This is the only post I’m planning on putting up this week. Baruch Hashem, we just married off another daughter, and I am taking a week off the blog, and the computer generally, to recuperate. In the meantime, I wanted to post this up about the prayer gathering happening September 12th, 2024, beginning 9pm, in […]

Things are starting to move…

Yesterday, the Rav was back at the prayers again. He looked good, BH, he sounded strong, he was singing very loudly. Indeed. It's a good sign. I would even go as far as to say the Rav appeared to be in quite a good mood. Yes, I know…

Erev Rab-beim Part 3 – The ‘evil cult’ of Sadigora

Those aren't my words.... they are the description of R Chaim of Sanz. In this post, we’re going to continue investigating the ‘dispute’ that erupted between R CHAIM HALBERSTAM of Sanz and the extended ‘rebbes-with-palaces’ family…

Sobering up

Yesterday, I went to the graduation for my daughter. I thought we'd at least get to see her walk across the stage, to get her diploma, but apparently, that's not how they do things anymore. At least, not at her university. Instead, we had…

Erev Rab-beim – Part 2 – Berenyu of Leova

So, how did this next chapter of the saga of the EREV RAB-BAIM begin? The story begins with a book called: The Jewish World of Yesterday (1860-1938), which one of my readers dropped in, as he had a hunch I might find something interesting…

The Erev Rab-beim – Part I

Twenty-five years ago, when I was a journalist working for a Jewish paper, I lost my job thanks to a ‘celebrity rabbi’ who was embezzling charity funds to buy a massive house, and a lot of airtime and media exposure, in order to sell his…

People believe what they want to believe

I wrote a whole long rant that I just decided to delete. There are so many 'false beliefs' and 'fake information' circulating, it's kind of disheartening. But the bottom line is that people are free to believe what they want to believe,…