The Rav gave a bunch of interesting ‘clues’ about who is running things in the Holy Land, from behind the scenes, in the last shiur of his I translated.

(Read the lengthier excerpt HERE.)

As well as touching on more of the real story about how the charidee money apparently was getting siphoned-off into private pockets almost right from the start (more about that another time….) – he also widened out the focus to start looking at what was really going on in Hevron.

Let’s bring that snippet, below, and then we’ll start to unpack it all, with God’s help:


There are four holy cities [in Eretz Yisrael].

Four cities: Hevron – there, there was the Rav Mani[1]. HaRav Mani was the Chief Rabbi of Hevron, there, there were all the rabbonim.

There was there the ‘Chessed L’Avraham’, and there was there the ‘Sdei Chemed’ – he’s buried in Hevron still today.

The rabbis came to visit him [the Sdei Chemed], he said: “Stay here, don’t go back to Russia.”


And he was the Chief Rabbi of Crimea.

Because they suspected him in Istanbul, they suspected him. They paid money to the cleaner, who cleaned the synagogue, they paid her an enormous sum of money.

In the end, he confessed to the Beit Din that she was paid money, but he’d already lost the Chief Rabbi [position] in Istanbul.


He was the greatest rav of all the generations, in the whole world.

He [wrote] like that, 14 books, ‘Sdei Chemed’, but his opponents, his detractors, succeeded in kicking him out of Istanbul, with false accusations.

He was the Rav of Crimea, and in the end he decided that he wanted dafka to be in Eretz Yisrael, to be buried in Hevron, next to the ‘Reishit Chochma’.


And so, he came to Hevron.

The rabbis came from Crimea, there were also chief rabbis. He said to them:

Stay here, if you go back – nothing will remain of you.

And so it was. Everyone went back, and not even a single child remains. All of them ascended al kiddush Hashem (were killed in the sanctification of God’s name.)

Part of them became communists, part the Nazis murdered.

The Nazis slaughtered all the Jews, six million Jews.


I knew as soon as I read all this stuff the first time around, that a huge bunch of new info was about to start swinging loose, when I started trying to bottom all this information out.

And yup…. That’s definitely what happened.

Let’s start with a bit more background about Hevron, taken from a book in French called:

Le Livre de Hebron, by Eliaou Attlan – a resident of Hebron.


Why was I reading a book in French? Because I was in Hevron over Sukkot 5784, and at the little kiosk that sells books by the bottom of the steps, I was trying to get hold of a book of the history of Hevron in English.

The bookseller told me that to his knowledge, it doesn’t exist.

But he had something in French, if I could read French well enough (long story short, I can. Finally, I start to understand why I had to learn French….)


In Attlan’s book, I learned the following:

Hevron was a hotbed of Sabbatean messianic fervor.

Shabtai Tzvi / the SHACH himself was a shadar, or ‘emissary’ raising funds for Eretz Yisrael before Nathan of Gaza ‘announced’ him as moshiach, and before he left to fundraise in Egypt, in 1664, he came to Hebron.

That’s where Shabtai Tzvi made one of his most ardent followers, the Hebron Sage R AVRAHAM CUENQUE – who was also frequently employed as a fundraising shadar, for Eretz Yisrael.

Remember, all this predates the aliyah of the Sabbatean YEHUDA CHASSID, and his bunch of merry Sabbateans, by at least 50 years. And it predates the Chassidic Aliyah of 1772 by more than a century.


According to Attlan, R CUENQUE was known as an honest, erudite and pious man.

And SHABTAI TZVI caught him totally, in his net.

This is my English translation of the passgge Attlan brings in his book, on page 104, describing R CUENQUE’s reaction to meeting SHABTAI TZVI:

“I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes, He prayed the mincha service in the heart of our holy community, then the whole community followed him for the evening prayers to close by the Cave of the Machpela.[2]

“Almost the whole night, I stayed there, outside the house where he was lodging, espying like this each one of his gestures. All those who lived in the Quarter, men, women and their children – no-one thought of sleeping that night, we were all there watching him.

“He (Shabtai Tzvi) walked inside the room, alternating between large strides and small steps. The whole house was bathed in the light of candles, because this was his will. All night long, at the top of his lungs, he recited Psalms from memory. A voice imprinted with joy and emotion, radiant and beautiful to hear.

“This [continued] until the first light of dawn…. I can attest just how much this man appeared strange to me. I remember that my eyes didn’t cease to observe him avidly. After the morning prayers, he left, accompanied by just one servant….he left the city, and my eyes have no longer had the privilege of seeing him, until this day.”


You wouldn’t know it from the rosy description in Attlan’s book, but Yaakov Emden had a very different view of ABRAHAM CUENQUE of Hevron.

(Not for the faint-hearted….)

This snippet comes from the introduction to David Halpern’s book: Fourth Testimony – The Biography of Abraham Cuenque:

A PEDDLER who tramped from town to town filling his hands with the wealth of the scattered Jewish people … a slick-tongued rascal who caught his prey with his jaws … like a pig stretching out its hooves … like a slut spreading her legs for every passer-by, copulating with donkeys … ‘.

This is how the anti-Sabbatian crusader Jacob Emden described Abraham Cuenque, in his preface to the first publication (1752) of Cuenque’s sixty year- old biography of Sabbatai Zevi.


Gaza is where Nathan of Gaza was hanging out, with Shabtai Tzvi, proclaiming his ‘messiah-ship’.

Gaza and Hevron enjoyed very close relations at that point, so Hevron was the next city to acclaim Shabtai Tzvi as ‘the moshiach’ – and they did so with unparalleled enthusiasm.

Then, according to Attlan, the [formerly converso…) rabbis of Hevron sent a long letter to their (formerly converso….) wealthy funders in Amsterdam, the Pereira family, telling them ‘the moshiach has arrived’.

The rabbis told the Pereiras to liquidate their holdings, and move to Eretz Yisrael.


The patriach of the Pereiras, AVRAHAM PEREIRA, was actually on the way to Israel, when news came that ‘the moshiach’ had converted to Islam….

While this dampened a lot of the enthusiasm around Shabtai Tzvi in a lot of places (or at least, and more accurately, drove the belief in his ‘moshiach-ness’ underground….) – in Hevron, they didn’t seem to mind so much.

The kabbalists of Hevron led the way with more spiritual gymnastics, explaining that the conversion to Islam was necessary for the ‘second stage’ of the Moshiach’s revelation in the world.


Long story short: Hevron was full of die-hard Sabbateans from this time on.

‘Official history’ likes to scrub a lot of these people out of the story, because when they are restored to their proper locations in the story of the Jewish people, and particularly, the story of what was really happening here in the Holy Land, a whole bunch of other uncomfortable information starts to come into focus.

So, R AVRAHAM PEREIRA is a strong Sabbatean, a former converso living in Amsterdam and funding a whole bunch of things in Israel, including the ‘Or HaTorah’ yeshiva in JERUSALEM – and also the printing press in Amsterdam, where he installs none other than MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL, to oversee the project.[3]

In 1659 – a few years before SHABTAI TZVI comes on the scene – two of the shadarim from Hevron, called MEIR ROFEH and YEHUDA ZEV, persuade Pereira to start donating large chunks of his fortune to their community.

That’s when PEREIRA founds the ‘CHESED L’AVRAHAM’ yeshiva in Hevron.

And he makes MEIR HIYYA ROFE the Rosh Yeshiva.


MEIR HIYYA ROFE is also known to have become a very enthusiastic follower of SHABTAI TZVI.

He writes to PEREIRA in 1665 that:

“[A] man who possesses the Holy Spirit, who responds to the name Nathan, came to tell us certain revelations….”

I.e. That SHABTAI TZVI was the moshiach.

Rofe encourages Pereira to move to Israel.


This snippet comes from the Wiki site for MEIR HIYYA ROFE, HERE:

Meir maintained his belief even after Sabbatai’s conversion in 1666.

In 1672 Meir left, again as an emissary of Hebron, for Turkey. He stayed for a time in Adrianople, where he was in contact with Sabbatai. On Sabbatai’s exile to Albania in 1673, Meir returned to Gaza where he stayed with Nathan and even copied his writings for his own use.

He then traveled again to Italy, and from 1675 to 1678 resided in the home of the Sabbatean Abraham Rovigo in Modena. 

Throughout his stay in Italy Meir did much to encourage those who believed in Sabbatai Zevi and spread the writings of Nathan of Gaza.

During the last ten years of his life he was recognized as the outstanding scholar of Hebron.


MEIR ROFE was a very serious, missionising ‘prophet’ of Sabbateanism for decades.

AND, apparently, ‘the outstanding scholar of Hebron’.

Remember, he was running the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM yeshiva – if the Rosh Yeshiva was such a prominent Sabbatean, you can be sure the yeshiva was turning out lots and lots of ‘little Sabbateans’, too.


AVRAHAM PEREIRA dies in 1699, and one of his son’s YAAKOV PEREIRA takes over the family fortune – and expands the (Sabbatean….) yeshiva in Hevron, now calling it:



Let’s just pick up a bit of info about the original CHESSED L’AVRAHAM while we’re here – also mentioned by the Rav like this:

Four cities: Hevron – there, there was the Rav Mani. HaRav Mani was the Chief Rabbi of Hevron, there, there were all the rabbonim.

There was there the ‘Chessed L’Avraham’, and there was there the ‘Sdei Chemed’ – he’s buried in Hevron still today.


According to the website, the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM was R AVRAHAM AZULAI.

He was born in Fez, Morocco, in 1570, and he dies in Hevron in 1643. He’s a big kabbalist, writes a book called the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM – and is the great-grandpa of the CHIDA.

Interestingly, according to the site:

One of the most important achievements of R’ Azulai was excavating R’ Chaim Vital’s manuscripts (later known as Etz Chaim) from his tomb in Damascus (Syria).

Together with another kabbalist of the time Rabbi Yaacov Tzemach, Rabbi Avraham Azulai dealt with Yichudim (special Kabbalistic meditations) and She’alot Chalom (dream meditation) until permission was granted to them by R’ Chaim Vital to dig at his grave.


This ‘excavating’ of R CHAIM VITAL’s kabbalistic manuscripts from his grave, solely based on a ‘dream’, was not uncontroversial, to say the least.

I’m not going to ‘deep dive’ on that subject in these posts, but take a look at the controversy around YISRAEL of SARUG.

YAAKOV TZEMACH is said to be the student of SHMUEL VITAL – R Chaim’s son in Egypt….. And another famous follower of SHABTAI TZVI….



As usual with this stuff, I’ve just hit another patch of unexpected interesting.

This is a scan of the picture Attlan includes in chapter on ‘Le Gvir Peyrera’, with the description that this is meant to be a portrait of Pereira’s friend and collaborator in Hevron, Dr EPHRAIM BUENO – as painted by REMBRANDT.

(It’s definitely not BUENO – read on. If anyone can help me track down this sketch, below, I’d be very grateful.)


This guy looks like a dead ringer for the court Jew SAMUEL OPPENHEIMER, whose descendants include the Sabbatean-funding WERTHEIMERS….

This is a picture of SAMUEL OPPENHEIMER:

And so is this:


And this is the picture of DR EPHRAIM BUENO, as painted by Rembrandt (who also sketched MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL, and had his salary paid by ABRAHAM PEREIRA):

Rembrandt * Portrait of a man, presumably Dr. Ephraïm Bueno (1599–1665) * ca. 1647 * oil on panel * 19 × 15 cm * Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

As you can see – they are totally different people.


At this point, I remembered I did a whole ‘deep dive’ last year on this same SAMUEL OPPENHEIMER – who converted out to xtianity and became the Judaism-hating JOHANN EISENMENGER.

Go and read that HERE.

That happened a lot with the people who were pushing the ‘false messiahs’ down Jewish history. When things didn’t pan out the way they hoped, they got yeoush and many converted to xtianity.

There is nothing new under the sun.


OK, last couple of things to pick up over here, by ABRAHAM PEREIRA and his little Sabbatean buddies of Hevron, before we move on to R MANI of Hevron, in the next post.

I was trying to figure out IF the super-wealthy PEREIRAs of Amsterdam are actually a pseudonym (or vice-versa) for the super-wealthy OPPENHEIM court Jews of Vienna.

That took me over to ABRAHAM PEREIRA’S family tree on Geni – which I got to from this snippet from the Jewish Encyclopaedia site, HERE:

Pereyra left five sons, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and David, and two daughters, Ribca, wife of Jacob de Pinto, and Rachel, wife of Abraham Cuitiño (Quitiño)


This is the screenshot for RIBCA PEREIRA, wife of JACOB de PINTO.


She has another husband called ISAAC DE MATOS – this is the ancestor of none other than MOSES MONTEFIORE.

That info has been carefully scrubbed off, so that most people will have no idea that it’s always the same people, when it comes to Eretz Yisrael and ruling the Jewish community.


Meanwhile, ABRAHAM PEREIRA has a very interesting brother, called:

Salvador (Abraham) Vaez Martinez

He’s a KNIGHT OF ALCANTARA – and like you, I also had absolutely no idea what that actually was.


If you go HERE, you can read up about it, a little, on the Wiki page for the ORDER OF ALCANTARA.


The Order of Alcántara, also called the Knights of St. Julian, was originally a military order of León, founded in 1166 and confirmed by Pope Alexander III in 1177….

This order’s genesis is obscure, but according to a somewhat questionable tradition, St. Julian de Pereiro was a hermit of the country of Salamanca, where by his counsel, some knights built a castle on the river Tagus to oppose the Muslims….

The Knights of Alcántara, under their new name, acquired many castles and estates, for the most part at the expense of the Muslims. They amassed great wealth from booty during the war and from pious donations…..

The Knights of Alcántara were released from the vow of celibacy by the Holy See in 1540, and the ties of common life were sundered.


The PEREIRA family have the same surname as this Order’s founder, JULIAN DE PEREIRO.

I am willing to bet good money that there are tight links between this group, and the Jesuits and their secret orders, and today’s frankist-masons.

That happened when these catholic-conversos-with-cash got ‘reabsorbed’ into the Jewish community in the 17th century – and then literally took over the leadership with their ideas, connections and money.

And then started the process of subverting the Jewish community from within.


OK, let’s stop there for Part One of this expose on the ‘real Jewish history’ of Hevron.

And remember, we’re only just getting started on the subject. There are still a lot more secrets buried in the City of the Patriarchs, waiting to be uncovered.




[2] Probably referring to the 7th step in Hevron, as Jews were not allowed to enter the tomb itself, at this point in history.

[3] Who you’ll recall, was the ‘figurehead’ used in the PR campaign to get the Jews readmitted to the UK, on behalf of the formerly converso-catholics-now-back-as-jews, who seem to have been running so much of the show for the last 500 years, from behind the scenes.

The Rav’s recent shiurim have been awesome.

Here is another excerpt of a shiur, that contains so much information and ‘clues’, I will be working on this probably all of next week, to tease out more of the real information.

In the meantime, enjoy!


BTW – I put all of the translated text from the Rav (or quotes from anyone I quote here on the blog) in the quote formatting, which is the yellow-orange line with indented text.

When you see text with that formatting, it’s a quote, not my words.


Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Berland at Melave Malka, Motzae Shabbat, Parshat Korach 5784, (July 7th, 2024)

Translated from Shivivei Or, 368.

So, there was a machloket (controversy) of the  matter of tzedaka for Eretz Yisrael, ShM’Z[1] (?) [in the section entitled] Conversations and Stories.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk was already in Eretz Yisrael.

The Rebbe of Chabad, the Baal HaTanya, was in charge of the kupah (fund) of Eretz Yisrael, and all his cholkim (detractors) accused him of stealing the money for himself.[2]

That he was the greatest thief, like they accuse Shuvu Banim, that they are the greatest thieves.

The Rebbe said: chas v’shalom!


The Chatam Sofer made an halachic ruling – the Chatam Sofer, in 5600, (1840), 30 years after Rabbenu, that at the moment a person pledges tzedaka for Eretz Yisrael, the first thing is Jerusalem.

Because those who lived in Tiberius said that ‘the first thing is Tiberius, this is the main ikker [fig: location] of the yishuv (settlement of Eretz Yisrael).

There wasn’t a yishuv in Jerusalem.

Slowly, slowly, it blossomed, in the beginning, it was in Tiberius.


So, those who were in Tiberius said that the money was meant for Tiberius, but the Chatam Sofer ruled that always, it needs to be sent [first] to Jerusalem, first, to the poor of Jerusalem.

And whatever was left – to share it out equally, [between] Hevron, Tsfat and Tiberius.


There are four holy cities [in Eretz Yisrael].

Four cities: Hevron – there, there was the Rav Mani[3]. HaRav Mani was the Chief Rabbi of Hevron, there, there were all the rabbonim.

There was there the ‘Chessed L’Avraham’, and there was there the ‘Sdei Chemed’ – he’s buried in Hevron still today.

The rabbis came to visit him [the Sdei Chemed], he said: “Stay here, don’t go back to Russia.”


And he was the Chief Rabbi of Crimea.

Because they suspected him in Istanbul, they suspected him. They paid money to the cleaner, who cleaned the synagogue, they paid her an enormous sum of money.

In the end, he confessed to the Beit Din that she was paid money, but he’d already lost the Chief Rabbi [position] in Istanbul.


He was the greatest rav of all the generations, in the whole world.

He [wrote] like that, 14 books, ‘Sdei Chemed’, but his opponents, his detractors, succeeded in kicking him out of Istanbul, with false accusations.

He was the Rav of Crimea, and in the end he decided that he wanted dafka to be in Eretz Yisrael, to be buried in Hevron, next to the ‘Reishit Chochma’.


And so, he came to Hevron.

The rabbis came from Crimea, there were also chief rabbis. He said to them:

Stay here, if you go back – nothing will remain of you.

And so it was. Everyone went back, and not even a single child remains. All of them ascended al kiddush Hashem (were killed in the sanctification of God’s name.)

Part of them became communists, part the Nazis murdered.

The Nazis slaughtered all the Jews, six million Jews.


Like it was here, on Simchat Torah, where Jews went straight to Gan Eden.

And people went to Be’eri, they wanted to celebrate Simchat Torah in Be’eri, from Nahariya, from Acco, from the whole country, they travelled to Be’eri – but the directly went to Gan Eden.

They merited to go straight to Gan Eden.

But we wanted them stay here, a little, that they would be with us. But we didn’t merit [for this to happen].

But they went straight to Gan Eden.


The Rebbe said that Simchat Torah is the biggest day.

So, Hashem opened the gates of Gan Eden for them, all of them entered straight into Gan Eden.

There were a few who came to Shuvu Banim, so they were saved, in Alumim, in all the places in the kibbutzim.

If they came to Shuvu Banim for Simchat Torah, so they stayed alive.

But the rest merited to eternal life, to chai netzach, which is far more lofty.

“[People] had never heard, never observed, no eye had ever seen a god – except for You – that acted for those who await Him.”[4]


The Martyrs of Lod – those who were killed for kiddush Hashem – no creation can stand in their place.[5]


The Rebbe, the Rebbe – he’s responsible for everything.

The Rebbe is responsible for the war on Simchat Torah, the Rebbe is responsible for the war now in Gaza.

All of this is only Rabbenu.

Rabbenu is managing the wars, wars I have made.

It’s written in [Tractate] Avoda Zara: Milchamot A-n-i asiti (wars I have made).

All the wars, Hashem is managing them,

Because when Jews are killed al kiddush Hashem, they go straight to Gan Eden.

We need them here, we want them here, that they should do teshuva.



[1] I don’t know what this acronym stands for, it doesn’t fit the works of Rabbenu I am familiar with. If a reader can tell me what it’s referring to, I’d be very grateful.

[2] In the National Library in Israel, there is a doctoral dissertation typewritten (!) that contains excerpts of letters from Avraham Kalisker, head of the Chassidic yishuv in Tiberius, stating clearly that the Alter Rebbe was refusing to release charity funds to R Kalisker, unless R Kalisker wrote in praise of the Tanya.

R Kalisker explains that he is totally unable to do that – and also states that if any of the money from the Alter Rebbe in the past was also given with that condition attached, i.e. that R Kalisker should publically write in support of the Tanya, he wants to repay every penny. I will try and track down R Kalisker’s actual words next time I go to the NIL.

[3] Rav Mani was a friend of the Ben Ish Chai – his story is a whole, big mess. I’ll follow this up more in part II. There’s something VERY strange going on with it all. Even by my standards of very strange.

[4] Yeshayahu 64:3.

[5] Lit: ‘In their mechitzah’.

The last few months, I have barely been dreaming at all.

I’m pretty sure they upped the ‘zap’ they are delivering via their 5/6/7/ gee networks, and those cute, massive antennas that most of us stopped noticing, but that are probably now fully operational.

Every time they start talking about ‘pandemics’, this goes hand in hand with upping the zap, to cause the ‘symptoms’, via radiation poisoning, of whatever ‘pandemic’ they are trying to get going.

So long story short…. I’ve been sleeping really badly again for months.


But yesterday night, I had a dream.

In the dream, there were a bunch of US riot or military police arriving at some country estate, via the sea. Masses and masses of them arrived in boats – but no-one in the country estate noticed them, except me.

I was trying to get my family out of there, when suddenly all the hallways got stuffed full with peddle bikes, so no-one could move.

In the dream, I knew the Americans were trying to kill people.

That’s why they were there.

I woke up.


Other people’s dreams are boring, I know, but I every now and then, I’ve had some dreams that stand out to me as being more meaningful than otherwise.

Initially, I thought the dream was talking about something going down in EY, God forbid.

But now I’ve thought about it a little, it seems to me the whole was occurring in chul.

No-one was speaking Hebrew, everyone was talking English, and the ‘estate’ was in some woody, leafy-green place that looked like the UK or the US – but not Israel.


I wasn’t going to write about the dream, but then one of my fellow bloggers sent me an email, pointing to what the Tomer Devorah blog put up HERE.

For what it’s worth, I’ve heard nothing from the Rav about needing to stock up on anything.

Me personally, I have 4 x 6 packs of water, and that’s it. And that’s because I drink mineral, and not tap water. (I’m such a snob….)

If things get as bad as Tomer Devorah fears, than 500 cans of tuna isn’t going to save anyone, anyway.

But given my own dream yesterday, this bit jumped out at me:

There is a copious amount of chatter across social media, from rabbis as well as influencers and experts in certain fields, about an event (possibly false-flag) “greater than 9/11” which will serve to kick off WW3 with Iran.

This could take place in days or even hours.


BH, all this is just more of the ‘war predictions’ that have come and gone.

I would have automatically assumed that – except for the dream I had.

But IF there is a false flag…. it’s not going to be in Israel this time.

It’s going to be in chul.

And of course, it’s the American military behind it, as they are behind so much of the terrorism, murder and violence that they then blame on whatever ‘regime’ they are trying to change….


America is a satanic-masonic country from its inception, run by ‘bros’ who put their own people into leadership positions across the world – sadly, including our own failed State here.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go and look up Albert Pike.

(They have tried to scrub a lot of the info off the internet, but even the crumbs that remain are telling.)



May we just hear good news.

And let me finish by saying anyone who is connected to the Rav, Rav Berland, in any way – even just having a prayer of his in the house, that they don’t even know is his prayer – the Rav has said they will be in a much better situation to manage whatever is coming down the pipe.


You can hear the Be’er Miriam messages from Rivka HaTzaddika on this number:

The number where the ‘messages’ can be heard is: 033137748
I found it posted on the channel [in ‘community’]
I also found it on a note I once took down when Rav Shlomo announced it on one of the videos.
p.s. from the US it would be 011-972-3-313-7748


Thanks to ASD for finding and sharing the information.



I was tootling around, trying to find out more about ‘pedal bike races’ going on in July.

The Tour de France just ended (July 21).

That lead me on to the Summer Olympics are beginning tomorrow, hosted in Paris.

Paris is an island, surrounded by water (the Seine River).

What better ‘false flag’ to pin on Iran than the Summer Olympics?

(Remember Munich?)


Now that I remembered the Munich Massacre of 1972…. of course, I had to go check that out a little.

Here’s an interesting par from the Wiki page.

Remember, they rely on the fact that we all just keep believing the ridiculous, incredible lies, time and time again.

(And btw, one of the main ‘Palestinian’ terrorists, Luttif Afif, head of ‘Black September’ is clearly wearing black face make-up…. I kid you not. Check out his Wiki page.)


Snippet from Wiki:

“Five German policemen were deployed around the airport in sniper roles—three on the roof of the control tower, one hidden behind a service truck and one behind a small signal tower at ground level. 

However, none of them had any special sniper training, nor any special weapon (being equipped with the H&K G3, the ordinary assault rifle of the German Armed Forces without optics or night vision devices).

The soldiers were selected because they shot competitively on weekends

During a subsequent German investigation, an officer identified as “Sniper No. 2” stated: “I am of the opinion that I am not a sharpshooter.”


Compare and contrast with what we’re told happened at the Trump rally, and you start to understand just how ‘uncreative’ these people really are.

Always some spin-off of the same BS story that makes no sense, if you take two seconds to investigate and start thinking critically.

Yeah right, it makes perfect sense that German snipers at Munich had no sniper training, and no guns designed to ‘snipe with….

Just like it makes ‘perfect sense’ that our army and airforce were AWOL for 8 horrendous hours, as 5,000 palestinians streamed over the border from Gaza and started massacring Jews in the Gaza envelope.

It all makes perfect sense.

Doesn’t it?


Tov, as always, think for yourself.

Now more than ever.

And may all this be just a bad dream, and nothing more.


There’s a really interesting video from R Glatstein.


I like the way that he presents his information, which is way more ‘informed’ and even-handed than a lot of Rabbis, especially rabbis in galut, and especially, ‘rabbis’ in the USA.

Here’s the video (that I found HERE):


Apparently, R Kessin first brought the source that the USA was founded by those satanic masons on the 17th of Tammuz….

In ‘upside-down’ world, this is being presented as a totally good thing – by R Kessin.

R Glatstein is way more even-handed, and is at least talking about the rampant assimilation and ‘spiritual holocaust’ that’s occurred in the USA, as well as the standard stuff about it being a ‘goldeneh medina’ for Jews.


I can’t understand, tho, how the Jews of Naomi and Ruth’s time were meant to have been somehow observing the fast of the 17th of Tammuz, and the Three Weeks, a century before the First Temple had even been built?

What are the sources for that, besides from the Chatam Sofer – and what source did the Chatam Sofer base this idea on?


God is leaving some big clues all over the place about what is really going on with the USA – but free will still exists.

Even for the Jews of the USA itself, the USA has been a ‘mixed blessing’, to put it mildly.

But when you look at how the USA fomented so much war in the Middle East, corrupted our establishment with its own masonic bros – at every level of the State and the army, and forcibly imported every source of tumah it could think of, including missionaries and rainbow parades….

Do you still really think that the USA being founded on the 17th of Tammuz, by a bunch of satanic masons, was a ‘good thing’?

Or the sixth reason to weep?


Last thing, I often pick up some very interesting information from R Glatstein, as he’s very erudite and brings a lot of good information and sources.

I actually wrote up notes from the whole class he did on the mysterious person called the ‘Sha’agat Aryeh’, for example, whose descendants are all over the ‘State of Israel Project’.

I will get around to writing that up soon, BH, with some more background info.

But his comment at the end about Chaim of Volozhin stating that the last, 10th exile would be the exile of ‘America’ is very interesting.


Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin – to name but two – were the direct descendants of Chaim of Volozhin.

And the Volozhin Yeshiva was where all the ‘secret societies’ and ‘brotherhoods’ revolving around the State of Israel actually got their start.

(And a whole bunch of other things, besides.)

But good luck tracing who ‘Chaim of Volozhin’ really was.

Like so many of the leading figures in the story of how the masons co-opted the Jewish community, and especially the ‘State of Israel’ project, you can only get back one generation…. and then all trace of ‘Chaim of Volozhin’ disappears in a puff of pixie dust.

But, I’m working on some other angles still.

And it’s very interesting, to me, that masonic ‘America’ and Chaim of Volozhin seem to be closely connected.



PS: The American (Frankist…) banker Jacob Schiff, and other masonic-frankists, funded the Bolshevik Revolution.

And it was Joseph Stalin’s Russia who cast the vote enabling ‘the State of Israel’ to be ‘created’ at the UN.

Stalin sure was a great friend of the Jewish people!

He did so much for us!!!

Clearly, such a fantastic, great all-round guy and potential ‘Moshiach’ of Edom.



Read more about all that HERE.

This is the snippet that stood out to me:

Joseph Stalin didn’t care much about Jewish people but, pursuing his own goals, helped them to win their statehood.

Literally, there is nothing new under the sun.

Just ask Joseph Trump.


This snippet is also very interesting:

The USSR was the first country to officially recognize Israel, two days after it declared independence on May 14, 1948.

Socialist guns for Zionists

The U.S., which also supported the creation of Israel, officially banned weapon supplies to the Middle East.

Unlike the Americans, however, Moscow sent arms to the Zionists, though unofficially and through other countries, such as Czechoslovakia.

The USSR used German weapons captured at the end of the war.


What did you just learn?

And how is it similar to what is going on still, in 2024?


Last thing for today:

Trump’s xmas message from 2020, bigging up his Covid vax, accompanied by little xtian idols and Melania….


Yeah, just another firm proof that ‘The Donald’ is the good in Esav.

And if he’s the ‘good’….. I dread to think what the bad looks like.

This is part three of the shiur we’ve been translating, from Shivivei Or 368.

You can see part 1 HERE, and part 2 HERE.



Excerpt of a shiur given over on motzae shabbat, Parshat Chukat (July 13th 2024)

So now, we are on the 7th of Tammuz, when now there were the murders in Ukraine, in Uman.

Thirty thousand people.

The Rebbe said: “I want to be next to them.”

Because the ikker (main thing) is those who depart via kiddush Hashem (being killed to sanctify Hashem’s name). They enter straight into Gan Eden.

So, the Rebbe wants to be with those who… [were killed al kiddush Hashem].


So then, the Rebbe said not to move him.

There were many people who wanted to move Rabbenu[1], but Rabbenu said: “This is my place, that was prepared from the Six Days of Creation.”


Truly, all the mothers who prayed on their children – their children were saved.

All the mothers who prayed throughout the nine months, so at that moment angels came and took their child, or they gave birth to them in a field, and then he was absorbed by the earth.

And then they brought ploughs measuring a cubit, two cubits, 100 cubits, they came with [ploughs measuring] 100 cubits…

“Every son that will be born – into the river shall you throw him! And every daughter shall you keep alive![2]


The daughter has an IQ a million times more than the men.

At the age of 13, every girl has an IQ that’s already a million times more than a boy of the same age.

So, she knows mathematics, like Rashi says in [Sefer] Shmuel.

A man needs to learn the Daf Yomi every day, with his wife.


Now, we learned how to write 400 Sefer Torahs, like Rav Ami, [Tractate Bava Batra], page 14a.

Each person should read this, how to write 400 Sefer Torahs in one day.

The Gemara says: He completed the last letter, 400 letters – 400 seconds. This is seven minutes. If it’s two seconds [per letter] so then it’s 14 minutes. If it’s three seconds, then it’s 21 minutes.

In 21 minutes, a person can write 400 Sefer Torahs.


[Skipping some]

David was one of the hostages.

They wanted 1,000 terrorists for him. Bibi ‘compromised’ on five hundred thousand. In the end, Biden came to ‘compromise’ on 8,000….

‘There is serious progress’….

Every day, they say that there is ‘progress’, there is ‘progress’! We made progress, already, we already progressed, there is already such tremendous ‘progress’!!!

That they want to give for every hostage or 1,000 terrorists, or 1,000 live [Jews]. They prefer 10,000 live ones. They prefer 10,000 Jews for every hostage.

There are 75 [live hostages in Gaza], so they want 75,000 live people, live Jews. [1,000] for each hostage, for the 70 hostages.

Because there are 120 [hostages altogether in Gaza still], but 45 already died there.

Every week, someone else dies, from the cold, from the lack of food.


Like Yosef HaTzaddik.

[In the Egyptian prison he] only got ‘poor man’s bread’, one matzah.

And so, “our soul is disgusted with the insubstantial food.[3]

The ate from the manna for 40 years, and they said ‘this is spoiled food’. They wanted to see grapes, they’d had enough already.

[The manna] was like sponge [cake], it was like the cream you get on a cake, like the cream on a cake.

So this was “something thin, exposed – thin as frost on the earth.”[4]

It was like something frozen, this was like snow, it was like snow, and also like icecream.

Rashi says: Thin, and like frost – icecream.


So, we are talking about this that the woman has a greater IQ than the man – every woman.

I moved to a school with only boys in 4th grade, and then I didn’t miss Shacharit. From that time on, I’ve never missed tefillot, praying with the tzibbur (community – i.e. With a minyan of ten men.)

From the age of 13, we prayed with three minyans[5] [for the morning, afternoon and evening prayers]. We started at 6am and we finished at 8am,we finished at six minutes to eight. We would run home.

We prayed in three minyans.

At six minutes to eight we would run home within two minutes, eat breakfast for two minutes, and then within another two minutes, we’d run to school.

We used to go via the yards, and through the holes in the fences. Within two minutes, we got there, with the school bell, within six minutes from the prayers.


We are talking about that we are now at the yahrtzeit of Julius Rosenberg, and Ethel – Etia, like my mother.

Etia Rosenberg, who they put on the electric chair on the 7th of Tammuz.

So the grandma of Ben Sasson, she was their best friend. And they also took her, because the person who revealed the secrets was called ‘Natan Fuchs’.

(Natan Fuchs from Shuvu Banim seems to be his tikkun, he’s their gilgul, he came to rectify them.)

So, he gave away all the secrets.

He had British citizenship, so they extradited him to England, and there he sat for a year. The English pardoned him, but he revealed all the secrets of the nuke [to Russia].


The Germans tried to get it to explode [i.e. A nuke], but they didn’t succeed.

They always caught them at the last moment.

So in 1947, they exploded the first nuclear bomb.[6] And in 1950, they exploded the ‘Meyman’. This is all secrets that they stole from the Americans.

Who told them? The Jews told them!


The Jews believed that Stalin was Moshiach, and that communism was ‘bringing peace to the world’.

That this was ‘and a wolf and a sheep, and a leopard with a lamb will lie down, and a calf, a lion’s whelp and a fatling together, and a young child will lead them.”[7]


They believed that communism was already ‘the end of days’.

‘We have arrived at the end of days.’

And when Stalin was dying, they poisoned him.

So then they said: “The people’s sun has set.’

All the kibbutzim – I was a boy aged 15, 1953, in all the kibbutzim they said that now, this was the departure of the ‘people’s sun’. ‘The setting of the sun, at noon.’ ‘The sun has departed’….



[1] I.e. To move Rebbe Nachman’s grave from Uman, and bring his bones to Israel for reburial.

[2] Shemot 1:22.

[3] Bamidbar 21:5.

[4] Shemot 16:14.

[5]The Rav is probably referring to his younger brother, Yehezkel Berland, z’l.

[6] This is apparently referring to Soviet Russia.

[7] Yeshayahu 11:6.


Lots of clues and hints here from the Rav…. about ‘nukes’ and other political false messiahs.

One thing we can say for sure: there is nothing new under the sun.


One of my readers just sent me this:

Last time St. bibi was in the US:

It was less than two weeks before the Simchat Torah massacre.

It seems our patron saint is going for another ‘masonic confab’ with his bros in the U.S.A. – a country founded by masons, on (satanic…) masonic principles.

Let’s hope this time around, the plans being laid over there all get ruined, before they can kill any other Jews here in Israel.

Remember what the Rav said above:

There are 75 [live hostages in Gaza], so they want 75,000 live people, live Jews. [1,000] for each hostage, for the 70 hostages.

May Hashem save us from our enemies.

And all the wolves in sheep’s clothing, on both sides of the political fence.

I was actually looking for the skit of British comedian Jimmy Tarbuck, and the potato.

The search continues.

But in the meantime, I had no idea the British satire ‘Spitting Image’ got given a new lease of life – and did some very funny Trump skits.

This one was so funny, that even though it’s also grotesque and crass, I laughed out loud:


They didn’t get around to the ‘Trump is MBY” skit yet…. but if that ridiculous, moronic, frankly insulting, idea ever takes off… I’m sure they will.

Ah, Spitting Image.

Probably the best thing Blighty ever did for the world.

And that’s not saying much.


PS: Just to be clear, I didn’t put this Spitting Image clip up to ‘amuse’ – I  put it up to hopefully shock more of us out of spiritual stupor.

Every successful politician is literally the scum of the earth.

With no exceptions.


Who’d have thought that Moshe Rabbenu was such a big ‘conspiracy theorist?!’

Who’d have thought that Hashem would have let him write all these ridiculous ‘conspiracy theories’ in the Torah, of all places?!

The blueprint of the world, and the very word of Hashem?!

I guess the atheists with kippahs, the atheists who like shabbos, are either not reading this stuff, or not believing it….


With that introduction out the way, enjoy the next tranche of translated comments from the Rav, below.


Excerpt of a shiur given over on motzae shabbat, Parshat Chukat (July 13th 2024)

(Translated from Shivivei Or 368.)

We read about the ‘Be’er Miriam’ (Miriam’s Well) that Hashem…

The Chatam Sofer explains[1] that Hashem wants that it should be known that all the water in the world, this is Be’erah shel Miriam (from Miriam’s Well.)

Miriam masrah et hanefesh (she sacrificed herself).

“Pharoah commanded his entire people, saying, “Every son that will be born – into the River shall you throw him![2]

“When you deliver the Hebrew women, and you see them on the evanim (lit: stones, fig: birth stool) – if it is a son, you are to kill him”.[3]

Look at the evanim during the birth, “if it is a son” – so, when he sticks his head out, immediately suffocate him, “on the evanim”.

On the stones, where the woman giving birth is lying down, say that he got suffocated during the delivery, immediately choke him.

“[O]n the evanim – if it is a son, you are to kill him, and if it is a daughter, she shall live.”


So, they said:

“Because the Hebrew women are unlike the Egyptian women”[4]they give birth within a second! By the time we come [to deliver them…].

[The midwives] lived far away, it used to take them an hour on foot [to call them]. And until they got there, this was another hour. And until the merkavah (carriage, but also refers to a deep concept in Kabbalah) came this was another hour.


So, Sforno says [on the verse that Hashem ‘made them houses[5]’]:

He made them houses. He said: ‘From today, you are going to live within the hospital.’

He arranged a room for them inside the hospital, and he built a ‘Children’s Home’, the first thing, in order to enable them to strangle the children, so that they wouldn’t have any excuse.

[But the midwives still said:]

Until we got out of bed – the baby was already born!

Until we got woken up, we were sleeping, until they woke us up and said ‘Now, someone is giving birth! Come quickly!’ – within a second, the baby had already slid out!

(In Shuvu Banim, all the babies slide in a second. Everyone slides. The boy is already sliding.)[6]


So he [i.e. Pharoah] saw that he couldn’t get along with them, so every day, he sent someone to kill them.

Miriam was three years old, she was 86 years old, when they left Egypt. So from the age of three – 83 years, 83 years is exactly 1,000 months. It’s exactly 1,000 months…

So every month, a male baby was born, and most of the male babies were drowned. Those who were saved were only the unusual ‘segulot’, [who belonged to] the mothers who prayed.

All the mothers who prayed, so she ran to the field:

“[M]ay [people] blossom from the city like the grass of the earth.[7]

“I made you as numerous as the plants of the field.”[8]


The Egyptians saw a pregnant woman, who weighed 100 kilos, and they ran after her, to see where she was going to give birth.

Where is she going to lie down?

Until they got there, she already weighed just 20 kilos. Where did the 80 kilos disappear to?!

She told them:

No, I had a type of strange illness, and now I got an injection, and I was healed!


So, they brought ploughs – the children had been absorbed by the earth.

Other mothers didn’t manage to run to the field, so came….

The moment they went into labor, angels came and kidnapped the children. Came angels, who kidnapped the children!

They took them over to the other side of the Nile. And also those who were swallowed by the earth, they swam over to the other side.

“He would suckle him with honey from a stone, and oil from a rock.[9]

They drank oil from the rocks, they had unlimited oil, and no end of honey, and unlimited milk.

“[A] land flowing with milk and honey.”[10]


And the babies grew up, 60 myriads of babies grew up, and these are the ones who received the Torah.

This was all in the merit of Miriam. Miriam saved them.

So all of these babies, she saved all of these infants.


And there were mothers who didn’t merit to have their children swim across the Nile.

The Egyptians kidnapped them, and stuck them in the walls, inside the bricks. So whoever is under the wall, underneath the bricks:

“I made you as numerous as the plants of the field.”[11]

There were flocks and flocks of them!

All of them at the age of 13, 14, returned to their homes, they met their father and their mother, they got to know their homes.



[1] See Chatam Sofer, B’midbar Chapter 20 verse 1.

[2] Shemot 1:22.

[3] Shemot 1:16.

[4] Shemot 1:19.

[5] Shemot 1:21.

[6] Anyone who comes to pray on Ido HaNavi can attest to the number of small children on bimbot, roller skates, scooters and bikes who are ‘sliding’ all over the place. The Beit HaRav is located at the bottom of a sharp incline, that functions as an impromptu skate park.

[7] Tehillim 72:16.

[8] Yechezkel 16:7.

[9] Devarim 32:13.

[10] Shemot 13:5.

[11] Yechezkel 16:7.



Scan from Shivivei Or with the excerpt on Be’er Miriam from the Chatam Sofer:


The Rav’s style is to give perushim on sources that often ‘hint’ at far more deeper things that are going on.

I appreciate this can be hard for ‘super-logical’ types to get their heads around.

But if you make the effort to engage with the Rav’s words, you will learn way, way more than you bargained for, on a number of levels.

And the ‘key’ to unlocking all this is prayer – asking God to help you understand what is being said.

Rebbe Nachman’s teachings work in the same kind of way.

And that’s why the ‘super-logical’ types also find his teachings hard to engage with – even if they do actually believe in Hashem and His Torah.


My friend just sent me a video of ‘Rivka HaTzaddika’, from two months ago (in Hebrew):


Apparently, she isn’t meeting anyone at the moment, and I have no contact details for her.

The channel where the messages are being put out – that come from the Rav, to Rivka HaTzaddika, and then on to R Elmaliach – is called ‘Be’er Miriam’, and you can find it at this link on Youtube:

I will also try to find out if there is a line, or kav, that is putting up the messages, for those lucky, lucky people who are not online.


Now, I have to tell you something.

I am not 100% comfortable with all this stuff.

In fact, if I hadn’t had some serious health issues a few months ago, which only disappeared when I understood it was linked to ‘ignoring’ R Elmaliach’s first videos, I probably would just continue ignoring all this stuff.

To be honest.

I don’t know what I think about it, although it has the ring of truth, very often.

Also within Shuvu Banim, opinions are divided about all this.

Just so you know.


Having said that, I have decided my job is just to keep passing information along to you, the reader, without always being the ‘gatekeeper’ who decides what is true and what isn’t – because I honestly don’t know!

If you take 5 seconds to engage with the kabbalah being discussed by R Elmaliach in this video, below, for example, it quickly becomes obvious that stuff is going on with all this that is way, way over most people’s head:

It’s certainly way over my head.


But I trust the Rav and I’ve seen SO MANY TIMES in the past, when so many strange things were apparently going on, how if you just hang on long enough, and work on having some humility and simple emuna, a lot more of the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place.


In the video, above, from the Beer Miriam channel, R Elmaliach stressed very strongly that even if a person doesn’t understand what is going on, it’s a very strict issur to speak against a talmid chacham.

Any machloket in our day is not ‘for the sake of heaven’.

Sadly, I have to admit that’s also true for me, and some of the stuff I sometimes write here, on the blog.



I’ve also been considering what I should be doing with myself, going forward, and what I should be posting up here.

Right now, after doing a bunch of hitbodedut about the subject, I decided I will carry on translating the Rav’s comments from Shivivei Or, and where appropriate, filling them out with more background details and real Jewish history.

Whatever the Rav is saying explicitly can and should be engaged with deeply.

And if in the process of doing that I turn up ‘uncomfortable information’, I think I will continue to share that – but hopefully from a place of way more humility, because I really don’t know what is going on here.


And also, I want to move away from that narc habit of painting everything and everyone in shades of black or white.

The narrow bridge is actually grey.

This is not very easy for me, and I’ve been working on it for a while.

The main issue is that I personally feel way more comfortable when I’m not hanging out in the ‘grey zone’ for too long.


I will also carry on with the narc stuff, because it’s actually just a blueprint for how we stop acting like evil ‘Erev Rav’ in our personal lives.

And that’s got to be helpful, right?

And lastly, I will also post up my own thoughts on stuff going forward, and my own experiences of trying to figure out what the heck is going on here…. Because after all, it is my own blog.


I have a feeling so much of this ‘confusion’ is deliberate right now, in order to bring opposing sides together, and promote unity amongst the Jewish people.

I can be very strident in my opinions, and especially when I’ve researched something for a long time, that can go to my head and make me very arrogant and dismissive of other people’s opinions, or the ‘other side’ of the coin.

But there are two sides to every coin, nevertheless.

And even the Sabbatean-Frankist-Masons I write about so much here actually achieved a lot, in terms of getting the Jewish homeland liveable again.

Sure, they accomplished that over a continent of dead Jews…. And the violence and evil is still going in our times…. But nevertheless, there is some ‘good’ in the midst of it all.


Rabbenu teaches in Azamra:

Lesson 1:282 of Likutey Moharan:

Know: one must judge every person favorably.

Even if the person is totally wicked, one must search and find in him some bit of good, regarding which he is not wicked.

By finding in him this bit of good and judging him favorably, one actually elevates him to the direction of righteousness, and is able to bring him to repentance.

It’s at least possible that right now, we are in a serious ‘Azamra’ stage of this geula process, where making an exaggerated attempt to ‘see the good point’ in the evil is what actually makes it finally crumble and fall.

Who knows?

I don’t.


But what I can tell you, is that I am asking God to help me avoid machloket going forward, while I try to inch my way across that oh-so-narrow bridge.

It doesn’t come naturally, so I need all the help I can get.


Let me leave you with this, the first passage in a small booklet of teachings from the Rav I happened to pick up 3 weeks ago, called: Ma’alat HaShalom.

‘The tremendous loftiness of peace’.


It begins like this:

Ahavat heverim (loving our friends) is the hardest test.

It’s even harder than kedusha (i.e. being holy), it’s harder than sacrificing ourselves for kiddush Hashem.

Because when a person sacrifices themselves for kiddush Hashem, they don’t totally nullify their personality, because they feel that ‘I’ sacrificed myself for kiddush Hashem.

But, when you are ‘loving your friend’ – you are totally nullifying your own being.


Rabbi Natan [Sternhartz of Breslov – Rebbe Nachman’s main pupil] had 60 ‘gibburim’ (mighty men, i.e. powerful students.)

Rav Natan said that by him, there were talmidim that even the Rebbe didn’t have.

And they all passed away at a young age, for the simple reason that there wasn’t ‘peace’ and love between them.

Rabbi Natan didn’t manage to get them to love each other.


These are very powerful words.

They are very hard to hear, and even harder to put in to practice – at least, for me.

But n’aseh, v’natzliach.

With God’s help, I’m going to try.


PS: I got the following comment from Jude, while I was writing this, about the Chalban – the Milkman – and the Rav’s Sefer Torah:

I have an encouraging story to share about the Rav’s Sefer Torah Project, and I wasn’t sure where to post it, so I’m sharing it here.

Some background: My wife’s maternal grandmother is the sister of the Chalban.

Due to this connection, she’s in frequent touch with her family. Last week, she heard an interesting story from Rabbi Kobi (the Chalban’s son, whom many believe will be his successor, BH).

Rabbi Kobi shared this story with his cousin (my wife’s late mother’s sister), who then relayed it to my wife:

Recently, while discussing HaRav Berland, Rabbi Kobi mentioned that his father, the Chalban, had appeared to him in a dream. In this dream, the Chalban said that a Sefer Torah was currently being written, and through it, many of the gezeirot were being annulled.

He also mentioned that the Sefer Torah was almost complete.


I found it fascinating as it echoed the Rav’s words. Perhaps you may wish to add the links to the Sefer Torah project again for everyone’s benefit.


Before I do that, here’s a clip of the Chalban kissing Rav Berland’s hand in 2019, shortly before he passed away:



20,000 ($5,500) pays for a section of Torah parchment – and get your names inscribed in the Rav’s personal Torah scroll.

5,000 pays for a page.

But all donations are gratefully recieved.


Click the link to buy:

A parchment
A page
Anything smaller

Specify it’s for the Rav’s Torah Scroll in the comment box.

And may we just hear good news.

Yesterday, I had a phone call from a reader.

They asked me a really good question:

How can we be asked to just ‘believe’ that Rav Berland is MBD, when he hasn’t done the things MBD is meant to do, yet? That feels kinda xtian to me….


I hear that. And at least on some levels, I totally agree with the sentiment.

In a previous post HERE, this is what I wrote about this:

For the people who really do want to serve Hashem, with simple emuna, and with humility and simplicity, and who really do just yearn for the ‘world of truth’ – even if they’ve been raised following after a false, or failed messiah, in the end, God will show them what’s really going on.

And the point is also, that until the Rav fulfills the criteria for MBD, he is still in the category of the potential MBD of our generation.


Until it really happens, it hasn’t happened.

And the test today isn’t to believe that Rav Berland is DEFINITELY going to be MBD, not at this stage, when it’s still so hidden, and there is so much of the job left to complete still.

The test today is just to admit that Rav Berland COULD BE MBD.


But, I think I should also add in here that xtianity literally stole the ‘crown jewels’ of authentic Judaism, 2,000 years ago, and the Koh-i-noor is the belief in Moshiach, a flesh-and-blood man born of a woman, who plays a crucial role in redeeming the Jewish people, and ushering in the geula.

And conflated it with the literal ‘man as a god’ idea, that fuelled and still fuels paganism (and satanism, btw. It’s the original words of the Primoridal Snake, that eating from the Tree of Knowledge will make Adam and Chava ‘like God’.)

The difference between the most sublime teachings of authentic Judaism and literal idol worship is razor-fine in this area.

That’s why so many people, including the biggest sages of the Jewish people, have tripped-up and stumbled over this subject, time and time again.


Belief in Moshiach and belief in the ‘True Tzaddik’ are not exactly the same, although there is a lot of overlap.

And the ‘True Tzaddik’ is also not the same concept as the ‘Tzaddik HaDor’, although again, there is a lot of overlap.

Before we continue, I just want to make it totally clear, that I am literally a nothing and a no-one, when it comes to really ‘knowing’ what’s going on with all this.

What I’m sharing here is my personal thoughts and musings, based on my own puny attempts to clarify stuff in my hitbodedut, over the last 15 years or so.

What can I tell you, yerida hadorot, that it’s falling to someone like me to even make a stab at clarifying this stuff for others, when my own knowledge on the matter is so basic.


So, let’s explain first where I’m coming from with all this – as context is everything, when it comes to evaluating another person’s opinion, especially about such important matters as this.

(And BTW, that’s also why it exasperates me no end when people just suck up information from anonymous ‘commentators’ and 1-D ‘influencers’, without taking the time to figure out where that information is coming from. Everything is biased, whether we want to believe that or not. A huge part of the birur process is clarifying what type of personal bias you are dealing with, when evaluating information. Because nothing is truly ‘objective’.)


So, I went to a xtian school until I was 11, where I had quite a large dose of anti-semitism and getting told that ‘you killed our kryst’, and stuff like that.

On the one hand, it gave me a great grounding in xtian teachings and beliefs (and two-faced xtian hypocrisy and horrible middot); and on the other hand, it made me very ‘anti’ the whole Yoshki idea and teachings, from a young age.


So, when I first got to Breslov, there were some teachings about the ‘True Tzaddik’ idea that set my teeth on edge.

When people get uncomfortable around this whole idea of having another human being in the picture, apparently acting as some sort of ‘go-between’ man and God, I totally understand where that is coming from.


Before we continue this discussion, I want to bring a lengthy snippet discussing the essence of the ‘disagreement’ that occurred between the Seer of Lublin, and his main student, the Yid HaKadosh.

I’ve been reading up a lot of new stuff, trying to figure out what was really going on with the whole story of ‘mitnagdim’ and ‘chassidim’. It’s not at all what we were taught in our Disney version of ‘Jewish history’.

If you’ve been following the stuff going up here on the blog, you’ll know that the Vilna Gaon and his followers seem to have been ‘building on’ Sabbatean ideas, at the very least (see the Kotzk blog HERE, HERE and HERE, for more information).

And that also, ‘chassidut’ was not a homogenous group, or belief system, in any way, shape or form.

There were some massive differences of opinion within ‘chassidut’ itself, as to the role of the ‘True Tzaddik’, and pertaining to the whole idea of following a Tzaddik.

It’s too large a subject to cover even superficially in one post, but the following snippet (from HERE) will gave a flavor:


Jakub Izaak (Yaakov Yitzchak) Rabinowicz was born in 1766 in Przedbórz, Poland….

[H]e became a disciple of David of Lelov who convinced the Yehudi to travel to the Hasidic court of Yaakov Yitzchak Horowitz (the Seer) in Lublin.

During his time in Lublin, the Yehudi soon becoming the leading disciple of the Seer, who affectionally called him the “Yehudi” so that he would not be called by his rebbe’s name.

As the Seer became preoccupied with the responsibilities of mass movement he began directing newly-arrived young scholars visiting Lublin into the care of the Yehudi. However, over time, the Yehudi began to greatly resent the atmosphere in Lublin.

In the court of the Seer, the rebbe served as the impetus of God and worked within a mystical and kabbalistic framework.

The Yehudi began to detest the all-encompassing role in which the Seer played within his follower’s lives, and so he founded his own religious movement based in Przysucha (Peshischa). Several of the Seer’s most distinguished disciples followed the Yehudi to Przysucha, such as Simcha Bunim of Peshischa and Menahem Mendel of Kotsk, the respective 1st and *2nd Grand Rabbis of Peshischa.


[Ed. note: there is a cover-up around this story, that I’ve only just started chipping away. It’s known that Menachem Mendel of Kotsk lost his faith, and his pupils kept him locked up in ‘home prison’ until he died. And Simcha Bunim of Peshischa keeps popping up in my family trees full of Vilna Gaon /Chabad people. The snippet about the Yid HaKadosh continues:]


Rabbinic position

The Yehudi believed that an individual should always examine his intentions, and if they are corrupt he should cleanse them through a process of understanding.

Once famously saying “God’s seal is ‘truth,’ it can not be forged, since if it is forged it is true no more”.

It was this fundamental belief in individuality and autonomy of self which resulted in a continuous dispute between the Seer and the Yehudi.

The Seer beloved that it was his duty to bring an end to the Napoleonic wars, by using Kabbalah, and asked the Yehudi to join this spiritual endeavour, the latter refused, believing that one finds redemption through a highly personal process of self-cleansing.

The Yehudi believed that humility is the core virtue of a person who truly knows himself, recognizing his own imperfection. He also believed that one should not be influenced by the status quo as it can lead to un-pure motives. …

The Yehudi believed that the main role of the rebbe was to guide his disciples in their struggle for spiritual depth, and not to serve as a miracle-worker.

This teaching appealed to the followers of Peshischa, who were an elite and highly educated group of young Hasidim who were willing to sacrifice their material well-being as well as their inner peace in the name of self-cleansing.


The Yehudi believed that one of the main paths to self-cleansing was the parring of traditional Talmudic learning with the deeply spiritual Kavanah of Hasidism. Unlike his Hasidic contemporaries, the Yehudi believed that Learning Talmud became central to the worship of God stating that “learning Talmud and Tosafot purifies the mind and makes one ready for praying.”

Ultimately the Yehudi believed that critical search for truth was crucial to enlightenment, and that process of enlightenment could only be done by an individual rather than through a rebbe.

After his death in 1813, the Yehudi was succeeded by his main disciple Simcha Bunim of Peshischa who brought the movement its highest point and kickstarted a counter-revolutionary movement that challenged the Hasidic norm.


When I read this, I saw that many of the ideas of the ‘Yid HaKadosh’ overlap quite a bit with Rebbe Nachman and Breslov teachings.

Unlike the other chassiduts, Rebbe Nachman puts a huge emphasis on a person doing an hour a day of hitbodeduti, i.e. talking to God directly, in your own language and words.

There is no ‘intermediary’ between man and God in Breslov – in fact, Rabbenu makes it a firm rule, that his chassidim should be talking directly to God, for at least an hour every day.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of following this piece of advice.


And also, it blows the argument totally out of the water that Breslov is putting anything or anyone between a person, and their Creator.

Breslov is literally telling people to talk to God, directly, for an hour a day.

And that’s on top of all the other prayers, Shmoneh Esrehs, etc, that each Jew is obligated in.

And this advice on hitbodedut is a huge component of why no-one can make the argument ‘stick’ that Breslov is about worshipping a man, instead of worshipping God.


But when it comes to the other chassiduts…..who don’t encourage people to talk to God directly, and strongly encourage ‘Rebbe worship’…..

Perhaps, it’s another story.


Where Rebbe Nachman and the ‘Yid HaKadosh’ differ, tho, is that Rebbe Nachman makes it clear that while he can’t operate to do what’s required spiritually in the world, ‘without us’, his followers, we also can’t get to where we need to get to, spiritually, ‘without him’ – i.e. without following the Rebbe’s teachings and advice.

It’s a whole, big discussion about what the real role of the Rebbe actually is / was, but this is just giving the flavor.


OK, so then moving back to this idea of the ‘Tzaddik HaDor’, the potential Moshiach ben David that every generation possesses.

Belief in Moshiach is codified in the Rambam’s 13 Principles of Faith.

Here’s a few of those Principles, that took my eye, for this post:

I believe with perfect faith that…

  1. The Creator, may His name be blessed, creates and guides all that were created, and that He alone did, is doing and will do everything that is done.

(BTW – how many of the critics of Breslov actually believe in this first principle of faith, tachlis? If you really believe in God, you engage with Him, you talk to Him, you take Him into account in your own life, and your own actions. I don’t see a lot of YU types doing that…. Do you?)


I believe with perfect faith that…

5) That the Creator, may His name be blessed, it’s proper to pray to Him alone, and to no other is it proper to pray.

6) That all the words of the prophets are true.

7) That the prophecy of Moses our teacher, alav hashalom, was true, and that he was the father of the prophets, those who came before him and those who came after him.

8) That this the entire Torah that is found now in our hands is the [same] one that was given to Moses our teacher, alav hashalom.

12) In the coming of Moshiach, and even though he may delay, with all that, I wait for him every single day, that he is going to come.


What we see from the above is:

A person only prays to Hashem alone, and no-one else.


Hashem still arranged things that the Torah came through a flesh-and-blood person, Moshe Rabbenu – and that whatever Moshe told the people, as the ‘intermediary’ between Hashem and the people, was ‘true’, (i.e. it couldn’t be challenged, because it was God’s word.)


Not simple stuff.

Not simple at all.

And the arguments over Moshe, and the ‘authorship’ of the Torah, and especially the teachings of the Oral Torah, and the leadership of the ‘Tzaddik HaDor’ have been raging for 3,334 years, already.


Moshe Rabbenu was one of the five ‘Tzaddikei Yesod Ha’Olam’, so-called because they literally brought down new ‘Torah’ to the world.

The others were:

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai – author of the Zohar

The ARI’ZAL – who revealed many new concepts in kabbalistic thought

The Baal Shem Tov – founder of chassidut

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov


None of these people ended up being ‘Moshiach’.

But they still changed the world with their teachings, in a profound, fundamental way, and as acted as a conduit for Hashem to funnel a totally different level of Torah into the world.

And the Torah is literally the blueprint for the world, don’t forget that.


Tov, I’m going to stop there as it’s a long post already with a lot of information and ideas to digest.

This probably deserves a ‘Part 2’ – let me know if there some aspect or area you’d like me to explore more with you, here on the blog.

The takeaway point is, that belief in the ‘True Tzaddik’, and belief in ‘Moshiach’ are the crown jewels of authentic yiddishkeit, but open to terrible abuse and misunderstandings.

But the differences are often so razor-thin, that even the most learned people can trip and err in this matter.

Especially, if they are full of arrogance, and not working really hard to clear out their bad middot, and doing their very best to give God what He really wants from them.



PS: In the middle of putting this up, I had another phone conversation with a different reader from NYC, asking similar but different questions.

BH, I will do a post on ‘Rivka HaTzaddika’ next.

One of my kids has been playing this recently – and I really like it.


The chorus is:

Ani Po, Ani b’Yerushalayim.

I’m here….I’m in Jerusalem.


Baruch Hashem, a million times.


The Tomer Devorah blog has put up a really good post about the Jesuits HERE.

Long story short, they are the ones causing so many of the problems all over the world, but making sure they have some prominent corrupt Jews as the front men, to use as their scapegoats.

I’ve had some ups and downs with the Tomer Devorah blog, in particular, she doesn’t like Rav Berland very much, and thinks Jonathan Pollard is MBY.

BUT – let’s give credit where credit is due.

She does some excellent investigative journalism, especially when it comes to calling out the two faces of ‘Esav’ and Edom.


On that score, I actually took the time to ‘engage’ with R Kessin’s latest comments.

I won’t call it a shiur – because it isn’t.

To save time, I went through the transcript, then checked that back with what R Kessin was actually saying, just to make sure he wasn’t being misquoted by AI.

This is what he said, beginning around the 15.30 min mark:

America is different and that’s really what I want to begin to talk about America is not the same as Russia it’s not the same as Europe.

And the truth is that most people don’t understand really America because there’s a great deal of questions about America, why was it formed so late.
But like I mentioned America has the evil of Esav, which is the rosh b’Esav and America also has the tov b’Esav you see so the first question you can ask about America which of course was formed in 1776, and so on, why did God bring a
[Skipping two more minutes of standard propaganda about the known freemason and hypocrite George Washington’s ‘fight’ against Britain. R Kessin continues around the 18.00 minute mark:]

You know it’s a miracle that America won the war.

But the answer is of course because America in many ways is unique.

America is destined to be the Tov of Esav and therefore God needs them.


God doesn’t ‘need’ anyone or anything, least of all America.

And I can’t understand how R Kessin keeps ‘replacing’ Moshiach, the Jewish people and our Torah with America, Trump and the American Constitution.


I want to quote some more stuff from R Kessin’s speech about how wonderful America is, because when you see it all written down, it makes it much easier to understand that the whole premise of what he’s saying is total baloney.

At best.

So, he continues around the 21:30 min mark:

Jefferson was a brilliant man.

Snippet from the site, HERE:

John Adams was the Vice President of the United States from 1789 to 1797, and he was also a Freemason. He was initiated into Freemasonry in 1765 at the St. Andrew’s Lodge in Boston, Massachusetts. …. Adams believed staunchly in the principles of Freemasonry and its importance to the political landscape of America.

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was a prominent figure in American history, and he is often referred to as the author of the Declaration of Independence. He also served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. In addition to his political career, Jefferson was also a Freemason and Vice President of the United States.

Jefferson’s involvement in Freemasonry began early in life when he joined the Lodge of Virginia at age 20. He went on to become a Grand Master in 1785 and Grand Commander in 1802. He was an active member of several Masonic lodges throughout his life and wrote extensively on the subject, including a book entitled “A Treatise on Masonry”.

Jefferson was an ardent supporter of Freemasonry, believing that it promoted tolerance and understanding among its members, regardless of race or religion. He also saw it as an important tool for creating a more cohesive society that could better serve its citizens…..

George Washington

George Washington was the first President of the United States of America. He was a Revolutionary War hero and is considered to be one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was also a Freemason, making him one of several presidents who have been members of the fraternity…..

John Adams

John Adams was the second President of the United States and served from 1797 to 1801. Prior to his presidency, he had a long career as a lawyer, diplomat, and statesman which included being a delegate to the Continental Congress and helping draft both the Declaration of Independence and U.S Constitution. Adams is sometimes referred to as “the father of American government” because of his influential role in establishing an effective federal government during his time in office. He was also a Freemason, making him another president who has been part of this fraternal organization.

James Madison

James Madison served as fourth President from 1809-1817 and is widely considered one of America’s founding fathers due to his crucial role in helping draft both U.S Constitution and Bill Rights during his time in Congress prior to becoming president….James Madison too was part or Freemasonry fraternity while he held office as president .

James Monroe

James Monroe served as fifth President from 1817-1825 and is best remembered for forming what has come to be known as Monroe Doctrine which declared that European colonization or interference would not be tolerated on newly independent nations within Americas borders . During his tenure there were major expansionist policies enacted such as acquisition Texas , Florida from Spain . James Monroe too belonged Masonic fraternity while he held office .


Either R Kessin doesn’t know that the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written by satanic, two-faced masons, or he doesn’t care.

Either way, these people, and their ideas about ‘liberty’ (from serving God….) and ‘the pursuit of happiness’ (aka: do whatever you want that you think will make you happy, even if it’s totally evil and against God’s laws) are coming from a literally satanic spiritual perspective on the world.

That’s the bottom line.


People believe what they want to believe.

So, if you want to carry on listening to R Kessin’s incredibly misguided propaganda for the Satanic, Freemasonic USA being the ‘good of Esav’ – best of luck to you!

Personally, I’m at the stage where I can no longer stand hearing it, in any way, shape or form.

It’s so misleading. It’s so plain ‘wrong’. It’s so based on a mountain of false assumptions and denial of basic historical facts about just how evil the USA has been – and has always been – that at this stage, it’s triggering the gag reflex.

But thank God, I don’t live in America, and believing this nonsense is not going to trap me in a country that increasingly resembles the Third Reich, circa 1938.

Ani po…b’Yerushalayim.

So for me, it’s mostly a moot point.

But for the Jews in America, who are being persuaded that St Trump is coming to ‘save them’ – and the rest of the world …. I worry a lot.