times.

Don’t let them win!

The klipa is very nearly finished.

But it’s always the last few seconds that are the most dangerous.



On the Chabad website, they have THIS post about the Beilis blood libel, and they bring a lengthy extract of the speech of R Yaakov Mazeh, the government appointed ‘Chief Rabbi of Moscow’ who was also defending him.

(He remained observant, apparently, despite getting a degree in law from university.)

It’s very interesting for a lot of different reasons.

The following snippets caught my eye.


1 – The difference between what was  being taught 100 years ago, about the nature of the dispute between ‘the GRA’ and the leaders of chassidut.

Even the editors on Chabad are cautious about this:

Following the trial, Rabbi Mazeh’s presentation before the court was serialized in the widely read Hebrew-language daily Ha-Tzefirah.

His narrative is generally corroborated by the wealth of firsthand documentation now available to researchers, but there are some details that do not wholly conform with the Chabad historical tradition or with today’s scholarly consensus.

The following transcript is noteworthy chiefly for the light it sheds on just how central Chassidism became in the case against Beilis.


You can basically scrub out the word ‘chassidisim’ and replace it with ‘Chabad’.

That’s the ‘chassidut’ all the accused and their associates were connected to.


2 – What he actually said about the ‘GRA’ vs chassidut:

When the movement opposing Chassidism began, the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna issued a proclamation against the new principles of these teachings.

He clearly expressed the content of Chassidism.

On the basis of these historical documents, I will endeavor to explain to you what the disagreement comprised. He did not accuse them of founding a new cult; he does not mention one word about Chassidim forming a sectarian group. He takes issue only with the fact that they raised the standing of the simple folk more than was fitting.

He accuses them of being too democratic, saying that this damages the prestige of the Torah.

If the simple folk knew that they are able to serve G‑d solely through prayer, then they will abstain from Torah study. The foundation of faith [he argued] is only Torah study, and not prayer.


He further opposed the notion of cleaving to G‑d, and opposed the recognition of G‑d’s omnipresence.

He asked: Is it possible that G‑d is found even in the places where, according to Torah law, one cannot even pronounce G‑d’s name? He could not entertain this notion; such ideas could weaken the diligent study of Torah. It was in this way that opposition to Chassidism took root amongst the populace.


I’d love to know what ‘historical documents’ R Mazeh is basing this on.

They seem to have gone missing in the 100 years since….

And also – this sounds exactly like the dispute between R Pinchas of Koretz (aka, ‘Eliyahu the Vilna Gaon?’) and R Yechiel Michel of Zlotchov that we covered HERE.

And also… this sounds like the GRA is basically denying Ein Od Milvado, there is only God.

It’s a big statement to make – and if it’s true, it explains why so many of those ‘Litvaks’ seem to have zero real emuna in Hashem’s hashgacha in every detail of their lives.


After the BESHT introduction, R Mazeh basically focusses-in on Shneur Zalman, the Alter Rebbe, and this is what he quotes him as writing in his own ‘Shulchan Aruch’:

When I turn my attention to the teachings of Rabbi Zalman, when I strive with all my ability to penetrate their depth, I must say that there is nothing in his Shulchan Aruch against Christians.

On the contrary, in their regard he declares unequivocally (if you will permit me, I can read it from the source):

Any kind of monetary deception perpetrated against Christians, whether deception in price or in reckoning, in buying and selling, or in business, is a grave prohibition.

If in the merchandise being sold there is any defect or deficiency, he is obligated to inform the buyer, and tell him, ‘I am selling you this merchandise, but it has a deficiency.’

If he does not do so, it is as though he has stolen money from him, which is a biblical prohibition.”


Next, he starts talking about where the first ‘complaints’ to the Russian authorities against the Russian super-patriot Shneur Zalman came from:

Presiding Judge: Please tell us: were the allegations [against Shneur Zalman] sent from Vilna?

Rabbi Mazeh: It is difficult to say so with clarity. Officially the accuser was a certain rabbi, Avigdor ben Chaim, who was removed—if my memory does not make me mistaken—from his rabbinic position.

He had a private agenda.

They did not explicitly remove him, but stopped paying his salary, and therefore he prosecuted the chassidim.

But this is not important. The allegations were received, and Rabbi Zalman was interred in the Peter and Paul fortress; this was in the reign of Tsar Paul I.



This ‘Rabbi Avigdor ben Chaim’ of Vilna sounds so very close to the ‘Shmuel ben Avigdor, last ABD of Vilna’, the son-in-law of the YSUD Ettinger of Vilna, who was having an open war with his Kahal.

This was the real ‘root’ of the war against the chassidim – but again, it wasn’t a war against ‘chassidut’, it was really just a war against Chabad itself.

R Mazeh says that the Alter Rebbe was freed when Tsar Alexander I came to the throne.


That’s because Paul I got assassinated in the interim:

He was de facto Grand Master of the Knights Hospitaller from 1799 to 1801 and ordered the construction of a number of priories of the Order of Malta.[1]

Paul’s pro-German sentiments and unpredictable behavior made him unpopular among the Russian nobility, and he was secretly assassinated by his own officers.

Ah, always just a second away from those secret societies that really run the world from the shadows….


And now, R Mazeh turns to the role of the Tzemach Tzedek, who sat on the same committee to introduce ‘enlightened’ education to the Jews of Russia as Yaakov Yosef HALPERN of Berdichev, whose g-grandson married none other than the daughter of Zaitsov, owner of the brick factory implicated in the murder under discussion.

Here’s what he says:

In the time of Rabbi Mendel of Lubavitch the law regarding the establishment of third-class schools, and rabbinical schools to train “enlightened” rabbis, was publicized.

It was widely accepted—whether correctly or incorrectly—that Rabbi Mendel of Lubavitch was obstructing these measures, which the government of the time was undertaking in an attempt to enlighten the Jewish people.

It was widely thought that Rabbi Mendel of Lubavitch was obstructing the governmental directives because he did not favorably regard the desire to educate rabbis in the spirit of the Enlightenment and the like. It is almost certainly true that these opinions were the foundation for that [anti-chassidic] material which has been publicized here.


On the other hand, I have other historical sources about the rabbinical committee that convened at the command of the Tsar in 1843.

At that time only four rabbis were on the committee, and one of them was Rabbi Mendel of Lubavitch. I know that when a person is chosen as a member of such a committee, specific information regarding his uprightness and ethical character is gathered.

The fact that Rabbi Mendel of Lubavitch was a member of such an exclusive committee makes me think that a proper process of inquiry proved that he did not possess any of the [negative] opinions that were earlier attributed to him.

There is yet another strong proof of this.

It is a fact that in the 1840s he was honored by the Tsar with the title of “hereditary nobleman,” and all the Schneersohns, his grandchildren, are hereditary noblemen.


This info is totally ‘absent’ from the stuff we’re told today about the Tzemach Tzedek.

But it accords with so much of the other stuff I’ve already brought to your attention – that far from being ‘persecuted’ by the Russian rulers, the Rebbes of Chabad actually worked hand-in-hand with them down the generations, were given land holdings by them, and also were made ‘hereditary noblemen’ and given dynastic titles.

Think about this, for a moment.


Next, R Mazeh makes this ‘out of place’ statement about none other than ‘R Yisrael of Ruzhin’ – aka, R Moshe Tzvi of Savran, the main persecutor of R Natan and Breslov, who was arrested for ordering the murder of two informers:

Rabbi Mazeh: Now, my lords the judges, the name of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin was mentioned.

A letter of allegation was received against him, but he was acquitted. No books regarding this have remained, and therefore I am unable to offer an opinion about the thought of this Rabbi Yisrael. But I will say that he was accorded great honor by his admirers; this I know with certainty.


Yisrael of Ruzhin was a FRIEDMAN.

Think how many of his FRIEDMAN descendants are running the show today, all over the Jewish world.

Moving on.


In a different article on the Chabad site about the Beilis trial a 100 years after it occurred, we learn this:

The jury’s verdict exonerated Beilis, but stated that the prosecution had proven that Yushinsky had been murdered “in the brick factory belonging to the Jewish surgical hospital” and was done in a manner designed to draw “five glasses of blood.”


I did a bit more digging about this bit of info, and sure enough, Zaitsev’s son and heir, Mark Zaitsev, did build a surgical hospital on the site, in 1911.

Translated snippet from HERE:

When the venerable philanthropist died (in 1907), his son Marcus inherited this property.

He turned out to be a worthy successor to his father’s work.

At the beginning of 1911, Zaitsev Jr. filed a petition to begin new construction on the right (northern) side of the hospital.

The project included the construction of another two-story hospital building here, with a one-story extension for the dining room….


Despite all the troubles, the construction of a new building in the philanthropic complex of the Zaitsev father and son was completed, and in 1912 the almshouse and synagogue within its walls began to operate.


What’s weird, is that the foundation stone for this new hospital was laid in March 1911.

And that’s exactly when the murder occurred.

But it’s before the hospital was apparently built and functioning.


Tov, enough for one post.

You can tell me all this stuff is just ‘coincidence’ – but really, after five billion ‘coincidences’, all involving Chabad and various members of the extended family, when is the penny finally going to drop, that they have been lying to us about everything?


And all those lies are mamash getting in the way of geula coming the sweetest possible way, without any more unnecessary deaths, suffering and wars.


Excerpt of a shiur given on Shabbat, Parshat Tzav, 5784 (March 30th, 2024).

(Translated from Shivivei Or 355, shiur begins on page 33.)



Shimon and Levi were two children.

They went by themselves, and killed the whole of Shechem.

So on Motzae Shabbat, there will be 100 coaches of 100 people. How many is this? 10,000.

But not a single person more, because I promised the police that there wouldn’t be even one more than is allowed, because we made an agreement.

[But] they said that everything was cancelled, Shuvu Banim were to blame for everything.

So, there shoudn’t be any more problems for me.


Because everyone here has been ‘kidnapped’ by the yetzer hara.

Everyone has been ‘kidnapped to Gaza’!

Because ‘Aza’ is his name.

This is a demon, this is Aza and Azael. Everyone is captive in the hands of Aza, because Aza is the more difficult of the two.

He’s the stronger one.

So on Yom Kippur, they took him, and they threw him to Azazel, with the scape-goat[1]. This is how it was until Shimon HaTzaddik.

Afterwards, the he-goat was already climbing up [from where he’d been thrown down the cliff] and going up – the scape-goat.[2] And they used to eat him.

Because they sold the Tzaddik[3], so already nothing was helping.

Because if you sell the Tzaddik, so then nothing is going to help, already, not even Yom Kippur.

They sold Yosef HaTzaddik, so there is nothing, now.


On Monday, they are closing down all the funding for the yeshivas – because they sold the Tzaddik.

They closed down Uman Rosh Hashana[4], so already now there won’t be budget. They will only eat bread and jam.

Once, there was a song in the yeshivas, that they only had bread and jam to eat. The word ‘riba’ (jam) [was introduced by] Eliezer ben Yehuda.[5] The person who ‘discovered’ this didn’t understand anything – like the priest from Tashkent that I already told you about, that he didn’t know what ‘Baba Batra’ was.


[The priest] said that he knew all of the SHAS.

Because Tuvia Beilis – more than a hundred years’ ago, he was a convert [to Judaism]. His father had been in the parliament in America.

[Click the link for more details about the Beilis blood libel, I’ll also put more details under the footnotes below.]

Then, there was a libel against the Jews, because they found some cute boy, with payot, some sweet child. And they discovered that he’d been he’d been stabbed 49 times.

So, this has to be the Jews!!!

Because this is 49 – 7 x 7, symbolising the counting of the omer!


So, [the Russian Tzar] he was already believing in this.

He said, it’s true that not every Jew puts blood in their matzahs, but half of them do put blood in.

Even today, the non-Jews don’t dare to eat matzahs, because they say they contain the blood of non-Jews. Even today, they believe that there is blood – or jam.


So, the priest was arguing about this, and he said that he knew all of the Torah of the Jews, all the SHAS.

So, [the Rabbi from the seed of Aharon HaCohen][6] asked him, do you know Baba Batra?

[The priest] thought it was someone’s granny, because ‘bobba’ is ‘grandma’ [in Russian]. So he said, maybe it’s Sarah, maybe it’s Rivka.


[skipping some]

So, the priest didn’t know what Baba Batra was.

Like the stupid Ben Yehuda, he’s the one who decided that ‘riba’ is jam, because he saw that it was written in the Gemara: ריבה מיני מרקחת.

[This phrase is hard to track down, and there’s also a machloket about whether this specific phrase is actually even in the Gemara. ‘Riba’ means they increased the types of herbs.]

So, he understood that ‘riba’ is something you make with herbs and fruit. So now, we need to return to just eating ‘ribot’ (jams) in the yeshivas.


Because they sold-out Breslov.

They didn’t know that everything was in its merit. In every yeshiva, there is one Breslover who is getting up for chatzot, and doing an hour of hitbodedut, and going to Uman for Rosh Hashana – that the whole yeshiva is only in his merit!


It’s like R’ Israel [Odessa], the Saba, who was visited by R’ Shlomo Eliezer Alfandari.

He was from Turkey. Afterwards, he came to Tiberius. He was 115 years old, and he came to Tiberius, to Rabbi Israel…


The holy Saba lived with us for three years, in our house.

He told me about the petek (note)[7] – he knew that it was nonsense.

He told me that he knew that someone had written it for him. He sent it to Uman. R Yitzhak [Levi Bender] recounted that when it got to Uman, it turned into a ‘Purim Gadol’.

It was such a joke, it was like Purim.


[Skipping some stuff referring to the Ba’al HaFla’ah of Frankfurt].


They conquered Gaza, and Khan Younis – but they haven’t conquered Rafiach.

And they haven’t entered there, and also, won’t ever go into there. Because Biden doesn’t agree.

I contacted Biden, I said to him, that if only the head is taken out in Rafiach, what’s going to be left? Soot.

So, he told me that he’s going to think about that, but in the meantime, another 1,500 Jews will be killed, like on Simchat Torah.


So, I called Blinken.

Dafka, he’s a Jew, so he said that for every hostage who will be released, a thousand more Jews will be killed.

So Bibi already agreed to this, and also the Defense Minister Gallant, but the Ramatkal (Chief of the Army) Herzi HaLevi said that he doesn’t agree to 1,000, just 800 Jews.

Because all the prisoners that they freed under the Shalit Deal, they are the ones who did the massacre now on Simchat Torah.

They murdered 1,500 Jews.



[1] On Yom Kippur when the Temple stood, a ‘scape goat’ was sent out of the Temple to the cliffs, where he was thrown down the cliff to ‘Azazel’, as an atonement for the Jewish people’s sins.

[2] I.e. The sins of the Jews wasn’t atoned for by the scape-goat’s death.

[3] Referring to Yosef HaTzaddik. The Rav has said on many occasions that the brothers’ sin of selling Yosef is the main cause for the ongoing suffering of the Jewish people.

[4] Rav Berland made tremendous efforts to get to Uman this year, to sweeten the decrees ahead of the horrendous events of Simchat Torah 5784, that he was warning about for months beforehand. But he was prevented from crossing the border. Apparently, his persecutors within Breslov had enough money to bribe the Ukrainian officials to ‘permanently’ ban the Rav from crossing into the Ukraine.

[5] According to ‘official history’, Eliezer ben Yehuda single-handedly revived the Hebrew language being spoken in Eretz Yisrael, at the beginning of the 20th century.

[6] It’s not clear who is being referred to here.

[7] This is the famous N-Na-Nach-Nachman m’Uman note. Read more about it HERE.



At this stage, I’m a little scared to start unpacking the Rav’s comments too much, as they very quickly lead to some astounding information that’s been ‘hidden away’, like the or haganuz.

For example, I am still unpacking the stuff the Rav started alluding to in THIS post about the Anglo-Palestine Bank…. crazy stuff. BH, once the Pesach tidal wave subsides, I’ll share some of what I’m learning.


In the meantime, this is the ‘official story’ of the Beilis blood libel, snippets from the ANU website HERE:

On the spring morning of March 12, 1911, 13-year-old Andrei Yushchinsky left his house to go to school, just like he did every morning.

But when he didn’t come home that afternoon, it turned out that he hadn’t made it school either. On March 16, his mother and stepfather contacted the editors of the local newspaper and asked them to publish a notice about a missing child. Four days later, Andrei’s body was found in one of the caves located in the outskirts of the city of Kiev.

His hands were tied and he had stab wounds all over his body….

During Andrei’s funeral, leaflets were handed out to those in attendance, which claimed that he had been tortured to death by Zhyds, namely Jews.

He had been tortured so they could use his blood to make matzos for the upcoming Passover holiday….


Long  story short, they arrest a Jew called MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS, and accuse him of the murder.

Beilis worked as the manager of one of the local brick factories in Kiev, close to the scene of the crime, and:

Suddenly, witnesses appeared who described “a man with a black beard” who had chased after Andrei and dragged him to one of the furnaces at the factory, where two other men “wearing strange clothing” were waiting for them.


(Why, oh why, am I suddenly getting that sinking feeling about this story….)

It continues:

Beilis was brought in for questioning, but denied having any connection with the incident.

It also came to light that neither he nor the factory owner were religious Jews and did not dress like ones.

Beilis’s wife, Esther, told the investigators that her husband did not observe the Sabbath and did not celebrate Jewish holidays because he had to work around the clock to support his five young children.


OK, so basically he’s let go.

But then, he’s re-arrested as new evidence comes to light, including a confession Beilis is said to have made to a cellmate, and another confession said to have been obtained under torture, where he admits to killing “Andrei and drain[ing] his blood using “special ritual implements.””

Of course, Jews don’t use blood in matzahs….

But franco-masonic satanists DO murder children and use blood in all of their black magic rituals.


Long story short, a big trial is scheduled, and some famous Russian-Jewish lawyer who specialises in defending Jews against blood-libels, called Oskar Gruzenberg, takes the case.

His brother Samuel Gruzenberg was working as a writer and ‘social activist’, and was also a member of the ‘Jewish Colonisation Associate‘, that was working very hard to get Jews out of Russia (and out of ‘religion’….) and into places like Canada, Argentina, and then later on, also Eretz Yisrael.

(Edmund de Rothschild was working with Baron Maurice de Hirsch – all good franco-masons – using the JCA as one of their ‘cut outs’.)

But I digress.


Of course, Beilis is acquitted:

The Beilis trial became the most famous show trial in the Russian Empire in the pre-revolutionary period.

On October 28th, a year after the trial started and more than two years following his arrest, Mendel Beilis was released. Thousands of people gathered near his home to congratulate him because the truth had finally come to light.


In the meantime, MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS is forced to leave Kiev, and in January 1914, he ends up in….Tel Aviv.

Where else?

The story ends with this strange bit of information:

In 1921, after encountering financial problems and learning that his eldest son had committed suicide, Beilis left for the United States.

He is buried in Queens.

And this is what’s written on the grave of this man who had totally turned his back on his yiddishkeit:

Make note of this grave

Here lies a holy person, a chosen man.

The people of Kiev made him a target

And imposed the suffering on all Jews.

They falsely accused him and his community

 Of taking the blood of a Christian child to observe

A fabricated tenet of his faith on the Passover festival.

They bound him in chains and lowered him into a hole

And for many years he did not see the light of day.

And to punish all Jews he was brutally tortured.

Pay tribute to this pure and innocent soul

Who dwells in the shadow of the Lord in the heights of heaven

Until those who sleep shall awaken to life.


Kind of a weird inscription for a committed atheist-proto-Bolshevik.


We’ll stop there, although I could go on digging for months through all the lies and ‘muck’.

I highly recommend you take a look at the pictures of MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS in that ANU post.

They don’t really ‘jive’ with the official story being told, on a number of levels.

And when you see the haunted look in the faces of his children, you come to understand a bit more why so many of the kids of these ‘franco-masons’ had serious mental issues and often committed suicide.

When you live a secret life of ‘torture’ and terrible abuse at home, that often appears to be the only way out.

But as always…. continue to think for yourself.



The Russian Wiki page has a lot more pertinent info about MENACHEM MENDEL BEILIS.

Here’s the stuff that took my eye:

Menachem Mendel’s (anonymous…) father is described as a ‘very pious chassid’. Meanwhile, the son is totally disinterested in religion – and is also hanging out with the local xtian clergy.


He was on good terms with the Christian population and, in particular, with the local priest. His reputation was so good that during the pogrom of 1905, local members of the Union of Russian People came to him with the assurance that they had nothing to fear.


This type of information – where you have the son of a pious ‘chassid’ thick-as-thieves with the local xtian clergy is one of the main ‘red flags’ I look for to spot potential Frankists.

Then, it turns out that MM’s oldest son, Pinchas, is being sent to the local Russian Gymnasium – and his friend from school is that same ANDREI YUSHCHINSKY who is later found murdered.

So, now we know that Beilis wasn’t some ‘random Jew’ they took off the street and accused, he did actually have a connection with the murdered boy.


I’m not saying Beilis was the murderer.

I don’t know anything.

But what I do know, is that whenever the Rav starts hinting at things in his comments, it always pays to dig a little deeper.

One day, all this will come out….

But in the meantime, there’s plenty to think about, about who was really running the show here, in Eretz Yisrael, from the beginning of the 20th century.

And that’s quite a scary thought.



Well, as usual, the story just got even more crazy.

If you go HERE, you’ll find a detailed account of the Beilis case in Russian, that has a lot more details.

While the ANU website claimed that the murdered boy ANDREI was probably done away with by his mother and step-father, because he was the ‘heir to a big fortune from his biological father’ – this seems to be a total fabrication.

Andrei was his mother’s illegitimate son from some unnamed ‘first love’, and his parents were very poor.


His mother told Andrei that his father had been taken away to be a soldier, and that’s why he was out the picture.

The boy ‘romanticised’ his missing biological father, wanted to try and track him down in the army – and this is the part of the story where things take a step-up into ‘crazy’.

Translated snippet:

Andryusha was constantly looking for soldiers who served simultaneously with his father in the Far East.

 One such man lived in Lukyanovka; he was a Jew named Schneerson, and he took his meals at the Beilis’s.

It was rumored that Andryusha had once told someone that Schneerson had promised to take him to his father.

Schneerson denied this at the trial and, in general, denied that he had ever spoken to Andryusha. It is very possible that this was the case, since years passed before these words, allegedly spoken by Andryusha, were mentioned.

However, this assumption was enough to make Schneerson a prominent figure in the trial.

The prosecutor, having no other grounds, insisted that Schneerson was connected with the murder of Andryusha, and this despite the fact that Schneerson appeared at the trial as a witness, not the accused, and no attempt was made to bring charges against him.

The fact is that the prosecutor’s office had its own reasons to be interested in Schneerson because of side circumstances.


The surname Schneerson belonged to the famous” dynasty ” of rabbis, * whose descendants still occupy a high position in the Jewish religious hierarchy.

According to the accusers, it was the rabbis who performed the rites of ritual murder; the logical conclusion – if there was such a Jewish dogma.

The fact that Schneerson was not a rabbi at all, but was a small hay and straw merchant, that he had no Jewish education, and that he had nothing to do with the Schneerson rabbis, the prosecutor’s office did not find it necessary to take into account.


What in the world…

Also, the main witness against Beilis (who had links with the minor criminals etc in Kiev and worked as a prostitute) had two of her children ‘die’, shortly after Beilis was first arrested…

And then, her testimony deteriorated greatly.

We’ll stop there.


I have Shabbos to make.



The owner of that brick factory where Beilis worked is one Jonah Mordkov (Mordkovich) Zaitsev (died 1907).

And again, the ANU site is caught in a lie – it claimed that the owner of the brick factory was also a secular Jew, but that’s actually not all the case.

JONAH ZAITZOFF, as he was also known, was a hasid, and a ‘philanthropist’.

Here’s his picture:


His family is intermarried with the GUNZBURGS and also the HALPERNS – those exact same HALPERNS who were the BERDICHEV BANKERS we wrote about earlier, who were the main supports of the TZEMACH TZEDEK.

Jonah’s daughter Sima (Sophie) married MOSES HALPERIN – and his grandma was the sister of:

Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Halperin, of Berdichev.


The Halperins were not only the first prominent Jewish financiers of the Russian Ukraine in the early 19th century, but also the most influential lay supporters of Lubavitch Hassidic Judaism.


OK, I really am stopping now.

But strange, how the story always returns back to the same people, the same family, the same names….

Even with all the ongoing attempts to keep covering it all up.



Some more interesting info on the English Wiki page for ‘Mendel Beilis’.

Here’s what caught my eye:

Mendel Beilis was a former soldier before he became a clerk in the brick factory.


This is the bit that ties in with the Rav’s ‘priest’ above:

One prosecution witness, presented as an expert in Judaic rituals, was a Lithuanian Catholic priest, Justinas Pranaitis from Tashkent, well known for his antisemitic 1892 work Talmud Unmasked.

Pranaitis testified that the murder of Yushchinskyi was a religious ritual….


Pranaitis’ credibility rapidly dissipated when the defense demonstrated his ignorance of basic Talmudic concepts and definitions, such as hullin, to the point where “many in the audience occasionally laughed out loud when he clearly became confused and couldn’t even intelligibly answer some of the questions asked by my lawyer.”…


A Beilis Defense Committee advisor, a writer named Ben-Zion Katz, suggested countering Father Pranaitis with questions like “When did Baba Bathra live and what was her activity” which he described as the equivalent of asking an American “Who lived at the Gettysburg Address?”


And lastly, Beilis came to Israel to take up residence on a farm that was bought for him by none other than….Baron de Rothschild:

[H]e and his family left Russia for a farm purchased by Baron Rothschild in Palestine, then a province of the Ottoman Empire.


I think these ‘updates’ deserve their own post. I’m going to pull it out and stick it up separately.

The Rav’s comments always lead to treasure troves of information….

Even when they can initially be very hard to fathom.

Look at the context this discussion of the ‘Beilis Blood Libel’ appears in, above, and you’ll start to figure out even more stuff about what is going on all around us today.

Hamavin yavin.

These are very basic highlights from Rav Elmaliach’s shiur on Makor Chochma, the Rav’s new chiddushim on the Torah that are simply mind-blowing.

This is some of what the Rav had to say about the building of the Tower of Babel.

Important to note, *these are my paraphrased summations of what R Elmaliach is teaching and saying.*

There are a lot more details, especially on the more kabbalistic side, involving partzufim and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t understand myself, but I’m not translating that stuff, because I don’t understand it.

If you do – feel free to take a listen in the original Hebrew.



R Elmaliach starts speaking of the builders of the Tower of Babel.

He explains that both the Ben Ish Chai and Rav Natan of Breslov in Likutey Halachot make reference to the initials ‘Peh Mem’ in their writings – and these initials stand for ‘free masons’.

The masons are the continuation of the builders of the Tower of Bavel.[1]

Rav Natan explains that the dor haMiflaga’a (generation of dispersion) were kofrim about the hashgacha of Hashem. They knew ‘Hashem’ existed (and were trying to fight against Him, kabbalistically, in a much deeper way than most of us can grasp, from the very ‘root’ of the klipa) – but they totally denied He had anything to do with the world.

Basically, it’s that old ‘blind watcher maker’ argument, (so very, very old….) that says that God made the world, ‘wound it up’, and now isn’t interested in what’s going on down here, so everything is left in the hands of ‘nature’ and ‘science’.


Towards the beginning, he brings a passage from the Bnei Yissachar talking about the strength the builders of the tower had, because they had achdut and spoke one language – Hebrew.

And as the world is created from the lashon hakodesh, they were trying to use these same letters to create names of impurity.

Then R Elmaliach diverts into a story about how the Noam Elimelech got upset when the Bnei Yissachar’s mother called him ‘Tzvi Elimelech’, instead of the original plan to call him plain ‘Elimelech’, after the Noam Elimech himself.[2]


R Elmaliach then explains that they were building a tower that was far higher than even the highest towers in Dubai today, that are approaching a kilometre high.

And that they built the tower using black magic, as well as very hard work.

He says they would give every single brick an impure name, using ‘black kabbalah’, so that the whole edifice was just one big construct of tumah.

(He explains this in far more detail using kabbalistsic ideas. If you understand that stuff, take a listen yourself.)


But the point is, they weren’t just ‘fighting’ God by trying to reach up to the cloud He was supposedly on in ‘heaven’.

They were fighting with the forces of spiritual impurity, and every brick in that tower was connected to it’s own klipah, and force of spiritual impurity, in a much deeper way.


God could have stopped them building in the middle – but part of the punishment is that He let them keep going almost to the very end, when they very nearly could have pulled it off – and then pulled the plug on them.[3]


The location of ‘Shinar’ was actually at the very bottom of the klipa, located in Bavel.

[I don’t know what this means, tachlis.]


Then, God sent 70 sa’arim (angels / ministers) who did a few things.

  1. They created the 70 languages / 70 nations, so that they no longer had the power of achdut.
  2. Because the dor ha’miflaga’ah didn’t believe in Hashem’s hashgacha, Hashem stopped providing them with their food directly, and then had these angels / ministers act as the conduit for their sustenance instead.


R Elmaliach says that this is why the food in chutz l’aretz doesn’t taste like the food of Eretz Yisrael, which has much more flavor.[4]

Basically, the food in chul is ‘diverted’ via the klippot, so it’s full of the zuma of the country it’s grown in / raised in / comes from.

He explains that when people eat this food, their flesh then contains all the zuma of that country – and this is what affects their character traits and also, the way they speak.

And then, paying $300k to get a burial plot on the Mount of Olives next to R Levi Yitzhak Bender once they pass away isn’t going to help them very much.


All this is just ‘preparation’ for the Rav’s comments from Makor Chochma.

R Elmaliach then quotes the Rav as teaching that our main job is to strengthen the Shechina, (by learning Torah, doing hitbodedut, working on our bad middot, saying Tikkun Haklalis, getting up for chatzot etc) and to love the aretz, and to practise achdut which means trying to judge our fellow Jew favorably and doing Azamra.[5]

He says we all want the ‘bad people’ and the ‘evil’ to get out of the aretz.

But we don’t need to do any hafganot or demonstrations, or start fighting with the secular people and their institutions.

If we strengthen the Shechina in Eretz Yisrael, the land will ‘vomit out’ the bad all by itself – and all those people who are ‘demonstrating’ will choose to leave all by themselves [if they don’t make teshuva].


R Elmaliach then reminds us that Rabbenu taught us that the whole of the world would be overcome by a flood of heresy before Moshiach comes – and this would even splash over Eretz Yisrael.

Rabbenu said that the tests would be so great, that someone who continues to do al netilat yadayim will be as unique as the Baal Shem Tov was in his generation.[6]

That’s because all our minds are so distracted and ‘under attack’ right now, even simple mitzvahs are not easy to do.


R Elmaliach reminds us we have to be good to ourselves, and also, to our bodies, and to literally thank our bodies for continuing to serve us so faithfully, and give them some love and pinuk.

He says he learned this from a very big Sephardi kabbalist of a previous generation who would get up at chatzot, and then spend half an hour ‘hugging himself’ and thanking his body for serving him so faithfully that he could continue to do mitzvot in the world.


He continues with the message that we also need to continue to see the good points in ourselves, and to also judge ourselves favorably in the very hard tests we are going through, and to remember that we are holy souls.


The Rav’s teachings continue with why God doesn’t kill the dor hamiflaga’ah.

Instead, he ‘confuses their wisdom’, mixes-up their language (the holy language of Hebrew, that they were trying to use in impure combinations to ‘fight against’ Hashem) – and then disperses them and turns part of them into monkeys and animals without da’at.

R Elmaliach says another part of them is turned into ‘spirits and demons’, because they want to ‘fight against Hashem’.


Ad kan, for my comments, but there is a lot more to unpack and listen to in R Elmaliach’s shiur.


In terms of the ‘secular people’ leaving Israel all by themselves – the trickle is strengthening to a flood.

Look at this (not shmirat eynayim friendly – basically, a bunch of Israelis are moving to Cyprus permanently):

Our job is just to keep strengthening the Shechina here, to learn Torah, work on tznius, smash the smartphones, pray with kavana, and all the rest of the mitzvot.

And God will do the rest.

Hopefully, fast.


PS: I am translating the ideas, not the exact sentences. If I made mistake in something, please do let me know and I’m happy to correct it.


[1] It’s no coincidence that so many of the ‘big scientists’, the NASA astronauts and spokesmen, the leading doctors, the philosophers who brought us ‘Darwinism’, and other unproven, heretical fantasies masquerading as ‘scientifically-proven’ are also masons.

[2] In the story, the mother gets a blessing from the Noam Elimelech to have a son. When she calls the son ‘Tzvi Elimelech’, the Noam Elimelech tells her now he can only get half the spiritual insights he was meant to have if he was just called ‘Elimelech’, and that he’s lost the chance to become ‘like the Noam Elimelech’ himself. Whenever I see the word ‘Tzvi’, and whenever I hear strange stories like this, my ‘Sabbatean-o-meter’ starts dinging off. The family tree of the Bnei Yissachar is a total mess…. TBC

[3] Take heart, people who see what the ‘NWO scientists’ are still up to today. As it was, so it will be again – at the very last moment, God will pull the plug on it all.

[4] This is something a lot of people notice – that the food in chul just doesn’t taste of much, once you are used to the food of Eretz Yisrael. There are some exceptions – like the food by Rabbenu in Uman, to give one example. But this is probably because the kevarim of the True Tzaddikim are considered to be an aspect of Eretz Yisrael. R Elmaliach also says that it’s taught that before the coming of Moshiach, fruit will lose it’s taste.

[5] Azamra doesn’t mean you lie to yourself about what is really going on, or start calling black deeds ‘white’. Rav Ofer Erez has an excellent shiur with English subtitles which explains how you really do Azamra:

In a nutshell, you still hate the evil deed, and recognise it for what it is, but you stop hating the person doing it, and you try to understand where they are coming from. Just doing this is enough to ‘tip them’ into the scale of righteousness, and then the evil disappears by itself. See Likutey Moharan 282.

[6] If your kavana for doing mitzvahs is currently as scattered and ‘absent’ as mine, you’ll maybe start to understand a bit more what Rabbenu was getting at, with this statement.


Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Eliezer Berland on Wednesday, Parshat Vayikra, (March 20th, 2024) to the Kollel Ori Tzafon, Bat Yam.

(Translated from Shivivei Or 355.)

As usual, there are tons and tons of clues here – I put some links in the footnotes, but with Pesach, I don’t have the time to do a proper deep-dive.

But you’ll probably get the picture, even just from the small bit of extra info in the footnotes.

Long story short: there is nothing new under the sun.

And it’s always the same ‘pattern’, the same modus operandi with these people.

Until we finally get wise to it, and stop playing the game by their rules.



The Zohar says that the Meraglim (spies) [who brought the giant fruit from Eretz Yisrael] – it was impossible to have lifted up the grapefruit.

We see the symbol of CARMEL MIZRAHI, two people going along with a grapefruit, every two people, two go along with a grapefruit. Every two!

So, each person was lifting half a ton – this was a grapefruit that weighed a ton.

But really, ten people carried one grapefruit. So, it weighed five ton. Every grapefruit weighed five ton.


Of Zevulun he said; Rejoice, O Zevulun, in your excursions…The tribes will assemble at the mount, there they will slaughter offerings of righteousness, for by the riches of the sea they will be nourished.”[1]

When they used to bring the grapefruit, all the ships were filled up with just one grape.

Each ship was full with one grape, each boat had just one grape!

And in the future, it will also be like this.

And then, the whole world will convert [to become Jews], just from this, that they will see the grapes, and the fruit.


Yehoshua took a fig, and Calev took a pomegranate.

Every pomegranate was half a ton, every fig was half a ton.

And ten people dragged along a whole grapefruit, which was five ton.

A person can carry half a ton on their shoulders, so they were carrying a whole ton. Today, this is 300 kilos. The ‘World Champion’ can lift 300 kilos. So, the grapefruit weighed five ton, Nahal Eshkol.[2]


And this is still the symbol even today, since ‘42.

In [56]42, Carmel Mizrahi was founded. Today it’s [57]84 – this has been the symbol for 142 years. And all the money used to pass [into Israel] via Carmel Mizrahi.[3]

All the money from the First World War used to pass via Carmel Mizrahi, from the Anglo-Palestine Bank, via Carmel Mizrahi.

And they – the zionists – they took all the money.


There was Ruppin[4], all of those.

Ruppin Street in Haifa [was called after him]. Whoever comes from Haifa, there’s Ruppin Street, that goes until Ahuza.

So, this Ruppin, he was the representative of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, and all the money during the whole of the First World War went via him.

In one second, it was already impossible to send it any more. But first, they used to send all the money via Carmel Mizrahi, via Ruppin, to support them here.

To build the Alliance here, and all the schools of the chilonim (secular people). They didn’t give the Talmud Torahs a single penny.

And this is how they collapsed all the Talmud Torahs.


The Bukharim were the first ones who came to the aretz.

They built Bukharim [Street], they built Agrippas [Street], and Bezalel – all the Talmud Torahs were built by the Bukharim.

They built a palace for the Melech HaMoshiach. Even today, it’s still at the corner of Bukharim and Yehezkel. There is an internal courtyard there, there is a magnificent building there. A giant building with engravings and decorations.

This was the ‘Palace for the Melech HaMoshiach’.

They did this in 5642 (1882), 142 years ago.


[The Bukharim] trekked on foot for three years with sacks of golden dinarii.

They had sacks full of golden dinarii, and they carried them along for three years. And on the way, they drank petroleum – there wasn’t water. They went via the deserts, the Syrian desert, the Arabian desert, the Afghanistan desert.

They left from Bukharia, from [ – ].

They came on foot for three years, and they built all the schools here, all the Talmud Torahs.

In the end, the zionists came and took everything, because there wasn’t a budget.

They took all the income, they gave [ – ] half in coins, half in lirot.[5]


They took all the donations [for Eretz Yisrael] – and they didn’t give the chederim anything.

And like this, they collapsed all the Talmud Torahs.

Already, when we were growing up in the Haifa, already there wasn’t a single dati school. There were chugim (after-school classes), and there were all sorts of Reali[6] schools – everything was chiloni.


There was only Netzach Yisrael, and there was the Yavneh school [that were ‘religious’].

But Yavneh was only for families with good yichus, and everything was expensive there, private.

And Netzach Yisrael was more folksy – but everyone came out chilonim. Even though Netzach Yisrael was a dati school, everyone came out chiloni.

From Yavneh, you had one or two from a class – from the whole class of 20 bochurim (boys), two came out ‘religious’.

This is what was left from the whole of Haifa. There wasn’t one ‘dati’ person left, until they built the Vizhnitz neighborhood.


So now, Yaakov Avinu, instead of being happy that they brought his daughter back to him alive – she was one of the hatufim (kidnapped hostages), [by Hamor the son of Shechem].

Now, they want to kill 1,500 Jews.

They are prepared to free 134 hatufim, if they are given permission to kill another 1,500 [Jews].

They killed 1,500 on Simchat Torah, and now it’s the ‘negotiations’, so they want to destroy [another] 1,500 Jews, and to burn down a few more kibbutzim.

They already burned 21 kibbutzim, burned them down to the ground. And it will take 20 years to rehabilitate them, because they only want to show them off as ‘artefacts’, to show this to the world.

But it won’t help.

The world is against us.


Canada said that it isn’t going to sell us weapons.

Biden is selling to them, but not that the weapons should be used. Now, he announced in the morning they they shouldn’t actually use the weapons.

I don’t permit you to use my guns! If they will kill you – so let them kill you!

So, the Hamas said, tov, we are ready. There’s some progress, now. 1,500 Jews will be destroyed, and we’ll give you 134 [hatufim].


Lapid says that the ikker (main thing) is to bring them home.

People are being tortured, without food, without anything. They are torturing them. Already, from 134, 33 have already died. There are only 101 left.

So the first thing is to [set up] 1,500 Jews to be destroyed.

Bibi compromised with up to 950, he comprised with them. This is big progress! So, the Hamas came down. They got more flexible, they came down to 800.

Now, the argument is about the [last] 50. Bibi said I am not coming down, I want 800…

[? said][7] if you let us destroy 800 Jews, we’ll release them today.


So, this is called ‘being optimistic’ [about the negotiations to free the hostages].

And everyone is already ‘optimistic’, everyone is already talking about ‘great progress’. We’ve already in the next stage of progress, let’s hope that tomorrow, they will already free all of the hostages….


So, Dina was also one of the hatufim.

They kidnapped her. I don’t want to tell you this, because I don’t want to inflame you here. But I have to tell you the truth, that Dina was one of the hatufim.



[1] Devarim 33:19.

[2] This is the name of the place given in the Torah where the meraglim took the fruit from, in Eretz Yisrael.

[3] Carmel Mizrahi is the name of the Carmel winery that was founded in Zichron Yaakov in 1882, by Baron Edmond James de Rothschild. It is still operating today.

[4] Dr, Arthur Ruppin (1876-1943 was a German Jew who subsequently became the land agent for the Zionist Organisation. He also headed the Jewish Agency between 1933-1935. This snippet comes from HERE:

“He helped to get a loan for  Ahuzat Bayit, later Tel Aviv, and acquired land on the Carmel, in Afula, in the Jezreel Valley,  and in Jerusalem. Ruppin was instrumental in shaping the nature of Jewish settlement in Palestine and in changing the paradigm of settlement from those of plantation owners and poor laborers to the Kibbutz collective and cooperative Moshavim that became the backbone of the state-in-the-making. He catalyzed the commune at Sejera and helped to turn it into the first Kibbutz settlement – Degania, as well as helping to support and organize Kinnereth, Merhavia and other settlements.

Rupin was among the founders of the Brit Shalom peace movement, which supported a binational state, but he left Brith Shalom after the Arab riots of 1929.”

[5] At the time the Rav is describing, the currency in Eretz Israel was the lira.

[6] Read more about the Reali School of Haifa here:

[7] In the original Hebrew, the name is left blank.

It’s interesting that the less ‘online’ I am, the less interesting ‘online’ is becoming.

According to the alternative reality that only exists ‘online’, something big was meant to have happened on Monday, to coincide with the solar eclipse going on across North America.

(For a really nice first-hand account of that, read THIS, by writer Annette Gendler.)

In my ‘real world’, I spent the day working on my art project.

I made the mistake of going back to my art chug on a Monday – because I forgot that’s the day Mrs Amalek shows up.

When she walked in through the door, that’s when I remembered why never, ever on a Monday.

But by that point, it was too late.


But interestingly, ‘Mrs Amalek’ had changed her tune.

At least a little.

The conversation was still full of isn’t it awful about the hostages, I can’t sleep at night, another holocaust and the world is doing nothing – and even encouraging Hamas!!!

(Er, it’s actually Bibi who just authorised a record number of so-called ‘humanitarian aid’ trucks into Gaza…. that are going straight to Hamas…. who then charge the Gazans to ‘buy’ the food from them…. and then that money is presumably used by Hamas to….buy mishloah manot, or something. Definitely not guns, rockets or anti-tank missiles. Or anything like that.)


But of course, no-one wants to really deal with ‘the reality’.

So, I kept my mouth shut and just kept sticking my tiles into place.


Next, the conversation turned to how so many ‘apparently normal’ people in Jerusalem are now buying generators to put on their balconies ‘for when the lights go off’.

It sounded like Mrs Amalek had just ordered hers….

And then the rest of the ladies – which included the sweet woman who literally ran away from me, when I made the mistake of mentioning that Sabbateans control our community – spent the next half an hour agonising over whether they should also get one.

I just kept my head down, and carried on sticking down my tiles.

It was a strange experience, being the least ‘prepping for armageddon’ person in a room full of ‘apparently normal’ people.

How the tide has turned.


The last thing I learnt is that, apparently, so many people are now planning to make aliya from the US….

Like, next year sometime.

And in the meantime, they are looking for good deals in the Israeli housing market, because even if they don’t really move here next year, their investment will still double in a very short amount of time.

And that, dear reader, is why normal people who live here can’t actually afford to buy much, and get stuck paying crazy rents on Israeli salaries.


I came out of my chug reminding myself over and over again never on a Monday!

And then, I started thanking the Good Lord that this isn’t the social milieu I have to deal with on an ongoing basis…

Just one big ‘drama queen’ episode, angrily blaming God for everything that’s going wrong, while also totally ignoring Him, and boiling mitzvoth down to how much return you can get on your investment dollar.


My brother lives in the US, around the New York area.

He is currently having some serious trouble with ‘the Jewish school system’ there.

He told me, everyone he knows is having some serious trouble with ‘the Jewish school system’ there.

One of his friends had his FIVE YEAR OLD SON kicked out of ‘yeshiva’ two months into the year because he couldn’t sit still, like a robot, for hours and hours a day.

The Rosh Yeshiva basically told the father it’s your problem, not ours, send him to public school if you can’t find anywhere else….


These ‘Jewish educators’ spend a fortune on fancy advertising and slogans about how much they care about your kid, and your kid’s future.

My brother told me he’s coming to the conclusion that most of the Jewish schools in the US are literally being run as businesses, to make money and profits.

And that’s about it.



The world didn’t end on Monday.

The ‘big war’ didn’t begin. (Again….)

The Rav was hospitalised at home for two days coinciding with ‘crunch time’ – and as has happened so very many times before, the harsh decrees just kind of melted away again.


Part of the reason I am losing so much interest in the internet, is that even in the apparently ‘frum, Jewish world’ – it’s just the world of lies.

It’s a free world, so if you want to carry on wasting your precious time and ‘head space’, that’s entirely up to you.

Personally, I just want to know stuff that’s true, from real Tzaddikim, with real ruach hakodesh.

Which basically boils us down to comments from the Rav, and shiurim from people close to the Rav, especially but not only, Rav Elmaliach.

The chiddushim he is coming out with about the Torah, and the unfolding geula process, based on the Makor Chochma Torah he’s getting from the Rav are simply mind-blowing.

And again, we have the ‘schedule’ for geula that was clearly set out three weeks ago, just after Purim.



  1. The night of regular Purim 5784, the first ‘hidden’ revelation occurred.
  2. The next revelation will be the Shvi’i shel Pesach – the 7th day of Pesach. (No-one knows if that will be another ‘hidden one’, or more obvious and open.)
  3. The third revelation, and the biggest one, on Tisha B’Av 5784.
  4. And then full revelation, apparently ‘with lots of blood’, whatever that actually means, on the 25th of Elul, 5784.


It was pushed off from Purim to give more of Am Yisrael the chance to make more real teshuva.

And BH, outside of ‘apparently normal Anglo-psycho’ circles, that IS starting to happen here in the Holy Land.

More and more people are losing confidence in the government, the media and the IDF, and are so, so ready for something big to change.

And not least, for something big to change inside of themselves.


I see this process occurring in my daughter’s circle.

What’s interesting, tho, is that while some people are turning towards God and Torah and mitvoth, others seem to be running even further away.

Not least, on the dati leumi side of the equation, where every false idol these poor people were taught to revere unquestioningly as kadosh are now crashing down around their ears.

And because these idols were equated with ‘Torah’ and ‘mitzvot’ by the dati leumi ‘rabbis’, beginning with Avraham Kook, the dati leumi community is going through a very dark time of the soul.


(Someone told me recently that their father came to Israel before WWI, wearing two pairs of tefillin and a gartel on Shabbat. R Kook told him he didn’t need to keep shabbat or eat kosher while he was in the British Army that was operating to ‘liberate’ Israel from the Turks. That guy subsequently dumped religion and became totally secular…. There are so many stories like this.)


The trouble is, the brainwashing is so strong – whatever brand we all grew up with – that finally making the decision to go after the truth, and nothing but the truth, requires tremendous internal courage.

And a lot of people just don’t have it.

At least, not yet.


Let’s end with Chabad.

This comment from a reader here on the blog got me thinking:

Got the following from someone who heard me playing the bermuda triangle video: “You abandoned Chabad for this nonsense?”

I wasn’t totally silent in response…explained what I like about breslev, and that I didn’t abandon anything, chabad’s just not my derech right now.

(yeah, I basically try not to read your posts about “real jewish history” and occasionally write to the Chabad Ohel).


It’s so hard to break the brainwashing – especially, when people just don’t want to engage with the truth, the real information, the changes the whole picture.

I get it 100%, I totally understand it.

It’s a ‘narc set up’, where if you go against the recieved narrative, the ‘socially acceptable’ ideas, you will be mocked and ostracised by most of the people you know.

Welcome to my world.

(Welcome to my chug….)

But if you don’t…. then you go down with the world of lies, when it finally totally cracks apart and sinks under the weight of its own evil and internal contradictions.


Like this:

(From the Habayitah blog HERE.)


So, yes.

Believing the chiddushim about the Bermuda Triangle etc, and the schedule for Moshiach to finally be fully revealed as set out by Rav Elmaliach and other students of Rav Berland is ridiculous conspiracy theory, and only for ‘crazy’ people with no grasp of reality.

Meantime, believing that you can ‘close your eyes’ and get to EY in 18 minutes once Moshiach comes – with no teshuva, prayer or other effort required!!! – is what ‘normal’ people believe.


And also, don’t worry about stuff like more wars, more Jews getting killed, more terrible suffering before Moshiach comes (because we aren’t making the teshuva required, especially in terms of shmirat eynayim) – because the Lubavitcher Rebbe said more than 30 years ago that every Jew is going to make it!!!

(He himself then died. And then, we had the Second Intifada, a massive uptick in antisemitism all over the world, non-stop terrorist attacks, non-stop rockets from ‘disengaged’ Gaza, Lebanon II, Operation Tzuk Eitan, a bunch more ‘Operations’, October 7th, and now ‘Swords of Iron’…. and it isn’t over yet.)

Hey, and tell me again about the Rebbe’s secular, marxist brother who died studying nuclear physics at Liverpool University, apparently where he got sent by no less than ‘David Ben Gurion’…

You know, this guy:

(Screenshot from the MentalBlog substack, HERE.)


(The ‘friendly’ guy on the left is the Rebbe himself…)

I have a whole book written by Chabad mesichists scientists – many of whom held top positions in the US army, working on research projects that are not being used for the greater good of humanity – that refer to secular, marxist ‘Marc Gurary’ as ‘Rabbi Yisroel Aryeh Leib Schneerson’.

These mesichist Chabad scientists even set up a series of conferences, beginning 1992, called ‘the annual Moshiach and Science conferences of the Rabbi Yisroel Aryeh Leib Research Institute on Moshiach and the Sciences.”

That book is called: Scientific Thought in Messianic Times.

It’s very interesting for a whole bunch of reasons.

Not least…. that ‘Rabbi Yisroel Aryeh Leib Schneerson’ was actually a secular marxist called ‘Mark Gurary’.


So much for ‘normal life’.

There is a road branching ahead in front of every single one of us.

One path leads to redemption, the sweetest way possible, and other path really doesn’t.

The choice is yours.

And the sad thing, for me, is that so many people are just going to ‘close their eyes, count to 18’ and wait for the Lubavitcher Rebbe to whisk them into the world to come.

(That may even happen….  just not exactly how they think.)

With all the Pesach cleaning, I didn’t get any where near the other translations.

BH, I’ll see what I can do when I’m offline again now, until Thursday.

There is a lot of stuff ‘in the air’ at the moment.

There is a rumour the Rav is back in hospital – I’m trying to verify that, but he certainly wasn’t at the prayers this evening.

Every time there are ‘massive dinim‘ that just can’t be sweetened any other way, the Rav ends up in hospital.

Please pray for Eliezer ben Ettia, to have a full recovery and stay healthy.


In the meantime, ‘charity saves from death’.

I know that’s not very happy-clappy, but that’s what came to mind when I wanted to write about Kimche de Pischa for Shuvu Banim families this year.

The link on the English site is HERE.

And it’s a very good place to give your tzedeka for helping other people to make Pesach this year, for so many reasons.

There are more sincere Torah learners, who also do stuff like work on their bad middot, get up for chatzot, say 7 tikkun haklalis a day, and generally, ‘kill themselves’ in the tent of Torah than you’ll find anywhere else, at this point.

And most of them live on a shoestring, and need help to make the holiday.


Here in Israel, the price of so much basic food stuff has shot through the roof, the last few months.

Pesach is never ‘easy’ or cheap to make, but this year, at least in Israel, it seems to be way, way, way more expensive than previous years.


‘Charity saves from death’.

And HERE is that link again.

And may we just hear good news.

Rav Elmaliach is putting up a number of simply mind-blowing videos.

They take a very long time for me to translate into English, as they are verbal, not written.

There is one new ‘message’ from the Rav that I am hoping to get done and up before I’m offline again on Monday for three days, from last week – it’s got a lot of hope in it, and is saying people will return to their homes soon.

In the meantime, Rav Elmaliach also put out a stunning shiur where he explained the connection between opening the ‘third eye’ and the ability to prophesize, receive navuot, and ‘see the Sages when they come out of their tombs’ like the Baba Sali, etc

It was such a mind-blowing shiur – and the first time I’ve ever heard what I would call a ‘real Rabbi’ discussing these kinds of things – that I was kind of overwhelmed by the information.

Long story short, Rav Elmaliach explained that the hidden tzaddik who is acting as the go-between for him has a VERY ‘open’ third eye, and he also explains this hidden tzaddik’s efforts to help him open his own ‘third eye’ more, with kedusha, in order to be able to see more of what he’s describing to him in the spiritual realms first-hand.


We are kind of at a cross-roads in this process, it feels to me.

Rav Elmaliach is putting out so much stunning information now, with new segments of the Rav’s Torah from ‘Makor Chochma’, the third part in the set of kabbalistic teachings that began with the ARI, then went via Likutey Moharan, and is being rounded-out and detailed more in Rav Berland’s ‘Makor Chochma’ lessons.

It’s mind-blowing chiddushim that literally change how you see the world, and deepens your understanding of the spiritual processes occurring (that have always been occurring…) and Hashem’s total control of creation.

But only for people who are willing to step out of their little ‘dati’ boxes, and who are willing to engage with the idea that they actually don’t ‘know’ anything, about what is really going on here.


And for everyone else….

They are still stuck rehashing the same old stuff from a million years ago….

‘Iran is going to nuke us imminently’….. (rinse and repeat for the next 500 years.)

‘We are all doomed today, and if not today, then tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, then Shabbos for sure’…. (rinse and repeat for the next 500 years.)

‘Nibiru, nibiru, nibiru’…. (As brought to us by ‘Dave Dobbs’, Elon Musk, and a few other actors working for the deep state….)

‘Breslov is just for crazy people…..’ (Whatever).

‘Kabbalah is just for crazy people….’ (Whatever).

‘Rav Berland’s awesome, sublime Torah lessons and emphasis on working on improving our own bad middot is just for crazy people….’ (Whatever).

‘Netanyahu is MBJ’…. (and the Rebbe is STILL MBD)….. (rinse and repeat for the next 500 years).

[Fill in your own example here. Then go start up a blog or Whats App group or Substack, to share it with as many other people as possible.]


Point is: we are at a cross-roads in this process.

To either ‘get with the True Tzaddik HaDor’, and to really start to engage with his Torah lessons, and his emphasis on working on bad middot, tznius, getting rid of smartphones, guarding the eyes – and cultivating the humility that we really know nothing. Nothing at all.

Or – to continue trying to ‘muddle through’ all this on our own, which basically means panicking we haven’t got a generator in our backyard every time the deep state presses the ‘Iran is going to nuke us’ button; or falling into despair about the political situation – whilst still resolutely refusing to let go of it, and all the institutions connected to it, including the army.

And continuing with the same ‘stuck’ ideas, the same, repetitive arguments and discussions, the same ‘little box’ thinking, where we are sure we know everything there is to know about everything, because the dimensions of our worldview boil down to ‘flatland’.


The ride just gets crazier from here.

And Rav Elmaliach’s Torah and messages from the Rav are a very important part, going forward, of understanding what is really occurring, and what response God is expecting from us.

Again, the short rule of thumb:

If someone is ‘anti’ the Rav – they have very little authentic spiritual connection, even if they have a ton of Torah learning.

The real rabbis, the real tzaddikim – they are all with the Rav.


Because they are showing up in the same places, spiritually, as the Rav is, so they really get who he actually is, and what he’s actually doing.

And the people who are ‘anti’?

They are basing their ‘anti-ness’ on what they read on the internet, and their own gut feeling as generated by their own bad middot – as the Rav is really just a mirror.



Two paths diverge.

One is the ‘same old same old’ myopic heresy-that-sounds-like-Torah that is really just going to land you in gehinnom (if you are not already there….)

And the other one – leads to geula, the sweetest way possible.

But first, you have to do as Rabbenu tells us to do, and ‘throw away your intellect’ – your ego, your arrogance that you are something and you are someone, and you really know stuff.

None of us know anything.

Including me.


Here’s the short excerpt of the shiur about the ‘magnetic star’ that is going to bring flooding to the world.

(As happened with the first mabul – R Elmaliach explains that before the mabul, the land mass of the world was one ‘body’. Then, there was a tremendous earthquake just prior to the mabul that split that one continental land mass apart.)

(I don’t know what time period this ‘future flooding of the world’ is talking about, now or in the 7th millenia. Once I sit down and try to translate it properly, I’ll have a better clue – or perhaps a reader with good Hebrew can do that for me in the comments….)


This is another short, new one, talking about what is really going on with the ‘Bermuda Triangle’:


UPDATE: This is another link to the Bermuda Triangle vid, hope this one works:

The last and final part of the Rav’s shiur.

For what it’s worth, I am totally not stressing about ‘Iran’, nukes, war in the North, or electricity black outs.

If it happens, I’ll worry about it then.

In the meantime, don’t give the lying news your koach, pull your soul out of all the pointless, never-ending speculation, and just concentrate on doing your spiritual job, day to day.

I.e. praying, making teshuva, being nice to the people in your family, doing whatever mitzvot come your way, giving some tzedaka.

That’s it.

God has this covered, and He doesn’t need your ‘worrying’.

And neither do you.

Enjoy the rest of the shiur.


So, we are talking about this, that everyone wants to keep Shabbat, everyone.

There are ‘Shabbatnikim’, and there are lots of non-Jews who keep Shabbat.

And everyone wants to do what is written in the Torah, just they don’t know. The Torah didn’t write anything.

The Torah concealed everything – everything is the Oral Torah. In order that the non-Jews couldn’t mimic the Jews.

And each person wants to keep Shabbat. Each person wants to travel to Uman.


Once, there was still Chabad.

Today, there is already no Chabad, Chabad is finished.

There is only Breslov!

Everyone wants Breslov, everyone wants to fly to Uman!


Rabbenu is just singing and reciting zemirot – it’s just to always be singing.

Sing before the prayers, and after the prayers. Don’t just jump into the prayers stam, this is not possible.

Do an hour of hitbodedut beforehand, sing a few niggunim, ‘Odeh le E…l’. The Chatam Sofer used to always sing Odeh le E….l before the prayers.

He also used to sing ‘Ya….h Ribon’, it seems. He composed songs – for the month of Elul, he used to compose prayers, and also songs. The Chatam Sofer.


So, we have Breslov – and this is the most authentic thing that there is.

This is the root of the neshamot!

And everyone wants [to come closer]. And today, it’s Agudah, it’s the war.

We are in the army – we already enlisted!

We are in the real army, that’s fighting to destroy all the ‘secular’. And we hope that these elections will already be the very last elections, Bezrat Hashem.


So, each person should see to it that he brings closer 50 people.

Whoever he meets, in the supermarket, on the way. He takes a taxi, or travels on a bus, or on the tram. You can always talk to someone else!

Who are you voting for? Like that….

If he votes, then all his family will also vote – everyone. His wife, his dad, and his mum, everyone will vote.

Each person you bring, he can also bring with him – him, and another 50, this is two thousand five hundred. Like this, it’s possible to bring the whole of Jerusalem, in one second.


All the chilonim are leaving Jerusalem.

There is nothing to do here. They say, there is no theatre here.

There used to be the Khan, but this also got closed for them. Everything is being closed down for them, here. There is no ‘entertainment’ for them here. There is nothing for them.

They are running away from Jerusalem. They are fleeing from Gilo. Gilo is already becoming chareidi today.

It used to be the most chiloni place – the most it could possibly be, at the beginning. It’s becoming chareidi.

And Shuafat[1] – this is charedi. And Har Homa, this will also be chareidi. Everything is going to become chareidi here.

People want the Torah – this is our neshama!


The Torah is not like Christianity, where they just stuck it in there, stam.

They took it….

[Instead of donning tefillin] a person can [just stick a note on their forehead with’ le totafot bein einecha’ (as a sign between your eyes).[2]

It’s not written [in the Torah] to put tefillin. [Otherwise,] all the non-Jews would have walked around wearing tefillin. But it’s not written

Try it, write, ‘I am a Jew, not a zionist’, that’s enough. Put a note here [instead of tefillin].

Apart from this, it says put it ‘between your eyes’. The Torah is being especially deceptive. Put it between your eyes! So that there would be a difference between us and them.

Each thing, the Torah does like this, so that people will stumble in it.


Ve le totafot bein einacha.

Four times Ve le totafot bein einacha.

What is this, totafot? ‘Tat’ be katpi shteim. ‘Pat’ be Afriki shteim.[3]

What does katpi and Afriki have do with understanding what ‘totafot’ means?! It’s not written  – it’s not written ‘four parshiot’ anywhere. It’s not written how to do it [the tefillin], how to wind them – each side three times, and about the gidim – it’s not written.

It’s not written in the Torah at all, how to do tefillin.


There was one sofer, Shakovsky, in Russia.

He made fun of the tefillin.

He described in a mocking way how to make tefillin. But there was one person who learnt from him how to actually make tefillin.

People hadn’t seen tefillin in Russia, they didn’t see them for 70 years. So one person, Shakovksy, who was ‘anti-Judaism’, and the biggest heretic, so he put together a whole essay about tefillin.

And he described how to make them. And from this, [a Jew who didn’t know anything about tefillin] learned how to make tefillin, by himself.

You take the skin of a lamb, and you make tefillin!

So, in the merit of this Shakovsky, people wanted to don tefillin, they wanted to do this.


There was Yigal Alon.

He saw an Chabadnik, and he came close to him, so that he would put on tefillin.

So this Chabadnik asked him [if he wanted to put on tefillin]. This was on the train. We still used to travel by train then. Today, we already don’t travel by train.

Then, we travelled by train, and there was Yigal Alon there, who was responsible for all the antiquities, all the archaeology.

So, this Chabadnik walked up to him, and this was on the train, to put on tefillin.

So, he said some words to him. He [Yigal Alon] was an apikorus, but suddenly he said to him, yes.


The [Chabad shaliach] said to him that he’d never laid tefillin before in his life [before he made teshuva].

My grandpa used to don tefillin. He was in Russia.

He said that only now, I’ve started to lay tefillin. I’m from Russia.

[Yigal Alon] said you’re from Russia?! So now, I will also lay tefillin!

This is a true story.


So, each person wants to don tefillin.

Everyone wants to keep Shabbat. Everyone wants to come to Breslov. And in one second, it’s possible to bring close thousands of pepole.

Each person that you bring closer, he will also bring another 2,000 people closer!…

It’s possible to bring the whole of Jerusalem closer, and to bring them back [to God].

There will be a chareidi city here, mamash.

And everyone will be Breslov.



[1] This is currently a ‘refugee camp’ city for Palestinians on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

[2] Devarim 6:8.

[3] This is quote from the Gemara. It means ‘tat’ in the katpi language means ‘two’. ‘Pat’ in the African language means ‘two’.

‘Zorem’ in Hebrew means ‘to flow’.

And right now, I am doing my very best to stp thinking things need to be a certain way, that I need to have things how I want them, and how I think ‘they should be’, and to just zorem with God’s decisions.

It’s really hard.

My neighbor downstairs told me yesterday she’s persuaded my landlords to cut down the massive tree at the back of the house…. Which gives us a lot of shade in the Summer.

But my neighbor likes sun…. Lots and lots of sun…. And she’s ‘friends’ with the landlord, so the landlord – who doesn’t listen to us, when we tell them repeatedly that our aircon is busted and needs fixing, or our heating is broken – is apparently listening to her, to cut down the massive tree.


She told me all this just as I was coming back to the house from a frustrating couple of hours driving around Jerusalem.

I volunteered to get a kid from Netivot from his school in Jerusalem one day a week. His parents fled here from Netivot post-October 7th. Then lived in a hotel for a month. Then moved to a ‘donated’ apartment. Then moved again a month later to a different ‘donated’ apartment.

They are all over the place.


So, I’m on the way to pick up the kid from his school, when the mother calls me all apologetically, and explains that she forgot to tell me they just moved house again the day before, and now they live in Sha’arei Chesed.

Ok, fine, no problem. I’ll come to the street, call you, and you can guide me from there.

I hung up, spent another half an hour in the traffic jams that just seem to be getting worse and worse all over the country and got to the school.

After standing by the gate for five minutes, and not seeing the kid, I asked one of his classmates to go and call him.

Uh, he didn’t come to school today!



I called the mother.

Oh Rivka!! I’m so embarassed!! I totally forgot he didn’t go to school today!! What a busha!!!


I got back in the car, spent another 45 minutes in annoying Jerusalem traffic jams – and tried very hard to defuse my feeling of resentment.

She’s cracking up… It’s a very hard situation…. At the end of the day, you spent the same time you were going to spend anyway, so no harm done. Forgive her, and move on.

And on the other side of the equation:

That is the last time I am picking up her kid!!! This is ridiculous!!! My time is precious!!!


So, I get home from that to meet my neighbor on the steps of my house, all smiles, as she managed to get her way, apparently, to ‘convince’ the landlord to chop down the massive tree in the back.

And the garden is looking gorgeous!!! She purred at me. You don’t mind if I move the rosemary around, do you? It’s getting swamped in the geranium….

She likes the rosemary.

And she likes hinting to me that I should spend a few more hours of my precious time weeding what has now become ‘her garden’.


I stomped into the house, sat down on the couch, and felt like crying.

Then, I felt like moving.

I spent an hour seeing that’s also not really going to work out…. And then I felt like crying again.


God, I have no place in the world that’s really ‘mine’.

It’s a familiar, and very painful, refrain.


So then, the kid who is not working this week decided I need the internet!!!, so she shlepped off to my husband’s office to get the cable, and voila, another decision I’d made for my own peace of mind, health and happiness got overturned.

Truthfully, she really did need it. She doesn’t have a smartphone and suddenly had a hirhur to get her jewellery business up and running, after months of procrastinating.

So, I got sucked into ‘just checking my emails’ – and voila, two hours disappeared down the tubes as I gorged on a ‘Schneersons are secular commies in disguise’ site my friend sent me to check out.


Uh, is it ok we are just having fishfingers and broccoli for supper? I asked my husband as he stepped through the door.

Wonderful! He said. He’s so good to me. (And he doesn’t like fishfingers so much, I’m starting to realise.)


But in the meantime…. That feeling of angry frustration was still wrankling around.

I put up the posts from the Rav, then went to bed not feeling so happy.

This morning, I woke up with a headache.

I came down – and I see that the kid left the wifi plugged in all night, even though I have asked and begged a million times, that she remembers to take it out when she’s done.

The anger flared up for a moment.

I can’t believe these selfish, thoughtless, self-centred people!!!! One tiny little request and even that is too much for them!!!


I pressed pause on the self-righteous anger fit, and realised I needed to sit and recite the Rav’s prayers on overcoming anger, pronto.

You can download them HERE, with the English translation and the Hebrew together, and they work like magic.


When God wants to send a person a lot of wealth and bounty, He first tests them with the test of anger.

If a person fails that test…. All the parnassa they were meant to have goes elsewhere.

But in this mad, crazy, infuriating world of ours, passing that test is becoming increasingly hard.


Another thing that happens when we get angry is that ‘demons control us’ – and then we become susceptible to all sorts of terrible illnesses and afflictions.

Again, not something that anyone wants.



So I sat for half an hour on my couch, said the prayers, and now I’m feeling much calmer again.

I will ask the kid nicely to please remember about the wifi, and I’m sure she’ll be suitably sorry that she happened to forget yesterday night.

I will text the woman with the son from Netivot today, and tell her no problem, these things happen. I am happy to continue picking him up – after Pesach is out the way.

(There’s a limit, after all.)

And, I will work very, very hard on accepting God’s plan for the garden, and to try and uproot the festering grudge against my neighbor that is trying to bed down in my heart.

This is all bizayon. It’s all scrubbing my sins off, in the most gentle way possible – as long as I can accept what’s happening with love.

That’s a big if.


Let’s end with a quote from the Rav’s booklet on prayers to overcome anger:

A person comes to the Tzaddik to acquire patience.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov explains in Likutey Moharan Lesson 155 how a person merits to acquire patience:


Rabbenu warns that one angry outburst destroys 100 opportunities to make a living.

There is nothing to get angry about!

Know, that everything is from Hashem.


That says it all.

Whether it’s my two-faced neighbor, my thoughtless kid, ‘Kaplan Force’ closing down all the roads in Jerusalem with their mini-riots by the PM’s house, WAZE turning off ten minutes from your destination and refusing to work again, aircons not working, Pesach cleaning that just isn’t getting done, wives who keep making you fishfingers for supper….

It’s all just from God.

And the more I can accept that ‘this is how God wants things, right now’ – the happier, healthier and calmer I’ll be.

So, no mitzvah is written in the Torah.

(Continuing the Rav’s shiur…. Read Part I and Part 2).

It’s just written “You shall not kindle fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day.”[1] And, “Let no man leave his place on the seventh day.”[2]

This is what is written, because the Pesikta [Rebbe] says that the non-Jews shouldn’t copy the Torah.


When they founded America – in 1620 they founded America.

This is after the Spanish Armada, the Indians destroyed Virginia – all the settlements [of the Europeans] – they destroyed them.

It was in America.

So, they destroyed Virginia, and they already didn’t find anything.[3] They got to Cape Cod – they arrived in 1620, the governor was Bedford.

This is the street ‘Bedford’ in Williamsburg, and in every place: ‘Bedford Avenue’. He was the governor.


He said here, we are going according to the Torah. There is no christianity, everything is a lie!

He said there is no ‘Xmas day’, he wasn’t born, and didn’t exist, and was never created. It’s all lies! He said there is no xmas day! On xmas day, we are working!

He said that Shabbat [i.e. Saturday] was a day of prayer, on Sunday we play football – not on Shabbat!

For five days we work, and that’s enough! On Shabbat, it’s just prayers, and sitting with the family, we sit in the churches and we sing. They put together special prayers.

This is how it was, between 1620 – 1670.


Everyone want to go according to the Torah, there is nothing else.

All the non-Jews, everyone, they want to go according to the Torah. So, in the Torah no mitzvah is written down from the 613 mitzvoth, just a few mitzvoth are written down.

The rest is just hints… Because they were… The non-Jews wanted to copy the whole of the Torah from the Jews.


There was Shimon HaPakoli, he changed this [the Sabbath day of the Christians], from Shabbat to Sunday.

Because, they were keeping Shabbat?! So the non-Jews said that they were also keeping Shabbat, what’s the difference?!

So, there was Shimon HaPekoli. He was a Tanna, and he become a Pope.

When he was the Pope, he moved it from Shabbat to Sunday. They called him Shimon HaPakoli. We need to read all the history about him.


The following is a footnoted section, where the editors of the Shivivei Or went to ‘read all the history’ they could find about this character mentioned by the Rav, above.


And it was after these things, an argument developed between the notzrim and the Jews, because when a notzri saw a Jew, he would kill him. And the suffering continued strongly for 30 years.

And the notzrim gathered in their thousands, and their tens of thousands, and they prevent Israel from aliyah le’regel (ascending to the Temple on the Festival Days). And it was a great suffering for Israel, like the day when the Golden Calf was made. And they didn’t know what to do.


But, their [notzri] belief was strengthened, and 12 men went out with 12 malkiot and they prophesized in the camp their prophecy. And Israel erred after them.

And these were anshei shem (men of reknown), and they strengthened the belief in Yeshu, because they said that they were his messengers. And many of the Children of Israel failed, and went after them.

And the Sages saw this evil thing, and it was very evil in their eyes, and they said to one another oy lanu, woe to us, that we have sinned! That in in our days there is such an evil as this, in Israel! Which we and our forefathers have never heard of! And it caused them to suffer very much.

And they sat and they cried, and they lifted their eyes to the heavens, and they said, please Hashem, God of the heavens, give us advice, what to do! Because we don’t know what to do! And our eyes are turned to You, because innocent blood is being spilled within the nation of Israel on account of ‘oto ha-ish’ (that man).

For how long will this be a snare, that strengthens the hand of the notzrim over us?! And which kills so many of us while we remain few?! And because of our sin, this snare is made for the House of Israel, Your people. And You, for the sake of Your Name, give us some advice what to do, in order for us to be able to separate from this community of notzrim!


And it was that when they finished speaking, one old man got up from amongst the Elders, and his name was Shimon Kaifa.

And he made use of a bat kol, and he said listen up, my brothers and my people! If my words are good in your eyes, I will separate these people out from amongst the community of the Children of Israel, and they will not have a portion nor an inheritance amongst Israel!

Only if you accept upon yourselves the sin.[1]

And they all answered him and said, we accept upon ourselves the sin, but what you said, you should do!


So Shimon Kaifa went into the Sanctuary and he wrote the Great Name [of Hashem], and he tore his flesh.[2]

And he put the writing inside it [i.e. his torn flesh], and he went out of the Mikdash, and then he took out the parchment, and he learned the Name.

And he went to the main city of the notzrim, he cried out with a great cry, and he said, all those who believe in Yeshu, come to me, because I am his messenger!

And they said to him, give us a sign or a miracle! And he said to them, what sign do you want from me? And they said, the signs that Yeshu did in his lifetime, you also perform them for us!

And he said to them, bring me a leper! And they brought him one, and he put his hands on him and he was healed. And he said to them, bring a dead person to me! And they brought him before him, and he put his hands on him, and he lived and stood upon his feet.

And the people saw this, and they fell on the face, to the ground, and they said to him, you are truly a messenger of Yeshu, because he did these things in his lifetime!


And Shimon Kaifa said to them, I am the messenger of Yeshu, and he commanded me to come to you, and he made me swear to him that you will do all the things that I will command you!

And they all answered and said, everything that you command, we will do!

And Shimon Kaifa said to them, no! Know that Yeshu hated Israel and their Torah, like Isaiah prophesized, ‘Your months and your festivals My soul despises’. And also know, that he doesn’t desire Israel, as Hoshea prophesized, that ‘you are not My nation’.

And even though he has the ability to uproot them from the world in one moment, in any event he doesn’t want their destruction. Rather, he wants to leave them in order that his hanging and stoning will be remembered from generation to generation.

And most of the great torment that he suffered, all the suffering, is in order to redeem you from gehinnom. And now, he is warning you and commanding you not to do any more evil to any Jew! And if a Jew says to a notzri ‘go with me for a parsa’ – then he should go two parsot with him!

And if a Jew hits him on the cheek, he should also turn his right cheek to him! So that they [i.e. the Jews] will get their reward in this world, and in the world to come they will be judged in gehinnom.

And if you will do this, you will merit to sit with him in his courtyard.


And behold, he commands you to not celebrate the festival of Pesach!

Rather, to celebrate the day of his death! And instead of the festival of Shavuot, to celebrate 40 days from his stoning and his going up to the heavens afterwards!

And instead of the festival of Succot, celebrate the day of his birth! And the eighth day of his birth, celebrate the day on which he was circumcised!

And they all answered and said, everything you said, we will do! But only if you stay with us!

And he said, I will dwell amongst you, if you do for me as I was commanded to act, not to eat any food except for the bread of affliction and the water of oppression. And you need to build me a tower in the city, and I will stay there until the day of my death.

And they said, we will do as you say!


And they built him a tower, and the tower was a residence for him.

And they gave him bread and water every day, as a rule, until the day of his death, and he remained amongst them.

And he served the God of our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzhak and Yaakov, and he wrote piyutim (religious poetry), lots of them. And he sent them to all the orders of Israel, in order that it would be a remembrance for him in each generation.

And every piyut that he made, he would send to his rabbis.

And Shimon dwelled in the tower for six years, and he died. And he commanded them to bury him in the tower, and they did this. Afterwards, they built for him a beautiful building, and this tower is still in Rome. And they call it ‘Peter’.

And this is the name of a stone that he sat on, until the day of his death.



[1] As we read on, we understand that he’s referring to the ‘sin’ that he himself is forced to undertake in order to do this.

[2] He did this in order to ‘remember’ the Name, which ordinarily a person would forget as soon as they left the Temple. But by writing the Name on a piece of parchment and hiding the parchment in the cut he made on his body, he could then use Hashem’s Great Name to perform miracles outside of the Temple. This is similar to how Chazal explain Yeshu himself was able to do his ‘miracles’ – but there is a machloket over whether Yeshu used Hashem’s Name to perform his black magic, or impure names that he learned during his sojourn in Egypt.



[1] Shemot 35:3.

[2] Shemot 16:29.

[3] It’s not clear what the Rav is referring to here. The history of the founding of ‘America’ is perhaps not as straightforward as we are typically taught.