Continuing with the second part of the translated comments from the Rav.

You can read Part 1 HERE.

There is a ton of hints here about real Jewish history, BH, I will put together a separate post trying to fill out more of the picture. I’m sure we’ll all learn a lot….



R Itzik Hamburger.

There were three tzaddikim, R’ Itzik Hamburger, and there was R’ Yechezkel Landau [the Nodah be’Yehudah], and there was R’ Gershon from Kitov, the brother-in-law of the Baal Shem Tov.

They said that the wife of the Rav was assura (forbidden).

The Rav was working on behalf of the State, this was in Russia, so they said that whoever says that the wife of the Rav is assura, they would get either 100 lashes, or they would have to pay some 10,000 rubles, or 100,000 rubles.

At that time, they didn’t have what to pay 100,000 rubles with, so R’ Gershon he ran away [from the city, and the way was blocked]. Eliyahu HaNavi came and picked him up. He got to the Baal Shem Tov, R’ Gershon was the brother-in-law of the Baal Shem Tov.


The Baal Shem Tov was also nistar (hidden).

He used to go along with boots and a long coat.

This was was the father of R’ Gershon Kitover, he made the shidduch [between the Baal Shem Tov and the sister of R’ Gershon], because the Baal Shem Tov mediated between him and another person, because once upon a time, there were no kollels.

Everyone [all the people who learned Torah] were merchants. So the Baal Shem Tov arbitrated between him and someone other person, he made a compromise.

Then, the Baal Shem Tov was just known as a melamed (teacher) of the aleph-bet. He was a teacher’s helper. Suddenly, the father of R’ Gershon grasped that the Baal Shem Tov was a huge talmid chacham, just that he was nistar. So he said to him:

Reveal to me, who you really are! How did you make the compromise between us?!

So, he revealed to him that he was the Baal Shem Tov, that he knew all of the kabbalah, and all the Gemara, and all of SHAS, and every day, that he used to finish SHAS.

So, the father of R’ Gershon immediately wrote a contract, two contracts, one contract, that I will give my daughter to you [which he gave to the Baal Shem Tov, and the second contract stating that he was giving his daughter to the BESHT, he kept for himself].


And now, he died (immediately after writing the contracts).

He died during the journey. They opened his packages, opened his suitcases, and saw the contract [pledging his daughter to be the Baal Shem Tov’s wife].

So, R’ Gershon Kitover waited for the groom to come, who would know about the contract. Suddenly, he saw someone coming with boots up to his knees, and a fur coat of the type worn by peasants, a coat of peltz, like they used to wear in Russia.

Now, Russia is minus 30, so they walked around with heavy furs, and a peasant’s hat, that hung over the eyes, like the peasants, like someone illiterate.

He said what?! This is the shidduch for my sister?!

Immediately, R’ Gershon said [to his sister] cancel the shidduch! It’s impossible to do the shidduch without [your agreement]! “Let us call the girl and ask her decision.”[1]

She said, whatever my father wrote, it’s kadosh. Me – I don’t care about anything, let him be an am ha’aretz, let him be a peasant, let him be backward. My father – maybe the children will good, I don’t know. I’m not bothered.


And then, before the chuppah, he revealed that he was the Baal Shem Tov, in order that she wouldn’t go to her wedding canopy with a broken heart.

In any case, R’ Gershon Kitover decided that [the BESHT] was a simple peasant, and that he was essentially a big am ha’aretz, so he bought him a horse and cart and told him go and live in some other village.

[The BESHT] used to dig clay, he used to pick up the clay, and she used to sell it. He used to dig up the clay once a week, and she [his wife] used to sell it. Clay was the way Jews made parnassa. Or, they would gather straw, go to the fields and gather straw, and sell this for mattresses, for pillows, for bedding. This was the parnassa of the Jews.

There wasn’t parnassa!

There was no bread to eat, everyone was hungry for bread, not like today, when every woman is a teacher, and head teacher, and a lawyer, and a judge, and already Prime Minister.

This was another time.


In any case, after 10 years, the Baal Shem Tov returned from the town, and he was doing hitbodedut, he went to walk on the mountains, and the mountains joined together. There were robbers there, in the mountains. And they saw a man walking on the mountains, and suddenly, [they saw] him fall down into the chasm.

They started to scream Hello!!! Be careful!!! They saw the mountains join together, [to save the Baal Shem Tov’s life], so they decided to make teshuva.

They went to the city, [and they recounted] there is a hidden tzaddik here, he walked on the mountains, and the mountains joined together!

The moment he got to the city, the whole city ran after him. The robbers made teshuva.


And then, [the Baal Shem Tov] got to Brody.

R’ Gershon Kitover was from Brody. This was a city of talmidei chachamim, so he was the ABD there. Just then, he was entering [Brody], so they told Gershon Kitover. [He told the BESHT], listen, you can’t just come into the town like this!

The Baal Shem Tov came with his hat over his face, his peasant hat, and with his fur down to the floor, and his boots up to his knees. [The Baal Shem Tov] told him, listen, the mezuzah is possulla (unfit).

R’ Gershon checked, and saw that it was possulla, so then he understood that the Baal Shem Tov possessed ruach hakodesh, so he immediately submitted to him. And from that point on, he became his chassid.

And then, he went to Eretz Yisrael, and he’s buried here, next to the Bartenura. They found his gravestone 30 years ago, R’ Gershon Kitover.

So, we are telling the story of how the Baal Shem Tov got married.


[The Rav returns to the Get of Cleves].

In any case, [the bride], Leah, she was a woman yirat shemyaim (God-fearing), a young woman of 13. [She said] Until all the rabbis agree to the get, she was not going to agree [to get remarried].

So he [her ex] built [in London] the synagogue of R’ Yitzhak Hamburger, he became a very wealthy man. A milionaire. A billionaire.

He built a synagogue, it’s still standing until this day, of R Yitzhak Hamburger, R’ Yitzhak Horowitz Hamburger. He was the rav of Hamburg [text missing in original] that she wouldn’t remain an aguna.


So, there was the Rav Yisrael Lifshitz, this was the grandfather of the Tiferet Yisrael, he was also called Yisrael Lifshitz.

He was the rabbi of Cleves. [The get was from Cleves, even though the couple weren’t from there.] He was on the way to London, the wedding was in Mannheim, and they were on the way to Bonn.

All of this was in Germany, on the Rhine.

[The groom said he was] in danger, they wanted to kill him, to give him a death sentence, there was some woman who had complained against him. So he needed to run away to England, so either he would give the get now, or he was going to vanish, and they would never find him again.

All of this he told Shimshon [R’ Shimon] Copenhagen.


So, R’ [Tebele Haas][2] turned to the rabbis of Frankfurt, that they would also invalidate the get.

But the parents of the groom, they were against the get. They said said that he’s not insane, that he stole all of the dowry money.

The rabbi of Cleve, R’ Yisrael [who organised the get], the grandfather of the Tiferet Yisrael, Yisrael Lifshitz, said that he was totally normal. He stole a bit of money – what’s the big deal? [It didn’t mean he was insane].


B’kitzur, there was a machloket between all the rabbis of the generation.

The Pnei Yehoshua wanted to write [and publicise] that the get was invalid, but the inkwell overturned, and splashed on everything [that he’d written about it].


It wasn’t like today, when there is [pens and paper].

We were still writing with ink, up until the wedding, there was an inkwell, a hole in the table, there are tables like that today, it’s possible to do an inkwell with ink. And the ink spilled all the time, on the books.

And there was kishkes! Such a kishke, made from intestines, a pen made with kishkes, that you would press and it would fill up, and air would escape from the kishke, and then it would fill up with ink.

There was such a nib, made from gold, it had ‘14 carats’ written upon it, and like that they used to write, until the Parket pen came out, and after that, the pens that we have [today].


There were no pens at all [until very recently].

I don’t know how people used to write sifrei Torah, and to write chiddushim. The Magen Avraham wrote his chiddushim on the table, he wrote on paper made of mortar, there wasn’t ‘paper’. ‘Paper’ was something very expensive, there still wasn’t industrialisation, everything was hand-made.


R’ Shimshon Copenhagen – this was the uncle of the bride.

He was the brother of her mother. He said the get was kosher, he organised the get. [The Frankfurt Beit Din said it was possul].

R’ Abish didn’t uphold that the groom was insane, and that the get was no get, because there was some doubt about his work[3], chas v’shalom but rather, because the Beit Din and the important members of the Frankfurt kehilla didn’t give him all the letters of the rabbis, who proved that the get was kosher.

[They made sure the letters were not] given to R’ Abish, in order for him to not know that he and his Beit Din and errred, and that the get was indeed kosher. Because if he had known that he’d erred, the king would fire him.

But if he didn’t know that he’d made an error, the king wouldn’t fire him, because he would still assume that he’d paskened according to halacha, and so from this, how would the king know who was right?


Because now, they were scared that the Nodah Be’Yehuda would be proved correct.

The Nodah Be’Yehuda said that the get was kosher, and then he would be disqualified. The king would disqualify him, the King of Denmark, of Prague, they were under Prague. This was the Principality of Prague, and every thing required the permission of the king.

If the king knew that the Rav had made an error, so he would get rid of him.

So, they were afraid to admit to the Nodah Be’Yehudah, because if they admitted to the Nodah Be’Yehudah that the get was kosher, then the Rav [Abish] had made an error, so then they’d get rid of him.

But after a year, he died, in 5529 (1768-9)

[The controversy around the Get of Cleve] began in 5526 (1765-6), and the Get of Galuna was in 5529 (1768-9).

Translated from Shivivei Or, 394.



[1] Parshat Chayei Sarah, 55:57.

[2] This name is given in square brackets in the original Hebrew.

[3] The Rav appears to be saying that R’ Abish didn’t uphold the get because there was some doubt about the organisers’ abilities in arranging it, but for the reason that follows.

This is the name of a famous song by Shuli Rand and Amir Dadon.

It means ‘between holy and secular’.

The words continue: I live. I live between holy and secular.

Here’s the song:


The words are really speaking to me right now.

We are all stuck between ‘holy’ and ‘profane’, and that seems to be where God is keeping us, at least for now.


Here’s another song that’s speaking to me right now:


This version has excellent English translation subtitles – the words are so powerful.

Sadly, Eliezer Botzer passed away last month.

The big souls are still falling in this ongoing battle we are all fighting, on so many levels.

May this song be an ilui neshama for him.


And then, an old playlist started up in the car, and lo and behold, there was this song from the Maccabeats, a cover of ‘Brave’:


This was my anthem 10 years ago, when I was battling the ‘NARCISSIST KLIPA’ to the death, in my own dalet amot.

I’ve really been pondering on how much we all just keep flattering evil, in some misguided attempt to stay ‘polite’ and ‘nice’.

Thank God, living in Israel for 20 years is really curing me of this awful Anglo-European disability.

So yeah, I will continue calling out the stuff that seems wrong and bad and evil to me, regardless of who is doing it or saying it.

Because otherwise, I’m flattering evil.

And so are you.


On that note, what is wrong with this picture, taken a few days ago on a Jerusalem Street:


If you say ‘nothing’ – you have a real problem to address, spiritually.

Just ‘thinking good’ without putting God, and serious teshuva into the picture is going to get us precisely no-where.

At best.


I am so, so sick of ‘Chabad marketing’ everywhere I turn.

And because we’re so used to it, we don’t even understand just how pernicious all the ‘messaging’ is, and just how much damage it’s done and continues to do to any real discussion of emuna, and what it really means to be serving God.

Here’s another example of ‘Chabad moshiach propaganda’, that we all see, all the time, every day:

[So, I have tried three different ways of uploading the mesichist yellow flag here… and it’s not working. It’s A-M-A-Z-I-N-G how much censorship I get, in so many different ways, when I bring this subject up. Mamash, the sort of censorship I get when I’m writing about masons and Frankists….]


One of the commentators on the last post put up a link to a Zusha song, that’s kind of nice (Zusha songs usually take a while to grow on me).

Immediately it finished, some slick ad for a Chabad mashpia who teaches lots of obviously heretical ideas popped up.


Enough already!

The Rebbe was not Moshiach, he wasn’t even the ‘presumptive’ Moshiach of his generation, as he didn’t descend father after father from King David.

The Rebbe also died a long time ago, and is not returning for a second coming.

This is all xtian emuna, not Jewish belief and understanding.

If you can’t say that out loud, or feel uncomfortable with me typing this so clearly – I suggest you take some time to explore why that is.


It’s really hard to stop flattering evil.

Especially, when evil has so many misguided ‘good people’ working for it.



With a title like that, of course, it has to be more awesome comments from the Rav.

The Rav is dropping a huge bunch of hints here about ‘real Jewish history’, and when I have a bit more time, I hope to follow at least some of them up.

In the meantime, I will repost an old article I wrote a few years ago about the ‘Tiferet Yisrael’ and the Get of Cleves, after this post, to get the ball rolling.



Excerpt of a shiur given in Beer Sheva, Wednesday, Parshat Vayechi 5785

So, the Rebbe [Rebbe Nachman] explains that the melody comes from the two birds.

There are two birds, and they influence the melody. And how is this?


If a person sings a composition, like Beethoven, who was deaf. The last 10 years, he was already deaf, in the end he didn’t hear anything. He used to write scores, but according to his thoughts. [I.e. he only heard the music playing in his head, because he was deaf.]

And Mozart – he didn’t have a burial.

It’s written: “And he is even deprived of burial.[1]

It’s written in Kohelet that in end, he doesn’t even have a burial. No-one knows where he’s buried, they buried [Mozart] with the poor, with those who couldn’t afford to pay to be buried. They threw them into some corner, there, without gravestones. They buried them without anything.


So, Mozart – he was the greatest composer!

At age 7, he’d already received / comprehended all the melodies, because there were melodies in the church. He comprehended everything. He was writing scores at age 7. He was the greatest composer of all time. In the end – he is even deprived of burial. Because he didn’t have the money to pay for it.

And they didn’t say any eulogies over him.

Many of the composers committed suicide.

They jumped into the Rhine, they jumped into the Vistula, they jumped into the Thames, this is in London, or the Seine, in Paris.


So, there was [the River Maine] in Frankfurt, that’s where the Pnei Yehoshua was.

And he didn’t agree to sign on the get (bill of divorce), because the inkwell turned over. All those who were against the get [were prevented from becoming the Rav of Frankfurt]. This was in Frankfurt.

There was R’ Abish of Frankfurt, there was the get of Cleves, there was the get of Galuna. The get of Cleves involved the whole planet, all the tzaddikim in Europe [wrote their opinion on it].

So, the Nodah be’Yehuda said that the get of Cleves[2] wasn’t a get. He was against it, because she [the bride] was his cousin, so he possulled (disqualified) the get. This was the get of Galuna, there was a difference of almost ten years [between the get of Cleves and the get of Galuna.]


After this, there was the get of Cleves.

She [the bride] was called Leah, he was called Itchele ben R’ Eliezer Neihuiz.

And he already had some sort of connection with another woman, so he wanted to cancel [the shidduch], he was against the shidduch, he didn’t agree to the shidduch, under no circumstances, no.

But they made him a shidduch, they did it in Elul, on Tuesday or Wednesday, there was the chuppah. And then on Shabbat, he disappeared, he ran away. He didn’t want the shidduch. They organised a search throughout all the villages, and they found him sleeping by some non-Jew.

And he’d stolen all the dowry! And he paid him $100, to sleep by this non-Jew, when they went to look for him.


And then he [the groom] said to R’ Shimshon of Copenhagen – he was from Copenhagen, he was from Denmark.

He was called Shimshon Copenhagen, this was the uncle of his bride. He told him that he needed to give a get, and if not, he was going to disappear, no-one would be able to find him, and then she would be an agunah for the rest of her life.

And then the grandfather of the Tiferet Yisrael, he was also called Yisrael, Yisrael Lipshitz, so he wrote the get. R’ Yisrael wrote the get, and the [dayanim who organised the get], they were the chassidim of R’ Abish of Frankfurt.


R’ Abish, up until the age of 12, he didn’t know how to learn. Until the age of 12!

Then, they found a shidduch for him, some orphan girl, poor thing. But now, he knew that he would have to give over some sort of drasha before the wedding, so he went to the forest and he wept for three hours.

He travelled there in a wagon, he went with a wagon.

They didn’t have Mercedes, and not Audis, and not Lincolns, and not Limousines. So he went, he went with a wagon, and the wagon came to a stop in in some forest. So, he descended from the wagon, at age 12, and he started to cry out to Hashem, that He should open his mind for him.

Suddenly, [after this happened], he went into some synagogue and he saw that he understood everything that was being learned. He even came up with his own kooshiot (questions on the text) – he knew how to come up with kooshiot! He knew how to ask questions.

So suddenly, the saw that he knew how to learn, so they wanted to cancel the shidduch.

[R’ Abish] said, I am not cancelling the shidduch.

This was R’ Abish of Frankfurt.


And R’ Abish used to go and collect tzedakah for his yeshiva in Frankfurt.

He used to go from house to house, to travel do a different city, and go around as though he was a simple man. He used to travel like a simple person.

Suddenly, some rich man had his silver staff stolen from him, so he ran after him [after R’ Abish], and gave him murderous blows. He thought it was him [who had stolen the staff], because R’ Abish had just left his house. But it already had been stolen beforehand, apparently.

Someone else stole it, some other beggar.

The rich man gave R’ Abish murderous blows, until he saw that he’d broken his bones, like he should have. And R’ Abish said: I don’t know anything!

The rich man let him go.


Eventually, this rich man got to Frankfurt, and R’ Abish was precisely in the middle of his drasha [in the Frankfurt synagogue], and he saw that the person he’d beaten up was the Rav of Frankfurt.

He used to go around like a simple person, to collect money. He didn’t want to collect ‘like a rabbi’.

So, the rich man fainted three times.

They threw cold water on him, until he was able to come and ask for forgiveness [from R’ Abish]. So R’ Abish said: No, no, it wasn’t me! He thought that he’d come to beat him up again.

So, the rich man wanted to ascend the bimah, to ask for forgiveness [before the whole congregation], so R’ Abish screamed out: No! It wasn’t me! No!

So, this was R’ Abish of Frankfurt.


[The Rav returns to the story of the Get of Cleves].

Because they were his chassidim.

So they told him [R’ Abish] that the groom wasn’t normal, that he ran away, and that he wasn’t sane [so the get wasn’t kosher, and the bridge was an agunah].

Because there were three simanim (indications) of [madness].[3]

There is wandering around by yourself at night. If a person is going to do hitbodedut [by himself at night] that’s something else. But stam, to wander around by yourself at night, this is [madness].

And there is tearing off his clothes, and losing whatever he is given. So, you need all three of these simanim together [to rule that someone is insane].

In any case, the Nodeh be’Yehudah said that he was totally normal, and that the get was a binding get. [So the woman could remarry.]


Here, this is the story, here we have the whole story in its entirety.

We will read the story of the Get of Cleves.

So now, there was a machloket (controversy), over whether [the groom] should be called ‘insane’ or sane, because he ran away during Shabbat.

They went to find him, to call the groom and escort him to the synagogue. And the bride was called Leah Gushuisen from BROND[4] And he was called Itzhik ben R’ Eliezer Mannheim. The wedding was on the 8th of Elul 5522 (1762)


After this, R’ Abish died, be’emet (in truth).

In 5529 (1769) he died – R’ Abish, because he’d said that the get was not a get. And the get really was a get. But he didn’t want to get married.

She said that until all the rabbis will agree! [That she was divorced, she wasn’t going to remarry].


She [the bride] was a girl of 16.

So on the first Shabbat after the wedding, the groom took all the dowry money, and ran away with the dowry. $100, 100 zlotys, 100 guildens, 100 guildens.

The groom said [we he’d run away]. Because he was facing a death sentence, because he’d been with the housemaid, and at that time, whoever was with [a woman] without being married, they would kill him.

They would hang him, mamash.

If someone would make a complaint, that someone had come to her, then they used to hang him [i.e. the accused man]. They simply hung him, they gave him a death sentence.

So, he needed to leave the country, [and that’s why he ran away on Shabbat]. He wanted to travel to London.

In the end, he opened up a synagogue there, in the name of R’ Itzhik Hamburger.



Translated from Shivivei Or, 394.



[1] The Rav is quoting this verse from Kohelet 6:3: “If a man begets a hundred children and lives many years – great being the days of his life – and his soul is not content with the good – and he is even deprived of burial, I say: The stillborn is better off than he.”

[2] The Hebrew transcriber puts the words (Galuna] in brackets here.

[3] See Tractate Hagigah 3b.

[4] This was possibly misheard by the transcriber, and could be ‘BROD’, or some other location.



Here is where you can see that post on the Tiferet Israel:

And here is a discussion of the Get of Cleves that mentions the Sha’agat Aryeh (also mentioned in this post above….):

Here is the Hebrew Wiki page for the ‘Get of Cleves’ – it starts to fill in lots of the details:

The divorce from Kliwa – Wikipedia


The bride is from BONN,  not BROND.

R’ Abish of Frankfurt is R’ ABRAHAM ABISH of LISSA – Hebrew Wiki page for him here:

Avraham Abish of Frankfurt – Wikipedia

There are a ton of ‘Sabbatean’ linkages with him, this one snippet is just the tip of the iceberg:

He stood at the right hand of Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeschutz in the amulet polemic.

Looks like Marvin Antelmann was right after all, that all this was cooked-up to cause huge division between the rabbis just as the Sabbateans, Frankists and Reformers were mounting their big assault against Torah Judaism….


It’s been a crazy couple of weeks, but BH, I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

Honestly, I’m not so unhappy about being mostly offline at the moment, as it’s kept me out of the stomach churning ‘Gaza Big Brother’ happening at the moment, that just feels so very wrong, for so very many reasons.

And it’s also keeping me out of all the pointless speculation about evil politicians who OF COURSE ARE EVIL.

Like, duh!!!!! a million times over.

That we even have to ponder this question is a sign of how ‘Amalek’ has confused us all, and sown so very much doubt in our minds that we literally think that ‘bad’ is ‘good’.

And vice-versa.


So, lots of good has come out of me being mostly offline.

And I’m not planning on running back into the muck so fast, tell you the truth.

That said, BH, I am working on translating more of the Rav’s stuff, and I’m also continuing with my ‘real Jewish history’ stuff, behind the scenes.

But most of all, I’m planning on trying to see the ongoing good in my real, every-day life, and to make more of an effort to appreciate the good in the real people around me, and also, in myself.

There’s been such a ‘vibe’ of yeoush, such a down vibe of Jewish self-loathing raining down on us recently, in a million ways.

But so many Jews are still so awesome.

So many Jews are still getting up every day, and serving God (trying to…) and continuing to live life, and continuing to move forward, and continuing to do kindnesses for others, and continuing to try to improve things within themselves and around them, even though the media is painting such a horrible, depressing picture all the time.

Tachlis, most of the Jews are not giving up – at all.

Even though of course sometimes, we all have ‘down’ days when all we want to do is crawl under a rock somewhere and wait for the madness to pass.


This is probably driving the Evils nuts.

I’m sure they were hoping we all would have just broken apart by now, with all the constant pressure they keep applying in a million different ways.

That’s not happening.

We are battered and bruised, for sure.

But the Jew is like an olive.

The more you squeeze, the more the good stuff is extracted.

And that’s what is happening now, albeit not in the media, and not for what passes as our public discourse and institutions.

But it’s happening in the homes and hearts of so many Jews, all over the world.

And every drop of ‘good’ extracted will be used to light the way forward, here.

Because we aren’t giving up.

And we are fast approaching the point when the Evils are finally going to be unmasked and punished for all the destruction and suffering they’ve caused, and are still trying to cause.

Personally, that’s the bit I’m really looking forward to.


Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Berland on January 27, 2025

[Senncheriv] took his army from the whole world, two billion [soldiers].

Today, the world is 7.5 billion, he took soldiers from across the whole world. He said tomorrow, everyone will spit [over the walls of Jerusalem], it’s enough one spit, we’ll drown it in spit. We will Jerusalem up with two billions spits, Jerusalem will be drowned in spittle. We don’t even need to fight them. But I’ll still bring them horses, I’ll bring them MiGs, I’ll bring them tanks, I’ll supply them with everything.


This was a good king, not like Biden, who didn’t send weapons.

He said, I’ll send you weapons, as many as you want.

Now, Trump agrees [to send weapons], inasmuch as they will stop the war, and everything. He is also going after Biden, but now, he’s agreeing to send us a bit.

[During the war] planes flew without bombs, it’s already 15 months of war, everything is used up. Always, a war is three weeks, the most. Yom Kippur was three weeks, it started on Yom Kippur and finished on Hoshana Rabba, it was already finished. We had already beaten them, gomarnu.


And the Six Days – this lasted six days. By the Jews, it goes one, two. In six days, we conquered the whole of Eretz Yisrael.

In 11 days, [during the Yom Kippur War] we’d already routed the Egyptians.

[Someone in the audience says that the war in Ukraine has been going for three years.]

Ukraine – Putin didn’t succeed in anything.

Already it’s three years, and he didn’t advance a millimeter, he just goes backwards. He already fired a rocket at Uman, blew up a whole building there, how many, 26 people were killed there. Breslov wants to save them, in the merit of the Breslovers, nothing is working for him [i.e. Putin].


[In Israel] in the Six Days War, they conquered the whole of Eretz Yisrael.

In 11 days they kicked out the Egyptians, and [the IDF] got to 101 kilometres [from Cairo]. They got across the Canal within 11 days, and already helicopters were coming with bombs. Because [the Egyptians] had Patten [tanks], Patten is a Russian tank, and we had the Fiat and Sherman [tanks].

[Turning to someone in the audience] You were in the army, Sherman – Fiat got cracked like a nut, but the Patten needed something different. RPGs, today RPGs blow apart everything, every make of tank. They put an explosive charge, the tank flies in the air, up to the moon. They put a charge of half a ton, a ton.


[After we conquered Jabaliyah at a very heavy price, now because of the agreement to return the hostages] they are leaving Jabaliyah, they are leaving there, and that’s it. In the meantime, they are putting explosive charges on the roads again. They have a week of time, and now if the tanks come, they will explode into the air, they’ll fly in the air, as though the tank is made of paper.

As though it’s made of cardboard.

Why are they leaving? Why are they going in?


But they say: Hamas is a boobie.

Now, those [hostages] who were freed, called them ‘workers for peace’, and so on. They made balloons [that they were going to send into Gaza with messages of peace, like] we love you.

They [the terrorists on Simchat Torah] just came to get the balloons.

On Simchat Torah at 6am, they arranged to release them [the balloons] – you are our brothers, we love you!

And they came to take the balloons, like that, without permission, all of this was from their tremendous love for us, of course, it’s written that love conquers everything, from such tremendous love.

So, they came to get their balloons.


Everyone there is the most ‘left’.

Those kibbutzim [in the Gaza envelope] – this is the left of the left of the left of the left.

There, everyone is already married to a non-Jew, everything, there’s already no ‘Am Yisrael’. Nothing. “You voted” – the datiim (religious Jews), this is the problem, not the Hamas. Hamas is a boobie, the sweetest of sweet.

The datiim shout ‘you voted’, there is Am Yisrael.

[But they claim that] Am Yisrael is finished. Am Yisrael used to be a thing, in the past. But we are progressive, this is progress, there is progressiveness and advancing. Progress is to advance.

There is Lieberman, who is hofshi, everything is permitted, and there are democrats, and this is the worst. This is the greatest dictatorship, there is no greater dictatorship. There is one person [the attorney general] – she is the greatest dictator. Everything is her.

She cancelled everything.

Now, they took a judge who is the most […], made him the head judge. The most […]! This demonstrates that everything is corrupt, everything is lies, everything! There is no ‘court of justice’, there is nothing.

It’s the most corrupt state from all the countries.

Translated from Shivivei Or 395.

About 6-7 weeks ago, a massive grasshopper appeared in the window of the downstairs toilet.

It was four inches long, unmissable, and just perched itself on the iron railing that covered the toilet window. The first week, I was worried it was going to try and make a break for it into the house, but it never did.

Then, I started wondering if it was dead, and from that point on, it was careful to move an inch or two in various directions every single day, to assure me it was very much alive and kicking. But inexplicably perched in my window, and not going anywhere.


After two weeks of this, I went to look up the ‘Song of the Grasshopper’ in Perek Shira. This is what it said:

The Grasshopper says: “I lift my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come?” (Psalms 121:1)

The verse really resonated with me, for a few different reasons, but I didn’t really understand what that grasshopper was coming to tell me.


At the same time all this was happening, baruch Hashem, my first grandchild was being born, and my daughter and family moved in with us for 2.5 weeks after the birth.

The day after the birth, I spent six hours with my daughter in the hospital, as she was kept in for observation for 3 days. I came out with the worse migraine I think I’ve ever had, and just felt totally crushed into the floor.

Even at home, even the next day, the migraine persisted.

I did a lot of hitbodedut on it, to try and figure out what on earth was going on, and eventually I realised I’d been ‘flashed back’ to all the trauma I’d carefully stored away and forgotten about, from when I’d been the one giving birth to my first child.

I got the pongers out, spent a good hour cleaning up the energetic traces of having to be at the mercy of the NHS, and felt way better, physically.



While all this was going on, I developed some weird ‘sore’ on my right hand, by the base of my thumb.

Initially, I just thought it was dry hands, or something, but then after a week, it refused to go away. And then it started oozing and crusting and looking really, really weird, but at the same time, wasn’t painful at all.

What the heck is this?!

I stuck clay on it. Stuck more clay on it. But it continued to spread, and I started to freak out. I started looking up things all over the place, and eventually, I came to believe it was ‘ringworm’ – which isn’t actually a worm at all, but a fungus that causes circular traces on the skin.

All this stuff ‘erupts’ when people are severely immuno-compromised from being stressed out of their skulls 24/7.


So, I try to live my life by doing my best to ‘decode’ all the hints Hashem is taking the trouble to send me all the time, like the grasshopper in the window, the weird ever-spreading sore on my hand.

I reached for Christine Beerlandt’s book, The Key to Self-Liberation, to see what she she said about ‘ringworm’, fishing for the clue God was sending me.

Here’s a bit of what she said:

“You are not able to set up your own structures, to border off your own terrain, because you don’t listen to your own authority, feel powerless, don’t build your life enough on your own basis…you feel restricted under the observing eye…you don’t really live freely and openly the way you would like, because you are afraid – possibly, also of the boss looking over your shoulder, or…a director who’s spying on you…”


Basically, powerlessness, powerlessness, and more totally overwhelming feelings of powerlessness. And I knew exactly which ‘director’, which ‘boss’, what ‘authority’ this was talking about.

I looked around the house we’d been renting for five years, which in and of itself, is a fantastic house.



Our landlord has been an abusive narc from day one, and refused to fix anything that broke.

As the house is 40+ years old, things break all the time. In the beginning, we entertained delusions that maybe one day, God would help us to buy it, so our attitude to fixing it up ourselves was very different.

Covid 19 began two weeks after we moved in, so we got the landlord’s permission to try to make the yard full of mile-high ancient weeds – so old, they had gnarled roots and half a trunk – into a livable garden.

That was our ‘Covid 19’ project, when I had a house full of frustrated teens.

We spent a fortune doing it, but it saved my sanity, and also, gave us another good outside place for the teenagers and others to ‘hang’, at the height of the lockdowns.

Our landlord didn’t appreciate all that time, money and effort, although he really loved the garden, because now it meant he could finally try and rent the downstairs ‘granny flat’ that was attached to our house – and our water and electricity bill.


In the meantime, more leaks, more cracks, more really bad mould, half the kitchen floor dug up by Sami, the cheap Arab handyman who could do magic with his screwdriver just by waving it a floor tile and muttering something in Arabic.

The aircon stopped working two years ago.

We asked the landlord to replace it, a few times, he ignored us.

And we, for our part, just swallowed it, because there was always too much going on in our own lives to add ‘moving house’ to the list. And the house itself was fantastic, not including the mould, lack of aircon, massive cracks, electric shocks you’d get randomly from very old sockets and inability to use half the kitchen.

We worked around all this, and in the meantime, my kids both got married, baruch Hashem, and all of a sudden, I found myself rattling around that space like a lone pea in the proverbial pod.


A year and a half ago, our landlord managed to rent the downstairs flat – also full of mould and cockroaches, but with the lovely, awesome garden that we’d planted and tended, to a new tenant.

Her contract stated that her water and electricity were included in her rent.

The landlord stuck an extra 500 shekels on her rent bill to cover utilities – and we were the ones paying for it. In the meantime, he’d told the new tenant she had exclusive access to the garden we’d planted – but both of them were expecting me to carry on being the (free…) gardener.

I did that for the first six months, trying very hard just to see all this as an advanced test of my middot.

(I didn’t always pass with flying colours, let’s be clear.)

But then, my second daughter got married, and I went back to school, and all of a sudden, I didn’t have the time to do anything with the garden any more. The downstairs neighbour put up a fence to ‘keep her dog in’, which also had the effect of ‘keeping me out’ – and so, I wished the garden downstairs goodbye, and planted a few containers on the mirpeset upstairs instead.


So, the grasshopper, the hand, all this going on, feeling lonely in the house, ‘Project Blue Beam’ every night, twice, straight into my window from the Peace Forest – and then to top it all off, my new downstairs neighbor asked me one day if I’d ever seen any people in the apartment directly facing mine.

It had the mamad iron window-covering permanently closed, the other window permanently with a drawn, heavy-duty blind – and two cameras installed underneath each window.

At that point, I realised in the summer I’d seen them installing those cameras, but never thought anything about it. And with the ‘Houthis’ (ahem…) I hadn’t paid attention to the permanently-barred mamad.

But my downstairs neighbor spent a lot of time in the garden, looking at stuff and being nosy.

I think they are military, she told me, with an arched eyebrow.

I think she’s right.


My anxiety tripled overnight.

I don’t think they were there for me, I think they are there to oversee the Project Blue Beam part of the fantastic final performance, over Jerusalem’s Peace Forest.

But no-one wants to live next to a closed military facility even when they’re not digging into deep state history. I stopped going out onto the balcony, and started to keep my own blinds half down during the day.


But…. The house was fantastic!

Not including the mould, lack of aircon, massive cracks, electric shocks you’d get randomly from very old sockets and inability to use half the kitchen, paying the utilities for the downstairs flat, Project Blue Beam, and now, spooks with surveillance cameras peering straight into my salon.


The last straw came four weeks ago.

That’s when yet another leak started up in some ancient pipe, and after two months of continuous seepage, the upstairs ceilings started developing interesting green, grey and sandy-orange coloured mould patterns.

And the cracks in the walls and ceilings started to multiply, and bits of plaster started flaking down on our heads in the bathroom.

That’s when I realised, without some serious, serious, remedial work, the house was literally coming down around our ears. If not this month, then next. But soon.

I sighed a deep sigh, and contacted the landlord about fixing the issue, and putting in a new aircon, as a precondition for us renewing the lease again, in July. (We’d been there five years, on a long term lease).


He responded with his usual abusive, narcissist-landlord shtick, ignoring what I’d said about the house needing urgent fixing etc, and said something like:

I haven’t been in Jerusalem in a while. I need to come and check the prices I’ve heard they’ve gone up a lot.


Two years ago, I had a feeling that when we’d leave the place, things were going to get tricky with him. The last tenant ended up suing him in court – and won a large amount.

So, for the last two years, I’d been putting everything on email that he owed us, including the neighbor’s bills, and stuff we’d had to fix ourselves, because otherwise the place would be unliveable. It came to around 17,000 shekels. Just in case, things were going to get ‘legal’, when we ended up finally having to call it a day.


But… The house was fantastic!!!

And moving is so expensive and exhausting and disheartening, especially when you see no end in sight to having to ‘squat’ in a property you don’t own, being controlled by abstentee landlords who only care about how much money you are paying every month.

The (only…) upside of living with that particular abusive narc landlord is that we never had to ask permission to hang a picture up, or drill into a wall. And that helped us to feel more ‘at home’.

We were still teetering between staying and going, when we got a ginormous water bill.


Because the never-ending leak had turned into a water feature, mamash, a trickling stream ithat gurgles prettily into the garden, and we were footing the bill for it. At that point, even we started to realise that the rent we were paying was only part of the real cost of staying in the house. When we did the comparison, we realised we could find somewhere ‘OK’ for the same sort of money.

But there was still the landlord to navigate, and because he’s such an abusive, passive-aggressive narc, we were honestly both scared of standing up to him.


Long story short…. The grasshopper came to tell me I could no longer put up with being the landlord’s whipping boy, and we had to take the plunge and move.

The hand came to tell me that while everything is up to God, ultimately, He still expects us humans to play an active part in resolving our own problems, too, and to not ‘rely on a miracle’ to save us, when we can actually do something ourselves, or at least, try to.

Rebbe Nachman says exactly the same thing, about needing to even pray for Hashem to send us a new button, if that’s lacking. I can’t find that quote right now, but here’s a related one, from ADVICE, that is also really speaking to me:

One should get into the habit of always praying for whatever one needs, be it livelihood, children or healing for someone who is sick at home, etc.

The main recourse should always be to prayer, in the faith that God is good to all. One should always put one’s main effort into searching for God and not go running after all kinds of other solutions.


Bottom line, God was sending me a whole bunch of hints that –

It was time to move.


I had a very emotional chat with my husband that Friday night, not least, because I know how much he loved the house, and I was scared he wouldn’t understand that things had moved into the realm of we need to move ASAP, I can’t take this any more.

BH, he graciously accepted the argument, and supported the decision to move.

The next day, the grasshopper disappeared, after a month of living in my window, and never came back.


I am typing this offline in my new apartment.

We moved two days ago, and it was the second hardest move I ever had. That’s a tale for another time.

The ex-landlord was the abusive narc he always is – except, God did a big miracle for us. It turns out the contract actually lapsed last year, not this year, and no-one realised because of the war.

We had no contractual obligation to him for his three months’ notice, and the bank released the 20,000 deposit to us, which we were worrying he’d just hold and not return, on one pretext or another.

With the 20,000 nis off the table – he’d lost his main weapon.

And for our part, we wrote him a big, long letter, listing all the expenses he should have paid us for (and that we’d actually asked him for, repeatedly) and didn’t, showing he was flagrantly in breach of the contract. (Like, a million times over.)

Even he realised things had got to the stage where he couldn’t just ignore our claims.

Because he can’t just continue bullying us now, he’s gone quiet instead. And that suits us both just fine.


I had huge mixed feelings leaving that house.

I came with two teenagers, and left with two married daughters and a grandson, bH.

I came before ‘Covid 19’ and now this war, which have both totally changed the picture of what is going on in the world, and just how evil the people controlling all this really are.

I came still hoping one day, we’d be able to buy a home of our own in Jerusalem, something that seems further off than ever.

And I came with more optimism and hope, that redemption was round the corner, and Moshiach was imminent.


And now?

I am feeling more and more, that God wants us to knuckle down, and to take responsibility for our lives, and our problems, and our own bad middot and fears.

And not just wait for Moshiach to show up and wave his magic wand, to fix everything that is so, so wrong with the world.

We have to stand up to the bullies ourselves. We have to stand up for what’s right, ourselves. We have to take a stand. We have to face down our own fallen fears and bad middot.

We have to do that, for the situation to finally really improve, and turnaround, with God’s help.

It seems to me, that was the main message the ‘song of the grasshopper’ came to tell me.

So now, I’m passing it along to you.




I will be back in around a week or so, BH.


Finally, I had a bit of time to return to a ‘real Jewish history’ post.

This one is a corker.

A few months ago, we started tying together how the RAFFLOVICH family seemed to be in the middle of a network that connected Frankists (aka outwardly ‘xtian’ Jews who were the next generation of believers in Shabtai Tzvi) with people like Aleister Crowley, Italian gentry, the Jesuits, the Prieure de Sion, the British evangelicals who really founded the State of Israel – and the early z-ist movement, here in Eretz Israel, and also in the UK.


In the meantime, I got busy with a hundred different things, and all this research had to go onto the back burner again.

Today, I decided to eat breakfast while looking for that story of the Tzemach Tzedek talking about the Alter Rebbe’s snuff box, that makes an appearance in Elitzur’s latest video, HERE.

I girded my loins and started looking for references to that story.


So I’m clicking around, trying to figure out if there’s more to this snuff box story, when I click on the following link on the site:

I started scanning for mentions of the ‘Tzemach Tzedek’ – and that brings me to this article, that begins on page 17, talking about the last Rebbe’s roots that trace back to Nikolayev, in the Ukraine.

The last Lubavicher Rebbe was actually born in Nikolayev, and lived there for the first six years of his life.

So of course, i took a closer look.


According to this article in DerHer magazine, in the year 5549 (1789) the Russian government decided to open a new shipyard close to Nikolayev, that would service the Russian fleet stationed in the Black Sea, near by.

The article doesn’t say who was ruling Russia at this point, but it was Empress Catherine the Great. Her advisors included Grigory Potemkin, and also NAME of Shklov, both of whom employed YEHOSHUA ZEITLIN as their court factor.


Next, the article says that 20 years after it was founded (i.e. 1809) “Czar Nikolai I” approved the appointment of a ‘Reb Ephraim Zalman’ to be the city’s rav.

This is strange for a lot of reasons.

First of all, ‘Czar Nikolai I’ only came to the throne in 1825. It was his brother, the Tsar Alexander I, who was on the Russian throne at this point. And Tsar Alexander I was a born-again-evangelical who was being acclaimed as the ‘Second Cyrus’ across Europe, after his defeat of Napoleon.

Tsar Alexander I was trying very, very hard to ‘convert’ the two million Jews in his lands, and one of his big plans for doing this was to award land and many other privileges to any Jew who would convert to xtianity.


Under Alexander I’s conversion program, any Jews who converted would be granted Russian land that would be held by them and their descendants in perpetuity, as ‘Israelite Christians’ – for as long as they stayed being xtians.

Part of the reason we never hear about Alexander I’s program for ‘Israelite Christians’ in Russia is because this is exactly the same time that certain ‘rebbes’ and their acolytes started acquiring large tracts of land across Russia.

It’s always puzzled me how this was the case, given that the Russian Imperial policy was that Jews were forbidden from owning land.

The more I’ve researched this subject, the more that it appears that the main  exceptions to this rule was important contractors to the Russian government / military; and ‘Israelite Christians’ – Jews who’d agreed to be baptised, but who otherwise were permitted to live as proto ‘Jews-for-Jesus’, in these special settlements set aside by Tsar Alexander I.


On March 25th, 1817, Easter Sunday, the Tsar issued a ukase concerning the converted Jews of Russia, that lifted civil disabilities off baptised Jews, and decreed they should henceforth be known as ‘Israeli Christians’.

This decree was published in Russian, German and Polish, and also announced the establishment of a new ‘Society of Israeli Christians’, to ensure the material well-being of baptised Jews who now found themselves cut off from their old support networks in the Jewish community, but still barred from being accepted as true Christians by their Russian neighbors.

The formal task of the society was essentially to encourage Jews to be baptized.

Another carrot that the Tsar tried to use to encourage more Russian Jews to convert was the promise of free land grants in the Crimea, which Russia had recently conquered, and was keen to colonise.[1]


We will come back to Alexander I another time – he ‘died’ in December 1825.

But there are persistent rumours that he actually just abdicated the throne voluntarily (possibly, before he got bumped off the same way his father Paul I was assassinated…) – and became a wandering monk across Russia.

What’s even stranger about this tale is that almost the identical story is told about Moshe Shneuri, the Alter Rebbe’s son who converted to xtianity, but then is said to have regretted it, at some point, and became a ‘wandering tzaddik’ drifting from one shul to another, across Russia.


So, to come back to Derher magazine.

We’ve already established some serious faults in its historical accuracy, as Alexander I was on the throne in 1809 and not his brother, Nicolai I.

And Alexander I is mainly giving land and privileges to Jews who become xtians, plus some land grants in places that Russia has newly conquered, like the Crimea, and important government contractors. I don’t know which category the Jews of Nikolaev fit into, still. Maybe, all of them.

Derher informs us:

“[The Tsar] personally met with Reb Efraim Zalman and commented that he was “razumne,” a shrewd person.”

The article continues by explaining that Reb Efraim Zalman is a follower of the Alter Rebbe of Chabad, Shneur Zalman, and apparently even writes the hanacha of a ma’amar delivered by the Alter Rebbe as part of the sheva brachot celebrations that accompany the Zhlobiner wedding.

In other words – he’s an important follower of the Alter Rebbe, and not just some random joe.


Next, Derher says that this original ‘Jewish’ community in Nikolayev didn’t last very long.

In 5589 (1829), the Tsar issues and expulsion order for the community of ‘Jews’ living Nikoyalev. This is Tsar Nicolai I, who takes over from Alexander in December 1825. We can assume it takes him a little bit of time to get his feet under the table, and to start to figure out his own plans for destroying the Jewish community.

Remember, under the rules of his ukase, Alexander I grants land holdings to baptised Jews only as long as they continue to live as xtians.

If there is any backsliding – the grant of land will be taken away. At this point, I can’t help but wonder if this is at least one of the reasons for this expulsion order in Nikolayev.

As we continue to unpack the story in DerHer, you’ll see that’s not as crazy as it sounds.


Derher says that while most Jews are finally forced out five years later, in 1834, there are a small group of Jews who manage to stay on in Nikoyalev, even after this date.

And here is where this story whooshes off into ‘incredible’, once again.

Derher says there is a woman called ‘Mume Leah’, a Jewess who married out of the faith and somehow managed to acquire “ADMIRAL ALEXSEY GREIG” as her husband.

Adm. Greig is apparently a Scot, who is serving in the Russian navy, and also advising the Tsars on how best to settle the new land they’ve just conquered.

Here are a few snippets that build a picture of someone who is very influential in the Russian government – and yet somehow, married to a Jewess called ‘Mume Leah’ who still brings her charity money to the Ruzhiner Rebbe (who the Russian government had made persona non grata and expelled from their realms.)


From HERE:

“At that time, Admiral Aleksey Greig commanded the Black Sea Fleet. … For the successful command of the fleet, Greig was promoted to the rank of admiral.”

From HERE:

“One of them was Admiral Aleksey Greig who advised to go beyond only the sailors and to attract experienced farmers, herdsmen, and winemakers.”

From HERE:

“Figure 11A & B. Admiral Aleksey Greig (1775–1845), admiral of Scottish extraction in the Russian navy. A: portrait by Georg von Bothmann, 1877 (Hermitage Museum); B: lithograph by unknown artist.”


That last source is probably the most important one, at this stage, because while it is pretty easy to ‘fake’ the written word, when you have an old portrait like this, with specific details, it’s much more likely to be an authentic historical artefact.

So, ‘Admiral Aleksey Greig’ apparently was a real person, was a real admiral in the Russian navy, was the governor of Nikolayev, and was a Scot.

How hard could it be, to track down ‘Mume Leah’, his apostate wife?!

Of course – almost impossible.

Because many of her descendants and relatives are still controlling and running the Jewish community.

But I went back to DerHer to see if I could gather any more clues, and yes, I did just that.


The magazine explains that ‘Di Mume Leah’ had a nephew by the name of: SHOLOM YISHAYA RAFALOVITCH, who she’d manage to set up in the shipbuilding business for the Russian navy, where he’d become pretty rich.

When the expulsion order was handed down, Di Mume Leah – married to Alexsey Greig, the xtian governor of Nikoyalev – managed to get special permits that enabled her nephew, SHOLOM YISHAYA RAFALOVITCH, and this ‘Ephraim Zalman Razumne’ to stay on.


Let’s unpack this.

A few months ago when I was tracking down the RAFFALOVICH family connections to Frankists and satanists like Aleister Crowley, I’d already done a lot of leg work on this particular family tree.

(See this post:

On the Russian Wiki site HERE, there is an entry for the MARSHALKOVITCH family.

I had to machine translate what I’m bringing below, but you get the picture – and there’s a lot of interesting details here, so I’m going to bring the whole thing:

Marshalkovich (Маршלקאויץ, formerly Марш) is a Jewish surname in Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, whose representatives played a prominent role in Jewish public life. Many well-born Jewish surnames, such as Parnes, Rafalovich, etc., branched out from it.

Especially famous was the branch of this surname, which originates from Dubna (Volyn province). An early representative of Moslemism is R. Avraham B.-Zeev Wolf, whose epitaph is dated “תנ ״ ט ד ׳ אלול” and who, according to legend, was the son-in-law of Taz (R. David Halevi).

His grandson, R. Avigdor M., was a regional syndic, דאש מדינה since 1753. The latter’s grandson, R. Chaim Nachman Parnes from Vilna, son-in-law of R. Efraim Zalman Margaliot, was the head of the Vilna community, where he died in 1854.

Another grandson of R. Avraham Zeev-Wolf, R. Moses Parnes (died in 1764 G.), was a well-known Talmudist and philanthropist. His grandson, Aaron R. Parnes, founded in Dubna Beth ha-Midrash, bears still the name “המרדש בית של ד׳אהדן פדנם”, and established with him a valuable library.

Another grandson of R. Moses, R. Zadok Maršalkovič, was a philanthropist and was built in Dubna many charitable institutions and the synagogue, which bears to this day the name “בית של המרדש מאדשאלקװיטא” or קלואז של” בד״ץ”.


Notice, the links between the RAFFALOVICH / RAFALOVICH and PARNES family of Vilna.

The Rafalovichs were closely connected to the Vilna parnessim who were running that city, and also, running the charity for ‘Eretz Yisrael’ that functioned as a secret society under the name ‘the Nobles of Vilna’.

Also, notice that this family stems from AVRAHAM BEN ZEEV WOLF, the son in law of the TAZ – who had become a follower of Shabtai Tzvi in the year before he died. The TAZ’s son and adopted son were both big believers in Shabtai Tzvi.


Lastly, notice the reference to EFRAIM ZALMAN MARGALIOT, who is the super-wealthy coral merchant who signs an approbation for Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Moharan – and happens to be one of the main funders for the ‘chassidic aliya’.

(And who is connected to the ‘Nobles of Vilna’ via marriage.)


Let’s see if we can dig up more connections, to try to pin down who ‘Di Muma Leah’ really was, and which family she actually belonged to.

Here is the geni page for one ‘MOSES RAFFALOVICH’:

Moses Raffalovich (deceased) – Genealogy (

And here is some of what you find there:

[K]nown as Moses Rafalovich of Mohilev (Mogilev Podolski) on the Dniester River, where he and his brother built warships for the Czar.

“The first to bear this surname was Moshe Parnes, son of Rafael, ship builder for the Russian Army, when in 1783 during a visit of Catherine the Great, the empress would have bestowed upon him his patronymic Raffalovich, replacing the surname Parnes that was used till then.”

Reference: Asher Salah, Quest 2106 who referenced Comparetti, In memoria di Elena Raffalovich, 15-16.


This is the right family.

Here’s another snippet:

“Two strong legs formed the foundation of the Raffalovich fortune – ship building and banking.

Moses and Solomon were responsible for developing the ship building. Solomon came to Nikolayev in 1825 and by 1836 won bids for two ships for the Russian Navy. Several more (about 20 in total) followed and essentially they built the entire Black Sea Fleet over the next 20 years.”


At this stage, Hashem had mercy on me, and I found the Wikipedia page for Admiral Aleksey Greig, HERE.

This is is his picture:


And even more importantly, this is his Jewish wife, ‘Di Muma Leah’, aka JULIA STALINSKAYA:


Wiki says this about the happy couple:

Aleksey Greig married Julia Stalinskaya, who was Jewish. This created social problems for them, when the family moved to St.Petersburg. They had five children, and their sons all served in the navy, achieving prominence. Greig’s grandfather Charles was an emigrant from Scotland. His father Samuil was an admiral in the Russian Imperial Navy.


So once I had ‘Di Mama Leah’s’ name in the real world, I could track down her family tree, a little more, on Geni, HERE.

And HERE, you’ll find a whole bunch of real details about where she and her husband some of her kids were buried, with real gravestones, in real graveyards.

You know, the sorts of details that are nearly always totally absent when I look into the families of most of the ‘tzaddikim’, and especially the ‘tzaddikim’ connected to Chabad and Ruzhin.


Here’s a pertinent snippet:

Yulia Mikhailovna Greig (nee Liya Moyshevna Stalinskaya), the daughter of a Mogilev innkeeper, a Jew.

In her youth, she served in her father’s tavern. She married a Polish officer, Captain Kulchinsky, but soon divorced. In 1820, she arrived in Nikolaev with deliveries of ship timber, obtained an audience with the commander of the Black Sea Fleet and ports, Admiral A. S. Greig, and soon became his common-law wife. In 1827, they were secretly married. Being an energetic and strong-willed woman,

Liya Moishevna had a huge influence on Greig.


Next, that Geni entry led me to a Russian-language genealogical site which had more details about ‘Di Mama Leah Greig’, and her children and husband, that you can see HERE.

But nothing telling me how Yulia Liya Greig directly connected up to the Rafalovich / Marshalkovitch family.

(We’ll start to see more of why that information has been carefully hidden in a moment.)

But clicking around, I got to another Russian-language historical site, HERE, with a page devoted to the RAFALOVICH family that brought more of the real story, together with a whole bunch of verifiable, first-hand evidence.

Here’s a couple of machine-translated snippets:

The head of the family, the Mogilev merchant Shlema Moshkovich (Moiseevich) Rafalovich (ca. 1790 – 1846), moved to Nikolaev from Mogilev in 1825 at the invitation of his sister-in-law Y.M. Greig, the wife of the Nikolaev military governor.

A close relative of the founder of the Odessa dynasty of Rafalovich, Abram Rafalovich.


It continues:

In view of the eviction of Jews from the city of Nikolaev, by the decree of Nicholas I of November 20, 1829, he filed a petition to move with his family to Odessa, however, in the 30s – 40s he continued to live in Nikolaev.

In 1836, he won the first tender for the construction of two ships. He built ships in the Spassky Admiralty, the boathouses of which he restored at his own expense. Until 1846, he built five 84-gun battleships: “Gabriel”, “Uriel”, “Yagudiil”, “Rostislav”, “Svyatoslav”.

On the eve of his death in 1846, he won a contract for the construction of the 120-gun ship “Paris”, the obligations for the performance of which were transferred to his heirs – his son Alexander Shlemovich (Solomonovich) (about 1820 – after 1890) and wife Rebekka (Ryvka, Rivka) (about 1800 – about 1860) Rafalovich.


On June 22, 1864, by the decision of the Governing Senate, A.Sh. Rafalovich was awarded the status of a hereditary honorary citizen, about which the Emperor’s Decree of September 18, 1864 was issued.


Let’s make the point again, clearly, that Imperial Russia didn’t just give Jews land and ‘hereditary honorary citizen status’ for nothing. Just because they were a ‘tzaddik’, or had a bunch of chassids.

Imperial Russia rewarded service to the State.

And just as Russia = Edom, you can be sure that nothing the State was up to, especially in the 19th century, was actually good for the Jews.


So, now we learn that  Shlema Moshkovich (Moiseevich) Rafalovich’s sister-in-law is ‘Di Muma Liya / Julia Grieg’.

My best guess is that Shlema’s wife, Rebekah (1800-1866) and ‘Di Muma Liya’ were sisters.


It won’t shock you to learn to that so many of this family’s descendants were senior communist revolutionaries and Bolshevik activists, with one, FELIX YAKOVLEVICH KON (1864-1941) apparently friends with Lenin.

But that’s not where I want to go, in the rest of this post.

I want to try and figure out more of which family Rebekah and Liya (Julia) Stalinsky (Grieg) link us back to, and how the RAFALOVICH family have continued to play a very important role in the State of Israel, even up to our days.


SHLEMA MOSHKOVICH RAFALOVICH (1790 – 1846) has at least two brothers, and we’ve written about both of them here before.

The one we wrote about HERE was the brother called KALMAN MOSHE RAFFALOVICH of Odessa.

He’s the grandpa of the founder of the ACHAVA society (who was behind the publication of the Kol HaTor), ISAIAH RAFFALOVICH.

Isaiah’s maternal grandpa was apparently that same NISSAN BAK who was the agent of ‘R ISRAEL OF RUZHIN’ (aka MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN, main persecutor of R NATAN of BRESLOV) in Eretz Israel.

This is the same ‘R ISRAEL of RUZHIN’ who ‘Di Muma Liya’ Greig was apparently paying her tzedaka money to… All of this was kept very much in the family.


This branch of RAFFALOVICHs descend from Rebbe Nachman’s uncle, R BARUCH of MEDZHEBOZH – and also, R YECHIEL MICHAL of ZLOTCHOV.



And then, we wrote about SHLEMA’s other brother, ABRAHAM MOSES RAFFOLOVICH, HERE, in the post called: The Mystery Daughter of the Alter Rebbe.

He marries OLGA LOWENSOHN, and has 13 kids – most of them are interesting, and either marry non-Jews or Frankists, or are openly gay Dominican priests. Go take a look, I’m not going to rehash all this.


OK, let’s see if we can pin down a bit more which family JULIA (LIYA) GRIEG actually belonged to.

Back in the ‘fake Jewish genealogy’ world that doesn’t include people like ADM. ALEKSEY GREIG, governor of Nikolayev, you’ll remember that this RAFFALOVICH family of Russian ship-building wealthy Frankists are called ‘MARSHALKOVITCH’.

This tree on Geni is curated by (who else?) Kevin Lawrence Hanit. You can see it HERE.

It’s of course a huge mess – of course. Because they have had to scramble to hide all these non-Jewish spouses like ALEKSEY GREIG, of people who are close family of our ‘tzaddikim’ and ‘big rabbis’.

But there are a ton of ‘PARNAS’-surnamed people here, and we remember from above that ‘PARNAS’ was the original name of the RAFFALOVICH family of shipbuilders, before Catherine the Great changed it for them.

So, who else is here in this family tree – and who might ‘JULIA (LIYA) GREIG’ actually be, in this alternative, faked, genealogical alternative universe?


My best guess is that JULIA LIYA STALINSKAYA (GREIG) got given the pseudonym of BREINDEL HOROWITZ ‘HaGVIRA’ (or vice-versa), who is said to have married MORDECHAI ZADOK MARSHALKOVITCH of DUBNO.

(I don’t know if this is ‘instead of’ or ‘as well as’ Adm. Aleksey Greig, who predeceased his younger wife by quite a few years.

‘BREINDEL HAGVIRA’s’  yichus links us straight back to ‘Jewish royalty’, including the NODAH B’YEHUDA and a bunch of Landaus, R’ ITZIKEL ‘HAMBURGER’ HOROWITZ, Segals, Babads, Lurias, Schors and Halberstadts – and nearly all the main funders of the ‘Nobles of Vilna’, who were paying for both the chassidic yishuv, and the settlement of the Vilna Gaon’s Perushim, in Eretz Yisrael.

Of course, there are no real details for ‘BREINDEL HAGVIRA’ that prove that she, or her husband, actually every existed.

No pictures, documents, burials, graves – nothing.

Just some nice stories to disguise who she really was, and who she really married – and who her offspring really were, and what they really did, as they moved between their ‘Jewish’ and non-Jewish personas.


Two more details, for now, and then we’ll wrap this up for today.

Over HERE, I tripped over the archives for Nikoyalev, in Russian, on the WayBack Machine. Baruch Hashem for machine translation – it was actually pretty readable in English, all 250+ pages of it.

Here’s a few snippets that caught my eye:

The 24 [Jewish] merchant families [living in Nikolaev as] indicated by A. S. Greig also do not coincide with the data of the magistrate [23], but they are more accurate, since A. S. Greig writes about two merchants of the first guild in Nikolaev: Sh. Rafalovich and M. Serebryany.


The bolded reference is to Shlema Rafalovich, brother-in-law of ‘Di Muma Liya’ Greig.

He’s a real person, and so is she.


Here’s another interesting snippet:

The attraction of Jewish merchants to supply the Black Sea Fleet began under G. A. Potemkin and I. I. de Traverse. The largest volumes of supplies fell during the governorship of Admiral A. S. Greig.

When the rapid development of the fleet, shipbuilding and the city began in the first half of the nineteenth century, many Jews moved to Nikolaev, occupying almost the entire sphere of intra-city trade (ousting the Greeks from this sphere), as well as supplies to the Black Sea Fleet.

 From 1813 to 1830, of the 52 suppliers to the navy, 30 were Jews, or 58%. 

Among them were: Abram Peretz, Favel Isakov, Samuel Bertanzon, Markus Varshavsky, Michael Serebryany, Faibish Blank, Anna Brigerova, Solomon Briger, Shlema Dobrovensky (Dubrovensky), Shifrin, Moisey Dubensky, Nusin Peretz, Leib Seltzer, Shavel Rabinovich, Michael Shlemov, Shlema Rafalovich, Halanay, Auslander, Natanzon Berko Baranovsky, Leiba Eisenstock, Peisich Begun, Feldser, Shtulkarts, Rovensky, Nachman Berkov, Halper, Itska Finkelstein, and others .


These are all real people, very influential in Russian military / government circles – and we haven’t really heard about any of them, except ABRAM PERETZ, also bolded above.

He’s the SIL of JOSHUA ZEITLIN, that I’ve written about so many times here before. He also ended up converting and marrying a xtian woman. We’re told he was ‘business partners’ with NATAN NETA NOTKIN (d.1804), in-law of the ‘Sha’agat Aryeh’ and shtadlan who apparently arranges for the release of the Alter Rebbe under Tsar Paul I.

See this post for more info:

There is a ‘NUSIN PERETZ’ in this list, it would not surprise me if ABRAM and NUSIN / NATAN NOTA are brothers, and in business together.


And what happened to SHLEMA RAFALOVICH, ship builder to the Tsars?

Here’s a couple more snippets:

Mogilev merchant of the second guild Shlema Rafalovich (circa 1853) was the nephew of Yulia. M. Greig, the wife of Admiral A. S. Greig. She invited him to Nikolaev to supply quartermaster supplies and various materials to the Black Sea Fleet.

In 1825, Rafalovich moved to Nikolaev, where he became the head (rebbe) of the local Jews. Together with him came his wife Rebekah (ca. after 1857) and son Alexander (ca. g.)


Then, after a few years, he moves to Chisinau / Kishinev – and converts to Russian Orthodox xtianity:

Subsequently, S. Rafalovich was forced to leave for Chisinau. He founded one of the largest banking houses.

At the end of his life, he converted to Orthodoxy under the name of Fyodor. 

He died in Odessa around 1853. S. Y. Witte’s memoirs about Sh. Rafalovich and his descendants: “I knew very well Rafalovich’s father, old Fyodor Rafalovich, who converted to Orthodoxy and was a very zealous Orthodox. He was a highly respectable man, his firm was one of the largest and best firms in Odessa. When he died, his business passed to his sons. The main son is Alexander Rafalovich.”


This ‘RAFALOVICH’ / MARSHALKOVITCH family gave us a lot of converted ‘new-xtian’ bankers and government officials in Russia.

A whole bunch of Jesuit priests, with an interest in buying property in Eretz Yisrael.

And last, but not least, Dr YISHAYA RAFAELOVICH, chaplain for the British Army, and not coincidentally, founder of the ‘WORLD ACHaVA’ brotherhood that got Rav Kook his job as the first ‘Chief Rabbi’ of Israal, and arranged for the publication of (and propaganda around) the ‘Kol haTor’.

Kol HaTor is a key ‘brainwashing’ text in the Modern Orthodox world and its yeshivas, as we already started to unpick in many posts here on the blog, including this one:


The next time we come back to this story, I hope to tell you more about the STEIGLITZ family of Russian ‘new-xtian’ bankers, that connects us back to Adm, GREIG and ‘Di Muma Liya’ via their daughter, JULIA VON STEIGLITZ.

(And also, the group of Jewish bankers from Berdichev, that were clustered around the TZEMACH TZEDEK.)

Until then.



[1] Ibid.. p. 32.

This is another awesome excerpt of one of the Rav’s recent shiurim.

Lots and lots to think about, and unpack.



Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025)

So, it’s written in Chapter 60 what David is asking for.

Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?”1

The Valley of Succoth – he conquered Succoth.

Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine,2 the valley of Shechem. He conquered Shechem, and Gilad, he conquered Menashe.

Ephraim is the strength of my head; Judah is my sceptre, Moab is my washpot”.3


Because Balak saw that his grandson would destroy Moab.

Ruth was the granddaughter of Balak, Balak was the king of Moav, Balak and Bilaam, and Ruth was his grandchild – and David descended from her. That’s why Balak said ‘mimeni’, from me.

In the end, I see that my grandchild is going to destroy Moav, so what can be done?

So Bilaam told him, bring a barrel full of snakes, a thousand snakes, cut their heads off, and put it on Har HaBayit.

They knew where Har HaBayit was, Bilaam knew. We didn’t know [then, until 440 years later when Shmuel revealed the location to King David].

And there, put the barrel with the snakes. They will build the Beit HaMikdash, and it will be destroyed, this will bring the Temple down!

[And that’s what Balak did.]4


So now, [when David wanted to build the Temple], what’s to be done with the barrel of snakes?! There’s a barrel of snakes!

Who can remove it from there?! He [David] dug 1,500 amot, 750 metres, [to uncover] the barrel of snakes.

What can we do about the barrel of snakes?! How can we find it?


So David said Moab is a boiling pot.5

I need to remove the ‘pot’, that barrel of snakes, because without that it’s impossible to build the Beit HaMikdash!

So first, he went and dug 1,500 amot down, and removed the barrel with the snakes, and then, he found a pebble [?] that was placed upon the tehom (the watery depths). This was from the creation of the world.6


Because in Jerusalem, there is enough water for the whole planet earth.

On the one side, there is no water here at all, they need to bring water from the Kinneret, from the National Carrier, from Hulda – because all the water resources that are in Sha’ar HaGai7, the Jordanians took this.

So in the agreement, they were meant to let the water flow.

They said no, we didn’t know that. This continued for 19 years, for 19 years there was no water in Jerusalem. They used to have to bring it from Hulda, from Na’an [? not sure where the Rav is referring to.]8 There were springs there, from there they brought pipes to Jerusalem, by way of Na’an, by way of Rehovot. Via Hulda.


After 19 years, so Hashem had mercy [and the Jews conquered Jerusalem from the Jordanians in the Six Day War.]

I had still been going to the Kotel, from the age of seven, [before the State was founded], I was at the Kotel. Long before you were born, I went to the Kotel, every day, we went to the Kotel. My mother took me [there] every day.

We used to spend the summer holidays in Jerusalem, we had family here, and we stayed with them the whole summer holiday. In Beit Israel, we used to go [to the Kotel] on foot, every day, at the Kotel for an hour or two.

Then, the Kotel was like an alleyway. The whole alleyway was on HaHadar Street, and the Arabs used to go by with bottles of water. They almost crushed me there, I was squashed against the Kotel, it’s only by a miracle that they didn’t crush me.


So, how can we find the barrel of snakes?! How can we locate it? How can we know how to locate it? There’s the barrel with the snakes!

So, Moav was a boiling pot.

And now, David went to dig, and the tehom inundated the whole of Jerusalem. Everyone climbed on to their roof, David went up on the roof, because the waters were rising.


Like in Los Angeles.

Now in New Orleans, they were run over there. There, six people were killed, in New Orleans. One [terrorist], Jabbar.9 Dafka, he was a friend of mine, a good friend of mine.

He was called Jabar, he was in New Orleans, in America. He ran over 30 people there, and six or seven were killed – he ran them over. And at the same time, someone there, in Dallas, blew something up. Everything was together.

There is antisemitism across the whole world, but especially in America. Everyone is an antisemite, or wants to be, So, there were two Jews badly injured [in New Orleans].


So now we are talking about New Orleans.

This is below the Mississipi, the Mississipi [River] flows at a higher elevation, and [New Orleans] is below the Mississipi. So the Mississipi swelled, and inundated the whole of New Orleans.10

Then, the water reached up to the sixth floor, and everyone ran away – except for Chabadniks.

They finished the whole Sefer Tehillim, as the water reached up to the sixth floor, it was stopped. It had just got to the Chabadniks, Chabad said Tehillim there, in New Orleans, on the sixth floor. Everyone laughed.

For sure, they recited Tehillim a few times, and they saw that the water was rising, rising, rising, rising. 3,000 people drowned there. Everything was full of crocodiles and snakes, sea snakes. All this was the new ‘New Orleans’.11


There was a young woman, Joan of Arc, who fought against the English [who were trying to conquer large parts of France].

Until the Dukes of Normandy (Norway??) delivered her [over to the English]. The French [who betrayed the French king] delivered her to the English in return for 50,000 franks, something like that.

They ‘extradited’ her, and then they [the English] burnt her three or four different times, so that no trace [of her] would remain. But it didn’t help them! [The French eventually won, and kicked the English out of France].


So, she was called ‘Joan of Arc’.

The family was ‘D’Arc’, Jeanne D’Arc. She was 19 years old, when they burnt her, because the English conquered France.

[The French king at that time was called] Charles, it was Charles, we are now [at the time of] Charles VII, this was Charles VI, and he was mentally ill. And he got married. Henry VIII [the English king], married the daughter of Charles V, or VI. And then Henry VIII persuaded him [the French King] that he would give him the whole of Northern France. He gave it over to England.12

And then the English came, and made pogroms [in France].

So, Joan of Arc fomented a rebellion against the English, and she acted in the name of God. She saw angels, angels used to accompany her. She knew exactly where to go, and how to conquer.

Translated from Shivivei Or 393.



1Tehillim 60:11.

2Tehillim 60:9.

3Tehillim 60:9-10.

4In a previous shiur on this subject, Rav Berland goes on to explain that Ruth, the grand-daughter of Balak, knew about this barrel of snakes ‘spell’ on Har HaBayit, and told David the location of the barrel, so he could dig it up and try to break Balak’s evil spell.

5From Tehillim 60.

7Located near to Bet Shemesh, off Highway 1.

8This is spelled in the Hebrew: נען.

9Read more about the New Orleans terror attack, and Shamsud-Din Jabbar, who apparently carried it out, here:

10The Rav appears to be referring to Hurricane Katrina, which flooded New Orleans shortly after the Jews were booted out of Gush Katif.

11Named after the old ‘Orleans’ in France.

12The historical details here, according to ‘official history’ are not correct. As with all the Rav’s comments, it seems the Rav is hinting to something that needs decoding here, and is dressing his comments up in a historical story.



I just typed in ‘Chabad’ and ‘Hurricane Katrina’ to see what came up.

Here’s a few things to consider:

EXHIBIT 1: (Not shmirat eynayim friendly, put out by the Chabad Telethon).




“Perhaps another point of call for Mr. Beinart in his efforts to research Chabad should have been the members of the largely African American community whose lives were devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. “One of those rescued from New Orleans put it this way: In the days after Katrina hit, Chabad saved lives,” said President George W. Bush, singling out Chabad for praise.


That link to George Bush Jnr ‘singing Chabad’s praises’ is dead now – but here it is on the Wayback machine:

You get a brownie point for every verifiable detail and real person interviewed in this story, who is not George Bush or Chabad.


PS: I am getting such a yucky vibe off all this, that for now, I am not going to write any more stuff about this organisation.

BH, God will reveal what’s going on very soon, and in the meantime, I feel I’ve done enough to at least bring the subject up for review and consideration.


This post is just snippets from a Wiki page.

The Wiki page for Jared Kushner, Trump’s SIL, HERE.

You come to  your own conclusions, about the ‘good [businessman] in Esav’, and how much all this is really just about money, access to the gas fields off Gaza, and the oil fields found in the Golan.



Since leaving the White House, Kushner founded Affinity Partners, a private equity firm that derives most of its funds from Saudi government’s sovereign wealth fund.


 His father was friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton and attended several dinners with them.


Following his father’s conviction and subsequent incarceration between March 4, 2005, and August 25, 2006, Kushner took a much bigger role in the family real estate business.


Kushner Companies purchased the office building at 666 Fifth Avenue in 2007, for a then-record price of $1.8 billion, most of it borrowed.[25] He assumed the role of CEO in 2008.[26] Following the property crash that year, the cash flow generated by the property was insufficient to cover its debt service…[Qatar bailed him out…]


In 2014, Kushner, with his brother Joshua and Ryan Williams, co-founded Cadre (now RealCadre LLC), an online real-estate investment platform. His business partners included Goldman Sachs and billionaire George Soros, a top Democratic Party donor.[39][40][41] In early 2015, Soros Fund Management financed the startup with a $250 million credit line.


Jared Kushner had been a lifelong Democrat prior to his father-in-law Donald Trump entering politics.[60] He had donated over $10,000 to Democratic campaigns[61] starting at the age of 11. In 2008, he donated to the campaign for Hillary Clinton and his newspaper the New York Observer endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in the 2008 United States presidential election.


Kushner helped broker the sale of $100+ billion of arms to Saudi Arabia, and during a meeting with Saudi officials at the White House to finalize the deal, he called Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson to ask for a lower price on a radar system to detect ballistic missiles.[91][92]


Mueller investigated meetings between Trump associates including Kushner and George Nader, an emissary representing the crown princes of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia. In August 2016, Nader offered help to the Trump presidential campaign.[137


He took a special interest in the petroleum-rich monarchies of the Persian Gulf. Kushner attempted to raise money from the Persian Gulf states for a new investment firm he has founded.[140]


Trump put Kushner in charge of brokering peace in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict…


The plan, which was endorsed by the Israeli government, offered the Palestinians a conditional path to an independent state with defined borders.


After Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to the United States, wrote a June 2020 opinion piece warning that annexation of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank would threaten better relations between Israel and the Arab world, Kushner saw an opportunity and stepped in to facilitate talks.[163][164]

The talks led to the August establishment of diplomatic ties between the United Arab Emirates and Israel,[165][166] normalizing what had long been informal relations between the two countries[167] and ultimately becoming the first Abraham Accord, which was the first normalization agreement between Israel and an Arab country since it normalized relations with Jordan in 1994.[168][169]

As part of the agreement, Netanyahu suspended the annexation of West Bank settlements, which the Kushner peace plan had approved months earlier.[170]


[Ed. note: bold emphasis mine. Are you starting to figure out how all this works now?]


Hours after the August 13 announcement of the U.S.-brokered normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, senior Bahraini officials called Kushner with a message: “We want to be next”.[172] Over the next 29 days Kushner and aide Avi Berkowitz negotiated, and traveled to Bahrain, before closing the deal on September 11, 2020, in a call between Trump, Netanyahu and the king of Bahrain.[172]

All three countries officially committed to the deals on September 15, 2020, with the signing of the Abraham Accords on the South Lawn of the White House.[173]


Years later, Kushner was invited to address a forum at the Harvard Kennedy School to talk about Middle East issues. Tarek Masoud, the school’s director of Middle East Initiatives, said he chose Kushner since he was the architect of the Abraham Accords.[184]

In the interview, Kushner referred to the valuable potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should move civilians from Gaza to the Negev desert in southern Israel.[185][186]


Career after Trump Administration

Saudi Arabia investment fund

Kushner’s firm landed the more than $2 billion only six months after Kushner stopped working as a senior adviser for the president,[225] to invest in American and Israeli companies expanding in India, Africa, the Middle East and other parts of Asia. Investors include $2 billion from the Saudi public investment fund, with Kushner stating that he hopes to open an “investment corridor between Saudi Arabia and Israel”,[226][227


The fund plans to invest Saudi money into startup companies in Israel. 


As of 2024, the fund had made $157 million in management fees (including $87 million from the Saudi government alone) since 2021.[236]


Upon his suggestion and the Aleph Institute, several white collar criminals have been pardoned; for example in 2020 Philip Esformes, who defrauded Medicare for about $1.3 billion. Esformes has been described as “a man driven by almost unbounded greed,”.[272]


[Ed. note – click that link for the ‘Aleph Institute’. You will be shocked!!! shocked!!! to learn who is behind it.]


That will do.

Everything is hidden in plain view, and the reason we can’t all understand all this so clearly, as set out above, just from the snippets from Wikipedia, is because there are a bunch of people telling us about the tov sh’be Eisav.

Or to explain this in other words, gaslighting the Jewish community, about what is really going on here.

May Hashem come and save us from the world of lies, and the morally-corrupt people and institutions perpetuating it, very, very soon.