Shiur to the Mithabrim (‘Associates’) 28th Kislev, 5785, 29th December 2024, Chanukah. The Gemara recounts about ‘Diclot’ (Diocletian, Roman Emperor) – this is page 47a, in Trumot, the end of the eighth verse[1]. Diocletian was a shepherd of pigs. He used to shepherd [his pigs] exactly opposite where the cheder of Yehuda Nesiya[2] was [in […]

‘Saint Simonism’, New York-style

Let's dive in to the next installment of how the satanic masons subverted the Jewish community.... == Background info on SAINT SIMONISM, the masonic-created new ‘religion’ that was meant to replace God with ‘science’ and Isaac Newton…

Even more good – Elitzur

Tachlis, this is what we need to be understanding right now, courtesy of Elitzur: ==== God always loves us. And it's going to get even better for us... Amen.

The Road to Apocalypse

Something to watch, while you're waiting for other shoe to drop: ***UPDATES BELOW*** ==== The video above (shmirat eynayim friendly and short - 7 minutes) is the starting point for understanding…

Some interesting stuff

It feels like the whole world is on 'pause', waiting to see what happens next. I've been mostly offline the last 48 hours until now, so I'm not coming to tell any chiddushim. Whatever happens next - all of us have our work cut out for us…

King Boris II (and III) of Bulgaria – more comments from the Rav

A new Shivivei Or came out. ***UPDATES BELOW*** So, I am back translating some of it for the blog. The following is part of a shiur the Rav gave on Rabbenu's Hiloula, the 4th day of Succot. It is super-interesting - I will be updating…

Stormy times

This week, Valencia in Spain got inundated with the heaviest rains in 30 years. ***UPDATES*** One of the Telegram channels I regularly check - and have been doing that, since the beginning of the plandemic - is La Quinta Columa, the Spanish…