This is the only post I’m planning on putting up this week. Baruch Hashem, we just married off another daughter, and I am taking a week off the blog, and the computer generally, to recuperate. In the meantime, I wanted to post this up about the prayer gathering happening September 12th, 2024, beginning 9pm, in […]

Shidduch idea

I'm just throwing this out there. *** PLEASE CHECK OUT THE UPDATE BELOW *** I am considering doing a 'Breslov shidduch of the week', or of the month, kind of post here on the blog. I know that a lot of my readers are that rare breed of…

“The last war of Gog and Magog will be in 5972” – comments from the Rav

Translated from Shivivei Or 374. ***UPDATE: I am getting unconfirmed reports that Rav Berland has said the war is over, at least for now. I will try to get more details, but that certainly 'fits' with this excerpt below, if it's true. Bezrat…

The ACHVA Brotherhood and ‘Knesset Yisrael’

I am willing to bet, you have no idea what the ‘Knesset Yisrael’ in the title is actually referring to. Even dyed-in-the-wool history buffs have probably never heard of the KNESSET YISRAEL organisation that was defacto ‘running’ the…

Kamala Harris is an antisemite – more comments from the Rav

Excerpt of a shiur from Motzae Shabbat, Parshat Ekev, August 24th, 2024 (Translated from Shivivei Or 374) [The Rav begins speaking about lashon hara, and how difficult it is not to believe it as soon as you hear it. He then continues:] The…

God loves us – miracles in the Gush

Shavua Tov! There were some massive miracles in Gush Etzion over shabbat. Apparently, there were three seperate cars driving around, all designed to be used in car bomb attacks. For some inexplicable reason, they stopped before they got…

Clues from the Chida: The King of Bordeaux

Following on from all of this discussion about ‘Sabbatean kabbalah’, and the xtian-mason inspired 'Kol HaTor', I girded my loins to actually read through the English translation of a book entitled: The Diaries of Rabbi Ha’im Yosef David…