Read the footnotes for this one, so you start to understand a little how many ‘secrets’ the Rav is giving over. But only if a person is willing to work a little bit, to try to uncover them. I had no idea what the Rav was really saying, until I cracked open the Likutey Moharan…. […]

Taking another break

I have seven more days of a whole book of tehillim to do.... Until the 30 days are up, November 8. In the middle of all this madness, I also still have what's left of a wedding to figure out. And lastly - the news is still lying about…


I got sent this video from Texas, of a young Jewish woman who was inspired to burn her immodest clothes: == There is currently a totally media black out about what is going on with the hundred thousands of Israeli soldiers they sent into…

Some interesting videos

One is in Hebrew, one in English. I am keeping my comments very reduced at the moment, for a few different reasons. These videos show: Matti Peled - a former Israeli general with control over Gaza who became a 'peacenik'. Don't…

More chizzuk from R Ofer: the worst could already be behind us

They put up  this short clip on ==== Here's my basic translation of what he is saying: Those who are really going along now wanting G-d - whether they are more of a…

Worldwide day of prayer – today, Oct 30, at 4pm Israel time

I just got sent this. It has the support of the Rav, too, who is encouraging everyone to participate. This is the flyer: ==== Basically, the top bit says that we are in a really dire situation surrounded by enemies in Israel, in…

Even a little bit counts

Last Thursday, I told one of my friends in Bet Shemesh about the Rav's 'push' to say more tehillim. My friend is Chabad, not Breslov. She has five small kids at home - all under her feet more than usual, especially with the war. But she…