Flashback: what the autistics said about Rav Berland in 2019

I’m going through my old posts from 2019 on, to put together some interesting sources on ‘Moshiach’.

In the middle of doing that, I tripped over what the autistics said about Rav Berland being Moshiach, back in May 2019, and I thought it would be interesting to post that up here now, five years on.


This is a scheduled post, see y’all Thursday.


The Melech Moshiach

Message from Daniel, 15th Iyar 5779.

Abba, Abba, I was so very happy to read the messages from Binyamin and Menachem, but Abba – this is only the beginning of the war.

It’s written that not everyone will receive / accept Moshiach, even if he’s the true Moshiach who meets all the pre-conditions that are written in the seforim about Moshiach, including how he looks, and his actions.

He is bandaged all the time, and he takes off bandages and puts on bandages.

Now, Rabbi Berland fits the description exactly, but even more than that, Abba, like I said, there will be a war between Jews and Jews about whether he’s Moshiach, or chas v’shalom, not.


I know that he is Moshiach.

I know clearly that he is Moshiach. But there will be a war. The war against him didn’t begin today. The radio and the television hasn’t stopped publicizing filth and negative stories about Rabbi Berland, and all of this is lies, lies.

He is a pure person, the most pure person in this generation. The most pure.

He is a person who travels around shemayim (Heaven), and there are testimonies from many people who experienced a clinical death and returned to relate their experiences of being in the Beit Din¸ the Heavenly court above.

One Jew stood as their defender, and this was Rabbi Berland.


There are many stories, there are books full of stories about the miracles that he has performed, very clearly described, with the telephone number of each person who experienced it.

Don’t forget that Moshe Rabbenu is the archetype of an enormous Tzaddik, not only in his spiritual greatness but also regarding his love for Hashem, and his faithfulness to Hashem, and his love for Am Yisrael.

And Rabbi Eliezer ben Etia comes from the soul root of Moshe Rabbenu.

Rav Eliezer ben Etia is similar to Moshe Rabbenu in everything. And they even said lashon hara about Moshe Rabbenu! The worst and most disgusting lashon hara imaginable! So much so, that he needed to take his tent and move it outside the camp, so that they wouldn’t suspect him of looking at married women.[2] This is the nature of man, to speak lashon hara because he’s jealous.

Most Jews are tzaddikim, and don’t do this, but there are people who are jealous, and they have no problem speaking about the Tzaddik, and to call him a villain, chas v’shalom. 


Before the Children of Israel left Egypt, 80% were not prepared to leave, and wanted to stay in the culture of Egypt, and with the Egyptian way of life, that wasn’t the Tzaddikim’s way of life.

They didn’t agree to go with the Tzaddik that Hashem had sent, and they didn’t agree to leave the places that they loved so very much, even though Hashem had sent him, and it was clear that he was the redeemer.

They didn’t want to leave, so Hashem took their lives away.

Am Yisrael, this world is now going through great changes. I’m not going to say exactly what, we’ve spoken about this a great deal in the past. However, we need to be prepared, and it pays to be prepared.


We need to cling to the Tzaddik.

The whole time that we’re with the Tzaddik – the Tzaddik – we have no problem. We need to go along his path, the path of Hashem.

Rabbi Berland is so attached to Hashem, and so attached to Torah, and he is an immense talmid chacham – the wisest talmid chacham in Eretz Yisrael.

And if he’s the wisest talmid chachim in Eretz Yisrael, then he’s certainly the wisest in the world.

Many people saw him in shemayim, in the Beit Din above, and afterwards returned to life to tell about it.


Everyone already knows, and it’s forbidden to listen to the terrible stories that they spread about him.

Not to listen to the stories that the chilonim (secular people) tell about him, which are certainly and very clearly warped and fake.

And also, not to listen to the stories that the so-called ‘chareidim’ are spreading, because they have their own reasons why they can’t stand such an incredibly pure person.

All those people that believe that they are truly connected to the Rav, and who call themselves part of ‘Shuvu Banim’, they need to be ne’eman, (faithful / believing). There are amongst them some people who don’t believe so much, and in the end, they are likely to go against. Regarding these people, I just weep.


Am Yisrael, Rav Eliezer ben Etia loves every Jew, and it doesn’t matter which group he belongs to, or what his background is.

The main thing is that this Jew tries to come close to Hashem, the All-powerful.

Rabbi Berland loves anyone who makes teshuva – loves him truly! And he even loves his enemies, and he even sends them presents.


He’s a Jew of a very high spiritual caliber.

Not only is his spiritual level so great, he’s also so close to Hashem, and so great in his avodat Hashem (service of Hashem), and has tremendous love for Am Yisrael. He works to try to help every single Jew, and it’s impossible to find even the smallest detail in him where he would chas v’shalom, go against Torah law.

Am Yisrael, you will see, if you will be open to this. Be open to what you will see and feel.

You will see that at the end, he is really Moshiach ben David.

He has come because now, in the near future, we will begin to see manifesting everything that Chazal wrote about these times, in a much clearer way, both before and after the complete geula (redemption). I am so very happy, Abba, so very happy.

Everything was foreseen, that the wicked would once again rule over the Jews and the chareidim.

But Hashem has sent us a ‘star’ – not Nibiru and not a comet, but Rabbi Berland, who will help all of Am Yisrael to leave Egypt.

That he is now present shows us very clearly that we are very, very close to the complete redemption.

Whoever wants to get to the geula shleimah has to come ‘under the wings’ of Rabbi Berland, and to continue to deepen and increase their prayers, their good deeds, their love for Hashem, and their love for Am Yisrael.


Ad kan, with the message about the Rav from the autistic man Daniel.

Now, this is the message about the Rav that was put out by Binyamin Golden (on May 17th, 2019 – almost exactly five years ago…..)


FULL TEXT FROM DANI18 on the identity of Moshiach ben David:

“Your servant the Son of David will come, and he will redeem us” – [First message from] Binyamin Golden, 24th Nissan, 5779

There is nothing to worry about. The Son of David will continue, he will live, and ultimately, he will bring us to the Beit HaMikdash.

But it’s not going to be easy.

The Son of David was sure that he would be able to fight against the Sitra Achra more easily. But the Son of David is not going to give up and say “that’s it!” He can’t, because he loves Am Yisrael so very much. He’s not going to abandon us so easily.

There are moments of despair, but ultimately, HaKadosh Baruch Hu chose him to bring the complete redemption in its entirety.


The situation is very difficult.

The situation is more than ‘very difficult’. The Sitra Achra, may his name be erased, is running wild and he’s sure that he’s running the show, G-d forbid. But even if only 10 believing Jews remain, to fight against the lies, Hashem will destroy all the evildoers with them. He will rebuild the world to come with the few who will remain faithful.

He is going to demolish, wipe out and erase those who prefer the lies over the truth.


The believers don’t need to worry, but those who prefer lies, all of them will disappear.

Hashem created the world for Am Yisrael, and in order to take Am Yisrael and to raise them up to a spiritual level that I can’t even describe. I can only say this, that whoever reaches this level will achieve an eternal life that is so very good, and I don’t even have any words to describe it.

Don’t despair, just stay with the Tzaddik.

Hashem loves the Tzaddik, and the Tzaddik loves Am Yisrael no less than Moshe Rabbeinu did.

The Tzaddik is not going to give up, and he’s not going to abandon us. He cries over every single Jewish man, and over every single Jewish woman, and these tears have a very great influence in shamayim.

The Tzaddik is not going to leave us.

“Shuvu Banim” is eternal.


Even though amongst us, there are still some who don’t really believe. We will have to go through another birur, another clarification process: who really does believe, and who really doesn’t.

Now, the world is about to enter a period that will be even darker, and even more frightening than before.

The believers will always see the light – whoever really believes in HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and whoever will ‘hang on’ to the Tzaddik very tightly, so-to-speak, because they know that this is what will bring them to true eternal life.

Only a few will remain, they will be the chosen few, the perfect ones that Hashem will build the future upon.

The believers need to know that only a few will remain, but those who remain, the chosen ones, will be those who go with the Tzaddik.


The future will be so very good, that it will be worth all the suffering that we will have to go through to get to it. There are no words to even describe it.

I want to bless all the true Jews who believe in HaKadosh Baruch Hu, and in His faithful representative, the Son of Dovid, that they shouldn’t fall into despair.

Because the future of the world depends on the love that you have for Hashem. Love for Hashem, and absolute and total faith in the Creator of the world, the almighty, and in His representative, Eliezer ben Etia, Moshiach ben David.

He will not abandon Am Yisrael under any circumstances. Am Yisrael is so very beloved by him, as it was by Moshe Rabbenu, who stood by them, by Am Yisrael, and who acted as their defender before the kisei hakavod, even though they sinned greatly against HaKadosh Baruch Hu.


Eliezer ben Etia loves Am Yisrael.

He weeps over every single Jew that strays from the true path, and he is completely faithful to the Almighty. He is more beloved than anyone else in shamayim, more than any other soul. He came to this world around 81 years ago, and despite all the difficulties he’s had in trying to bring Am Yisrael to the truth, he didn’t abandon them – just as the Almighty won’t abandon us, either.

He is our defender, Eliezer ben Etia, even though he is a little weak from some despair, he will bring us to eternity, bezrat Hashem.


[This is a third message, from the autistic young man Menachem]


Finally, finally, the King Moshiach has come – Menachem, Parshat Kedoshim Tehiu “Be Holy”, 5779

Baruch Hashem, Hashem has finally, finally sent us the redeemer.

Yes, the Redeemer with a capital R. And so we, the brain-damaged ones, the autistics, or whatever you want to call us, don’t need to continue writing any longer.

For the last 26 years, we’ve been writing essays all the time, in order to strengthen Am Yisrael, and to demonstrate where the sheker, all the lies are to be found, and where the truth is to be found. But now, there is no more need for our talents.

We are now obligated to leave this work, because the King Moshiach has come.

And he will provide the answers to all the questions everybody has, and he will direct Am Yisrael towards the complete redemption.


We are going into retirement.

But we will also be praying, and begging HaKadosh Baruch Hu that even us, the autistics, can be with all of Am Yisrael, once the geula shleimah, the complete redemption, arrives. And that we can also, with the greatest joy, accompany the King Moshiach to the Beit HaMikdash, and sacrifice offerings there, etc.

Am Yisrael, don’t worry!

Moshiach will guide you on the right path, and he is the shaliach, the messenger who will save every single Jew.

But, every Jew has to do teshuva, and all those who are really Erev Rav, or something like that, they won’t make it to the complete redemption.

But Eliezer ben Etia, he will bring us from this world, to the spiritual world, and to the Third Temple.

The end.


Ad kan from the autistics about the Rav being Moshiach ben David, almost exactly five years ago…

Think for yourself.

3 replies
  1. asd
    asd says:

    Rivka, I remember you once put up reb Yaakov Emden’s writings. I downloaded them then, but can’t find them now. Would you mind putting them up again? [by the way, it was his yahrzeit today]. Thanks


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