Entries by Rivka Levy

Clues from the Chida: The King of Bordeaux

Following on from all of this discussion about ‘Sabbatean kabbalah’, and the xtian-mason inspired ‘Kol HaTor’, I girded my loins to actually read through the English translation of a book entitled: The Diaries of Rabbi Ha’im Yosef David Azulai [The CHIDA] With notes by Benjamin Cymerman. It’s very well translated, and the notes are useful, […]


I read this from Rabbenu on Shabbat. It gave me a lot of hope, and a lot of chizzuk. I hope it will do for you, too. Keep going with the Tikkun HaKlalis – it’s what changes everything around, miraculously. ==== God wins battles merely because of the simple folk who recite Psalms with simplicity, and […]

The ACHVA Brotherhood and the Anglo Palestine Bank 

Let’s continue fleshing out the tight links between the Freemasons and ‘political zionism’. In the recent post HERE where I was deep-diving on the ACHVA Brotherhood’s connection to the publication of Kol HaTor, I noticed that they appeared to get a lot of help to build their new neighborhood from a guy called: ZALMAN DAVID […]

“In the evening, they will send 1,000 drones”

Excerpts of comments made by Rav Eliezer Berland on August 17th, 2024, during meleveh malka. (Translated from Shivivei Or 373.) These comments are from last Shabbat: == Now, today in the evening, they will send 1,000 drones. So, we will catch say 100, a hundred would be enough. With 100, we could get to Uman […]

The State of Hizballamerica

That’s where I live. If you’re in Eretz Yisrael reading this, that’s where you live, too. Our whole government and military work for Hizballamerica. In fact, they were handpicked by the satanic masons trying to get WW3 started in our backyard, exactly according to the ‘prophecy’ of 33rd degree mason Albert Pike made 150 years […]

Updates on Kol HaTor

I had a few interesting emails about ‘Kol HaTor’. First, a thank you to H., from Holland, who took the time and effort to type out a whole section about the ‘MBY’ kabbalistic concept from the book by the Breslov Research Institute called: “Who What Why How Where When Mashiach” (published 1994.) Here is what […]