Read the footnotes for this one, so you start to understand a little how many ‘secrets’ the Rav is giving over. But only if a person is willing to work a little bit, to try to uncover them. I had no idea what the Rav was really saying, until I cracked open the Likutey Moharan…. […]

The explanation of the 770 tunnel that actually makes sense

Just got this from my Chabad friend. And I'm posting it up, then continuing my small break. I asked a friend about the tunnels under 770, unfortunately it's all politics and fighting inside the community. Since the Rebbe passed away,…

Two interesting videos – and a small break

I've been sent a couple of very interesting videos the last few days. This one is discussing how 'Jeffrey Epstein' was actually just a 'construct', not even a 'real person'. ==== I have a feeling…

Controlled opposition and media manipulation

Recently, there's been an uptick in media manipulation of 'stay in Gaza' stories. ==== 'Controlled opposition' works by riding the wave of public opinion, but turning it in a direction that actually just serves the agenda of the Controllers. Keeping…

More clues from the Rav: They moved the whole army to Huwara

We are continuing the translation of the shiur given in Bet Shemesh, the 9th of Tevet, (Dec 20th), 5784. (Read the first part HERE, and the third part HERE.) ==== Moshe prayed from the first until the 7th of Adar. And if there would…

For the people whose ‘diamonds’ turn to dust

I am putting this up 'out of order'. It's another excerpt from the Rav's shiur on December 20th, (first part HERE), but it really spoke to me a lot, and I think it may speak to you too, dear reader. It gives so much chizzuk, for all those…

The Rav’s Sefer Torah for the soldiers

Last week, the Rav turned 86. There was a request made that for his birthday, a new Sefer Torah should be written, dedicated to the soldiers fighting in Gaza. Shuvu Banim is now fundraising to get this Sefer Torah written ASAP. No promises…