More comments from the Rav

The Rav has been speaking very strongly after davening, the last two nights.

The singing has been very loud, his voice has been very ‘strong’ – it’s a good omen, because the Tzaddik HaDor reflects what’s going on with the people, and for months and months, the Rav has been sounding quite ‘weak’.

But not today, BH.


He gave a few more clues about what is really going on in Gaza.

Again, he emphasised that we are being lied to about everything.

Apparently, the Rav says Gaza has all the water and electricity they need – nothing got turned off.

Also, they have a massive ‘underground city’ in Gaza, with it’s own generators, that give them electricity in a way that’s ‘much better’ than what we have in Israel.

He said the main entrance to this ‘underground city’ can be found hidden in Gaza’s main hospital.


He also said that Jenin is also full of underground tunnels too.

And the main entrance to Jenin’s tunnels can be found in that city’s main mosque.

Maybe, that explains this headline from two days ago:


I got an email saying this:


PA armored vehicles agreed to by Israel move into position as Israeli citizens begin taking countermeasures

Are Jewish towns equipped to fend off ‘first strike’ attack by surrounding PA forces?


I asked my kid, who knows a ton of people in the Shomron, if she’s hearing of anything troubling.

She told me no, BH, it’s pretty quiet there.

Here’s what I sent back to my correspondent:

Some vehicles moving into position – disturbing as that might be – is not a ‘takeover of the Shomron’.
All these headlines are just stoking more fear. If there’s important info, it needs to be shared without all these bombastic headlines.
more and more people are just turning it off, because they can’t deal with OTT fear porn.
We need to keep things as real, emuna-dik and ‘low key’ as possible right now, with the emphasis on spiritual solutions, and ein yeoush be olam klal.

More and more, this is beginning to remind of what happened with coronavirus.

Create a ‘problem’, amp the ‘problem’ every chance you get, drive people literally insane with fear about the ‘problem’ – and then provide a ‘solution’ that is a million times worse than the ‘problem’ could ever be, by itself.

Stay in your homes and pray!

I have a bunch of mosques blasting me at 5am every morning, currently really loudly because the arabs think they have the upper hand.

The first week it was very scary – but then I realised that if God wants me dead, then that is going to happen wherever I happen to live or run away to.

And that if God doesn’t want me dead – there is nothing anyone can do to me.


I do my best to keep mitzvoth, to make teshuva, and to have God in the picture.

If that’s not ‘enough’ because God decided my time here is up and I’ve completed my tikkun – OK THEN!!!

In the meantime, I am not going anywhere.

And I am doing my best to only fear Hashem.


BH, it’s getting easier to keep doing the sefer Tehillim.

It was pretty heavy in Jerusalem this AM, and I wondered if they’d gone into Gaza, God forbid.

But apparently not yet still.

I got on with finishing the book, and by this evening it’s feeling a bit happier here again – but very up and down and changeable.


Also, just wanted to flag that the weather is acting very weird here – it’s getting hot at 7pm, when the sun goes down….

So, strange things continuing.

But more and more people starting to realise who are real enemies are, and that you can really only turn to God in the situation we currently find ourselves in.

That’s leading to a massive wave of teshuva here, and things ARE being sweetened a lot.

I’m praying that continues.

We are looking at 1,000 more dead, if they go into Gaza, God forbid.

Personally, I will carry on saying the tehillim every single day for another two weeks, if there is any chance at all of preventing that from happening.

There’s been enough death of young people here to last us a lifetime, already.

And may we just hear good news.

8 replies
  1. Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
    Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

    To strengthen Moshe’s hands doesn’t replace the warriors in the battlefield. Every Jewish male should be familiar with the art of war and every community in Eretz haKodesh needs her own warriors. Hashem yit” is “ish milchamah” and He directs the unified stone sent from David’s slink.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      Here’s the thing: Moshe Rabbenu knew what the ‘right’ response was at every stage of the redemption process.

      At the sea, he could have told them ‘turn around and fight’ – he didn’t.

      He told them – ‘walk forward and the sea will split’!

      God told Moshe to stop praying at that point, because the decree had been ‘sweetened’ and the supernatural miracles were ready to go.

      Then later, Moshe told the people to ascend to conquer Eretz Yisrael – which clearly, would have involved some fighting, but if you look in our Tanach, our fights were ALWAYS miraculous and spiritual, not a matter of having bigger guns or a better trained army – and the people were too scared by the reports of the meraglim, and didn’t want to hear it.

      So then, the 40 year decree was instated – and that’s when the people decided that now, yes, we can go and fight them.… – against God’s will, against the instructions of Moshe Rabbenu, the Tzaddik HaDor, and all those people got massacred by Amalek.

      The point is not so much ‘what we do’. The point is, are actually doing what God wants, as relayed to us by His True Tzaddikim?

      That’s the point.

      • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
        Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

        IF and when the instruction of the tsadik the leader of the community will be to wage war or to fight physically for your survival , we should be ready. If you don’t hold like that, then you rely on miracles, or worst , on the IDF and the medinah. Don’t tell me that you and your rav didn’t pray and dancing with full kavanah at the time of the massacre ! Me also according to my capacity. And Hashem did many miracles there, but did salvations also with simple Jews who defended their place with whatever gun was as their hands. Don’t tell me that Hashem sent the destroyers , because this is only the half truth. Hashem always sends them because of the sins of Israel . BUT He waits from us to rise up first with teshuvah, and after that, to eliminate the enemy spiritually AND physically according to His instructions . This is the little thing that is required by us , specially from those living in Eretz haKodesh, but maybe also in the lands of tumah. (the Jews themselves have to fight and kill their haters in all places
        of the Persian empire says in the Megilah.)

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          Good luck trying ‘destroy’ two million people in Gaza, and many millions more in other parts of Israel….

          I hold by God.

          If God forbid I am attacked, I will do my best to defend myself any way I can, physically.

          But, having walked through ‘the scenarios’ more than once, it’s clear to me that the praying and the spiritual response is the main one – i.e. really internalising that Ein Od Milvado, and God is the only One who decides if I live or die.

          I am not putting my ‘trust’ in guns, or my own ability to defend myself.

          Like everything, I will make my best effort, and the outcome is up to God.

          That’s the real teshuva required, to quote you:

          “He waits from us to rise up first with teshuvah, and after that, to eliminate the enemy spiritually AND physically according to His instructions.”

      • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
        Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

        IF and when the instruction of the tsadik the leader of the community will be to wage war or to fight physically for your survival , we should be ready. If you don’t hold like that, then you rely on miracles, or worst , on the IDF and the medinah. As we should fight our battles on High , we should be ready
        to fight bellow.

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          Tachlis, what are you actually saying?

          That someone like me should go and get a gun?

          Spell it out, how do you want people like me to ‘be ready to fight below’?

          • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
            Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

            I wrote it in the be beginning : ” . Every Jewish male should be familiar with the art of war and every community in Eretz haKodesh needs her own warriors and guns. The medinah is collapsing and as you know very well they want to rid of the religious parasites. Even during the Othomans , Jews were self organized with local shomrim to protect their families from hostile Arabs. Rabbi Yeshayah Vardaki was the leader of the shomrim in Jerushalem.

    • yossi in chul
      yossi in chul says:

      For sure, we have heard that HaRav Berland Shlit”a has asked Hashem for success for Israel and her fighters. Since altalena catastrophe, Begin Z”l refused to have brother-against-brother war, unifying Israel military, fighters, green conscript volunteers, shock troops, and so on, in one command. Hashem runs the world. Pretty sure the rates of brit milah are going up also. Iron armor is no defense for the admirals on the ‘other side’. Ein od milvado. For sure, the tfila for success for tzahal from HaRav Berland literally concludes with “yehoshua the warrior of yisra’el”, also bilam is possibly aramean(diaspora non-jewish?), and was defeated with his own (possibly iron) sword, or something.

      B’Ahavat Yisra’el,


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