Entries by Rivka Levy

Shavuot musings and update on the Rav

I went into Shavuot feeling exhausted this year – even before any plans to stay up late and learn. The Rav was back in hospital with the same serious heart condition that struck last month, and then got ameliorated, after two weeks of very expensive treatment in a private clinic in Israel. We didn’t know […]

How the masons took over the Jewish community – Part II

Let’s quickly recap where we got to in the first post. (You can read that HERE.) The ASIATIC BROTHERHOOD is set up using ‘old kabbalistic mysteries’ learnt from an anonymous Sabbatean preacher who is based in Jerusalem, at least in 1743. This initial Jerusalem-based Sabbatean, code-named ‘AZARIAH’ passes this twisted kabbalah onto a German catholic […]

The Rav is back in hospital

Yesterday afternoon, the Rav was taken back to hospital. I don’t have more details at this stage, but please continue to pray for the health and recovery of: RAV ELIEZER BEN ETIA The Rav’s health has been very difficult for a long time, but it’s the prayers that lead to miraculous improvements – and clearly, […]

Rav’s prayer for Shavuot

This prayer really speaks to me. It’s one of the prayers that was distributed ahead of Shavuot. Meet me below for more of a discussion about how ‘judging ourselves’ in daily hitbodedut can save us from SOOO much suffering and hardships. Even if we can’t always change ‘the situation’, we can always work on improving our reaction […]

Thank you, Leah Golan

In all the mad rush to get this research as ‘finished’ as it can be, I’m in my own little world at the moment. I have literally piles upon piles of notes stacked by my desk and by my bed – the surviving remnants of the ‘suitcase purge’ of last week, that I am now […]