Six years ago, the Rav made a lot of statements about Napoleon, and his attempts to destroy the Jews via ‘assimilation and emancipation’.

I.e., turning the God-fearing Jew into a ‘Jewish goy’, indistinguishable from all the other nations of the world.

Here’s is a little of what he said, to be found in the book Conversations I (click HERE for the PDF, or you can do something shocking, – to me, at least – and actually buy a hard copy HERE).

This comes from the chapter entitled ILLUMINATI:


‘Napoleon’ comes from the word ‘napol’ / ‘tipol’ (he will fall). The wise ones said that he would fall: ‘Napol’ tipol’, so they went up anyway, to Eretz Yisrael.

But, Rav Naftali from Ropshitz[1] said only when they are up to their knees in blood will they return to Eretz Yisrael. This was also in Russia, it happened during the Holocaust. They thought that Napoleon would kill all the Jews, he simply didn’t stop, he said ok, he’ll kill all the Jews.


He reconstituted the Sanhedrin – on Shabbat, but no one came, apart from the Reform.

He said, Reform aren’t Jews. He didn’t need the Reform Jews, so he had no choice and he opened the Sanhedrin on a weekday. And then there was David Zinzheim who was the Rav of Paris, he was head of the Rabbanim.

The Rabbanut of Italy said this was a case of pikuach nefesh (a matter of life and death) so it should be permitted to travel on Shabbat.

Rav Zinzheim said, ‘no such thing, – so there shouldn’t be a Sanhedrin.’ The Reform came and Napoleon said, ‘I’m not making a Sanhedrin with Reform, Reform aren’t Jews at all.’


So he Napoleon said there to the Sanhedrin, ‘Who are you loyal to, to Eretz Yisrael, or to France?’

They replied ‘We are loyal to France’. Napoleon said ‘So do something then which goes against Torah!’ Rav David said, it’s not possible to go against the Torah.

If it’s pikuach nefesh, then it’s permitted, but if it’s not pikuach nefesh then it’s forbidden for you to make make laws against us.

This answer found favour in the eyes of Napoleon. He opened the Sanhedrin on Wednesday or Tuesday, and there were something like ten rows, all the Rabbis, there in the Sanhedrin.


And then there was the ‘autonomy’. It’s not known if he wrote this himself, or if someone else wrote it, that he would give the Jews ‘autonomy’ self determination to govern themselves, on condition that they would help him to conquer, but the Jews didn’t help him.

This was a miracle, because if the Jews would have helped him, they the Turks would have killed all the Jews – because the Turks re-conquered Eretz Yisrael, and if the Jews would have helped him they would have had to flee.


Ad kan, from the Rav, from 2018.


Last week, I spent a few quiet hours reading through a book about the freemason-Napoleon’s ‘Great Sanhedrin’, which shed a bunch of very useful light, on how the masons used ‘emancipation’ as one of their main tools, to destroy the Jewish attachment to God and His Torah.

We’ll get to that in a moment.

Before we do, let’s first unpack what the Rav said in his comments from 2018, because there’s a few things to notice.


[Napoleon] reconstituted the Sanhedrin – on Shabbat, but no one came, apart from the Reform.


First, the masons tried to ‘reform’ Judaism overtly, by convening a ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ with 71 ‘rabbis’ (or pseudo-rabbis).

On the one hand, this ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ was meant to have the appearance of being a ‘kosher’ vehicle for reformulating the practise of Judaism.

But then, when it became obvious that it was peopled almost exclusively by ‘rabbis’ who were very, very far from orthodox observance, the masons realised that their ‘Great Sanhedrin’ wouldn’t be taken seriously by the majority of observant Jews they were trying to influence.


The Rabbanut of Italy said this was a case of pikuach nefesh (a matter of life and death) so it should be permitted to travel on Shabbat.


Italy was heavily represented at this ‘Great Sanhedrin’, and the Italian ‘rabbis’ who attended were mostly from Leghorn / Livorno[2] – that bastion of early Freemasonry in the Jewish community.

Meanwhile, most of the balance of Napoleon’s Sanhedrin was made up of those same formerly Portuguese-Marranos who’d found a new home in France.

These former ‘crypto Jews’ were heavily invested in trying to ‘reformulate’ Judaism so they could identify as a Jew without being persecuted by the Inquisition.

But also, without actually having to keep the Torah’s laws.


Notice the main argument these reform-masons were making, to try and break the Jewish adherence to Torah law, and particularly the observance of Shabbat: pikuach nefesh.

We’ll flesh this out more in a moment, and its relevance to whether it’s actually permissible for Jewish soldiers to be breaking Shabbat when there is no immediate danger to life.


So, Napoleon needed a serious Ashkenazi ‘rabbi’ to participate in his Grand Sanhedrin, who would be able to convince the masses that it was actually kosher, after all.

And that it’s decisions were binding on the whole of the Jewish world.

That job was given to JOSEPH DAVID SINZHEIM, this guy:


We’ll come back to the funny hat another time.

Nothing is random, in this sketch commissioned by the French masons to ‘promote’ their Sanhedrin.


So, in the Rav’s comments from 2018, here’s what happens next:

Rav Zinzheim said, ‘no such thing, – so there shouldn’t be a Sanhedrin.’ The Reform came and Napoleon said, ‘I’m not making a Sanhedrin with Reform, Reform aren’t Jews at all.’


Explanation: they realised they were looking and acting too ‘reform’ to be taken seriously by the wider Jewish community, and that they had to pay some lip service to pretending to observe the Torah.

And that’s where SINZHEIM came in.

He wasn’t ‘reform’….

And modern historians apparently know that, because the great CHATAM SOFER gave his funeral oration.

Where he compares Sinzheim to ‘Joseph in the palace of Pharoah’.

(This is the same rent-a-psak CHATAM SOFER who was working for the Dutch financier of the Old Yishuv, TZVI HIRSH LEHREN[3]; and who also has a bunch of Spanish catholics in his direct family tree, whose son sat in the Austrian parliament, and whose students were amongst the very first people to buy big tracts of land in Eretz Israel – and also to marry in to known Sabbatean families, especially from Hebron.)


So, SINZHEIM gives the much-needed appearance of ‘orthodoxy’ to Napoleon’s Sanhedrin – and then turns around and sanctions exactly the same argument made by the Italian reform-masons.

Like this:

Rav David said, it’s not possible to go against the Torah.

If it’s pikuach nefesh, then it’s permitted, but if it’s not pikuach nefesh then it’s forbidden for you to make make laws against us.

This answer found favour in the eyes of Napoleon.


OK, so why do we care what happened at that Sanhedrin over 200 years ago?

The answer to that question can be found in a book called LE GRAND SANHEDRIN DE NAPOLEON written by French historian BERNHARD BLUMENKRANZ.

Let’s set out some headline information, paraphrased from the French original:


  1. (Pg 11) – It’s likely that the original idea to reconstitute a ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ came from one of two Jews, either the Portuguese-Marrano ABRAHAM FURTADO (1756-1817) or the German Frankist-reformer, ISRAEL JACOBSON[4].

Here are their pictures – notice they are both clean-shaven:

ABRAHAM FURTADO, ‘President’ of the Grand Sanhedrin, aka ‘L’assemblee des Notables Juifs’:




Snippet from HERE:

Developing a belief in egalitarian and religious pluralism in education, he established (1801) in Seesen, near the Harz Mountains, a school in which forty children of Jewish parents and twenty children of Christian parents were to be educated together, receiving free board and lodging.

This close association of children of different creeds was a favorite idea of his….


When, under Napoleon’s rule, the Kingdom of Westphalia was created, and the emperor’s brother Jérôme Bonaparte was placed at its head, Jacobson…was appointed president of the Jewish consistory (Royal Westphalian Consistory of the Israelites [he]), established on 3 March 1808.

In his capacity as consistorial president, assisted by a board of officers, he did his best to exercise a reforming influence upon the various congregations of the country.

He also advocated a seminary for the training of Jewish teachers


While ISRAEL JACOBSON’s family tree appears to have been thoroughly scrubbed (maybe, we’ll take a closer look at him another time) FURTADO links us immediately back to that network of SAINT SIMON-pushing ‘new xtian’ crypto-Jewish masons from BORDEAUX.

Snippet from the Jewish Encyclopaedia, HERE:

When in 1789 Malesherbes convened a commission of Jews to consider proposals for the improvement of their condition, Furtado and Gradis were called as members from the south of France, Cerf-Berr and Isaac Berr from the north.


So, it’s no big shock when we’re told:

2) (pg 22) On August 9th 1806, an Austrian agent in Venice told the Chief of Police that the idea of an ‘Assembly’ has been suggested by ‘a rabbi in Bordeaux’[5]. And according to this agent, the goal of this ‘Assembly’ is:

“’to realise some very great ideas, including the reunion of the Jews in a particular kingdom,’ and that Napoleon also wanted to rely on the Freemasons.”


Apparently, the Austrian government took this so seriously they put the heads of the Jewish communities in Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Galicia and other polices under state surveillance.

(This would explain why sending charity money to Eretz Yisrael was made illegal by the Austrian monarchy at this time.)

The non-Jewish Governor of Galicia reassured his royal bosses by writing:

“The orthodox and also the Hassidim are totally stupid, and attached to their Torah and the Talmud. [All they see] in the Great Sanhedrin is the fall of Judaism.”


In the end, only the Jewish communities of Amsterdam and Frankfort send delegates to attend the ‘Great Sanhedrin’ – apart from the Jews of Italy and the French empire, which at that point was at its height.

But that doesn’t stop the GRAND SANHEDRIN from stating in it Preamble to Doctrinal Decisions that:

“The Grand Sanhedrin declares an incontestable fact: that an Assembly of doctors of the Law [i.e. Rabbis], reconstituted as a Grand Sanhedrin, are the only ones who can determine the consequences that derive [from their decisions]; and if the old Sanhedrins didn’t do this [i.e. Reform the understanding of Jewish law] it’s because the political circumstances didn’t allow this.”


And what was the main ‘thrust’ of the arguments made by this Great Sanhedrin?

That dina de-malchuta – dina!

That the law of the land is the law, even when it goes against Torah laws, if you can pretend that it all boils down to pikuach nefesh, or saving a life.


On page 39, BLUMENKRANTZ points out the following:

“The criticisms that could be raised against this work of the Great Sanhedrin should not forget the paradox that the modern State of Israel is also regulated by dina de-malchuta, dina, even though a number of ancient [Jewish] authorities have vigorously argued against the idea that this principle can be applied to a Jewish State.”

Check the footnotes for some examples[6] – going forward, we’re going to need to know what the real poskim who weren’t / aren’t working for satanic masons really said about the issue of dina de malchuta – dina not applying to Jews living in Eretz Yisrael.


OK, two more points from Blumenkrantz’s book, and then let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty of this post, and how it’s affecting us today.

What Napoleon did, post-‘Sanhedrin’, is replace the organisational structure of the ancient Jewish communities under his control with something called ‘Jewish Consistoires’.

And the ‘rabbis’ who headed up these ‘Jewish Consistoires’ were handpicked by Napoleon’s band of satanic masons.

(Like, the ISRAEL JACOBSON character I introduced you to, above.)

Most of the people I find myself writing about here, who helped to subvert the Jewish community from within, connect straight back to these ‘Jewish Consistoires’.

Just, most of us have never been told these ‘consistoires’ even existed.


Second, the author makes the point that the decisions of this GRAND SANHEDRIN, especially in relation to dina de malchuta – dina, and it’s implications for being able to force Jewish soldiers to break Shabbat, have been widely adopted within the Jewish community.

Without us even knowing where these original pasakim even came from…


Let’s cite one example from the book.

On page 46, the author mentions a ‘very rigorous posek’ by the  name of R MORDECHAI YAAKOV BREISCH[7], (1895 – 1976) who was the ABD of Disburg in Germany, and then luckily got a job in Zurich just before WW2 began.

While he was in Zurich, he was asked two questions relating to Torah-observant Jews who were being forced to serve in the Swiss Army.

QUESTION 1: Could the Jewish soldiers walk around on Shabbat and Yom Tov wearing their guns, which according to the rules of the country they had to carry at all times? (Responsum 67)

QUESTION 2: Could Jewish soldiers in the army attend synagogues on Shabbat and Yom Tov that were otherwise beyond the distance a person is allowed to travel on Shabbat? (Responsum 70)


Here’s what happened next:

“The rabbi didn’t begin [his responsum] by expounding on the question of knowing if the duties imposed by military service were permitted, or not, by halacha: straight away, they are considered as though THEY ARE NEVER A PROBLEM. [Emphasis mine].

“In relation to the two questions posed, the response given was positive.[8]

“It goes without saying that, in the State of Israel’s army today, the dispensations [to break Shabbat] are effectively the same.”


When I shared this info with my rabbinic husband he got quite agitated.

According to him, there is no such thing as a ‘blanket dispensation’ to break Shabbat that is always in effect.

Every single circumstance where a soldier is being asked to break Shabbat requires it’s own halachic decision, in circumstances where it’s not obviously pikuach nefesh – like, for example, someone coming at you on Shabbat with knife.


Who is giving these ongoing psakim to the dati soldiers in the IDF to break shabbat?

Are they even asking for psakim each time they are breaking Shabbat? (Honestly, this question is probably rhetorical.)

Why does the IDF routinely carry out missions on Shabbat, way more than on any other day of the week?

And could this be at least part of the reason, that so many of our dear, holy brothers are being killed and maimed during these ‘non-urgent’ missions being carried out, dafka, on Shabbat?


Let’s end with this brief comment from the Rav, from a shiur he gave on Shabbat last week, Parshat Noach, 5785 (November 2, 2024):

They want us to go to the army.

We aren’t against, we don’t have a problem with killing a few terrorists.

But all the army is against the Torah.

They deliberately desecrate Shabbat, and eat non-kosher.


PS: When I was tootling around Geni, trying to track down more of the illustrious SOLOVEICHIKs and WEISSs that R Mordechai Yaakov Breisch’s descendants apparently married (all the interesting stuff is ‘privated’, but going backwards I found some links to the EIBSHITZs….) –

I came across ARIEL BEN MOSHE in the direct BREISCH family tree.

He was a ‘promising major’ in the IDF, a commander in Sayeret Matkal, 27 years old, on holiday in the Golan Heights with his new wife, when he got a push notification from the army, on Shabbat / Simchat Torah, October 7, and drove down South.

He died fighting in Kibbutz Re’im.


Here is his mum eulogising him on the creepy Friends of Zion site, with the even creepier Mike Evans:

In loving memory of Ariel Ben-Moshe (

Baruch Dayan HaEmet.


PPS: I tracked down some more illustrious descendants of R BREISCH, after all.

His daughter HENNI married the son of Menachem Herz and Karola Rothschild.

Karola’s sister was IRMA ROTHSCHILD, wife of R LEO JUNG, who is credited with being one of the main architects of ‘modern orthodoxy’, OU-style, in the USA.

Snippet from Wiki, HERE:

Grandfather of Modern Orthodoxy

As a follower of the path of German Neo-Orthodoxy, Jung was originally able to span the gamut from Haredi Judaism to the more traditional wing of Conservative Judaism.

He was bearded and had a doctorate. But as the decades progressed, he found himself defending a specific middle-path. His followers became some of the fathers of Modern Orthodoxy.

He taught ethics and homiletics at Yeshiva University where he influenced the graduates to create an urbane, moral, and dignified Orthodoxy.

His successor at the Jewish Center was Norman Lamm.


Meanwhile, MENACHEM HERZ also connects us to more interesting people, including a whole bunch of Oppenheimers, other court Jews, clean-shaven ‘reformers’ and known Frankist Brandeis family.


Always the same people.

Just some have beards and want ‘frum-looking reform’ of Torah Judaism, a la Sinzhem….


PPS: Irma Rothschild’s bro Robert Rothschild marries a lady called Edith JEDWAB.

That name was ringing a bell, for some reason, so I started surfing around to see where I’d heard it before.

Quickly, I got to Gila JEDWAB –  who was publicising R Mendel Kessin’s ‘shiurim’ focussing on Trump being the ‘moshiach’ of Edom until he recently fired her.

Here’s the interview  she did with R Kessin four months ago, entitled:

Rav Mendel Kessin and I discuss Yeshu (Jesus)

Just when you think it can’t get any weirder…



One of DAVID SINZHEIM’s closest friends – and a person who he wrote to frequently, in correspondance that is still extant – was one R BARUCH JEITELES of Prague.

This guy, to the right.

Why should you care?

Because R BARUCH JEITELES links us straight back to the Prague Frankists.

His Wiki entry is pretty sparse – but still enough to tell us who we are dealing with.

Here’s most of what it says:

Baruch Jeitteles was born on 22 April 1762, in Prague.

His father, Jonas Jeitteles [de], was a doctor. Originally a student of Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, Jeitteles travelled to Berlin and studied with Moses Mendelssohn, the foundational figure in the Jewish Enlightenment movement….

Using inherited wealth from his father-in-law, Samuel Porges, Jeitteles established a private rabbinical school and training students from Moravia and Hungary.


The PORGES were another, very famous, family of known Frankists.

And these people only married each other.

Check out this website, – all about the Frankists, from one of the Porges’s descendants.


So, SINZHEIM (whose original name was probably OPPENHEIM – and he also descends from a known family of Sabbateans) appears to have been a Frankist Trojan Horse, right from the start.


I just want to quote one more interesting snippet about BARUCH JEITELES, who apparently was also a doctor, like his father Jonas:

As a doctor, Jeitteles was a proponent of the smallpox vaccination.



According to THIS, it’s BARUCH’s father, the clean-shaven JONAS JEITELES, who is the first people to start pushing the smallpox ‘vaccine’ in Bohemia, in 1784.


His most notable medical achievement was his pioneering use of the smallpox vaccine in Bohemia, despite religious opposition. His efforts significantly reduced the prevalence of the devastating disease.

It also says that JONAS JEITELES was also the personal physician of the King of Poland.

That would be King Stanisław II Augustus, who reigned from 1764 until 1795 and was the last king of Poland before the partitions of the country by Russia, Prussia, and Austria.


I just found a whole post on the YIVO site about this vaccine-pushing family of Prague Frankists – most of whom converted to xtianity, when they weren’t growing beards and pushing reformed-‘enlightenment’ within the Jewish community.

You can read it HERE.



[1] Rebbe Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Ropshitz (1760–1827) was the grandson of Rabbi Yizchak Halevi Horowitz – the Rabbi who blessed Amshel Rothschild – on his mother’s side.

[2] Leghorn / Livorno was infested with Jewish masons, as we see from the comments found in the CHIDA’s diary. It also happens to be the home of the leading Freemason and ‘zionist’, Sir Moses Montefiore.

[3] In THIS series of posts, we trace how TZVI HIRSH LEHREN is closely related to a bunch of these same German-Jewish Sabbatean-Frankists we keep writing about here.

[4] ISRAEL JACOBSON wrote a pamphlet called ‘The First Steps of the Jewish Nation Towards Happiness Under the Auspices of the Great Monarch Napoleon’, in 1806. The Grand Sanhedrin was convened between February 7-March 13, 1807.

[5] This is almost certainly ABRAHAM FURTADO of Bordeaux – certainly no rabbi, and not even a practising Jew.

[6] Teshuvot Baalei ha Tosfot; Shlomo ben Aderet, Teshuvot, I, no. 637, and Chiddushim al Nedarim; Nimukei Yosef on the RIF, Nedarim, Vilna edition, 10a; Nissim of Gerona, Commentary on Nedarim, folio 28a; Maimonides, Commentary on Mishna Nedarim, 111, 4, and Mishna Torah, Melachim, Chapter 4; Migdal Oz commentaries by Shem Tov Ibn Gaon; commentaries of David Ibn Abi Zimra.

[7] Read more about R Mordechai Yaakov Breisch here: Historical View of Rav Mordechai Yaakov Breish (Chelkat Yaakov) | Various Rabbis | Beit Midrash |

[8] Chelchat Yaakov, Part 1, Jerusalem 1951.

Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Berland motzae Shabbat, Parshat Noach, 2nd Cheshvan, 5785 (November 2, 2024)


Shabbat Hanukah, now it’s going to be Hanukah, in another 55 days, Hanukah.

Today, it’s already the second of Cheshvan, that the Beit HaMikdash should be built already. On Hanukah, that the Third Beit HaMikdash should be rebuilt, already.

In Hanukah, already begins ‘the days of Hanukah, they are days of gratitude”, [Likutei Moharan] chapter 2.

“Lulei Hashem hayah lanu.” – What would have been, if Hashem had not been with us.


So the Rebbe said that on one day[1], “everyone will part from me, you’ll see that one day, everyone will part from me. And then, just five people will be left with me.”

And whoever will be part of those five, will be destined for the World to Come, they will be from the neshamot (souls) of Adam Kadmon.

Only the neshamot of Adam Kadmon can draw close to the Tzaddik…..

All those who come to Shuvu Banim, they are from the neshamot of Adam Kadmon.


Rosh Hashana.

The ikker (main thing) is Rosh Hashana in Uman.

Now, we are in the middle of the war, since Simchat Torah (5784 – October 7th, 2023) 1,800 people have been killed. Now on this day of the year, 900 citizens and 900 soldiers [have been killed].

All the places[2] were conquered by the Hamas.

“And the whole world was filled with hamas (men of violence).”[3]

All of this is hinted to in the parsha, that the Hamas will conquer the whole of Eretz Yisrael.


The Chazon Ish said that in another 70 years, the Hamas would conquer the whole of Eretz Yisrael, the whole of the Negev.

And so it was.

For four days, they ruled over the whole of the Negev, and even those who had guns, they didn’t have bullets.


(Because Gallant and Herzi HaLevi took all the cadurim (bullets, but also mean pills in Hebrew) for themselves. They wanted to be cured from cancer, so they swallowed all the cadurim.)


There wasn’t a single bullet in the guns, and the Sderot police were totally conquered.

[The police station in Sderot] was turned into a Hamas stronghold, for four days, it was in the hands of the Hamas – all of the police.

All of the police officers there were killed, they didn’t have bullets in their revolvers and guns.

Because Gallant said that it’s forbidden for a Jew to have bullets, only the Hamas are allowed.


All this was foreseen by the Chazon Ish.

He saw this 70 years ago, he said: Another 70 years, no trace of this State is going to remain here, all this State is now going to its destruction.

They fired 400 rockets on erev Pesach, now on erev Yom Kippur [Rosh Hashana], another 400 rockets, no rocket reached here.

I tried to catch one drone. Khomeni said that he wanted it, that if I caught it, he wanted it back. So, I didn’t catch it.

And so, don’t travel to Uman at the moment.


In any case, if they fire more drones, stand on the roof and try to catch a few drones, and then you can travel to Uman [with the drone] – it’ll arrive within two hours. Say seven Tikkun HaKlalis, and then come back.

Everyone who flies to Uman needs to return the same day, bezrat Hashem.


This week, we aren’t travelling to Yosef HaTzaddik.

Just, we hope we are getting the buses that they promised us – 10 buses, for Shuvu Banim.

Now, we are reading about Yosef, now we are reading about Shechem…Parshat Lech Lecha, we are starting with Shechem….

So really, the Or HaChaim said:

Until they built the Temple, Shechem was the place for prayer.

All the brothers went to Shechem, the place of prayer was there, there was the place that Avraham reached first. It’s written immediately in the second verse:

“Abram passed into the land as far as the site of Shechem, until the Plain of Moreh.”[4]


Shechem was called ‘Alon Moreh’.

There, Avraham built his first altar, from there, all the prayers ascended.

It was another 800 years until they built the Beit HaMikdash, and 400 years was the Egyptian Exile. And then another 440 years until it was buit, 840 years.

So, they only used to pray in Shechem. That was the place of prayer. There, there was Avraham Avinu’s altar, eveyone used to travel to there.


So, everyone needs to know that I didn’t invent the idea of ‘prayers’.

I see that people stand in the middle of the maariv [prayers] talking. I understand that this is the greatest pleasure, I don’t want to take this pleasure away from you, to talk in the middle of maariv – they should talk and talk as much as they want.

But despite this, it’s written in the Shulchan Aruch [that it’s forbidden to talk during prayers].


The Rebbe says, [you can make any chiddushim you want – just don’t go against a single letter of what’s written in the Shulchan Aruch!][5]

In the Shulchan Aruch there are clauses like this, where it’s written that you have to prayer the maariv prayers. I don’t know who wrote them.

So, the Rebbe sayd that even if you are learning Likutey Moharan all day and night, you still can’t depart from a single paragraph in the Shulchan Aruch.

And in the Shulchan Aruch there are these paragraphs, I don’t know who wrote them, we need to investigate this, to look into this – that you have you have to pray maariv. It’s written.

[Paragraphs]  235, 234, 231 – whole paragraphs, that you need to pray the maariv prayers.

I don’t know who invented this. But people love to not pray.


They see it’s maariv – they run away, like there’s a fire.

As soon as maariv begins – everyone is already outside, automatically. Like there’s a fire, or something.

So, I understand that you want to be independent, you want to show your individuality. A person wants to show that he’s also someone. What, he’s just going to do whatever they tell him?! No, he isn’t! He’s also ‘independent’…


How is there talking during maariv?!

I didn’t invent maariv. People think I invented it – I didn’t make it up.

The Rebbe says, [you can make any chiddushim you want – just don’t go against a single letter of what’s written in the Shulchan Aruch!]

It’s written in the Shulchan Aruch, I didn’t write this. I am prepared to launch an investigation into who wrote this….


In any case, [people] need to say Amen.

And to know that [there are some in] Shuvu Banim who have already stopped saying ‘Amen’, and have stopped saying yehay shmeya raba.

We need to say Amen! We need to respond to each ‘amen’. It’s written that the ‘amen’ is greater than the bracha. Amen is greater than the blessing!

When a person says a bracha, he needs to have someone next to him to say amen, for birkot hashachar (the morning blessings).


Translated from Shivivei Or 382


[1] See Chayei Moharan 91.

[2] In the Hebrew, the word uses is motzavim, which translates more closely to ‘fortified positions’.

[3] Bereishit 6:11, Parshat Noach, describing the state of humanity before the onset of the flood.

[4] Parshat Lech Lecha, 12:6.

[5] See Siach Sarfei Kodesh Part II, 131 – the Rav quotes Rebbe Nachman in Yiddish, with no Hebrew translation. The English translation is a rough paraphrase.

Let’s dive in to the next installment of how the satanic masons subverted the Jewish community….


Background info on SAINT SIMONISM, the masonic-created new ‘religion’ that was meant to replace God with ‘science’ and Isaac Newton / Darwin can be found in these two posts:




SAINT SIMON is linked to a bunch of Portuguese Marranos living in France in the 17th-18th-19th century, who are also linked to the masons, and trying to create a ‘hybrid’ religion where Jews will no longer be persecuted – or, still be ‘Jews’.

Some of those French Marrano-Masons include:


The PEREIRE brothers.

Amongst many others. Click the links to learn more about them, especially how their banking activities intersects with their efforts to ‘create a new religion’ where you worship science and ‘rationalism’ instead of God, God forbid a billion times.


OK, meanwhile, there is another family of Jewish bankers with masonic-Jesuit-royal ties in Europe called the SELIGMANS.

Their descendants include two Jesuit priests – the RATISBONNE BROS – who after converting, join the PRIORY DE SION, and start buying up huge amounts of land in the Holy Land in the mid-1800s,

The RATISBONNEs build a bunch of monasteries and churches in Israel, all with one eye on ‘converting the Jews’.


Meanwhile in the USA, there is another branch of the SELIGMANS of BAVARIA, who also in the mid 1800s go from being ‘poor peddlars’ to almost the richest bankers on Wall Street.

I am certain there are no coincidences here, and that this family of American SELIGMANs are just another branch of that poisonous, Frankist-masonic tree we started digging up back in Europe.


The American SELIGMANs figure large in the book ‘OUR CROWD’, by Stephen Birmingham.

You can get that HERE.


For the purposes of this post, we are going to zoom in on the leader of the family, founder of the family SELIGMAN bank, one:


This guy:


HERE is his Wiki page.

He has a bunch of ‘banker bros’ a la the Rothschilds, and they are all busy selling bonds to pay for the North’s Civil War against the South.

Meanwhile, Joseph has a brother, JESSE SELIGMAN, who just happens to be one of the best friends of one ULYSSES S. GRANT.

Before he becomes head of the army, or the President of the United States.

(Despite being a major alcoholic…)

Funny, how this sort of thing just keeps happening.


Online info is very sparse about JESSE SELIGMAN, who died in 1892.

This article from the JTA, from 1930, may start to shed some light on why that is. It’s entitled:

Document Indicates Jesse Seligman Sought Vatican Aid in Czarist Persecution of Jews


JESSE SELIGMAN was doing this a good 20 years before his fellow ‘Our Crowd-er’. JACOB SCHIFF, decided to finance the Bolshevik Revolution to overthrow the Tzar….


On JOSEPH SELIGMAN’s very sparse Wiki page (this one is the German version, that has a few more details, you would have no real idea what this guy was up to, when he wasn’t becoming the richest American Jewish banker of the 19th century, in New York.

So, we have to turn to page 117 of Our Crowd, to start to understand how JOSEPH SELIGMAN fits into the SAINT SIMONISM picture, of ‘creating a new religion without God’, God forbid.

Here’s what is says.after describing the Seligman’s slide into non-observance, as members of ‘TEMPLE EMANU-EL’ – where that same JACOB SCHIFF was also a member:

“[Joseph] had also met a young man named Felix Adler, a German rabbi’s son, who advanced ideas of a society based on ethics rather than religious piety, which Joseph found interesting.”


JOSEPH SELIGMAN found those ideas so ‘interesting’ that a little while later, on page 124 of ‘Our Crowd’, we learn this:

“[W]ith Felix Adler, [Joseph] had discussed founding the Ethical Culture Society, which Joseph did not think of as a ‘conversion’ from, but perhaps an American substitute for, Old World Judaism.”


It’s there in black and white – the Seligman bankers in NY were also busy trying to replace God and Torah-based Judaism with a new religion.


Here’s the last snippet from Our Crowd, on page 149:

“Under the influence of Felix Adler, Joseph had helped found, and become the president of, the Ethical Cultural Society. Joseph had directed that his funeral services be conducted by the Society.”


Understand something: JOSEPH SELIGMAN, and his banking bros, were at one point the richest Jews in New York.

When people with that much money want to set something up, they have all the resources in the world to make it happen.


Now, let’s take a closer look at this FELIX ADLER, great friend and tempter of JOSEPH SELIGMAN.

HERE is his English Wiki page.

This is his picture – with the same creepy, yucky look you see on the faces of so many of these demonically-possessed masonic Jewish-puppets:

Felix Adler (August 13, 1851 – April 24, 1933) was a German American professor of political and social ethics, rationalist, influential lecturer on euthanasia, religious leader and social reformer who founded the Ethical Culture movement.


Probably, his links to the philosophy of EUTHANASIA (which is just Darwin’s anti-God ‘survival of the fittest’ garbage, repackaged in different pseudo-scientific language) is why you and me have never heard of this guy.

Felix’s father was German Reform rabbi SAMUEL ADLER, the ‘rabbi’ of that same TEMPLE EMMANU-EL. (Apparently founded by exactly 33 German Jews…)

Young Felix was meant to follow in his father’s (Frankist-reform-masonic…) footsteps of trying to destroy Judaism from within via TEMPLE EMMANU-EL, but instead, this happened:

“Adler… was asked to give a sermon at Temple Emanu-El, where he was meant to follow in his father’s footsteps as rabbi of the congregation.

His sermon, “The Judaism of the Future”, shocked the congregation, as he did not once mention God.

Adler introduced his concept of Judaism as a universal religion of morality for all of humankind.

The sermon was his first and last at Temple Emanu-El.


HEL-LO, demonic-masonic SAINT SIMONISM, NY style.


FELIX ADLER was shuffled into an academic career instead, where he could continue developing poisoning the minds of the next generation with his God-less ‘religion’.

But that wasn’t his ‘last’ sermon at TEMPLE EMMANU-EL.

The Wiki page continues:

In 1876, Adler… was invited to give a lecture expanding upon his themes first presented in the sermon at Temple Emanu-El.

On May 15, 1876, he reiterated the need for a religion that united all humankind in moral and social action without the trappings of ritual or creed.

To do away with theology and to unite theistsatheistsagnostics and deists, all in the same religious cause, was a revolutionary idea at the time.

A few weeks after the sermon, Adler started a series of weekly Sunday lectures. In February 1877, aided by Joseph Seligman, president of Temple Emanu-El, Adler incorporated the Society of Ethical Culture.


ADLER died in 1933, just as one A. Hitler was starting to put some his ideas about ‘euthanasia’ into practise, back in Germany.

Ah, ‘deed, and not creed’, Adler’s favorite catch phrase.


You can find a book called A MERCIFUL END by Ian Dowbiggin archived HERE, which describes how Adler’s ‘ethics’ pushed for so-called mercy killings and assisted suicides.


[A]s exemplified by Ethical Culture Society members who supported euthanasia in later years, there was a vital philosophical link between Ethical Culture and mercy killing.


As usual, you have to skip around quite a bit before you start really pinning down how ADLER started the so-called ‘Ethical Culture’ movement, with the backing of Seligman.

HERE is the English Wiki page for the ETHICAL MOVEMENT generally – which credits ADLER for starting the whole thing off, beginning in 1877 in New York.


This is the bit that took my eye:

Functionally, the Ethical Societies are organized in a similar manner to churches or synagogues and are headed by “leaders” as clergy.

Their founders had suspected this would be a successful model for spreading secular morality. As a result, an Ethical Society typically would have Sunday morning meetings, offer moral instruction for children and teens, and do charitable work and social action.


In other words, it was exactly a religion without God.


The family tree for FELIX ADLER is strangely truncated, so no-one knows how he is connected to people the like the Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom, NATHAN MARCUS ADLER.

(Who in turn, descended from JACOB FRANK via one of his ‘missing’ six daughters from his first marriage, to the daughter of SAMUEL CHAIM FALK, the ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London.)

As usual, it’s the same little ‘Our Crowd’ of Frankist-masons, trying to destroy the Jewish community from within for their non-Jewish controllers from the shadows.


As I’m typing this, there are news headlines of ‘a pogrom’ in Amsterdam.

Before you dive head-first in to believing the latest bit of masonic propaganda, take a breath, and remember what Albert Pike wrote to Massini, back in 1870:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other.

‘Nuff said.



Felix Adler was married to one HELEN GOLDMARK.

You can read all about her revolutionary-chemist father, Dr JOSEPH GOLDMARK, HERE.

Meanwhile, Helen’s sister ALICE also married into a very famous family of American Frankists.

Her husband was Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis.


Snippet is from HERE:

Born in 1866 in Brooklyn to Austrian immigrants Dr. Joseph and Regina Goldmark, Alice and her three sisters and one brother were raised in an assimilated Jewish home.

She was sent to a Unitarian Sunday School as a child and later maintained membership in the Unitarian Church while not formally renouncing her Jewish identity.

She married attorney Louis D. Brandeis in 1891.


One day soon, we will deep-dive on the ‘Unitarian Church’, which is not at all what it seems to be.


If we skip to another Goldmark sister’s bio, JOSEPHINE, on the JWA website, we get a few more details that confirm the Frankist link even more strongly.

Snippet from HERE:

Josephine Clara Goldmark was born in Brooklyn, New York, the youngest of ten children and the seventh daughter born to Joseph and Regina (Wehle) Goldmark.

Her father, born in Poland and educated in Vienna, was a scientist, member of the Austrian Parliament, and a supporter of the failed liberal revolution of 1848 who immigrated to the United States when the revolution was repressed.

Her mother’s well-to-do family emigrated from Prague to Madison, Indiana, in 1849.

In 1930, Goldmark wrote a tribute to her parents’ Jewish heritage, their liberal political beliefs, and the close relationship among the Goldmark, Wehle, and Brandeis familiesPilgrims of ’48: One Man’s Part in the Austrian Revolution of 1848 and a Family Migration to America.


LOUIS D BRANDEIS and the Goldmarks were close mishpacha – both descended from the infamous WEHLE family of leading Frankists in Prague.

Gershom Scholem openly wrote about GOTTLIEB WEHLE’s ‘Frankist will’.

And you can read more about the WEHLE Frankists of Prague on the YIVO site, HERE.

Here’s a snippet:

In 1849, Gottlieb Wehle (1802–1881), the great-uncle of Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis and a first cousin of Zacharias Frankel, settled in New York. In his last will, Gottlieb Wehle presented the Sabbatianism of his ancestor as an emancipatory movement of social and moral advance, leading revolution against petrified orthodoxy.



We just uncovered more Freemason-Frankists at work in the Jewish community, in real time.

And we still aren’t done piling up the proof.


Tachlis, this is what we need to be understanding right now, courtesy of Elitzur:


God always loves us.

And it’s going to get even better for us…


Something to watch, while you’re waiting for other shoe to drop:



The video above (shmirat eynayim friendly and short – 7 minutes) is the starting point for understanding how so-called ‘xtian-zionists’ 200 years ago, aligned with the masons, created the political zionism project.

It was created with the goal of finally ‘resolving’ what the European rulers viewed as ‘the Jewish problem’.

I.e. that we still exist as a separate nation, loyal to God and His Torah, and standing in the satanic masons’ way.

They were determined to solve that ‘problem’ one of two ways:

Either the total assimilation and conversion of the Jews.


The dumping of the Jews in a country of their own (= international ghetto) where they could be dealt with discretely, if they refused to ‘convert and assimilate’.


Of course, God used them for His own ends, and of course, the gift of Eretz Yisrael being rehabilitated as a place where Jews can live is the biggest gift for the Jewish people.

But if you want to understand where ‘King Trump’, Edom and the evangelicals really fit into this picture – and how it all links up with the satanic masons trying to destroy God-focused ‘religion’, with some help from the few corrupt Jewish ‘Bros’ that they’ve handpicked to head up their project – this video is a good start.


I am finding it pretty hard to think straight at the mo.

Also, because I have a lot of stuff going on, BH good stuff, but that is taking a lot of time and energy away from writing.

BH, the fog will lift, and I’ll be able to start writing more cogent things again.

But in the meantime – watch this video.


Things are starting to move again.

And staying close to God is the best, and really only, insurance any of us has.



Well, the die is cast, and Trump got back in.

I was telling my husband that was going to happen for months, even though Trump has been acting even more like a moron than usual, the last little while.

(They are openly mocking everyone, who think that ‘voters’ pick presidents, or prime ministers, or anyone else…. It’s all one big show, put on by the Masons.)

While all that is sinking in, let me explain a bit more about why this video is a much-watch, at this point in the Great Game (sequel).


First, take a look at this chapel in Stansted, Sussex, built by LEWIS WAY, the main person being talked about in the video above, in the late 18th century:


In the first one, above, you’ll notice a ton of ‘Masonic’ icons – the eagle with outstretched wings, the black and white chequered floor, the two masonic pillars at the back, flanking that awesome stained glass window, below….

The list goes on and on.

(If you have no idea what I’m talking about, have a look at THIS post that describes more Masonic architecture – and how it’s all linked, mamash, to pagan idolatry.

(Turn the pictures off for that site – it has a couple of images that are not shmirat eynayim friendly.)


And then, we have this:


The awesome stained glass window at the back of LEWIS WAY’s Stansted Chapel.

Notice how the Ineffable Name is acting as the Mason’s ‘all-seeing eye’ in this tableau.

Here’s a snippet about Lewis Way from the Sussex Parish Churches site, HERE:

The Rev Lewis Way (1772-1840) acquired the estate after inheriting £300,000 from John Way, who was no relation, on the basis of their shared name.  With the money, he founded a Hebrew College for the conversion of the Jews who, he believed, should be encouraged to go to Palestine.

He tried vainly to interest Tsar Alexander I of Russia in the project and died, disheartened, in 1840 (see 2 passim), either in Paris or in a lunatic asylum, according to different sources.


In 1812-15 Way built a chapel around the ruins of the old house. 

The architect is unknown, though T Hopper, who worked on the contemporary rebuilding of the house, has been suggested (Clarke papers).


The Prices, in that short video above, explain that LEWIS WAY was actually taken very seriously by Tsar Alexander I, when he told him that getting the Jews ‘restored’ to Eretz Yisrael – and then, getting them converted, or the other way around – would expedite the ‘Second Coming’.

It seems Tsar Alexander I saw himself as something of a ‘Moshiach b’Edom’…..

And he had a whole bunch of Jews under his control…. who he then made earnest efforts to convert, and / or get them to emigrate.


Tsar Alexander I is the guy that the Alter Rebbe of Chabad spied for, and supported openly, in his war against Napoleon.

The Alter Rebbe’s son, Moshe, later converted to xtianity – and became one of the missionaries working for the Russian Tsar to try to convert other Russian Jews.

But he was by no means the only one, nor the only ‘Jewish Rabbi’ with wonderful yichus who became one of the missionaries working for the masonic London Mission, who also played a very big part in what was going on in the Holy Land, at this exact same time.


One more point to note from the video above, is that LEWIS WAY was hanging out with a guy called JOHN NELSON DARBY.

I doubt there are more than two Jews in the whole world who have even heard of him.

HERE is his English Wiki page.

He was one of the founding fathers of the notorious PLYMOUTH BRETHREN.

And he was one of the main missionaries of the ‘evangelical’ ideas that Jews should be returned to Eretz Yisrael, before ‘the Second Coming’ could occur, to communities all over New England.


America did not embrace Darby’s ecclesiology as it did his eschatology, which is still being propagated (in various forms) at such places as Dallas Theological Seminary, and by authors and preachers such as Hal Lindsey and John Hagee.


We’ll stop here for now.

I will tell you more about LEWIS WAY, the LONDON MISSION, the EVANGELICALS – and of course, the masonic plot to create ‘political zionism’ as the tool to destroying organised religion all over the world, very soon.

But if you’re getting excited about the ‘second coming’ of The Donald, or feeling relieved that he’s the next president…. I hate to burst your bubble.

But Trump Part II is probably one of the worst things that could have been unleashed on the world, at least, in the short term.

In the long run, this all turns around for the very, very best – and of course, God is really behind everything.

But it’s no CO-IN-CID-ENCE, that Trump has such strong, public ties to the Evangelicals…. and to Russia…. and to Chabad….


There is really nothing new under the sun.

The fight between the ‘Napoleon’ style masons and the ‘Alexander I’ style masons is continuing on, updated for 2024.

And pretty much the only thing they agree on, is that something has to be done to destroy the orthodox Jewish community, and its commitment to the Torah, and its obedience to God.

One side prefers conversion and assimilation, while the other side prefers physical destruction.

And the only thing stopping them is…. God.

So, keep close to God, and know thy enemy.

Because the destroyers who come dressed as ‘friends’ are the most dangerous of all.




Here’s some of the strange stuff I read on the English Wiki page for the PLYMOUTH BRETHREN:

Dozens of companies with connections to the Exclusive Brethren, now known as the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, were awarded £2.2 billion in UK government COVID-19 contracts from the Department of Health and Social Care.

This included providing personal protective equipment (PPE). Several former members of the church have connections with the Conservative Party, and Members of Parliament previously lobbied for the church to be given UK charitable status by the Charity Commission.


Also, when you look at who else was raised in the ‘Plymouth Brethren’ circle, you get to one ALEISTER CROWLEY.


  • Aleister Crowley – British occultist, was raised in the movement until his father’s death.


Some biographers allege that…[Crowley]… was recruited into a British intelligence agency, further suggesting that he remained a spy throughout his life. In 1898, he joined the esoteric Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, where he was trained in ceremonial magic …

After spending time in Algeria, in 1912 he was initiated into another esoteric order—the German-based Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), in which he rose to become the leader of its British branch…


You’ll recall that the person who re-founded the HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN in the UK in the 18th century is none other than our good friend, SAMUEL CHAIM FALK, aka the ‘Bad Baal Shem’ of London – and Jacob Frank’s first father in law.

It’s all thoroughly satanic.

We’ll stop there for now.

But hopefully, you are starting to realise that all these people are connected going back for generations.

It feels like the whole world is on ‘pause’, waiting to see what happens next.

I’ve been mostly offline the last 48 hours until now, so I’m not coming to tell any chiddushim.

Whatever happens next – all of us have our work cut out for us to stay as close to God as possible.

Personally, I am feeling like I’m kind of ‘floating’ through the day at the moment, it’s been very hard to catch hold of myself, even in hitbodedut, for months and months already….

BH, I hope God is going to help as many of us as possible to get through this, as sweetly as possible.


Someone just sent me the sad news that:

Iranian Jew Arvin Netanel Ghahremani, 20, was executed by the Islamic Republic on Monday.

There has been so much death and bereavement going on this month in the Jewish world, I feel I am kind of going numb to it all, a bit, so I don’t get overwhelmed.

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.

But at least it’s helping me to carry on functioning, day to day.


I feel like on the one hand, I should / need to be doing more – more teshuva, more charity, more prayers, more everything, to try to ‘sweeten’ whatever is going on.

But I also feel like I can’t.

That I’m kind of ‘maxed out’ at the moment, and if I can keep paying my charity – as required by halacha – and keeping doing 3 TKs a day, plus the hour of hitbodedut, however it actually turns out, that’s all I can do right now.

I am relying on God’s mercy, at this point, as a free gift, just because He loves me.


So, as part of my attempts to stay ‘out of the news’ and away from information that a) may just be fake anyway, and b) is certainly inducing more anxiety than I want to be dealing with, even if it’s real – I am continuing to focus on other things.

One of those other things is a mission someone asked me to help out with, to track down someone called:

ORLY BERNSTEIN, 25, who apparently lives in Uman.

(Not for any ‘dodgy’ motivation, for a very nice reason, if we can find her.)


If you have any leads about ORLY BERNSTEIN, please email me or send me a comment, and I won’t publish it.


Second, someone else got given the following prayer from the Rav when they asked for a bracha for their elderly parent fell over and ended up in the hospital the last few days.

As this is literally the third story I have heard in 3 days, of ‘something bad just happened to my parent and now they are in hospital’, I am posting this prayer from the Rav up – BH, it will be a zchut for all our parents – and our loved ones, and ourselves – to stay healthy.

Especially, if we actually take the time to say it.





I’ll be back with more real Jewish history later this week, BH.

While we all sit here, waiting to see which branch of ‘Amalek’ actually gets into the White House, and whether the masonic project to start WW3 in the Middle East really kicks off this week again, with more stage managed ‘rockets from Iran’….

Ah, if only Hulk Hogan would run for President…. now, that’s really a man you can trust to run a country.

[Sarcasm switch: off. Or maybe: on. I don’t even know anymore.]

We only have Hashem to rely on, in the meantime.

As the crazy world continues to feel even more surreal and crazy.


A new Shivivei Or came out.


So, I am back translating some of it for the blog.

The following is part of a shiur the Rav gave on Rabbenu’s Hiloula, the 4th day of Succot.

It is super-interesting – I will be updating this post as we go along, but let’s start with what the Rav actually said:


Excerpts of comments made by Rav Berland on the 4th day Chol Hamoed Succot, 5784: Hiloula of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Devorah [HaNavia] went totally mad.

If I was there, I would have put Valerian in her coffee, believe me.

What are you doing, going to fight with Putin, with Sisera?!

It’s written that with just one cry, Sisera could bring down a wall.[1]

“V’yaza’ak’[2] – he cried out.


It’s written in Likut Shimonei:

With each shout, a wall would fall down.

900 chariots of iron, 900 tanks, 900 MiGs, 900 drones, 900 rockets.


And Devorah said: I am not afraid of anything. So, who’s going with me? Who are the crazy people who are going to come with me?

It’s written[3]:

“[Why did you remain sitting at the borders to hear the bleatings of the flocks?] The indecision of Reuven demands great investigation.”

Reuven made out as though he was going to go [with Devorah].

Asher ran away – “But Asher [lived by the shores of the sea and] remained…”

And Dan boarded boats.


Denia (the Hebrew word for Denmark) – they say this is the Tribe of Dan.

There is a tradition by the Danish, that they come from the Tribe of Dan, that they crossed the whole Meditarranean Sea, and went around England by way of the English Channel.

They got to Denmark, this is the Tribe of Dan.

And so, only the Danish saved the Jews [during WW2], only the Danish, and Albania, and Boris II [III], King of Bulgaria, saved the Jews.


He said to Hitler: Wait for me, another month or two.

So Hitler saw that he wasn’t listening to him, so he put poison in his food, and he died after two months. Two months after he’d been by Hitler, he passed away – Boris II [III].

And he’s remembered in the book ‘The wagons returned empty’, all the wagon cars arrived.[4]

Translated from Shivivei Or, 381.



[1] See Yalkut Shimonei, Shoftim, Chapter 4, the note to verse 43.

[2] Shoftim, 4:13: “V’yaza’ak Sisera et kol rickvo, 900 rechev barzel”. The usual translation of ‘v’yaza’ak’ is to shout, or cry out, but Artscroll translates this verse like this: “Sisera mustered all his chariots – 900 iron chariots….”

[3] Shoftim 5:16.

[4] The note in Shivivei Or suggests this means that all the trains sent to collect the Jews from Bulgaria to take them to death camps during the time of Boris III were sent back empty.


As usual with the Rav, even the smallest remarks require a lot ‘unpacking’, to see what clues we’re being given about ‘real history’.

So, I started looking up about the Bulgarian “King Boris II”, who apparently got poisoned by Hitler, for refusing to join the Reich, and keeping his Jews safe for the first four years of the war.

Except – it seemed the Rav had make a mistake, and that was actually Bulgarian ‘King Boris III’.


You can read all about how he really was poisoned in 1943 – and still today, no-one knows who really did it, or why – here:

King Boris III of Bulgaria – on the Warfare History Network


Already, even before the king’s death, the doctors were discussing among themselves the possibility of poisoning, not heart disease. After three days of illness, the first public bulletin about the king’s malady was released.

Immediately, the people blamed Boris’s condition on his last trip to see the Fuhrer, although no one but his most trusted advisors knew what had transpired at Rastenburg.


Strangely, the slug for this piece appears as ‘King Boris II of Bulgaria’….

So, I went to look up more about ‘King Boris II’ of Bulgaria, just to see what was going on with that.

HERE is the standard Wiki page for ‘Boris II’ of Bulgaria.

He apparently lived 1,000 years ago, and was engaged in a war with the Byzantine Empire (which later continued on by ‘morphing’ into the Greek Orthodox Church branch of catholicism.)


I’m scrolling down, when this following paragraph caught my eye:

Although the ceremony in 971 had been intended as a symbolic termination of the Bulgarian empire, the Byzantines were unable to assert their control over the western provinces of Bulgaria.

These remained under the rule of their own governors, and especially of a noble family led by four brothers called the Kometopouloi (i.e., “the sons of the Count”), named DavidMosesAron, and Samuel. The movement was regarded as a “revolt” by the Byzantine emperor, but it apparently saw itself as a sort of regency for the captive Boris II.

As they began to raid neighboring territories under Byzantine rule, the Byzantine government resorted to a stratagem intended to compromise the leadership of this “revolt”. 


I am willing to bet that this family of ‘David, Moses, Aron and Samuel’ who ruled Bulgaria on behalf of King Boris II are Jews.

I am leaving this here for now, but BH, if I have time, I want to try and track down more about this family – feel free to join me!

If you find out anything interesting, let me know in the comments or via email.

There is nothing new under the sun…. and just as ‘Edom’ was trying to destroy Bulgaria’s independence and its Jews under Boris III, seems as though something very similar was occurring 1,000 years earlier, with Boris II on the throne….


Even the Rav’s seeming ‘mistakes’ are just clues to start unlocking so many mysteries and secrets.

Ashrenu, that we have a Rav like this in our generation.



So, one of the interesting things I learned about ‘Samuel the Tzar of Bulgaria’ and his family, is that they seem to be connected into that strange Gnostic / Armenian ‘Hebrew-Xtian’ matrix, that seems to have been causing the real Jews so many problems, for at least 2,000 years.

We’re back to that whole discussion of ‘who is a Jew, really?’

Is it enough, to have Jewish genes, and Jewish descent, but to be worshipping idols – or ‘Lucifer’ – for centuries, and to still be ‘Jewish’?

Or does a genetic Jew stop being a Jew, if they and their ancestors spent the last few centuries literally creating and leading religions that are ‘anti’ God, and anti God’s Torah?

Even if they still have fantastic yichus?


This question is not rhetorical, I really don’t know.

And it’s still VERY current, as the Conversos have been mixed up in subjugating and corrupting the Jewish community from within (and also, from without….) for 500 years – and it’s still happening today.


In the meantime, I took a closer look at ‘Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria’, the maybe-regent of King Boris II, who was fighting the Byzantine empire for 40 years.

His son and successor is called GAVRIL RADOMIR of Bulgaria.

(Yes, he’s called GAVRIEL… another ‘Bulgarian’ name. Not.)

Here’s the snippet from his Wiki that caught my eye:

“Some sources connect Gavril Radomir with the medieval dualist sect, Bogomilism, a popular heretic movement that flourished in the Bulgarian region of Kutmichevitsa during his and his father’s reign.”


The BOGOMILS connect us straight back to JACOB FRANK – and a bunch of the other satanic secret societies dressed up as ‘alternative xtianity’, 250 years ago.

Here’s part of why that is interesting, headline from the GreekReporter site HERE:

Bogomils: The Christian Sect That Believed Satan Was Jesus’ Brother


Another snippet:

Gnosticism and Dualism

Bogomils were dualists and Gnostics. They believed in two creators, the God of Heaven and one of the Earth, Satanael. They also believed that man’s body was created by Satanael and his soul by God.

In other words, Heaven belongs to God and Earth to Satan. They believed that Satan was the eldest son of God and referred to him as Satanael.


They were ‘anti’ formal religion, anti the Catholic and Orthodox Churches – and also ‘anti’ the so-called ‘Old Testament’.

And here’s some more of why the Bogomils are interesting (from here):

Bogomils practiced a spiritual lifestyle related to that of the Catharism, considered a dangerous heresy for its radical egalitarianism of class, gender and sexuality. Frank appropriates Bogomil ideas of non-monogamy and non-heteronormativity, but enforces them through the hierarchy of his position as Messiah…


As always, this post could continue for another 4 million years.

But, the bottom line is that ‘Jacob Frank’ got at least some of his ideas from a visit to the Bogomils.

And it’s at least possible, that Frank and the Bogomils actually represented two streams of the same toxic stream that had been trying to ‘erode’ yiddishkeit for at least 2,000 years.

And the Bogomil stream seems to have begun under those Gnostic-Armenian ‘Hebrew Xtians’ with Hebrew names, who ruled Bulgaria 1,000 years back.

This week, Valencia in Spain got inundated with the heaviest rains in 30 years.


One of the Telegram channels I regularly check – and have been doing that, since the beginning of the plandemic – is La Quinta Columa, the Spanish researchers who have put so many bits of the puzzle together on the GO in the shots – and everywhere else.

They have crazy videos on their channel of the flooding in Spain, that has so far killed 158+ people and washed away thousands of cars, as rivers of muddy surge water roared through the streets.

Here’s one video, to give you a flavor of what’s happened there:


And here is another video, showing the giant hailstones that fell, and some of the damage they did to the cars they smashed into:


The bit that no-one except La Quinta Columna is telling people, publically, is this bit:

During the government of Ximo Puig, [they] destroyed more than 30 dams in the Valencian community, which served to channel, contain, and impound the water. 


When you take the time to scratch, even just a little, beneath ‘the official story’, you start to understand that this disaster wasn’t caused by ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’.

It was caused by Spain’s government deliberately destroying the dams that would have prevented this fatal flooding from occurring.

The question is: why would they do that?


Meanwhile, other fatal floods are happening all over the world at the moment.

Two months’ worth of rain just fell overnight in the Phillippines, thanks to Storm Trami.

Which then also dumped 17 inches of rain on Vietnam, too.

Meanwhile, the Western Coast of the USA got hit by an unusual 6.0 earthquake, centred close to Oregon.


Earthquake forecaster DutchSinse has been mostly taken off line at the moment.

But he put something up for the first time in a month, about this unusual earthquake off the coast of Oregon:


It doesn’t matter where you live at the moment, life is feeling quite uncertain (with great British understatement….)

Most of us can feel that there is a battle raging between the forces of good and evil – and every major politician you can think of is firmly in the pocket of the ‘forces of evil’.

Make no mistake about that.

No-one gets to run a country today, anywhere in the world, unless they are a Bro in some masonic-satanic secret society, who is being controlled like a puppet, from the shadows at the back of the stage.

And that includes Trump.


Dear reader, I have so much new information opening up about who is really behind the mess our world is in.

I am planning to start sharing it, from the bottom-up, so more of us start to understand just how many lies we’ve been told, especially about the true purpose of the ‘political zionism’ project.

But in the meantime, and despite all the losses and pain we’ve endured as a people – not just recently, but over the last couple of centuries, in particular – I want to underline that God loves us, and is with us.

And right now, is still doing so many open miracles for us.


My husband told me he watched a video of a rocket falling into Nahariya, near their bridge there, that literally exploded itself 10 metres before making impact.



Here’s a link to the video – apparently, it was a drone that exploded, when it hit one of the ‘strings’ of the bridge:שגיא-שמחון-913bb193_new-interceptor-technology-from-israel-the-activity-7256978055418523648-BDRm


And so many of yesterday’s casualties in the rocket attacks in the North Israel were not Jewish. Even though every loss of innocent life is to be grieved, and not celebrated, let’s open up our eyes, and see that the Guardian of Israel doesn’t sleep and doesn’t slumber – even right now.

Especially right now.


So, there is no yeoush in the world, even though the Evils seem to be pulling all the stops out this week to up the chaos and destruction, worldwide.

I think it’s sign of desperation.

The timer has nearly run out on them.

So hang on, hold on – and just keep going with the prayers, the teshuva and especially, the kindnesses to other people.

All this turns around in the blink of the eye – for the very best.



Here’s a couple more links, about the project to remove thousands of dams across Europe, but also the rest of the world, in the name of ‘preventing climate change’:


According to this site, ‘Dam Removal Europe‘, they’ve already dynamited 8,146 dams in Europe alone.

And they are still going.


Meantime, HERE is a firsthand account of a ‘survivor’ from the Valencia floods (google translate the Spanish).

The death toll is already at 276, but is probably going to carry on climbing.

Here’s the snippet that caught my eye:

Finally, I want to make something very clear: NO Valencian knew what was to come.

NO one warned us of the seriousness of the matter and so we carried on going about our business. When the flood came, we were almost all in the streets.

The people who died were KILLED, and the politicians must pay for this.


Basically, same as happened in the USA in places like North Carolina, in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, where the government didn’t just ‘not help’ the citizens, it was actively working to stop volunteers organising to help the survivors – the same thing is happening in Valencia.

‘Man-made climate change’ is a real thing, don’t you know.

And it’s taking a huge amount of international co-ordination at the political level and military ‘hi-tech’, to get that particular ball rolling…..


Look at what was apparently floating off the coast of Valencia, shortly before the heavy rains began:


♬ sonido original – Rosi


We only have God to rely on.

I’d love to share the video of this with you – but I can’t.

The Rav’s persecutors have made sure that pretty much every single video associated with the Rav, or Shuvu Banim, in any way, has been removed from Youtube.

So instead, go to the site HERE, and you’ll see the post from many years ago, that used to hold the video.

BH, key parts of what the Rav said then were transcribed, and also translated into English.

I’ll bring some of that stuff below.


Before I do that, however, I want to highlight this bit of that very old post, on the site:

“Note: This event really ticked off the Israeli government and immediately following the event they sought to silence the Rabbi by publishing false accusations in the Israeli media and then seeking to “question” him which in Israel means guilty until proven innocent, and like many before him he can sit in jail for years until and if through the tough bureaucracy his innocence is allowed to be proven.

Smartly he chose to leave the country before this could happen. But Israel does not give up quickly and they are chasing him around the world as if this peace supporter is the most dangerous person in the world.”



When I first read this, a decade ago, it seemed super far-fetched to me, that Rav Berland calling for peace in the Middle East would have sparked off the massive wave of State-sponsored persecution against him, that has continued unabated, ever since.

But these days?

After everything that is going on here, after uncovering the evidence that the masons want ‘WW3’ to begin dafka here in the failed State, and have been planning the ‘political zionism’ project for two centuries (at least….)


Let’s just say, it’s sounding way, way more credible to me, that a leading rabbi who was calling for peace – real peace, not ‘Miss World wants world peace’ stuff – could be viewed as such a threat to the Evils who are running the show from behind the scenes.


Here’s some snippets from what the Rav said in front of thousands of people, at the Winter Stadium in Tel Aviv in, June, 2012:

“The Talmud teaches us that we need to do acts of kindness to Arabs, it does not matter what kind of Arab it is!

Other than a terrorist we need to help and assist every single Arab in every way possible; with money, with encouragement, in every way possible, even to split the sea for him!

All the more so when we see the horrible massacre that is happening two hours from here [in Syria], right under our noses! And the entire world is silent!

Kofi Annan says we’ll take Ahmadinejad to make peace! He will stop the terrible massacre! This past Thursday 170 children were killed, two days ago 107 children, everyday they are slaughtering right under our noses, and Kofi Annan says, “We’ll take Ahmadinejad”! He will make peace! He who creates all the weapons of mass destruction! He will make peace!


What have we come to?!

What kind of merciless world have we come to?! The Nations of the world are silent.

And we the Israelite Nation, the Nation of Justice, Nation of Conscience, Nation of Fairness, The Israelite Nation is the conscience of the entire world!

The entire world lifts up their eyes to the Israelite Nation, the entire world believes in the Israelite Nation, the entire world knows that the Israelite Nation will bring the redemption, only the Israelite Nation will bring the Moshiach!

And now at this peace rally we need to come out with a strong objection to the entire world and demand immediate intervention in Syria, to stop the horrible massacre, to stop the terrible slaughtering by the Shabiha cult and the entire military, and to stand at the side of these unfortunate forlorn people.


It does not matter if they are Ishmaelite’s and it does not matter if afterwards terrorists will rise up from there, our first priority is to save the unfortunate children, the infants, the women, this is the first mission that the Nation of Israel must place before themselves.

“Beloved is man for he was created in Gods image”, every person is in the image of God!

There is no difference between Jew and Non-Jew! Everyone is in Gods image! Every person is composed of sparks of godliness! God created them all! All of mankind! 7 billion people – They are all the same!

For “Beloved is man who was created in Gods image”, and it doesn’t just say “beloved”, it says

“Excessive affection is deserving to man since he was created in Gods image”, this saying from the Ethics of our Fathers is said about all the nations of the world! 



When I first heard these words more than 10 years ago, they really stuck in my craw.

After decades of masonic-media brainwashing that the only good Ishmaelite is a dead Ishmaelite, and in the middle of the ‘stabbing intifada’ in Israel, I really didn’t know what to make of what the Rav was saying, here.

Now, the more of the onion we peel back on ‘real Jewish history’, the more it’s obvious that the real enemy of the Jewish people is Edom.

There is still so much to learn and share about the subject of what really happened here in the Middle East, before the creation of ‘political zionism’, but the long story short is that the Edomite-satanic-‘xtian’-masons set things up deliberately, right from the start, to use the Jews as their ‘tool’ to control the Middle East – and exploit it’s immense natural resources for themselves.


Even today, so much of this ‘war’ is simply about who gets to exploit the oil fields and gas reserves up in the Golan, and offshore.

And that exploitation won’t be done for the good of either the Jews, or the Arabs.

It will simply be the same super small group of satanic masons who benefit, while their bought-and-paid for ‘political puppets’ try to fool the rest of us that government is being run for our benefit, and that ‘democracy’ means we have a say, and a choice.


Do you know why people used to worship ‘the Moloch’?

Why people would willingly tithe every tenth child, to be burnt on its altar?

Because they thought that’s how they were guaranteeing their peace, security and economic prosperity.

God created the world with free choice, so ‘worshipping the Moloch’, or ‘worshipping the Ba’al’  seemed to work, to solve people’s problems.


Let’s imagine how one of those ‘conversations’ between Moloch-worshippers and people who really believe in God might have gone, circa 2024 BCE:

Uh oh, Shmuel, the Midianites are threatening us again on the Northern border!!!

Dan, it’s all because you are just sitting there and learning your Torah all day, instead of sharing the burden and sending one of your kids to get burnt for the Moloch!!!

Don’t you know, Dan, you have to do some hishtadlooot?!

That you can’t just sit there all day learning Torah, guarding your eyes and praying, and expect that God is going to come and save you from our enemies!!!

Now, I’ve sent three of my kids to pass through the firing-range for the Moloch – I got a discount with one of them, they just chopped off his leg and burnt it – but enough is enough!!! I’ve sacrificed so much for you, my Torah-obsessed neighbor, three of my children!!!

And now, it’s your turn, Dan!!!

Come and do your part, to protect the nation!!! Stop all that ridiculous praying and Torah learning, and come burn your kid for the Moloch!!!

It’s the least you could do….



There is nothing new under the sun.

Yesterday, we worshipped the Moloch and the Baal, and we were so sure, so convinced, that we had to do that hishtadlooot, to get enough to eat, the crops to grow, and our borders protected.

And today – we worship the IDF.

We tell ourselves stories that without the soldiers, there would be nothing to protect the State of Israel from its enemies!

Without going to the IDF, there’s no way my kid could get a good job, and be able to support his family!

If we don’t continue to sacrifice our children on the altar of the Moloch – things just can’t turn around for us, any other way!!!




Deep, deep sigh.

To be clear, if God decides to wage war, on God’s terms, and we are told that by a bona fide ‘prophet’ – great! I’m all for milchemet mitzvah!

I am also totally all for people defending their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones, anyway they can, including with weapons, when they are being directly threatened.

But that’s not what is going on here.

There is no justification to keep sending our holy sons, brothers and fathers into booby-trapped buildings – 4 and 5 times over, into the exact same booby-trapped building – whilst refusing to even do minimum safety checks with drones and sniffer dogs.


Committing suicide is not a Jewish value.

It’s not something the Torah agrees with on any level.

But yes, sure, it’s something that forms the basis of the pagan ‘religions’ that glorified human sacrifice as they only way to pacify ‘the gods’.


Here’s the last thing I wanted to share with you, in this post, to clarify a bit more Rav Berland’s view of war.

It’s also from that same talk he gave at the Winter Stadium, 14 years ago, just before the failed State tried to shut him up permanently.

Throw away all instruments of war!

Throw away all your weapons! Begin singing! Just sing!” So Jehoshaphat said to them “If you believe in the words of the Prophet then you can win over all of your enemies only through song and music”.

Because all of our victories and all of the wars that we won through the use of weapons are not considered “victories”!

Any war that is won through weapons is not eternal, they also have weapons, they have the atom bomb, one day everything can turn around.

“Victory” is only what we win through the power of song and music which awakens the Jewish spark in every nation in every gentile, in every single Arab, for there does not exist an Arab or gentile that does not have within him a Jewish spark.

We just need to arouse that spark then automatically there will be peace in the entire world!

Then “The wolf will live with the sheep and the leopard will lie down with the goat; the calf, the lion and the sheep will walk together and a young child will lead them, a cow and bear will graze together, and an infant will play by a viper’s hole” (Isaiah 11:6).”


The Rav has said clearly, very recently, that we are going to get to a stage where ‘the war’ is going to be fought only and solely by God, and His anointed Moshiach.

And that even if the IDF would want to fight, it’s not going to be able to.

Between now and then, it looks like a bunch more people are going to sadly end up being killed, fighting on behalf of the Moloch.

There is no point arguing.

So just pray, pray, and pray some more, for God to protect all of us, and especially, the soldiers being sent to their deaths – pointlessly.


If other people want to carry on sacrificing their children to the Moloch, that’s up to them. But keep yourselves and your loved ones out of it.

And stick to learning Torah, doing kindnesses, and trying to serve Hashem with everything you’ve got.

That’s the only real hishtadloossss to be done here.

Until Moshiach finally shows up.


Rav Berland’s Prayer for the Protection and Defense of Israeli Soldiers


English translation:

Ribonu shel Olam, Who can do anything, please have mercy, and please save our brothers, the Children of Israel, the people in the army.

Who are sacrificing themselves every moment and every second, in order to protect Am Yisrael, and who are casting their souls before them, and who are fighting until their very last drop of blood, with all their heart and soul –

With all of their nefesh, ruach, neshama, chaya and yehida[1].

With all of their 248 limbs and 365 sinews, for the success of Am Yisrael.

And so, rescue them from every trouble and precipice.

From every injury and disease.

And send [them] blessing and success in all their actions.

And forgive them for their sins and transgressions.


And in the merit of this – their self-sacrifice, at every moment and every second – save them from every enemy, adversary[2] and accuser, and nullify every [spiritual] accuser against them.

And in the merit of there self-sacrifice, there will be real, total teshuva from love.

And give them the merit of keeping Shabbat, and to don tzitzit and tefillin, and to perform all 613 mitzvot, from true love.

And to see Hashem face-to-face, at every moment and every second.

And they should know Hashem, Who is rescuing them every moment and second, from every trouble and precipice, and from every injury and illness, from every adversary and terrorist, and from every accuser.


And Hashem Yitbarach, out of His love for Am Yisrael, forgives and pardons, until every last one will return to Him in real, complete teshuva.

And they will merit to build a beit ne’eman (Jewish home), for all the generations.



My friend’s son is in the army.

He went to Rav Berland yesterday for a bracha, and got given this prayer, written by the Rav. My friend asked if I could publicise it – and I am very happy to do that.

The Hebrew may be a little less ‘clear’, because it’s a screenshot of the picture she sent me, whereas usually I have the hard copy of the prayer here, and I scan it in, to make it as ‘clear’ as possible.


One of the two Telegram channels (and by far the best one…) that I still look at is Kipaadu (Little Red Riding Hood, in Hebrew).

She just posted this up.



The basic idea is for people to tell anyone they have in the army to refuse to enter a house that hasn’t first at least been ‘scanned’ by a drone, to identify explosives.

She is saying that the soldiers who are insisting on this oh-so-basic measure are NOT being ‘exploded’ en masse, when they enter a booby-trapped building, either in Gaza or Lebanon.

And the soldiers who are not insisting on this oh-so-basic measure – are coming back crippled, or in coffins.

May God avenge their blood, and protect all the soldiers.

And especially, the soldiers who were raised in the dati leumi cult of the ‘holy State’, where it was made the biggest mitzvah to pass your child through the ‘firing range’ of Moloch.


In the meantime, one of my friends was telling me about a first-hand PTSD story of a soldier back from Gaza.

His job in the army is to operate a bulldozer.

Let’s assume every single person in Gaza is the most evil terrorist on the face of the planet, for the sake of argument. Let’s assume, purely for the sake of argument, that this really is a milchemet mitzvah, a holy war.

This poor guy was commanded to ‘bulldoze’ an area which contained human remains. I’m assuming they were already dead, but who knows, at this point.

Everything spurted out, my friend told me, apologetically.

Now the guy is so traumatised, he can’t touch meat. And he just keeps thinking about it.


This story is true.

It doesn’t fit the ‘heroic’ picture of milchemet mitzvah, does it?

It doesn’t sound like the sort of thing anyone would want their child to be doing, even for ‘holy’ reasons.

Does it?

What a terrible desecration of the human body, created in the image of Hashem.

Even if it really is just the worst terrorists in the world, getting this treatment.


So, we know the dati leumi brainwashing is a very hard nut to crack.

We can thank ACHVA Bro Rav Kook, for setting up a whole theology that turned ‘the State’ into an idol to worship, mamash, and for blowing new life into the idolatrous notion of ‘passing your child through fire’ for Moloch.

Ah, I meant ‘for the State’. Woopsie…

We can’t argue with people who see that 64 soldiers were killed in battle in October alone – and are still encouraging their family members to pull on their uniforms to go and fight in this milchemet mitzvah.

We still can’t broach the idea that GUNS was never the answer, the solution, to staying secure in Eretz Yisrael, and that we should have been putting all our eggs in the basket labelled ‘GOD’ – right from the start.

But we can, and absolutely must, still pray for the soldiers.


We can send this prayer around to everyone we know, and we can encourage people to turn to God to protect their children and fathers and brothers in the army.

And we can stop buying into the idea that ‘the army is what is protecting us here in Israel’.

Because it’s God Who is protecting us.

And the people who need the most protection of all, at this point, are our soldiers.


Last thing, I got an update on the Rav’s Torah Scroll.

The Rav said a year ago, that once that Torah scroll is completed, this horrendous, pointless, bloody ‘show’ war will stop.

They now have three scribes working on the project full time, and a deadline of completion of Tevet 23, 5785 (January 23, 2025).

Like you, I wish that date was today’s….

But at least the end is in sight now: JANUARY 23, 2025.


They have raised 82% of the money required, but there is still 18% to go.

I know we are all totally skint at the moment, post-chagim, but the sooner the Torah scroll is written, the faster the war ends.

So, take whatever money you can spare – and everyone is still obligated to give 10% of whatever income they DO have to charity, even if they are destitute – and consider donating it as a pidyon for yourself, your loved ones – and especially, the people you care about who are at risk of being blown to pieces in Gaza and Lebanon.

(I know, I should have said ‘killed in the fighting’, but actually, that’s really not what is happening. The soldiers being killed are mostly being blown up, because our own army is refusing to secure booby-trapped buildings with drones and dogs, before sending our precious men in. How do the ‘normies’ explain this? How can they explain this?)


Here are the details – they are suggested amounts, but feel free to give whatever you can.

Every cent helps.

Every cent creates another angel, another zchut, for the person, the people, who it’s being donated for.

And every cent brings us nearer to this awful war finally being concluded.


The Rav’s Sefer Torah dedication pages:



Anything smaller



[1] The five levels of soul.

[2] The Hebrew word is ‘mastin’ – I am translating this as ‘mocker’, but happy to stand corrected, if someone out there has a better idea of what it might mean.


PS: If you want to see how bad the brainwashing for the death cult of ‘the State / Moloch’ really is in the Dati Leumi world, take a look at the RationalistJudaism Substack, HERE.

As usual, it’s full of one-sided propaganda about ‘Rosh Yeshivas speaking out’ – in favor of more poor Jews being sent to their deaths, and totally devoid of any deeper analysis, or ‘balanced reasoning’ about what is really wrong with this war, and the IDF – and the whole failed State.

And hey, Slifkin, maybe did you miss the article by the R ELIYAHU ZINI, the head of the Haifa Hesder Yeshiva, explaining very clearly how the army is sending hundreds of our soldiers to their deaths, pointlessly?

Here it is again:


There’s one comment on the ‘RationalistJudaism’ site, that may be from a real ‘dati leumi’ woman called ChanaRachel, or that may just be more ‘influencers’ working to keep the brainwashing in place, that was particularly awesome, in just how ‘deranged’ it is.



Come again?!

Last I heard, this war is being directed by the Government and the Chief of Staff, not the chareidim.

It’s the State who is ‘destroying too many Jewish families’.

And this comment is coming perilously close to the blood libels of olde, where the Joooooos were being blamed for everything that was wrong in gentile society.

Except the Joooooos in our failed State are now labelled ‘chareidim’ – at least, in the brainwashed dati leumi world, where sending more chareidim to get pointlessly slaughtered is being touted as ‘the solution’ to what’s going on here.



BH, God should open our eyes to what is really going on here.

And we should stop all the ‘hate’, all the sinat chinam – and all the blame games, looking for ‘chareidi scapegoats’ to try and make ourselves feel better about the terrible situation that is going on here.
