This is the only post I’m planning on putting up this week.

Baruch Hashem, we just married off another daughter, and I am taking a week off the blog, and the computer generally, to recuperate.

In the meantime, I wanted to post this up about the prayer gathering happening September 12th, 2024, beginning 9pm, in Hevron.

I don’t have details of any buses, any more than you see on this flyer, but I know they are really starting to get it organised this week, and that they are now announcing locations from where the buses will pick up and drop off, if you can’t make it by car.

May we just hear good news!


Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Berland on Sunday, 24th of Av, in relation to the prayer gathering occurring in Elul.


The most ‘accepted’ tefilot are by the Mearat HaMachpela, and especiall on Rosh Chodesh Elul, when all of Klal Israel enter into erev Rosh Chodesh Elul.

And then, the tefilot are ‘the most accepted’.

It’s like Rosh Hashana, mamash.


It’s like the Rebbe says, that whoever comes to him already during Slichot, so it’s as though he’s already at Rosh Hashana.

“I heard that one time, [Rebbe Nachman] said on Erev Rosh Hashana after slichot, other people would be satisfied to have their Rosh Hashana the way you had your Erev Rosh Hashana.’[1]

He said that this is the true Rosh Hashana, it’s already Rosh Chodesh Elul, we are meriting to greet Elul, when the Elders used to faint.

R Yitzhak Breiter used to faint, when he used to bless the month, he used to say ‘Elul’, and when he used to say ‘Elul’ he used to faint.


And it was like this by all the Litvkaks, all the roshei yeshivot used to faint when they said ‘Elul’, and their students would hide themselves under the tables, under the sofas, from fear, when they said ‘Elul’!

All their body would tremble! Their whole body would tremble!


So the word ELUL ( אלול) is LO ( לא) LO (לו), two times ‘lo’ [i.e. The word ELUL is spelled with a lamed alef, and then a lamed vav].

Because in Elul we see: nachon, alilot lo, that Hashem does alilot[2] – great acts. Every day, new great acts, each second is something totally new. Every second is more ‘new’ than the second that preceded it, ‘because the world is getting better and better’.

Even though the generations are deteriorating, the most lowly neshamas, but if they weren’t so close to the ‘breaking’, they would have been good.


Because the Shechina is the Tzaddik, and the Tzaddik renews.

If a person is close to the True Tzaddik, he is being renewed every second, he’s already a totally new person.

It’s already a ‘new sun’, because it’s now how we think, that it’s the same old sun, and the same old moon. Every second, it’s already a totally new sun.

“The One who renews in His goodness every day, always, the act of Creation.”[3]


So, when the month of Elul arrives – Virgo, which is mamash a new totally new birth, this is a new formation. Elul is a new creation, because on the 25th of Elul, the world was created.

The 15th of Av – says the Bnei Yissachar, 40 days previously. Like the 15th of Shvat, this is for 40 days before the 25th of Adar.

All of this, Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol explains, that the world was created on the 25th of Elul. The first of Tishrei [Rosh Hashana] – this is Adam HaRishon.[4]


So in Hevron, everyone is obligated to be in Hevron, no one should be missing!

So it shouldn’t come about that a person shouldn’t reach Elul.[5]

On Thursday night, it’s an obligation for all Am Yisrael [to be in Hevron]. For every group and every faction, it doesn’t matter at all, this is ‘one person’.[6] Like a person with one heart, like one man!

“I have given you Shechem, one above your brothers.”[7]


This was written about Yosef HaTzaddik, because Yosef was found wherever everyone was found.

The [Talmud] Yerushalmi says [that] Rav Huna entered the house of Rabbi Chiyya, and he saw Yosef HaTzaddik.

Wherever the Tzaddikim are, that is where Yosef HaTzaddik is to be found. It’s like travelling to Shchem.

Now, when we travel to Hevron for the atzeret (prayer gathering), which is the atzeret for Rosh Hashana, we are continuing all the tikkunim (spiritual rectifications) of Rosh Hashana, and we are atoning for all the transgressions.

[This is] someone who is really doing teshuva shleima (total teshuva).[8]

Translated from Shivivei Or 374



Literally as I finished posting this up, I got an email from one of the Rav’s attendants telling me the following:

They are 60,000 shekel short just for getting the requirements to use Hebron. Subsidizing buses will be another 60,000 shekel. There is no sign up yet until they know it’s happening.

I’m waiting for him to send me a donation link to help make Hebron ‘happen’, and when that does, I’ll post it up here.


BH, so many of my readers are generous givers, who regularly give their 10% tithe to somewhere, every single month, I hope they will be able to help out with this project.

Anyone who believes in the power of prayer, in the power of the True Tzaddikim, in the power of bringing Jews from all background to pray in the merit of zchut Avot for this horrible war and terrible situation to finally end – I’m sure those people will try to contribute something, even something little, and they’ll be greatly blessed for it.

And I’m also sure that the cynical misers out there who hate parting with a shekel are already formulating all their reasons ‘why not’, even as they read these words.

Bezrat Hashem, the former group outweighs the latter by a large margin…. and our good deeds should also outweigh our sins by a large margin, too.


So check back here for a specific donation link, or if you can’t hold yourself back, go HERE and just specify it’s for the prayer gathering in Hevron, on September 12th, 2024.

We can’t do this without the True Tzaddikim.

But they can’t sweeten this without us, either.



Donation link to help make the prayer gathering in Hevron a reality:




[1] See Chayei Moharan #305. Rabbenu’s meaning is that already by Erev Rosh Hashana in Uman by Rebbe Nachman, his followers had already been ‘taken across’to being signed into the Book of Life.

[2] In Hebrew, ‘aliya’ also denotes ascension, or ‘going up’.

[3]  Bereishit 1:1

[4] I.e. Adam Ha Rishon was created on the 6th day, and Rosh Hashana is counted from the creation of the first human being, ergo, the creation of the world began six days earlier, on the 25th of Elul.

[5] Perhaps the Rav’s intention is that coming to pray in Hevron is a guarantee of long life.

[6] Like at the time of the giving of the Torah on Mt Sinai, when the Jewish people were so united and unified, they were considered to be ‘one man’.

[7] Bereishit 48:22. In English, this is typically translated as ‘one [portion] more than your brothers’.

[8] I.e., that whoever makes the effort to follow the Tzaddik’s instructions to get to Hevron for the prayer gathering on Thurs night, September 12th, 2024, despite all the obstacles, effort and mesirut nefesh required, this will be considered for him as ‘teshuva shleima’, ahead of Rosh Hashana 5785.

I’m just throwing this out there.


I am considering doing a ‘Breslov shidduch of the week’, or of the month, kind of post here on the blog.

I know that a lot of my readers are that rare breed of sincere Anglo-Breslovers, or ‘Anglo-Breslov’-friendly, and it struck me that maybe I could use this platform to help like-minded singles out there kind of ‘find each other’ a bit more easily than otherwise.

I have my first ‘shidduch’ to post up soon, as the test case, but I would welcome input from readers, as to how best to do this.

And if anyone has someone they’d like to post up here (without the name and picture, but with all other details) – either leave a comment and I’ll send you the email, or email me direct if you already have it.

How can we get this to work, BH?



Here is the link to my ‘Comments’ page, where you can send me what you want to go up, and leave an email address:


I have no idea how to do this, tachlis, but I think the best thing is maybe to put up some very basic ‘shidduch resumes’ – and I mean very basic – with age, where you live, a paragraph about you, and literally one sentence that would sum up the essence of what you are looking for, PLUS, the details of a friend who is happy to act as a ‘go between’ (the details of the friend will stay with me, and not be publicised on the site.)

Does this sound sensible / doable?

Am I missing out something important?

Then, I guess if anyone is interested in finding out more, either for themselves or for someone they know, they can leave a comment on the bottom of that post that WON’T be published, with an email or phone number and name, and I will pass that on to each ‘shidduch person’s’ go between, to take things forward.

How does this sound?

Translated from Shivivei Or 374.

***UPDATE: I am getting unconfirmed reports that Rav Berland has said the war is over, at least for now. I will try to get more details, but that certainly ‘fits’ with this excerpt below, if it’s true. Bezrat Hashem, it’s true.***

You can read the first part HERE, excerpted from a shiur given by Rav Eliezer Berland on Motzash, August 24th, 2024.

The last war of Gog and Magog will be in 5972

Each person should learn the Pirkey de’Rebbe Eliezer. Each person should buy a PIrkey de’Rebbe Eliezer, it’s 20 shekels. Whoever doesn’t have one – he’ll get a present from the Rav!

Now when you go home, study the Pirkey de’Rebbe Eliezer, chapter 28, about all the prophecy of the Brit Bein Ha Beitarim.

“And it happened, as the sun was about to set, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold – a dread, great darkness fell upon him.”[1]

A dread, great darkness” – this is the last [war of] Gog and Magog, and this will only occur 28 years before the end of the sixth millenia.


Why 28?

When do we light candles in Jerusalem? 40  minutes before shkia (halachic twilight). How much is 40 minutes, in an hour? It’s two thirds!

How much is a year, in the ‘years of the world’?[2] 42!

So, 28 is exactly two thirds [of an hour].

Each girl should do the sums, if an hour is 42 [years], then how much is two thirds [of an hour]? How much is one third? 14! How much is two thirds? 28!


So, each person should study the Pirkey de’Rebbe Eliezer, chapter 28, at the end.

That the last geula will be in 5972.

Before that, there will be Gog and Magog, people will have to run away to the deserts.

Not a single Jew will remain here.


This is only [relevant to] the great-grandchildren of the great-grandchildren – maybe, they will be our reincarnations.

But the Rebbe said that whoever came closer to him will already not return in another reincarnation.

Whoever comes to Melaveh Malka is already not going to return in another incarnation.

But in any case, a person needs to pray about his great-grandchildren, and for their great-grandchildren.

That the ‘Chessed l’Avraham’ said that only 7,000 men would remain.

Seven thousand men would remain keeping Shabbat, from the whole of Am Yisrael.

There will be more, but the shomrei Shabbat who are not going to die in this war, this is only going to be 7,000.

And from them, the Jewish people will be re-established anew.


Each person should pray that his great-grandchildren, and his great, great, great grandchildren will be part of that 7,000.

And by way of this, the geula shleimah will come, speedily in our days, Amen.



[1] Bereishit 15:12.

[2] This is a reference to one of God’s days being the equivalent of 1,000 human years, based on the verse in Psalm 84: “For one day in Your courtyards is better than a thousand.” 1000 years divided by 24 ‘hours’ gives a total of 42 human years.


I am planning to put one or two more posts up, and then that’s it for this week.

There’s a lot of things going on, BH.

So, slow posting for the rest of this week, just FYI.

But don’t forget the prayer gathering called for next week, Thursday September 12th, in Hevron:


BH, that’s the next thing on my list to translate, what the Rav said about the importance of this prayer gathering next week.



There was apparently another open miracle today – another booby-trapped bomb car stopped at the Hizma crossing, by the Pisgat Ze’ev suburb of Jerusalem.

Even though there is still hard tidings today, God is guarding over us all still.

And the prayers and the teshuva are working to ‘clean things up’ in a far more fundamental way than is perhaps obvious.

So keep going!

And don’t lose hope.

And come and pray with the Rav in Hevron next Thursday night.

Because that’s when the miracles cross over from ‘miraculous but hidden’ to ‘open and undeniable.’

Bezrat Hashem.

I am willing to bet, you have no idea what the ‘Knesset Yisrael’ in the title is actually referring to.

Even dyed-in-the-wool history buffs have probably never heard of the KNESSET YISRAEL organisation that was defacto ‘running’ the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael on behalf of the British during the Mandate period, before the State was declared in 1947/8.

I only started taking a closer look at it because of this guy: ZALMAN HALEVI SOLOVEITCHIK.

You’ll recall he’s president of the WORLD ACHVA secret society and grandchild of the ‘Jews-for-Jesus’ Soloveichik we covered in detail in THIS post, examining how Kol HaTor was probably a masonic-xtian-inspired ‘trojan horse’, right from the start.


It turns out, ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK held a number of key jobs in what was turning into the proto-State of Israel.

One of them was leader of the KNESSET YISRAEL organisation.

HERE is the Hebrew Wiki page, and here are some relevant snippets:

In 1903, an attempt was made by Menachem Ussishkin to establish a comprehensive autonomous organizational framework in the Land of Israel called the Church of Palestine….

The Knesset of Israel was founded after the beginning of the British Mandate, on April 19 1920. Then the elections were held for the first elected assembly, which declared itself”the supreme institution for the arrangement of the public and national affairs of the Hebrew people in the Land of Israel and its sole power both internally and externally.”

The Assembly elected members of the National Committee, which was the executive branch, and recognized the World Zionist Organization as”responsible for the questions related to the establishment of the National House.”

The organization, which included most of the Jewish community in the Land of Israel, except for the ultra-Orthodox, was recognized by the Mandate authorities only on December 29 1927.


The Haredi circles opposed this organization, mainly because of the right of women to choose and be elected, and demanded the establishment of another organization to represent the Haredi public.

The organization was headed by the Assembly of Representatives and the National Committee.

The Knesset was governed by the Chief Rabbinate, headed by the two chief rabbis, the Ashkenazi and the Sephardic….

The Knesset of Israel was abolished upon the establishment of the State and most of its powers were included in the responsibility of the state.


This is a lot to digest – and it’s crucial to understanding just how much real, raw power the ACHVA Brotherhood and its members actually held, here in the Holy Land.

So, we are going to spend the rest of this post unpacking the few pars above, and in the process, BH, we’ll learn a great deal about who is really controlling things, here in our failed State.


The first clue is MENACHEM USSISHKIN, and the organisation he tried to establish in 1903, called Ha KNISSIA ISRAELITISCH.

‘Knissia’ is the Hebrew word for ‘church’, but it can also mean ‘Temple’.

Either way, you are hopefully getting the twang of the underlying ethos – xtian, and / or ‘reform’.


HERE is USSISHKIN’s Hebrew Wiki page.

USSISHKIN (1863-1941) is called one of the ‘founders of Zionism’.

He’s also from a very prominent CHABAD family (just like the banker DAVID LIBONTIN-COHEN).

Here’s a snippet about his family and history:

Avraham Menachem-Mendel Ussishkin was born in 1863 in the small town of Dubrovna, White Russia (in the Jewish Pale of Settlement  of the Russian Empire).

The family was originally from Vitebsk, Belarus. His was a Chabad family that was close to the rabbis Shneur Zalman of Liadi, as well as to the NETZIV. As a child, his family moved to Moscow.


Even as a young man, he was interested in the question of Jewish national identity, and when he was exposed to the literature of the national Revival, he even founded an association of Aliyah to the Land of Israel that was united with the Bilo movement.,

[Ussishkin] was ready to leave immediately and immigrate to Israel.


We’ll learn more about BILU when we come back to DAVID LIBONTIN’s ‘business partner’, YECHIEL MICHEL PINES.

In the meantime, USSISHKIN studies at the Reali School[1], then moves on to the Higher Technical School in Moscow, where he establishes a Jewish student association and starts giving ‘lectures’ to the other students about the Maccabees ‘ revolt.

Next, he is one of the founders of the ‘Bnei Zion Student Union’ in 1884, and then that same year, he pops up at that same Katowice Conference of the Hovevei Zion where DAVID LIBONTIN-COHEN, funder of the ACHVA brotherhood is in attendance.


In 1887, USSISHKIN becomes the “Presidential Secretary” of the Hovevei Zion at its annual convention in Druskanik.

And now, ‘political zionism’ is well and truly starting to bubble away on the masonic stove!


Of course, there is yet another ‘secret society’ to tell you about, before we move on.

That would be the BNEI MOSHE, or ‘Sons of Moshe’.

AHAD HA’AM – aka ASHER GINSBURG, who marries a cousin of the 5th CHABAD REBBE – founds the BNEI MOSHE in 1889, and USSISHKIN joins it.


Here are some other known members of the BNEI MOSHE secret society:

Dr. Yehuda Leib Matmon־Cohen

Yehoshua Barzilai – employed at Libontin’s ANGLO PALESTINE BANK

Yehuda Gur – employed at the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK, teacher in MIKVE ISRAEL

Meir Dizengoff – first mayor of Tel Aviv

Dr. Hillel Yaffe

Haim Margaliot-Kalvarisky [he], agronomist, land purchaser on behalf of the Jewish Colonization Association

Yehezkel Danin (Sukhovolsky), and, from 1896:

Dr Chaim Weizmann


All movers and shakers in the Freemason-sponsored ‘State of Israel’ project.

For example, YEHOSHUA BARZILAI organised yet another spin-off ‘Brotherhood’ with USSISHKIN called:

Hovavim of Jerusalem” Association for the Advancement of the Jewish community in Jerusalem.

It’s members included Rabbi R’ AVRAHAM KOOKR. BenjaminKaddish SilmanDavid YellinBoris SchatzYitzhak Ben-Zvi and Rachel Yanayat Ben-Zvi and more.


I can’t find any info, currently, about the HOVAVIM OF JERUSALEM secret society.

That’s usually the case when it was doing stuff they really don’t want you to know about.

The point is: the Freemasons seeded, funded and controlled a whole bunch of ‘spin-off’ secret societies to get their ‘plans’ into action.

And that’s why we keep tripping over more and more of them, as we start to unravel who really set up the State of Israel and ‘Political Zionism’.

And here’s MEIR DIZENGOFF, first mayor of Tel Aviv and a man who deserves his own post, pulling one of the classic ‘masonic’ poses:


According to the Hebrew Wiki page for BNEI MOSHE:

The organization operated through the bureaus of the “Hovevei Zion” movement in Odessa, Warsaw, Vilnius and Jaffa.


NOTICE: ‘BNEI MOSHE’ and ‘HOVEVEI ZION’ seem to be very enmeshed, with the secret society ‘operating through’ Hovevei Zion’s bureaus.


Hebrew Wiki explains that:

The members of the [BNEI MOSHE] organization sought a new path within the Hovavei Zion movement, led by Ahad Ha’am, they advocated spiritual Zionism.

Many members of the movement felt that the movement needed a radical change, a change that would divert the main effort from immigration to Palestine or diplomatic efforts within the framework of political Zionism, to the process of “training the hearts” and expand among the people the idea of Jewish nationalism.


So, here’s where I learnt something I really didn’t know before.

‘Zionism’ was not a homogenous thing, the way we all got taught, that ‘Zionism’ was all about just moving to Eretz Israel, and making a ‘Jewish State’ with political power.

That brand of ‘Zionism’ – that had making a Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael as its goal -was actually called “POLITICAL ZIONISM”.


Remember, what we leading Satanic-Freemason Albert Pike wrote to the Italian mason Mazzini, about how the masons needed ‘political zionism’ to get WW3 started?

In case you forgot, here’s that snippet, from HERE:

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine…

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other.


(I have a lot more hard evidence connecting Pike and his fellow Satanic freemasons to a whole bunch of Jewish masons who got the ‘political Zionism’ show on the road. Watch out for that soon, BH.)


Initially at least, AHAD HA’AM and his fellow ‘BNEI MOSHE’ guys were actually more interested in pushing idealogy and theology, than any idea of real, concrete ‘aliyah’.

And they branded their path as:

SPIRITUAL ZIONISM (even though they were actually all heretics, by this point…)

Here’s another snippet from the BNEI MOSHE Wiki:

[BNEI MOSHE] believed that in order to realize the national revival of the Jews in the Land of Israel, the leadership of individuals of virtue must be trained to lead the nation.

The young members of the association came out mainly against Baron Rothschild‘s guardianship in the colonies and his intervention in the conduct of the yishuv .


BARON EDUARD ROTHSCHILD (close family of known leading mason NATHAN ROTHSCHILD of London, BIL of another leading mason MOSES MONTEFIORE) had been given the ‘job’ of bankrolling the “POLITICAL ZIONISM” project, that was meant to lead to the founding of a Jewish State.

But at least in the late 1800s, not everyone was on board with the idea.


So AHAD HA’AM and people like MENACHEM USSISHKIN set as their goal the ‘reform of Jewish Education’, as opposed to ‘aliyah’ and state-building per se.

(Although, BNEI MOSHE also founded the city of REHOVOT, so we see they also weren’t ‘anti’ the idea of moving to Israel.)


Again, remember that our starting point in all this is that the WORLD ACHVA Bros published the KOL HATOR,  the ‘go-to’ brainwashing text for the so-called ‘dati leumi’ empire fronted by people like (secret society adherent….) Rav Kook.

And that MENACHEM USSISHKIN is really good friends with ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK, who heads up the ‘KNESSET YISRAEL’ organisation during the British mandate that controls the Rabbinate, and everything to do with ‘Jewish education’ in the proto-State.



As usual, this post could go in a million different directions, but lets stick with MENACHEM USSISHKIN for now, and then conclude with what happened with ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK, and his descendants.


By 1896, it seems that USSISHKIN had already moved far more in the direction of (masonic-sponsored) POLITICAL ZIONISM, than ‘spiritual Zionism’.

Here is the basic definition of POLITICAL ZIONISM[2]:

Political Zionism was a stream in the Zionist movement in the late 19th century, which advocated diplomatic and diplomatic action before large-scale settlement activities in Palestine.

Political Zionism was different and even contrasted with the Habiba Zion movement and the practical stream, which mainly advocated working in the Land of Israel without guaranteeing political rights in advance.


You see, how the holy idea of ‘settling the land’ got hijacked by the masonic puppets placed in our midst?

Anyway, so now USSISHKIN is hanging out with HERZL and the notorious MAX NORDAU, he’s a big fan of HERZL’s book ‘The State of the Jews’ – which it’s hard to believe wasn’t ‘seeded’ by the masons, given what happened before it was published, and what happened to Herzl a little later on.

Herzl ‘went off plan’ – at least, he went off the Freemasons’ plan to have a Jewish state specifically in the Middle East – and started advocating for a ‘Jewish State’ in Uganda, instead.


Snippet from HERE:

At a meeting held on April 23, 1903 by Theodore Herzl with the Colonial Secretary of Great Britain, Joseph Chamberlain stated that in his opinion, Uganda in East Africa seemed an ideal location for the resettlement of the Jews.

At first, Herzl ignored the suggestion, fearing that it would endanger his negotiations for the establishment of a Jewish protectorate in Sinai.

When this plan fell through, Herzl pursued Chamberlain’s offer….. At the Sixth Congress, Herzl presented a summary of his negotiations with the British. Herzl claimed that the Congress should not reject the plan, but should investigate it, as it was a legitimate offer from the British Empire, an offer which conferred upon Zionism an important stamp of approval and legitimacy.

The reaction of the Congress delegates was heated….

While the Congress voted by a majority to impanel a commission to investigate the British offer, it was apparent that acceptance of the offer would undermine the Zionist movement.

Herzl died ten months later; at the next Congress, the commission reported back that Uganda was not suitable for Jewish settlement.


So, within a few months of coming off the masonic ‘plan’ to get political Zionism rooted in the heart of the Middle East in preparation for WW3, Herzl was dead.


But never mind!

Because his book and his charisma had already served it’s purpose, and the masonic-sponsored POLITICAL ZIONISM project was now gathering speed.

And USSISHKIN was standing ready to take over the reins of POLITICAL ZIONISM, and to develop the next part of the project, which Wiki calls: SYNTHETIC ZIONISM.


Before I tell you what that is, here’s a snippet which describes how the ‘takeover’ was achieved:

On the opening day of the [Sixth] Basel Congress[3], Ussishkin convened at Zichron Yaakov, the “first Knissia of the Jews of Eretz Israel,” which laid the foundation for the”General Organization for the Jews of Eretz Israel.”

Within the framework of the “Knissia” Ussishkin brought about a pioneering decision on the equal right of women to choose and be elected, for the first time in any Jewish body. His scathing statement to the Orthodox religious bodies that opposed the elections ” will either be attended by women, or there will be no at all.”

In addition, his plan to unite the teachers into one body was successful: the “Hebrew Teachers’ Union in the Land of Israel” was established, which later became the Teachers ‘ Union.


MENACHEM USSISHKIN was the main person who headed the charge against Herzl’s ‘Ugandan Plan’, which would undermine the real aim of ‘political Zionism’.

And USSISHKIN also knew that there is no more powerful ‘brainwashing’ tool than school, and the curriculum.

The masons worked out a long time ago, that when you get your ideas into a person’s head at a very young age, it is very, very difficult to dislodge them at a later stage.



So now, what is SYNTHETIC ZIONISM?

Wiki describes it like this:

[A] combination of practical activity and political activity in order to realize Zionism in the Land of Israel.

And of course, MENACHEM USSISHKIN played a key role in all this.


You can get more details on his WIKI page HERE, but here’s the top notes:

USSISHKIN is one of the main founders of the KEREN KAYEMET L’ISRAEL, aka the JNF, and became its President.

That subject also deserves it’s own post, but the KKL was founded at the 5th Zionist Congress in 1901 (two years before Herzl went ‘off plan’ in Basel).

Here’s a snippet about it from the Hebrew wiki – notice the emphasis on education and land ownership, the twin preoccupations of so-called ‘synthetic zionism’:

The Fifth Congress of the Zionist Organization was founded in 1901 as a means of collecting money from Jews to buy land in the Land of Israel and train them for Jewish settlement.

After the establishment of the State of Israel, the JNF was incorporated as an Israeli company.

In its 1954 memorandum of association, its goals were laid out, including buying and leasing land to settle Jews. 

In 1961, the “Charter” was signed between the State of Israel and the JNF, giving the JNF power of attorney to be the institution in charge of the development and forestry of the land and of the educational-Zionist advocacy.


To put this another way, the people who own the land here, most of it, are the masons.

Just, they have all this Jewish masons acting as their puppets, to fool the rest of us about what is really going on here.

Hopefully you are starting to understand a little more, about why our beloved Holy Land is in the mess it currently is, and why nothing ‘makes sense’, about how are government and army are acting.

Once you slot the masons, and their Jewish puppets, back into the picture, it starts to become crystal clear.


Here’s a couple of snippets about MENACHEM USSISHKIN that hammer the point home:

In February 1919, he represented the Zionist movement at the Versailles Conference in Paris, where he gave a speech in Hebrew that resonated widely, calling for the establishment of a Jewish state. That same year he moved to the Land of Israel.

In June 1920, at an official reception for High Commissioner Herbert Samuel, Ussishkin refused to shake the hand of the Mufti of JerusalemKamal al-Husseini, creating a diplomatic incident that was later mentioned several times by Amin al-Husseini.


Notice how even in 1920, the next part of the masonic plan to sow hatred between ‘political zionism’ and Islam was in full swing, with both the masonic puppets, USSISHKIN and KAMAL AL-HUSSEINI playing their parts to the hilt.


In the meantime, I just wanted to mention some notable descendants of that other ‘masonic’ puppet we began this post with, ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK – grandson of the ‘Jew-for-Jesus’, Eliyahu Zvi Soloveitchik.

This guy:



ZALMAN’s son CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK is a member of WORLD ACHVA (of course….) and also works for Libontin’s ANGLO PALESTINE Bank.

This is a snippet from Wiki:

ASSAF SHALEVi, the son of Haim, was one of the founders of Kibbutz Be’eri. 

His great-granddaughter Maayan Bar and her husband Yoram were murdered in the Kibbutz Be’eri massacre on October 7…

[ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK’A] son Yitzhak LEIB, was the father of Professor Ronald Salway.

His son is PETER SALOVEY, president of Yale University.



If you go here, you’ll find some quotes from PETER SALOVEY about the current Hamas-Israel war, as Yale University descended into the worse ‘anti-Israel’ violence seen there, ever:


Who can make this stuff up?



[1] ‘Reali schools’ were mentioned by Rav Berland a few months ago, when he said this:

[2] In Hebrew, POLITICAL ZIONISM is called: “Zionut Medinat.”

[3] This is the 6th ‘Zionist Congress’, where Herzl went ‘off plan’ and started advocating for a Jewish state in Uganda.

Excerpt of a shiur from Motzae Shabbat, Parshat Ekev, August 24th, 2024

(Translated from Shivivei Or 374)

[The Rav begins speaking about lashon hara, and how difficult it is not to believe it as soon as you hear it. He then continues:]

The whole test of a person is lashon hara, and so there is the Tzaddik HaEmet (True Tzaddik). Only the Tzaddik HaEmet can shield us.


“Wars I have made”.

All the wars, it’s the Tzaddik whose doing them.

[The miracles that are occurring during the war, it’s for sure the Tzaddik that is doing them, but also] what happened on Simchat Torah – the Tzaddik also did this.

Because girls are walking around with tattoos, girls are walking around without clothes, so they came….


Now, they are in Gaza, all those who took their clothes off, and went bare, they found themselves in Gaza. And there they are abusing them, they, they are finishing them off.

Already, out of 250 (people kidnapped) there are only 75 left.

50 were released already half a year ago, but the rest –

Fifty percent have already died in terrible torment. 75 are still left alive, we hope that today they will be released, already.


Everything depends on the zchut (merit) of the prayers, and the zchut of the girls’ tznius (modesty).

So they liquidated Haniyeh and Shokir – the deputy of Hezbollah, in Lebanon. This was all in the merit of the prayers of the girls, because the Tanna de’vey Eliyahu says that the ikker (main thing) is the girls’ prayers.

Tanna de’vey Eliyahu, verse 9, says there is no difference between a boy and a girl. The boy needs to get up at 2am, now he’s had four hours of sleep, and afterwards, they can sleep another two hours a day, between 6.30am – 8.30am.

And then he’ll learn from 8.30am to 8.30pm – 12 hours.


During Bein HaZmanim, we learn twice as much.

The Chazon Ish said that in Bein HaZmanim, we learn twice as much, also the boys and also the girls. The boys start at 2am, so Bein HaZmanim starts at 2am, and at 6.08am it’s netz (dawn).

By 6.30am, everyone is already back in bed, also the boys and also the girls. It’s enough to sleep an hour and a half until 8am [and afterwards] to learn from 8am to 8.30pm – even maths.

And at 8.30pm, ma’ariv begins.


So this is exactly 600,000 letters [in a Torah scroll].

600,000 angels [because each letter of Torah you learn creates another angel.]

A person creates every hour that he learns 48,000 angels! 48,000!

We did the sums, 200 [words] times four [letters per word, on average] is 800 [letters a minute]. Times 60 [minutes per hour] – this is 48,000 [letters an hour].

Every hour!

10 hours [learning Torah] is 480,000 [angels].


120,000 is missing, until we get to 600,000.

Another two hours [of learning Torah] is another 96,000, each hour is 48,000, so two hours is 96,000.

So, we said 480,000, plus 96,000, equals 576,000.

We are missing 24,000.

Melaveh Malka includes everything. It includes every Jewish holiday.

600,000 angels are created every day.


But really, how do we complete the 576,000?

12 hours [of learning Torah] is 576,000 ([etters / angels]. How many per hour? 48,000. And how many in half an hour? 24,000! How much is 576,000 and another 24,000?


600,000 angels are created every 12.5 hours.

We did the sums.


[Skipping a discussion about the sin of Korach, and how a girl’s intellect is a million times greater than a boy’s.]

Everyone should go to Kaplan.

Another five minutes, everyone should go to Kaplan, to scream ‘Bibi is a murderer!’

The ‘murderer’ is them, they are in favor of the left. Even now, when they murdered everyone and raped everyone, they still say ‘Hamas was in the right’.


The professor from Harvard, she straight away said that Hamas was right, and that the Jews deserved it. The Jews are the most wicked people.

Now, also in Columbia, there were three [universities], Columbia, Harvard, and I don’t remember the third. Columbia already fired her a couple of weeks ago, they couldn’t withstand the pressure. Because she claimed that Hamas was in the right, she was in favor of Hamas.

[But in] Harvard, it’s impossible [to fire the professor], because she was black.

If they would let her go, so then no black person would vote for Biden, and not for Kamala Harris, who was an anti-semite from the time she was drinking her mother’s milk.


She says that all the Jews need to be destroyed.

To liquidate them all one time, for good – and then, there will be peace in the world. Like Hitler said.

‘The Jews are the root of evil. The root of evil is the Jews.’

Like Khomeini said, the evil is only the Jews, they are the root of evil…. They sell drugs.


In Shuvu Banim, everyone is selling drugs. He knew this – Khomeini knew this, and so yesterday, he fired 100 drones at Shuvu Banim, but they never arrived….

A drone does 200km an hour, every [1000] kilometers is five hours. So, 1,800 kilometres comes out as 9 hours, until a drone gets here.

So, I was on the roof all night, I was exhausted. Just as I came down to go home, a drone hit the house, and made a hole in my living room.

Now, they are renovating it.


But a rocket does five…

Every girl needs to know the sums.

It comes out 500 metres every second… Uman is 1,800, so this divided by five is 360. Divided by 60, it’s six minutes. A minute to take off, and a minute to disembark – within eight minutes, we get to Uman.

Whoever goes to Uman now on a rocket, he’ll get there within five minutes. At 10.15pm, he’ll get to Uman, and he can be there for no more than two hours, until 12.15am. Say 7 Tikkun HaKlalis, and then immediately return, by 12.20am he’s already back here.

He can sleep for an hour and a half, until the night-time learning begins.

Shavua Tov!

There were some massive miracles in Gush Etzion over shabbat.

Apparently, there were three seperate cars driving around, all designed to be used in car bomb attacks.

For some inexplicable reason, they stopped before they got to Efrat, and went back to get petrol.

In the process of that – one car exploded.

The other two took off – and were also, miraculously, stopped before they could explode, one in Carmei Tzur, and one near Alon Shvut.


God loves us so much!

The same thing happened in Tel Aviv a couple of weeks ago.

In the middle of all the difficulty, God is showing us all that He is still watching over us, and that all the prayers and teshuva is really getting somewhere.


Don’t get confused:

Humanity is being attacked by the Satanic-masons, who have their Bros running things on all sides of every equation, every ‘war’, every conflict.

Including this one.

They want Jews and Arabs to hate each other.

They want ‘leftists’ and ‘rightists’ to hate each other.

They want ‘secular’ and ‘religious’ to hate each other.

Because all these difficult, bad middot is what gives them their power, spiritually, and what enables them to keep the world in a state of perpetual conflict and ‘war’.

That’s what the Satanic-Masons want, that’s the end game.

To get WW3 kicked off in Eretz Yisrael, God forbid.


But God isn’t letting that happen!

Baruch Hashem!

Things are getting sweetened all the time, and the prayers are working.

So keep going!

And may we just hear good news, soon.

Following on from all of this discussion about ‘Sabbatean kabbalah’, and the xtian-mason inspired ‘Kol HaTor’, I girded my loins to actually read through the English translation of a book entitled:

The Diaries of Rabbi Ha’im Yosef David Azulai [The CHIDA]

With notes by Benjamin Cymerman.

It’s very well translated, and the notes are useful, to a point, but often just gloss over or ignore stuff that is pretty shocking.

We’ll keep the excerpts that shed some light on the CHIDA’s own complicated relationship with Shabtai Tzvi, and the many Sephardi sabbateans who were bankrolling the old yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, for another post.

In this post, I want to focus on one of the more interesting people the diaries threw up – who’d I’d never heard of before, but who seems to hold a very big piece of the ‘Frankist-Freemason’ puzzle.

Let’s begin.


By way of background, the passage I’m going to quote comes from the CHIDA’s second ‘tour’ of Europe, as the official fundraiser for Hevron, which finds him in France, in 1777-8.

The CHIDA is meeting a lot of the gvirsthe wealthy names of the communities he travels through – as well as the communal leaders, who are known as parnassim.

(So many of their names are familiar to me, and maybe also to you, from all the stuff we’ve been tracking down here together about the Sabbateans etc.)

So, when I come across a very prominent person I’ve never heard of before in these diaries – that’s the first place I start doing more of a ‘deep dive’.

What are they hiding?

Read on.


This passage comes from p 174 in the Second Book, from the CHIDA’s stay with the Jews of Bordeaux:

In the afternoon, I went with….S Daniel (Astruc) to the estate of Abraham Grades, an honoured person in the royal Court of France, a man of great wealth – several  millions – a philanthropist towards the gentile and the State [of France].

He is always ready for their service and he had become famous.

And he is one of the greatest apostates, not believing in the Oral Law and eating of the prohibited foods – in public.

It once happened that a priest came [to him to] tell of a certain gentile had died and at the time of his death, had made confesso that he had stolen from the said Abraham Grades 20 thousand litres[1] and that they should be returned to him.

And Abraham [Grades] replied that they should divide [the money] among their churches and their poor folk; thus did his name become great – in abominations!

And he once lent 100 thousands litres to a certain [French] minister when he was hard-pressed – and then wrote him over all his possessions in America, making him the inheritor. These are just some of his ways.


I read this, and i sat up.

Who is this super-rich, French-apostate Jew who is bequething property in America to French nobles?!

And, why have I never heard of him before?!

We are about to find out.


The journey began with AI.

I’d typed in ‘Abraham Grades’ into a couple of search engines, so censored these days as to be almost worthless – and nothing came back.

So then tried AI, and also got the runaround, until Hashem put it in my head to just ask for details on any wealthy Jewish dudes hanging out the French Court in 1777.

I got this back:

In summary, Abraham Gradis of the Bordeaux Gradis family was indeed a senior Jewish official with an important role in the French royal court in 1777, as described in the source you referenced.

He wielded significant influence as a Court Merchant and financier to the crown during this period.


Once I had the correct spelling, tracking him down historically got a little easier.

You can find the French Wiki page for ABRAHAM GRADIS here.

These are some of the machine-translated snippets that caught my eye:

EXHIBIT 1: He is another ‘crypto Jew’ whose family come from Portugal:

Born to a jewish family originally from Portugal, Abraham Gradis is the son of David Gradis (v. 1665-1751) and Marie Sara Mendes-Moreno.


EXHIBIT 2: His close family are engaged in the shipping, spices, gems and slave trade in the French West Indies – but on behalf of the French crown:

One of his first cousins… was sent to Martinique , in 1726 by his uncle David Gradis….[they] founded the trading company Gradis & Mendes.


EXHIBIT 3: ABRAHAM GRADIS seems to have been some sort of international spy

From his youth, Abraham entered the financial house [House of Gradis] founded by his grandfather and then run by his father. In 1720, he made several trips to Paris, to the Netherlands and to London.

Under the direction of Abraham Gradis, [the firm] acquires considerable importance beginning from the years 1740 , where he provides a lot of freight (transportation of goods] for the king of France.

The friendship and trust that Gradis has with Maurepas contributes to his success.


Let’s pause to sketch in more of the background details.

The King of France at this time is LOUIS XV.

You can find the Wiki page for MAUREPAS HERE, this is the relevant snippet:

Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Comte de Maurepas (1701-1781) was… Louis XV’s Secretary of State for the Navy from 1723 to 1749.

After a long disgrace, he became Minister of State on the accession of Louis XVI in 1774 until his death in 1781.


‘Minister of State’ was basically the equivalent of today’s French President.

Our ABRAHAM GRADIS is hanging out with literally the top people in France.

Oh,and MAUREPAS is also a leading Freemason. Of course:

He was also a very influential member of the Freemason high nobility.


MAUREPAS is the main guy who prevents the nascent French Freemason movement from being persecuted and destroyed, when many non-masons were starting to realise just how dangerous, evil and subversive the masonic movement really was.

MAUREPAS is one of the biggest fish, in the toxic, masonic pond.


The early to late 1700s is when England, France, Holland and Spain are all at war with each other, especially over trying to keep control of their economically lucrative holdings in the so-called ‘New World’.

ABRAHAM GRANDIS apparently plays a very big role in these wars, working for the French monarch and his merry band of masons.


During the War of the Austrian Succession, [GRADIS] obtained from the Superintendent of Trade the exclusive right to trade with New France.

In 1748 he created the Société du Canada…with the intendant of New FranceFrançois Bigot, and the official comptroller of the mayor’s office at Quebec, Jacques-Michel Bréard

[GRADIS] fitted out forty ships bound for Canada on behalf of the Crown or its agents, not to mention the ships he sent there on his own account.

He also built large stores in Quebec for the raw and manufactured products he brought from France.


In 1756, he was given the task of forwarding dispatches and secret orders to New France, as well as the supply of the stores at Quebec on behalf of the king, thus becoming a shipping agent for the king.

Several dozen of his ships made the voyage to New France during the Seven Years’ War to supply French troops and settlers…

Gradis was commissioned by the Minister of the Navy Choiseul, with whom he had excellent relations and who called him “my dear Gradis”, to supply the West Indies from the 1760s onwards….


In 1764, Choiseul put him in charge of the general supply of supplies and food for the American colonies….for three years.

In 1767, he obtained from the Duke of Praslin, Minister of the Navy, the responsibility of sending cash to the American colonies, then, from the Abbé Terray, the supply of the Bourbon Islands and France, and finally, from the Minister de Boynes, the sending of cash to the Bourbon Islands and France, as well as to the trading posts of the Indies.

“During the whole period of the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763), his trade with Canada amounted to £9,000,000.

There were many losses, for more than half of the ships he sent were captured by the English.”


What this lengthy snippet shows us, is that ABRAHAM GRADIS was the right-hand man for the French Kings during their wars with England and Spain, over who should rule the American continent.

This was all about self-enrichment, and exploiting ‘the New World’ to the max.

It’s the opening salvo of the ECONOMIC HITMEN model of toxic capitalism that has ruined so much of what is good n our world.


And our guy, ABRAHAM GRADIS, is bang, slap, in the middle of moving goods, guns and people around, equipping armies for the French Crown, extending loans to the French Navy – and also, crucially, helping to channel French money to pay for the American Revolution.


In a letter sent in March, 1763, Bauffremont wrote to him ” You’re the father of the navy “.

Abraham Gradis went into business with Beaumarchais in 1776, with the Minister Sartine, to provide war supplies destined for the american rebels.


By way of background, MINISTER SARTINE is the guy who takes over running the French Navy (and by extension, the French colonial wars and international trade), from MAUREPAS.

JOSEPH de BAUFFREMONT comes from old French nobility – and is a member of a whole bunch of secret societies, including being a Knight of the Golden Fleece, and the Order of St John of Jerusalem.

But the real key to all this is BEAUMARCHAIS, ABRAHAM GARDIS’s ‘business partner’.

And here is where we whoosh off into ‘remarkable real history’ territory, once again.


HERE is the French Wiki page for Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais.

He’s the author of ‘The Marriage of Figaro’, and also has an unfortunate habit of marrying very wealthy older women who die in mysterious circumstances, shortly afterwards.

That’s not even the most interesting stuff.


BEAUMARCHAIS is also in charge of the French King Louis XV’s ‘secret service’, called:


In English, the ‘Secret of the King’.

Here’s a snippet about it, from the French Wikipedia page:

For twenty years, king Louis XV split his diplomacy into two networks, one official and the other illegal, the latter aimed in particular at promoting the interests of the sovereign when they were not fully aligned with those of the official foreign policy of the kingdom.


Apparently, the SECRET DU ROI, or it’s immediate precursor, was directly responsible for the ‘royal revolution’ in Russia in 1741, that brought Empress Elizabeth I to the Russian throne – and made this Tsarina very susceptible to French suggestions, when it came to Russian foreign policy.


Move forward a few decades, and the SECRET DU ROI – or it’s next incarnation, under LOUIS XVI – is up to its old tricks again, this time, in the American colonies.


The existence of the Secret was discovered a few days before the death of Louis XV in 1774.

At the advent of his grandson, Louis XVI, the Secret was dissolved. However, its agents, still active…attempted to play an important role in the American war of independence, [with] Beaumarchais, providing weapons to the Arms.


How did BEAUMARCHAIS do this, tachlis?

With a little help from his Jewish-Converso-Rich Apostate friend, ABRAHAM GARDIS of Bordeaux.


Of course, that isn’t spelt out in black and white in ‘official history’ – and that’s probably also why ABRAHAM GARDIS got so carefully scrubbed from history.

Because he is so tightly linked into the Jewish-Converso-xtian-masonic network that literally came to control and subvert the whole Jewish world, in a million ways.


Let’s stick with the American Revolution in this post, we’ll figure out more of the tight links between people like GARDIS and the Frankist-Masons I write about so much in a different post, BH.


Here’s the snippet from BEAUMARCHAIS’s Wikipedia page:

From the months of June, 1777, [BEAUMARCHAIS] embarks on a new adventure, and he made himself the advocate of French intervention in the war of independence of the United States

In the month of September, 1775, Beaumarchais played a political role as the intermediary between the Arms, and France, and he frequently meets Arthur Lee, member of the secret of the Arms.

On 10 June 1777, the secretary of State for foreign affairs entrusted him with a large sum of money to support secretly Americans.

Secretly sent by Louis XVI and Vergennes, Beaumarchais, receives theauthorization to sell gunpowder and ammunition for nearly a million of livres tournois, under the cover of the Portuguese company Roderigue Hortalez and Company.


It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Roderigue Hortalez and Co was actually a front company for the HOUSE OF GRADIS.

This is how ABRAHAM GRADIS made his big bucks, and got in so cozy with the French royalty and nobles – and Freemasons.


A quick word about ARTHUR LEE, for non-Yanks.

HERE is his Wiki page, and there, we learn that he and his three brothers played pivotal roles in the American Revolution – funded by French Freemasons to put their Bros in pole position across the pond.

One brother was RICHARD HENRY LEE, another one was FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE, officially one of the ‘Founding Fathers’ of the Masonic construct named the United States of America.

Click the links to learn more, if all this interests you.


Now that I’m typing this up, I remember I did a whole post about MICHAEL HAYS, another crypto Jew who was leading the charge for the French masons and monarchy in the American Revolution….

There is still a bunch more interesting stuff to tell you about ABRAHAM GRADIS and his descendants, and all the trouble they caused the Jewish people nearer to our times, and how this also connects up to the Freemason take-over of the Jewish people.

But that will have to keep for the next post.



[1] A litre was a unit of currency at that time.

I read this from Rabbenu on Shabbat.

It gave me a lot of hope, and a lot of chizzuk.

I hope it will do for you, too.

Keep going with the Tikkun HaKlalis – it’s what changes everything around, miraculously.


God wins battles merely because of the simple folk who recite Psalms with simplicity, and not through those who use sophisticated means.

A king once went hunting, and travelled like a simple man, so that he would have freedom of movement.

Suddenly, very heavy rains fell, literally like a flood.

The ministers scattered in all directions, and the king was in great danger. He searched until he found the house of a villager. The villager invited the king in and offered him some groats. He lit the stove and let the king sleep on a pallet.

This was very sweet and pleasant for the king. He was so tired and exhausted that it seemed as if he had never had such a pleasurable experience.


Meanwhile, the royal ministers sought the king, until they found him in this house, where they saw the king sleeping. They wanted him to return to the palace with them.

“You didn’t even try to rescue me,” the king said.

“Each one of you ran to save himself. But this man rescued me. Here, I had the sweetest experience. Therefore, he will bring me back in his wago, in these clothes, and he will sit with me on my throne.”


Rebbe Nachman concluded by saying that before the Moshiach comes, there will be a flood.

It will not be a flood of water, but of immorality and atheism.

It will cover all the high mountains, even in the Holy Land, where the original flood didn’t reach.

But this time, it will come with such strength that the water will splash over the land. This means that it will have an effect even in virtuous hearts.


There will be no way to combat this with ‘sophistication’.

All the royal ministers will be scattered, and the entire kingdom will not be firm on its foundation.

The only ones who will uphold it will be the simple Jews who recite Psalms in simplicity.

So, when the Moshiach comes, they will be the ones to place the crown on his head.

  • Rebbe Nachman’s stories, 21


PS: Someone up the road was playing this while I was typing this up – Ofra Haza’s song ‘CHAI’ from the 1983 Eurovision, before it went obviously satanic.

(Not shmirat eynayim friendly – there is some AWFUL 80s hairdos…)

It still gives me chills – even tho I know now Ofra got bumped-off by the State for asking too many questions about what happened to the Yemenite children (including, apparently, one of her own siblings….)

AM YISRAEL CHAI – and it’s good that we didn’t give up hope of things turning around.

Because that day is coming very, very soon, BH.


Let’s continue fleshing out the tight links between the Freemasons and ‘political zionism’.

In the recent post HERE where I was deep-diving on the ACHVA Brotherhood’s connection to the publication of Kol HaTor, I noticed that they appeared to get a lot of help to build their new neighborhood from a guy called:


I took a quick look at him – and immediately decided to do a ‘deep dive’ on him, too, as he seems to be one of the pivotal people in the zionist take over of Eretz Yisrael, who has been pretty scrubbed out of the official story.

Always a good sign, that this is precisely the place to look for more clues.


The story begins, as it usually does, on the Hebrew Wiki page for him HERE.

We learn that he is a CHABADNIK from Orsha, who after trying and failing to join the Russian army (what?!) studies accounting instead, and decides to devote his talents to inspiring people to ‘settle the land of Israel’ instead.

Somehow, he goes from working as a bank clerk in Southern Russia (i.e. The Ukraine) – to heading up an organisation called the ‘PIONEERS COMMITTEE YESOD HA’MALEH‘, together with YECHIEL MICHEL PINES, which is established in 1882 with the goal of:

“[A]cquiring land in the Land of Israel, sustaining an agricultural settlement of Jews and establishing a colony for Russian immigrants.


From how it’s written on the Wiki page for the PIONEERS COMMITTEE, it makes it sound like an early version of Nefesh to Nefesh, where LIBONTIN is basically trying to make the whole ‘aliya’ process, including buying land, as easy as possible for the new immigrants.

Call me cynical, but all this is pinging off the usual Frankist-Freemason charidee bell.


So, there are apparently three people involved in the PIONEERS COMMITTEE at this stage, namely:


Let’s take a closer look at each one.


LIBONTIN’s Wiki page is strangely coy about the fact that he comes from a very wealthy family of CHABAD timber merchants.

I had to go to the now-scrubbed page for his uncle on the RISHON LETZION Museum site HERE, to learn more.

This is the snippet that caught my eye:

The founder, Zvi Levontin HaCohen was a highly respected and rich merchant in Russia and a Lover of Zion. In Rishon le Zion he was the veteran among the founding settlers.

In response to the request of his nephew, Zalman David Levontin, he personally purchased over half the area of land of the future Jewish village. In so doing he made possible the inclusion of additional founders to those belonging to the Committee of the First Pioneers and all together they took over the land on Tu B-Av, 1882 and founded the village of Rishon Le Zion.


So, the main funder for what became the purchase of RISHON LEZION was ZVI LIBONTIN COHEN, DAVID LIBONTIN’s paternal uncle.[1]

On the site entry for DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN  HERE, we get a bit more info:

[DAVID LIBONTIN] was one of the first members of *Ḥovevei Zion and established a settlers’ association in his town and in Kharkov. The two associations sent him to Ereẓ Israel to purchase lands… In 1882 Levontin, with the assistance of his wealthy uncle, Ẓevi Levontin, purchased 3,340 dunams (835 acres) and founded Rishon le-Zion there; he later served as head of the settlement’s first committee.

In 1883, lack of funds forced Levontin to sell his land to Baron Edmond de *Rothschild and return to his family in Russia, where he served as branch bank manager in various towns in the *Pale of Settlement.


Levontin joined the Zionist Movement upon its establishment and, in 1901, was summoned by *Herzl to become one of the directors of the *Jewish Colonial Trust in London.

In 1903 he went to Ereẓ Israel to establish a bank under British auspices, to be known as the Anglo-Palestine Company. Under his directorship this bank became the central financial and credit institution in the new yishuv and engaged in banking activities with the Turkish authorities and the Arabs.


My ears perked up as soon as I started reading about the JEWISH COLONIAL TRUST, which morphed into the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK.

A couple of months ago, I wrote a post called EUGENICS and the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK, that was inspired by some of the Rav’s comments from this post.

Let’s remind ourselves what the Rav said:

In [56]42, Carmel Mizrahi was founded. Today it’s [57]84 – this has been the symbol for 142 years. And all the money used to pass [into Israel] via Carmel Mizrahi.[2]

All the money from the First World War used to pass via Carmel Mizrahi, from the Anglo-Palestine Bank, via Carmel Mizrahi.

And they – the zionists – they took all the money.


There was Ruppin, all of those.

Ruppin Street in Haifa [was called after him]. Whoever comes from Haifa, there’s Ruppin Street, that goes until Ahuza.

So, this Ruppin, he was the representative of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, and all the money during the whole of the First World War went via him.

In one second, it was already impossible to send it any more. But first, they used to send all the money via Carmel Mizrahi, via Ruppin, to support them here.

To build the Alliance here, and all the schools of the chilonim (secular people). They didn’t give the Talmud Torahs a single penny.

And this is how they collapsed all the Talmud Torahs.


The ANGLO PALESTINE BANK had a key role to play to starving the ‘Old Yishuv’ of funds during WWI, effectively placing all the charity money in the hands of the zionists, and allowing them to ‘take over’ Eretz Yisrael.


So, how does LIBONTIN fit into this picture?

  1. He’s definitely a ‘zionist’.
  2. He has close links with the Frankist-Freemasons.
  3. He’s in charge of the Anglo Palestine Bank during the crucial years of WWI, where the money held by the bank is being given to ‘zionist prjoects’, instead of buying food for the Old Yishuv.

Let’s fill out the details a bit more.


In 1884, he pops up at the founding Conference of Hovevei Zion in Katowice, where he proposes establishing a bank to assist the Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael.

The goal of this new bank is NOT supporting the ‘Old Yishuv’, but paying for the ‘new yishuv’ of ‘zionism’.

This occurs BEFORE Theodor Herzl arrives on the scene.


Fifteen years later (!), in 1901, we’re told that HERZL asks DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN to run the ‘JEWISH COLONIAL TRUST’ which is going to finance the zionist project in Eretz Yisrael.

Snippet from Wikipedia HERE:

Libontin, who was then director of the Minsk Bank of Commerce, was invited by Herzl to run the”Trust”, and was appointed director of the Treasury of Jewish Settlement in London.

He then founded the Anglo-Palestine Bank.

At the same time, he served as a political adviser to Herzl on issues in which he specialized.


The key thing to understand here, is that THEODOR HERZL was just a charismatic figurehead, the ‘puppet’, the ‘Bibi’, of his time, who had been chosen to front ‘the zionist project’ for the masons who were running it from behind the scenes.

(I know that’s quite a claim – I am going to stand that up, in the rest of this post, with God’s help.)

DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN is one of the lynchpins of the ‘zionist project’, and this is who happens to be funding the ACHVA neighborhood in Jerusalem, on very favorable terms.

This is the same ACHVA Brotherhood who pull the strings to get R AVRAHAM KOOK into his job as zionist-loving ‘Chief Rabbi’.

The organisation acts as the Freemasons ‘Trojan Horse’ within the religious community, right from the start.[3]


OK, now let’s tie up what LIBONTIN and his ANGLO PALESTINE BANK is doing during WWI, to literally starve the Old Yishuv into submission and transfer power into the hands of the secular zionists, before we concentrate more on the FREEMASONs angle to all this.

Remember, ANGLO PALESTINE is the main way that money if flowing into the Holy Land, at this point before WWI.

Snippet from the entry for LIBONTIN:

Under his directorship this bank became the central financial and credit institution in the new yishuv and engaged in banking activities with the Turkish authorities and the Arabs.


What happens in 1914 when WWI begins, is that Libontin – like many of the other Jews in Eretz Yisrael at the time – is given a choice by the Turkish Ottomans to either take on Ottoman citizenship, or be expelled from Eretz Yisrael.

As the Ottomans can press Turkish citizens in Israel into their army – LIBONTIN and many others decide to leave the country.

He ends up in Alexandria – together with all the money that’s been deposited in the ANGLO PALESTINE bank from abroad, to support the people living in Eretz Yisrael.


While the truth of what happened next has been carefully whitewashed, you can still pick it up from the carefully-curated information on LIBONTIN’s Hebrew Wiki page, machine translated from HERE:

Libontin was forced to stay in Alexandria, Egypt, where he stayed on the eve of the war. He opened a temporary branch in the city to support the thousands of refugees expelled from Palestine.

A significant portion of these refugees held an account in one of the branches of the Anglo-Palestine Bank in Israel.

Funds that came from the parent company, the Jewish Colonial Trust, which was based in London, made it possible to pay the Palestine refugees at least some of the funds on the account of their deposits in bank branches in Israel. 


As Levontin himself wrote,

“According to the prevailing laws, we had no obligation to pay out in Egypt deposits received by the APC in Palestine.

But I could not leave those who had the money in our bank to go hungry or ask for handouts for a slice of bread… This work is extremely difficult because many of the depositors nevertheless demanded all the money for their deposits and did not want to understand that the APC had no obligation.

And that I am acting with them against the law by paying them their deposits, and fighting me and making my life bitter.”


The point is, LIBONTIN himself openly admits that he was upset that he had to pay his depositors money in Egypt.

It’s these small ‘details’ that tell you where a person is really coming from, spiritually.[4]

Meanwhile, back in Eretz Yisrael – none of the money in ‘ANGLO PALESTINE’s’ hands was paid out to religious Jews. And the Old Yishuv mostly starved to death, for lack of funds.

This quote is from HERE, and describes how bad the starvation became:

“All of the disease, the cholera, typhus fever, dysentery, malaria and the other angels of destruction have been forgotten due to the starvation … The synagogues have removed the silver crowns and ornaments from the Torah scrolls to sell them by weight – from their silver they have made whip handles … The Arabs wore our prayer shawls on their heads; the shopkeepers used our sacred books to package their goods … Mothers sold themselves to save their children from death …

Thousand upon thousands have died of starvation.”


During those war years, a mortal blow struck the [Old] Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine.

More Jews died during the Great War than in all the wars of the State of Israel combined. In four years beginning at the start of the World War I, this community shrank from 85,000 to approximately 45,000 or 50,000, at its end.

Half the total of the Jews who died (35,000 people!) were residents of Jerusalem – a third of the city’s Jewish population.


Remember what the Rav told us, above:

So, this Ruppin, he was the representative of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, and all the money during the whole of the First World War went via him.

In one second, it was already impossible to send it any more. But first, they used to send all the money via Carmel Mizrahi, via Ruppin, to support them here.

To build the Alliance here, and all the schools of the chilonim (secular people). They didn’t give the Talmud Torahs a single penny.

And this is how they collapsed all the Talmud Torahs.


So now, let’s see how DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN and the zionist project connects with the Freemasons.

Because of course, they do.

We already learned above that he sold Rishon LeTzion to Baron Eduard de Rothschild – whose great uncle is NATHAN ROTHSCHILD in London, a member of the United Grand Lodge of England.

NATHAN’s B-I-L is MOSES MONTEFIORE, and Montefiore is also a Freemason, and member of the United Grand Lodge of England.

This is just for starters.


Meanwhile, LIBONTIN’s partner in the purchase of the land that became Rishon LeZion was an interesting character called HAIM AMZLAG (1828-1916).

Here he is:



Ah, all the trouble these short men make in the world….


Here’s a snippet about him:

After settling in Jaffa he served as the British Honorary Consul in the city and head of the branch of ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE….

He was a personal friend of Moses Montefiore, who stayed with him during his visits to Israel.


That’s MOSES MONTEFIORE the Freemason, BIL of NATHAN ROTHSCHILD the Freemason.

But that’s not where I want to focus the rest of this post, even though it’s for sure relevant to the thesis that ‘political zionism’ was a Frankist-Freemason project, right from the start.

Instead, let’s take a closer look at the ALLIANCE ISRAÉLITE UNIVERSELLE, another Freemason-run ‘secret society’ that HAIM AMZLAG headed up in Jaffa.


In Hebrew, the ALLIANCE’s name was often translated as:

All of Israel are brothers”.

References to ‘Brothers’, ‘Bros’ is a key sign you are dealing with something masonic. Sure enough, the ALLIANCE was founded by another famous Jewish Freemason by the name of:


His grandpa SAUL CREMIEUX sat on Napoleon’s ‘reforming’ Great Sanhedrin, along with a bunch of other Jews who were all either Frankists, and / or maskilim and / or masons.


Here’s some relevant machine translated snippets about dear ADOLPHE from his Hebrew wiki page:

In 1840, he worked with Moses Montefiore on behalf of the detainees in the Blood Libel in Damascus. In 1842 he was elected to Parliament and became one of the main activists of the leftist opposition. He was later arrested for this activity.

Cremieux was very active on the issue of the revocation of the Jewish oath, which was finally repealed in 1846…. In 1860, he was one of the founders of the ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE, whose mission was to help Jews who were discriminated against on religious grounds and had their civil rights violated…

He was active in the Freemasons of France, carried out reforms, established the national leadership and held the rank of “Souverain Grand Commandeur” in the French Supreme Council.


Let me say it again:

All the key people involved in getting the ‘zionist project’ off the ground were Freemasons, or otherwise members of masonic-type ‘secret societies’, that were seeded and funded (and controlled….) by the Freemasons.

And the Freemasons had a plan in place at least by 1871, when Albert Pike was writing his famous letter about how they were going to destroy the world and ‘organised religion’ by fomenting three world wars.

(Remember that date when you start reading about MIKVE ISRAEL, below.)


Pike wrote:[5]

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”


The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.

During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.


The ALLIANCE deserves its own post.

For now,it’s enough to know that it was pushing the usual ‘enlightenment’ of secular education and reformed religious traditions that have destroyed so many Jewish souls.

In the meantime, HAIM AMZLAG, business partner of DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN – Herzl’s ‘advisor’ (or more aptly, ‘controller’) and founder of the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK that plays a huge part in collapsing the Old Yishuv ahead of the Zionist takeover – is head of the Freemason-founded ‘ALLIANCE’ in JAFFA.



Meanwhile, where was the Freemasonic ALLIANCE headquartered in Eretz Yisrael?

That would be in a place you may have heard of, if you’ve learnt anything at all about the settlement of the Land of Israel. A place called:

MIKVE YISRAEL – the first ‘agricultural school’ set up in Eretz Yisrael, and a place that figures large in every story revolving around Baron EDUARD ROTHSCHILD’s iron grip on the idealistic religious settlers, who literally killed themselves trying to fulfill the mitzvah of ‘settling the land’.[6]


MIKVE ISRAEL is set up by the ALLIANCE in 1870 – the year before Pike writes his famous letter to Mazzini.

And the person who sets it up is another Jewish Freemason, by the name of:


This guy:


For the purposes of this post, where I’m focussing on showing how ‘political zionism’ was a Freemason project right from the start.

Here’s the snippet of his Hebrew Wiki page I want you to notice:

Carl Netter was one of the founding members of the first Lodge in Palestine, headed by Rob Morris. He is also among the signatories to the motion.

The Royal Solomon Mother Lodge N° 293 received approval from the Grand Chamber of Canada on February 17 1873 and was inaugurated on May 7 at the Zedekiah Cave in Jerusalem.[5]


Here is the lintel of the synagogue built in MIKVE YISRAEL by the Freemasons:

Compare and contrast to this:



As usual, this post could continue on for 100 years, there is always so much ‘real Jewish history’ just waiting to be patiently pieced back together, and slotted back into the right context.

But I am going to stop here, for now.

Hopefully, you are starting to understand that Freemasons were all over the ‘political zionism’ project, right from the start.

In the next post, I want to return to the ACHVA Brotherhood, specifically, to see how the masons used this organisation, and its acolytes, to ‘poison the well’, theologically, for Torah-observant Jews, and spread their ideas of ‘Jewish emancipation’ and political zionism throughout Eretz Yisrael.

Until then.



I went to look up the Zedekiah Cave’s ongoing link with the masons.

Snippet is from HERE:

Many of the members of the Foundation for the Study of the Land of Israel, who studied the cave of Zedekiah in the 19th century and dated it to the days of King Solomon, were members of the Order of Freemasons. Solomon is considered the spiritual father of the Order, and is even referred to as “the First Freemason.”

Because of this, Charles Warren, a member of the Foundation and a freemason, suggested holding the annual ceremony of the Jerusalem Chamber in the largest hall in the cave.

For approval, Warren held meetings with Ottoman officials, who were also members of the order.

For many years, various ceremonies were held in this hall, which is why it is still called the Masonic Hall. Masonic activity in the Cave of Zedekiah was interrupted with the partition of Jerusalem in 1948, only returning to  after the Six-Day War.


Literally everyone involved with the ‘State of Israel’ project seems to be connected to Freemasonry… including CHARLES WARREN.





[1] I have no idea why this information appears to have been ‘scrubbed’ off of Wiki. Possibly, there is a connection between the LIBONTIN-COHEN family of bankers who found the Anglo Palestine Bank and SAMUEL COHEN, the German-Jewish banker who brokers the notorious ‘Ha’avara Agreement’ between the Anglo Palestine Bank and the Third Reich in 1934.

[2] Carmel Mizrachi was set up by Baron Eduard de Rothschild, ‘HaNadiv’.

[3]  A bunch of ACHVA ‘Bros’ are also senior people in the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK that belongs to DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN.

They include:

CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK – great-grandson of the ‘Jew for Jesus’ ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEITCHIK is one of them. Chaim’s father is ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK, the president of WORLD ACHVA, who is very good buddies with a bunch of the secular zionists who ‘conquer’ the Old Yishuv after WWI.

Another ACHVA Bro working for ANGLO PALESTINE BANK is ELIEZER DAN SLONIM – who is chopped to death by the Arabs in the Hevron riot of 1929, barely 10 days after he arranges for the Chabad Rebbe RAYATZ to visit the Me’arat HaMachpela.


He managed the branch of APEC Bank in the city, and also served as the representative of a loan and savings bank in Jerusalem.


[4] Libontin comes back after the war, and continues running the ANGLO PALESTINE bank until 1925, when he officially ‘retires’, but stays a board member until his death in 1940.

He is with the bank when it makes it’s notorious ‘HA’AVARA’ agreement with the Third Reich, which effectively breaks the economic blockade on Nazi Germany, and enables them to re-arm, ahead of WW2. Eugenecist ARTHUR RUPPIN plays a leading role in making this agreement with the Nazis.

[5] From HERE. Readers are advised to read the whole thing for themselves.

[6] To make a very long story short, this is how the bankers usually worked:

Idealistic religious settlers buy some land in Eretz Yisrael and literally kill themselves, undertaking the first steps of getting barren land liveable and productive.

When they run out of the money to support themselves, Baron Rothschild and his men step in to buy up their land for pennies on the pound, in return for giving the settlers enough financial support that they don’t starve to death.

This same story played out over and over again, all over Eretz Yisrael, and it’s part of how the Rothschilds (also Freemasons, don’t forget!) – came to own so much of the Holy Land.


Excerpts of comments made by Rav Eliezer Berland on August 17th, 2024, during meleveh malka.

(Translated from Shivivei Or 373.)

These comments are from last Shabbat:


Now, today in the evening, they will send 1,000 drones.

So, we will catch say 100, a hundred would be enough. With 100, we could get to Uman by 6am.

The drone goes 3km each second, every moment. Each second, 3km, a drone.

And a rocket –this is 5km a second. So, if this is 1,800 [km], so this divided by five is 360 [seconds] – six minutes. And a minute for launching and a minute for landing – this is 8 minutes.

In Uman, we will say seven Tikkun HaKlalis.

But, we need to return on the same day. Whoever flies to Uman tonight, it’s only on condition that he manages to come back on the same day. He has to return.


So, each person will grab a drone, they will fire 1,000 drones tonight.

Stand on the roof to grab a drone, and then continue straight to Uman.[1]

Within five minutes, we’ll be in Uman.


These are from two Shabbat’s ago:

Translated comments from Shabbat Devarim, August 1oth, 2024.

(Translated from Shivivei Or 373.)

Allenby said that he only believed R Chaim Sonnenfeld.

Because the Arabs said that the Kotel was theirs, because Mohammed tied his horse up there, and from here, he ‘ascended to heaven’, because he doesn’t have a grave.

But all of this is shtuyot (nonsense), because Mohammed was never at the Kotel. He was in Mecca, he didn’t even know that there was such a thing as the Kotel.


Because also Ben Gurion wanted that there shouldn’t be the Kotel.

They knew that if people saw the Kotel, everyone would make teshuva, so they wanted to give the Kotel away, to give everything.

The Arabs left by themselves, there was no need to kick them out. They all ran away from Haifa, from Tiberius, from Tzfat – from all of the places where Rabbenu was.[2]

The Arabs ran away without anyone firing a shot.

The Rav was born in Haifa, then, the Hagana stood on the dock, and they didn’t want to let the Arabs go past them. They promised them, you’ll be the prime minister, the mayor of the city you’ll be given everything, just stay!!


So, all the places where Rabbenu was, the Arabs ran away [from there] without a shot being fired.

Because letters came from the Khadi, because they promised him 100 planes, that would blow up all the cities – but what did they deliver to him? They weren’t even prepared to bring him a drone – because they were skinflints. They’re going to bring him planes?!


They said they were going to blow up all the cities, Tel Aviv first of all.

They wanted to erase Tel Aviv, and all the cities – Tsfat, Tiberius, but nothing was going to happen to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is protected.


So, in the merit [of Allenby], they let the Jews get to the Kotel.

But they didn’t let them to bring chairs, just to stand up, like in Shuvu Banim, that people stand up all crushed together. There is no space.

Whoever would bring a chair, the British Police would beat him.

So, they wanted to bring a mechitza on Yom Kippur – also this they didn’t let. The women stood on one side, and the men on the other side, they were almost touching.

Even on Yom Kippur, when you pray for 24 hours, they didn’t let them bring chairs.


[Someone mentioned the mechitzahs that were put up in Dizengoff for the High Holidays of 5784 in Tel Aviv, which were violently destroyed by the city council, and some fanatical ‘anti-religious’ residents. The Rav then continues:]

On Yom Kippur, they arranged things on Dizengoff that people would pray on the street.

So many people came, they didn’t have space, so they made a mechitzah out of Israeli flags, because they didn’t let them make a [proper] mechitzah.

So they came to blows.

So Hashem said, I am already not going stay quiet about this!

So there was October 7th.


All the chilonim, all of them, wanted to come and pray in the Great Synagogue in Haifa on Yom Kippur.

All of them were pressing on the doors, that they should open up for them. So they broke the doors, and around 1,000 people came in. It seems even then, there was Shuvu Banim. They learned from them.

So, they cancelled the tickets, because initially, they sold tickets for people to enter the synagogue.


I used to pray in the Great Synagogue in Haifa, until I was 18 years old.

Afterwards, I went to yeshiva, and I used to pray there.

Before that, I wanted to go to the army. I went three times, and they didn’t accept me. I said even there, they don’t want me…

So I stopped going.

After this, they sent formal notices each time, that I should come and enlist, and they said they were going to put me in the clink, otherwise.

So I said [to myself], so what, it’s not a big deal, to be a day or two in the clink.

Nothing is going to happen.



[1] Uman is directly North of Eretz Yisrael. What does that tell you about what direction these drones described by the Rav are actually coming from?

[2] Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. See the account of his visit to the Holy Land in Chayai Moharan.


Big things are being sweetened!

Keep going with the TKs…. each TK takes out a 1,000 rockets.

And Hizballamerica is on its last legs, just the last fight is always the hardest, and the most dangerous.