Entries by Rivka Levy

What real avreichim actually look like

I just got sent this video by Shuvu Banim’s Kollel Hatzot. They are so bad at all this ‘marketing’ stuff, that I had to wait three weeks for them to find something useful they could send me. It’s three minutes long, take a look: ==== In our world of fake frumkeit, usually brought to you […]

The one crazy, Trump – more comments from the Rav

Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025) Excerpt “Gilgalai neshamot” (the wheel of the reincarnation of souls) – now, we are going to learn about the sons of Tzruyah. Tzruyah – all of her children flew in the air. Here is the Midrash ‘Shochar Tov’ […]

Standing up to bullies

It seems to me, there is a new ‘vibe’ starting to make it’s way through the world. ***UPDATE*** It’s the ‘vibe’ of standing up to bullies. I know in my dalet amot, I have been standing up to more bullies the last two weeks than in the last few years put together. Bad landlords, bad accountants, […]

Compare and contrast

This is a video of the ‘comedian’ Zelensky, before he became president of Ukraine: Zelensky comedy routine. Says Obama is Ukraine’s real president and Ukraine will join NATO to become America’s “henchman.” Also gives Nazi salute and says copies of Hitler’s Mein Kampf are sold out in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/dPoaw8CXkj — Totnan Klar (@totnan111) March 17, […]

Disengaging from the world of lies

Are you sick of all the speculation yet? Are you sick of all the psychological manipulation yet? All the news stories and social media posts, and ‘influencers’ that encouraged all our men to rush back into their IDF uniforms and sacrifice themselves, on every level – and their families, and their businesses, and their mental […]

Each letter of Torah and prayer can bring a Jew back

Continuing the awesome shiur from the Rav. You can read the first part HERE. == Excerpt of a shiur given over on Friday night, at the Bar Mitzvah of Rav Berland’s great-grandson, Mordechai Meir ben R’ Shmuel Eizik Tzuker. January 10, 2025. Each day, a person can recite 600,000 letters. Each minute, 200 words, each […]