The Rav gave a bunch of interesting ‘clues’ about who is running things in the Holy Land, from behind the scenes, in the last shiur of his I translated.
(Read the lengthier excerpt HERE.)
As well as touching on more of the real story about how the charidee money apparently was getting siphoned-off into private pockets almost right from the start (more about that another time….) – he also widened out the focus to start looking at what was really going on in Hevron.
Let’s bring that snippet, below, and then we’ll start to unpack it all, with God’s help:
There are four holy cities [in Eretz Yisrael].
Four cities: Hevron – there, there was the Rav Mani[1]. HaRav Mani was the Chief Rabbi of Hevron, there, there were all the rabbonim.
There was there the ‘Chessed L’Avraham’, and there was there the ‘Sdei Chemed’ – he’s buried in Hevron still today.
The rabbis came to visit him [the Sdei Chemed], he said: “Stay here, don’t go back to Russia.”
And he was the Chief Rabbi of Crimea.
Because they suspected him in Istanbul, they suspected him. They paid money to the cleaner, who cleaned the synagogue, they paid her an enormous sum of money.
In the end, he confessed to the Beit Din that she was paid money, but he’d already lost the Chief Rabbi [position] in Istanbul.
He was the greatest rav of all the generations, in the whole world.
He [wrote] like that, 14 books, ‘Sdei Chemed’, but his opponents, his detractors, succeeded in kicking him out of Istanbul, with false accusations.
He was the Rav of Crimea, and in the end he decided that he wanted dafka to be in Eretz Yisrael, to be buried in Hevron, next to the ‘Reishit Chochma’.
And so, he came to Hevron.
The rabbis came from Crimea, there were also chief rabbis. He said to them:
Stay here, if you go back – nothing will remain of you.
And so it was. Everyone went back, and not even a single child remains. All of them ascended al kiddush Hashem (were killed in the sanctification of God’s name.)
Part of them became communists, part the Nazis murdered.
The Nazis slaughtered all the Jews, six million Jews.
I knew as soon as I read all this stuff the first time around, that a huge bunch of new info was about to start swinging loose, when I started trying to bottom all this information out.
And yup…. That’s definitely what happened.
Let’s start with a bit more background about Hevron, taken from a book in French called:
Le Livre de Hebron, by Eliaou Attlan – a resident of Hebron.
Why was I reading a book in French? Because I was in Hevron over Sukkot 5784, and at the little kiosk that sells books by the bottom of the steps, I was trying to get hold of a book of the history of Hevron in English.
The bookseller told me that to his knowledge, it doesn’t exist.
But he had something in French, if I could read French well enough (long story short, I can. Finally, I start to understand why I had to learn French….)
In Attlan’s book, I learned the following:
Hevron was a hotbed of Sabbatean messianic fervor.
Shabtai Tzvi / the SHACH himself was a shadar, or ‘emissary’ raising funds for Eretz Yisrael before Nathan of Gaza ‘announced’ him as moshiach, and before he left to fundraise in Egypt, in 1664, he came to Hebron.
That’s where Shabtai Tzvi made one of his most ardent followers, the Hebron Sage R AVRAHAM CUENQUE – who was also frequently employed as a fundraising shadar, for Eretz Yisrael.
Remember, all this predates the aliyah of the Sabbatean YEHUDA CHASSID, and his bunch of merry Sabbateans, by at least 50 years. And it predates the Chassidic Aliyah of 1772 by more than a century.
According to Attlan, R CUENQUE was known as an honest, erudite and pious man.
And SHABTAI TZVI caught him totally, in his net.
This is my English translation of the passgge Attlan brings in his book, on page 104, describing R CUENQUE’s reaction to meeting SHABTAI TZVI:
“I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes, He prayed the mincha service in the heart of our holy community, then the whole community followed him for the evening prayers to close by the Cave of the Machpela.[2]
“Almost the whole night, I stayed there, outside the house where he was lodging, espying like this each one of his gestures. All those who lived in the Quarter, men, women and their children – no-one thought of sleeping that night, we were all there watching him.
“He (Shabtai Tzvi) walked inside the room, alternating between large strides and small steps. The whole house was bathed in the light of candles, because this was his will. All night long, at the top of his lungs, he recited Psalms from memory. A voice imprinted with joy and emotion, radiant and beautiful to hear.
“This [continued] until the first light of dawn…. I can attest just how much this man appeared strange to me. I remember that my eyes didn’t cease to observe him avidly. After the morning prayers, he left, accompanied by just one servant….he left the city, and my eyes have no longer had the privilege of seeing him, until this day.”
You wouldn’t know it from the rosy description in Attlan’s book, but Yaakov Emden had a very different view of ABRAHAM CUENQUE of Hevron.
(Not for the faint-hearted….)
This snippet comes from the introduction to David Halpern’s book: Fourth Testimony – The Biography of Abraham Cuenque:
‘A PEDDLER who tramped from town to town filling his hands with the wealth of the scattered Jewish people … a slick-tongued rascal who caught his prey with his jaws … like a pig stretching out its hooves … like a slut spreading her legs for every passer-by, copulating with donkeys … ‘.
This is how the anti-Sabbatian crusader Jacob Emden described Abraham Cuenque, in his preface to the first publication (1752) of Cuenque’s sixty year- old biography of Sabbatai Zevi.
Gaza is where Nathan of Gaza was hanging out, with Shabtai Tzvi, proclaiming his ‘messiah-ship’.
Gaza and Hevron enjoyed very close relations at that point, so Hevron was the next city to acclaim Shabtai Tzvi as ‘the moshiach’ – and they did so with unparalleled enthusiasm.
Then, according to Attlan, the [formerly converso…) rabbis of Hevron sent a long letter to their (formerly converso….) wealthy funders in Amsterdam, the Pereira family, telling them ‘the moshiach has arrived’.
The rabbis told the Pereiras to liquidate their holdings, and move to Eretz Yisrael.
The patriach of the Pereiras, AVRAHAM PEREIRA, was actually on the way to Israel, when news came that ‘the moshiach’ had converted to Islam….
While this dampened a lot of the enthusiasm around Shabtai Tzvi in a lot of places (or at least, and more accurately, drove the belief in his ‘moshiach-ness’ underground….) – in Hevron, they didn’t seem to mind so much.
The kabbalists of Hevron led the way with more spiritual gymnastics, explaining that the conversion to Islam was necessary for the ‘second stage’ of the Moshiach’s revelation in the world.
Long story short: Hevron was full of die-hard Sabbateans from this time on.
‘Official history’ likes to scrub a lot of these people out of the story, because when they are restored to their proper locations in the story of the Jewish people, and particularly, the story of what was really happening here in the Holy Land, a whole bunch of other uncomfortable information starts to come into focus.
So, R AVRAHAM PEREIRA is a strong Sabbatean, a former converso living in Amsterdam and funding a whole bunch of things in Israel, including the ‘Or HaTorah’ yeshiva in JERUSALEM – and also the printing press in Amsterdam, where he installs none other than MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL, to oversee the project.[3]
In 1659 – a few years before SHABTAI TZVI comes on the scene – two of the shadarim from Hevron, called MEIR ROFEH and YEHUDA ZEV, persuade Pereira to start donating large chunks of his fortune to their community.
That’s when PEREIRA founds the ‘CHESED L’AVRAHAM’ yeshiva in Hevron.
And he makes MEIR HIYYA ROFE the Rosh Yeshiva.
MEIR HIYYA ROFE is also known to have become a very enthusiastic follower of SHABTAI TZVI.
He writes to PEREIRA in 1665 that:
“[A] man who possesses the Holy Spirit, who responds to the name Nathan, came to tell us certain revelations….”
I.e. That SHABTAI TZVI was the moshiach.
Rofe encourages Pereira to move to Israel.
This snippet comes from the Wiki site for MEIR HIYYA ROFE, HERE:
Meir maintained his belief even after Sabbatai’s conversion in 1666.
In 1672 Meir left, again as an emissary of Hebron, for Turkey. He stayed for a time in Adrianople, where he was in contact with Sabbatai. On Sabbatai’s exile to Albania in 1673, Meir returned to Gaza where he stayed with Nathan and even copied his writings for his own use.
He then traveled again to Italy, and from 1675 to 1678 resided in the home of the Sabbatean Abraham Rovigo in Modena.
Throughout his stay in Italy Meir did much to encourage those who believed in Sabbatai Zevi and spread the writings of Nathan of Gaza.
During the last ten years of his life he was recognized as the outstanding scholar of Hebron.
MEIR ROFE was a very serious, missionising ‘prophet’ of Sabbateanism for decades.
AND, apparently, ‘the outstanding scholar of Hebron’.
Remember, he was running the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM yeshiva – if the Rosh Yeshiva was such a prominent Sabbatean, you can be sure the yeshiva was turning out lots and lots of ‘little Sabbateans’, too.
AVRAHAM PEREIRA dies in 1699, and one of his son’s YAAKOV PEREIRA takes over the family fortune – and expands the (Sabbatean….) yeshiva in Hevron, now calling it:
Let’s just pick up a bit of info about the original CHESSED L’AVRAHAM while we’re here – also mentioned by the Rav like this:
Four cities: Hevron – there, there was the Rav Mani. HaRav Mani was the Chief Rabbi of Hevron, there, there were all the rabbonim.
There was there the ‘Chessed L’Avraham’, and there was there the ‘Sdei Chemed’ – he’s buried in Hevron still today.
According to the website, the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM was R AVRAHAM AZULAI.
He was born in Fez, Morocco, in 1570, and he dies in Hevron in 1643. He’s a big kabbalist, writes a book called the CHESSED L’AVRAHAM – and is the great-grandpa of the CHIDA.
Interestingly, according to the site:
One of the most important achievements of R’ Azulai was excavating R’ Chaim Vital’s manuscripts (later known as Etz Chaim) from his tomb in Damascus (Syria).
Together with another kabbalist of the time Rabbi Yaacov Tzemach, Rabbi Avraham Azulai dealt with Yichudim (special Kabbalistic meditations) and She’alot Chalom (dream meditation) until permission was granted to them by R’ Chaim Vital to dig at his grave.
This ‘excavating’ of R CHAIM VITAL’s kabbalistic manuscripts from his grave, solely based on a ‘dream’, was not uncontroversial, to say the least.
I’m not going to ‘deep dive’ on that subject in these posts, but take a look at the controversy around YISRAEL of SARUG.
YAAKOV TZEMACH is said to be the student of SHMUEL VITAL – R Chaim’s son in Egypt….. And another famous follower of SHABTAI TZVI….
As usual with this stuff, I’ve just hit another patch of unexpected interesting.
This is a scan of the picture Attlan includes in chapter on ‘Le Gvir Peyrera’, with the description that this is meant to be a portrait of Pereira’s friend and collaborator in Hevron, Dr EPHRAIM BUENO – as painted by REMBRANDT.
(It’s definitely not BUENO – read on. If anyone can help me track down this sketch, below, I’d be very grateful.)
This guy looks like a dead ringer for the court Jew SAMUEL OPPENHEIMER, whose descendants include the Sabbatean-funding WERTHEIMERS….
This is a picture of SAMUEL OPPENHEIMER:
And so is this:
And this is the picture of DR EPHRAIM BUENO, as painted by Rembrandt (who also sketched MANASSEH BEN ISRAEL, and had his salary paid by ABRAHAM PEREIRA):
As you can see – they are totally different people.
At this point, I remembered I did a whole ‘deep dive’ last year on this same SAMUEL OPPENHEIMER – who converted out to xtianity and became the Judaism-hating JOHANN EISENMENGER.
Go and read that HERE.
That happened a lot with the people who were pushing the ‘false messiahs’ down Jewish history. When things didn’t pan out the way they hoped, they got yeoush and many converted to xtianity.
There is nothing new under the sun.
OK, last couple of things to pick up over here, by ABRAHAM PEREIRA and his little Sabbatean buddies of Hevron, before we move on to R MANI of Hevron, in the next post.
I was trying to figure out IF the super-wealthy PEREIRAs of Amsterdam are actually a pseudonym (or vice-versa) for the super-wealthy OPPENHEIM court Jews of Vienna.
That took me over to ABRAHAM PEREIRA’S family tree on Geni – which I got to from this snippet from the Jewish Encyclopaedia site, HERE:
Pereyra left five sons, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, and David, and two daughters, Ribca, wife of Jacob de Pinto, and Rachel, wife of Abraham Cuitiño (Quitiño)
This is the screenshot for RIBCA PEREIRA, wife of JACOB de PINTO.
She has another husband called ISAAC DE MATOS – this is the ancestor of none other than MOSES MONTEFIORE.
That info has been carefully scrubbed off, so that most people will have no idea that it’s always the same people, when it comes to Eretz Yisrael and ruling the Jewish community.
Meanwhile, ABRAHAM PEREIRA has a very interesting brother, called:
Salvador (Abraham) Vaez Martinez
He’s a KNIGHT OF ALCANTARA – and like you, I also had absolutely no idea what that actually was.
If you go HERE, you can read up about it, a little, on the Wiki page for the ORDER OF ALCANTARA.
The Order of Alcántara, also called the Knights of St. Julian, was originally a military order of León, founded in 1166 and confirmed by Pope Alexander III in 1177….
This order’s genesis is obscure, but according to a somewhat questionable tradition, St. Julian de Pereiro was a hermit of the country of Salamanca, where by his counsel, some knights built a castle on the river Tagus to oppose the Muslims….
The Knights of Alcántara, under their new name, acquired many castles and estates, for the most part at the expense of the Muslims. They amassed great wealth from booty during the war and from pious donations…..
The Knights of Alcántara were released from the vow of celibacy by the Holy See in 1540, and the ties of common life were sundered.
The PEREIRA family have the same surname as this Order’s founder, JULIAN DE PEREIRO.
I am willing to bet good money that there are tight links between this group, and the Jesuits and their secret orders, and today’s frankist-masons.
That happened when these catholic-conversos-with-cash got ‘reabsorbed’ into the Jewish community in the 17th century – and then literally took over the leadership with their ideas, connections and money.
And then started the process of subverting the Jewish community from within.
OK, let’s stop there for Part One of this expose on the ‘real Jewish history’ of Hevron.
And remember, we’re only just getting started on the subject. There are still a lot more secrets buried in the City of the Patriarchs, waiting to be uncovered.
[2] Probably referring to the 7th step in Hevron, as Jews were not allowed to enter the tomb itself, at this point in history.
[3] Who you’ll recall, was the ‘figurehead’ used in the PR campaign to get the Jews readmitted to the UK, on behalf of the formerly converso-catholics-now-back-as-jews, who seem to have been running so much of the show for the last 500 years, from behind the scenes.