A difficult message from the Rav

My friend just sent me this.

***UPDATE from my friend: Apparently in a later message today Rav Elmaliach said that after many tefilot on shabbat the din over the Rav was sweetened b”H. If I hear more, I’ll let you know.***


It’s from yesterday, from the Rav, via R Shlomo Elmaliach.


I will listen properly BH, and try to translate the main bits.

I don’t know what it’s saying yet, but if it’s headlined ‘a difficult message’…. that probably points to the tone of what is going on.

Check back here later this afternoon, for a translation, BH.



The Rav appears to be saying that because of the sins of the generation, there is a harsh din on him now he is going to have to ‘leave his body’.

(He also refers to himself against as ‘Eliezer ben Ettia, Moshiach ben David’. Get the hint already.)

The Rav’s health has been really bad for years…. we know that lots of prayers are required, seven Tikkun Haklalis a day, for him and also, for us.

It’s the collective soul of Am Yisrael that is so sick and diseased right now, as reflected by what’s going on with the Rav.


R Elmaliach says not to go into panic, but yes, to start praying a lot for the Rav to make it.

At least 7 Tikkun HaKlalis a day.


Like you, I have no idea what happens next.

The Rav has said previously that even Moshiach will die.

(Rebbe Nachman also stated this clearly in his works.)

Read this post bringing the Rav’s words from back in 2018:



Here’s a snippet:

The Rebbe says things, and people think that maybe the Rebbe is exaggerating, or that maybe the Rebbe is making things up….

We need to accept Moshiach dying with love

In Chayei Moharan 275 (or 35, in the old version), it says: The Moshiach is going to die, and his son is going to die. And you need to accept this with love. What can we do?! You want the Moshiach to live forever?!

True, the Rambam says that everything is going to stay the same: A person is still going to need to make a lot of effort with his Torah learning. He thinks that when Moshiach comes, it’s all going to be easy. No! He’s going to have the same difficulties. Whatever is happening now, is going to be happening then, just there won’t be the burden of parnassa (making a living).

But learning? Getting the intellect to really work? Removing all the veils and constricting masks from the mind? It’s going to be even more difficult to do it then, than it is today. It’s going to be even harder!


No more heresy, but the lusts will remain

There won’t be any more kefira (heresy), there won’t be any more apikorsut, people won’t be committing adultery – but they will still have to work on distancing themselves from their lusts. Otherwise, a person simply can’t learn Torah, and he can’t get away from the ‘bad’.

And when he does this, then he’ll complete what’s required to be fully human. Moshiach will be the fulfillment of humanity, to be completely different from an animal. He’s not going to have even a single trace of animal nature, or of lusts.

And when humanity will be completed like this, and a person will ‘leave the bad’, he’s not going to have any [external] obstacle standing in his way.


The challenge until Techiat HaMeitim

There won’t be the same tests of desecrating the Shabbat, but there will still be the big challenges of getting a grip on our lusts, and this will continue until the time of techiat hameitim (the revival of the dead).


But we need to fight against the lusts all the time! When a person is sunk into his lusts, he can’t learn.

He needs to resurrect his nefesh (the lowest part of the soul associated with the body), and live the way the soul was meant to live. This period of time, it’s olam haba, the world to come. When they write about the olam haba, the intention is that it will be a world without lusts. Don’t be like a horse[6]

The Rambam brings the verse [from Tehillim, 32] Michtam leDavid Ki Hasiti Bach (“A song of David on the michtam, I have sought refuge in You. Don’t be like a horse, like a mule, not understanding…”)

The meaning of this is: Don’t be stuck in your materialism, and don’t be immersed in your lusts!

When a person is sunk in his desires, he acts like an animal.


When the Rav gave this shiur over, at the end of 2018, his health was also really, really bad.

The whole kehilla was nervous that the Rav was preparing us for some very bad news, God forbid.

That seems to be happening again.

But prayer, charity and teshuva overturns even the harshest decree.

BH, the Rav will continue to stay with us for a long while yet.

But that depends on our teshuva, our prayers, and our yearning to really get this horrible situation to change, already.

Turn off all the rubbish you are wasting your life with online, and go say some Tikkun Haklalis.

We aren’t really praying for ‘the Rav’, we’re praying for us, for Am Yisrael.

And it looks like we’re approaching the stage where it’s make….or break.

28 replies
  1. AK
    AK says:

    A couple of things: I thought when moshiach Comes there will be noore yetzer hara, a.d if there is no more yetzer hara how can any lists remain?

    Secondly, this is a really harsh message. It is hard to believe that with so much teshuva, the war, achdut, soldiers who were yearning to put on tzizit and tfilin etc… Am Yisrael had no merits at all and we are a completely diseased people? We have no merit and that is it! I can’t believe that.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      God forbid, we aren’t ‘completely diseased people with no merit’.

      No-one is saying that.

      At the same time, you only have to walk around to see so many people covered in tattoos, surfing endlessly on their phones, school children taking massive doses of ‘Attent’, other people ‘high’ all the time from a million and one other substances, all the divorces, all the illnesses, all the suffering.

      Clearly, spiritually we are not in ‘peak health’, and the gap between where our holy souls really want to be, and where God designed them to be, and where we really all are is very wide at the moment.

      It is being narrowed…. just I don’t know if the ‘narrowing’ is happening fast enough.

      Sometimes, even though I’m trying to stay upbeat, I get taken out by what is going on. One of the soldiers killed yesterday is in the family of my friend. It’s the second shiva in the family in three weeks – she was also related to Bezalel.

      It hurts the heart, all these young men dying like this, being killed like this. So, I am having my own challenge to keep taking this back to God and to accept it’s all from Him, and ‘for the best’.

      And sometimes, I get upset and despondent. In the impossible ‘perfect world’, of course, that would never happen.

      But one thing I don’t pretend to be is ‘perfect’.

      And some days, I run out of energy, and emuna, a bit.

      • AK
        AK says:

        i totally hear you. We lost another soldier on our yishuv a couple of days ago, and the grandson of someone on our Yishuv it hurts so much it is unbearable, but despite it all, I work everyday on trying to be happy. I was quoting this part of your post ” It’s the collective soul of Am Yisrael that is so sick and diseased right now, as reflected by what’s going on with the Rav”.

        Despite all of the tatoos, phone surfing etc… I do believe that Hashem wants effort, and so many have turned the corner on that. I also have dips in emuna, but the key for all of us is to keep working at it, that is what Hashem wants.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I don’t know.

      Moshiach has to be alive, and of his generation, and he has to do all the stuff that Moshiach has to actually do, to be THE Moshiach and just not a potential Moshiach of his generation.

      If the Rav doesn’t complete the job, God forbid, then he remains a potential Moshiach, and not THE Moshiach.

      Maybe that’s why he said the geula is only in another 200 years, after all, and that he’s not actually ‘Moshiach’.

      I don’t know.

      • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
        Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

        ……near the end of the “difficult” message , he said : No problem, r. Nachman said that Mashiach will die …… Praying for you , to don’t turn to complete craziness with this “mashiach” stuff. Some people are ready to accept=twist everything in order to justify their own believes. It’s a huge difference between 1. anticipating the geoulah = to see the Divine Glory and Hashem’s returning in Zion / 2. to want “mashiach” and now. This is only a source of confusion in contrast with the anticpation of the real geoulah, the source of all tikkounim.

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          If you are one of the 36 Lamed Vavnikim, please let me know now so I can actually take your comment seriously. Otherwise – you know as much as I do, i.e. we both know *nothing* about what is really going on.

          That quote about Moshiach dying was made by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov himself.

          In the English translation ‘TZADDIK’ you can find it on page 272, otherwise it’s number 275 in Shevachey Moharan in the Hebrew:

          “Also [said] in public, the Rebbe said: “People assume that when the Messiah comes there will be no death. This is not so. Even Mashiach himself will also die.”


          • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
            Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

            The hasidim of r. Berland had a clear advice to stop proclaiming that he is the mashiach ben David. Take seriously the advice of your own rebbe at least. You see , even Moshe rabbeinu alav hashalom, was not aware for his mission till Hashem send him to the people. After that, nobody was able to stand against him. And till that particular moment, nobody knew who will be the goel. If you say that maybe Aaron peace upon him, was informed from Above before Moshe himself, even then he never went all around to preach about his brother. But here we have followers who cannot understand that they put their rebbe in great danger with their behavior. Go and find out why Ari hakadosh passed away …. OH, I forgot to thank you about your polite answer.

          • Rivka Levy
            Rivka Levy says:

            Maybe, if you would work on the strong undercurrent of arrogance that permeates your comments here, you wouldn’t spark off such an ‘impolite’ reaction from me.

            Arrogance totally cuts people off from God. That’s what Chazal teach.

            If you can make your comments from a place of more humility, then it’s easier to engage with the good points you sometimes make.

            Also, it’s hard to take you seriously when you yourself don’t believe what you write about the spiritual level of the Rav. There’s a bunch of your previous comments on the site that show that.

            So it seems to me you are much more about trying to ‘damp me down’, and my ‘mistaken beliefs about the Rav being hezkat Moshiach’, than any other consideration.

            And I pick that ‘vibe’ up immediately, and react to it negatively.

          • Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
            Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

            I don’t have any interest to start a quarrel about your refined midot compared to my chutzpah, because פֶּחָם לְגֶחָלִים וְעֵצִים לְאֵשׁ וְאִישׁ מדונים [מִדְיָנִים] לְחַרְחַר רִיב. I’m leaving it to Hashem yit” as a learned from David hamelech : לְדָוִ֨ד | רִיבָ֣ה יְ֖הֹוָה אֶת־יְרִיבַ֑י לְ֜חַ֗ם אֶת־לֹֽחֲמָֽי
            My efforts and prayers are to understand and contribute to the next stage of the geoulah=giloui of the Cavod Hashem that is not of course a fighting for the “best candidate” or the “greatest tzadik”. God Himself will testify for His chosen and all mouths will be closed .

    • Sam
      Sam says:

      Simon has a great question. Perhaps he’s “chezkat mashiach” at this point, but until or unless he fulfills all of the details laid out by the Rambam (or at least a competing yet valid opinion from a Rishon?), how will he “be” mashaich if he dies?

      This would sound quite familiar, with a venerated sage dying, leaving his followers spilt in different groups: “he didn’t REALLY die, he’s just working on the final tikun” VS “he did die, but that’s obviously part of the process and we need to bring him back to finish the job”…………………………………………………………………………………………

      • Rivka Levy
        Rivka Levy says:

        I clearly answered Simon’s question.

        Either you didn’t read that, or your really just interested in having a go at me and / or the Rav and /or Breslov generally.

        Why don’t you read my response, and then come back with a statement that reflects that? Although, that’s not as much fun as just trying to ‘tar’ Breslov with the same cruddy brush as Chabad, is it?

        • Sam
          Sam says:

          Please accept my apologies, it was not intended as it was apparently received. I typed and submitted the comment prior to seeing your response to Simon published.

          • Rivka Levy
            Rivka Levy says:

            OK. Thanks for your apology, I appreciate that you did that.

            Question for you, not coming from a cynical or ‘trying to win the competition’ place, just trying to understand where you are coming from more: What do you believe about the general idea of ‘Moshiach’?

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      The big difference is that the Rebbe of Chabad was never ‘moshiach’ – and never could have been ‘moshiach’, as he seems to descend from Kohanim or Levi’im paternally (from what I can tell, given all the lies being told.)

      The autistics also clearly said that the Rebbe of Lubavitch was NEVER a potential moshiach, even when he was alive.

      And lastly, Breslov has been dealing with ‘dead rebbes’ for over 200 years, after the death of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. And it’s never been an issue in Breslov of people believing dead people come back from the grave, to ‘be moshiach.’

      The tzaddikim are much greater after their passing, than in their lives. But MBD is a person who is alive and of his generation. Breslov teachings explain all this in a very profound way, that most people, even frum people, have no idea about, because they are so used to the sanitised, lobotomised ‘pap’ that is passed off as real Torah about these issues.

      BH, I will try to cover some of this stuff soon.

      Look out for the post on how the Vilna Gaon was also a ‘false’, or at the very least, a ‘failed’ messiah.

      It’ll start to blow this whole subject wide open, and out of the realms of everything just being a comparison with the Lubavitcher Rebbe all the time.

      • yosef d.
        yosef d. says:

        the Vilna Gaon was working as MbY in his lifetime. his journey to eretz yisroel where he turned around, could be explained by a person becoming the ‘faithful shepherd’ (Moshe Rabbeinu of the generation), where Yehoshua ben Nun conquered the land, but Moshe Rabbeinu has been desiring to enter the land, one more request away from being there.
        Rebbe Nachman is obviously also in this task of MbY of his generation.
        antizionism back then was very much from local greek-orthodox groups. (orthodox is a slur used against judaism, it properly describes kofrim on the eastern side of the roman schism).
        it is possible that britain conquering eretz yisroel in ww1 was to dislodge donmeh from the land. with the possibly incomplete bris milah of yishmaelim, they had that zchut of guarding it from roman kofrim. (i wonder, since yishmael did tshuvah at the burial of avraham avinu, and died near the wedding of his daughter, did Hashem take him from the world like with Hanoch so that he would not sin with Eisav?)
        the main thing i don’t know about the Rebbe of Lubawicz Alav haShalom, is that the difficulty he went through were often not public. what he said about Hanukkah would be interesting as far as leviim in leadership roles. Mordecai ‘HaYehudi’ is from binyamin. his kever (with Hadassah A”H) is literally eretz kodesh enclave in iran. yehoshua bin nun is from efraim. with Rav Berland, the persecution is more obvious, from my limited perspective.
        there is an idea that a person hides their good deeds unless it has to inspire others, maybe this inspires others to interrupt the connection of lashon hara in the telephone game, to walk away from lashon hara, like harav berland says that kamtza should not have been friends with someone who hated his son? ani lo yodeah.
        thank you for bringing these shiurim in english.
        a rabbi on youtube has a class on moshiach, and describes the messianic era as ‘perfection of torah’. a lot of the historical discoveries here are things i had heard, read, or considered as possiblities before. i think it is necessary that they were published.
        i need to learn how to learn torah in depth better. maybe tehillim on healing broken bones. torah from rav berland is why i must follow his opinion on not saying who is MbY of this generation. navi yeshayahu says ‘by his knowledge’, rabbi tovia singer shlit”a taught this.
        may the struggle against roman cultural imperialism, and against eisav’s bad ideas towards yishmael, be successful.
        yosef accused his own brother of theft to protect him.
        (if 82 hundreds computers aren’t down again, they have a copy:)
        i need to go say tikun klali now for tzahal. kol tov.
        i almost forgot. during the first 2 utterances in 10 utterances, the people’s souls left their bodies. this completely removed their yetzer haras. a person also might have needs for water, food, rest, shelter. these are different than the yetzer.
        this is the only way i can think of actual MbD dying, is when the yetzer hara is removed, we are all participants in tehiat hameitim, like ben azai. ( the above is word of mouth, and my memory isn’t perfect ).

  2. AK
    AK says:

    The Rav has stated previously that he has the neshama of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, so how can you explain that if he wasn’t a Moshiach of his generation. The Rebbe definitely had ruach Hakodesh even if he was surrounded by very questionable people.

  3. doowop rebbe
    doowop rebbe says:

    i am a simple dati leumi absent minded profresser(i fress less in my dotage) i dont have a dog in this fight (as it were)i simply dont think anyone has a clue re the advent of moshiach

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I know, I appreciate that.

      But let me ask you something: why DON’T YOU have a ‘dog in this fight’? As a simple dati leumi, who do you think could be a candidate for Moshiach in our generation, from your own experiences and viewpoint?

  4. doowop rebbe
    doowop rebbe says:

    i dunno/maybe pollard?your going from tony blairs brain(if i recall correctly) to your life today is remarkable in its way almost as as much as pollard but there are also many brilliant xians who are certain in their views. fortunately i have been”brainwashed” not to buy into them !

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Bring them all together. How wonderful to have in our generation Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlita, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto shlita, Yanuka, Rabbi Sabag shlita, Rabbi Avraham Chachamovits shlita. Great leader Jonathan Pollard.
    We need them. This is a spiritual and cultural war so we need everyone.


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