The Rav gave some very big ‘clues’ as to what was really going down in the Holy Land, when the whole argument with the Baal HaTanya blew up. It was over money. And specifically, it was over who was actually pocketing the huge amounts of charity that were being raised for the Holy Land communities. […]

For the people whose ‘diamonds’ turn to dust

I am putting this up 'out of order'. It's another excerpt from the Rav's shiur on December 20th, (first part HERE), but it really spoke to me a lot, and I think it may speak to you too, dear reader. It gives so much chizzuk, for all those…

The Rav’s Sefer Torah for the soldiers

Last week, the Rav turned 86. There was a request made that for his birthday, a new Sefer Torah should be written, dedicated to the soldiers fighting in Gaza. Shuvu Banim is now fundraising to get this Sefer Torah written ASAP. No promises…

Seeing deeper

The few real Tzaddikim in the world are really not like you and me. They see and understand things at a much deeper level, and that means that they often do things that appear to be strange, or even 'mad' to outsiders, who don't understand…

More hints from the Rav: Everything happened because they made a deal with the Romans

Excerpt of a shiur given to Shuvu Banim in Bet Shemesh, Wednesday night, December 20th, 2023 (Part I - there's a lot to translate here, and a lot of hints and allusions to what is going on right now. Enjoy!) ==== ....There are almond…

Bring them home now (all our soldiers, that is….)

Shavua tov! Lots to translate from the Rav this week. One thing he apparently said that I wanted to flag in a short post now is that: This war is going to last until at least Pesach. That personally didn't make me feel very happy,…

A slice of average life

This week, I've been finding it really hard to sleep. I keep waking up in the middle of the night. It's not the first time this happened - usually, it coincides with an uptick of 'earthquake energy' in the world. While they are trying…