Entries by Rivka Levy

Just an illusion

I am taking a few days off blogging, to get on with some other stuff. BH, I am really hoping that the ‘illusions’ are starting to shatter for more people – especially, the ‘illusions’ woven by the masonic media and all the ‘useful idiots’ with social media who act as amplifiers for the media’s lies […]

Rebuilding the Temple

BH, in less than a month, we’ll be celebrating another wedding. Another beit ne’eman being built in Israel. Another new Jewish family being created, here in the holy land. B’ezrat Hashem, with Hashem’s help. Here’s the wedding invite the bride painted herself: ==== In this current, very difficult time for Am Yisrael, when we are all […]

Above nature

There’s a kind of ‘heavy’ vibe in Israel today. Of course there is… you can’t have the masonic media running scare stories for two weeks about how ‘Iran’ is going to bomb us back to the stoneage without causing kind of a national ‘downer’. There is definitely a fair dose of anxiety and worry in […]

The Rav’s comments from Kever Yosef last week

The Rav at Kever Yosef, the week of  Parshat Devarim, Rosh Chodesh Av Account from one of the people who accompanied him. Translated from Shivivei Or Newsletter 371. == The Rav got to the Tziyon at 1.48am and left Shechem at 3.18am. At the beginning of the journey, the Rav was mamash happy. He said […]

Enough with the speculation, already

Part of the reason I’m ‘slow-blogging’ at the mo is because I am totally sick of speculation. I know people with ‘Histrionic Personality Disorder’ – or caught up in its traits – love all this pointless, energy-sucking ‘speculation’ about what’s happening right now, but personally, I’m totally sick of it, and I’m trying very hard […]

Whitewashing Shabtai Tzvi

As part of trying to track down more info about David Moshe Valli’s comments on Yoshki, I got to the Judaism Stackexchange site. HERE is the link for that. In turn, that had a discussion about an oldish video shiur from ‘Rabbi Bezalel Naor’ talking about true and false leaders. You can see that here: […]