Prayer to be saved from anti-semitism

The Rav put this out a few months ago.

And I’ve been meaning to translate it for a while, but didn’t get around to it.

Today, I finally sat down and did it, BH.

I hope it won’t need to be used too much…. but with all the ‘crazy’ going on in the world right now, I highly recommend you print this out – especially the Hebrew – and keep it somewhere safe in your house.

Each one of the Rav’s prayers brings ‘angels’ into the house.

And we all need as many angels as possible right now, accompanying us.




To be saved from antisemitism and the hatred of the non-Jews

Ribonu shel olam, Who can do everything, and from Whom nothing is withheld –

All the time that we are in exile amongst the nations, save us from antisemitism and from the hatred of the non-Jews.

And do with them only good, and by way of this, we will be brought close to serving Hashem Yitbarach day and night, and we will learn Torah day and night.

And by way of this, we will enter Gan Eden with our bodies, as it says in the Gemara, in Tractate Pesachim 87:

One priest asked Rabbi Chanina, what do we think about, 24 hours a day?

He was answered: 24 hours, you just think about how you can destroy all the Jews.

The priest said to him: I took an oath to the Roman Army, and with this we begin our day, and with this we end our day, and this is all the thoughts of our thinking, and our ambitions, and our hopes – to be rid of this people in the blink of an eye.


And in the merit of them not succeeding, and that we will stand up in the test, and accept everything with love – in the merit of this, Moshiach Ben David will come, in the blink of an eye.



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