Read the footnotes for this one, so you start to understand a little how many ‘secrets’ the Rav is giving over. But only if a person is willing to work a little bit, to try to uncover them. I had no idea what the Rav was really saying, until I cracked open the Likutey Moharan…. […]

How to get the war to stop now

More translated comments, and clues, from the Rav. == Excerpt of shiur given Tuesday night, Rosh Chodesh Kislev (November 14, 2023) Now, a rocket got to Kiryat Bialik - 20 km North of Haifa. And a rocket from Gaza [got] to Daliyat-al-Carmel,…

The Supernova Party was a death trap

We are continuing the translation of the shiur from October 27th. You can read Part 1 HERE. Over time with the Rav's hints and clues, the picture builds up more and more. ==== Excerpt of shiur Thursday night, 27 Tishrey, to the ‘Mifal…

They left each kibbutz with just one gun

Shavua Tov! I am continuing to post up excerpts of the Rav's recent shiurim from the last 3 weeks here. They are giving way more info than you'll find anywhere else, about what really happened here on October 7. Here's the latest excerpt. ==== Excerpt…

How do we explain this?

The whole world is a stage.... remember Shakespeare told us that a long time ago. (If that guy actually even really existed, and wasn't just another spook-actor himself....) Watch this: ==== We…

America needs the terrorists

More hints from the Rav. Continuing the translation that we brought an excerpt of HERE. Excerpt of shiur  26th Tishrey 5784 (October 11th, 2023) to the Mifal HaTorah. Now, we are before a churban (destruction). We are before the churban…

Some thoughts on ditching the smartphone

The Rav has been putting tremendous emphasis on tznius dressing and ditching the smartphone. ***UPDATE*** Tznius dressing, tachlis, just means tops that aren't so tight the bra strap is visible, nor so plunging the cleavage is straight in…