Yesterday, my kid was standing behind someone she used to work with in the supermarket. He used to be a construction supervisor. Then, his son, a soldier in the IDF, was killed on October 7th. He got so discombobulated emotionally, a month later he was let go from his job, because he just couldn’t do […]

Some thoughts on our leaders making teshuva

All our leaders are corrupted scum. Hopefully, we can at least agree on that. All the 'leaders' you hear about, that have all the PR, the adoring write-ups, the social media groupies - if they get anywhere at all in this world, you can assume…

The heart of flesh

Rebbe Nachman himself made it clear: In the end, everyone will be 'Breslov'. But what does it mean, to actually 'be Breslov'? That you grow long payot, go to Uman, do hitbodedut for an hour every day, dance on a few vans? Some…

Milei-Milikowsky: A deep dive

The story begins with an email a reader sent me, that contained this image: ***UPDATES BELOW - HIS DEAD DOG HAS ITS OWN WIKI PAGE*** The reader wanted to know if this could be real, and if so, could our PM and the Argentian PM actually…

Milei-Milikowsky Part 2

OK, so now let’s get back to the Milikowsky-Lurie family. (You can see Part 1 HERE) Thank God, for genealogy sites that preserve information that is otherwise scrubbed off the net. Back on the Jewishbubba.blogspot site mentioned above,…

The next stage of birur

I have a lot I want to try to convey, but the words are not really coming. So, let's sum it up like this today, as things continue to percolate into place: THE BAD IS NOT GOING TO WIN. Not in a million, billion, trillion years. It doesn't…

Coming soon

==== This is the mock-up of the cover - but still a little while to go to finalise the book, BH. Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes. I basically got 'covided' for the last 10 days - migraines, total loss of appetite, couldn't…