Time to dance
Excerpt of Lesson 1:2, Likutey Moharan
The main weapon of the Moshiach is prayer, which corresponds to the nose, as the verse says: “It is my praise to draw out My breath for you.”[1]
That [i.e. Prayer] is the main life-source of the Moshiach.
And all the wars he will wage and all the conquests he will make will all be with that power [of prayer]….
Every person should focus his attention during his prayers to bind himself to the tzaddikim of the generation, for the tzaddik of each generation represents Moshe-Moshiach.
We find this in that the tzaddikim call each other ‘Moshe’, as in:
“You have spoken well, Moshe,” (Tractate Shabbat 49:10)
And Moshe represents the Moshiach, as the verse says: “Until Shiloh arrives” (Genesis 49:10) [SHiYLoH has the same gematria as MoSHeH] = Moshe-Moshiach.
Each and every prayer that each person prays is an aspect of a ‘limb’ of the Shechinah, and thus, the ‘limbs’ of the Mishkan (Tabernacle).
No individual Jew is able to place each and every beam in its proper place except for Moshe.
Therefore, all prayers must be brought and bound to the tzaddik of the generation, as the verse says:
“They brought the Mishkan to Moshe”[2]
He knows how to place each and every beam and to make it into a complete structure, as in:
“Moses erected the Mishkan.”[3]
Tonight, Monday evening October 2, 2023, it’s the hiloula of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov.
Traditionally, Breslovers celebrate with a LOT of music and especially dancing tonight, to ‘sweeten’ all the harsh judgements.
If you can’t get out somewhere ‘Breslov-y’ to celebrate and dance, than whack this on instead and dance mindfully.
(I’m not a Na Nach myself, but they seem to do by far the wickedest dance mixes of Breslov music.)
Dancing mindfully means have whatever ‘harsh decree’, whatever evil you want to see eradicated from the world; bind yourself to the true tzaddikim, including Rebbe Nachman of Breslov – and then go and stomp that ‘evil decree’ into the ground.
Smash it to pieces.
Stomp until there is nothing left to stomp.
And then, watch what surprising ‘sweetening’ happens next.
(At the very least, you’ll burn off at least some of the Sukkot cake you’ve been stuffing in the last few days….)
Moadim L’Simcha
[1] Isaiah 48:9
[2] Exodus 38:33)
[3] Ibid.
PS: Watch the ‘Rabbenu Effect’ in action on the Gaza border, from nine years ago:
And here it is from Uman Rosh Hashana, last year, 2022:
First of all, Moadim leSimchah to you, dear Rivka, and to all your readers
Well, guess what: last night we had a very special party in our Sukkah: the 40th Jewish birthday of my son, who was also born on the 18th of Tishrei – and I didn’t even know anything about Rabbi Nachman then, even less about his Yahrzeit. And I found that out last week, so last night, with our Simchah in the Sukkah, I told the guests also that it was Rabbi Nachman’s birthday. Somebody said: it must mean something. I guess it does. What?
Interesting? 40 is a very important number – connected to Moshe Rabbeinu too, as we know. And on my son’s 40th birthday I found out the fact that he was born on Rabbi Nachman’s Hilula/Yahrzeit. So Rabbi Nachman was also in our Sukkah last night, together with the Ushpizin – Moshe Rabbeinu’s night last night, by the way.
Today I lit a candle for Rabbi Nachman, although I know very little about him, never visited Uman. Still, you can’t avoid the vibe.
And not only that: our little village here is slowly becoming a Rabbi Nachman settlement, they are buying up houses and businesses more and more. Not Rav Berland, mind you. Still, it’s nice to have them around in addition to all the goyim and their empty vibes. I never know who is listening to my music these days: maybe some people are happy about it!
And you should know that this region is becoming practically “invaded” by various Chassiduyot: Satmar, Wizhnitz, Ger, and others: the various Rabbonim have divided among themselves the region by Chassiduyot, as there are various towns/villages: the Wizhnitz area, the Satmar area, etc. etc. But for some reason the Breslovers chose my town/village. What do you say to that?
I am sure the Goyim are not too happy about that, but I am.
So what is the meaning of all of this? Of course I would much prefer being in Eretz Yisrael for Sukkot. But for now “Ze ma she yesh”.???????????
Enjoy Eretz Yisrael, and Chag Sameach to all.
My son went for three months to E”Y taking part in the dancing campagne of the Na Nachs. He came back to Europe after Tzom Gedalya. Since then I am a Na Nach Nachma Nachman MeUman myself.
I like the new URL, and I wonder how many noticed it.
I must give another thanks to you Rivka, because it was through you that I [re]discovered Rav Berland.
May God give you wonderful blessings because of this.
God has blessed me that I get to regularly speak to the assistant/student of Rav Yissachar Berg, Avraham. He always gives me great strengthening in serving God. Amazing.
God is great and beyond all investigation.