Entries by Rivka Levy

Just three men against hundreds of terrorists

The Rav has referred quite a few times to ‘three soldiers’ who managed to hold off literally hundreds of terrorists all by themselves, on Simchat Torah. He mentioned the Kissufim crossing…. but I didn’t find anything ‘real life story’ that seemed to match those details. Until just now. Watch this (no gory stuff, but lots […]

The whole war of the Maccabees was against the i-Phone

More words from the Rav. It’s not a coincidence that the biggest sports stadium in Jerusalem is called ‘Teddy Stadium’ – after that self-same British spy and hater of religious Jews, Teddy Kollek. There is literally nothing new under the sun. ==== Excerpt of Rav Berland’s shiur, given on the 4th night of Chanuka 5784 […]

Time to reclaim ‘normal life’

The last few days, I was feeling not so happy, and also pretty ill. Migraines, not sleeping, eyes funny, stomach issues, anxiety, ‘suppressed anxiety’, despair, worry – all of it. Until yesterday evening, when I sat down with my husband and I told him: I can’t carry on like this much longer…. If things don’t […]

“The tools of Hamas are their weapons”

Excerpt of a shiur given December 11th 5784, 4th night of Chanuka More hints and insights from the Rav, translated from Shivivei Or 338. == Now, Yosef comes to Dotan. He asks the angel,  where are my brothers shepherding? He says to him, Dotan. They want to kill you, he (the angel) hints to him. […]

The whole thing stinks

This whole story of how the IDF apparently just shot dead three of the kidnapped people in Gaza…. It just sounds so very wrong, for so many reasons. Yah, Hamas just ‘left’ them, just abandoned them… you know how that is. And then, they just decided to take off all their clothes – like you […]

More clues from the Rav

Excerpt of shiur given on Wednesday, 2nd Kislev, 5784, to the Hoshen Mishpat Kollel in the Old City of Jerusalem Now we need to travel [to Uman]. Here, he’s organising flights for us, so we can fly to Uman, even three [planes, each containing] 800 people. Every two hours, they get to Uman, there and […]

Waiting for the miracle

I have to say, I’m feeling quite down at the moment. For a few different reasons. Every day, more dead Jews in Gaza – and I’m sitting here thinking what, 60-100 billion shekels goes to the army EVERY SINGLE YEAR and yet they couldn’t figure out a way to make a ‘robot’ to go into booby […]


Or to give it it’s proper Jewish term, midda kneged midda. From the beginning of this ‘war’, it seems to me that Hashem’s hashgacha pratit has been far more pronounced, than in the past. Without going into details, all the people who have lost loved ones that I knew personally, in some way, I could kind […]

Censorship ?

I’m getting lots of messages that my blog seems to be ‘stuck’ at Nov 30. I’ve written about another 10 posts since then, but people aren’t seeing them. It could just be a ‘blog forwarding’ issue. Try: Thinkforyourselfpublishing.com – the new name of the site, from a couple of months ago. I’ve been talking to […]