Continuing with the second part of the translated comments from the Rav. You can read Part 1 HERE. There is a ton of hints here about real Jewish history, BH, I will put together a separate post trying to fill out more of the picture. I’m sure we’ll all learn a lot…. Enjoy! == R […]

Another quiet day in the North

It happens like clockwork. Yesterday, me and my husband were up in the North, driving all over the place, including to RASHBI in Meron. We saw some patches of burnt ground.... but it was otherwise totally quiet. Today - apparently, the…

Hebron: City of Sabbateans – Part 3

OK, we are finally up to learning more about ‘R ELIYAHU MANI of HEVRON’. According to standard history, he is born in Baghdad in 1818, and was the student of one of some of the biggest Iraqi rabbis of the time, including Rav ABDULLAH SOMECH. And…

Hebron: City of Sabbateans – Part 2

Welcome back to part 2, of what is becoming a very interesting series on the Sabbatean rabbis – and funders – of Hebron. Let’s begin by reminding ourselves where we got up to, and what we are researching. The Rav made some comments last…

Beyond ‘superficial’

Do you remember 20 years ago, when there were all those 'scamming' emails being sent around? Always some Nigerian prince, or other minor royalty from Asia or Africa, who apparently had $50 million he was trying to smuggle out of his country,…

Hevron, the city of Sabbateans – Part I

The Rav gave a bunch of interesting ‘clues’ about who is running things in the Holy Land, from behind the scenes, in the last shiur of his I translated. (Read the lengthier excerpt HERE.) As well as touching on more of the real story…

Rav Mani of Hevron, stolen tzedaka, and the Chief Rabbi of Crimea

The Rav's recent shiurim have been awesome. Here is another excerpt of a shiur, that contains so much information and 'clues', I will be working on this probably all of next week, to tease out more of the real information. In the meantime,…