Tabula Rasa

All is good.

The old blog has gone again….

And I’m waiting for God to show me what to do next, that won’t involve lashon hara, walking around with a critical, cynical eye all the time, or getting caught up in never-ending machloket or the pointless puppet show.

Moving forward, this needs to be about emuna, bitachon, hope, trust, God and emunat tzaddikim, amongst many other good, holy things.

I am taking a bit of time off to figure things out.

BH, when the time is right, something beautiful will start to sprout here.

But in the meantime, enjoy Sukkot….


5 replies
  1. s.c
    s.c says:

    Oh my Gd!!

    Baruch Hashem!!

    I was really getting so worried about you.
    Kept you in prayers.

    Rivka, whatever Hashem plans for you to do, I know you will. Your faith is so great.

    Hashem bless you and yours, and all the Jews wherever they be. Amen v’Amen.

    Thanks for all you wrote , and Gd guide you in the future. Amen.


  2. Nahman
    Nahman says:

    Courage! Courage! Be strong and Courageous always Mamach! All the best always! Good tidings and deliveries Mamahc! Today for everything!

  3. Simon
    Simon says:

    God has used you as a messenger (mal’ach, or also ‘angel’ in Hebrew) to get me close (relatively at least) to Rav Berland and Rabbi Nachman and so many other holy things.
    May God bless you and your children and their children and descendants until the end of time with only blessings for the great things you write that encourage others like me to serve God better and to not give up.
    “May the Lord lift His countenance to you and establish peace for you.”
    This blog is the best.
    Thank you.


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