Entries by Rivka Levy

The gates of teshuva

Remember this? The gates of teshuva are closing – message via R Elmaliach ==== I posted it up here July 16th. It was one of the last messages about the revelation of Moshiach R Elmaliach put up, before his Channel got pulled (I found out later, arranged by the persecutors of the Rav.) Here’s the […]

Update on Uman

My SIL got his plane out to Uman  yesterday – via Moldova. Yes, that same Moldova that the lying news all told us last week had closed its borders to travellers going to Uman. That was BS. Who would have guessed it, that the masonic-media was coming up with pure fabrications to try and dissuade […]

Iron dome and Pidyon Nefesh: some clarifications

Remember this picture, that we all thought was a fake meme?   Well, I just learnt from R Weissman’s post on THIS BLOG that it’s actually being passed off as real. == Here’s the snippet: The source: https://www.facebook.com/share/ZKvPTiLbDVx4kuex/? https://www.facebook.com/share/2Gz5CgzeNq9JLNeD/? Here the photographer shows the raw footage: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/wMFCYxEJ6MSyRCen/? People mentioned the issues in the comments. The […]

Shidduch of the week Number 1

I got a nudge yesterday to get on with the ‘shidduch of the week’ idea. So, I’m doing that here. Meet Y. Update: I was asked to take this down, so I’m doing that. ==== There are rumours that planes are being cancelled etc to and from Israel. That’s been happening all year, what’s the chiddush? […]

Albert Pike, Mazzini – and David Levi

Yes, there is a solid line of transmission between Pike and ‘political zionism’ after all. Read on. == The last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to figure out how ‘Albert Pike’, 33rd degree mason of the Scottish rite, and open satanist, links up with all the Jewish masons that were fronting the ‘political Zionism’ […]