Six years ago, the Rav made a lot of statements about Napoleon, and his attempts to destroy the Jews via ‘assimilation and emancipation’.
I.e., turning the God-fearing Jew into a ‘Jewish goy’, indistinguishable from all the other nations of the world.
Here’s is a little of what he said, to be found in the book Conversations I (click HERE for the PDF, or you can do something shocking, – to me, at least – and actually buy a hard copy HERE).
This comes from the chapter entitled ILLUMINATI:
‘Napoleon’ comes from the word ‘napol’ / ‘tipol’ (he will fall). The wise ones said that he would fall: ‘Napol’ tipol’, so they went up anyway, to Eretz Yisrael.
But, Rav Naftali from Ropshitz[1] said only when they are up to their knees in blood will they return to Eretz Yisrael. This was also in Russia, it happened during the Holocaust. They thought that Napoleon would kill all the Jews, he simply didn’t stop, he said ok, he’ll kill all the Jews.
He reconstituted the Sanhedrin – on Shabbat, but no one came, apart from the Reform.
He said, Reform aren’t Jews. He didn’t need the Reform Jews, so he had no choice and he opened the Sanhedrin on a weekday. And then there was David Zinzheim who was the Rav of Paris, he was head of the Rabbanim.
The Rabbanut of Italy said this was a case of pikuach nefesh (a matter of life and death) so it should be permitted to travel on Shabbat.
Rav Zinzheim said, ‘no such thing, – so there shouldn’t be a Sanhedrin.’ The Reform came and Napoleon said, ‘I’m not making a Sanhedrin with Reform, Reform aren’t Jews at all.’
So he Napoleon said there to the Sanhedrin, ‘Who are you loyal to, to Eretz Yisrael, or to France?’
They replied ‘We are loyal to France’. Napoleon said ‘So do something then which goes against Torah!’ Rav David said, it’s not possible to go against the Torah.
If it’s pikuach nefesh, then it’s permitted, but if it’s not pikuach nefesh then it’s forbidden for you to make make laws against us.
This answer found favour in the eyes of Napoleon. He opened the Sanhedrin on Wednesday or Tuesday, and there were something like ten rows, all the Rabbis, there in the Sanhedrin.
And then there was the ‘autonomy’. It’s not known if he wrote this himself, or if someone else wrote it, that he would give the Jews ‘autonomy’ self determination to govern themselves, on condition that they would help him to conquer, but the Jews didn’t help him.
This was a miracle, because if the Jews would have helped him, they the Turks would have killed all the Jews – because the Turks re-conquered Eretz Yisrael, and if the Jews would have helped him they would have had to flee.
Ad kan, from the Rav, from 2018.
Last week, I spent a few quiet hours reading through a book about the freemason-Napoleon’s ‘Great Sanhedrin’, which shed a bunch of very useful light, on how the masons used ‘emancipation’ as one of their main tools, to destroy the Jewish attachment to God and His Torah.
We’ll get to that in a moment.
Before we do, let’s first unpack what the Rav said in his comments from 2018, because there’s a few things to notice.
[Napoleon] reconstituted the Sanhedrin – on Shabbat, but no one came, apart from the Reform.
First, the masons tried to ‘reform’ Judaism overtly, by convening a ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ with 71 ‘rabbis’ (or pseudo-rabbis).
On the one hand, this ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ was meant to have the appearance of being a ‘kosher’ vehicle for reformulating the practise of Judaism.
But then, when it became obvious that it was peopled almost exclusively by ‘rabbis’ who were very, very far from orthodox observance, the masons realised that their ‘Great Sanhedrin’ wouldn’t be taken seriously by the majority of observant Jews they were trying to influence.
The Rabbanut of Italy said this was a case of pikuach nefesh (a matter of life and death) so it should be permitted to travel on Shabbat.
Italy was heavily represented at this ‘Great Sanhedrin’, and the Italian ‘rabbis’ who attended were mostly from Leghorn / Livorno[2] – that bastion of early Freemasonry in the Jewish community.
Meanwhile, most of the balance of Napoleon’s Sanhedrin was made up of those same formerly Portuguese-Marranos who’d found a new home in France.
These former ‘crypto Jews’ were heavily invested in trying to ‘reformulate’ Judaism so they could identify as a Jew without being persecuted by the Inquisition.
But also, without actually having to keep the Torah’s laws.
Notice the main argument these reform-masons were making, to try and break the Jewish adherence to Torah law, and particularly the observance of Shabbat: pikuach nefesh.
We’ll flesh this out more in a moment, and its relevance to whether it’s actually permissible for Jewish soldiers to be breaking Shabbat when there is no immediate danger to life.
So, Napoleon needed a serious Ashkenazi ‘rabbi’ to participate in his Grand Sanhedrin, who would be able to convince the masses that it was actually kosher, after all.
And that it’s decisions were binding on the whole of the Jewish world.
That job was given to JOSEPH DAVID SINZHEIM, this guy:
We’ll come back to the funny hat another time.
Nothing is random, in this sketch commissioned by the French masons to ‘promote’ their Sanhedrin.
So, in the Rav’s comments from 2018, here’s what happens next:
Rav Zinzheim said, ‘no such thing, – so there shouldn’t be a Sanhedrin.’ The Reform came and Napoleon said, ‘I’m not making a Sanhedrin with Reform, Reform aren’t Jews at all.’
Explanation: they realised they were looking and acting too ‘reform’ to be taken seriously by the wider Jewish community, and that they had to pay some lip service to pretending to observe the Torah.
And that’s where SINZHEIM came in.
He wasn’t ‘reform’….
And modern historians apparently know that, because the great CHATAM SOFER gave his funeral oration.
Where he compares Sinzheim to ‘Joseph in the palace of Pharoah’.
(This is the same rent-a-psak CHATAM SOFER who was working for the Dutch financier of the Old Yishuv, TZVI HIRSH LEHREN[3]; and who also has a bunch of Spanish catholics in his direct family tree, whose son sat in the Austrian parliament, and whose students were amongst the very first people to buy big tracts of land in Eretz Israel – and also to marry in to known Sabbatean families, especially from Hebron.)
So, SINZHEIM gives the much-needed appearance of ‘orthodoxy’ to Napoleon’s Sanhedrin – and then turns around and sanctions exactly the same argument made by the Italian reform-masons.
Like this:
Rav David said, it’s not possible to go against the Torah.
If it’s pikuach nefesh, then it’s permitted, but if it’s not pikuach nefesh then it’s forbidden for you to make make laws against us.
This answer found favour in the eyes of Napoleon.
OK, so why do we care what happened at that Sanhedrin over 200 years ago?
The answer to that question can be found in a book called LE GRAND SANHEDRIN DE NAPOLEON written by French historian BERNHARD BLUMENKRANZ.
Let’s set out some headline information, paraphrased from the French original:
- (Pg 11) – It’s likely that the original idea to reconstitute a ‘Grand Sanhedrin’ came from one of two Jews, either the Portuguese-Marrano ABRAHAM FURTADO (1756-1817) or the German Frankist-reformer, ISRAEL JACOBSON[4].
Here are their pictures – notice they are both clean-shaven:
ABRAHAM FURTADO, ‘President’ of the Grand Sanhedrin, aka ‘L’assemblee des Notables Juifs’:
Snippet from HERE:
Developing a belief in egalitarian and religious pluralism in education, he established (1801) in Seesen, near the Harz Mountains, a school in which forty children of Jewish parents and twenty children of Christian parents were to be educated together, receiving free board and lodging.
This close association of children of different creeds was a favorite idea of his….
When, under Napoleon’s rule, the Kingdom of Westphalia was created, and the emperor’s brother Jérôme Bonaparte was placed at its head, Jacobson…was appointed president of the Jewish consistory (Royal Westphalian Consistory of the Israelites ), established on 3 March 1808.
In his capacity as consistorial president, assisted by a board of officers, he did his best to exercise a reforming influence upon the various congregations of the country.
He also advocated a seminary for the training of Jewish teachers
While ISRAEL JACOBSON’s family tree appears to have been thoroughly scrubbed (maybe, we’ll take a closer look at him another time) FURTADO links us immediately back to that network of SAINT SIMON-pushing ‘new xtian’ crypto-Jewish masons from BORDEAUX.
Snippet from the Jewish Encyclopaedia, HERE:
When in 1789 Malesherbes convened a commission of Jews to consider proposals for the improvement of their condition, Furtado and Gradis were called as members from the south of France, Cerf-Berr and Isaac Berr from the north.
So, it’s no big shock when we’re told:
2) (pg 22) On August 9th 1806, an Austrian agent in Venice told the Chief of Police that the idea of an ‘Assembly’ has been suggested by ‘a rabbi in Bordeaux’[5]. And according to this agent, the goal of this ‘Assembly’ is:
“’to realise some very great ideas, including the reunion of the Jews in a particular kingdom,’ and that Napoleon also wanted to rely on the Freemasons.”
Apparently, the Austrian government took this so seriously they put the heads of the Jewish communities in Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, Galicia and other polices under state surveillance.
(This would explain why sending charity money to Eretz Yisrael was made illegal by the Austrian monarchy at this time.)
The non-Jewish Governor of Galicia reassured his royal bosses by writing:
“The orthodox and also the Hassidim are totally stupid, and attached to their Torah and the Talmud. [All they see] in the Great Sanhedrin is the fall of Judaism.”
In the end, only the Jewish communities of Amsterdam and Frankfort send delegates to attend the ‘Great Sanhedrin’ – apart from the Jews of Italy and the French empire, which at that point was at its height.
But that doesn’t stop the GRAND SANHEDRIN from stating in it Preamble to Doctrinal Decisions that:
“The Grand Sanhedrin declares an incontestable fact: that an Assembly of doctors of the Law [i.e. Rabbis], reconstituted as a Grand Sanhedrin, are the only ones who can determine the consequences that derive [from their decisions]; and if the old Sanhedrins didn’t do this [i.e. Reform the understanding of Jewish law] it’s because the political circumstances didn’t allow this.”
And what was the main ‘thrust’ of the arguments made by this Great Sanhedrin?
That dina de-malchuta – dina!
That the law of the land is the law, even when it goes against Torah laws, if you can pretend that it all boils down to pikuach nefesh, or saving a life.
On page 39, BLUMENKRANTZ points out the following:
“The criticisms that could be raised against this work of the Great Sanhedrin should not forget the paradox that the modern State of Israel is also regulated by dina de-malchuta, dina, even though a number of ancient [Jewish] authorities have vigorously argued against the idea that this principle can be applied to a Jewish State.”
Check the footnotes for some examples[6] – going forward, we’re going to need to know what the real poskim who weren’t / aren’t working for satanic masons really said about the issue of dina de malchuta – dina not applying to Jews living in Eretz Yisrael.
OK, two more points from Blumenkrantz’s book, and then let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty of this post, and how it’s affecting us today.
What Napoleon did, post-‘Sanhedrin’, is replace the organisational structure of the ancient Jewish communities under his control with something called ‘Jewish Consistoires’.
And the ‘rabbis’ who headed up these ‘Jewish Consistoires’ were handpicked by Napoleon’s band of satanic masons.
(Like, the ISRAEL JACOBSON character I introduced you to, above.)
Most of the people I find myself writing about here, who helped to subvert the Jewish community from within, connect straight back to these ‘Jewish Consistoires’.
Just, most of us have never been told these ‘consistoires’ even existed.
Second, the author makes the point that the decisions of this GRAND SANHEDRIN, especially in relation to dina de malchuta – dina, and it’s implications for being able to force Jewish soldiers to break Shabbat, have been widely adopted within the Jewish community.
Without us even knowing where these original pasakim even came from…
Let’s cite one example from the book.
On page 46, the author mentions a ‘very rigorous posek’ by the name of R MORDECHAI YAAKOV BREISCH[7], (1895 – 1976) who was the ABD of Disburg in Germany, and then luckily got a job in Zurich just before WW2 began.
While he was in Zurich, he was asked two questions relating to Torah-observant Jews who were being forced to serve in the Swiss Army.
QUESTION 1: Could the Jewish soldiers walk around on Shabbat and Yom Tov wearing their guns, which according to the rules of the country they had to carry at all times? (Responsum 67)
QUESTION 2: Could Jewish soldiers in the army attend synagogues on Shabbat and Yom Tov that were otherwise beyond the distance a person is allowed to travel on Shabbat? (Responsum 70)
Here’s what happened next:
“The rabbi didn’t begin [his responsum] by expounding on the question of knowing if the duties imposed by military service were permitted, or not, by halacha: straight away, they are considered as though THEY ARE NEVER A PROBLEM. [Emphasis mine].
“In relation to the two questions posed, the response given was positive.[8]
“It goes without saying that, in the State of Israel’s army today, the dispensations [to break Shabbat] are effectively the same.”
When I shared this info with my rabbinic husband he got quite agitated.
According to him, there is no such thing as a ‘blanket dispensation’ to break Shabbat that is always in effect.
Every single circumstance where a soldier is being asked to break Shabbat requires it’s own halachic decision, in circumstances where it’s not obviously pikuach nefesh – like, for example, someone coming at you on Shabbat with knife.
Who is giving these ongoing psakim to the dati soldiers in the IDF to break shabbat?
Are they even asking for psakim each time they are breaking Shabbat? (Honestly, this question is probably rhetorical.)
Why does the IDF routinely carry out missions on Shabbat, way more than on any other day of the week?
And could this be at least part of the reason, that so many of our dear, holy brothers are being killed and maimed during these ‘non-urgent’ missions being carried out, dafka, on Shabbat?
Let’s end with this brief comment from the Rav, from a shiur he gave on Shabbat last week, Parshat Noach, 5785 (November 2, 2024):
They want us to go to the army.
We aren’t against, we don’t have a problem with killing a few terrorists.
But all the army is against the Torah.
They deliberately desecrate Shabbat, and eat non-kosher.
PS: When I was tootling around Geni, trying to track down more of the illustrious SOLOVEICHIKs and WEISSs that R Mordechai Yaakov Breisch’s descendants apparently married (all the interesting stuff is ‘privated’, but going backwards I found some links to the EIBSHITZs….) –
I came across ARIEL BEN MOSHE in the direct BREISCH family tree.
He was a ‘promising major’ in the IDF, a commander in Sayeret Matkal, 27 years old, on holiday in the Golan Heights with his new wife, when he got a push notification from the army, on Shabbat / Simchat Torah, October 7, and drove down South.
He died fighting in Kibbutz Re’im.
Here is his mum eulogising him on the creepy Friends of Zion site, with the even creepier Mike Evans:
In loving memory of Ariel Ben-Moshe (
Baruch Dayan HaEmet.
PPS: I tracked down some more illustrious descendants of R BREISCH, after all.
His daughter HENNI married the son of Menachem Herz and Karola Rothschild.
Karola’s sister was IRMA ROTHSCHILD, wife of R LEO JUNG, who is credited with being one of the main architects of ‘modern orthodoxy’, OU-style, in the USA.
Snippet from Wiki, HERE:
Grandfather of Modern Orthodoxy
As a follower of the path of German Neo-Orthodoxy, Jung was originally able to span the gamut from Haredi Judaism to the more traditional wing of Conservative Judaism.
He was bearded and had a doctorate. But as the decades progressed, he found himself defending a specific middle-path. His followers became some of the fathers of Modern Orthodoxy.
He taught ethics and homiletics at Yeshiva University where he influenced the graduates to create an urbane, moral, and dignified Orthodoxy.
His successor at the Jewish Center was Norman Lamm.
Meanwhile, MENACHEM HERZ also connects us to more interesting people, including a whole bunch of Oppenheimers, other court Jews, clean-shaven ‘reformers’ and known Frankist Brandeis family.
Always the same people.
Just some have beards and want ‘frum-looking reform’ of Torah Judaism, a la Sinzhem….
PPS: Irma Rothschild’s bro Robert Rothschild marries a lady called Edith JEDWAB.
That name was ringing a bell, for some reason, so I started surfing around to see where I’d heard it before.
Quickly, I got to Gila JEDWAB – who was publicising R Mendel Kessin’s ‘shiurim’ focussing on Trump being the ‘moshiach’ of Edom until he recently fired her.
Here’s the interview she did with R Kessin four months ago, entitled:
Rav Mendel Kessin and I discuss Yeshu (Jesus)
Just when you think it can’t get any weirder…
One of DAVID SINZHEIM’s closest friends – and a person who he wrote to frequently, in correspondance that is still extant – was one R BARUCH JEITELES of Prague.
This guy, to the right.
Why should you care?
Because R BARUCH JEITELES links us straight back to the Prague Frankists.
His Wiki entry is pretty sparse – but still enough to tell us who we are dealing with.
Here’s most of what it says:
Baruch Jeitteles was born on 22 April 1762, in Prague.
His father, Jonas Jeitteles , was a doctor. Originally a student of Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, Jeitteles travelled to Berlin and studied with Moses Mendelssohn, the foundational figure in the Jewish Enlightenment movement….
Using inherited wealth from his father-in-law, Samuel Porges, Jeitteles established a private rabbinical school and training students from Moravia and Hungary.
The PORGES were another, very famous, family of known Frankists.
And these people only married each other.
Check out this website, – all about the Frankists, from one of the Porges’s descendants.
So, SINZHEIM (whose original name was probably OPPENHEIM – and he also descends from a known family of Sabbateans) appears to have been a Frankist Trojan Horse, right from the start.
I just want to quote one more interesting snippet about BARUCH JEITELES, who apparently was also a doctor, like his father Jonas:
As a doctor, Jeitteles was a proponent of the smallpox vaccination.
According to THIS, it’s BARUCH’s father, the clean-shaven JONAS JEITELES, who is the first people to start pushing the smallpox ‘vaccine’ in Bohemia, in 1784.
His most notable medical achievement was his pioneering use of the smallpox vaccine in Bohemia, despite religious opposition. His efforts significantly reduced the prevalence of the devastating disease.
It also says that JONAS JEITELES was also the personal physician of the King of Poland.
That would be King Stanisław II Augustus, who reigned from 1764 until 1795 and was the last king of Poland before the partitions of the country by Russia, Prussia, and Austria.
I just found a whole post on the YIVO site about this vaccine-pushing family of Prague Frankists – most of whom converted to xtianity, when they weren’t growing beards and pushing reformed-‘enlightenment’ within the Jewish community.
You can read it HERE.
[1] Rebbe Naftali Tzvi Horowitz of Ropshitz (1760–1827) was the grandson of Rabbi Yizchak Halevi Horowitz – the Rabbi who blessed Amshel Rothschild – on his mother’s side.
[2] Leghorn / Livorno was infested with Jewish masons, as we see from the comments found in the CHIDA’s diary. It also happens to be the home of the leading Freemason and ‘zionist’, Sir Moses Montefiore.
[3] In THIS series of posts, we trace how TZVI HIRSH LEHREN is closely related to a bunch of these same German-Jewish Sabbatean-Frankists we keep writing about here.
[4] ISRAEL JACOBSON wrote a pamphlet called ‘The First Steps of the Jewish Nation Towards Happiness Under the Auspices of the Great Monarch Napoleon’, in 1806. The Grand Sanhedrin was convened between February 7-March 13, 1807.
[5] This is almost certainly ABRAHAM FURTADO of Bordeaux – certainly no rabbi, and not even a practising Jew.
[6] Teshuvot Baalei ha Tosfot; Shlomo ben Aderet, Teshuvot, I, no. 637, and Chiddushim al Nedarim; Nimukei Yosef on the RIF, Nedarim, Vilna edition, 10a; Nissim of Gerona, Commentary on Nedarim, folio 28a; Maimonides, Commentary on Mishna Nedarim, 111, 4, and Mishna Torah, Melachim, Chapter 4; Migdal Oz commentaries by Shem Tov Ibn Gaon; commentaries of David Ibn Abi Zimra.
[7] Read more about R Mordechai Yaakov Breisch here: Historical View of Rav Mordechai Yaakov Breish (Chelkat Yaakov) | Various Rabbis | Beit Midrash |
[8] Chelchat Yaakov, Part 1, Jerusalem 1951.