I had another piece from the Rav to post up here – but the file is not opening.

Generally, I’ve been having a whole bunch of computer issues the last few days, including not being able to get onto the internet, my VPN not working – and yesterday, some program I never heard of tried to install ‘wifi 6’ on my machine, and I only knew that because it asked me for confirmation.

I didn’t confirm – and then I went and uninstalled the ‘mother program’.

Long story short – kind of being feeling a little taken out of action, at the moment.


At the same time, I am actually starting to make some real headway with real information, from real books, in the real world.

So, it could be Hashem is taking my online time way down, so I have more time and ‘space’, mentally, to process all the new stuff I’m learning.


And then, there’s the third factor as to why I’m not posting much at the moment, which is that I’m totally sick of pointless speculation about ‘signs’ and ‘gematrias’.

And I’m also totally sick of arguing about why there is no such thing as ‘the good in Esav’ when it comes to their leaders – the Gemara makes it clear, no leader of Esav / Edom can be anything other than an evil git.

The ‘good in Esav’ are the people who convert out of Esav, one way or another, to become Jews or sincere Noahides.

This is plain Gemara.

And you can tell who doesn’t seem to ever learn it by all this ‘discussion’ about Trump.


And lastly, I don’t want to get pulled in to writing negative things about so many of the destructive hypocrites online.

This is the biggest challenge of all, honestly.

Especially as things are starting to get more and more ‘obvious’.


So, slow posting here for a day or two still, until I do a bit more praying about what God wants from me right now, and how best I can write things that are helpful, and help to give my readers what could be helpful and strengthening, spiritually.


On that note, I want to tell you something:

You are an amazing person.

That applies to anyone who is coming back here day after day to read what I post up from the Rav, to read what I post up from my own research, so much of which is challenging assumptions on so many fundamental levels.

I know perhaps 0.005% of my readers personally, but the ones I’m in touch with are all very impressive people.

They are truth seekers.

They know they don’t know everything.

They are willing to learn – and willing to change their mind about things, which is really the very essence of making teshuva.


If a person can’t change their mind, they can’t make real teshuva.

If they are stuck in paradigms where they never go back and re-evaluate their own assumptions, their own actions, their own beliefs – they can’t make real teshuva.

(BTW, this is also the core problem of so-called narcissists, who can never be wrong about anything.)


So, if you are still sticking with me, after all the assumptions I’ve challenged here on the blog the last few years, I take my hat off to you.

The world really is filled with good people.

Way more than most of us realise, because we are surrounded by ‘influencers’ and  news and media that makes it seem as though ‘bad’ is all there is.

As the light of geula starts to percolate more and more, it’s shining on so many more patches of true goodness in the world.

And I want my writing style here on the blog to reflect that more, and to not get pulled back into old, unhelpful patterns of calling out all the hypocrites and arrogant gits online.

While at the same time, explaining what is really going on, as much as I’m able to, from my own limited perspective.


B’kitzur, it’s a challenge.

And I haven’t figured it out yet.

But once God gives me the inspiration to start writing again, I will start posting more up here.


At the end of the day, everything is being guided by God in every area of our lives.

Understanding that, and going with God’s ‘flow’ is a big part of the journey we’re all on down here.

And most of that work doesn’t happen ‘online’.

Even in 2024.



A reader just sent me drone footage taken in Jerusalem yesterday.

These things are now all over the world…. and being operate by the US army and its proxies…(you know, the same people who brought us Covid 19).

As I was sitting here, the windows started to shake.

One of my kids started shouting are we being bombed, because I feel the ground is shaking?!

Nah, we’re not being bombed, I told her.

Then I looked it up online, just to see, and apparently, we were being bombed.





I wish all this would go away already. But that’s unlikely to happen just yet.

And at least, I can console myself with the thought that I’m already in the Holy Land, and under the wing of Rabbenu and the Rav.

Without that…. it is starting to get quite scary.

Even for dyed-in-the-wool tin foil hat wearing crazy people.



Here’s a picture of what was in the skies above Jerusalem for quite a while, this am:


Just saw this video posted up on Dutchsinse.


Yah, ‘Iran’ apparently has a ‘mother ship’ off America’s east coast, and is buzzing a whole bunch of US army based with drones….

It’s hard to believe that even Americans are dumb enough to believe this, at this stage of the game.

Yah, ‘Iran’ sent a ‘mother ship’ of ‘drones’ to sit off the East coast of America, and to buzz it’s army bases for the last month…

Of course.



I am keeping my head down, and staying really busy, while the ‘real, normal world’ (ahem….) just gets more and more fruit loops.

At some point, I have more to share about the Jewish part of this crazy ‘equation’ being played out right now, or at least, its historical beginnings.

At some point.

But right now…. I am keeping shtum.

I realised a big chiddush recently, that a person who lacks ‘truth’ within themselves will never be persuaded of ‘truth’ from without.


To put this in other terms – Rav Berland really is the last test before Moshiach.


Because he’s just a mirror of a person’s own soul.

And that really explains everything, about why so many people are so ‘anti’, without knowing a damn thing about what’s really ‘true’, when it comes to what happened with the Rav.

But also, it explains why so many people are so ‘pro’, also without knowing anything about what really happened with the Rav.

He’s just a mirror.

And the real ‘us’ is the person at home, away from all the lights, cameras and ‘action’.



‘Iran’ has a ‘mother ship’ of ‘drones’ off America’s East coast.

Here, we have ‘peace in the middle east’…. (and hostages stuck in Gaza still, and soldiers still being killed for absolutely no good reason at all).

Oh, and I have a bridge to sell, if anyone wants one.

May we just hear good news.

And may the good news actually be at least somewhat based in objective reality, and a profound understanding that all this ONLY turns around ‘for the best’ when enough of us make enough real teshuva.


Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Berland, November 17th, 2024, in Tiveria.

(Read Read Part 1 and Part 2).

[Kamala] Harris said I am with the Mexicans! I’m going with the Mexicans! The Mexicans are the Palestinians, these are the Mexicans!

So, nobody wanted to vote for her.

Because the Americans are not Europeans. Europeans, you tell them Jews are murderers, come, let’s destroy them [they believe you].

Hitler said, You should know, Jews – this is a nation of murderers! A nation of robbers! So come, let’s burn them!

Hitler said this. [And the Europeans believed him]. They are temimim (naive / simple). The Germans are the most temimim in the whole world. Whatever Hitler told them, they believed it. There was no second thoughts.


There was one person, Lisette[1], in West Palm Beach in Florida.

So in the end, she converted. They asked her how could the Germans be so stupid? How could they believe [Hitler]?

[She replied]:

He said that they were germs, the source of infection. That the Jews were the most dangerous nation, a nation of murderers, and swindlers, profiteers and cheats. All the Jewish banks, they stole our money![2]

All the banks belonged to Rothschild, it was all Rothschild’s.


Rothschild, he was R Yaakov of Galuna.

He was like the Baal Shem Tov, he was a Lithuanian – but like the Baal Shem Tov. Every blessing he gave was realised. So, he lost 20,000 zlotys, these zlotys were like a million dollars today, each zloty. Let’s say a thousand, 20,000 zlotys went missing.

So, he asked the shamash, he was called Meir Amschel. This was with an ‘m’, but they changed it to an ‘n’.


There is a [village called] Mayer Shafia.[3]

Everything was called after the grandparents of all the Rothschilds, next to Zichron Yaakov.

There was a Jewish settler, he was called Nachum Weissfish. So, someone knocked on his door and asked for tzedakah. He only had a note of 50. He said, do you have change for a fifty? He wanted to give him a grusch (penny).

In those days, you earned five mil a day, and every grusch was 10 mil, 5 mil.

They still had milim when I was born. I travelled to Neve She’anan on 50 mil. Then, a person would work in an orchard all day long, and earn 5 mil. This was already a tidy sum.

So, someone came and knocked on his door, and wanted tzedekah. He said, I only have a 50 shilling note.

[The person asking for tzedaka said] I don’t have change for a 50.

What can I do?

So, he left. In the end, he found a few prutot (coins), and he ran after him – but he didn’t find him.


That same motzae Shabbat, he was murdered.

When they knock on a person’s door [to ask for charity] – they are saving him from death.

It’s written in the Zohar that Hashem loves each person, so He sends him a pauper. If someone knock on the door, give him a grusch. Give him a slice of cake, some cookie.

He’s coming to save you from death, just you don’t know that.


You are a soldier.

Yom Kippur is [when they open] the books of the living, and the books of the dead.

But here, [when talking about a soldier in a war], it’s mamash k’pshuto (exactly the situation). A soldier doesn’t know what’s going to be in another minute. You don’t know where the terrorists are hiding. It’s also forbidden to ‘see’ the terrorists.

[The AG] doesn’t allow it.

[Before you try to shoot the terrorist, you have to] Ask him, what do you want? Do you want to shoot me? Why do you want to shoot me? What did I do to you?

Speak to him nicely, explain things to him. It’s forbidden to fire at a terrorist.

Whoever shoots at a terrorist gets a life sentence.


This is what I told Yuval.

I said to Yuval that one day, you will kill some Arab – he was in the navy, in the platoon that was the most… They would jump into waves 30 metres high, they would jump. And he went there.

There was someone, that they had to go and bring him, in the end they gave him an injection. They wanted to stun him – but he died from the injection. He was on a boat, there.

They sent him. They said dafka, you have payot, this is good! No-one will suspect that these are warships.

It was a submarine.


So, I told him, one day [when you’re a soldier], you are going to injure some Arab, and you’ll get given a life sentence. An Arab can fire at you.

He used to come [with a big kippah] that was half falling-off[4], half falling-off, and sort of red. And I said, you are to stand next to me throughout all the davening.

There was Nachman Rosenfeld, I said you are going to stand next me. He used to come and pray hetzi gerush, half falling-off his head. I said to him:

One day, you will fire on some Arab, and you will be given a life sentence….


We were in Kfar Yuval, next to Tel Hai.

Tel Hai was Cherkassim. They brought the Cherkassim from Cherkassy, so that they’d guard the Jews[5]. So then, the Cherkassim opened the gates, and let the Arabs in, on 11th Adar, 5680 this is (March 1st,)1920. 5680.

We used to sing the song, ‘11th Adar”. Trumpeldor fell then.

There is no end of stories.


Whoever falls [because they were killed al kiddush Hashem], he goes up to shemayim.

But we want them to stay alive. We want the soldiers alive. We want everyone to be a Rosh Yeshiva, that all the girls will make teshuva, so they won’t need to be [kidnapped to] Khan Younis, and in Rafiach, underground, in tunnels.


Translated from Shivivei Or 386.



[1] The transcriber puts in square brackets that this is said to be the daughter of the Nazi Education Minister, at the time of Hitler. That would be BERNHARD RUST, read more on Wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernhard_Rust. He was principally responsible for ‘cleansing’ Germany universities of Jewish scientists and academics.

[2] You can read a translated speech of Hitler , imach shmo, comparing Jews to ‘pestilence’ in 1922 HERE.

[3] You can read more about the youth village called ‘Meir Shafia’ on the Hebrew Wiki, HERE.


Meir Shafia is a youth village near Zichron Yaakov on the northern side of Wadi Milk Road. It was established in 1891 as a daughter colony of Zichron Yaakov, named “Meir Shafia”: “Meir” after Meir (Anshel) RothschildBaron Rothschild‘s grandfather and father of the House of Rothschild, and”Shafia” after the Arabic name for the place…..

“The residents of Shafia generally maintained good working relations and friendship with the Arab residents of the area, but with the outbreak of the events of 1936-1939, the security situation began to deteriorate in the area, and on July 3, 1938, Nahum Weisfish, one of the heads of the settlement, was murdered as he went out to buy milk from herds in the nearby village of Paradis.”


And here is the REALLY interesting bit from Wiki:

The village is incorporated as a government company.

The term the Rav is using is hetzi gerush. This might be an expression that means something else from how I’ve translated it, above.

[5] While I can’t find more about CHERKASSIM at Tel Hai, there’s a lot of interesting stuff about it, and Joseph Trumpeldor, HERE.


“The Battle of Tel Hai on 1 March 1920, which gave Tel Hai its fame, was significant, from a Jewish perspective, far beyond the small number of civil combatants on either side – mainly due to its influence on Israeli culture, both inspiring an enduring national myth and profoundly influencing the military of the Yishuv and political strategies over several decades.

In retrospect, it can be regarded as the first military engagement between Jews and Arabs, though at the time neither combatant side recognized it as such.

It looks like BH, we will be returning to this subject.

Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Berland on November 17th, 2024 in Tiveria.

Part 1 is HERE.


In Kaplan, they dressed the women in red robes, that now, if there will be here dati’im (religious Jews), so then everyone is going to be ‘maidservants’.

Once upon a time, maidservants used to wear red dresses. So the people in Kaplan, for three or four months, came to protest with the women wearing red dresses. Because now, the dati’im are about to start ruling here, all of them with beards, all of them with payot!!

They are going out of their minds.


Now, they already want to get rid of her. The soton, the shrew….

The soton itself. She didn’t let any aircraft take off – not a plane!

People didn’t understand why they were breaking the fence for 45 minutes, breaking it down with a bulldozer….

Within 15 seconds, an aircraft could have come and blown it up, what’s the problem?!

No. Because […] she said that it’s stam, just some hooligans who are breaking the fence there.

I know!! It’s just hooligans, so everything’s OK!!!!! We’ll manage them. Just for that, you need to bring aircraft?!

She didn’t permit any aircraft to take off until 4pm [on October 7th]. That’s when the first aircraft participated.

This is the explanation about the aircraft, for how come there were no planes?!

You are on Ramat David, you are situated [in the area] of training base 4, an airplane can take off within three seconds, and within another three seconds it can already be on the border it’s meant to be defending – to explode that bulldozer, that’s destroying the fence.


Around 1,000 white vehicles entered [with terrorists], they came in.

In Sderot, they conquered the police. [Either] there were no bullets, or they’d sent the army away.

All of this is Gallant, and Herzi HaLevi. They already got rid of Gallant, gomarnu (it’s over). It was already impossible to tolerate this. And Herzi HaLevi, who is still the Ramatkal – he is responsible for everything that is happening here.

He emptied out the army, took the guns.

They got to the armoury – there wasn’t a single gun. And whoever had a gun, this was without bullets. It was forbidden to have bullets.

What, that some poor Arab will come along, and some soldier will fire upon him?!

They took the bullets away from everyone.


The rekaz (defense coordinator) of Kissufim didn’t agree to give up the bullets.

He was left with 15 bullets – the rekaz of Kissufim, the emergency response team. The day before, they dismantled all the emergency response teams.

When they got to the security guard [?] they shot him, they came straight in. And the gates were open. Only by the religious kibbutzim were the gates closed.

So, [in kibbutzim] Sa’ad and Yachin, everyone was saved. And Alumim and Kfar Maimon – this is all dati residents, everyone was saved. Because the gates were closed.

Whoever had their gates open, they came straight in and destroyed 50 houses, they destroyed everyone.


So in Sderot [on Simchat Torah] there remained seven policemen, and one police woman, who kept Shabbat. Because everyone else [had been given a holiday]. It was Simchat Torah, so they sent everyone away.

She said, I’m staying – and she had seven bullets, altogether, and another eight bullets. Altogether, this is eight policemen times 7 [bullets], this is 56 bullets. This is what they had.

Then, 500 terrorists came. They shot 56, but 500 came. More and more and more just kept coming, they conquered the police. The police was conquered for four days – until they blew [the police station] up.

It was impossible to re-conquer it. This is all because they took the bullets away from everyone.


So Kissufim was the only [secular] place where the terrorists didn’t manage to enter, because the rekaz didn’t agree to give them up, the rekaz of the response team.

They came from behind the fence, they came and chopped down the fence, they broke it, they hacked it. 500 terrorists came from there. The rekaz only had 15 bullets. 15 bullets!!

He took down 15 people, this is what there was left for him to do.

So, they prosecuted him for the 15. Only 7 is allowed, 5 is allowed.

They are still prosecuting him. In the end, they will give him 15 life sentences. How did you still have 15 bullets left?! [The AG] doesn’t allow people to carry bullets!

An army without bullets. It’s the most pitiful army in the world. An army without bullets.


So, they conquered the whole of the South within a day, in a single hour.

They conquered the whole of the South!

But they didn’t manage to enter Kissufim. Mefalsim was entered. Mefalsim is in the North [of the Gaza Envelope], Kissufim is in the South (of the Gaza Envelope) – it’s more South than Netivot.

And so in Kissufim, he took down 15. They didn’t know that he only had 15 [bullets] – the arabs. They saw that he’d shot down 15, everyone else ran away. They thought maybe he had 500 bullets, or a thousand bullets.


So, Kissufim was the only [secular] place where the terrorists didn’t get in – Kerem Shalom also.

The security team didn’t agree to be dismantled. They said, everyone is being retired, go home, it’s the holiday, you aren’t needed. There is no wars, the Hamas is a boobie (dolly) – the real problem is with the charedim!

But not with the Hamas. There is no problem at all with the Hamas.

The problem is with the charedim, who don’t want to enlist, they just don’t want to,


[People] say, that the chareidim are ready to enlist at every second!

[Just] get rid of the girls [in the army], and make the food kosher, then everyone will enlist. 90% want to enlist, it’s impossible to learn for 24 hours a day. So, learning for 8 hours, 8 hours serving in the army, what’s the worst that can happen? They’ll shoot a few Arabs.

So, 90% of the yeshiva bochurs truly want to enlist, this is the simple fact. Just, they aren’t giving them the conditions.

The whole purpose [of the chilonim] is to [use the army] to make them secular. This is the problem.

They don’t need the [chareidi] soldiers, they just want to turn them into chilonim.

There [in the army], a person already doesn’t have Torah, he doesn’t have anything. And he is surrounded by girls, and they teach them how to be seductive.


Why did they kill the Midianites (after the sin at Shittim)?

Because they were seductrices. [That’s why Hashem said about the seven Canaanite nations]:

“Rather, you shall utterly destroy them.”[1]

Because the Canaanites used to teach their daughters how to seduce men. So, [the Children of Israel] had to kill all the women. So, why didn’t they kill the Moabitesses? Moav wasn’t killed, only the Midianites.

Because in Moav, they stood with swords – it’s written that every father stood over his daughter with a sword. If you don’t go [and seduce the Israelites] I’m going to kill you! Go and seduce the Jews![2]


[In Shittim] 24,000 died.

[They were the residents of the city of Shechem who had been killed by Shimon and Levy], and reincarnated as the Tribe of Shimon. They were the people of Shechem. In Shechem there were 24,000.

For one girl, you kill 24,000 people?

For one girl?!


[Skipping a short discussion about how the Chiddushei HaRim explains that Shimon and Levi gave a barmitzvah drasha explaining how they were allowed, halachically, to kill the people of Shechem over the kidnapping and rape of Dina.]


Now, it’s already 411 days [since the hostages were kidnapped].

Tunnels just half a metre high, that’s where the unfortunate girls are lying, without food, half a pita a day, without water.

It’s impossible to describe the suffering. I don’t know how they are even managing to survive, or if they are going to be ‘normal’ by the end [of their ordeal].

[The original transcriber speculates in square brackets that Hamas is asking for control over the Philadelphia Corridor in return for releasing the hostages.]

[But really], they want Bnei Brak. They want Tel Aviv. The Philadelphia Corridor – what is this, the ‘Philadelphia Corridor’? It’s really Tel Aviv. [I.e. if they rule over the Philadelphia Corridor, they can also get to Tel Aviv.]

[From] the Philadelphia Corridor to Tel Aviv is 100km, it’s 20 seconds.

They have no end of rockets.


Hezbollah has 150,000 rockets left.

They had a million, they have 150,000 rockets left. If they [fire] 100 rockets a day, this is 1,500 days [until they use everything up]. This is five years.

And if they fire 200 [rockets a day], this is two and a half years, that they can keep firing at here.


Now, that Hochstein came. He said, accept it with love for two years, what’s the worst that can  happen?! Just put your head down a bit, and stop with all your arrogance.

But Trump says he was just elected…But we need to wait another 60 days. He said [to Israel] you can do what you want.

Now, Biden doesn’t agree.


[The US] also needs to send the bulldozers – 130.

And the soldiers are entering into houses, and all the buildings are full of terrorists, full of booby traps. They are operating them with a remote control. It’s enough just have some long thread that you don’t even see it, and another six [soldiers] are killed in Lebanon.

They go into a house full of terrorists, they go in, [because otherwise] how can you check, if there are terrorists there, or there aren’t terrorists there?!

They go in – and then they depart, al kiddush Hashem.

OK, they’re in Gan Eden – [but] we want them here! They go to Gan Eden, they learn Torah straight from HaKadosh Baruch Hu, [to be killed] al kiddush Hashem is the highest thing, but we want them to stay alive!

We don’t want the soldiers to die, God forbid.


So, [the Americans], they don’t allow the bulldozers to take the houses down from outside. [Then] you wouldn’t need to have a booby trap [to take the house down, saving Jewish lives.]

So there are 130 bulldozers, we already paid for them, but Biden is not agreeing to send them. You are going to destroy the houses of Arabs!

This is the simple fact.

You aren’t with the program, you are staying there in Gaza. Where do you come from? You have no idea what is going on!

So, 130 bulldozers are standing there, they should have arrived already.

But with these, you are destroying houses, just like that, like a house of cards.

130 bulldozers, that can take down a whole house. But Biden isn’t prepared [to let this happen]. What, you are tearing down houses of Arabs!



[1] Devarim 20:17.

[2] I.e. because the Moabite girls were forced into seducing the Jews against their will, they weren’t condemned to death for their actions.



Excerpt of shiur given on 17th Cheshvan, (Nov 17, 2024) 5785, in Tiveria


[The Rav has been sharing his famous story of R Galinsky, the mohel who is secretly asked by the head of the KGB – a Jew – to circumcise his son].

The Rav then continues:

Like this, there are thousands of stories, that the heads of the KGB used to circumcise their children. All of them were Jews. All of the KGB were Jews, all of the [text missing in original].

When they [the Soviet Army] conquered Berlin, it was Jews. There was one [man], Ben Baruch, his son was in Shuvu Banim for 10 years. So, he gave the hill to Ponevezh [that they built a yeshiva on].

He was rich, a millionaire. He built the whole of Bnei Brak – he built it. He was the second Einstein, he knew all the different formulas, all the atomic secrets. And he ran away [from Russia after the war].

He conquered Berlin, and he waved the red flag [of Russia] above the Reichstag.


And after this, he escaped and ascended to Eretz Yisrael. A lot of generals were running away, then. And then, he made teshuva, and he bought the whole of Bnei Brak.

He gave to [words missing in original] on Yonatan ben Zakkai Street, at the corner of Jerusalem [St], he gave them that building, that hall.

And he gave to Rav Kahaneman the hill [to build the Ponevezh yeshiva on it]. In 5704, he started building the yeshiva – HaRav Kahaneman. At the beginning they [the Ponevezh yeshiva students] learned in Heligman [synagogue]. At the beginning, Rav Kahaneman taught in Heligman.


The Rabbanit [Tehilla Berland] used to go there to pray, from the age of seven.

Her father used to look for her all night, it’s already 7pm, where are you?!

He thought that she was hanging out with a not-good group of friends. He found her in Heligman’s. Heligman is the corner of Sokolov and Jerusalem. They used to live on Sokolov, and she used to go [to pray], and to wait until R Nissim Karelitz would finish his shiur.

R’ Nissim Karelitz used to give the shiur on Mishneh Brurah. He used to give over a shiur, and only studied Mishneh Brurah.


Me – the first year I just learned Mishneh Brurah.

The first year that I got to yeshiva, at 17 and a half, straight from tichon (high school). I only learnt Mishneh Brurah. Until the Rav Mashikovsky [the Rosh Yeshiva of Kfar Chassdim] said to me that I also needed to learn a bit of gemara. But I’d already learned through the whole of the Mishneh Brurah.

The first thing is to learn Mishneh Brurah, before anything else!

A person makes teshuva, the first thing is the Mishneh Brurah, to know the halachot of Shabbat, the halachot of brachot, the halachot of the morning blessings, the halachot of netilat yedayim.

The whole first year, the first thing is just the Mishneh Brurah. Afterwards, you can start to learn a bit of Gemara, a bit of Zohar. But first, you have to know all of the halachot! Sit down with the Mishneh Brurah from 8am to 8pm.


Today, netz is 6.05am, so by 6.30am, we’re already finishing the prayers, and eating breakfast, relaxing a bit.

And then from 8am to 8pm, we sit and learn. This is [creating] exactly 576,000 angels.[1] We are missing another 24,000 [to get to 600,000 – the number of letters in the Torah, and ‘soul roots’ for Am Yisrael.]

So, we are lacking 24,000.

Because if we [read] 200 words a minute, so 60 minutes is 12,000 words an hour, times four letters on average [per word]. There are [words with] five letters, seven letters, eight – the most is 13 letters… Even 15.

And there [are words with just] two [letters]. So the average is four.

So, if we do 12,000 times four [letters a word] this is 48,000 [letters] an hour. Every 10 hours is 480,000. Another two hours is [another] 96,000. If it’s 48 [thousand] an hour, this is 96. So we add 96 to 480, this is 576,000.

We are missing 24,000 letters [to get to 600,000].


Every letter [of Torah or prayer] is an angel! Every letter that you say!

In Breslov, we aren’t Chabad, who go and stand in Dizengoff, putting tefillin [on people] – and blemishing their eyes. There is no such thing!

We need to sit in a closed place, we can’t sit on the balcony, but just to sit in a sheltered place where we won’t see pritzut (immodest dress and behavior).

Putting tefillin on [people] doesn’t give you permission to blemish the eyes! This is a mitzvah that comes off the back of an aveira. It’s not possible to do this, under any circumstances, no.


So, we are missing 24,000 letters, to get to 600,000.

We need to get to 60 ribua (myriads). Ribua is 600,000. Where are we going to get 24,000 letters from? Where are we going to get this? So, we add another half an hour, we pray ma’ariv (the evening prayers).

[After 12 hours of learning], from 8am to 8pm, we add another half an hour, we pray ma’ariv. So this is exactly 600,000 letters – 600,000 angels!

We don’t need to go to Dizengoff, to lay tefillin, or to go to places on the light rail to lay tefillin, and then blemish the eyes.[2]


The Rebbe [Rebbe Nachman] said you sit [and learn].

In Lesson I:14[3], each letter [a person learns] someone else makes teshuva, every letter we say with kindness and mercy. We just sit and learn Torah 12 hours, and afterwards half an hour of ma’ariv.

Shacharit is an hour, mincha is quarter of an hour, so a person begins hodu at 5am, and then at 6.05am he gets to Shemoneh Esrei, 6.30am, already we’re going home, to eat something, breakfast, morning bread, and to relax for half an hour. And then, to go to yeshiva, or kollel, or some synagagogue hall, to learn 12 hours, from 8am to 8pm.

At 8pm, to go to ma’ariv, and 8.30pm we’ve already finished ma’ariv, and then we go home, to sleep.

Chatzot is already at 11pm. If it’s shkeia at twenty to five, so in [another] twenty minutes, the stars are already visible. Another six hours [after the stars come out] is 11pm. So at 11pm [we say the Tikkun Chatzot.


{Skipping a detailed discussion about elu matziut in the Gemara, Bava Metzia 21a).

A person learns Gemara, starts with elu matziut – and he sees that it’s not at all the simple explanations of the Mishneh.

The Gemara turns over the ‘simple explanation’….

[The Rav starts to speak about kibbutznikim, and how they spend 12 hours picking fruit and vegetables from 8am to 8pm, until it’s time for ma’ariv.]


Today, it’s permitted to pull in chilonim [to be the tenth man in a minyan]. Once upon a time, this was forbidden.

But today, it’s permitted, because everyone makes teshuva afterwards. So like this, you make a minyan there [on the kibbutz], and afterwards, learn some Mesillat Yesharim, something, for half an hour. And after this, ma’ariv.

Ma’ariv is finished y 9pm already.Now, he’s going to pick more. He says, whatever is left in the fields is hefker (ownerless)…..


Once, I wanted to go to work.

I was in Kfar Chassidim, and the woman [the wife of the farmer] said no [it’s not suitable for me]. You’re a yeshiva bochur!

So, I told her that I wanted Torah AND work. I believed in this, that you also needed to work a little. So I went there, to some farm, to some farmer, who had goats and chickens. And I simply went there.

I told the Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Mashikovsky, I want to fulfill the precept of ‘Torah and work’, together with the Gemara, I also want to work a little, to do some work with my hands, to settle Eretz Yisrael. This is the greatest mitzvah of all the mitzvot.

So, I’d already spoken with him [the farmer], to say that I was coming, and outside, it was pouring. And his wife said are you out of your mind?! You are going to sink down to your knees in mud. And you are a nice-looking boy, you go around wearing a beautiful suit, and all of a sudden you want to turn into some kibbutznik, some farmer. Get out of here!

She told me go back to yeshiva!

I could see that she by herself pushed me away, but I thought [to go and work] in all simplicity.


After that, I went three times to the army, to enlist. I said to myself, all my friends are dying there.

This was the Yom Kippur war[4], and everything. But in the end, this also [didn’t succeed]. This is another story, that they didn’t accept me.


In any case, we are talking now that when a person learn Gemara, so he sees that the Gemara is always the opposite from the Mishneh.

If a person learns Gemara, he understands that what he is learning is the opposite of the Mishneh. {I.e. The opposite of his initial understanding of what the Mishneh was saying.]


[Skipping a discussion about Eliezer the servant of Abraham, and his trip to Haran to find Rivka, the bride of Yitzhak.]


Today, they want to make an agreement with the Hezbollah [i.e. The ceasefire agreement with Lebanon.]

That they should fire 200 rockets, or 300 rockets. But your soldiers, it’s forbidden for them to respond, for as long as Biden rules. Even if they fire a rocket at your head, [it’s forbidden to react].

Just put a bandage on it, carry something with you in your pocket, some bandaid. Today, there is no permission to respond.

Now, did he already get here, that lunatic, Hochstein? He already arrives. So he wants that Bibi will agree to 300 rockets without responding.

So Bibi said I am prepared to accept 250, OK. So now, there’s an argument about 50 [rockets].


After he was in Lebanon, every day they were firing 200 rockets.

He wanted to make peace. What ‘peace’?! On the day that they signed on the agreement, they fired 1,000 rockets. They have 150,000 rockets left.

Maybe, they had a million, but they already blew up most of them. [But they still have] 150,000 rockets. Every day if they fire 100, so this is 1500 days. They have enough rockets for three years.

If they fire 200, so then they have enough to last a year and a half. They need to empty their reserves, this is having mercy on them. And on top of this, if they stay in their storehouses, they’ll all just get exploded.

So, they have to fire them [at Israel]! You have to understand this!

Now, he came to explain this to Bibi. You can’t explode their rockets for them, you can’t fire back at them in return, let them finish their supplies, and afterwards, we’ll see what to do. But in the meantime, sign on the peace [agreement].


Translated from Shivivei Or 386.



[1] The Rav has previously explained that every hour a person learns Torah creates 48,000 angels. He will explain how as the shiur progresses. But 48,000 times 12 hours equals 576,000 angels.

[2] I.e., people make teshuva thanks to the 600,000 angels created from 12 hours of prayer and Torah learning, and not from putting on tefillin occasionally in the middle of the street.

[3] Lesson I:14 in Likutey Moharan explains:

“[I]t is impossible to bring proselytes and baalei teshuvas clsoer other than by way of the Torah….it is impossible to be inspired to make teshuva – whether Jewish sinners or converts – other than by way of the Torah, which shines upon them into the place they are at…..This is because the Torah contains 600,000 letters, corresponding to the 600,000 souls…” See there.

[4] The Rav was already in his mid thirties by the Yom Kippur war. This part of his comments shouldn’t be taken literally.



This plaque talks about the founding of Ponevezh in Bnei Brak, but ‘BEN BARUCH’ isn’t mentioned at all:



Meanwhile, the YIVO site talks about the founding of PONEVEZH yeshiva in PONEVEZH itself – no BEN BARUCH, but more WISSOTSKYs:

In 1909, a grant from a rich Moscow Jew (Liba Miriam Gavronskii, daughter of Kalonymus Wissotzky, the famous tea magnate) made it possible to open a kolel in Panevėžys with Rabinovich at its head; the kolel soon expanded into a full-fledged yeshiva.

And it’s first Rosh Kollel, R YITZHAK YAAKOV RABINOVITCH was apparently reading Marx’s DAS CAPITAL approvingly….

Exceptional among his peers in strongly supporting socialism, Rabinovich apparently even read Karl Marx’s Das Kapital and was impressed by it. While most rabbis supported employers in labor issues, Rabinovich came out strongly on behalf of workers.

His sensitivity to their needs and his bitter distaste for oppression and exploitation won him great popularity among the Jewish masses. He was an early supporter of the Ḥibat Tsiyon movement but left it when he became convinced that it deviated from tradition.

I’ve been having some very interesting correspondence with a few readers.

First, I got sent this picture this morning – apparently, this is what is being displayed in UK airports at the moment:


I have no idea who this is being aimed ‘at’, or ‘against’.

Or where this is coming from, or what it’s trying to accomplish.

All I can tell you right now, is that I’m feeling like I don’t want to go anywhere near that place at the moment.

And as I have family there still, that’s not a happy thought for a lot of reasons.


Meanwhile, off the back of THIS post that mentioned the Plymouth Brethren, and their links to ‘Evangelicals’ who wanted (and still want…) to see the Restoration of the Jews” to Eretz Yisrael, and the Third Temple rebuilt (as a prelude to the Second Coming….) – I got sent the following comments by a reader.

The reader was formerly part of the European ‘Evangelical’ scene, but is now a noahide.

This is quoted with their permission, with very minor edits, just to make it ‘read’ a little easier.


RE: Aleister Crowley, I have done a lot of research on him.

Also regarding the Golden Dawn in Western occultism. What you say about him that he had ties with Jewish figures regarding the black kabbalah of Falk I did not know. What I do know is that he grew up in a family of the [Plymouth] Brethren and was quite opposed to it.

The Brethren can actually be compared in terms of lifestyle and clothing with the Chassidic movements.

I have been to their meetings with my wife in the past. At that time the women also sat separately. They have no leader, it just depends on whom the Spirit falls on. Men mostly in dark clothing and the women very modestly dressed.

They did not/do not participate in modern inventions, such as TV at that time. They have shepherds, evangelists, Bible teachers etc. in their midst. However, even in their midst there is a decline and the desire for things of this world is increasing. In the beginning there was a very strong world avoidance.


So for someone who had a hungry spirit for the supernatural, like Aleister Crowley, it is not strange that he resisted and sought this direction of the occult.

I have done a lot of research in these circles, especially the Theosophical Society of Madam Blavatsky and the Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, the latter of which was very much concerned with Western occultism (with many gnostic ideas) and the Theosophical Society with many eastern influences.


The reader offered to answer any questions I might have about the Plymouth Brethren, so this is what I wrote back:

Can I start by asking what you think about this:
Is it possible that the ‘talking in tongues’ that evangelicals are known for is actually demonic possession?
This is what my reader replied:

 The link you sent me is known to me, and also the books and the site.

Understand me well, I am not a defender of Darby’s direction.

I used to be in their midst more than 30 years ago and I know their theology very well. I can tell you that Darby was absolutely not a Freemason and neither were the other brothers.

The part that is quoted where the “Architect” is spoken of, is about the “house” of God that is built by God’s Spirit, where in this terminology the believers are “living stones”. For example from the Psalms “If the Hashem does not build the house…etc.” This direction is very Bible-based, they teach in the so-called Sola Scriptura, and also live according to it.

They are very nice people, and I have a biography of J.N. Darby written by Maksym S. Weremchuk”, which shows that Darby was only concerned with leading the faithful flock. This group is mainly called the “plymouth brethren” in England because a fairly large community arose there.

In [Europe] they are also simply called “the Brethren” or “assembly of believers,” and have no minister or leader.

Their slogan is: “one is our Master and we are all brothers.”


Especially in the circles of Blavatsky’s Theosophy and Anthroposophy, I came across many Freemasons.

Their worldview is therefore based on this Gnostic teaching. In particular their teaching about the Temple.

What is interesting is that in Christian circles of both Plymouth Brethren and Evangelicals it is known that the Third Temple will be rebuilt (as is also believed in some Jewish movements).

However, it is indicated that this third temple will become a scene of the Anti-Messiah who will place himself in this temple as “god”. The so-called “abomination of desolation” from the book of Daniel. Some of these Evangelicals even believe that Trump is the person who will initiate this. Because he has also moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

A Jewish rabbi from America is also involved in this, see this link: https://www.torahthinking.org/


I can honestly tell you that when I first read this article from the link [above, claiming the Plymouth Brethren were closet masons], I had to swallow a few times. Of course, nothing surprises me anymore.

But if there is anyone who was against this movement, it was Darby.

Also his fellow brothers of that time, such as William Kelly, a great scholar in the field of foreign languages ​​and a contemporary of Darby, and from whom I learned a lot, were mainly against this movement of the Freemasons.


The movement of Theosophy and also of Anthroposophy is completely based on Gnosticism.

I am reasonably well acquainted with this matter, and I also have sufficient knowledge of the so-called New Testament of the Xtians as you call them.

It is written in Greek, but the writers of some parts warn especially for the danger of Hellenism and the influence of Gnosticism.

I still have many books of the Plymouth movement in my library, and have used them in the past and now often to comment on some parts of the Scriptures. And I can tell you that they are very opposed to these influences from outside, especially Gnostic thinking!


I will also explain to you that the Plymouth Brethren or “assembly of believers” are very orthodox in their view of Scripture and they do NOT believe in so-called speaking in tongues or other charismatic expressions.

These things you come across with a large group of Xtians that are called the “Pentecostal movement”, these are Evangelicals or Evangelical Christians. Here you come across the phenomenon of “tongues”. This group originated in America and has spread all over the world. And this is a completely different direction than the “Plymouth Brethren.”


I have also been in this group and have even witnessed the so-called speaking in tongues!

This is more than 30 years ago, that a woman just started speaking in a strange language that I did not understand and also made strange sounds. I found this very strange and thought what is the point of this.

Some said that it was proof that this woman was blessed with the Ruach HaKodesh. But I really had my reservations and great doubts about this. And a few hours later I got my answer.

After this meeting my wife and I were invited for coffee. The hostess came from Indonesia. She asked me what I thought of the meeting. I told her that I had great doubts about this woman who had spoken in a foreign language. She confirmed to me that this woman had spoken in the Indonesian language (Malay) and she had understood this.

She said that this woman had made “vulgar statements! This was the last straw for me. I had often experienced strange things in these groups, such as falling forward, etc.


I can tell you that demonic spirits use these people. Demons (shedims) use them as a vessel to communicate and insult Hashem!

So, it can be a sign of possession.

When I did research in theosophy groups, I came across this phenomenon again, especially in spiritualistic circles. A certain medium would speak in another language and was thus a mouthpiece for this lying demon or spirit, who was pretending to be the deceased person.


I must make it clear that you will not come across this in the group of J.N. Darby.

That their castle is associated with witchcraft and ghosts is not strange in England, but you will know that. But it will not have been Darby who participated in this. He even had a fight with his family because he did not go the way his father wanted and so was dis-inherited!


What I have noticed lately is that Xtians who live orthodox are having an increasingly difficult time and are being oppressed. Especially those who support the Jewish people!

I sometimes say, now that the Jews are being persecuted again and anti-Semitism is really on the rise in Europe, it will soon be these Xtians who will be persecuted.


The last thing my correspondent sent me was this:


This is the book’s description, from Amazon:

The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the Top-Secret Plan to Build the Third Temple: Unveiling the Incendiary Scheme by Religious Authorities, Government Agents, and Jewish Rabbis to Invoke Messiah

For thousands of years, we’ve been warned of a day when the Antichrist will arise to pilot the greatest deception in human history.

Whereas many can discuss the dictatorial global economics, societal horrors, and eventual apocalypse that follows his arrival, few know that there are negotiations in the workings at this moment to build the very location where the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place. This, as the book of Daniel prophesied, will be the catalyst event… The beginning of the end.

Many believe that President Trump is Israel’s next King Cyrus—the facilitator and overseer of the building of the Third Temple—and that his influential role in that pursuit is being guided by God, Himself, in order to restore this most sacred site of worship.

Is a secret plan under development for construction of the Third Temple? Will Trump succeed in raising this landmark, only to usher in the end of days?


In this book, you will learn: The connection between Donald Trump, the Rabbis, and a behind-the scenes scheme to erect the Third Temple; The role Trump’s Orthodox Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner is playing with Saudi Arabia with plans to control the Temple Mount; How Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and his moving the US Embassy there sent a powerful signal to Third Temple advocates; The controversy over the Temple Mount location and why the spot on which the Third Temple will be built will soon be unveiled; What the “Abomination of Desolation” is and what the globe’s most powerful political personalities have to say about its future appearance on holy ground; How recent archeological site metal-detector scans near the Qumran Caves point to the discovery of ancient Temple treasures (including the Ark of the Covenant), and how that relates to the building of the Third Temple; The mystery of the Copper Scroll and what it disclosed; What is to take place when the Temple is constructed, then desecrated; and so much more!


This book was published in March, 2019…

The author must have had a ‘premonition’ about the Second Coming of Trump….


Here’s how my correspondent describes this book:

This is what I was talking about regarding the Third Temple and Trump. This book was written during his first term. The author, Thomas Horn (now deceased), describes it from an evangelical perspective!

It gives a good picture of how evangelical Christianity looks at this. Also from the direction of the Free Baptist Church, of which there are quite a few in America.


I learnt so much from this exchange, I asked him if it was OK to post it up here, anonymously.

Probably the most important take away, for me, is that even ‘Evangelical Xtianity’ is splintered in a billion different ways.
And while much of it seems to be focussed and even welcoming outright demonic possession, at least some of it is not.
And there are some good, sincere non-Jews in these movements who are groping their way towards truth, and are very close to jumping the gap between believing in ‘Yoshki’ as the moshiach, and understanding that the real moshiach didn’t come yet.
We’ll leave this here for now.

But I have a bunch more information to share with you, on how xtians have been plotting the ‘Restoration of the Jews’ to Eretz Yisrael for more than 400 years.

And Herzl and ‘political zionism’ just kind of latched on to what was already in the pipes, and being planned, for 100, 200, 300 years before Herzl was even born.
Watch out for that.

Rav Berland gave over this shiur on the hilulah of Rebbe Nachman this year, 2024.

I got overloaded with projects, so my husband kindly agreed to translate it – his style is a little different from mine, but he’s sticking to the text.

After the Rav’s shiur, I’m also sticking up her English translations of the Chessed L’Avraham, that are related to what the Rav is saying here.


I can’t make the point often enough, that ‘bloggers’ and ‘influencers’ have driven everyone crazy with their uninformed speculations and personal agendas.

Even when they are 100% sincere.

That’s why I am mostly just ignoring all the ‘noise’ online, and trying to stick to bringing you words from the Rav, translations of solid Jewish sources, and more background ‘historical’ information that I’m researching myself, usually based on the Rav’s hints.

No-one knows what happens next, except our very biggest Tzaddikim.

And they either aren’t saying anything – or are speaking in terms of hints and allusions, that require a huge amount of effort and siyatta dishmeya to even start to unravel.

And with that intro, here is the Rav’s shiur on ‘the secret’ of living in Eretz Yisrael, during the time of the coming of the Moshiach.


Jerusalem is in the [spiritual] world of Yetzirah1.

When a person lives in Jerusalem, he’s in the world of Yetzirah, in the world of Yetzirah. I was in Dizengoff at the Police Station. I went there with someone, a ba’al teshuva, to protect him. There was some woman there, so the policeman asked her, why don’t you come and live in Dizengoff? You live in a pit…

She said, I’d live in a pit under the ground if it was in Jerusalem, only in Jerusalem.


The Rabbanit travelled with someone in a taxi.

One of them was going to Beit Shemesh. She said, now [in Beit Shemesh] I have a house with four rooms, five rooms. Here [in Jerusalem] I had an apartment in Beit Yisrael, under ground, with two rooms.

So, then he says to her, the secular taxi driver says to her, ‘they threw you out of Jerusalem, they threw you out…!’


People come to live in Jerusalem, even in pits.

When Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld came, he didn’t know anyone.

He came to Jerusalem, he slept in the street. He didn’t know anything. He arrived with ten children and slept in the street. He put some blanket down on the street. Rain fell. Suddenly, someone who knew him saw him, ‘that’s Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, what’s going on? Come, come into my house’.

At that time there was still no Jerusalem so to speak [outside the Old City walls]. There was only sheltered housing.

There was only the Old City. He came in 5634. He died in 5696.


… So, now let’s return to our topic.

Our topic is speaking about the fact that Jerusalem, the Holy City, is the holiest place in the world.

He [Rabbi Yisrael Ber Odessa, the Saba Israel] said, if I would have come to Jerusalem, they [his sons] would have been Charedim.

He would come to Jerusalem and sleep here on the benches, in order to be with ‘our people’ [i.e. the Breslov community of Jerusalem], but he left his sons in Tiberias.

So, they all came out secular.

In the end, they made teshuva, they became a bit ‘mizrahi’. His daughter, her husband was a diplomat, he was the Consul in Greece, the Israeli Ambassador. We wanted his passport for Uman. And everything… there’s endless stories. We need to live another hundred years to tell all the stories.


And now, soon, we’ll be ninety years old. Ninety years in Breslov. We knew all elders without exception.

The main thing is to know that Rabbi Levi Yitzchak was the true ‘continuation’. He was the true continuation.

When he showed that Breslov is what the Rebbi said, that through Torah all the prayers and requests are accepted.

Why was your prayer not accepted? Because you don’t learn Gemara. The Rebbi said in Lesson 3 [Likutei Moharan], only Gemara, Gemara – Shas. There are six sections of the Mishna, which come to rectify the six ‘rings’ of the windpipe.

A person needs to know that the first thing is to learn eight hours of Gemara.

Without this, he hasn’t started. He also hasn’t started to be Breslov. Eight hours of Gemara.


Now, it’s the Yartzheit of Rabbenu. Everyone needs to take upon himself to complete Shas and the Rambam before the end of next year, before the next Yartzheit, which is the greatest day.



  1. The highest of the four spiritual worlds.


The above is the excerpt of the Rav’s shiur.

Now, let’s bring the Chessed L’Avraham that the Rav frequently refers to, in many different shiurim.


Chessed L’Avraham – Mayan 3, Nahar, 22 [13]

The secret of the one who lives in the land of Israel, during the coming of the Mashiach.

Know, that it is an accepted tradition in our hands, that on the day that King Mashiach will come with the ingathering of the exiles to the Land of Israel, there will be found in the Land 7000 of the children of Israel.


On this same day, the dead of the Land of Israel shall be restored to life.

On that same day also, the walls of Jerusalem shall be removed, and rebuilt from precious stones and pearls. Then, at the time, the dead of the Land of Israel shall be restored to life, they shall be new spiritual creations. Also, the 7000 who shall be left alive at that time, they too shall be new creations, all of them with spiritual bodies, similar to the body of Adam prior to his sin, and the body of Chanoch, Moshe Rabeinu and Eliyahu.


They shall all float in the air, soaring like eagles.

This shall be seen by all the people ingathered from the exile. When these, their brothers, are made a new creation, soaring through the air, going to dwell in the (lower) Gan Eden to learn Torah from the Mouth of the Holy One, Blessed be He, then all together the children of the ingathered exiles, with worry in their hearts and anguish in their souls cry out to King Mashiach.


They ask, we also are the nation of the Children of Israel, like them. Why have they merited to be spiritual beings in body and soul, and not us? Why are we less?


The Mashiach shall answer them saying,

“The character of the Holy One, Blessed be He is already known and recognised, He gives to each one ‘measure for measure’.

These ones also dwelled outside of the Land, and after great effort they succeeded to come to the Land of Israel, in order to merit a purified soul. They cared not for their physical or material well-being.

They came by sea and by land and were not dissuaded by the dangers of the sea or of being robbed along their journey. They suffered under cruel regimes, all for sake of the essence of their spirit and soul. Therefore, have they become complete spiritual beings, measure for measure.


“However, all of you, who had the ability to come to the Land of Israel, as they did, and were discouraged over concern for your finances –

You were worried about your physical safety and your money. These things, you made to be the principal things in your lives, and your spirit and soul you made secondary. Therefore. have you remained physical beings.”


And, for the love of your money which you loved, behold Hashem Yitbarach gives you money without limit.

All the silver, gold and precious stones and pearls that were sunk in the sea all of these years, the sea was sworn to give them out on the Sea of Yafo within three days of them being sunk, and all that which was submerged since the six days of creation until the days of King Solomon, when it was all ejected from the Sea of Yafo onto dry land, and from this Solomon was enriched.

And that which was submerged from the time of Solomon until the ingathering of the exiles, all of it is destined to be ejected from the Sea of Yafo to dry land.


And Moshiach will share out to each and every tzadik his portion.

As it’s said: “for they draw from the riches of the sea” (Devarim 33:19). And also all the treasures that are hidden under the ground, in the future, the ground will make tunnels and tunnels to roll-along and bring all the treasure of kings, and it will bring them to Eretz Yisrael, like it says: “…and the hidden hoards of the sand” (Devarim 33:19).

And all of this will be revealed in Eretz Yisrael to the King Moshiach.

And he will share them out to the people of the ingathering of the exiles, each one his portion, and he will satiate with lots of money all those who were particular over their money and their bodies, but they will remain physical beings who are satiated with money.

And those who were not concerned for their bodies and their money but only for their spirituality, Hashem will make them new creations and lead them to the Lower Gan Eden, as mentioned.


Ad kan, from the first passage of the Chessed L’Avraham.

And now, let me ask you, doesn’t this seem eminently fair?

We know there is ‘reward and punishment’ for every deed in the world, and we know that a person can be a very good Jew outside of Eretz Yisrael – and for sure, they will be rewarded for that greatly, as stated above. They will be loaded down with riches.

At the same time, we also know that moving to Eretz Yisrael requires enormous self-sacrifice, especially materialistically and culturally and personally, for new olim.

So those people will also be ‘rewarded’ in kind, with the type of reward that really speaks to them.

Not money and more materialism, but by achieving a totally level of ‘spirituality’.

This is totally fair, and seems to satisfy all parts of the equation of ‘reward and punishment’.


OK, so now, let’s bring the second excerpt from the Chessed L’Avraham, which describes the zchut of living in Eretz Yisrael.


Maayan 3, Nahar 12, Chesed L’Avraham

Explaining the difference between those Jewish souls that dwell in the land of Israel and those who dwell outside of the Holy Land.

Know then that the Jewish (Neshamot) souls that dwell in the Land of Israel come forth from the ten sefirot of [the realm of] Yetzirah.

[Thus, these souls] are called the “House of Israel”. They are also called “children”.

For when a Jewish person dwells outside the Holy Land then [all he/she] has is a (nefesh) soul from the [level of] the Ofanim (angels).

When one merits to enter the Land of Israel there comes upon him/her a new (nefesh level) soul from Yetzirah and cloaks itself within his older (nefesh) soul.


The first night that one sleeps in the Land of Israel both souls leave [the body] and ascend above [to visit the Heavenly realms during the allotted sleep time].

Upon returning only the new soul returns. Therefore, such a person is not fit to receive any punishments [for any sins committed outside of the Holy Land], for this, the new soul [which now inhabits the body] is not the one who sinned.

Thus, our blessed Rabbis have taught (Ketubot 111A) that such a one (i.e., one that lives in the holy Land) is forgiven all his sins.


[Thus] every Jewish person who lives in the Land of Israel is called a tzaddik (righteous person), even if to all appearances one is not such.

For if the person was not a tzaddik the Land [itself] would vomit out such a person, as it is written, “And the land shall vomit out those who dwell upon her” (Lev. 18:25). Being that the Land does not vomit out such a person, we must accept that he/she is a tzaddik (righteous person) even if the person is considered a rasha (criminal person).


Also, know that for one to live in the Land of Israel and then go to live outside the land is considered a sin.

In addition, this sin causes the angelic prince [of whatever land one goes to] to have dominance over him/her. The one who takes upon him/herself to live all their days in the Land of Israel and not to leave to go outside the land is considered to have proclaimed the unity of the Holy One, blessed be He, all of one’s days.


In addition, know that the Land of Israel only atones for those sins that were performed by accident (without knowledge or intent).

Yet, those sins performed intentionally (where one knows that what is being done is in violation of Torah law), these are not forgiven other than by personal sufferings.

For those [in the Holy Land] who perform intentional sins in a spirit of arrogance, these have no forgiveness other than through repentance and the study of Torah.


Ad kan, for the second Chessed L’Avraham.

The second one is more challenging for me, to be honest.

We see so many yucky people ‘ruling’ in Eretz Yisrael, it’s incredible to me that the land hasn’t ‘vomited them out’ a long time ago.

I guess God has a lot more patience than I do.

And that clearly, the story hasn’t concluded yet.

I know a whole bunch of people have left Israel the last year, post-October 7.

Nearly all ‘chilonim’.

It’s hard to live here without seeing God in the picture, mamash.

But that is the point of all this suffering….



A couple of the readers pointed out the error in the footnote.

Here is what one sent me, via email:

I just wanted to point out that in the footnote, Yetzirah is not the highest of the Spiritual Worlds, but 3rd (Atzilut, Beriyah, Yetzirah and Assiyah).

The source for this quote from R’ Berland is Shaarei Kedusha where R’ Chaim Vital teaches that the Land of Yisrael has one less covering to Hashem, as opposed to Chul, which is rooted in Assiyah (the lowest).


I am very aware that there is a lot I don’t know, and I’m not pretending to be a Torah scholar, so I am very grateful for all the corrections and amendments.

Keep them coming!

As usual, I can’t keep up with the Rav’s hints.

But as usual, I’m still trying to de-code them, as best I can.

In one of the more recent excerpts from his talk to Chut Shel Chessed, the Rav said this (read the longer excerpt HERE):


So, what did the Kedushat Yom Tov say, the rebbe from Sighet? This is the father of R’Yoel [Teltelbaum of Satmar].

In Chayei Sarah, he says that Hashem has enough angels. Hashem has billions of angels!

But, the whole matter after the sin of the Tree of Knowledge was to break this lust. This is the whole purpose of a human being.

Angels don’t need to fight against this ta’avah (lust). They don’t have ta’avah.

But man [does], after Adam HaRishon sinned with the Tree of Knowledge.

He said, and therefore, Adam HaRishon sinned with the Tree of Knowledge. He said [if there is no free choice to ‘sin’], there is absolutely no reward (i.e. for choosing good).


Here it is, [in the] Kedushat Yom Tov, this is the father of R’ Yoel, the Admor of Satmar.

This is his father, the rebbe from Sighet.


From previous experience, I know that when the Rav is talking about someone’s family tree, it really pays to take a closer look at it.

So that’s what I did.

If you want to follow my methodology, I just start writing down the main ancestors, siblings and kids – and then, I see what connections pop up.

That’s what I started jotting down for the SATMAR REBBE, Yoel Teitelbaum, son of the KEDUSHAT YOM TOV of SIGHET.

(Because there are two ‘KEDUSHAT YOM TOVs’, apparently.


This is what I learned:

  • The TEITELBAUMS of Satmar were originally called ‘SCHIFF’, and are directly related to the Frankist-Reform financiers of the same name.
  • The YISMACH MOSHE’s paternal great uncle was none other than R LEVI YITZHAK OF BERDICHEV.
  • And it’s possible, that the YISMACH MOSHE had a ‘scrubbed brother’ called LEON LOWENSOHN. We’ll learn more about him in a mo, you’ll soon figure out why he was very possibly ‘scrubbed’ out the Satmar Rebbe’s family tree.


First, here’s the clue that suggests the YISMACH MOSHE (SCHIFF) TEITELBAUM (1758-1841) has a missing brother, named LEON LOWENSOHN:

It’s a My Heritage record, which you can see for yourselves HERE:



Before we continue, here’s a little more about the YISMACH MOSHE from English Wiki, HERE:

According to Leopold Löw, he signed his name “Tamar”, this being the Hebrew equivalent of Teitelbaum, which is the Yiddish for “date palm” (compare German “Dattelbaum”).

An adherent of the Polish Hasidic rebbe Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin. Teitelbaum was instrumental in bringing Hasidic Judaism to Hungary.

Though initially opposed to Hassidism, after his son-in-law introduced him to Jacob Isaac Horowitz, he soon became an adherent.


Take aways from this:

  • Moshe SCHIFF (the YISMACH MOSHE) makes a concerted effort to change his surname, and distance himself from his SCHIFF family members.
  • He’s another follower of the SEER of LUBLIN – but is initially an opponent of chassidut.
  • He is somehow connected to LEOPOLD LOW – the Hungarian founder of ‘Neolog’ reform-type pseudo-Judaism. But, we have no idea how they are linked.


LEOPOLD LOW (1811 – 1875)is this guy:

(The younger version on the left, the older version on the right.)

I’m a big believer in putting up pictures of the people I write about wherever possible, because you can tell so much from the expressions on these people’s faces, whatever else ‘the propaganda’ tells you to think about them.

So, do you think LEOPOLD LOW is a nice, friendly, holy guy?

Or not exactly?


Back with the YISMACH MOSHE (SCHIFF) TEITELBAUM, Wiki tells us this strange piece of information:

In 1822 Teitelbaum was suspected of having supplied amulets to certain Jewish culprits who had been cast into prison for libel, in order to assist them in escaping.

When called upon to vindicate himself he declared that the amulets in question served only as substitutes for the mezuzah and that their only purpose was to protect their bearers against demons.

Teitelbaum enjoyed an enviable reputation, with even Moses Sofer paying him homage.


Take aways:

  • The YISMACH MOSHE appears to be dabbling in the same kind of ‘practical kabbalah’ amulet magic that got Sabbatean Yonatan Eibshitz in trouble.
  • But don’t worry, he’s definitely ‘above suspicion’ because the CHATAM SOFER is vouching for him! (If you read this blog regularly, you’ll know that the CHATAM SOFER had a strange habit of apparently vouching for lots of people with a distinct ‘Sabbatean’ whiff about them.



The Yismach Moshe said he knew at least three of his previous incarnations, including being a sheep in the flock of Yaakov Avinu’s flock.

I just have to quote this next line from the English Wiki, as I laughed out loud for five minutes when I read it:

Regarding the first gilgul, he taught his followers the song, he said, that he recalled Jacob would sing as he tended the sheep. The song, Yankel hut eine kleine Lamm, is not related to the modern Mary Had a Little Lamb.



You can see the Hebrew site for him on the HaMichlol page HERE.

Apparently, he’s buried right next to R ALEXANDER SENDER EICHENSTEIN OF KOMARNA, that we wrote a little about HERE.


So, why would the practical-kabbalah practising R MOSHE SCHIFF be trying to distance himself from his SCHIFF family?

Let’s see if we can figure this out, a bit more.


Let me take you back to the post from a little while ago, called THE ROAD TO APOCALYPSE.

The next bit of this post was originally written as an update to that post, that I never got around to posting up.

Long story short, the main funder of the LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING XTIANITY AMONGST THE JEWS was LEWIS WAY – the guy who built the most ‘masonic’ private chapel I think I’ve ever seen:


The masonic ‘Reverend’ LEWIS WAY links us to a bunch of people, including the Evangelical missionary JOHN NELSON DARBY, and the Russian Tsar ALEXANDER I, who Way was working with to try to convert or ‘export’ the Jews in the Pale of Settlement.

In turn, JOHN NELSON DARBY (who was also ‘into’ the occult) links us to a group called the PLYMOUTH BRETHREN – which happens to include the dad of the late-Victorian satanist, ALEISTER CROWLEY.


ALEISTER CROWLEY also revived the HERMETIC GOLDEN DAWN, the satanic black-kabbalah secret society that was initially run by SAMUEL CHAIM FALK, the ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London, and JACOB FRANK’s first father-in-law.

To misquote Monty Python, ALEISTER CROWLEY (who was raised amongst the PLYMOUTH BRETHREN) was a very naughty boy.


OK, what does all this have to do with MOSHE TEITELBAUM?

So, I was checking out the Wiki page for satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY HERE, when I notice that one of the satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY’s best buddies is a man called:



HERE is his Wiki page, and here is a pertinent snippet:

He moved to the UK in about 1906,] and became a British citizen that year.[1]

He met Aleister Crowley, the English occultist, that year; Crowley lent him money while he was still recovering from his overspending.

He spoke no English when he arrived in the UK, but learned it quickly enough to publish a collection of short stories, Planetary Journeys and Earthly Sketches, in 1908.

Crowley remarked on his talent in his reminiscences: “His imperfect acquaintance with English resulted in his inventing curiously fascinating terms of phraseology. He had remarkable imagination and a brilliant ability to use the bizarre.”]

The two books contained some fantasy and early science fiction stories; the former is described by The Oxford Companion to Edwardian Fiction as “mostly consist[ing] of affected parables”, though Israel Zangwill was more complimentary about his work.


If you click that link for ISRAEL ZANGWILL, you’ll discover that he was a really important, senior dude in the POLITICAL ZIONISM project.

In the meantime, this bosom buddy of satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY – who is most likely working for British Intelligence, whilst ‘lending money’ to this new immigrant from Russia who can’t even speak English – has some very interesting family connections.


Go back to this post, called THE MYSTERY DAUGHTER OF THE ALTER REBBE, from last year.

In that post, we discovered that the RAFFALOVICH family are also close mishpocha with the family of the TZEMACH TZEDEK, Rebbe number 3 of Chabad.

Like this:

You can see that tree for yourself HERE, and it’s for one ‘Bila Segal (nee Lowensohn)’.

According to this ‘alternative tree’, there is someone called JUDAH LEIB LOWENSOHN (LOWY) – same surname as ‘BARUCH LOWY’, the shadowy figure who is meant to be the dad of the Alter Rebbe.


I am going to put the details of this family tree in the footnotes for the genealogy nerds, because I know a lot of people can’t follow them.[1]

Bottom line, is that it seems possible that  TZVI HIRSH SCHIFF – father of the YISMACH MOSHE – may have also gone by the name YITZHAK (ISAAC) DOV LOWENSOHN.

(I just tripped into a whole other genealogical mess again… But let’s keep focussed here. There’s more than enough to be going on already.)

Apparently he has at least three kids, REIZA, who marries MOSES RAFFALOVICH.

LEON LOWENSOHN, who marries ‘LEA SEGAL’ and has three very interesting kids.

  1. OLGA, marries her first cousin ABRAHAM MOSES RAFFALOVICH(1783-1859)
  2. LEVI YEHONASON LOWENSOHNmarries RIVKA, the grand-daughter of none other than the false messiah, JACOB FRANK (via his son YEHUDA LEIB, who marries a daughter of BENJAMIN RIVLIN, the Gabiah HaKesef, and father of HILLEL RIVLIN.)
  3. BELLA(d. 1841), marries a famous merchant and banker from Berdychev / Odessa, called CHARLES JOACHIM (CHAIM) EPHRUSSI.


And kid number three is – apparently – the ‘practical kabbalah’ practising YISMACH MOSHE….


OK, pay attention, we are about to learn something incredible.

GEORGE RAFFALOVICH, the best buddy of English satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY, is the paternal grandson of that same ABRAHAM MOSES RAFFALOVICH (1783-1859) mentioned above.

That makes the ‘YISMACH MOSHE’ the great-uncle of GEORGE RAFFALOVICH.


And do you know who the uncle of GEORGE RAFFALOVICH is?

Why, that would be R DR ISAIAH RAFFALOVICH[2].

He’s the guy who helped to start up that AHAVA ‘secret society’ in Israel that maneuvered AVRAHAM YITZHAK HAKOHEN KOOK into his job as the first ‘Chief Rabbi’.


You remember, we recently learned that the KOL HATOR seems to have been a xtian-zionist deception right from the start, designed to ‘brainwash’ Jewish youth into replacing God with the Moloch called ‘the State of Israel’.

Every single person involved with publishing and ‘revealing’ KOL HATOR from 1948 on (conveniently….) was a member of this same AHAVA secret society.

Read the whole discussion HERE.


Meanwhile, let’s bring the snippet from the Hebrew Wiki page for the AHAVA secret society about ISAIAH RAFFALOVICH again from HERE.

YESHAYAHU RAFAELOWITZ – “[W]as the founder and first president of the World Ahva Society, the Chief Rabbi of Brazil and the Chief Rabbi of the British Army in Palestine.” 

He married the daughter of ISRAEL DOV FRUMKIN –  “Israel Dov Frumkin’s great-grandson—is Carmi Gilon, who was head of the Shabak (Israeli security service).”


Again, notice this:

The best buddy of the English satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY, is GREGOR (GEORGE) RAFFALOVICH, the nephew of YESHAYAHU RAFFALOVICH, founder of the ACHAVA secret society and Chief Rabbi of the British Army in Palestine.

And the AHAVA-sponsored ‘KOL HATOR’ project is the main way the Dati Leumi community were brainwashed into ‘sacrificing for the State’.

And never challenging or questioning what they are told to do, in its name.


We covered a lot of the EPHRUSSI angle to this family, in that post called THE MYSTERY DAUGHTER OF THE ALTER REBBE. I won’t rehash the old stuff, as you can go back and read it.

But there are some more ‘low hanging fruit’ to pick up here.


One of the kids of BEILA LOWENSOHN and CHARLES JOACHIM EPHRUSSI is THERESE BACHA (1851-1911) who marries French Jewish banker LEON FOULD.

The FOULD family deserve their own post, as they link us straight back to the French SAINT-SIMONIST Frankist-Masons who were trying to introduce a new religion that replaced God with science, that included the PEREIRAs and GRADIS family.

And also, Napoleon’s ‘Sanhedrin’.

And also, over in NYC, ‘Our Crowd‘.

Go HERE to start that part of the journey, if you can’t wait for me to set out it will all the bells and whistles in a future post.


Meanwhile, there’s another notable family member I want to introduce you to.

Her name is ELENA RAFFALOVICH[3] and she marries the Italian DOMENICO CAMPARETTI, converts to Catholicism, and moves to Italy.

There, she hangs out with a load of people we’ve already touched on, here on the blog, including that same DAVID LEVI we covered HERE.

DAVID LEVI was a leading Jewish mason, working closely with MAZZINI – the guy who the known satanic mason ALBERT PIKE wrote his famous letter to, about how ‘political zionism’ was going to be the trigger for WW3.


This family seems to be one of the main pivots the vicious circle of masons, satanists, ‘SAINT SIMON-ists’, Frankist-catholics and ‘political zionism’ revolves around.


And isn’t it interesting, that official history hardly ever mentions them.




Here’s the family tree details, for the geneaology nerds.


Kid one:

BILA LOWENSOHN – marries one R JUDAH LEIB SEGAL (1720-1745), and has a daughter called LEA LEA SEGAL (1766 – 1792) – who is probably the real DEVORAH LEAH, said to be the daughter of the Alter Rebbe.

‘LEA LEA’ marries SHALOM SHACHNE ALTSHULER – and has two children.

  1. The TZEMACH TZEDEK – 3rd rebbe of Chabad.


Kid two:



ISAAC DOV LOWENSOHN has two kids (that are listed).

  1. LEON LOWENSOHN marries ‘LEA’, and has three very interesting kids:
  1. OLGA, marries her first cousin ABRAHAM MOSES RAFFALOVICH(1783-1859) – (more about them, and all these other kids, in a mo.)
  2. LEVI YEHONASON LOWENSOHNmarries RIVKA, the grand-daughter of none other than the false messiah, JACOB FRANK (via his son who marries a daughter of BENJAMIN RIVLIN, the Gabiah HaKesef, and father of HILLEL RIVLIN.)
  3. BELLA(d. 1841), marries a famous merchant and banker from Berdychev / Odessa, called CHARLES JOACHIM (CHAIM) EPHRUSSI.


[2] ISAIAH RAFFALOVICH was the grandson of R KALMAN MOSHE RAFFALOVITCH, the brother of ABRAHAM MOSES RAFFALOVITCH who married OLGA, above. Isaiah’s maternal grandpa was apparently that same NISSAN BAK who was the agent of ‘R ISRAEL OF RUZHIN’ (aka MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN, main persecutor of R NATAN of BRESLOV) in Eretz Israel.

Bak was also a pioneer of the Jewish Enlightenment, or Haskalah, within his community, together with his brother-in-law I.D. Frumkin,.

Apparently, this branch of RAFFALOVICHs descend from Rebbe Nachman’s uncle, R BARUCH of MEDZHEBOZH – and also, R YECHIEL MICHAL of ZLOTCHOV.


His family tree on Geni is HERE.


This is also a snippet from Tidhar’s Encyclopadia HERE:

נולד בעיירה בוהופול, פלך פודוליה, רוסיה, בשנת תרט”ז (1856) לאביו ר’ שאול שלום הלוי דוקטורוביץ , חסיד מובהק, מצאצאי רבי דוד בעל ה”טורי זהב”, ולאמו חנה, בת ר’ אברהם קלונימוס קלמן ואחות משה רפאלוביץ (אביהם של הרב ישעיהו ושמואל רפאלי) מגזע המגיד רבי מיכאל מזלוצ’וב רבי ברוך ממז’יבוז נכד הבעש”ט.


[3] You can read more about ELENA RAFFALOVICH, and her big attempts to introduce the masonically-designed FROBEL kindergartens to Italy, HERE.

ELENA RAFFALOVICH (1842-1918) seems to be the great-granddaughter of JACOB FRANK – she is the daughter of LEVI YEHONASON LOWENSOHN, who marries Frank’s granddaughter RIVKA REIZEL (Rivka’s mother is the daughter of BINYAMIN RIVLIN of SHKLOV, the GABIA HAKESEF).

ELENA RAFFALOVICH is also the first cousin of THERESE FOULD, banker and Rothschild son-in-law MAURICE EPHRUSSI, and IGNATZ RITTER von EPHRUSSI. Amongst other ‘Frankist-Freemasons’ we keep returning to here.

And lastly, her niece Nadine de Chanteloup happens to marry that same GREGOR RAFFALOVICH who is best friends with the British satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY.



Recently, I took a visit to the Friends of Zion ‘museum’ in Jerusalem.

There is so much to say about all this, but let’s keep focussed on two things, for this post.

Thing One: Was this very interesting video screened by FoZ – and also helpfully stuck up online, so you can see what I saw:


FoZ explains that JOHN HENRY PATTERSON was a leading ‘xtian zionist’.

He helped organised the first ‘Jewish army’ for Palestine (aka the ZION MULE CORP, where people like JOSEPH TRUMPELDOR made a name for themselves, getting mutilated themselves and killing people for ‘Zion’. Stop me, if this sounds familiar.)


But the thing that really took my notice was when ‘JOHN HENRY PATTERSON’, in the FoZ video above, says this:

(Start listening at 1:50 min mark, where the actor who is playing Patterson is talking about the 5,000 Jews who sign up to serve in the British army under the ‘Star of David’ flag in WW2):

“That’s when I became good friends with Ben Zion and Celia Netanyahu.

They asked me to be godfather to their son, Yonatan. Even named him after me. 

And his younger brother Benjamin, a sharp one. Of course back then, no-one knew that Yonatan would be killed rescuing passengers in a terrorist hijacking. 

Or, that Benjamin would become prime minister, some day.”


Even with a nod to the sins of artistic licence, since when do Jews have xtian ‘godfathers’?

Since when, do Jews name their children for xtian British Army Officers?


This is another video from FoZ – from 2023.

It’s Mike Evans talking to a bunch of evangelicals with none other than our dear PM.

(Puke bags are advised….)


At the 1 minute 10 mark, Mike Evans explains how he got our dear PM his first political job under Menachem Begin….

Really listen to what our dear PM is saying in this video.

It’s all hidden in plain view, who really created political zionism, and who is really pulling the strings here, even today….


At the four minute mark, our dear PM starts talking about how his grandfather (MILIKOWSKY) was a big rabbi, and a great disciple of THEODOR HERZL, who went around the USA giving 600 lectures about the need for ‘creating the Jewish State’.

Apparently, Ben Tzion Netanyahu was good buddies with General Eisenhower….

I highly recommend you listen to that whole video.

You’ll learn a lot.


While you are pondering all this, here’s something else I learned from the FoZ museum, this time about THEODOR HERZL.

HERZL got his infamous meeting with Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany thanks to his best friend WILLIAM HECHLER.

THIS article on Israel Today explains a lot of the basics.

Long story short: HECHLER was an evangelical missionary.

He was working with the LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING XTIANITY TO THE JEWS – as his father DIETRICH HECHLER had been, before him.

HECHLER even wrote a book about Jews returning to Israel many years before HERZL’s book THE JEWISH STATE.


Here’s a snippet of what HERZL himself wrote about HECHLER, when he met him on March 10th, 1896:

‘The Reverend William Hechler, Chaplain of the English Embassy here, came to see me. A sympathetic, gentle fellow, with the long grey beard of a prophet.

He is enthusiastic about my solution of the Jewish Question.

He also considers my movement a ‘prophetic turning-point’ – which he had foretold two years before.

From a prophecy in the time of Omar (637CE) he had reckoned that at the end of forty-two prophetic months (total 1260 years) the Jews would get Palestine back. This figure he arrived at was 1897-98.’


You can read more about WILLIAM HECHLER on Wiki HERE.

We will be coming back to him, and his ‘Anglican Restorationist’ buddies in more posts soon.


That would be LEWIS WAY.

Here’s the stained glass window from his personal masonic chapel in Stansted, UK:


One last thing, I just learned what ‘THEODOR’ actually means.

It’s a Greek name, and translates as ‘From God’ (THEO) ‘a gift’ (DOR).

Or, ‘gift from God’.

Now, who can translate this name into English for me?


Ha mavin yavin.


PS: Just a reminder, this is what the Rav said about HERZL, from a few weeks back, HERE:

It’s like Herzl.

He said that everyone would [should] become a xtian. He couldn’t stand the suffering and the persecution happening to the Jews.

So he said, all the Jews should become xtians!

But Hitler challenged him, he made a rule that three generations…[2] Really, they killed even 10 generations of non-Jews who had married Jews. They recounted this, they were in Auschwitz.

On Sunday, we will travel to Auschwitz, to the death camp.


Someone told the Rav that the children of Herzl became xtians.

The Rav answered yes!

But the great-grandchildren already made teshuva.


I can’t find any ‘great-grandchildren’ of HERZL….

They have apparently been hidden.

If anyone out there has some leads, let me know.

If the Rav is mentioning them, they for sure exist.

And if they are being ‘hidden’ from official history, then for sure we’ll learn a lot if we manage to unearth them again.



William Hechler’s own pamphlet calling for the Jews to be restored to ‘Palestine’ in 1893 is apparently on Google Books here:

The Restoration of the Jews to Palestine – William Henry HECHLER – Google ספרים

But, I can’t get it to open – and I think it’s been taken offline.

Can anyone help me track down a PDF of it?

Here’s the World Cat details:


Apparently, two libraries in the USA have it, but it won’t show any details….

I’m getting the distinct impression it’s being hidden.

So, that’s always the first place to start.

Can anyone help me find it, BH?

Shavua Tov!

I have some interesting translations from the Rav for you the next couple of days.

We’ll start with this, a continuation of the Rav’s comments to the CHUT SHEL CHESSED Yeshiva from the 9th of Cheshvan 5785 (November 9th, 2024).

(You can see the first excerpt of the Rav’s comments HERE).


I wanted to translate this bit, dafka, because recently there has been a discussion here on the blog about the difficulties of things like shmirat ha-eynayim and kedushat ha’brit.

And the Rav’s comments give a lot of chizzuk, and consolation – and also a reality check, that everyone struggles with this stuff all the time, and will continue to struggle until 120 years old….

And that’s the point.

And it doesn’t make them ‘bad’ – as long as they don’t give up.



So, this is what the Heichal HaBracha explains, that this was the ‘laughter’ of Sara, that how was it that she was suddenly going to be a girl again?!

[Sarah said]

What, I’m going to be a girl?! I already left that behind! You are returning me to this?![1]


So, what did the Kedushat Yom Tov say, the rebbe from Sighet? This is the father of R’Yoel [Teltelbaum of Satmar].

In Chayei Sarah, he says that Hashem has enough angels. Hashem has billions of angels!

But, the whole matter after the sin of the Tree of Knowledge was to break this lust. This is the whole purpose of a human being.

Angels don’t need to fight against this ta’avah (lust). They don’t have ta’avah.

But man [does], after Adam HaRishon sinned with the Tree of Knowledge.

He said, and therefore, Adam HaRishon sinned with the Tree of Knowledge. He said [if there is no free choice to ‘sin’], there is absolutely no reward (i.e. for choosing good).


Here it is, [in the] Kedushat Yom Tov, this is the father of R’ Yoel, the Admor of Satmar.

This is his father, the rebbe from Sighet.

My mother was born in Sighet, we were Satmar chassidim.

I used to go along wearing 3/4 length trousers, until the age of 14, until I already started to be embarassed [by them]. But at the beginning, I wasn’t embarassed. I didn’t understand why they were laughing at me.

At age 14, I acquired a drop of intellect, and then I understood that…[text missing in original].

Up until then, I went along with 3/4 length pants, and with socks up to the knees. And that’s how it was until age 14.


So, the Kedushat Yom Tov explains that Hashem has enough angels….


The RAMBAM writes that a ‘chassid’ only refers to someone to someone who has no ta’avot (lusts) at all.[2]

It’s written Tzaddik Elyon (Upper Tzaddik) Tzaddik Tachton (Lower Tzaddik).

We complete the SHAS with 310 worlds[3], and we also finish Bava Metzia with 310 words.

[The Rav is about to explain what this means].


This is what the Semichat HaChachamim, R’ Naftali Katz says. 24th of Tevet will be his yahrtzeit.

So, he said that there is a Tzaddik Elyon, and Tzaddik Tachton, and between them, there is YeReK[4] (green / vegetable).

YeReKthis is 310 worlds.

How do we merit to 310 worlds? YeReK is 310 – how do we merit to this? How do we ‘pull up’ this YeReK?


So, R’ Meir says, this belongs to Elyon.

What is this, ‘Elyon’?

There is a Tzaddik who doesn’t have any ta’avot. He already left them all behind, like Rabbenu [Rebbe Nachman of Breslov]. He nullified everything.

But, there is a tzaddik who has to struggle with this until 120 years – with shmirat eynayim (guarding the eyes), and with not looking, and each time, the yetzer hara reawakens anew.

So, this is already the ‘Tzaddik Tachton’ (Lower Tzaddik).


So, R’ Meir comes and says that the YeReK, the 310 worlds, only the Tzaddik Elyon will merit to have this.

But who can become the ‘Tzaddik Elyon’?!

This is only Rabbenu (Rebbe Nachman), and on the eve of Rosh Hashana, he takes everyone across [to be signed in the book of merit].


[The Tzaddik Elyon], this is the Tzaddik from the aspect of Leah.

This is a Tzaddik who doesn’t have any ta’avot at all. He nullified all his lusts.

The Rebbe said, I had tests, and I had ta’avot – I nullified everything! To the point of [finding the known ta’avah] loathsome! I nullified it to the point of finding it disgusting!

The Rebbe never sat with his wife, just once on Seder Night.


And Rav Natan said, I passed by exactly [then], and I managed to see the Rebbe – how he glowed and blazed, and his face shone like the sun, on Seder Night.

So, the Rebbe totally nullified this, so the Rebbe is called the ‘Tzaddik Elyon’.


But what [do we say] about the Tzaddik HaTachton – the Lower Tzaddik?

This is the Tzaddik who struggles with this every day, and who tries to have shmirat ha’eynayim, and to not look on the street.

R’ Mathias walked along with open eyes. [He said] I don’t see anything!

He walked around Kiev, he guarded his eyes, someone went with him.

He said, I don’t see!

A person can be with their eyes open, and still see nothing! He doesn’t need ‘to see’. If his brain is busy with Torah and prayer, he doesn’t see anything.


So, to be without a yetzer hara (evil inclination) – this is only the angels.

Angels don’t have a yetzer hara.

So, the RAMBAM said that a true chassid has absolutely no inclination for evil.

[I.e. he’s a ‘Tzaddik Elyon’, like Rebbe Nachman]

But us? We need to break the yetzer hara!

All of our work is to fight against this yetzer hara, and to teach our women how to fight against it.

The women also want to fight against this.


Translated from Shivivei Or 384



[1] I.e. to having to deal with the tests of being a ‘teenager’ again.

[2] See the scanned sources of the RAMBAM in Hebrew, from Shivivei Or, below.

[3] It’s taught that every Tzaddik receives 310 worlds.

[4] Yud, resh, kuf = 310 in gematria.


