Whitewashing Shabtai Tzvi

As part of trying to track down more info about David Moshe Valli’s comments on Yoshki, I got to the Judaism Stackexchange site.

HERE is the link for that.

In turn, that had a discussion about an oldish video shiur from ‘Rabbi Bezalel Naor’ talking about true and false leaders.

You can see that here:

# 1,True or False Leaders ? (youtube.com)

It comes in 10 parts of about 15 minutes each, which I speeded up to 1.5 and that was fine, until the last two parts where there was a Q+A from the audience.


This shiur blew me away – for totally all the wrong reasons.

As well as whitewashing Shabtai Tzvi – totally ignoring the fact that he encouraged his followers to apostasize, eat treif and commit all sorts of adulterous acts – ‘R NAOR’ also whitewashed Yoshki in a similar fashion.

Totally ignoring the gemara that states he’s boiling in a pot of excrement forever… And many other statements, and trying to suggest that the ARI ZAL was ‘pareve’ about Yoshki, even though the ARI ZAL clearly refers to him as ‘Yeshu’ when describing how to locate Yoshki’s grave, north of Tsfat somewhere.

YESHU stands for: “Yimach Shmo Uzichro” –  “may his name and memory be blotted out.”


That’s hardly ‘pareve’.


R NAOR also brings back-up for his whitewashing of all these false messiahs from R KOOK, Chabad, the Vilna Gaon, the SDE CHEMED, the CHIDA – basically, so many of the people I’ve been writing about here on the blog.

Once you listen to this, you’ll hopefully start to understand that so many of the people who have been ‘leading’ us – for centuries – are adherents of false messiahs.

There is so much more to say about all this, but listen to the video, and when I have some time later on, BH, I’ll try and put up some key points from the transcript.


Last thing for now, is the brief bio of R BEZALEL NAOR, who is giving over this shiur whitewashing Shabtai Tzvi, from HERE.

Bezalel Naor is a teacher, translator, and author of many books on Rav Kook and Jewish mysticism. His works include Orot (Maggid, 2015); When God Becomes History: Historical Essays of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Hakohen Kook (Kodesh, 2016); The Koren Rav Kook Siddur (2017); and Navigating Worlds: Collected Essays (Kodesh, 2021), among other books.

He’s an expert on ‘Rav Kook’ – that same Rav Kook that was parachuted in to Eretz Yisrael to be the new Chief Rabbi by the ACHVA secret society….

And whose teachings encouraged so many believing Jews to throw all their misgivings about ‘zionism’ aside, and encourage their sons to worship the State as something mamash holy.

That’s not a coincidence.

10 replies
  1. yosef d
    yosef d says:

    one of the sources i heard about was a rabbi moshe david valle, from maybe padua/padova in italy.
    not sure if or how much of the following is from him, but we used to learn about it around hanukkah with reference to tractate avodah zarah on saturnalia and calenda.
    the idea was that yeshu hanotzri was gilgul of the son of the israelite woman who was executed ( hence the midrash with rabbi shimon using the name to do similar miracles and becoming the first pope), a gilgul( somehow ) of gehazi who has no share in olam haba, and of course, somehow related to 974 generations and edom/eisav/eliphaz/ et cetera.
    it seems related to bar kamtza also, but i might be wrong about that.
    it looks like some of the story (the greek testament) is political satire by the vespasian dynasy, and some of it may be based on that armenian-judean king. (you mentioned this before, if i recall)
    then there are the jewish sources, about a student of rabbi yehoshua ben perachia on the way back from mitzraim, having trouble with tshuvah.

  2. Itzchak
    Itzchak says:

    Rav Kook was brought to Israel in 1902 to be the Chief Rabbi of Yaffo. This was arranged by his father in law, the Aderet ZT”L who was the assistant and heir-to-be of the Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim Rav Salant ZT’L and the . They were the heads of the ACHVA society?

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      If you go to this page on the blog, where I’ve now stuck up the collated PDFs of many of the real Jewish history blog posts:


      And go to page 85 of this PDF:

      You will read this:

      You can read more about this secret society on Hebrew Wiki HERE.
      Bottom line, they built ‘lodges’ all over Israel, and also in other places in the Jewish world, and lots of people you’ve heard of apparently belonged to this ‘secret society ‘ of rabbis, based on the Freemasons, that reminded at least some people of the ‘cults’ of Shabtai Tzi and Jacob Frank….
      For example:
      “In 1920, the president of the World Ahva Association, Zalman Yosef Soloveitchik, was appointed General Director of the Knesset of Israel, the general organization of the Jews of Palestine during the British Mandate, which included the Assembly of Representatives, the National Committee, the Committees of Communities and the Chief Rabbinate.”
      And this:
      “Achva representatives sat on the boards of the “Redemption Fund” and the Keren Hayesod, which worked to raise funds for the establishment of the State of Israel, and over the years the organization also worked in cooperation with Hovevei Zion, the Hadassah Zionist Organization and the JDC.”
      And this:
      “The association worked to promote its members in rabbinical and administrative positions.

      “This, for example, influenced the appointment of Rabbi Kook as Chief Rabbi.
      Among the signatories to his appointment were the institutions Tree of Life, Shaare Zedek and Bikur Holim Hospital, which were run by Brotherhood members.”

  3. Hava
    Hava says:

    I couldn’t get past the first few sentences of part 2; I was too overwhelmed by the uck. I can’t listen to the whole thing.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I don’t blame you…. I posted it so that people start to understand what I’m writing here about Shabtai Tzvi-ians taking over our community is mamash not ‘conspiracy theory’.

      This is such a clear example of the problem.

      But it’s not easy to listen to it, I agree.

  4. Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
    Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

    I want to help you in your research about what Rabbi Moshe Valli wrote about Yoshki and Christianity. This is a translation on his commentary on perasha Balak, Bamidbar 24: 22-24:
    ” … There is no prophet anymore and there isn’t among us one who knows ” ad mah” i.e when the name mah will be revealed. And as Hashem yit” showed to this rasha ( Bilam) the destructions that the nations caused and that will come upon them, likewise he willed to show him the greatest damage of all that would happen in the future at the time of the reign of the fourth beast, i.e one mamzer tyrant and robber will burst and will proclaim himself God and he is the “netzer nitav” -the abominable notzri who drew behind him so many fools and caused oy vavoy in the world i.e the withdrawal of the Shechinah and there was a great blockage and total darkness, chaos and not order, and the malchut was transformed to heresy and there isn’t anyone who explains or seeks because everone goes after vanity and are consumed by it, ” HE DECLARED HIS PARABLE AND SAID: OY, MI YICHYE MISUMO EL. ” Oy davka because the alef of Adnut and three letters remained , dalet, nun, yud alone that imply harsh judgement without sweetening. Furthermore the male letters, vav and yud of the holy name , therefore the concealment of these 3 letters, alef, vav and yud causes “oy= אוי” to all the inhabitants of the world that live during this period when this spiritual damage prevails. that means that a man proclaimed himself God and the fools call him God . For this reason the word MISUMO is written without vav ( can be read as MISHMO) to indicate that he will raise himself to be God and they will call him God. And if you say why Hashem let this big kilkul happen ………… (to be continued later)

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      Thanks for this. Please continue the translation, as R Valli is quoted as saying that the notzrim split yoshki into ‘the trinity’ instead of sticking with the idea that yoshki was ‘channeling God’s power’ into the world.

      That’s the key part, I think, to really being able to do the birur about what R Valli said and believed.

  5. Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham.
    Efraim Yochanan ben Avraham. says:

    I’m immersed in his holy Torah more than 7 years. Nowhere ( in his 29 printed books I’m passing through) I saw any idea that yoshki was ‘channeling God’s power’ into the world. Those who claim this or something similar, are Yoski promoters trying to legalize Yioski as Mashiah , hidden in Jewish literature.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I am currently transcribing Betsalel Naor’s comments, from the video, and I’ll post it up.

      I video 4, at the 1.34 minute mark, this is what he says as quotes from Sefer Likutim:

      “Sefer HaLikutim, Helek Aleph, Vol p 83: “The mamzer [i.e. Yoshki] was worthy to be MBY, because a ‘mamzer talmid chacham kodem HaKohen HaGadol Am Ha’aretz’. Except because of his pritzut, he brought it upon himself. And also because of the sinat chinam that exists within Am Yisrael.”


      At the 3.43 mark, Naor brings another quote from D Valli, in SEFER LIKUTIM I, P242:
      “Referring to Yeshu HaNotzri, Jesus of Nazareth” [this intro is Naor’s words] “who was bvadai, the sod MBY, even though he was a mamzer. For a “mamzer talmid chacham kodem HaKohen HaGadol Am Ha’aretz'”. But it was not the right time, because of the sinat chinam within Israel, v’lechen (and so) he was corrupted, and the Satan was within him, and he was destroyed.”


      Can you please double-check these two referenced passages and let me know exactly what R Valli himself is saying, preferably in the original Hebrew?

      There is for sure a lot of twisting of sources going on here, in a very disturbing way. For sure, there are ‘yoshki apologists’ in very high places in the Jewish community. It’s a question of knowing where the ‘twisting’ is really coming into effect.

      • yosef d
        yosef d says:

        about the talk linked here on youtube, the questions from the class about the baal shem tov and rebbe nachman were interesting.
        i might be wrong on some of these comments, or misremembered them.
        some of these might be not appropriate or relevant.
        ‘when the name mah will be revealed.’
        my former rabbi a”h was teaching about this around lag b’omer 5781. i asked him ‘is it too late for me to be jewish’ and he got tears in his eyes, and he taught about tzaddikim and stoning and tshuvah, he mentioned ‘mah, beini’ from mishleh shlomo, and the king’s mother rebuking him.
        ‘the destructions that the nations caused and that will come upon them’
        this sounds like the end of ‘al naharot bavel’.
        “Except because of his pritzut,”
        i heard from rabbi yaron reuven shlit”a, and don’t remember the source, that a rabbi knew that shabbetai tzvi was a moshiach sheker and not simply a failed (or potentially failed?) moshiach, because he slept facing down instead of on his side.
        rabbi yehoshua ben perachia put his student in cherem because of a comment about an inkeeper’s eyes.
        ‘he brought it upon himself.’
        maybe this is related to bar kamza and the blemish, and/or the son of the israelite woman, in parashat emor?
        “And also because of the sinat chinam that exists within Am Yisrael.”
        (the following idea is from a dati leumi yeshiva:)
        one of the causes of the sinat chinam was jealousy that a leader of a different ‘rebel’ faction would be successful.
        (breslev shiurim in english mentioned something about avoiding this jealousy?)
        i think rambam mentions about chezkat moshiach that if someone qualifies, it’s good to try to help them?
        ‘But it was not the right time’
        rebbe of lubawicz z”l in maamer basi lgani says (and i don’t want to misquote him) something that when yisrael left mitzraim they took nitzotzot out with them)
        in kol hator it says that ‘od yosef chai’ and that the lengthening of the exile is like breaking a large stone into small stones so that the king’s son was hurt by the small stones, but survived.
        “v’lechen (and so) he was corrupted, and the Satan was within him, and he was destroyed.”
        shlomo hamelekh writes about this in mishleh.
        i think there is a shiur in israeli language from harav efraim kahlon shlit”a that a monster with the same name as the one with webbed feet and pritzut who was revealed as a usurper by batsheva the mother of shlomo hamelekh, was literally at auschwitz in the 5700s.
        it seems that zionism and the dati leumi movement is in the sod of MbY.
        moreinu harav berland shlit”a is fighting against the klipa of the erev rav.
        his shiurim here and on the ravberland dot com site, especially from recently, are helping me with azamra, and encouragement to want more to be better.


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