Around 15 years’ ago, Erez Moshe Doron came out with a fiction novel called ‘Warriors of Transcendence’.

This was before the whole ‘Shakuf’ experiment, that took down so many people’s marriages and mental health…

While I threw away all my books from Rabbi Doron post-Shakuf, the one book that I’m still pleased I read was Warriors of Transcendence.

I was going to link to the book on the Open Library – but apparently, I can’t.

I don’t know if you are noticing what is actually happening right now, but all the sources of information are being taken offline in various ways.


The Internet Archive has been down for days, due to a ‘cyber attack’ by people upset about ‘Palestine’.

Yeah, right. Whatever.

More ridiculous cover stories from the masonic spooks, trying to stay one step ahead of the tsunami of truth and teshuva that is about to engulf the planet. BH.

Even the British Library – which says it got ‘hacked’ a year ago, in October 2023 – is saying it still hasn’t managed to restore access to most stuff online….

It’s all a cover story to hide the mass censorship that is going through the roof right now.


Anyway, here’s the book on Amazon, apparently still for sale.

And the point is, there comes a part in the story where even the biggest and bravest ‘Warriors of Transcendence’ are all taken out of action, one way or another.

They can’t do anything, except wait for God to turn it all around, in some way behind the scenes, that they don’t know about.

That’s the part of the story which is currently unfolding in Israel right now.


Personally, I am making a real effort not to spend too much time ‘analysing’ what is going on at the moment, at least in public, on the blog.

Since Rosh Hashana, I’ve been feeling strongly that we got to a stage where there is so much information, so many ‘clues’ coming out every day, that clearly show just how ‘wrong’ and ‘fake’ and ‘evil’ the picture really is in our failed State, that only people who refuse to stop lying to themselves  can’t see them.

We’re at the stage where each person has to cross the narrow bridge into the ‘world of truth’ for themselves.

And apart from the odd post, like the one pointing out that apparently none of the ‘rockets from Iran’ were fired from the East towards Israel – where ‘Iran’ is actually located on every map – I decided that this year, I am just putting up my own research, Rav translations, and some chizzuk stuff, as and when that comes to me.


Or to put this into ‘Warrior of Transcendence’ terms, I feel I’m at the stage where I’m just kind of sitting here, waiting for God and the real Moshiach to turn things around ‘behind the scenes’.

In Likutey Moharan 1:2, Rebbe Nachman clearly says this, right at the beginning of that lesson:

“The main weapon of the Moshiach is prayer.”

Rabbenu continues:

“[A]ll the wars he will wage and all the conquests he will make will all be with that power.”


Our job, my job, is just to keep giving Moshiach the prayers required, for him to wage the war against the Evils on our behalf.

That’s why the Rav keeps emphasising 7 TKs a day.

Although to keep this real, after Rosh Hashana, I kind of burned out on the TKs, and it’s only this week that I’m working back up to saying 3 TKs a day, plus my regular hour of hitbodedut.

Plus, trying to get to the Rav at least three times a way, because those ma’ariv prayers are generating so many miracles for Am Yisrael – just, so much is still hidden.

At least to us.

The wanna-be ‘Warriors of Transcendence’ who seem to feel kicked into touch at the moment, in so many ways.


So, I am working on some more translations of the Rav next, not least because every time I translate something from the Rav, that seems to unlock more information about ‘real Jewish history’ in ways that are not obvious, but which keep repeating themselves.

And I am also working on writing up more ‘real Jewish history’, because if we don’t understand who is really in charge here, in our failed State, and what ‘their plan’ is, it gets way harder to accept the reality of the betrayals, and the magnitude of the lies, that we are seeing all around us, all the time, every day.

If we only let ourselves.

And, I’m also working on some pompoms, to decorate my Sukkah this year.


Why that last one?

Because life has to go on.

And I’m realising more and more, that carrying on ‘life as normal’ is not the massive issue I used to believe it to be – it’s actually one of the big reasons why our enemies can’t crush us, the way they are continually trying to do.

Every day, I still have opportunities to do mitzvot.

Every day, I still have the chance to try and serve Hashem joyfully.

So today, I am doing that by defrosting a brisket and making some pompoms for the Sukkah.


BH, ‘the rescue’ is happening behind the scenes, in ways that none of us can see and understand.

But until it happens – I am praying, and making pompoms.

There is nothing else to do.




A reader sent me a copy of Dennis Prager’s ‘open letter’ to Candace Owens.

You can see that for yourself HERE.

Prager is basically claiming that satanic ‘Frankists’, if they were ever a thing in the Jewish community, died out 200 years ago.

Oh, and they have absolutely nothing to do with zionism, or the founding of the State of Israel.


Here’s the problem:

A lot of people online are  sowing anti-semitism with a bunch of half-truths about ‘satanic Frankists’ – who were actually really the front men and go-betweens for ‘satanic, non-Jewish xtians’.

Including many, if not all, the non-Jewish rulers of Europe.


As more and more people are waking up to the idea that there is something seriously wrong with the world, the Evils have to resort to their tried-and-tested method of establishing the scapegoat to take the fall for them.

So, we’ve been seeing a tsunami of ‘half truths’ that stack up to blaming everything on the joooooos.


Remember that ‘controlled opposition’ is on all sides of every argument and question, and is also working to further the Evils agenda and narrative – whether or not they always understand that they are being used in this way.

So, other people are now ‘defending the joooooooos’ – sadly, by regurgitating a bunch of half-truths carefully designed to totally bury ‘real history’ in a way that no-one can find it again in a million years.


Bottom line: if these people are not talking about non-Jewish, satanic ‘masons’, and all their spin-off secret societies – they aren’t really telling the truth.

Because, sure, Candace Owens is correct that ‘Frankists’ were satanic, and were obviously part of a lot of attempts to corrupt the world spiritually.

But, they were being martialed and directed to do that by a whole bunch of non-Jews, including ‘prominent xtians’.

When the focus is always put 100% on the joooooos….. that’s how the real truth gets buried.


Even ‘Frankism’ is actually just a catch-all label – like ‘the Rothschilds’.

It’s been designed to act as a lightning rod for any real questions about the Jewish role in the agenda of these satanic, non-Jewish ‘secret societies’ – and to deflect that inquiry down blind alleys called ‘Frankists’.


So, let’s continue the job of trying to get the real story out there, more, by telling you a bit about SAINT SIMONISM.

I tripped across SAINT SIMON, and the new religion he started up over 200 years ago, called ‘NEW CHRISTIANITY’, when I started researching the GRADIS family of French-pseudo-Jewish masons.

If you recall from this post, entitled THE KING OF BORDEAUX, ABRAHAM GRADIS was hanging out with the non-Jewish French masons who were organising and funding the American Revolution.

When I started tracking down more of ABRAHAM GRADIS’s family members, that’s where more of the real story started to come into view.


Remember JUDAH TOURO, the big philanthropist who gave freemason MOSES MONTEFIORE a wad of cash to get the ‘political zionism’ project on its feet in the Holy Land?

He is also part of the wider GRADIS family tree.

These satanic-xtian-crypto-Jews literally took over the Jewish community around 400 years ago (if not long before….)

And we have been under their sway ever since.


So now, let me tell you the basic story of SAINT SIMON, and the religion he developed two centuries ago, called NEW CHRISTIANITY.

You can find his French Wiki page HERE – and if this stuff interests you, it’s well worth taking the time to read it all.

Here’s the first snippet, to kick us off:

Saint-simonianism is an idealogy that was originally based originally on the socio-economic and political doctrine of Claude-Henri de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), from which it takes its name.


The French Revolution was actually a ‘religious revolution’ undertaken by the masonic-satanists to kick God and Torah-based morality totally out of the picture.

It’s way too big a topic to cover even briefly in this post, but look up the ‘Temples’ and ‘Cults’ that were established by the masonic-satanists under Napoleon, in Paris, at the time of the French Revolution.

So it seems, ‘Saint Simonism’ just picked up the baton, where the satanic-masons under Napoleon had dropped it.


Here’s another snippet from the French Wiki page on SAINT SIMONISM / NEW CHRISTIANITY:

Under the leadership of one of its main representatives, Barthélemy Prosper Childish, this doctrine, at the time of its first application (in 1830), takes the form of a ” Church. “

Here’s another snippet:

“Saint-Simon proposed to replace the abstract idea of God by the universal law of gravity, the law to which God submitted the universe.”


{Saint Simon] says that ” in a minimally invasive manner, the philosophy of gravity can replace successively and without shaking… all the principles of useful morality that the theology teaches. ”

In his Letter from an inhabitant of Geneva to his contemporaries (1803), [Saint Simon] conceived the idea of opening a subscription to the tomb of Newton, laying the foundation for a kind of “religion ” of science.


We got that ‘religion of science’ stuck in our faces very shortly afterwards, as the satanic-masons began their project to replace God, and Torah-based morality with a man-made, satanic replacement that basically replaced people like Moshe Rabbenu with Isaac Newton….

And of course, ‘SAINT DARWIN’.


Who can make this up?

But look around – you can see this is exactly what happened. This isn’t a ‘conspiracy theory’.

To put this into other words, SAINT SIMON develops an ‘idealogy’ that is basically proto-communism.


Or in their own words, they develop a ‘religion without God’.

Snippet from the Wiki on ‘New Christianity’:

Saint-simonianism, is a natural religion based on the belief that the law of gravity is the foundation of all things.

It is, therefore, a philosophy, based on a form of thinking rationally.

The adjective ” new ” refers to the need for renewal of religion that Saint-Simon had himself advocated.

(You see? 200 years on, and the useful idiots in our community are still promoting stuff like ‘rational Judaism’, without an inkling of where all this stuff is really coming from – or who is paying for it.)


Tov, so how do the masonic joooooos (who I increasingly am coming to believe were NEVER Jews in the first place, not even ‘crypto Jews’) – fit into this picture?

Let’s try to unpick that part next.


Here’s the portrait of CLAUDE-HENRI SAINT SIMON:

He descends from a family of French nobles who are closely connected to the ‘spies of the King’ secret society of Louis XV.

In the post about ABRAHAM GRADIS, we already set out some of the many links between those masonic, non-Jewish French nobles, and the GRADIS family of crypto-Jewish financiers who helped finance the American Revolution.

So now, we’re going to learn that those ties continued to develop across the next century – and beyond.





ABRAHAM GRADIS – (French funder of the American Revolution) – and JUDAH TOURO – (big funder of the ‘political zionism’ project in Eretz Yisrael 70 years later) are very close family.

While the ‘King of Bordeaux’ part of this masonic family were funding the American Revolution, the TOURO part of this masonic family were busy profiting from it tremendously, down in New Orleans.

Remember, JUDAH TOURO just happened to relocate there a couple of months before the freemasons Thomas Jefferson bought Louisians from the French Freemasons, as part of a ‘secret deal’.

And then, TOURO’s business boomed massively.


So, let’s see what other connections we can find between ‘Saint Simonism’ and the GRADIS family.

If you go to the French Wiki site for them HERE, you’ll find quite a bit of info on their family tree.[1]

Let’s pick just one guy, ‘BENJAMIN GRADIS III’.


HERE is his French Wiki page, where we learn that he took over ‘MAISON GRADIS’ – the banking house used to finance the American Revolution, plus I’m sure a bunch of other things that radically changed the course of history.

He has a bunch of slaves and plantations out in Martinique and Haiti. He’s super, super rich:

Heir of the slave plantations that belonged to his forefathers AbrahamDavid, Moses and Jacob Gradis in the colony of Saint-Domingue, Benjamin receives in 1827, the sum of 71 380 gold Francs.

This compensation that the Republic of Haiti was forced to pay was used to compensate for the loss of goods caused by the slave revolts.

Then, after the abolition of slavery in 1848, he received again the amount of 76 304 gold Francs, on the part of the French State, in compensation for the 175 slaves of the plantation that he had Martinique.


Just the payment in 1848 by itself is worth over $5 billion, in today’s money.

That sure sounds like a lot of compensation for just 175 slaves….


Here’s another snippet, and then lets tie this back to SAINT SIMONISM, that new man-made religion that was literally designed to replace God with science:

He was vice-chairman of the Committee consistorial relief and a member of the Consistory of Bordeaux. Involved in the organization of the Jewish Consistoires, he left several pamphlets promoting the reform of Judaism.

He was married to his cousin Sara-Laure Rodrigues-Henriques, sister of Eugénie FoaHippolyte Rodrigues and Leonie Halévy.

And he is the father of Henri Gradis.


Before we break this down further, here is who else is in SARA LAURE’s direct family tree – names that many of you will find familiar:

  • The witchcraft-practising  ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London’, SAMUEL CHAIM FALK
  • Falk’s son-in-law and false messiah, the witchcraft-practising ‘JACOB FRANK’
  • That same PIMENTEL family who were never Jews, but actually descend from Spanish nobles; and


Always the same little ‘satanic’ crypto-Jewish family.

All the time.


OK, let’s take a closer look at the SAINT SIMON tie up.

You will be shocked, SHOCKED!!! To know that SARA LAURE RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES and BENJAMIN GRADIS III have two nephews, OLINDE BENJAMIN RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES (1795-1851) AND EUGENE RODRIGUES (1807-1830) who are leading the SAINT SIMON ‘New Christianity’ religion in France.

HERE is the Wiki page for OLINDE RODRIGUES.

He’s a maths whizz, a stockbroker – and here’s the really important stuff:

Olinde Rodrigues is a follower of the ideas of comte de Saint-Simon (1760-1825), which he made known in 1823. He then became the principal disciple and heir.  In June 1825, just after the death of Saint-Simon, as he had promised to do on his death-bed, [Olinde] founded a newspaper, The Producer. It publishes the works of Saint-Simon and continues to advocate this the socialist ideal socialist

He takes an active part in the creation of the railroads in France with his cousins, the brothers Pereire (Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Saint-GermainCompagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Orléans).

He died in a ‘stupid’ domestic accident at 6rue d Amsterdam, on December 17, 1851, in the presence of Isaac Pereire.

He is buried in the funerary tradition of the jews at the Père-Lachaise cemetery, his grave is next to Saint-Simon.


OLINDE’S brother, EUGENE is also a leading follower of ‘SAINT SIMON’.

And so are his maternal first cousins, the French banker PEREIRE brothers, EMILE and ISAAC.

EMILE PEREIRE actually also marries OLINDE’s sister, RACHEL RODRIGUES-HENRIQUES, making all this the usual incestuous little party we’re used to seeing with this family.

Oh, and ISAAC PEREIRE marries EMILE’s daughter, Fanny, (i.e. his niece) in a second marriage.


Point is, this snippet from EMILE PEREIRE’s Wiki page, HERE:

Through d’Olinde Rodrigues, his first cousin and brother-in-law, he embraces the doctrines of SAINT SIMON in 1829.

And so does his brother, ISAAC PEREIRE – although more covertly.


The PEREIRE BROTHERS Wiki page can be found HERE.

The motto of their banking and industrialisation empire is:

“Borrowed from Saint-Simon : “to each according To his capacity, to each capacity according to its works “.

They undertake a number of massive projects with JAMES DE ROTHSCHILD, and BARON D’EICHTAL.


In Part II of this post, we’re going to figure out a bit more how all these people were actually the REAL ‘Frankists’, with a finger in every international financial pie, and a religious fervour to do away with God and the Torah.

From their positions high-up, within the Jewish community itself.

And how they had everything to do with the masons of America, and the communists of Russia, too.

Until then.




[1] I got side-tracked by this bit of info, which is very interesting, and again shows that this one family of ‘crypto Jews’ has been running the show for centuries, but it’s not really part of the main story of this post. So I decided to stick it down here in the footnotes:

The paternal uncle of ABRAHAM GRADIS I (the King of Bordeaux) was called LÉON ISAAC PEIXOTTO, born sometime in the mid-1600s.

That’s an unusual surname.

Two hundred years later, in 1874, there is a US Consul-General of Romania trying to ‘relieve anti-semitism’ in that country caled  BENJAMIN PEIXOTTO. In 1874, Benjamin Peixotto makes a pilgrimage to Palestine.

Here’s a snippet from his Wiki page:

He supported the Westernization and internal improvement of the Jewish community, helping establish the Zion Society (which later became B’nai B’rith in Romania) and the Society for the Culture of the Israelites in Roumania….

He left for good in June 1876, returning to America that July. His efforts to improve conditions for Romanian Jews laid the groundwork for the 1878 Treaty of Berlin.


Click on that link for the 1878 Treaty of Berlin.

That’s where you’ll learn more about how the Balkans was carved up, setting the scene for the political tinder box that ignited into World War I, 35 years later.


Point is: over a time period of 300 years, it’s the exact same small family pulling the strings for the masons in the USA, and also in Europe – and also in ‘Palestine’, as part of the ‘political zionism’ project.


The ‘rational thinkers’ out there probably want to know how I can claim BENJAMIN PEIXOTTO is connected to the masons.

It’s a fair question – and I have an answer.


Here’s what it says on Daniel Peixotto’s Wiki page, HERE:

Peixotto, like his father before him, was active in Freemasonry and served Master of the Washington Lodge in 1833.[3]

In 1813, his father Moses Levy Maduro Peixotto had been one of the six founding members of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction.


ALBERT PIKE was one of the leaders of the Scottish Rite masons – you know, that guy who was writing letters about how ‘political zionism’ needed to be set up in order to spark of WW3 and usher in the ‘NWO’….

And of course, Benjamin Peixotto was also part of a ‘secret society’ you’ve probably heard of, snippet from HERE:

[H]e served as Grand Sar (president) of *B’nai B’rith during 1863–64 and was the prime mover for its Jewish Orphan Asylum (now Bellefaire) established in Cleveland in 1869.


We didn’t get to the Bnei Brith part of this story yet. But with God’s help, we will.

(Leo Frank, who Candace Owens and Dennis Prager are arguing over, was the leader of his local BNEI BRITH chapter in Chicago. That’s not a moot point.)

Point is, every stone we turn over in this story has a pseudo-Jewish freemason hiding underneath it.

And hardly any of them were known to be ‘Frankists’….


Shavua tov, and shana tova!

I hope you had a good fast.

They put out a new Shivivei Or, which I managed to read over Yom Kippur.

I decided to translate the following bit, because I know so many people personally who spent weeks and months saying 7 Tikkun HaKlalis for the Rav to get to Uman this year, for Rosh Hashana 5785.

Nothing was wasted!

More than that, I have no idea what is going on, or what the Rav is really saying below, but read it yourself, and hopefully you’ll also get some chizzuk, that things are really not what they seem.


Shiur given by Rav Eliezer Berland, after the prayers, Tishrey 7, (Wednesday 9th October, 2024)

Now, it’s the parsha Ve Zot HaBracha, another 48 hours, [it’s] Yom Kippur. All the sins will be forgiven.

“And to Levi he said, your Tumim and Urim befit your devout one, whom you tested at Massah, whom You challenged at the waters of Meribah.”[1]

This is tarshish, shoham v’yashpeh, this comes from Gan Eden. It’s written:

“And the princes brought the Shoham stones, and the avnei miluim (stones for the settings).”

Every woman is carved out of the avnei miluim, carved out from the stones of the Hoshen:

Nofesh, sapir, v’yehalom.

Leshem, shvo, v’achlama.

Odem, pitadah, bareket.

Tarshish, shoham v’yashpeh.


Every woman comes from Adam Kadmon.

Therefore, it’s written in Choshen Mishpat (Shulchan Aruch), the laws of gifts, section 4, page 12, chapter 13:

“That Yaakov went to the land of Bnei Kedem.” Bnei Kedem refers to the souls of Adam Kadmon.

All those who merited to come to Shuvu Banim, all the women, are neshamot (souls) from Adam Kadmon.


And all their prayers have been accepted.

They said hundreds of Tikkun Haklalis, thousands of Tikkun Haklalis. Everything was effective.

The Rav was in Uman!

Now, we will merit the complete redemption.

Speedily and in our days, Amen.


Translated from Shivivei Or, 378.


[1] Devarim, 33:8.


I am still feeling pretty exhausted, so I’m not planning on writing a lot this week either.

That said, I just wanted to add some more food for thought, to the discussion begun by Chananya Weissman HERE, about the direction all these ‘rockets’ last week were coming from.

First, watch this:


CNN was filming the attack in Tel Aviv from a penthouse to the south of the Hilton Hotel, on the Tel Aviv Beachfront.

The Hilton in Tel Aviv is another clear, recognisable location, that enables the viewer to ascertain which direction most of the rockets were coming from, that were filmed over Tel Aviv.

They appear to be coming from the North.

Meanwhile, Iran is to the East.


Also, listen to what the CNN anchor in Tel Aviv is actually saying – you’ll learn a lot about what we all actually saw in the skies a week on Tuesday.


And here is some more food for thought:

The nearest bit of Iran, as the crow flies, is 620 miles away, or roughly 1,000 km.

I asked my math genius friend how high a ballistic rocket in Iran would have to go up, in order to ‘fall down again’ on the other side of the parabola into Eretz Yisrael.

He sent me these links to ‘parabola calculators’:


And then, he sent me the short answer, namely:

That the rocket would have to go up 250 km, in order to ‘arc’ into Israel from Iran…

Is that what we’re really seeing, in all these videos from before Rosh Hashana?

The last thing I wanted to share is a video of a real rocket, exploding in Ukraine.

You’ll notice that something hits initially, and sends up a huge dust and debris cloud – as we see here in Israel.
But then, the warhead on the missile explodes about three seconds later.
Something we are totally not seeing here in Israel, Baruch Hashem a million times.

We are for sure getting open miracles here all the time.

But that doesn’t mean you just turn your brain off, and not think for yourself about what is really going on here.
Our enemies are the cruellest, most evil people to probably ever walk the earth.

And the media is lying about everything.

Put two and two together, and come to your own conclusions.

Every time I write these words, God seems to send me something to ‘break’ my writing break again.

So we’ll see.

But right now, I just need to chill, and not be in the mindset of trying to figure things out, not for myself and not for anyone else.

Rav Elmaliach told us quite a few times, that Elul 25th 5784 was the beginning of the next, massive, spiritual ‘birur’ that is part of the revelation of Moshiach.

And he said it would come with a lot of blood, and would conclude on Simchat Torah 5785.

And that people need to make some real teshuva about believing all the lies and slanders about the Rav.


Why should ‘Rav Berland’ be the litmus test of whether geula comes ‘sweet’ or with a lot of blood?

For a few reasons.

One – because you only really get to the truth about the Rav internally, when you finally make a connection back to your own soul, and you break your own ‘world of lies’ that’s hiding ‘truth’ in a million different ways.

Especially, the ‘truth’ about how many bad middot we all still have ourselves, and how much work is still required to overcome them.


And two – because once you spot the ‘modus operandi’ the masonic-controlled media used with Rav Berland, you can see how they just pull the same tricks again and again and again.

With stuff like Covid 19…. and murder in Meron…. and October 7…. and now, ‘rockets from Hizballah’….

Even when you don’t know what ‘the truth’ really is – you can still spot the lies clearly.

And that’s a very useful starting place, at least, while the rest of the story takes the time it takes to properly unfold.


I am feeling very tired at the moment.

BH, the run-up to Rosh Hashana 5785 was intense, for so many different reasons, and ‘the war’ was kind of the last straw.

Or maybe, cooking non-stop for a three day chag with mild PTSD from ‘Iranian bombs’, or whatever that really was, plus massive anxiety about whether the Rav – and my husband – would get to Uman this year was the last straw.

I don’t know.

In any case – I need to take a break.


Most ‘influencers’ won’t tell you this, but you really don’t need anyone else to tell you what to think and what to believe.

You just need to take some time out every day, and ask God to show you the truth.

There are some people who are so stuck in their ‘world of lies’, that even this doesn’t work for them. They can’t actually accept ‘the truth’, so this process can back-fire and actually cause that type of person to double-down on all the lies they want to believe, to keep their bubble intact.

BH, I doubt most of my readers fit into that category.

At least, the people who keep coming back here and reading stuff that presses their buttons over and over again.

Alufim, atem!


So, trust yourselves more.

But also, make more effort to do this ‘birur’ yourself, in your own way, holding God’s hand.

Because there are no shortcuts, and we all have to cross that narrow bridge within ourselves, to leave the ‘world of lies’ and enter the ‘world of truth’.


I know I’ve hurt and upset a whole bunch of people this year with some of the stuff I write.

99% of the time, that wasn’t deliberate.

Please forgive me, if I’ve written stuff that’s upset you or insulted you.

And to the 1% where it was deliberate – I’d love to pretend that I’m on the level of really regretting that, but sadly, I’m not ‘there’  yet. But I’m working on it. And if you can be the bigger person and forgive me anyway, that would be wonderful.


BH, I will be back some time after Yom Kippur, at least with an update to let you know when I plan to return to the blog again.

I still have a bunch of research I’m doing, a bunch of very interesting info to share with you.

And if the Rav, Rav Berland, puts out any messages that I feel should be shared more widely, I will do my best to stick that up.

But in the meantime, I’m taking a break, to try and get some energy and koach back.


May we all be signed for a safe, healthy, happy and holy year.

And may the revelation of Moshiach come speedily in our days, and with no more bloodshed.

Rosh Hashana was pretty good this year, BH.

My husband was home, because his flight to Uman got cancelled during the ‘bombardment’ of Erev Rosh Hashana, and while we were both pretty disappointed, at least he got to pray with the Rav on Rosh Hashana.

And the ‘day-to-day’ stuff of Rosh Hashana was baruch Hashem, fine.

No big arguments.

No real ‘stress’.

I even enjoyed the davening, as I actually stayed home and prayed in my house, as my husband was here to blow the shofar for me.


I was working on staying positive and upbeat the whole chag, because I know how our ‘mood’ on Rosh Hashana can affect our whole year.

At the same time – it was still work.

There was still some fear under the surface.

There was still some heaviness when I woke up the morning of the second day, and it took me a while to pull things together and get out of bed.

I am still scared, in some ways, about what comes next.

I’m still worrying that despite my best efforts to make teshuva and get with the program, my bad middot are still sinking me into problems.

Even with all the effort I make, so much of the time, to overcome them.


Yesterday, I didn’t really want to come out of chag.

I didn’t want to go back into hearing about more dead young Jews in Lebanon.

More ‘missile strikes’ in the North.

More pointless hot air chunnering on about ‘dealing Hizballah a blow they will never stand up from’.

‘Hizballah’ works for the American masons. ‘Iran’ also works for the American masons. And of course, ‘our guys’ also work for the American masons.

That’s why so much of this just isn’t making sense, if we take a split second to actually stop, and to really look at what we’re being shown.


A reader sent me a link to this:

I thought you might find the following interesting:
See the Sep 24 blog post of first hand account of rocket hitting.

It’s a brief set of 4-5 videos of Ira the farmer from Sde Ilan, exploring the damage to his property from what is meant to be a direct hit by a rocket from ‘Hizballah’.

Take a look, come to your own conclusions.

Here’s what I sent back to my correspondent:

I still don’t know what to think. I know what I saw myself on Tuesday (all the way from Modi’in up to Jerusalem, on both sides of the highway….) was not ‘Iron Dome’, but it also didn’t look like ‘rockets’ in whatever way we understand that.
And I don’t know if a direct hit on a field by a real rocket, and not just shrapnel from iron dome etc, would do way more damage than we see in Ira’s videos….
There is no ‘explosion’ when it hits, and no crater in the ground, as you’d expect from explosives packed into the cone of a rocket falling from a height onto the earth.

What IS true, is that more soldiers are dying again, God forbid, this time fighting ‘Hizballah’.

You recall that all this ‘fighting’ was meant to have got the hostages out of Gaza, who have been there almost a year?


That still didn’t happen.

So God only knows how long they will be able to drag ‘war in Lebanon’ out for, with nothing to show for it but more dead Jews and more destruction and depression in Eretz Yisrael.


We need so much rachamim right now.

I’m trying to stay positive, but honestly, it’s not coming very easily at the moment.

May Hashem truly grant His people ‘peace’ in the deepest sense of the word, this year.

And may it not be long in coming.

Without rehashing the whole article, you can go back and read more below:


Bottom line:

 [E]veryone undergoes a certain amount of suffering.

There is no such thing as a person going through life with everything going exactly according to his desire. What comes out of these teachings are that there are three ways to deal with the situation:

  1. through prayer
  2. through acceptance, and
  3. by giving money to the Tzaddik.

   All of which bring about one of two results, either an easing of the suffering or its cancellation altogether.


Go HERE, to do a pid on the Shuvu Banim website – with absolutely no guarantees of anything in return, except the mitzva itself.


My husband’s first flight to Uman got cancelled last week.

After a day of mad stress, he managed to find another one leaving yesterday evening.

I took him to the airport, and started doing my hour of hitbodedut as I drove back home.

10 minutes later, I heard some electronic weird beeping sound, and I spent a couple of minutes wondering what my car was trying to tell me.

Then, I saw a bunch of cars parked by the road leading up to Modi’in – frum guys with kippas, standing and holding their phones.

Oh, that’s cute! I thought to myself. Look how serious people are about davening mincha on time!!!

Then, I realised it was dark and way too late for mincha.


That’s when I started to hear a really loud ambulance siren.

I looked all around the mostly empty highway, couldn’t see the ambulance.

As I get past Modiin, all of a sudden I see a bunch of weird orange ‘lights’ in the sky by the side of the highway.

And that, dear reader, is when I realised that ‘Iran’ was repeating what happened back before Pesach.


I didn’t pull over.

Driving past all the people sitting in their cars, or sitting next to their cars, I couldn’t see how that was meant to ‘protect’ anyone from anything.

And I had a kid at home who totally freaked out when ‘Iran’ attacked before Pesach, so I just put my foot down.

The whole drive up to Jerusalem, I saw weird orange lights in the sky – on BOTH SIDES of the 443.

I.e. it didn’t look like the weird lights were coming from a single direction.

And I can also tell you that what I saw didn’t seem to be ‘Iron Dome’.

But who knows, at this point?


(Video from HERE)


Two hours later, I was back at the airport to get my husband and bring him home.

But the rest of the airport was swinging – nearly every other flight yesterday went out, still.

If these attacks are not coordinated in advance with ‘our side’, how is that even possible in a million years?


Today, I have some mild PTSD.

BH, it will pass soon.


In the meantime, the Rav is in Jerusalem for Rosh Hashana, and praying in his regular olam, on Ido HaNavi.

There are apparently a lot of recriminations going on within Shuvu, about what happened this year.

The bottom line is: no-one really knows.

But I have my own theory, at this stage, which is that the Rav probably was able to get to Uman for Rosh Hashana, at least in theory, but shemayim sent him back to Eretz Yisrael, to protect the country.

Like this:


What do we know about anything, really?

Even if we think ‘we know’ stuff, especially all that lashon hara and gossip that’s passed around on social media and Whats App like the gospel truth, with zero real fact checking.

Do your own hitbodedut, and you’ll get way closer to grasping some semblance of an idea of what might be happening in the world around us.

But even then, Rabbenu says that the greatest height of ‘knowing’, is to know that we know nothing.



I just saw this HERE. Chananya is describing a lot of what I saw on my drive – and also has a very important message that ties in with the theme of this post, i.e. to sweeten the judgements spiritually, and to only fear God:


I wish all my readers a shana tova, a sweet 5785.

BH, it’s going to be a much better year than it currently appears.

But if you didn’t already, go and do a pidyon before Rosh Hashana.

There are massive dinim hanging over everyone’s head right now, in case you didn’t notice.

And whatever you can do to ‘sweeten’ them, ahead of Rosh Hashana, for yourself and your family – you should do it.


Go HERE, to do a pid on the Shuvu Banim website – with absolutely no guarantees of anything in return, except the mitzva itself.


The Rav, on the way back to Jerusalem for Rosh Hashana 5785

There is so much going on right now.

It looks like the Rav was again blocked getting into Uman this year.

I have no more details.

Apparently ‘Iran’ just fired a bunch of rockets at Israel…. I saw a lot of orange Iron Dome flashes as I was driving up the motorway back to Jerusalem just now.

I have no idea what’s going on, except to say it’s really a good idea to download this PDF of the Pirchei Nivarchim and Tikkun HaKlali together, and to say them a lot:


BH, all this will turn around for the best.

May God keep us all safe, and close to Him.

And may we all be signed in the book of life, 5785.

I just got told the Rav is still being blocked from crossing the border into Ukraine, and on to Uman.

They are asking everyone to say 1 TK, and 1 Pirchei Nevarchim, urgently.

It’s the last ditch attempt, and only prayers can turn it around.

May we just hear good news.

Flights to places nowhere near Uman and still departing Ben Gurion.

But flights that could be useful for Uman, have all just been cancelled in great numbers (at least, from Israel).

Including my husband’s, including a bunch of other people I know.

I have no idea what is going on now.

BH, all this turns around for the best.

I’ll update you as and when I know more.

Remember this?


I posted it up here July 16th.

It was one of the last messages about the revelation of Moshiach R Elmaliach put up, before his Channel got pulled (I found out later, arranged by the persecutors of the Rav.)

Here’s the main points again:

What Rav Shlomo previously said about 25 Elul was, that it will be the last step of the revelation of Moshiach, & the beginning of the war of Gog uMagog, with big earthquakes, war, & lots of blood ch”v.

There doesn’t seem to be in the recent message, any contradictions or changes to that.


Regarding rosh hashana, he didn’t say clearly moshiach is going to revealed, he says that than
“שאז יתקיים מלכות השם ומלכות בית דוד”

  • And that will be accompanied with massive earthquakes and wars, unless more people make teshuva, and believe that Rav Berland is MBD, and stop believing all the slanders about him.

“Non jews were mentioned in regards to realizing & seeing the miracles from Hashem, and thanking & praising Hashem for them, as part of the process of revealing the existence of Hashem in this world.”

  • Hanging on to the Rav is the way to get through this next coming stage of geula.

  • ‘Rivka the Tzaddika’ will be giving more instructions / messages etc – including secrets of the merkava

  • The gates of teshuva – both meaning becoming a ba’al teshuva for Jews, or a righteous convert, for non-Jews are shortly about to close.

  • The gates of teshuva close as the gates of geula open.


Ad kan, from July 16th, 2024.

After this, and a couple more messages given over by ‘Rivka HaTzaddika’ to R Elmaliach where she started saying that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was also ‘Moshiach’, and that he’d been approached to work for the CIA…. R Elmaliach’s channel got pulled off Youtube.

And then, there was some disagreement within Shuvu Banim itself, as to how much of the information was coming from a good, real place, and whether some spiritual ‘dross’ was getting mixed in.

And after that – R Elmaliach has gone quiet.

(I have my own views as to what that ‘dross’ might be, you come to your own conclusions.)


And that brings us to what’s going on today.

I woke up today feeling pretty sad again.

A friend and reader sent me this, over email:

My daughter told me that our enemy was killed, or I wouldn’t have known.
Haaretz said it was the 358th day of the war. Isn’t that a gematria for Moshiach?
And maybe that has to do with the big revelation?

I hope all this is going to turn out for the best, swiftly, without more Jews getting blown to bits, maimed or killed.

That’s what I really hope, and that’s what I’m really praying about.

I still don’t know if the Rav got to Uman.

I know a bunch of planes got cancelled because of ‘the war’ on Friday AM, because my other son-in-law was meant to be on one of them, going to Uman.

My husband’s flight is tomorrow, and so far, he seems to be going still, BH.


Everything feels like such an overwhelming mess right now.

And I feel I have run out of the ‘koach’ to deal with it, really.

BH, we will all just hear good news.

And BH, all of us, and all of our loved ones, will managed to squeak through ‘the gates of teshuva’ before they really do close, and the next stage of ‘whatever is going on now’ kicks off.
