Shiur to the Mithabrim (‘Associates’) 28th Kislev, 5785, 29th December 2024, Chanukah. The Gemara recounts about ‘Diclot’ (Diocletian, Roman Emperor) – this is page 47a, in Trumot, the end of the eighth verse[1]. Diocletian was a shepherd of pigs. He used to shepherd [his pigs] exactly opposite where the cheder of Yehuda Nesiya[2] was [in […]

The Rav’s comments from Kever Yosef last week

The Rav at Kever Yosef, the week of  Parshat Devarim, Rosh Chodesh Av Account from one of the people who accompanied him. Translated from Shivivei Or Newsletter 371. == The Rav got to the Tziyon at 1.48am and left Shechem at 3.18am. At…

First ever ‘mega quake’ warning issued for Japan

Shavua tov! I have some stuff to translate for the Rav, so watch out for that next. In the meantime.... I am getting the small but growing feeling we are finally inching closer to the 'turn around' point in all this. Not based on anything…

Enough with the speculation, already

Part of the reason I'm 'slow-blogging' at the mo is because I am totally sick of speculation. I know people with 'Histrionic Personality Disorder' - or caught up in its traits - love all this pointless, energy-sucking 'speculation' about what's…

Yoshki, Shabtai Tzvi and ‘Moshiach ben Yosef – the transcript

Transcribed notes from Betzalel Naor’s shiur, aka ‘whitewashing Yoshki and Shabtai Tzvi’ I decided to try and transcribe most of Betzalel Naor’s shiur, below, about how only stupid people who don’t study kabbalah believe people like…

Histrionic Personality Disorder and ‘War in Iran’

Yesterday, I finally managed a walk with a friend I haven’t seen for ages. We were talking about a bunch of stuff, and then she mentioned how she thinks she got PTSD from the attack ‘by Iran’ back in April – when we woke up to weird…

Whitewashing Shabtai Tzvi

As part of trying to track down more info about David Moshe Valli's comments on Yoshki, I got to the Judaism Stackexchange site. HERE is the link for that. In turn, that had a discussion about an oldish video shiur from 'Rabbi Bezalel Naor'…