Entries by Rivka Levy

Doing a pidyon nefesh before Rosh Hashana

Rebbe Nachman taught that the lead up to Rosh Hashana is an ideal time to do a pidyon nefesh. There is a great, lengthy description of what a pidyon nefesh actually is, what it does, the spiritual underpinnings of how it works, HERE. It’s an old article, in web years, written back when people still […]

Ignore ‘the news’ and just keep praying

As we all sit here waiting as the masons desperately try to get WW3 going…. again…. I thought I should lay out some more of the ‘spiritual rules’ of the game that’s being played. Basically, evil, and the demonic forces in the world, are powered 100% by our bad middot, and the sins we do. […]

Hashem Echad

I’ve been in a pretty strange mood the last few days. I’ve been running away from Hashem in my hitbodedut.  I can’t sit still for more than five minutes, and I’ve been talking to Him as I walk through Ikea, or buying my chickens near Mahane Yehuda. (Yup, I look like the original Jerusalem crazy woman, […]

Time to ditch the ‘smart’ devices

The spate of explosions being seen in Lebanon right now is probably being caused by lithium batteries exploding in ‘smart’ devices. There are lithium batteries in electric bikes, electric cars – mobile phones. Even Nokia mobile phones like I have, that aren’t ‘smart’…. This headline is from 2007, talking about the lithium batteries being used […]

How Na-Nach was started by Galei Tzahal

Two days ago, I was driving through the roadworks for the coming Light Rail on Derech Hevron in Jerusalem, when I saw the whole road had been taken over by ‘Saba Melech’ graffiti. ***INTERESTING UPDATES, SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM*** For readers who don’t live in Israel, let me explain a bit more of the back […]

The Saba Israel knew the Na-Nach note was nonsense

Excerpt of a shiur given by Rav Eliezer Berland before the reading of the Torah, Parshat Re’eh 5784 This is another one of the Rav’s apparently ‘random’ shiurim that needs a lot of unpacking. To keep things easier to digest, I will give some basic additional info in the footnotes to the shiur for this […]

The donkey of moshiach

The last few weeks I’ve been feeling so burned-out and grumpy. Elul is always a tough month, a month of teshuva, a month of trying to reorient ourselves in that space between the successes and failures of the last 11 months and the hopes and fears for the coming year. Perhaps, never more so than […]

Two prayers to say for the Rav to get to Uman

Here are two recent prayers the Rav wrote, for people to say to help remove the spiritual barriers preventing him from reaching Uman for Rosh Hashana 5785. If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll remember that last year the Rav warned for many weeks before Rosh Hashana that if he was prevented from […]

My internet got pulled

The internet at home has been turned off, I don’t know why. While I’m trying to figure it all out (and how it’s connected to my husband telling B Fibre he didn’t want their services 3 seperate times last week….), I am very limited in what I can put up on the blog. Whatever else […]

Importance of the prayer gathering on Sept 12, 2024

This is the only post I’m planning on putting up this week. Baruch Hashem, we just married off another daughter, and I am taking a week off the blog, and the computer generally, to recuperate. In the meantime, I wanted to post this up about the prayer gathering happening September 12th, 2024, beginning 9pm, in […]