About 6-7 weeks ago, a massive grasshopper appeared in the window of the downstairs toilet. It was four inches long, unmissable, and just perched itself on the iron railing that covered the toilet window. The first week, I was worried it was going to try and make a break for it into the house, but […]
Taking a short break
I will be back in around a week or so, BH.
Admiral Alexsey Greig, and his wife, ‘Di Muma Leah’
Finally, I had a bit of time to return to a 'real Jewish history' post.
This one is a corker.
A few months ago, we started tying together how the RAFFLOVICH family seemed to be in the middle of a network that connected Frankists (aka outwardly…
“There is enough water in Jerusalem for the whole planet earth” – more comments from the Rav
This is another awesome excerpt of one of the Rav's recent shiurim.
Lots and lots to think about, and unpack.
Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025)
So, it's written in Chapter…
The Saudi connection
This post is just snippets from a Wiki page.
The Wiki page for Jared Kushner, Trump's SIL, HERE.
You come to your own conclusions, about the 'good [businessman] in Esav', and how much all this is really just about money, access to the…
What real avreichim actually look like
I just got sent this video by Shuvu Banim's Kollel Hatzot.
They are so bad at all this 'marketing' stuff, that I had to wait three weeks for them to find something useful they could send me. It's three minutes long, take a look:
The one crazy, Trump – more comments from the Rav
Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025)
“Gilgalai neshamot” (the wheel of the reincarnation of souls) – now, we are going to learn about the sons of Tzruyah.
Tzruyah – all…