This is my translation of R Elmaliach’s shiur, based on a megillah he recieved from the Rav, written down by the tikshor method, shortly before this last Shvi’i shel Pesach. The stuff in square brackets is R Elmaliach’s own comments. I have bolded the Rav’s words, to make it easier to tell what is actually […]

The Rambam on accidental murder

Amazingly, this was the next part of the Rav's shiur, given on Rosh Chodesh Kislev (Nov 13th, 2023). The first part of the shiur was talking about transferring 1.5 billion to Hamas, and Hamas firing on the patients in the hospitals, and then…

Friendly fire

The last two days, I've been pretty down. It's probably a whole bunch of things together, including trying to keep everything going and 'upbeat' so the wedding could get done, and not totally falling apart that first month after Simchat Torah. But…

When the lies becomes ‘the truth’

This one is a little more recent  - from last Saturday night. ==== Shiur given at Seudat Shlishit, Shabbat Vayetza, 12th Kislev 5784, (Nov 25th, 2023) ...The force of the imagination that deceives a person is called ‘Lavan Ha Arami’…

Everything with Qatar was a lie

Shavua Tov! Over Shabbat, I managed to catch up on a few of the Rav's shiurim from the last couple of weeks. I will just carry on translating the bits that took my eye, and you take from it whatever you take from it. There's lots and…

5784 is the year of geula – more hints from the Rav

Excerpt of a shiur given on Wednesday evening, 3rd Cheshvan 5784, to people from Ashdod. (October 10th, 2023). Everything in italics are direct quotes from the Rav. Lots of hints here, about what is really going on behind the scenes. ==== We…

Both ‘sides’ are being controlled by the same people

Think of what is going on in Israel at the moment as a big game of chess. On the one side, there is 'Hamas Kasparov'. And on the other side, there is 'Israel Fischer'. They are moving their pieces around the board, they are 'doing battle',…