Betzalel didn’t make it

Betzalel Tzvi ben Orly Rivka just passed away.

Baruch Dayan HaEmet.

He’s in a much, much better place, that much is certain.


The family member told me that before the booby-trapped house exploded in Gaza, killing three of his colleagues and seriously wounding Betzalel and others, the soldiers had asked for a dog to be sent in to the house beforehand.

Their request was refused.

And now, four holy Jews are in a much, much better place than the rest of us.


I am not in such a ‘relaxed’ mood today.

There was a bonfire at the top of the hill where I live, and everyone made an effort to ‘celebrate’, but it was so flat, honestly.

One guy took the mike.

He’s been in miluim for the last six months (!) up in the North.

And there is no end in sight.

And this guy is not young – he’s late 30s early 40s.


In the meantime, I got to the Rav’s lighting yesterday night just after he apparently said everyone should go home and light something, and then 10 buses are going to leave for Meron.

I will update you on what actually happened next, when I know myself.


But today, I have a stormwind in my soul.

Yet another year, where the evil puppets who have been installed by the even more evil ‘controllers’ from the shadows go straight ahead and attack Jews, Judaism, Jewish customs, Torah – and we just sit here and take it.

Tatty, ad matai?!

This absolutely cannot continue like this much longer.

The paradigm has to shift, big time.


This morning, I was feeling pretty angry.

I was almost yelling at God this morning, God, please reveal Yourself already!!! Enough of all these evils thinking they run the show!!! God, only You can save us from all this evil, all this mess, please show Your face openly already!!!


What can I tell you?

In the meantime, I am going back to my 7 tikkun hakalis a day, and my hour of hitbodedut a day, and trying to pray with the Rav down on Ido HaNavi at least three times a week.

It’s the only thing that keeps me sane.

And it’s for sure keeping my life as ‘sweet’ as possible, in this rising flood of bitterness and despair about the matzav.


Dear readers, life is so good.

And God wants us to be grateful for every small and large kindness He’s doing for us, every single moment.

And at the same time, I am so frustrated with what is going on at the moment – including all the retards who still believe in the failed State, in the corrupt army, in their Frankist-rabbis – and who don’t understand that Rebbe Nachman and Rav Berland are the ones who are showing the clear ‘path’ out of this mess we are all in.

And that path boils down to massive teshuva, massive amounts of pray, lots of tzedekah to real tzaddikim – and most of all, humility, that we don’t know anything, and that God doesn’t owe us anything at all.


In the meantime.

Another holy soul has gone as a korban for the nation.

And while we all pray that Betzalel Tzvi ben Orly Rivka will be the last one.

I personally am struggling to believe that.



3 replies
  1. Neshama
    Neshama says:

    BD”E It really hurts to see so many young, courageous, souls leave, and leave behind grieving widows and children, and family. Our Nation is being ripped apart!

  2. Neshama
    Neshama says:

    Wait, Rivka, his holy neshoma went up on L’ag B’Omer, the 33rd day, a very special day. IY”H may he be together with Rebbe Shimon, dancing at this auspicious time.

  3. Daisy
    Daisy says:

    Dear Rivka,

    I do appreciate your pain, believe me, and I am feeling the pain too; but to get angry at Hashem does not help, I am afraid: how about asking Him kindly, with love, from the bottom of our hearts, to help and save all the poor souls exposed to this monstrous evil?

    After all, when a child gets angry at his father, the father won’t respond with the same empathy and compassion as when the child nicely and sweetly asks the father to do this or that for him or for her. I just saw that this past Shabbat, and how the difference in the attitude of the child changes the reaction of his or her father. Of course, a father always loves his child, but somehow, sweet requests elicit a lot more love, empathy and response than an angry outburst…. I am sure you know that of course, as you mention humility repeatedly, and that is exactly what we need; it is just a reminder that anger breeds anger and sweetness breeds sweetness. I know, it hurts terribly, the pain is deep, and anger is hard to manage. Still, let’s just ask Hashem kindly, from the bottom of our hearts, while we pray to Him, for whatever it is.

    I am not judging you, I promise, I am just reacting to your anger. Sorry if I offended you, that was not the idea: it was simply to remind us – me included, for sure – that we have to ask Hashem everything nicely, sweetly, respectfully. Right?

    Love, and may Hashem listen to all your Tefillot and to all our Tefillot. Amen.


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