Message from the Rav about what’s really going on – Part I

This is the paraphrased remarks from the first part of Rav Elmaliach’s class HERE on Youtube, that contains a message from the Rav shortly before Pesach 5784.

(If you still think Bibi is MBY and Pollard is MBD, please skip this. You’ll only upset both of us.)

For ease of reading, I am going to bullet point the main points.


  • The Rav, Eliezer ben Ettia, is Moshiach ben David.

  • Only the people who are ‘written in the book of life’ by the Moshiach ben David are going to make it through what’s coming down the pipe.
  • You get ‘written in the book of life’ by a) making teshuva (if you aren’t keeping basic mitzvoth) – and getting close to the Tzaddik HaDor / MBD Rav Eliezer ben Ettia.
  • If a person is already ‘frum’ – they get written in the book of life by getting close to the Tzaddik HaDor / MBD Rav Eliezer ben Ettia.


  • If a person is a baal teshuva, they need to make ‘teshuva on their teshuva’ (if they aren’t already close to the Tzaddik HaDor / MBD Rav Eliezer ben Ettia and to understand that ‘their teshuva’ came about as a result of the Rav’s prayers and Torah learning on their behalf, when they were still far away from yiddishkeit. (Rav Elmaliach has lots and lots of examples in the Hebrew, talking about various rabbis and ‘big baal teshuvas’, and their process of understanding that without the Rav in the picture, there is still a lot of ‘teshuva’ required.)
  • The ikker of this teshvua is going to occur by way of ‘hearing your disgrace and staying silent’ – in particular, the disgrace and insults you’re going to get when you dare to stand up and say publically: I believe Rav Berland is Moshiach ben David.
  • Anyone who is ‘disgraced’ in this way, will be written in the Moshiach’s book of life.


  • The next ‘revelation’ of the Moshiach Ben David’s soul is going to be Shvi’i shel Pesach (begins the night of Sunday April 28 – 29th).

  • No-one knows what this ‘revelation’ is going to look like, and R Elmaliach is stressing it is most likely going to be another purely ‘spiritual’ revelation.
  • Then, there is another ‘revelation’ – another level of the MBD’s soul being openly revealed – on Shavuot.
  • Then, another level of the soul revealed on Tisha B’Av.
  • And then, the final revelation of MBD will coincide with Elul 25th, 5784 (begins the night of September 27th, 2024) – and this will also coincide with the last stage of the Gog and Magog War, where 70 nations will come and fight against the Jewish people’s Moshiach.


  • The Rav is stressing it’s not the job of Am Yisrael to fight this final war against the 70 nations – it’s not something that the IDF could do, even if it wanted to. And it’s not something that the Jewish people should be ‘mixing in to’.
  • This final war is going to be fought by Hashem and His Moshiach – Rav Berland.

  • And a big part of that ‘fight’ will occur when what R Elmaliach calls the ‘Star of Moshiach’, which is super-electro-magnetic, also ‘comes to fight’ against the nations.
  • The Star of Moshiach is going to cause enormous earthquakes all over the world – and a lot of people are going to die when that happens.
  • This last stage of the war will last until Sukkot-Simchat Torah 5785 (October 24th, 2024).


Again, the people who are ‘written in the MBD’s book of life’ will make it through.

And the Rav wants as many people as possible to make it through, which is why he’s been trying to push things off again and again and again.

But it’s a self-selecting process.

And if people want to carry on weaving fantasies about ‘who Moshiach really is’, and / or talking badly against the Rav, etc, and refusing to accept that they might just have been wrong about the Rav, in so many different ways…

Then it’s going to be pretty hard for those people to get written in the book of life by MBD, before all this starts to go up a level again.


My suggestion?

Turn off the phone, unplug the internet, and go and do some real, serious soul-searching about what is going on right now, who you are listening to, and what you are believing in.

Ask God (actually, more like beg God) to show you what to believe.

And don’t be scared to start believing that the Rav truly is MBD, if that’s the answer you get back.

So what, if people start insulting you publically, censoring, ‘cancelling you out?! I’ve had that going on for like, 7-8 years now, including from my kids, and it scrubs the soul clean like nothing else.

It’s usually the interesting people who are ‘anti’ the Rav, who are so full of themselves, and all the ‘fake news’ they breathe in 24/7 who like to diss other people for suggesting the Rav might be MBD of our generation.

You don’t want those people in your ‘headspace’ or life anyway.

Stuff them.


The geula train has left the station, it’s chugging away – and there is still some time to get aboard, and some more final stops along the way before it’s truly off and away.

Don’t let the mockers make you miss your opportunity to get on.

15 replies
  1. Leah
    Leah says:

    Hi rivka i love all your articles but im very apprehensive of the rav Elimelech. He behaves the complete opposite of what the Rav stands for or what our elders are. You never hear Rav Ofer etc saying all these prophesies and secrets. Its very not what shuvu is about

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      That’s actually not true. So much of what the Rav says, and the other rabbis of Shuvu say, never gets out to the wider world.

      If you go back and read some of the shiurim from the Rav even from 30+ years ago, you hear things that are very similar to what R Elmaliach is saying.

      Part of the problem is that the English-speakers are limited to what volunteers like me are translating – and my kabbalah knowledge, to give one example, is no-where near good enough to capture a lot of what the Rav says openly, in terms of ‘revealing secrets’, so I basically avoid it.

      Also, I personally am not into the whole ‘revealing secrets’ thing on a wide scale, for various reasons, not least because of all the very real censorship and persecution.

      But anyone who goes to the tefillot of the Rav on a regular basis, or is connected to the core community in any way, hears a lot of ‘secrets’ on a regular basis, that just doesn’t get out to the wider world, for so many reasons.

      So, I’m not entirely sure what you’re basing your view on, but if it’s based solely on what I’m sticking up here, or even, what goes up on the site – it’s literally a drip in the ocean, of what is really coming out of Shuvu.

      And especially in Hebrew.


      Also, re: Rav Ofer Erez, he was in the frontline of openly supporting the Rav up until a couple of years ago – and went through an extremely difficult time, as a result.

      He attracted so much of the ‘flak’, his shiurim were cancelled all over the place, he was routinely abused by the mockers and holkim online day in and day out disgusting ways, and all that takes a very big toll on a person.

      If he is now choosing to ‘take the high road’ and stay away from machloket, or saying controversial things, then that’s really pretty understandable.

      I also only started posting up this stuff again when I got a big ‘message’ that it was falling to me to do it. Everyone has their own job to do.

      And the Rav wants everyone to ‘make it through’ this process – which isn’t going to happen, if it’s announced openly, with no wiggle room, that he’s MBD – and 7 million people just start slagging him off.

      So, it has to happen in this very round-about, confused and confusing way, until enough daat trickles out to enough people, about what is really going on, and the ‘critical mass’ is achieved that then tips the whole balance for the people in the middle.


      The last thing to add is that there are many comforting and uplifting messages coming out too, but they are written in that biblical Hebrew style that is so very hard for me to translate, that even a five minute message takes hours and hours.

      Stuff about the Temple being rebuilt very soon, God being good to fulfill His promises made to the Jewish people, great shefa coming down to Israel – just, I can’t translate it by myself.

      So again, there is a skewed picture in English, but I can’t really help that, given my limitations and the difficulty of the translations.

      I would LOVE other anglos to start helping out here, with the translations, it would benefit so many people.


      Here is a v recent shiur from R Ofer, where he’s also saying that the main test of the other tzaddikim is to not be jealous of the ‘Tzaddik HaEmet’, the MBD, and to nullify themselves to him:

      And here are comments from 2022, from the Rav himself, talking about trying to avoid another holocaust in Israel:

      “Now, in the Land of Israel, we’re already under [the rule] of the Erev Rav (the Mixed Multitude), but we, with Hashem’s help – Hashem should help that there won’t be another Holocaust. Like he [Rebbe Yeshaya’la] said to his chasid: “Such terrible suffering will happen like there hasn’t been since the creation of the world, and the whole world will be stained with Jewish blood. I already won’t be in the world, but you will see how this will begin, that the Nazis enter. …”


      This one is from February, 2023:

      “100,000 Tikkun HaKlali’s for Saving the Jewish People
      Rav Chaim Kohen, a man of kindness and a servant of Hashem, relates: “On Sunday, 7 Shevat 5783 (1/29/23), I came into the holy dwelling of our Rebbe Rav Berland shlit”a. I asked him what the public can do for his sake [the Rav’s healing and success], and for the success and salvation of the Jewish people. Our Rebbe Rav Berland shlit”a requested to turn to the public for saying 100,000 Tikkun HaKlali’s against the decree of destruction. The Rav shlit”a even put out an announcement to the wider public in Israel and the world to encourage the matter.”

      These are his holy words:

      “By the 13th of the month of Adar, we must finish 100,000 Tikkun HaKlali’s! By 13 Adar, we must finish in order to cancel decrees, because now there is a decree of destruction.

      “There is a decree to annihilate all the Jewish people. All the nations have joined this decree like in the time of the Nazis, 90 years from the Shoah. Now, there is a new decree to annihilate the entire Jewish people, and that all the nations will conquer the Jewish people and annihilate this people completely!

      “Therefore, we need to finish 100,000 Tikkun HaKlali’s by 13 Adar, and the Rav will join also.”


      Rav Elmaliach is being more specific in the ‘hidden messages’ he’s giving over in the Rav’s name, but so much of what he’s saying the Rav has been saying for decades…

      I know we all want the ‘Disney version’ of geula, which isn’t scary, and everyone makes it through to the finishing line.

      But we aren’t xtians….

      If the Jews make the teshuva required, we’ll get the happy ever after version.

      And if they don’t…. it’s going to be scary and difficult for a lot of people.

      That’s sadly the reality, even though it’s very hard for so many of us to hear.

      • yosef d.
        yosef d. says:

        are there written down transcriptions in hebrew of these hebrew language videos? i’ve heard some of the words and ideas before, but have trouble knowing how a word is spelled from how it sounds.

        the video in biblical hebrew sounds a lot like the haftaras starting with ‘nachamu nachamu’, specifically the part which contains something like ‘for the sake of zion i will not rest’. there’s nothing like hearing this read by someone who really really wants to see these events. i believe that some of those alive during the roman occupation were resurrected from the dead described in yehezkel’s account of ‘dry bones’ and died in battle before the exodus from mitzrayim. i don’t know how reliable is jastrow’s dictionary of hebrew and targum aramaic, but it’s available.

        does harav Berland want us to say tiqun haklali once a day still? i’m learning it in hebrew, should i say it in the daytime instead of at night?

        i also remember the words ‘gilui eliyahu’ from that recent video, that ḥarvonah “zkhor l’tov” experienced gilui eliyahu in the megillah to remind of what happened, and that rashbi and his son learned torah from eliyahu hanavi.

        thank you for working on this.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      The short answer is: nothing.

      The Rav SAID he’s not MBD when all the machloket around it was starting up before Purim, but he’s written things in his own handwriting, even from years ago, where he refers to himself as MBD.

      So, nothing has changed.

      And it’s still a big, confusing test.

    • Alizah
      Alizah says:

      bs”d Michal, I think the Rav said that if Shuvu Banim claims he is MBD, the yeshivas wouldn’t accept the Shuvu Banim kids. But I’m guessing that now it’s summer and school is out until…and by then everyone will know?

  2. Glenn
    Glenn says:

    Was Eliyahu revealed during the Seder? Hard to read through Google translate but Rav Emaliach seemed to be saying that.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I’m not sure what specifically you are referring to? I haven’t heard R Elmaliach saying that, unless it was a brand new shiur? Is there a link?

      • Glenn
        Glenn says:

        I will try to find, it was in one of the titles according to Google translate anyway. Is it true though that Pesach doesn’t get celebrated in the Geula, that only Purim and Sukkot are kept? So Eliyahu would have to come this Pesach since Moshiach is in the process of revealing…I’ll send that link

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      That’s what R Elmaliach is saying.

      The Rav himself is openly saying – repeatedly – that people need to smash their smartphones, and that women need to go with skirts that are floor-length, for the war to stop.

      There are not a few people even within Shuvu who are not ‘passing these tests’ currently, let alone the people more on the periphery.

      I honestly don’t know what will be, and it’s not pashut at all, what is happening at the moment.

      It could be Hashem will agree to a ‘deep discount’ on the teshuva required to redeem us the sweet way, so there are more than the “7000 people” left, to great the Moshiach.

      It could be, that ‘deep discount’ is just to get with the Rav, openly – with all the dissing that will inevitably engender from the people who believe everything Channel 13 spews out.

      In a lot of ways, that’s much easier than smashing the smartphone and wearing long skirts…

      I don’t know.


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