Let’s continue fleshing out the tight links between the Freemasons and ‘political zionism’.
In the recent post HERE where I was deep-diving on the ACHVA Brotherhood’s connection to the publication of Kol HaTor, I noticed that they appeared to get a lot of help to build their new neighborhood from a guy called:
I took a quick look at him – and immediately decided to do a ‘deep dive’ on him, too, as he seems to be one of the pivotal people in the zionist take over of Eretz Yisrael, who has been pretty scrubbed out of the official story.
Always a good sign, that this is precisely the place to look for more clues.
The story begins, as it usually does, on the Hebrew Wiki page for him HERE.
We learn that he is a CHABADNIK from Orsha, who after trying and failing to join the Russian army (what?!) studies accounting instead, and decides to devote his talents to inspiring people to ‘settle the land of Israel’ instead.
Somehow, he goes from working as a bank clerk in Southern Russia (i.e. The Ukraine) – to heading up an organisation called the ‘PIONEERS COMMITTEE YESOD HA’MALEH‘, together with YECHIEL MICHEL PINES, which is established in 1882 with the goal of:
“[A]cquiring land in the Land of Israel, sustaining an agricultural settlement of Jews and establishing a colony for Russian immigrants.
From how it’s written on the Wiki page for the PIONEERS COMMITTEE, it makes it sound like an early version of Nefesh to Nefesh, where LIBONTIN is basically trying to make the whole ‘aliya’ process, including buying land, as easy as possible for the new immigrants.
Call me cynical, but all this is pinging off the usual Frankist-Freemason charidee bell.
So, there are apparently three people involved in the PIONEERS COMMITTEE at this stage, namely:
Let’s take a closer look at each one.
LIBONTIN’s Wiki page is strangely coy about the fact that he comes from a very wealthy family of CHABAD timber merchants.
I had to go to the now-scrubbed page for his uncle on the RISHON LETZION Museum site HERE, to learn more.
This is the snippet that caught my eye:
The founder, Zvi Levontin HaCohen was a highly respected and rich merchant in Russia and a Lover of Zion. In Rishon le Zion he was the veteran among the founding settlers.
In response to the request of his nephew, Zalman David Levontin, he personally purchased over half the area of land of the future Jewish village. In so doing he made possible the inclusion of additional founders to those belonging to the Committee of the First Pioneers and all together they took over the land on Tu B-Av, 1882 and founded the village of Rishon Le Zion.
So, the main funder for what became the purchase of RISHON LEZION was ZVI LIBONTIN COHEN, DAVID LIBONTIN’s paternal uncle.[1]
On the Encyclopaedia.com site entry for DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN HERE, we get a bit more info:
[DAVID LIBONTIN] was one of the first members of *Ḥovevei Zion and established a settlers’ association in his town and in Kharkov. The two associations sent him to Ereẓ Israel to purchase lands… In 1882 Levontin, with the assistance of his wealthy uncle, Ẓevi Levontin, purchased 3,340 dunams (835 acres) and founded Rishon le-Zion there; he later served as head of the settlement’s first committee.
In 1883, lack of funds forced Levontin to sell his land to Baron Edmond de *Rothschild and return to his family in Russia, where he served as branch bank manager in various towns in the *Pale of Settlement.
Levontin joined the Zionist Movement upon its establishment and, in 1901, was summoned by *Herzl to become one of the directors of the *Jewish Colonial Trust in London.
In 1903 he went to Ereẓ Israel to establish a bank under British auspices, to be known as the Anglo-Palestine Company. Under his directorship this bank became the central financial and credit institution in the new yishuv and engaged in banking activities with the Turkish authorities and the Arabs.
My ears perked up as soon as I started reading about the JEWISH COLONIAL TRUST, which morphed into the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK.
A couple of months ago, I wrote a post called EUGENICS and the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK, that was inspired by some of the Rav’s comments from this post.
Let’s remind ourselves what the Rav said:
In [56]42, Carmel Mizrahi was founded. Today it’s [57]84 – this has been the symbol for 142 years. And all the money used to pass [into Israel] via Carmel Mizrahi.[2]
All the money from the First World War used to pass via Carmel Mizrahi, from the Anglo-Palestine Bank, via Carmel Mizrahi.
And they – the zionists – they took all the money.
There was Ruppin, all of those.
Ruppin Street in Haifa [was called after him]. Whoever comes from Haifa, there’s Ruppin Street, that goes until Ahuza.
So, this Ruppin, he was the representative of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, and all the money during the whole of the First World War went via him.
In one second, it was already impossible to send it any more. But first, they used to send all the money via Carmel Mizrahi, via Ruppin, to support them here.
To build the Alliance here, and all the schools of the chilonim (secular people). They didn’t give the Talmud Torahs a single penny.
And this is how they collapsed all the Talmud Torahs.
The ANGLO PALESTINE BANK had a key role to play to starving the ‘Old Yishuv’ of funds during WWI, effectively placing all the charity money in the hands of the zionists, and allowing them to ‘take over’ Eretz Yisrael.
So, how does LIBONTIN fit into this picture?
- He’s definitely a ‘zionist’.
- He has close links with the Frankist-Freemasons.
- He’s in charge of the Anglo Palestine Bank during the crucial years of WWI, where the money held by the bank is being given to ‘zionist prjoects’, instead of buying food for the Old Yishuv.
Let’s fill out the details a bit more.
In 1884, he pops up at the founding Conference of Hovevei Zion in Katowice, where he proposes establishing a bank to assist the Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael.
The goal of this new bank is NOT supporting the ‘Old Yishuv’, but paying for the ‘new yishuv’ of ‘zionism’.
This occurs BEFORE Theodor Herzl arrives on the scene.
Fifteen years later (!), in 1901, we’re told that HERZL asks DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN to run the ‘JEWISH COLONIAL TRUST’ which is going to finance the zionist project in Eretz Yisrael.
Snippet from Wikipedia HERE:
Libontin, who was then director of the Minsk Bank of Commerce, was invited by Herzl to run the”Trust”, and was appointed director of the Treasury of Jewish Settlement in London.
He then founded the Anglo-Palestine Bank.
At the same time, he served as a political adviser to Herzl on issues in which he specialized.
The key thing to understand here, is that THEODOR HERZL was just a charismatic figurehead, the ‘puppet’, the ‘Bibi’, of his time, who had been chosen to front ‘the zionist project’ for the masons who were running it from behind the scenes.
(I know that’s quite a claim – I am going to stand that up, in the rest of this post, with God’s help.)
DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN is one of the lynchpins of the ‘zionist project’, and this is who happens to be funding the ACHVA neighborhood in Jerusalem, on very favorable terms.
This is the same ACHVA Brotherhood who pull the strings to get R AVRAHAM KOOK into his job as zionist-loving ‘Chief Rabbi’.
The organisation acts as the Freemasons ‘Trojan Horse’ within the religious community, right from the start.[3]
OK, now let’s tie up what LIBONTIN and his ANGLO PALESTINE BANK is doing during WWI, to literally starve the Old Yishuv into submission and transfer power into the hands of the secular zionists, before we concentrate more on the FREEMASONs angle to all this.
Remember, ANGLO PALESTINE is the main way that money if flowing into the Holy Land, at this point before WWI.
Snippet from the Encyclopaedia.com entry for LIBONTIN:
Under his directorship this bank became the central financial and credit institution in the new yishuv and engaged in banking activities with the Turkish authorities and the Arabs.
What happens in 1914 when WWI begins, is that Libontin – like many of the other Jews in Eretz Yisrael at the time – is given a choice by the Turkish Ottomans to either take on Ottoman citizenship, or be expelled from Eretz Yisrael.
As the Ottomans can press Turkish citizens in Israel into their army – LIBONTIN and many others decide to leave the country.
He ends up in Alexandria – together with all the money that’s been deposited in the ANGLO PALESTINE bank from abroad, to support the people living in Eretz Yisrael.
While the truth of what happened next has been carefully whitewashed, you can still pick it up from the carefully-curated information on LIBONTIN’s Hebrew Wiki page, machine translated from HERE:
Libontin was forced to stay in Alexandria, Egypt, where he stayed on the eve of the war. He opened a temporary branch in the city to support the thousands of refugees expelled from Palestine.
A significant portion of these refugees held an account in one of the branches of the Anglo-Palestine Bank in Israel.
Funds that came from the parent company, the Jewish Colonial Trust, which was based in London, made it possible to pay the Palestine refugees at least some of the funds on the account of their deposits in bank branches in Israel.
As Levontin himself wrote,
“According to the prevailing laws, we had no obligation to pay out in Egypt deposits received by the APC in Palestine.
But I could not leave those who had the money in our bank to go hungry or ask for handouts for a slice of bread… This work is extremely difficult because many of the depositors nevertheless demanded all the money for their deposits and did not want to understand that the APC had no obligation.
And that I am acting with them against the law by paying them their deposits, and fighting me and making my life bitter.”
The point is, LIBONTIN himself openly admits that he was upset that he had to pay his depositors money in Egypt.
It’s these small ‘details’ that tell you where a person is really coming from, spiritually.[4]
Meanwhile, back in Eretz Yisrael – none of the money in ‘ANGLO PALESTINE’s’ hands was paid out to religious Jews. And the Old Yishuv mostly starved to death, for lack of funds.
This quote is from HERE, and describes how bad the starvation became:
“All of the disease, the cholera, typhus fever, dysentery, malaria and the other angels of destruction have been forgotten due to the starvation … The synagogues have removed the silver crowns and ornaments from the Torah scrolls to sell them by weight – from their silver they have made whip handles … The Arabs wore our prayer shawls on their heads; the shopkeepers used our sacred books to package their goods … Mothers sold themselves to save their children from death …
Thousand upon thousands have died of starvation.”
During those war years, a mortal blow struck the [Old] Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine.
More Jews died during the Great War than in all the wars of the State of Israel combined. In four years beginning at the start of the World War I, this community shrank from 85,000 to approximately 45,000 or 50,000, at its end.
Half the total of the Jews who died (35,000 people!) were residents of Jerusalem – a third of the city’s Jewish population.
Remember what the Rav told us, above:
So, this Ruppin, he was the representative of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, and all the money during the whole of the First World War went via him.
In one second, it was already impossible to send it any more. But first, they used to send all the money via Carmel Mizrahi, via Ruppin, to support them here.
To build the Alliance here, and all the schools of the chilonim (secular people). They didn’t give the Talmud Torahs a single penny.
And this is how they collapsed all the Talmud Torahs.
So now, let’s see how DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN and the zionist project connects with the Freemasons.
Because of course, they do.
We already learned above that he sold Rishon LeTzion to Baron Eduard de Rothschild – whose great uncle is NATHAN ROTHSCHILD in London, a member of the United Grand Lodge of England.
NATHAN’s B-I-L is MOSES MONTEFIORE, and Montefiore is also a Freemason, and member of the United Grand Lodge of England.
This is just for starters.
Meanwhile, LIBONTIN’s partner in the purchase of the land that became Rishon LeZion was an interesting character called HAIM AMZLAG (1828-1916).
Here he is:
Ah, all the trouble these short men make in the world….
Here’s a snippet about him:
After settling in Jaffa he served as the British Honorary Consul in the city and head of the branch of ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE….
He was a personal friend of Moses Montefiore, who stayed with him during his visits to Israel.
That’s MOSES MONTEFIORE the Freemason, BIL of NATHAN ROTHSCHILD the Freemason.
But that’s not where I want to focus the rest of this post, even though it’s for sure relevant to the thesis that ‘political zionism’ was a Frankist-Freemason project, right from the start.
Instead, let’s take a closer look at the ALLIANCE ISRAÉLITE UNIVERSELLE, another Freemason-run ‘secret society’ that HAIM AMZLAG headed up in Jaffa.
In Hebrew, the ALLIANCE’s name was often translated as:
“All of Israel are brothers”.
References to ‘Brothers’, ‘Bros’ is a key sign you are dealing with something masonic. Sure enough, the ALLIANCE was founded by another famous Jewish Freemason by the name of:
His grandpa SAUL CREMIEUX sat on Napoleon’s ‘reforming’ Great Sanhedrin, along with a bunch of other Jews who were all either Frankists, and / or maskilim and / or masons.
Here’s some relevant machine translated snippets about dear ADOLPHE from his Hebrew wiki page:
In 1840, he worked with Moses Montefiore on behalf of the detainees in the Blood Libel in Damascus. In 1842 he was elected to Parliament and became one of the main activists of the leftist opposition. He was later arrested for this activity.
Cremieux was very active on the issue of the revocation of the Jewish oath, which was finally repealed in 1846…. In 1860, he was one of the founders of the ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE, whose mission was to help Jews who were discriminated against on religious grounds and had their civil rights violated…
He was active in the Freemasons of France, carried out reforms, established the national leadership and held the rank of “Souverain Grand Commandeur” in the French Supreme Council.
Let me say it again:
All the key people involved in getting the ‘zionist project’ off the ground were Freemasons, or otherwise members of masonic-type ‘secret societies’, that were seeded and funded (and controlled….) by the Freemasons.
And the Freemasons had a plan in place at least by 1871, when Albert Pike was writing his famous letter about how they were going to destroy the world and ‘organised religion’ by fomenting three world wars.
(Remember that date when you start reading about MIKVE ISRAEL, below.)
Pike wrote:[5]
“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.”
“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.”
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
The ALLIANCE deserves its own post.
For now,it’s enough to know that it was pushing the usual ‘enlightenment’ of secular education and reformed religious traditions that have destroyed so many Jewish souls.
In the meantime, HAIM AMZLAG, business partner of DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN – Herzl’s ‘advisor’ (or more aptly, ‘controller’) and founder of the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK that plays a huge part in collapsing the Old Yishuv ahead of the Zionist takeover – is head of the Freemason-founded ‘ALLIANCE’ in JAFFA.
Meanwhile, where was the Freemasonic ALLIANCE headquartered in Eretz Yisrael?
That would be in a place you may have heard of, if you’ve learnt anything at all about the settlement of the Land of Israel. A place called:
MIKVE YISRAEL – the first ‘agricultural school’ set up in Eretz Yisrael, and a place that figures large in every story revolving around Baron EDUARD ROTHSCHILD’s iron grip on the idealistic religious settlers, who literally killed themselves trying to fulfill the mitzvah of ‘settling the land’.[6]
MIKVE ISRAEL is set up by the ALLIANCE in 1870 – the year before Pike writes his famous letter to Mazzini.
And the person who sets it up is another Jewish Freemason, by the name of:
This guy:
For the purposes of this post, where I’m focussing on showing how ‘political zionism’ was a Freemason project right from the start.
Here’s the snippet of his Hebrew Wiki page I want you to notice:
Carl Netter was one of the founding members of the first Lodge in Palestine, headed by Rob Morris. He is also among the signatories to the motion.
The Royal Solomon Mother Lodge N° 293 received approval from the Grand Chamber of Canada on February 17 1873 and was inaugurated on May 7 at the Zedekiah Cave in Jerusalem.[5]
Here is the lintel of the synagogue built in MIKVE YISRAEL by the Freemasons:
Compare and contrast to this:
As usual, this post could continue on for 100 years, there is always so much ‘real Jewish history’ just waiting to be patiently pieced back together, and slotted back into the right context.
But I am going to stop here, for now.
Hopefully, you are starting to understand that Freemasons were all over the ‘political zionism’ project, right from the start.
In the next post, I want to return to the ACHVA Brotherhood, specifically, to see how the masons used this organisation, and its acolytes, to ‘poison the well’, theologically, for Torah-observant Jews, and spread their ideas of ‘Jewish emancipation’ and political zionism throughout Eretz Yisrael.
Until then.
I went to look up the Zedekiah Cave’s ongoing link with the masons.
Snippet is from HERE:
Many of the members of the Foundation for the Study of the Land of Israel, who studied the cave of Zedekiah in the 19th century and dated it to the days of King Solomon, were members of the Order of Freemasons. Solomon is considered the spiritual father of the Order, and is even referred to as “the First Freemason.”
Because of this, Charles Warren, a member of the Foundation and a freemason, suggested holding the annual ceremony of the Jerusalem Chamber in the largest hall in the cave.
For approval, Warren held meetings with Ottoman officials, who were also members of the order.
For many years, various ceremonies were held in this hall, which is why it is still called the Masonic Hall. Masonic activity in the Cave of Zedekiah was interrupted with the partition of Jerusalem in 1948, only returning to after the Six-Day War.
Literally everyone involved with the ‘State of Israel’ project seems to be connected to Freemasonry… including CHARLES WARREN.
[1] I have no idea why this information appears to have been ‘scrubbed’ off of Wiki. Possibly, there is a connection between the LIBONTIN-COHEN family of bankers who found the Anglo Palestine Bank and SAMUEL COHEN, the German-Jewish banker who brokers the notorious ‘Ha’avara Agreement’ between the Anglo Palestine Bank and the Third Reich in 1934.
[2] Carmel Mizrachi was set up by Baron Eduard de Rothschild, ‘HaNadiv’.
[3] A bunch of ACHVA ‘Bros’ are also senior people in the ANGLO PALESTINE BANK that belongs to DAVID ZALMAN LIBONTIN.
They include:
CHAIM SOLOVEITCHIK – great-grandson of the ‘Jew for Jesus’ ELIYAHU ZVI SOLOVEITCHIK is one of them. Chaim’s father is ZALMAN SOLOVEITCHIK, the president of WORLD ACHVA, who is very good buddies with a bunch of the secular zionists who ‘conquer’ the Old Yishuv after WWI.
Another ACHVA Bro working for ANGLO PALESTINE BANK is ELIEZER DAN SLONIM – who is chopped to death by the Arabs in the Hevron riot of 1929, barely 10 days after he arranges for the Chabad Rebbe RAYATZ to visit the Me’arat HaMachpela.
He managed the branch of APEC Bank in the city, and also served as the representative of a loan and savings bank in Jerusalem.
[4] Libontin comes back after the war, and continues running the ANGLO PALESTINE bank until 1925, when he officially ‘retires’, but stays a board member until his death in 1940.
He is with the bank when it makes it’s notorious ‘HA’AVARA’ agreement with the Third Reich, which effectively breaks the economic blockade on Nazi Germany, and enables them to re-arm, ahead of WW2. Eugenecist ARTHUR RUPPIN plays a leading role in making this agreement with the Nazis.
[5] From HERE. Readers are advised to read the whole thing for themselves.
[6] To make a very long story short, this is how the bankers usually worked:
Idealistic religious settlers buy some land in Eretz Yisrael and literally kill themselves, undertaking the first steps of getting barren land liveable and productive.
When they run out of the money to support themselves, Baron Rothschild and his men step in to buy up their land for pennies on the pound, in return for giving the settlers enough financial support that they don’t starve to death.
This same story played out over and over again, all over Eretz Yisrael, and it’s part of how the Rothschilds (also Freemasons, don’t forget!) – came to own so much of the Holy Land.