Jews in chul – we need your prayers
I literally just got sent this from two people at once, at exactly the same time.
The Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade (main combat unit in the Gaza area), literally crying, begged to convey to us, the chareidi tzibbur, that we’re not awake enough to the war situation in Gaza and that the fighting is very difficult and dangerous.
The terrible situation is that soldiers are being killed each and every night.
He emphasized that the main fighting at night starts from 11PM and continues until the morning, but the hardest hours are 2-5AM.
He brings his soldiers further and further inward to fight, but he doesn’t feel like he has enough support from the יראים ושלמים staying up at night to daven and say Tehillim for the soldiers.
He requested that the chareidim take responsibility for organizing minyanim to say Tehillim, especially during those hours.
– *all the chevre to do is to co-ordinate prayer opportunities in Israel & around the world and in all our yeshivas.
NYC is 6 hours behind Eretz Yisrael.
The times of the hardest fighting in Israel are happening between 5-11 pm New York time.
Please, if you are reading this and you can do ANYTHING, however small, to get a bunch of people together in your network to start saying tehillim for the soldiers fighting in Gaza through the night, please do that right now.
As soon as you finish reading this – use the horrible tech for a good purpose, for once.
Just cut and paste the message from the Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade, and get some tehillim organised for these times in your networks.
Get the shuls involved.
The schools involved.
And of course, say some yourself.
BH, we are seeing open miracles here that it’s not 1,000 dead soldiers a day, like our enemies are hoping for.
But even one more dead soldier is too much.
It’s a whole world.
And it’s a world that our tehillim – you and me, and our friends, neighbours and families – can protect.
So yalla!
And may we just hear good news.
What time Rav Berland has Maariv nowadays still 8.30pm or now 6.30pm?
Try around 8pm – but it’s changing all the time. If I hear it’s earlier I’ll let you know.
I got the message on WhatsApp this morning, and I passed it to a friend of mine in NY. Others have been passing it around to the two other Tehillim groups I’m in.
My neighborhood is revving up to read a book a day, with each participant receiving a koveret (a booklet in someone’s set, for group readings; at least that’s what my friend calls it). Once all the koverot are sent out and accounted for, we’ll start saying ours every day.
I do have a question for the rabbanit 😉 : When a group gets together to read a book of tehillim, how many books are counted in Shamayim? I had heard a long time ago, when I first came to Israel, that it’s the one book multiplied by the number of people who contributed to its finishing. Now I feel that people believe it’s just the one. What’s the real scoop?
My best wishes to your daughter who lost her boss. 🙁
A book completed is a book completed… but if there’s someway to maximise the count, I am SURE Hashem is happy to use it.
Kol Hakavod for the tehillim Hava. It makes me feel a little happier to know more prayers are being said.
Not a simple situation we are still in.
May I pass this along to those that are prayer warriors?
Please do.
Thank you Rivka. This is one of the most important message we need to hear. I am going to look at the RIGHT time to do tehilim. There is no stop at praying. Am Israel Chai!!!!