I just got sent this video by Shuvu Banim’s Kollel Hatzot.

They are so bad at all this ‘marketing’ stuff, that I had to wait three weeks for them to find something useful they could send me. It’s three minutes long, take a look:


In our world of fake frumkeit, usually brought to you by the slick marketers of Chabad, you rarely see avreichim actually praying.

You rarely see people who get up to go to a yeshiva to recite Tikkun Chatzot – the midnight lament.

You rarely see people davening the sunrise prayers so enthusiastically.

Or learning Torah for hours on end (although I admit, the fake frumkeit marketers always have their PR clips and shots of earnest people poring over sefarim. That bit does still happen, at least in some yeshivas.)


In the world of fake frumkeit, usually brought to you by Chabad, you see things like this:


Don’t get me wrong, I still really like Elitzur.

But my friend clued me into this new song of his – because she was totally turned off by all the references to the Tzemach Tzedek, Baal HaTanya, and other ‘messaging’ about Chabad.

And she was very puzzled about how all this stuff was suddenly appearing in the songs of Elitzur, who is Breslov.

So she sent to look up who was producing this latest song of Elitzur, and THIS is where she got to. Snippet:

[He] found the answers to life through the pages of Likkutei Torah and today he uses his musical talents to spread the wellsprings and to bring authentic Chabad niggunim to the public, even to non-Jews.


Your guess is as good as mine, as to why Elitzur is now singing about the Tzemach Tzedek instead of about Rebbe Nachman.

But the video of his latest song is very interesting – he’s taken hostage from his own concert by ghouls with dollar signs for eyes, while the Breslov guy who ‘saved him’ from the ghouls in the song ‘I’m not going back to Rehovot’ runs after him – but this tme around, appears to get to him too late….

Each person can decide for themselves what’s going on here.


Point is, authentic frumkeit isn’t slick, isn’t being marketed by experts, doesn’t have an endless supply of cash to keep buying up properties all over Jerusalem to turn into yet more ‘Chabad houses’, doesn’t have politicians all over the world attending their events and sucking up to their tzaddikim.

And at least in Shuvu Banim in the Old City, authentic frumkeit is suffering tremendously, because after all the persecution the Rav and Shuvu has endured by the State over the last few years, the avreichim are literally getting 100 SHEKELS, a MONTH, to wake up every single night and recite Tikkun Hatzot at the yeshiva in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City.


I’m cutting and pasting the next bit, below, from THIS article I already did on the Kollel Chatzot – that I am not working for in any capacity, btw.

Just a person who is interested in trying to help out ‘authentic yiddishkeit’ and totally sickened by the Chabad takeover of almost aspect of Jewish culture.

For the last two years (at least….) this Kollel of 5-6 men have been following this schedule:

  • 11pm – Arrive at the Shuvu Banim beit midrash in the Old City, overlooking Har Habayit, and hear a shiur from the Rosh Kollel.

  • 12am – 2am – Do Tikkun Hatzot – the midnight lament, that is meant to be the most powerful prayer for negating harsh judgements on the Jewish people, particularly in relation to ending the exile and getting the Temple finally rebuilt.

  • 2-5.30 am – Learn Torah.

  • 5.30 am onwards – prayer with the Netz, or sunrise minyan.


BTW, it’s actually more like 10-15 men who are doing this every night.

I propose, dear reader, that if you really want to put your tzedaka money somewhere where it is making a tangible difference to both yourself, and to Am Yisrael, on the spiritual level, that you consider sponsoring one of the members of the Kollel Hatzot to the tune of 400 nis a month.

This is the minimum amount that Rav Berland has asked the Rosh Kollel to try to pay each one of the members of the Tikkun HaTzot kollel.


You can literally do that online, right now, by going HERE.


If go back to THIS article, you’ll find all the translated screenshots for how to do this in English.

Thank you to all the readers out there who answered the call last month, for the Kollel Hatzot.

BH, more people will be moved to help, and to maybe set up some sort of monthly donation.

Because the Samech Mem is taking out authentic yiddishkeit every way it can.

And it has all the slick marketing, money and political influence required to do that.


PS: I had some complaints that I’m ‘bashing’ Chabad.

Yes, I’m ‘bashing’ Chabad.

Chabad seems to be up there on a pedestal, where no one can mention any of the many, many disturbing things that go on with them, because the shluchim…. the mesirut nefesh of the shluchim….

There are many good, wonderful Chabad shluchim, I totally agree.

If you take a look at the xtian world, you will also find many ‘good, wonderful xtian shluchim’.

Does that mean we can’t ‘bash’ xtianity?

I personally am sick of living in the world of lies.

If you’re not – great! Chabad has a ton of sites online, and maybe you’d be better off sticking with them.

No-one is saying that individuals in Chabad aren’t great – I’m sure many of them are. And I’m also 100% sure that there are really not great people who self-identify as ‘Breslov’.

I’m talking about the organisation, not the people.

And I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.


Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025)


“Gilgalai neshamot” (the wheel of the reincarnation of souls) – now, we are going to learn about the sons of Tzruyah.

Tzruyah – all of her children flew in the air. Here is the Midrash ‘Shochar Tov’ [on the] Tehillim1. So, Yoav used to fly in the air – all of them!

How did they conquer Bet El? How did they conquer Rabat Amon? Now in Damascus, Damascus needs to be conquered, Putin agrees. We will speak with Putin. You will persuade him, so that he’ll agree to conquer Damascus. It’s possible to persuade him, conquer Damascus and then there are no problems.

It’s here, [the border] 20 km from Damascus, so it’s possible to conquer Damascus.


The month of Tevet is a month of tovot (good things).

It’s written in the Sefer Karnaim2, that Tevet is the greatest of all the months.

“Ee-ti – Ee-ti mi’Levanon tavoy-ee, ee-ti mi’Levanon kallah.”3

Ee – ti (אתי) is Tevet (טבת) – (it’s the same gematria of) 411. ‘Tevet’ is 411. So [Tevet] is the secret of ‘ha-tova’ (the good). All the tovot. So, the tzur (rock) is called ‘Tevet’,

Ee-ti (with Me) – at the time that Hashem says ‘there is a place ee-ti’. [The meaning is] This is called ‘haTzur’ (the Rock, e.g. Hashem). There, the 13 Attributes of Mercy were revealed [to Moshe Rabbenu], which was all the rachamim (mercy) that was in the whole world! All the rachamim.


In the desert, there were no niddot (women in a state of ritual impurity) at all.

It’s written in the Midrash Tanchuma Shmot, that in the desert there were no niddot. And it’s also written in the Tanna d’vey Eliyahu, that the Tribe of Asher didn’t have any niddot.4


[The Rav then speaks of how the Brothers put Asher into cherem, because his daughter Serach bat Asher is the one who revealed to Yaakov Avinu that od Yosef chai – that his son Yosef HaTzaddik was still alive, and a king in Egypt. The Brothers had an agreement that no-one could tell Yaakov the truth of what had happened to Yosef, as they were afraid that in his anger Yaakov would curse the Brothers, even just for a split second, and then they would immediately die and the world would be destroyed, for the whole world was only created for the sake of Am Yisrael. The Brothers didn’t realise that Serach bat Asher knew Yosef was still alive via prophecy, and not because her father Asher had told her.]


Asher was in cherem (excommunicated).

It’s forbidden, we don’t reveal secrets, there is no such thing as this, to reveal secrets.

Because if they will be revealed, everyone will die at that exact moment. Here, here is the Pesikta. Yosef knew that if his father would know the real story, everyone would die, the world would be destroyed.

The world stands in the merit of Am Yisrael.


Here, now Biden is dancing over the three [who were just killed in a terror attack in the Shomron].

Three were killed, one was aged 70, one was 63, and another was seriously injured. So Biden he sent them [i.e. The terrorists] the weapons. Who sent the weapons? How come Hezbollah have weapons? That the terrorists have guns?!

All of this is from Biden.

He has another 10 days to officiate as the head of the government, and wants to at least destroy Am Yisrael in these 10 days. He’s already had enough, because 7 billion people say that we need to destroy Am Yisrael! – 7 billion people.


Because there is this one crazy, Trump.

He is from the eytanim (‘strong ones), I remember. 350 [electoral colleges] voted for him, and 175 voted for Harris. He got twice as many. But everyone was from the ‘strong ones’. Biden chided them, he published instructions.5

Whoever voted for Trump, Trump said that the Jews were correct.

What, that the Jews were ‘right’?! When have the Jews ever been ‘right’?! The Jews are never right! There are 7 billion people in the world, all of them say that the Jews aren’t correct.

One crazy person comes, Trump, who says No, the Jews are the Chosen People, it’s the Holy Nation, all of them are kodesh kodeshim (holy of holies).


His daughter suddenly became a Jewess.

She went totally mad. (She was also from the ‘strong ones’, I’m sure). What happened, that all of a sudden you converted?! [Her husband is] Kushner. He put Kushner in France. France is antisemitic. France is even more antisemitic than Russia.

The French are true na-is. So now, exactly, he sent them Kushner. It’s driving them crazy, there, after the French already didn’t let Israel join in any conference, or any council. In France, it’s illegal for the Israeli representatives to [participate] in any council. Not with the football, not with…

‘You are murderers, you are a nation of killers, you are doing a massacre, maybe you are also going to massacre us?!’


Now, three Jews were murdered – so what?!

Are [the Jews] to blame for that?

They say ‘yes. [The Jews] are to blame, [for when Jews get murdered].’


So, what is written in the Pesikta?

That Yosef didn’t meet his father for 17 years.

[The Rav turns to his son] We see each other, Baruch Hashem, almost every day!

But Yosef, for 17 years they didn’t meet. Because his father would ask him what happened? His father [Yaakov Avinu] thought that Nasrallah kidnapped him.


They still didn’t do a funeral for Nasrallah.

Maybe Putin will come to his funeral. They are waiting 60 days, after the cease fire. Now, Amos Hochstein came, he came to extend the cease fire for another 60 days, because the Lebanese Army is still not controlling South Lebanon, and in the meantime, Hezbollah rules.

The whole of South Lebanon, it’s under the control of Hezbollah, they are firing at Metulla, they are firing at Rosh Pinna, they are firing at Shlomi, they are firing on Hanita – they are firing.

They are 5 km [away], they are even situated at a higher elevation [than the Jewish towns]. Lebanon is higher than our mountains. By us, the mountains get to 1000 meters elevation, there is gets to 2000 meters. So they can fire on us easily.


Now, [the Houthis] fired a rocket at Hadera.

They wanted to hit the electricity grid there, in the power station. They wanted to hit it.

The rocket was 100 km up, and it does 5 [km] a second, so this is 20 seconds [to reach a height of 100 km].

And then this [the shards of the rocket] were exploded across the whole country. Each rocket is 30 metres tall, it broke into four parts, so each part is 10 metres, this is a few ton.

If it would fall on a house [it would crush it, but] it didn’t fall on any house.

This is miraculous, it fell in the yards of houses, and like that, but not on the houses. If it would have fallen on a house, the whole house would have been destroyed – with the mamad (security room), with everything.

It’s impossible to describe the miracles [that are happening in Israel] every second.

Translated from Shivivei Or 393.



1Midrash Tehillim, Mizmor 18.

2Sefer Karnaim, ma’amar 6.

3I can’t seem to trace the Hebrew original of this verse – if someone else can, please let me know. In the meantime, what I did find was this book written about the First Lebanon War by Gen. Yoram Yair, in 1990, called ‘Ee-ti M’Lebanaon’: https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/אתי_מלבנון

4Tanna d’vey Eliyahu, רבה verse 9.

5It’s not clear what the Rav is alluding to here.



This is the Wiki page for Yoram Yair – it makes very interesting reading:


What makes even more interesting reading is the page for the ‘HaNoar Ha’oved V’Lomed’ movement he belonged, or belongs to.

Here’s the Wiki page for that:


Here’s it’s mission statement, from 2015 (machine translated):

The historical role of the Working Youth Organization is the establishment and development of a Jewish-democratic state, whose firm core is an Israeli community of communities made up by choice of Arabs, Jews, Druze, Circassians and other audiences regardless of religion, race or gender and sexual preference.

A community of communities that strives to realize the purpose of a society in the spirit of Chabuta, whose values are equal to human values, socialism, feminism, sharing, justice, Herzliyan Zionism, democracy, defense, labor and peace.

A community that seeks to establish an exemplary human society whose roots are rooted in the eternal values of the prophets ‘ heritage, and in the best values of the Book of Books. 


Because I’m a confirmed conspiracy theorist, this sounds very secret-society-masonic to me, and also very ‘one new man’ / universal religion-ist (and that religion is based on ‘humanism’, not God’s Torah).

But don’t worry, these are only the people running the army and the country and its institutions for decades already.

So, nothing to see here.

It seems to me, there is a new ‘vibe’ starting to make it’s way through the world.


It’s the ‘vibe’ of standing up to bullies.

I know in my dalet amot, I have been standing up to more bullies the last two weeks than in the last few years put together.

Bad landlords, bad accountants, bad neighbors, bad bloggers….

All those people who evince an air of ‘we are perfect and can do no wrong’ – all while treating the people around them in some really horrible, manipulative and yucky ways, that just leave a lingering taste of ‘YUCK’ behind them.

I don’t have a lot of time to write at the moment, as BH we are trying to move house.

I will tell you more of what has led up to all this once we’re out of here, and settled in somewhere else.

But ‘fast change’ seems to be on the cards at the moment, after years of what felt like the slow crawl, or even, going in reverse.

BH, I will update you more soon.

But in the meantime – the bullies are on their last legs.

And that’s when they get the most desperate – and the most crazy.


PS: The ‘Alien Invasion’ seems to be gearing up. Really. (Aliens = shedim. It’s going to be interesting.)


See this, Elon Musk talking about airpods:


Then remind yourself that the Simpsons predicted the first Trump Presidency back in 2002.

The guy is an actor…. one of the best.

But an actor, working for the Evils, who arranged for him to become POTUS again now, to move forward the next part of the plan that’s been in the works for decades.

Trump is an actor, Musk is an actor – all the politicians are puppets, actors – and also, all these ‘big billionaires’. No way someone as off his head as Musk, or as obviously dumb as Zuckerberg, could just go and make a few squillions on their own merit.

It’s all hidden in plain view.

But as the Rav said yesterday, there is no point talking to apikorsim, because they just can’t hear what you’re saying.

So I’m not arguing with anyone about this stuff these days.

Just keeping my head down, trying to fix things more in my own dalet amot – and working on finding a safe space to watch the next part of the ‘great show’ unfold.

Bezrat Hashem.



I sent the Musk video to my air pod-using SIL, who came back with the theory it’s an AI video, so not real.

Ah, poor boy, that he has me to deal with…

Following on from that, of course I had to go and stand the story up more, so here is the patent on Google patents:


It’s for a:

Biosignal Sensing Device Using Dynamic Selection of Electrodes

Take a look at the 15 images attached to this patent, and then let me know how these images differ from ‘air pods’.

Always hidden in plain view.



This was one of the most interesting things I’ve ever read from the Rav.

For a whole bunch of different reasons.

When I have more time, I’ll to ‘unpack’ this a little more, but Mordechai of Chernobyl has been almost totally scrubbed out of real Jewish history.

From previous research, he was apparently sharing responsibility with the Alter Rebbe of Chabad for collecting money for the chassidic yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, at some point, and was also a potential successor to the Alter Rebbe’s ‘CHABAD’ fundraising kollel.

His descendants became implacable enemies of Breslov, and harassed and persecuted the Breslovers over multiple generations, and in multiple areas.

More than that, it’s still hidden in the mist.

At least, for now.



Main shiur given on the hiloula of Rav Natan of Breslov, 10th Tevet 5785


The whole inyan (matter) of R’ Natan was just bizyonot (humiliation and disgrace).

“No-one has seen God other than You.”1

Rav Natan merited to such a level of bizyonot – prisons, jails, and not like those in Eretz Yisrael, where it’s a 12 star hotel. A true prison, where [he was] mamash amongst murderers, that’s where they put him.

And he gave such cries, before they tried to kill him, it’s impossible to describe it. And why [was he put in prison by the Russian authorities]?

Because [his chassidic opponents within the Jewish community] said that he said he was Moshiach.


In Russia, whoever said ‘Moshiach’ – they hung him.

[If they say] ‘Moshiach’, in a little while you’ll have a million chassidim, ‘Moshiach’.

So, [the Russian government said] whoever says ‘Moshiach’, he will be hung now! We have a gallows here. See, here’s this gallows, [upon which we will hang] this man. Whoever says ‘Moshiach’, he will be hung!


It was also like this by the Romans, not only oto ha’ish2 was hung, they hung everyone.

A lot of people said ‘Moshiach’, and Rome was scared.

Whoever said ‘Moshiach’, straight away they hung him. Moshiach has a million chassidim.


He [Yoshki] went to Kfar Hittim by the Kinneret, and he cried out I am Moshiach!!!

And he told everyone, I’m Moshiach!!!

They said to him, go and say that in Jerusalem, in Jerusalem they will hang you straight away.

That’s what he said, and that’s how it was. The moment he got to Jerusalem, he got there on erev Pesach, or the day before. It’s a machloket (disagreement) between historians. One says ‘erev Pesach’, another says they hung him on Pesach.


And the last supper was on Mount Zion.

And after this, Yehuda Ish Cariot (lit: Judah the Man of the City, a reference to Judah Iscariot) – this was across from the Lion’s Gate.

All of this, we need to know.

So, whoever said that he was ‘Moshiach’, they hung him. [So] the Jews didn’t say anything.


All of this we are talking about, is [connected to the fact that] they libelled R’ Natan with the slander that he said that he was Moshiach, a ‘tzaddik’, like R Mordechai of Tchernobyl.

They said about him [i.e. R Mordechai of Tchernobyl] that he was a tzaddik, so they came to arrest him.

So his chassidim said to him, come, escape! He said I am not running away, I am a tzaddik. I want to be a tzaddik. What should I say, that I’m not a tzaddik?! If I’m not a tzaddik, go and arrest someone else?! No! I will say that I am a tzaddik!

After this, they [the Jewish community] needed to pay bribes and [to say] a thousand lies [in order to free Mordechai of Tchernoble from the Tsar’s prison].


The same thing with R’ Raphael of Bershad, who crossed the border.

In his life, he’d never told a lie.

So [the border guards] said to him, is it you? He said yes! [The border guards said to him] this passport, this is you?

[Raphael of Bershad said] No, that’s not me.

It was a forged passport. And after this, [the Jewish community needed to pay] millions in bribes.


So R Natan [of Breslov] said, all of you is just one big lie!

Even though you don’t say a single lie, all of you is one big lie!

Because the real truth [of whether someone is actually a tzaddik or not] is when a person doesn’t have a single yearning for, or enjoyment of, being honored.


R’ Natan used to go along with a happy face – and they said about him that he was drunk.

The Shpoler3 said to the Berdichever4 that he [Rav Natan] used to drink before the prayers. He has the face of a drunk, a red face.

From all of his tremendous joy, when [Rav Natan] used to come to shacharit he was all red. [In truth, R’ Natan] used to stay up all night learning Torah, the large Shulchan Aruch, the SHACH, everything.

He used to finish the Shulchan Aruch every single month.

Translated from Shivivei Or 392.


This is a scan of the source in Siach Sarfei Kodesh, Part II, Section 632, that describes what occurred with Raphael of Bershad:


These words of the Rav had a profound impact on me this week.

BH, we’ll discuss more in a separate post, but I really started to wonder to myself how many of my own actions and thoughts are falling in the category of trying to be a ‘fake tzaddik’, pretending to myself that my spiritual level is much higher than it actually is.

When I have a bit more time to think, and to write, I will tell you just how much the Rav’s words helped me to resolve a big problem I’ve been having for quite a long time.



1 The Hebrew reads: “עין לא ראתה אלוקים זולתך

2I.e. Yoshki.

3R’ Aryeh Leib, aka the ‘Shpoler Zeideh’, Rabbi Nachman’s implacable enemy.

4R’ Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev.

It was a very bright artificial light.

It hovered in the sky and started to move, and initially, I thought it was a helicopter or something, with a very bright, massive flash-light.

And then, it shot up 90 degrees into the clouds and disappeared.

All this happened around 9pm, in Jerusalem.

Did anyone else see it?


Meanwhile, in other news, a reader sent me this:


Israel365 is a source that comes with a huge, mostly hidden, agenda.

Compare the above, to the story below from 2019, about who bought 666 5th Avenue (yes, that’s the real number):



Compare and contrast these two stories.

Who is being talked about, and who is specifically NOT being talked about by Israel 365?

If you buy the argument that Trump’s administration was infiltrated by a ‘Qatari asset’ now, then why wouldn’t exactly the same argument apply back in 2019 – with a source who is so much closer to home, to the Trump admin?

And what are the implications of that, especially for the good Jews of Eretz Yisrael?


Also, take a look at this:



Good cop, bad cop, also informally called the Mutt and Jeff technique, is a psychological tactic used in interrogation and negotiation, in which a team of two people take opposing approaches to the subject.

One interrogator adopts a hostile or accusatory demeanor, emphasizing threats of punishment, while the other adopts a more sympathetic demeanor, emphasizing reward, in order to convince the subject to cooperate.


How do Biden and Trump fit into this paradigm?

Who is the ‘good cop’, who is the ‘bad cop’ – and what is the negotiation, or deal, that they are both trying to persuade the good Jews of Eretz Yisrael to agree to?

Answers on a postcard…..

This is a video of the ‘comedian’ Zelensky, before he became president of Ukraine:


What do you notice?


Meanwhile, I thought it was kinda ridiculous that people were saying Musk gave a nazi salute at Trump’s inauguration:

But having now watched the video, I am no longer finding this funny.

At all.

The truth is always hidden in plain view, and often passed off as a ‘joke’, a nothing-burger.

But really, it’s all big hints about what is going on here – orchestrated by Hashem, so that people start to do some honest soul-searching.

People were laughing at ‘Zelensky the comedian’ all those years ago.

And now?


This is the third part of some of the Rav’s recent comments.

You can read PART 1 and PART 2.

This was quite the shiur from the Rav…. The stuff about JFK all by itself was very eye-opening.

I went to check it out more – this is the best link I found, if you really want to know who dunnit (pay attention to all of the Rav’s hints about sec:


In the meantime…. enjoy!


Divrei Torah given over on Friday night, at the Bar Mitzvah of Rav Berland’s great-grandson, Mordechai Meir ben R’ Shmuel Eizik Tzuker. January 10, 2025.

[Another excerpt].

So he [Togo] said, so what, if they killed 300,000 of us?! We will kill 50 million people in America!

He said that he had a system that was better at killing, this was called ‘kamikaze’, which means that pilots commit suicide. They kill themselves when they explode [their planes] on the American ships.

Every suicide-bomber could kill 10,000 people.

Five thousand suicide-bombers, this is 50 million, because the whole Pacific Ocean was filled with American boats.


And they raised these suicide-bombers, they went along with emuna, from a young age, that the purpose [of being alive] was to be included within the sun, so they were prepared to commit suicide for the king [the Japanese Emperor].

So he said that he wasn’t scared from the nuke, and that there was no such thing as a nuke.

So they dropped another one on him after three days, and then he surrendered, because Togo said to the Japanese king, Hirohito, what, why are you scared of them?! We have suicide-bombers!

And after this, Hirohito surrendered.


Then, [when they dropped the nukes on Japan] 300,000 people were killed.

70,000 on the spot, in the first second, and another 140,000 in the three years afterwards. But 70,000 were vaporised on the spot, and also all the Hatzalah ambulances that came to help, in order to save people – all of them died.

And three years afterwards, people were still dying from the radiation that there was in the place, because every gram of uranium could destroy 90 million tons. In every atom, there are protons and neutrons, and electrons that go around the nucleus.

Every atom is built like this, but it goes around in a huge volume [of space]. Most of an atom is an empty space. This means that if you would take all the volume of the Eiffel Tower, just the matter without the empty space, then all that would be left would be the size of a staple.

From the whole of [the mass of] Eretz Yisrael, you’d just have a tennis ball, because most of it is just an empty space.


So, in a nuclear explosion, they cleave the atom, but you need special tools to explode an atom, to split it.

Einstein discovered the formula, and then the Russians didn’t know about it, until someone revealed it to them – this secret. And then they also started to try to invent nuclear bombs.


The Russians were much more terrible than the Nazis.

Stalin killed 80 million people. They were the Bolshevik Party. ‘Bolsheviks’ – which means ‘majority’, they were the majority of the Party. And they were the minority. And there was the other side, who were called ‘Mensheviks’, which means ‘minority’. And the Bolsheviks ruled over the party. The meaning of ‘Bolshevik’ is ‘majority’.

But they were the minority!

In the beginning, there was Trotsky, and he murdered a load of people. And he already had a plan to expel all of the Jews to Siberia. He’d already prepared the trains, to send everyone to Siberia.


Yehudit, the mother-in-law of Nachman Berland1, she saw the trains in Kremenchug.

She was a girl aged 17, and they were in the camp, that’s told about by R Yitzhak Zilber. [The book about him] is called ‘To Stay A Jew’. And this was at Purim, and they celebrated Purim there. Some zionist came, a kofer, (heretic), who said to them why are you celebrating the miracle that Hashem saved you? A little while longer, they are going to send all of you to Siberia!

And then he showed them the trains that they’d already got ready.

Rav Zilber said, trouble doesn’t strike twice.

And then, after a few hours, there was the announcement that Stalin was dead.

It’s not known whether someone poisoned him, his advisor, who was a Jew, or whether on the spot he got a heart attack.

But this was on Purim, 5703.

And then in all the kibbutzim in the Aretz, they went into mourning for him.

All of them mourned for him, because here, everyone was a communist. The communists learned the ‘system of communism’ from the kibbutzim here in the Aretz. The kibbutzim here were set up before communism.

Were were in Degania2, it’s written there what year it was founded. They started [Degania] Bet in 1910 – 5670– and the communists were only in 5680. So we see that the kibbutz was founded before the start of communism. So there was so much mourning for him [Stalin] – the ‘People’s Sun’.


So all the kibbutzim in Eretz Yisrael – Be’eri, and all the kibbutzim – they were built with the money of the Yeminite [Jews who ascended to Eretz Yisrael].

The Yemenites used to learn [Torah]. They had the most lucid minds. All of the Tanach, the Rambam, Shulchan Aruch – and after their studies, they used to make jewellery from gold, and polish diamonds.

So when the Yemenites came to the Aretz, they took all the gold – all the chests of gold – and with this, they built all the kibbutzim. Now on Simchat Torah, they burnt all the kibbutzim.


There are also fires in California.

Already for a whole week it’s burning there.

At the beginning of the war, the Americans said what’s the big deal, so they burned a few of your houses.

And now, Hashem is burning whole dunams for them, all the expensive neighborhoods – everything’s being burnt for them. Even the stones are collapsing, from the heat. They build with stone in California, and even the stones are disappearing, from the intensity of the heat.


[Skipping a paragraph where the Rav addresses the barmitzvah boy].


John Kennedy was killed on the 22nd November at 12.30pm in the afternoon.

He went out with the car, on the election trail, in Dallas – this is the capital city of Texas. He had a totally open car, without a roof, and without walls, a Mercedes, or Lincoln. A car without a roof.

This was the campaign trail, and he was standing up in the car, and the car turned off from the main road to the boulevard. So then he said I have a feeling that in that building there is someone with a gun who is going to shoot at me.

There was a building six storeys high there. So he said, in that six storey building, on the third floor, someone is standing over me there with a gun.

Because a person has a feeling that something is going to happen to him, that they are going to shoot at him.

This is called ‘intuition’. So he said I have the feeling that in that building there is someone waiting with a gun, a sniper, and that he wants to shoot at me.

So they said to him, so crouch down on the ground!

So he said, I am not going to crouch down, I’m a leader! Leaders are courageous! Leaders don’t surrender!

And so at 12.30pm, the first bullet was fired. So they said to him, lie down! You saw they are shooting at you! Lie down!

He continued to insist upon [standing up]. He said leaders are courageous! He continued to stand. If he would have lain down, he would have been saved, like the Queen Elizabeth. Eight times they shot at here, on all different types of journeys.

When she came out on the day of the Coronation, on the day of the crowning, they fired at her 8 times. Each time, she lay down, and she was saved.


Because it’s impossible to aim [accurately] with the first bullet.

Only the most expert sniper can do it. With the first bullet, he gets the right direction, he fixes the right direction. With the second bullet, he’s already approaching the target. And with the third bullet – he hits it.

There was also the murder of Abdallah, the King of Jordan. This was in 5711 in, July 1951. He went down the stairs of Har HaBayit and they shot him.

Also with Trump. They attempted to kill him, they shot at him, and he was saved.


So, by Kennedy, the shooter gave the first shot.

He didn’t have an automatic weapon. It was a gun that you needed each time to place the bullet in the barrel. Who put that bullet in for him, I don’t know. We hope that no-one from here.

So, he fired his first shot, and it didn’t hit [Kennedy].

Only an expert sniper can do it with the first shot. If it’s not [an expert sniper], then you need to orient [the gun] three times, and this will hurt someone next to [the target]. Perhaps it will injure the security guard seriously.

And then they said to him lie down! You see that they are firing at you!

He said, I am not lying down!

And so after eight seconds, they fired the second shot, and this injured the driver, maybe. And after eight seconds they fired the third shot, that hit him, and killed him.


So, this was on the 22nd of November 1963, in Kislev 5724.

This happened to him because exactly the month before, there was a machloket (argument) about who the water in the Jordan [River] belonged to, because the Syrians claimed that this belonged to them, because it came from Syria. And the month before, Kennedy said that this belonged to the Syrians, because it [the Jordan] came from there, so the water belonged to them.

And he went in favor of Syria, so he was murdered.


So, it took 8 seconds between the first bullet and the second, and between the second and the third.

Because each time, they had to place the bullet in the barrel. No-one knows, who put the bullet in for him.


In the end, I admitted that I shot him.

I had two cases, so in the investigation I told them that I am prepared to admit to the murder of John Kennedy.

They said to me, where are all the billions?!

They came here to the house, with sniffer dogs, they made a search, they opened the safe – and they found 10 shekels there. They were looking for where all your billions are.

In the end, they said that I’d hidden away a billion, and that I needed to pay 138 million. In the end, Rotem managed to get them down to a fine of 2 million, via payments over five years, each month, 50,000.

There are two years left. Chaim Zinger is the one who took it upon himself to [raise the money to] pay this. I don’t know how.


Translated from Shivivei Or 392.


1The Rav’s son.

2A notorious ‘secularising’ kibbutz located at the southern end of the Kinneret.

I am still going with the ‘real Jewish history’ stuff.

Just now, I have moved into more of a ‘pin this down properly’ mode, where I actually need original material to draw accurate conclusions.

On that front – I am putting this out there, to see if there are any readers who could help me source material in libraries in:

The UK – the British Library, who is no longer doing digital scans of anything due to a ‘cyber attack’ that happened 2 years ago, already…. (yah, basically, just another way of preventing the free flow of info).

The US (especially places like the JTA library)

and this one especially for now:

The Badische Landes Library in Germany.


If anyone would be willing to go to a reading room and photograph or scan some material that I can’t get any other way, (unless I buy a plane ticket and fly there myself….) I would be VERY grateful.

Apparently, my contact form isn’t working.

So if you don’t have my email, leave me your details in the comments, with a working email address, and I’ll come back to you, without publishing the comment.


Are you sick of all the speculation yet?

Are you sick of all the psychological manipulation yet?

All the news stories and social media posts, and ‘influencers’ that encouraged all our men to rush back into their IDF uniforms and sacrifice themselves, on every level – and their families, and their businesses, and their mental and physical health – and all for what, exactly?

America decided last week that it was time to start releasing the hostages, and so, some of the hostages are now being released.

And not because almost 900 Jewish men died fighting.

And not because almost 6,000 Jewish men lost an arm or a leg (with another 6,000+ seriously injured in other ways).

Not because Jewish husbands were away from their wives and kids for the best part of a year and a half, undergoing difficult experiences day after day that have left most of them with PTSD, even if that’s not being admitted honestly.

The hostages got released just because America said so.

And just like that, ‘Hamas’ and ‘the Israel government’ agreed the deal.

Just like that – because both sides are really just puppets of the Evils who are orchestrating all this, from behind the scenes.


My suggestion for the next few weeks is that you totally turn off ‘the news’.

And you totally disengage from the morons who view all this as just more grist for their ‘prophecies and signs’ guesses, which really all just boils down to creating another forum where they can extract their ‘narcissistic supply’ from other people.

You don’t know what ‘narcissistic supply’ is?

Have a look at THIS basic intro on Wiki.


In psychoanalytic theory, narcissistic supply is attention or admiration that is pathologically or excessively needed from codependents…that does not take into account the feelings, opinions or preferences of other people.

The concept was introduced by Otto Fenichel in 1938, to describe a type of admiration, interpersonal support or sustenance drawn by an individual from his or her environment and essential to their self-esteem.


Sadly, ‘narcissistic supply’ is probably what is driving 99% of what passes for ‘social interaction’ online, especially from the ‘influencers’ side.

Me personally, I can tell the posts that have the most impact dafka by the lack of comments I get.

Because when something really goes deep, really affects you on a spiritual level, really gets you to think – there are no easy words available to describe that experience to others.


Point is:

We are governed by a bunch of traitors.

They head up every institution, every organisation, with any serious clout or power.

And the ‘religious world’ is no different, just their traitors are serving the Samech Mem in their own particular fashion.


But it seems to me, that this horrible klipah that has hold of our Jewish community, our souls, for so long really is starting to disintegrate.

The process if painful, searingly painful.

I think there are probably 2 million people here in Israel who are feeling sick to their stomach right now, as they start to internalise just how badly we’ve all been played, and betrayed.

Now, take a look at this 2 minute explainer video about what ‘the vagus nerve’ actually is, and what it does:

What is the Vagus Nerve?


The vagus nerve basically pulls in info from the surroundings.

You could call it the main player in what’s termed our ‘gut feeling’ about things, or our body- based intuition. (This is different from soul-based intuition. More on that another time.)

That ‘gut feeling’ is then used to inform the rest of the body about whether there is danger in the environment, that might require FIGHT / FLIGHT / FREEZE / FLATTER.

And this is very closely tied-up with the digestive system, too, because when the vagus nerve is dinged off, there are a whole bunch of felt, ‘body’ sensations that go along with it.


What happens with two-faced narcs, and other ‘Cluster B’ people is that your vagus nerve literally picks up the signal that:

This person is dangerous….

This person is lying…

This person is threatening…

There is something very ‘wrong’ with this person, get the heck away….

But because narcs are SO two-faced, deceitful and manipulative, they overcome the vagus nerve’s correct assessment by explaining everything away, by using lots of words, and manipulations, and gas-lighting, to tell you how you are wrong about everything you are experiencing, and they are the only ones who know what’s really going on, and what the correct response should be to the situation….


If this sounds familiar, it’s because 99% of what passes for social interaction today is shaped by this paradigm.

Or to put it in other words, it’s all those people and experts who tell you:

Trust ME, bro, and totally ignore what you yourself think or feel about things.


OK, so now how is this connected to the ‘sick to the stomach’ sensation, above?

This happens when the vagus nerve is mamash screaming it’s head off that you should run for the hills – but you just ignore it.

You just keep telling yourself bubbe meises that Josef Stalin is ‘MBY’ because he got a bracha from the Rebbe, that doctors are only there to help you, that shots are totally safe, that the State of Israel is ‘holy’, it’s politicians are kedoshim – all ‘MBY’ in disguise….


When the brain is over-riding the vagus nerve’s intuition and gut-feeling – you get serious digestive issues going on.

You literally feel sick to your stomach.

When you’re around a bad narc, you literally get ‘taken out’ on the physical level, you can’t think straight, you feel ill, there’s a weird kind of unpleasant ‘flutter’ around the stomach area – which are all signs that your vagus nerve is telling you to run for the hills.


This happens with ‘cluster B’ individuals.

And it’s also happening with our narcissist motherland right now, as the brainwashing finally starts to fall away, the manipulations and lies are finally overcome – and the true picture is being revealed.

The motherland is dangerous.

The motherland is totally corrupt.

The motherland has been sucking us all dry, chewing us up, and spitting us out – for its own ends – since it was created.

And really?

We could feel that all along.

Just ‘the news’, the ‘commentators’, the ‘influencers’, all told us to stop listening to our own gut instincts, and to trust them, instead.

BH, it seems this is finally starting to crumble.

Hence, all the ‘feeling sick to the stomach’, as the truth finally bubbles up to the surface.

And for the first time in our lives, we don’t push it away or deny it.

We turn, and we face it.

Continuing the awesome shiur from the Rav.

You can read the first part HERE.


Excerpt of a shiur given over on Friday night, at the Bar Mitzvah of Rav Berland’s great-grandson, Mordechai Meir ben R’ Shmuel Eizik Tzuker. January 10, 2025.

Each day, a person can recite 600,000 letters.

Each minute, 200 words, each word is on average 4 letters, so in an hour, 48,000 [letters], in 12 hours 576,000. There is missing 24,000 [letters, if a person studies Torah for 12 hours, to reach 600,000]. So, how do we make this up? We add another half an hour of learning, so this is exactly 600,000 letters.

With each letter, it’s possible to bring a Jew back in teshuva.

Us, by way of the learning lishma, (for its own sake), we bring people back in teshuva.

And it’s possible to take everything into account, also the learning, and the prayers – everything together, also the hitbodedut, that we talk [to God in our own words], this is also considered [to be included in the 600,000 letters]. And also, what a person thinks in their thoughts, this can also be added to this.

A person does hitbodedut for two hours, and the first hour doesn’t say a word, only after an hour there are words. These words [i.e. the thoughts that are in a person’s head when he’s doing hitbodedut, but that he can’t yet speak out] are also included.


Someone asked if it’s possible to do hitbodedut during the prayers [with the Rav at ma’ariv at the time when there is a long period of] niggunim, when the Rav is singing during the prayers.

The Rav said yes.

We sing hoshiya et amcha for a quarter of an hour. Each person can do hitbodedut [during this time] and consider this afterwards as part of the hour [daily hour of hitbodedut as prescribed by Rebbe Nachman].

But, it’s preferable to sing, because this is the highest thing, and then afterwards there is time to do hitbodedut.


See, now it’s the yarhtzeit of Rav Natan.

We came out from the house [to go to the celebration for the hiloula] at 11pm, and by 1am we were already finished. There was still time to go and do hitbodedut, it’s possible to go to Sanhedria to do hitbodedut for two hours. It’s possible to go to Shmuel HaNavi, 40 minutes to go, and 40 minutes walk to get back.

It’s the most beautiful place there, there’s a view there. You can see from there until Latrun, until the sea. It’s the highest place in Jerusalem, the most beautiful place. It’s called ‘Ramat Shmuel’. They used to live in Rama. “The One Who answered Shmuel in Mitzpeh”[1] – there is the mitzpeh (also means ‘lookout’).


Someone asked if they buried him [i.e. Shmuel HaNavi] in his home.

No. The crusaders, they wrote in their book that they moved him afterwards to there [to where he’s buried today], and they built the structure that is over his grave.


[The Rav moves on to a discussion of how Hitler killed himself in his bunker in Berlin and then immediately World War 2 ended. Someone then asked him: Did the war really stop immediately? The Rav continues:]

Yes. The second that he [Hitler] died, the war stopped.

On the 16th of Iyar 5705, Hitler killed himself, and at that same moment the war was stopped. The moment there wasn’t a leader, the war was ended. And if he hadn’t have killed himself, then he would have merited to get the Nobel Prize for Peace – because that’s how it goes.

Whoever murders millions of people, so he merits to get the Nobel Peace Prize, because at the end of the day, he wanted to make peace. The Jews bothered him, a little, so he killed a few Jews.

That’s how it goes in the world.


So, the Nazis surrendered on L’ag B’omer, and the Japanese kept fighting.

Because they had Togo [the head of the Japanese army], who wanted to continue the war. They were part of the coalition with the Germans, because it was an obligation to continue the first ‘mitzvah’ of fighting against the Jews, to fulfill it.

They publicised a picture – a giant, giant poster, of how a Jew ate a Japanese baby. The Japanese didn’t understand what a ‘Jew’ really was, until they explained to them about the yeshiva students who were stuck there, who escaped from Europe to Shanghai.[2]


Not a lot of time passed until they already dropped the bomb on them.

They dropped an atomic bomb on them. The first bomb they dropped on the 27th of Av, and the second three days later, on the 30th of Av, 5705.

The first was on the 6th of August, and the second on the 9th of August.

In the month of Av there are 30 days, so the first was on the 27th, and three days later, on the 30th of Av, they dropped the second. And they were prepared to drop a third bomb on them, if they didn’t surrender.

But then, they surrendered. Why dafka in the month of Av? Perhaps, because this is the mazal (astrological sign) of Aryeh (Leo).


So, they dropped a nuke on them, and then Togo said that he was going to go and take counsel with the sun.

Because they used to say that the whole of the Imperial Family [in Japan] were born from the sun. So he went to take counsel with the sun, and then he said that this was not a nuclear bomb!! There is no such thing as a nuke! It can’t be, that the Americans have a nuke and the Japanese don’t have such a thing!

The Japanese are cleverer than the Americans, just the Americans had the Jews, who invented and built the nuke. So Togo said it’s stam, just some rotten tomato that they dropped. It’s nothing!


Translated from Shivivei Or 392



[1] This can be found in the Selichot service.

[2] This is the famous story of the Mir Yeshiva.