Why do they keep wrecking Meron L’ag B’omer?

I woke up today not feeling very happy, for reasons I can’t really pin down.

***UPDATE: Please pray for BETZALEL TZVI ben ORLI RIVKA, seriously injured along with three Netzach Yehuda soldiers who were killed a couple of days ago. He’s the BIL of my friend’s brother, and he’s really not doing well.***

BH, we all have our challenges day-to-day, including me, but life is actually still pretty good in so many ways.

But all week, I’ve had a kind of sense of foreboding about what is coming down the pipe.

I’ve been doing a lot of praying about it. But right now, I have to admit to not feeling so optimistic about the matzav – at least, in terms of how many people are actually going to come through this alive.


The Rav, for years, has been talking about how the people who died al kiddush Hashem in the holocaust achieved their complete soul rectification, as a result of that, and are actually ‘the lucky ones’, spiritually.

It’s hard to hear.

On some levels, it’s hard to accept.

But, it’s true.


The last few weeks, more of these ‘hints’ have been floating out again from around the Rav, not least, via Rav Elmaliach, who gave over another message from the Rav a few days ago about how the people who saw 80% of their friends and neighbors die in the plague of darkness didn’t go out of Egypt crying.

Why not?

Because, R Elmaliach explains, the souls of their loved ones who had died had an ibbur (i.e. ‘piggy-backed’) on the people who were still alive, and so also got to Har Sinai for the giving of the Torah.

Just in a discarnate ‘soul state’, where they were piggy-backing off the people who were still alive.


Again, this is hard to hear, in some ways, and on some levels, it’s hard to accept.

But if that’s what we’re being told by the Rav, via R Elmaliach, the ‘back door’ for a lot of these things at the moment – it’s true.


So this week, I’ve been praying a bit more than usual, that more people will make it.

We are all sitting here expecting God to give us a deep, deep discount on what’s required, what’s really expected from us, whether it’s keeping tzniut, chucking out the smartphone, guarding our eyes, moving to Israel – believing in the Tzaddik HaEmet, and also the true tzaddikim of the generation.

BH, that’s going to happen.

But it might not.

And all the people who died in Egypt were probably also ‘good people’, who kept a bunch of stuff and learned a bunch of Torah. Just, they didn’t want to follow the instructions from the Tzaddik HaEmet, the Tzaddik HaDor, Moshe Rabbenu – and they even mocked him and suspected him of committing adultery with their wives.

(Why? Because the women had a much stronger level of emuna, and were willing to do whatever Moshe told them…. So, the stupid men drew precisely the wrong conclusion about what was going on, and decided Moshe must be having affairs all over the place. Stupid, stupid men….)



I don’t know what’s going on, and I’m praying a lot – also for my wider family in chul, and also for my closer family here.

One of my daughters is now ‘gently’ with the Rav, BH, after years of being ‘anti’.

And the other one is warming up a lot, but has a lot of barriers to overcome still. One of her good friends from school had the wife of the Rav’s single psycho accuser as a cleaning lady. BH, my daughter is now way, way more ‘pro’ than before – but it’s still an uphill battle, to undo years of damaging slander and lies, some of which was coming from very close to home.

These things are not simple.


And that brings me to this morning, when I got a phone call asking me if I’d heard about this ‘exploding UAV’ being reported as happening over Tsfat.

(SEE THE UPDATE I JUST GOT SENT… Apparently, this did happen. This is why I am staying totally away from the news – it’s impossible to know what’s true unless you see it with your own eyes, and even then, it’s not 100% certain.]

I hadn’t, because Baruch Hashem a million times, I’m really trying to stay away from the lying news as much as possible.

My caller has a good friend in Tsfat who is apparently the epitome of the ‘anti-conspiracy-theorist’. She called her up, to ask if she’d heard anything.

The anti-conspiracy-theorist in Tsfat says she was up until 5am because she couldn’t sleep, hearing every little sound and thanking God for the peacefulness.

And NOTHING exploded over Tsfat yesterday night. At all.


Why would they lie?

If anyone is still asking that question after everything that’s happened the last four years…. It’s hard to know what to tell you.

But, it’s like this:

They are trying to wreck Meron L’ag B’omer every way they can, and they’ve been trying to do that for four years, already.

Totally fake news about exploding UAVs over Tsfat is just part of that effort.

(Which apparently also includes sending platoons of policemen onto buses going anywhere close to Meron, to yell and scream and intimidate anyone who looks ‘religious’, and especially yeshiva bochurs….)


Let’s think about this for a moment.

If ‘Hezbollah’ was really going to target L’ag B’omer in Meron, and really going to try and kill thousands of people, God forbid – why would they have been shelling it – with zero casualties – for the last month?

Why not hold their fire until L’ag B’omer, and then launch an attack?

Wouldn’t that make more sense, if ‘Hezbollah’ was really trying to kill people?

And wouldn’t ‘Hezbollah’ be firing their missiles at the 40,000 people in the city of Karmiel, right there, next to Meron?

And firing their missiles at the 30,000 people in Tsfat, right there, next to Meron?


But that’s not what’s happening.

And if you look back the last four years, it’s our own failed State that has been trying to destroy L’ag B’omer in Meron, any which way they can.

And that’s why they closed off Meron as a ‘military zone’ this year, and are paying tons of money to chareidi outlets like Kol Barama to run ‘scary adverts’ non-stop about how very dangerous it is to go to Meron this year.


The more they are trying to close down Meron, the more I am coming to the conclusion that lighting fires on L’ag B’omer – especially in Meron – must contain some fantastic spiritual light for the Jewish people.

After all, we know we are up against high-level satanic-masons, who know way more than we do about the spiritual ‘war’ that is really being fought.

To understand where our real power lies, just look at what they are attacking:

  • Meron, L’ag B’omer

  • Rebbe Nachman’s kibbutz on Rosh Hashana

  • Torah learning generally

  • Rav Berland


So, even if you don’t usually light a bonfire on L’ag B’omer, this year, please make an effort to do just that.

I don’t understand what’s going on with all this, any more than you do.

But I do understand that whatever they are trying to close down, that’s our real protection, our real strength.

And Meron L’ag B’omer is at the top of that list.



I got sent this over email:

Just wanted to let you know that my friend from Tzfat just called me back and said that someone in Ramat Razim told her they heard the UAV interception, and afterward there was a fire there, so it turns out the headline was true, after all.


That’s why I am done trying to figure out ‘what’s true’ in the news – it’s impossible to know, and just wasting everyone’s time and energy.

That they closed Meron to the public for 10 days proves they are trying to wreck it, whatever else is going on, it doesn’t matter.

I am focussing even more on the Rav’s stuff and my own projects, going forward.

With Hashem’s help.

The truth will come out, eventually, in its own way.

9 replies
  1. AK
    AK says:

    I wasn’t surprised at all they shut down Meron. More of the anti G-d forces at work. Of course they weren’t worried about any threats on Yom Haatzmaut. That was perfectly safe!

    • adelle
      adelle says:

      and there were invitations to rabi meir ba’al haness just a half hour away for his hilula on pesach sheini this week. no need for slick marketing campaigns or blockades there apparently… only meron.

      the Keren put out a book called “sod harashbi” which gathers all the writings from across breslov connected to rabi shimon. in includes excerpts from Rav Shmuel horowitz z”l “yemei Shmuel” about his experiences by rashbi. I’ve also been learning his torah on coming close to the tzadik. definitely helping me feel calmer and connect more with meron.

  2. asd
    asd says:

    just wondering what’s the source for what you wrote that the men etc, & that the women had greater emuna etc

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      It’s a very famous line from the Talmud:

      “In the merit of the righteous women Israel were redeemed from Egypt, and in their merit the future generations will be redeemed.”

      The women left Egypt with drums and tambourines, because they knew there were going to be miracles to celebrate.

      And the women weren’t part of the sin of the Golden Calf, nor of the spies. That’s why it’s the men who died off in the desert over 40 years, not the women.

      • asd
        asd says:

        Thanks, I was wondering specifically what the source is for what you wrote that “the men suspected Moshe of committing adultery with their wives”, and that the reason for that was that “the women were willing to do whatever Moshe told them which caused the men to come to that assumption”.
        Thanks again.


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