Approaching burn out

I’m probably not the only one.

But I’m really starting to feel like I am burning-out, big time.

I’ve been doing a ton of research into ‘real Jewish history’, and so much new information is popping up, I can’t keep up with it.

And I’ve also been feeling pressure to keep translating as much of the Rav as possible.

And there’s a few other projects going on, too, all of which require a lot of time and effort.

And I’m reaching the point where I can’t keep all the plates spinning.


So, I’m going to stick up the following today / tomorrow, and then have a few days rest, to BH recharge the batteries a bit.

2 more posts following the charidee money into Eretz Yisrael.

A translated prayer from the Rav to be protected from anti-semitism.


Sometimes, it just feels like ‘this’ is never going to end….

The madness is never going to end….

The lies are never going to end….

The evil is never going to end….

That’s the tiring part of all this.

But Rabbenu teaches us – we only have today.

And to just focus on what needs to get done today, without looking at what else needs to be done tomorrow, because then a person gets totally overwhelmed and just gives up.

As usual, it’s very useful advice.


One of my readers sent me this:


It’s starting to unwind the Sabbatian-Frankist roots of Hitler, yemach sh’mo.

Back when Miles Mathis still had two working brain cells, he put together a whole post about Hitler’s genealogy, where he found an old signature that was signed ‘Adolf HILLER‘.

But he believes the real family name is: HILDESHEIM.


[T]he Hillers were prominent and wealthy Jews in Vienna and Germany, and it would explain the connections Hitler later had in both places.

To get you started, see this link to Ferdinand von Hiller, 1811-1885, famous composer and conductor.

A student of Hummel, he was already prominent enough at age 15 to visit Beethoven on his deathbed. He was a friend of Spohr, Hauptmann, and Mendelssohn. [Mendelssohn is admitted to be Jewish].

Hiller was from a family of wealthy cloth merchants. His father was originally Isaac Hildesheim, but he changed the name in
around 1780 to hide his Jewish roots. This would also help his son, since it would link him to the earlier famous Hiller composers like Johann Adam Hiller.

Also remember that Disraeli told us many of the top composers were crypto-Jews.

That means Hitler’s real name was not Hitler, Huetler, Hikler, Hiedler, or any other. It was Hildesheim.


From my own research, the HILDESHEIMs married the HAMMERSCHLAGs and the GOLDSCHMIDTs….

All bang in the middle of the greater ‘Frankist family tree’.


The post I just got sent unwinds the story a little more, from a personal perspective of the writer, whose grandpa was taking strange photos of the Jews in Europe long before ‘WW2’ happened.

Here’s a couple of snippets to whet your whistle, but I highly recommend you read the whole thing:

[M]y grandfather concluded that the Germans were planning to kill off the Jews, and were already trying to gather information on them to make the job easier and more orderly. 

This was already during WW I.

What is particularly strange in this entire story is that, after his deposition from the monarchy (already in 1919), Kaiser Wilhelm II already suggested an international Holocaust through gassing:

On 2 December 1919, Wilhelm wrote to Mackensen, denouncing the November Revolution of 1918 and his own forced abdication as the “deepest, most disgusting shame ever perpetrated by a person in history, the Germans have done to themselves … egged on and misled by the tribe of Judah … Let no German ever forget this, nor rest until these parasites have been destroyed and exterminated from German soil!”[129] Wilhelm advocated a “regular international all-worlds pogrom à la Russe” as “the best cure” and further believed that Jews were a “nuisance that humanity must get rid of some way or other. I believe the best thing would be gas!”[129]

–From Wikipedia


And this:

One of the historical facts which gets glossed over without really considering its full implications is the fact that Hitler (Yimach Shemo) arrived at the Nazi party as an intelligence agent for the German government.

Supposedly, he was there just to infiltrate and gather information on them, much like the FBI sends agents to infiltrate the KKK and other extremist organizations.  Nonetheless, within a short time, he was suddenly leading them, and a little over a decade later, he was already the absolute dictator of all Germany, and then a few years after this, he was on a campaign to conquer the entire world and to kill off all the Jews.


And lastly, this:

“A 1933 New York Times article dealing with Hitler’s alleged Jewish origins maintained that there was Jewish blood on the Stronnes [e.g. Hitler] side – Hitler’s maternal grandmother – a family which converted to Catholicism from Judaism in Vienna in the 1850’s.

Rabbinic Court testimony claims not only that Hitler’s real father was a Sabbatian, but his maternal great grandfather as well; i.e. Klara’s maternal grandfather, who fathered her out of wedlock.”


There was careful ‘Frankist-German’ planning was going on in other places, too.

Remember the post I wrote about ARTHUR RUPPIN, who was working hand-in-hand with the Germans to send the cash and the ‘best type of Jew’ to the pre-nascent State of Israel from Germany – while the rest could all get exterminated?

The more I pin down ‘real Jewish history’, the more I see that all these Frankist-Sabbateans were running the banks and heading up the Jewish communities, and pulling the strings – all over the world.

And that they were working for the non-Jewish ‘rulers from the shadows’, to destroy the Jewish people from within.

And that is still going on today.



It’s heartening that more and more bits of the puzzle are starting to be pulled out into the light – and not only by yours truly.

But in the meantime…. I am so tired.

May Hashem give us all the strength to keep going, until we reach the point where we clearly see with our own eyes how the good finally, and totally, wins.

3 replies
  1. Neshama
    Neshama says:

    That’s a good sign! The Torah says three things come suddenly; finding a lost item; a scorpion; and Mashiach! Like in Mitzrayim, when we thought there was no hope, and almost hit rock bottom, HaShem cam3 to tak3 us out with an outstretched arm, etc., etc.
    I’ve taken to “reading books”. I’m devouring them like chocolate. But whatever I can find that recalls our early days in Judea and Samaria, or other Early Israel historical fiction. I go to Pomeranz Bookseller in central Jerusalem and scour their myriad bookshelves. One I read had a deep effect on me; called “The Scroll”. About a “get” found recently from the Masada era. Very fascinating and captivating. Oh yes, down to just a few hours online, as needed.


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