Censorship ?
I’m getting lots of messages that my blog seems to be ‘stuck’ at Nov 30.
I’ve written about another 10 posts since then, but people aren’t seeing them.
It could just be a ‘blog forwarding’ issue.
Try: Thinkforyourselfpublishing.com – the new name of the site, from a couple of months ago.
I’ve been talking to the tech guy, we have no idea why the ‘blog forwarding’ from the old domain suddenly spontaneously stopped, all by itself.
So, try the new link and see if that works.
If it doesn’t…. let me know in the comments (if you even see this post…) about what’s happening, and we’ll see if we can figure it out.
And if not.
It’s more censorship.
All I post up here, really, is real family tree stuff and stuff the Rav says.
What does that tell you?
Yes Rivka, I have been able to read this. Hope it’s properly sorted!
I discovered your problem a couple of months ago and changed the link to you on my search engine page, where I have a permanent link to you. That’s only because I noticed that your URL had been changed; so, I can always find you. Perhaps it was before all the real problems cropped up.
But I think it’s even more important to notice the URL you’re on, anywhere. You never know!
Hanukkah sameah!
I have been able to see all of your posts up until this one today. Don’t seem to have any issue.
It’s very weird what’s going on.
Someone is playing around with the backend DNS records – and it’s not my tech person.
Just now when I had my VPN on, I couldn’t access my own blog.
When I took the VPN off, I could access no problem.
I’ve had a lot of censorship issues over the years, but it seems to be going up a level again. BH, I will continue writing as long as I can, but it’s starting to feel like things are heading in a direction where at some point, I may have to stop.
Finally! I tried via Yahoo, found the thinkforyourself link, and voila, it worked!
Baruch Hashem. I wonder who is behind this, in WHICH COUNTRY???????
Chanukah Sameach!
It seems to be working on my end when I use incognito/private mode.
Can other people also confirm?