Entries by Rivka Levy

The Supernova Party was a death trap

We are continuing the translation of the shiur from October 27th. You can read Part 1 HERE. Over time with the Rav’s hints and clues, the picture builds up more and more. ==== Excerpt of shiur Thursday night, 27 Tishrey, to the ‘Mifal HaTorah’ – second shiur The Gemara asks if women are obligated in […]

They left each kibbutz with just one gun

Shavua Tov! I am continuing to post up excerpts of the Rav’s recent shiurim from the last 3 weeks here. They are giving way more info than you’ll find anywhere else, about what really happened here on October 7. Here’s the latest excerpt. ==== Excerpt of shiur Thursday night, 27 Tishrey, to the ‘Mifal HaTorah’ […]

How do we explain this?

The whole world is a stage…. remember Shakespeare told us that a long time ago. (If that guy actually even really existed, and wasn’t just another spook-actor himself….) Watch this: Viewers of this TV channel asked the question: "Who is under the silicone mask of Defense Minister Yoav Galant👌 pic.twitter.com/4c8nWK6i5E — nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) November […]

America needs the terrorists

More hints from the Rav. Continuing the translation that we brought an excerpt of HERE. Excerpt of shiur  26th Tishrey 5784 (October 11th, 2023) to the Mifal HaTorah. Now, we are before a churban (destruction). We are before the churban of the Third Temple. We are already in the [time of the] Third Temple now, […]

Some thoughts on ditching the smartphone

The Rav has been putting tremendous emphasis on tznius dressing and ditching the smartphone. ***UPDATE*** Tznius dressing, tachlis, just means tops that aren’t so tight the bra strap is visible, nor so plunging the cleavage is straight in your face, with sleeves that are long And skirts that are ankle length. Before the frum world […]

Blinken, the UN and Hevron

I decided that at the moment, I’m just going to keep posting up bits of the Rav’s translated shiurim here. It’s part of the process of learning how to ‘think for ourselves’, that information isn’t just spoon fed to us, but that we actually have to use our brains, a little, to really ‘think into’ […]

There are no pilots – hints from back in Elul

I’m just going through some of the ‘conversations’ of the Rav that I translated the last few months. The plan is, BH, to do ‘Conversations 2’. When I was pulling together  the original ‘Conversations’ a few years back is when my mind started to explode from all the hints and new information and eureka! moments […]

More words from the Rav

Cut and pasted from the ravberland.com site HERE. The full shiur is on that site, with lots of very deep hints and allusions to what is really going on: Here are the bits you are probably most interested in, right now: ==== A small child will try to test if the fire burns or doesn’t […]

There is no yeoush in the world

Of course, I’m writing that because I’m feeling a big wave of yeoush again. You could basically sum it up like this: Totally sick of having to deal with retarded people who are so stuck in the world of lies, but can’t understand just how stuck they are, because of course, they are also lying to […]

A story

Once, there was a very evil man who wanted to take over the world and kill and enslave all the Jews. His name was Lavan Ha’Arami. When Lavan was getting on and about to die, he called his son Bilaam to come and have a chat. Son, he began. I’m really proud of the way […]