Entries by Rivka Levy

The Dream

The last few months, I have barely been dreaming at all. I’m pretty sure they upped the ‘zap’ they are delivering via their 5/6/7/ gee networks, and those cute, massive antennas that most of us stopped noticing, but that are probably now fully operational. Every time they start talking about ‘pandemics’, this goes hand in […]

The USA was founded on the 17th of Tammuz

There’s a really interesting video from R Glatstein. ***UPDATES BELOW*** I like the way that he presents his information, which is way more ‘informed’ and even-handed than a lot of Rabbis, especially rabbis in galut, and especially, ‘rabbis’ in the USA. Here’s the video (that I found HERE): ==== Apparently, R Kessin first brought the source […]

Spitting Image explains Trump and Corona

I was actually looking for the skit of British comedian Jimmy Tarbuck, and the potato. The search continues. But in the meantime, I had no idea the British satire ‘Spitting Image’ got given a new lease of life – and did some very funny Trump skits. This one was so funny, that even though it’s […]

More ‘conspiracy theories’ from the Torah

Who’d have thought that Moshe Rabbenu was such a big ‘conspiracy theorist?!’ Who’d have thought that Hashem would have let him write all these ridiculous ‘conspiracy theories’ in the Torah, of all places?! The blueprint of the world, and the very word of Hashem?! I guess the atheists with kippahs, the atheists who like shabbos, are either […]

Some thoughts on ‘True Tzaddikim’

Yesterday, I had a phone call from a reader. They asked me a really good question: How can we be asked to just ‘believe’ that Rav Berland is MBD, when he hasn’t done the things MBD is meant to do, yet? That feels kinda xtian to me…. == I hear that. And at least on […]

Rabbenu is doing the whole war

Shavua Tov! Some more translated excerpts from a shiur given over on motzae shabbat, Parshat Chukat (July 13th 2024). (Shivivei Or 368) == In the year 5568 after Succot, [Rebbe Nachman] travelled to Lemberg – today, it’s called Lvov. How was he called? R’ Zanwill of Lemberg? He built the Zion [of Rebbe Nachman in […]