Entries by Rivka Levy

Audio Message from Rav Berland

The Rav is currently in a special private facility getting urgent heart treatment. While the rest of us get illnesses because of our tikkunim and spiritual debts, when it comes to the tzaddikim who are from the aspect of the ‘Tzaddik Yesod Olam’, their illnesses are caused by the spiritual situation of the Jewish people. […]

Update on the Rav: He’s back in hospital

Always, when things are getting ‘difficult’ again for Am Yisrael, the Rav’s health takes a nose-dive. That’s been happening again the last two weeks, since the failed State decided to go into Rafiah. The Rav had a lot of water on the lungs during Pesach, and was unable to sleep. No-one knew that was the […]

Let’s say it again: how to get the war to end

There was another horrible ‘friendly fire’ incident yesterday in Gaza. I’m off the news (thank God…) but one of my friends in Israel texted me a little while ago this: Apparently another friendly fire incident yesterday killed five soldiers and wounded more. The Rav referred to friendly fire a lot, didn’t he? Hashem should have […]

Remembrance and Independence

For years, there’s been an argument in my house over Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut. Growing up in that ‘ra-ra State of Israel’ dati leumi environment meant that my kids were brainwashed from a very young age into: Watching and / or attending as many Yom HaZikaron events as possible. Insisting on buying Israeli flags […]