Yesterday, my kid was standing behind someone she used to work with in the supermarket. He used to be a construction supervisor. Then, his son, a soldier in the IDF, was killed on October 7th. He got so discombobulated emotionally, a month later he was let go from his job, because he just couldn’t do […]

Frequency Part 2

The last post seems to have had some weird censoring. That's why the title is coming up unreadable. We are over the target. To really understand the power of frequency, first take some time to watch this old video from 1996, where Sharry…

Frequency and illness – Part I

The last three weeks plus, I have been feeling pretty bad. Actually, it started more like 6 weeks ago, when I just started feeling overwhelmed with stress and tension, and my neck and back started ‘hunching’ so badly, my kids started making…

How the yetzer operates

If you want to know what's going on right now, you just need to read Rebbe Nachman. Rebbe Nachman explains clearly that the yetzer hara is not really so interested in the 'sin' he gets a person to do, but in what happens to that person after…

Sources on how to recognise Moshiach

This is a repost from April 2019. That's when the late Rav Chaim Kanievsky made some widely-publicised comments that Moshiach would be coming before the Israeli Elections that were being held on April 9th, 2019. Three months later, the autistics…

All quiet on the Northern Front

Yesterday, I had a bunch of chores to do 'up North'. So, we drove up the Bi'kaa Road, Route 90 - baruch Hashem, all quiet, and so beautiful and green after all the rain we've been having the last few weeks. The Kinneret was looking satisfyingly…

A thousand books

Long story short: a thousand books of the Rav's Conversations II are now being printed in Eretz Yisrael, BH. Usually, we print 100 - 200 copies of these books, and hope for the best. But for some reason, I got a strong 'push' in my hitbodedut…