Let’s say it again: how to get the war to end

There was another horrible ‘friendly fire’ incident yesterday in Gaza.

I’m off the news (thank God…) but one of my friends in Israel texted me a little while ago this:

Apparently another friendly fire incident yesterday killed five soldiers and wounded more.

The Rav referred to friendly fire a lot, didn’t he?

Hashem should have rachmanut on us.

How much more can we bear?


Maybe that’s why yesterday I was feeling such a ‘heavy’ vibe and just had a lot of tears kind of choked back – without even knowing what on earth is going on.

I couldn’t pray properly, I couldn’t do anything, much.

Deep, deep sigh.


Here’s some of what the Rav said about ‘friendly fire’ – all taken from the shiurim printed up in ‘Rav Berland’s Conversations II’.

Excerpt of a shiur from Wednesday night, Parshat Bereishit, 26th Tishrei 5784, (11th October,, 2023):

So now, we are mamash in the situation where it is a Shoah.

And the only people who can stop this Shoah is Shuvu Banim, and the girls of Shuvu Banim, who walk along with maximum tzniut, and with maximum kedusha.

In no other community do you have this type of kedusha. So only they can [stop the Shoah].

And so, everyone needs to take it upon themselves to say a book of tehillim.


Because now, they are starting to enter Gaza. It’s just they are scared.

They are pushing it off, so that thousands of soldiers won’t die, that the soldiers won’t be killed by ‘friendly fire’.

Already, they can’t tell the difference.

When they enter, they can’t tell the difference between who is a terrorist and and who is a soldier. One person will start shooting at the other – a thousand soldiers will be killed just by ‘friendly fire’.

It’s already four days into the war, and they still didn’t enter Gaza.

They are deathly scared of entering Gaza. Who knows, who is going to live, and who is going to die, who….?


Message from Rav Berland from the week heading into Parsha Lech Lecha, 5784, distributed on 27.10.2023:

You should know that the whole matter of the ground invasion being delayed is all due to the prayers of the women.

Because the entrance into Gaza is the most dangerous thing in the world – cramped alleys that are a metre wide, quarters that are two thousand years old. It’s impossible to enter there with tanks. The soldiers need to go by foot, and the Hamas is waiting for them….

They are thinking about the 1,000 soldiers who will go in the first round of fire – and only the women who took it upon themselves to recite a book of tehillim each day, in the merit of these women, so the invasion of Gaza is being delayed.

Thousands of soldiers that otherwise would have been killed….


All those that drove to Gaza, so the soldiers got confused.

They didn’t know what is a ‘terrorist’, and what is an ‘Israeli’. They fired on whole battalions. There are many Jews who were destroyed just by ‘friendly fire’.

Just two days ago, a few soliders were killed, and a few police said that terrorists were coming to the beach. So, they saw a few soldiers were walking around outside, so they fired on them. They thought that these were ‘the terrorists’.

But really, they were Jewish Israelis.

So, there is a danger that a few thousand will die from ‘friendly fire’.

And so, only the women who are covering their hair, and walk with long dresses – because it’s forbidden for women to emphasise the body. And it’s forbidden for men to show off their body….


And straight away, we need to smash to pieces the new ‘satanic’ thing [i.e. the Xiomis and the smartphones]…

Everyone [in the chareidi world] is buying Xiomi, they call it ‘Xiomi’.

We need to smash it up immediately, this second, with a hammer….it’s causing all the disasters.


And the Jews that go into Gaza in the first wave will even be killed by ‘friendly fire’.

Because they already don’t know how to discern between the terrorists and the soldiers.

So, everything depends upon the girls….


This is just a little of what the Rav was saying about thousands of Jews being killed by ‘friendly fire’ in this war.

Who knows, if all these deaths are deliberate or accidental – either way, anyone who is still banging the drum for more war, or for ‘reconquering Gush Katif’ is literally insane.

The army is not ‘protecting’ anyone – the army, especially our children in the army, desperately need more spiritual protection from all the forces out to destroy them.

Whether ‘deliberately’ or ‘accidentally’.


Twenty young men from the Hesder Yeshiva of Eli alone have been killed ‘in battle’ since this accursed ‘war-that-is-no-war’ began.

The heart breaks.


But still, so many of us are refusing to understand that until there is some serious teshuva on our side of the fence, this horrible situation is going to continue – and even get worse, God forbid.

Instead of wasting so very much time and effort on more pointless speculation about ‘who is Moshiach’, the discussion needs to cut to the chase:

Whether or not the Rav is ‘moshiach’ is kind of irrelevant, at this stage.

But he’s definitely the Gadol HaDor, he has clear ruach hakodesh (which you can tell in 10 milliseconds, if you actually read anything I post up here from his translations) – and following the Rav’s instructions is the only way we get out of this mess.


The Rav has given us some very clear instructions on how to get this war to end, and how to stop all these deaths from happening – the vast majority of which are coming from ‘friendly fire’.

Whether ‘accidental’ or ‘deliberate’.

Like this:

  1. Smash the smartphones, and stop making excuses about how much we’re all addicted to things that are killing us spiritually, and ruining our relationships in so many ways.
  2. Women and girls – to lengthen their skirts down to the floor. Married women: to cover all their hair, as their is no heter to show anything, not a fringe, not curly side bits, nothing.
  3. Men – to guard the eyes, avoid tight clothes – and smash their smartphones.
  4. Generally – to get the Rav’s Torah finished ASAP.

And of course, to carry on reciting as many tehillim and Tikkun Haklalis as possible, and to come down to Ido HaNavi and pray with the Rav at least sometimes, because all the singing and dancing is what is ‘sweetening the judgements’.


This snippet is from THIS post, written back at the beginning of January 2024:

Another day, another ‘accident’ in Gaza.

More than 20 killed, more than 20 wounded….

Tatty, we can’t any more!

Say whatever you want, but it’s clear that the ‘friendly fire accidents’ in Gaza are killing and wounding way, way more of our soldiers than ‘Hamas’.

In fact, it seems that our own army is now on track to kill and wound way more of our own soldiers than Hamas ever was….


This is a snippet of a post written at the end of January 2024:

In Israel, it’s an ‘open secret’ that something very bad happened this week, that led to the deaths of so many soldiers when those buildings collapsed.

By ‘very bad’, it’s understood ‘very corrupt and something stinks to high heaven’.

They are talking about this ‘anti tank terrorist cell’, whatever, that could apparently appear out of nowhere when the army has been clearing that bit of Gaza for three months already…. whatever.

But this incident is so fishy, even the MSM is trying to bring controlled opposition ‘explanations’, to head off the questions and discontent.


I stopped following the news day-to-day a few months back.

If I hadn’t, I’m sure I’d have at least another 10 examples of ‘tons of soldiers killed and wounded by ‘friendly fire’ in Gaza’ posts to share with you.

When is the penny finally going to fall, who are real enemy is here?

And when are we finally going to understand that all this talk of ‘military might’, ‘reconquering Gaza’, ‘fighting wars’ – it’s all pie-in-the-sky fantasy?

We have been totally sold-out by our leadership.

How many more of our children have to die before that’s understood?



You really want to get this horrible ‘war’ against the Jewish people to stop?

Here’s what you do:

  1. Smash the smartphones, and stop making excuses about how much we’re all addicted to things that are killing us spiritually, and ruining our relationships in so many ways.
  2. Women and girls – to lengthen their skirts down to the floor. Married women: to cover all their hair, as their is no heter to show anything, not a fringe, not curly side bits, nothing.
  3. Men – to guard the eyes, avoid tight clothes – and smash their smartphones.
  4. Generally – to get the Rav’s Torah finished ASAP.


Here’s how you help to get the Rav’s Torah finished ASAP:


A parchment (20,000 nis)
A page (5,000 nis)
Anything smaller

The Rav has been laying all this out clearly for months.

BH, hopefully soon, more people will to start to listen to him.
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