Charidee, corruption and Eretz Yisrael – Part I

The Rav gave some very big ‘clues’ as to what was really going down in the Holy Land, when the whole argument with the Baal HaTanya blew up.

It was over money.

And specifically, it was over who was actually pocketing the huge amounts of charity that were being raised for the Holy Land communities.

This is something my research has been bumping into again and again and again – especially when it comes to the main players in the Vilna and Brody communities.

But for this post, let’s focus specifically on the Rav’s words, and see where we get to.

Let’s begin by reminding ourselves what the Rav actually said, from HERE.


The Rebbe came to eat on Shabbat.

He didn’t want to steal their food from them, like Shuvu Banim, who steals food. He came to them nicely, he said, can I eat with you?

[They said to him] You are a criminal! You are coming to go against the people of Eretz Yisrael, you are the son of the Komarna!


At that time, the Komarna was the chief opponent against the people of Eretz Yisrael.

It was said that all the money was going into private pockets.

There was a kupah (charitable collection) for Eretz Yisrael, that the Baal HaTanya was in charge of. And there was a machloket (disagreement) about who the money was going to.

One person said it was going to the zionists, it was going into private pockets.

He was against hamaot [giving the small change] for Eretz Yisrael. There was the Kupat Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, there was the Machazit HaShekel.

In the end, [text missing] took it all for themselves.

Not a penny got to the chareidim.

This was all ‘chareidi people’ that did this, and they took it all for themselves.

This is the true story, according to its most simple telling.


We need to read all the stories, there is what to do.


Let’s start with the more ‘low hanging fruit’.

Who was this ‘Komarna Rebbe’, at the time of Rabbenu, who the Rav says: was against hamaot [giving the small change] for Eretz Yisrael. There was the Kupat Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, there was the Machazit HaShekel?

It would appear to be this person, R Yitzhak Eizek Yehuda Yechiel Eichenstein (SAFRIN), 1740-1800.

In the text on that page, it says he was the great-grandson of R Yom Tov Lippmann Heller-Wallerstein, the TOSFOT YOMTOV. He was a leading student of the SEER of LUBLIN.


Not unusually, I’ve never heard of him.

But he has some famous kids – and most of them even have real gravestones, so it looks like he is a real person, and not just another ‘fake chassidic persona’.

His kids include:

The ATERET TZVI of Zhidchov




As usual, there is some very funny business going on around the family tree.

For example, if you go HERE, to the Geni page for ALEXANDER SENDER EICHENSTEIN, all is does in the ‘about’ section is talk about his famous brother, the ATERET TZVI of ZHIDCHOV.

As I’ve mentioned before, whenever the ‘gatekeepers’ of real Jewish history want to try and mix things up, they invent personas using the name ‘Alexander Sender’, and kind of shove any awkward relatives / wives / descendants under that person’s name.

I think that might be was is happening here.


I don’t want to get bogged down with this bit today, so let’s just quickly pick up who the ‘ATERET TZVI’ is connected to, and then we’ll move on.

He’s meant to be the talmid muvhak of the Seer of Lublin; also hangs out with Rabbenu’s uncle, Baruch of Medzhibozh, and his students include: R Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov, the ‘Bnei Yissachar’.

Snippet from HERE:

A close disciple of the Chozeh of Lublin, he also travelled to other Chassidic masters, such as R. Moshe Leib of Sassov, R. Yisrael the Maggid of Kozhnitz, R. Menachem Mendel of Rimanov and R. Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta.

After the passing of his teacher, the Chozeh of Lublin, in 1815, Zidichov thrived under the leadership of R. Tzvi Hirsh, becoming one of the largest and most prominent Chassidic centers in Galicia. He was highly venerated, this being expressed in the exceptional praise he received from tzaddikim of his generation.

The Malbim, although not a Chassid, studied kabbalah under him.


So, when Rabbenu is travelling to Eretz Yisrael, he is accused of being the son of the ‘Komarna’, who is against the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, and that person is Yitzhak Eizik Eichenstein, father of the ATERET TZVI.

Just park that bit of info for now. Hopefully it will all start to come together by the end.


Let’s look at the next bit of information we got from the Rav:

At that time, the Komarna was the chief opponent against the people of Eretz Yisrael.

It was said that all the money was going into private pockets. There was a kupah (charitable collection) for Eretz Yisrael, that the Baal HaTanya was in charge of. And there was a machloket (disagreement) about who the money was going to.


Chabad has its own ‘version of history’ about what was going on at this time, and that’s the version we are all familiar with.

But let’s see if we can unpick a bit more of what was really happening, from sources we can actually trust.

The following comes from Rav Natan Sternhartz’s biography of Rebbe Nachman, Chayei Moharan (translated into English as ‘Tzaddik’, by the Breslov Research Institute.)

In the section entitled ‘Journey to the Holy Land’, there is a whole letter reproduced from R Avraham Kalisker, the leader of the ‘chassidic aliya’ in Tiberius, who took over from Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk.

This is who the Baal HaTanya fell out with, over the handing of the money that was being raised in chul.


When he was in Israel, Rabbenu tried to mediate between R Avraham and the Ba’al HaTanya, immediately going to see the Alter Rebbe in Liozna, after he’d come back from the Holy Land.

He wasn’t able to make peace.


Here’s a little of what R Avraham Kalisker (who is buried in the old cemetery of Tiberius, very close to Rabbenu’s grandfather R Nachman HORODENKER, had to say:

“You have certainly already heard by means our last year’s representative, the honorable R Eliezer, of the incident which has come to pass since your words to us and about the compromise which we have reached with the people of Volhynia.

We have still not recieved [tzedaka payments] even once from them, and we do not know what will be in the end….

Even from the province of Reissin we have no information of what is happening there in this respect, after your journey there when you met with them and told them about the difficulties which have overtaken us….


This letter was written either in 1799, or a little while afterwards.

Menachem Mendel of Vitbesk had passed away in 1788 – more than a decade earlier. And that is when Shneur Zalman took over the management of the funds for the Holy Land that had been established by Menachem Mendel.

You’ll recall from the posts about YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV that the Brody and Vilna communities were happy to fund the ‘chassidic aliya’, initially.

It was only after the ‘war’ between Yechiel Michel of Zlotchov and R PINCHAS of KORETZ exploded, over the exorbitant taxes being charged on kosher meat, that this funding dried up, and MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK tried to set up alternative funding.

(Brody and Vilna appear to be part of the ‘Province of Reissin’ referred to by Avraham Kalisker. We will come back to them in Part II.)


So, let’s take a closer look at the fundraising going on in Volhynia (Poland).

So much has been hidden and covered-up, but there are still some clues we can pick up, starting HERE, the Hebrew wiki page for something called the ‘Kupat Ma’ot’, or in English, THE HOLY LAND FUND.

Here’s some pertinent snippets:

Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk…established the Holy Land Fund. This fund was donated by Jews from the diaspora, mainly from White Russia and later the State of Volhynia.


Here’s a description of how this fundraising system was actually organised:

The collection was based primarily on an annual personal obligation of each of the White Russian supporters, for all the Hasidim in the Land of Israel…..

Those who were entrusted with collecting the funds were the holy gabbaim for the Eretz HaKodesh appointed by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, in each of the Hasidim’s buildings in white Russia….

Every year during the winter months, Rabbi Yaakov of Smolyan would travel from city to city and collect the funds that were placed with the Gabbaim, and bring them to the president of the institution, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.

Yaakov could not visit all the towns in such a short period of time, so he would send sub-emissaries to several towns.


In addition to R. Yaakov of Smolyan, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi would send other shadranim to collect for the Holy Land to several towns in White Russia and Lithuania, and even to towns in Volyn and Poland…

The funds were then brought back to the ‘Baal HaTanya’ [whose many letters written about the need to donate for Eretz Yisrael are contained in his book, the ‘Baal HaTanya….]

And the gabbays would gather at R Shneur Zalman’s place, where he then would send the money on with a trusted messenger to Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk in Tiberias, and after his death to Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk.


There was a lot of money being collected, by emissaries that Shneur Zalman was personally appointing, and all that money was brought to him, at the end of of the process, to be delivered on to Avraham Kalisker in Tiberius.

But at some point before 1798, if not way before, this mechanism broke down.

The question is: whose ‘private pockets’ was this money flowing into?

Let’s see if we can figure it out a bit more.


Back on the Wiki page for the Holy Land Fund, which states that the dispute over the money began in 1788, immediately after the death of MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK, is says this:

As part of the dispute, the parties agreed that two different funds should be created, each to be collected separately and recorded for a different group.

It was decided to make a division between the donations collected from Russia and Ukraine, which became known as the “KOLLEL RASEIN”, and the donations collected from the then-Polish-Russian region of Volhyn, now known as KOLLEL VOLHYN .


The initiative to establish the VOLHYN KOLLEL as a totally seperate entity was carried out in 1796 with the consent and encouragement of some of the Chassidic leaders including:

Rabbi Mordechai Menchchiz,

Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak of Lublin (“The Seer of Lublin”),

The Magid from Kozhenitz and

The Ohev Yisrael from Apt, who transferred the presidency to Rabbi Yisrael from Rozhin.


To put this into plain English, Shneur Zalman was left in charge of collecting funds from Russia and Ukraine, as part of what became known as the ‘KOLLEL RASEIN’.

According to the firsthand testimony of R Avraham Kalisker himself, none of this money was delivered into the hands of the ‘Chassidic aliya’ in Tiberius, at least from 1796 – 1799. At least.


Meanwhile, the seperate KOLLEL VOLHYN was still delivering money to Chassidic aliya, at least, still in 1798, which is when Rabbenu and his attendant was in Eretz Yisrael.

How do we know this? It’s been preserved in Rebbe Nachman’s biographies.

R YAAKOV SHIMSON of SHEPETVKA (died in 1801) was the ‘disciple’ of PINCHAS of PINCHAS of KORETZ and also R BARUCH of MEDZHIBOZH.  He met Rebbe Nachman in Tiberius, when he came to Eretz Yisrael to deliver the funds from the Kollel Volhynia to Avraham Kalisker.

In Shivchey HaRan (translated as ‘His Wisdom’ in English), it explicitly says:

“The Rebbe made peace between the Rebbe of Shepetovka, and R Avraham Kalisker.”

And the Rebbe of Shepetovka even handed over the money he was bringing to the yishuv to Rabbenu’s attendant, to bring to Tiberius, because the Ottomans had been tipped-off that a large amount of cash was arriving for the Jews.


Let’s pin down a bit more about the KOLLEL VOLHYNIA, before we go back to the KOLLEL RASEIN that was being run by Shneur Zalman of Liadi.

The first thing to point out is that the running of this particular KOLLEL is transferred to none other than YISRAEL OF RUZHIN, aka MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN, by the Apter Rav.

And then, YISRAEL of RUZHIN transfers the management of the fund to his son, AVRAHAM FRIEDMAN, the newly-created ‘ADMOR of SADIGURA’.

And here’s where we pick up some more interesting connections.


Back in THIS post, we started to unpick the connections between the Chabad ZAITZEV family, who were implicated in the BEILIS BLOOD LIBEL, and whose descendents married the HASKELL / SASSOONS who were instrumental in carving-up the Middle East for the British.

Guess what? There are even more interesting descendants hanging out in that family tree.

You’ll recall that the guy who owned the factory where BEILIS worked was called YONAH ZAITZEV.


His granddaughter Vera marries into the HASKELL clan of Iraqi-Jewish spooks working for the British Empire.

YONAH’s brother is called ‘MORDECHAI ZAITZEV’, who either shares a wife with MENACHEM NACHUM SHNEERSON, son of the Mitteler Rebbe of Chabad – or is his alter ego.

Why would they need multiple identities, you ask?

Read on.


“MORDECHAI ZAITSEV” had a daughter Reichel who married this guy:



Before I tell you more about him, specifically, and there is what to tell, let’s take a look at his dad, one Rabbi Naftali HaKohen Horenstein (Orenshtein).

Here’s some interesting snippets about him, from HERE:

Born in Berestechko sometime between 1820 and 1823, Naftali’s family had moved to Aleksandriya by 1834.

As a young adult, he became an important force in Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin’s growing Chassidic movement, and his activities in this movement are one of the reasons for his fame among the Jews of the region.

In 1838, Rabbi Yisrael was accused of complicity in the death of two Jews who had been accused of being informers.

Although he was never formally charged and no trial was held, Russian authorities imprisoned him for two years, probably because Czar Nicholas I had been told by his agents that the rebbe was trying to establish his own kingdom and was fomenting opposition to the government.

On his release he moved to Kishinev, then to Iasi and other places before finally settling in 1842 in Sadigora in the Austrian Bukovina.

With their rebbe living so far away, young Reb Naftali of Aleksandriya became the leader of the orphaned Ruzhiner Chassidim in Ukraine.


You’ll recall that the big persecutor of Rav Natan of Breslov is R Moshe Tzvi of Savran, who they say dies in 1837…. Really? He’s sent to prison for two years by the Russians, then pops up with a different identity = ‘R Yisrael of Ruzhin’ (who they say is imprisoned in 1838, for two years…)

Both men are accused of arranging the murder of two Jewish informers.

Both men are accused by the Tzar of trying to ‘create their own kingdoms’ on Russian soil. And both men end up becoming the Rabbi of Chisinau / Kishinev in Moldova….



So, Avraham Horenstein’s dad, Naftali, takes over the Savraner-Ruzhiner’s chassidim in Ukraine, when Moshe Tzvi is forced to flee Russia.

And then:

“Naftali became one of the largest Jewish timber merchants in Ukraine, with holdings covering as much as 54,000 acres of woods, land, fields and rivers.

Yet this was only one aspect of his growing financial empire.

By 1887 he was the owner of a sizable tree resins factory in the hamlet of Yahnovka, located on the coast of the Teterev River above Kuhari.

He also purchased or built distilleries and, later, several sugar and paper factories. One of his distilleries (valued at 10,000 rubles) was in Lubovichi, most likely at the Lubovichkoye estate where he was leasing both the forest land and the facilities. It was operating by 1877.

By 1881, Naftali had become the owner of a sugar beet refinery in the village of Luka, Tarashcha uyezd.

His largest sugar beet refinery, however, was the Yanushpol’ beet-sugar works in Volhynia Gubernia.

By the early 20th century, the factory had a yearly income of 3 million rubles and had become one of the largest sugar factories in all of Volhynia.


Where was all the money coming from, to finance these massive purchases?

And is ‘Lubovichi’ the same as Lubavitch?

Let’s see what else we can learn about this HORENSTEIN family.


Naftali and his family were devout Chassidim, and their Jewishness was never subordinate to their business enterprises or lifestyles. Naftali lived a modest life for a man of his means, earning more money than he spent.

Like his older brother, he became widely known for his deeds of charity and generosity – such as donating large sums of money to help to build the “Tiferet Yisrael” synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem for the Chassidim from Sadigura and its environs, a project which underwent construction between 1870 and 1872.


The Horenstein “court” in Radomysl included his six sons and three daughters, his sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren, as well as the teachers, wet-nurses, attendants and servants.

In addition, there were carriages, horses and stables, wine cellars, large wedding tents in which to celebrate the almost constant weddings, and their own beit-midrash [house of religious study]. There were always guests: friends, rabbis and emissaries.


Naftali Horenstein marries one Miriam Shifra Landau.

Her father is meant to be one ISRAEL SEGAL LANDAU (WEINGARTEN), ABD OF ZLOTCHOV – and a grandson of the ‘Yad HaMelech’, ELIEZER LANDAU.

Snippet from HERE:

Rabbi Israel Landa of Brody, father of the famous scholar our teacher Rabbi Elazar Landa Brod, author of the famous book Yad Hamelech, new interpretations on the RAMBAM (Maimonides) (Lwow, 5582 [1821/2]).

Brody elders would spoke about his righteousness, his wisdom and his holiness. …He died in 5591 [1830/1] in Brody.

His grandson, the righteous scholar R’Israel [Segal] Landa z”l ABD Zlotchov, had been one of the respected and rich residents of Kiev, but had to flee the town at the time of the Beilis trial [1913], because he was Zeitzov’s [a witness in Beilis trial] brother-in-law.


So, from this we learn that the Beilis trial was such a big deal at the time, anyone associated with it was being forced to ‘flee the town’ they lived in.

Even if they were rich and connected. Which starts suggest a very real motive for why so many of the people appearing in this post appear to have multiple personalities and alter egos.

And there’s more.


Over Shabbat, coincidentally, I was looking back at SARA SONIA RATNER’s family tree.

The ‘YAD HAMELECH’ also figures prominently there, too. Like this:


The YAD HA MELECH also has a famous brother, namely ‘MOSHE LANDAU’ of Uman, who is one of the leading heretical maskilim of Uman who plays chess with Rabbenu, and marries the daughter of another infamous Uman heretic called CHAIKEL HURWITZ.

And now, we can add in another famous descendant to this family, namely MIRIAM LANDA, whose son marries into the infamous Zaitsev family.


So now, I start clicking around to see how all this is meant to fit together – how come we find over and over and over again all these ‘Ruzhiners’ and ‘Savraners’ and ‘Boyaners’ marrying Schneersons?

Since when did ‘CHABAD’ marry into other chassiduts like this? Something is not adding up.

Let’s leave that question for now, because there is more ‘low hanging fruit’ hanging out by AVRAHAM HAKOHEN ORENSTEIN, the ZAITZEV / SCHNEERSON son-in-law.


Here’s a snippet from the page about Abraham Horenstein:

In 1897, an article was published in the weekly magazine of the Zionist Movement. The writer was Dr. Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism who prophesied the birth of the future State of Israel.

The article, titled “The Jewish Colonial Trust”, argued that the Zionist Movement was badly in need of financial institutions to support the Jewish settlers in Palestine.


Herzl’s financial vision began to materialize in London, the contemporary global financial center. Initially, due to ideological difference, leading Jewish bankers refused to cooperate with Herzl’s plan to establish a financial institution. Herzl turned to his most ardent followers- the common Jewish people who believed whole-heartedly in the Zionist idea.

He put great efforts into collecting 250,000 Pounds, a minimal sum which allowed the “Jewish Colonial Trust” to launch its activities in London.

In order to allow even the poorest of Jews to take part in the project, a maximum of 80 payments was allowed for each share. Eventually, the capital of the newly established company amounted to 2 million Pounds – quite a fortune at the time.”


Abraham Horenstein – whose dad was a leader of ‘Ruzhiner’ chassidut – is now described as being a leader of BOYANER Chassidut (and lives in UMAN, which at that time was almost exclusively populated, Jewishly, either by maskil-heretics or Breslovers.)

As it turns out, he also becomes Theodor Herzl’s little helper, and becomes one of the first three governors of the Zionist fundraising project called the Jewish Colonial Trust.

If that last name sounds familiar, that’s because we covered it in detail in THIS post entitled: EUGENICS AND THE ANGLO-PALESTINE BANK.


You can go back and read that whole post, but here’s the main bits to remember:

The Jewish Colonial Trust turned into the Anglo-Palestine Bank.

And the Anglo-Palestine Bank reaped in a massive extra $30 million in the last two months of 1933 – just after the ‘Ha’avara agreement’ was signed with Nazi Germany, which ‘transferred’ Jewish money and assets in Germany straight to zionist interests in Eretz Yisrael.


Let’s remember what the Rav told us:

There was a kupah (charitable collection) for Eretz Yisrael, that the Baal HaTanya was in charge of. And there was a machloket (disagreement) about who the money was going to.

One person said it was going to the zionists, it was going into private pockets.

He was against hamaot [giving the small change] for Eretz Yisrael. There was the Kupat Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, there was the Machazit HaShekel.

In the end, [text missing] took it all for themselves.

Not a penny got to the chareidim.

This was all ‘chareidi people’ that did this, and they took it all for themselves.

This is the true story, according to its most simple telling.


Awesome stuff!

And we’re still not done yet.

AVRAHAM HAKOHEN ORENSTEIN – the son-in-law of Mordechai Zaitzev / Menachem Nachum Shneerson – has a nephew called MOSHE HAKOHEN HORENSTEIN.

He marries one CHAYA MUSHKA SHNEERSON – daughter of the 4th Rebbe of Chabad, and sister of the 5th Rebbe, Shalom Dov Ber.

Meanwhile, another of AVRAHAM HAKOHEN ORENSTEIN’s nieces is called PERL, and she marries R ABRAHAM JOSHUA HESCHEL FRIEDMAN.

He’s the great grandson of – who else? R YISRAEL OF RUZHIN.


The conclusion I am coming to is that RUZHINERS / SADIGURAS / BOYANERS / RACHMISTRIVKAs etc – they are actually all just CHABAD.

Or vice-versa.

Just with a bunch of alter-egos and ‘made-up stories’, to muddy the waters about what was really going on in the Jewish community, especially around the fights to control the massive amounts of charity flowing into Eretz Yisrael.


And there’s still some more clues to pick up, we aren’t done yet.

Let’s return to that Wiki page about the HOLY LAND FUND.


We learn that:

The Hasidim, who were based in Tiberias and the Galilee at the time, named the funds in which the funds were collected as the coffers of the Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess.

Remember, this is just the money that’s being collected from the KOLLEL VOLHYNIA area of Poland, and apparently the fights over the money just continued and grew. We’ll maybe have to do a seperate post on the RABBI MEIR BAAL HANESS fund, as this post is getting plenty long enough without it.


Now, we get into some really interesting details that possibly change the whole picture of why the Alter Rebbe was ‘informed against’ to the Russian Tzar.

Here’s what it says:

Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi

In 1798, during the storm of persecution against the Hasidim in Lithuania, and during the Napoleonic Wars, Hirsch ben David, one of the mitnagdim in Vilnius, informed on Rabbi Schneur Zalman, that he was conspiring with the French Revolution and sending money to Palestine, thus aiding the Ottoman Empire, which were rivals of Imperial Russia.

As a result of this report, Rabbi Schneur Zalman was taken for interrogation and imprisonment in St. Petersburg.

On 16, 1798, Emperor Peter I of Russia decided to release Rabbi Schneur Zalman on the grounds that he found “no corruption or anything else that violates the general peace.”


This is the usual story we’re told by ‘Chabad’, and the other members of the mafiosos that control the Jewish community, and distort history in a million different ways to hide their tracks.

But look at the year all this was happening: 1798.

And now remember what we learnt from Rav Avraham Kalisker’s letter to Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, written in 1799 sometime:

“You have certainly already heard by means our last year’s representative, the honorable R Eliezer, of the incident which has come to pass since your words to us and about the compromise which we have reached with the people of Volhynia.

We have still not recieved [tzedaka payments] even once from them, and we do not know what will be in the end….

Even from the province of Reissin we have no information of what is happening there in this respect, after your journey there when you met with them and told them about the difficulties which have overtaken us….


So, Schneur Zalman of Liadi is accused of something, connected to the money he’s meant to have been collecting on behalf of the Jews in Israel from Russia and Ukraine, and is sent to prison in 1798 – exactly when Rebbe Nachman is in the Holy Land discussing the fact that no money is being sent from Rasseini, i.e. Russia and Ukraine, with Avraham of Kalisk.

It’s kinda weird, that Rav Natan seems to have missed this crucial piece of info, that the Alter Rebbe had been imprisoned by the Russian authorities on the suspicion of passing money to Eretz Yisrael very shortly before Rabbenu visited him to discuss the issue.


This is from note 113 in Chayey Moharan:

Immediately after arriving from Israel [in 1799] he travelled to Liadi to visit the chassidic leader and Torah luminary, R Shneur Zalman, and he had lengthy discussions with him about the settlement in Israel.


It’s at least possible that Schneur Zalman was ‘informed against’ by people who were desperate to get him out of his position of collecting all the money from Russia and Ukraine for Israel.

Why was this?

Maybe, they just ‘didn’t like Chabad’ – as Chabad-history teaches us, that the only reason people ‘didn’t like Chabad’ is just because of that showdown with the ‘Vilna Gaon’ (that actually never happened, in real life….)

Or maybe…. None of the money being collected from Russia and the Ukraine was actually being passed along by Shneur Zalman to the chassidic settlement in Eretz Yisrael.

And that is the real reason the Tzar could find ‘no evidence’ of any money being sent to the Ottoman Empire.

Because it really wasn’t being sent.


(It’s a post for another time, but it’s truly amazing how many of the ‘leading Chabad chassidim’ mentioned in Chabad teachings were all very wealthy landowners in Ukraine and Russia. Again, it’s an interesting question where all this influx of money came from, all of a sudden, just as the Chassidic aliya got underway….)


OK, let’s take a look at the last ‘clue’, for now, back on that Wiki page for the HOLY LAND FUND.

It’s talking about the ‘dispute’ between R Avraham Kalisker and Shneur Zalman, that fake Chabad history tells us all only began in 1803 – five years after Shneur Zalman had printed the Tanya.

But we already know that’s not true.

We already know that ‘the problems’ had started at least back in 1796, and revolved around money, not the Tanya (at least, at that point.)

Here’s another snippet:

In the years 1803 to 1805, there was a dispute between Rabbi Avraham of Kalisch and Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, both regarding Rabbi Schneur Zalman’s method in the Book of the Tanya, and also regarding the leadership of the Hasidim and the management of the Holy Land fund.

Until they separated, Rabbi Avraham of Kalisch established a new fund headed by R Mordechai of Lechovitch and R Asher of Carlin.

R Mordechai of Lechovitch appointed two general Gabbayim, R. Aharon and R. Israel of Ostravana, to work under the supervision of Rabbi Yaakov of Smolyan, who worked under the supervision of Schneur Zalman of Liadi.


We need to take a closer look at ‘Yaakov of Smolyan’, who played such a key role in all this, and also, R Mordechai of Lechovitch.

Here’s a snippet about the latter:

Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe of Lechovitch (1742 – 18 January 1810) was a Hasidic rabbi who was the disciple of Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin and was the founder of the Lechovitch dynasty of Hasidism, from which the Kobrin, Slonim, Koidanov, and Novominsk courts descended.

He was the president of the Holy Land Fund for Jews in Israel.


Already, the bells are dinging off.

Because the president of the Holy Land Fund at this time was SHNEUR ZALMAN, not MORDECHAI JAFFE.

And if Mordechai Jaffe had been appointed by Avraham of Kalisk to ‘get around’ Shneur Zalman…. then someone please explain this next snippet, also from Wikipedia:

[H]e was arrested in 1799 by the Russian government due to opposition to his practices by Russian elite.

He was arrested along with Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi and Rabbi Asher of Stolin, and was released later in the year.

Say what?


And just to be clear, MORDECHAI JAFFE was heading up the ‘Russian-Ukraine’ bit of what used to be called the HOLY LAND FUND – i.e. the exact same organisation that SHNEUR ZALMAN was meant to be in control of:


He was appointed to serve as president of the Holy Land Fund on behalf of Kollel Raysin (of Belarus), where he worked extensively to financially support the Hasidic community in Eretz Yisrael, travelling to collect funds for them


‘KOLLEL RASSEIN’, and it’s tight links to Vilna mitnagdim and Chabad, will be the main focus of Part II.

In the meantime, let’s just conclude with the last snippet from the Wiki page on the HOLY LAND FUND:

In the wake of the aforementioned conflict that affected Chabad’s followers in the Land of Israel, they were displaced along with the Hasidim of Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev to Safed.

Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi continued, with the assistance of Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev, to send money to his followers living in Safed.

From then on, the fund was named Chabad”.


NOTICE: there was no ‘Chabad chassidut’, at this point. There was just a FUND called ‘CHABAD’.


You’ll recall from THIS post that we figured out that R Levi Yitzhak’s brother-in-law was ABRAHAM PERETZ, the business partner of NATAN NATA NOTKIN, and S-I-L of JOSHUA ZEITLIN, who all get big write ups on the Chabadpedia site for being ‘anti’ the Alter Rebbe.

Abraham Peretz is even fingered, in some versions, as the guy who ‘informed’ against the Alter Rebbe to the Russian Tzar Peter I.

Maybe, he really did tell the Tzar about charitable funds being embezzled…. And corruption…. But in a totally different way from what we’ve been taught.

And that would also explain another strange footnote, that’s been troubling me. I read that one of the reasons Abraham Peretz fell away from Judaism, and eventually married out, is because he was subjected to a violent campaign by the Alter Rebbe’s followers, including being barred from praying in synagogue.


If he was a yucky person…. Who has sympathy for what happened to him?

But if he was a ‘whistleblower’, decrying charity money being embezzled and going into ‘private pockets’….

Well. That’s a very different story.


You know what, let’s do the rest as ‘Part II’.

There is a lot of information to digest in this post.

And we’re not done, yet.


PS: When I went back to that post about ABRAHAM PERETZ, which has the sources where Chabad itself accuses him of informing on the Alter Rebbe, there was a bunch more pertinent info there, which I’m also bringing here, so it’s easier to pull it all together, going forward:



Here’s why, a translated snippet from the HaMichlol website:

Rabbi Heller is a scion of Rabbi Yom-Tov Lipman Heller.[1] He was born in Zlochev[2] in Galicia.

Before they immigrated to Israel, his grandfather, Rabbi Avraham Peretz, was considered one of the Seer of Lublin’s followers, and this fact also invited his grandson to meetings with the Seer – Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Horowitz, who imprinted a deep imprint on Shmuel Heller as a child.

Rabbi Shmuel would say that he had been blessed from the Seer of Lublin over a hundred times and even merited to be with to be with him at the Passover Seder.

The Heller family belonged to a group of Hasidim whose ideological foundation was among its main motives for immigrating to the Land of Israel.


It looks like we have stumbled on another ‘scrubbed’, unnamed son of ABRAHAM PERETZ, whose grandson ends up being the Chief Rabbi of the perushim in Tsfat.

Of course.

While his cousins back in Russia are all practising Lutherans, baptising their kids, marrying non-Jews and trying to get the Russian monarchy overthrown, in between joining Masonic lodges and starting up revolutionary secret societies.

Who can make this stuff up?


Here’s a few more interesting snippets from the HaMichlol page for R SHMUEL HELLER, grandson of ABRAHAM PERETZ, the converted maskil of St Petersberg, who informed on the Alter Rebbe of Liadi to the Tzar, and married Joshua Zeitlin’s daughter:

  1. Shmuel Heller served as the head of the distribution of the Land of Israel on behalf of the Clerical and Amarchal Organization of Amsterdam(PECOAM), and the main recipient of other philanthropists, most notably Moshe Montefiore and Baron Edmond James de Rothschild.

(Those last two are indisputably both freemasons, and hail from Sabbatean-Frankist families.)


From the beginning, Rabbi Shmuel Heller’s ascension to the leadership seat of the Ashkenazi community in Safed involved a long struggle with another claimant to the throne, Rabbi Yaakov Dov of Roman.

In this great dispute, Rabbi Heller showed courage and determination to stand up to one of the greatest of the generation, Adm. Yisrael Friedman (Rozin), who supported his opponent.



We are back to the two main families of Jewish mafiosos, battling it out for financial control of funds flowing into Eretz Yisrael….



5 replies
  1. Malka
    Malka says:

    What a complete mishung of places! Sender Safrin was never from Ukraine, did not live or died there. He was from Zemplen- which is a region of Eastern Slovakia. In Zemplen- you can find a city Komarno easily.én_County
    You don’t need to publish my response. I noticed in the past that many rabbis have faulty geography. There is apparently Komarno in Ukraine, but notice it says Zemplen- and Hungary. Which Ukraine was never part of.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I don’t mind to post up factual corrections, please continue to let me know if there is misinformation, either deliberate or accidental.

      Thanks Malka


      I checked on the Wiki page for the Komarna dynasty HERE, this is a snippet:

      Komarno is a dynasty of Hasidic Judaism founded by Rabbi Aleksander Sender Safrin (born 1770; died 28 August 1818 in Sátoraljaújhely, Hungary) of Komarno, Ukraine.

      Rabbi Aleksander Sender Eichenstein
      Sender was the son of Rabbi Yitzchak Eisik Eichenstein (born 1740; died 26 February 1800) of the town of Safrin, from where Sender’s family name originates.[1] He was a disciple of Yaakov Yitzchak of Lublin and died at the age of 47.


      So, this appears to be saying that the Komarno dynasty was located in Ukraine, but Alexsander Sender Safrin, of that dynasty, died in Hungary.

      Hope that resolves the confusion?

  2. Malka
    Malka says:

    Hi Rivka, Here is website showing he was born and died in Zemplen-, Hungary, which is now Slovakia. There is no mentioning of Komarno Ukraine.

    That wiki website you linked is so wrong. Like I said, whoever puts these on wiki has no idea of geography and never bothered to check. It usually goes like this: some “Chacham” one time said Ukraine and others followed and kept repeating the same thing. ☺️
    You are researcher and care for details, so for accuracy sake I am posting this. You can Google Komarno, Slovakia. Different place altogether.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      Thanks for the link, I will take a closer look. The crucial profile here on Geni is being curated by Kevin Lawrence Hanit…. Who seems to the be specialist when it comes to trying to hide stuff.

      It will take me some time to try and figure it out… I’ll keep you posted. But for sure, someone is lying.

      Someone is always lying, with this stuff.


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