What real avreichim actually look like
I just got sent this video by Shuvu Banim’s Kollel Hatzot.
They are so bad at all this ‘marketing’ stuff, that I had to wait three weeks for them to find something useful they could send me. It’s three minutes long, take a look:
In our world of fake frumkeit, usually brought to you by the slick marketers of Chabad, you rarely see avreichim actually praying.
You rarely see people who get up to go to a yeshiva to recite Tikkun Chatzot – the midnight lament.
You rarely see people davening the sunrise prayers so enthusiastically.
Or learning Torah for hours on end (although I admit, the fake frumkeit marketers always have their PR clips and shots of earnest people poring over sefarim. That bit does still happen, at least in some yeshivas.)
In the world of fake frumkeit, usually brought to you by Chabad, you see things like this:
Don’t get me wrong, I still really like Elitzur.
But my friend clued me into this new song of his – because she was totally turned off by all the references to the Tzemach Tzedek, Baal HaTanya, and other ‘messaging’ about Chabad.
And she was very puzzled about how all this stuff was suddenly appearing in the songs of Elitzur, who is Breslov.
So she sent to look up who was producing this latest song of Elitzur, and THIS is where she got to. Snippet:
[He] found the answers to life through the pages of Likkutei Torah and today he uses his musical talents to spread the wellsprings and to bring authentic Chabad niggunim to the public, even to non-Jews.
Your guess is as good as mine, as to why Elitzur is now singing about the Tzemach Tzedek instead of about Rebbe Nachman.
But the video of his latest song is very interesting – he’s taken hostage from his own concert by ghouls with dollar signs for eyes, while the Breslov guy who ‘saved him’ from the ghouls in the song ‘I’m not going back to Rehovot’ runs after him – but this tme around, appears to get to him too late….
Each person can decide for themselves what’s going on here.
Point is, authentic frumkeit isn’t slick, isn’t being marketed by experts, doesn’t have an endless supply of cash to keep buying up properties all over Jerusalem to turn into yet more ‘Chabad houses’, doesn’t have politicians all over the world attending their events and sucking up to their tzaddikim.
And at least in Shuvu Banim in the Old City, authentic frumkeit is suffering tremendously, because after all the persecution the Rav and Shuvu has endured by the State over the last few years, the avreichim are literally getting 100 SHEKELS, a MONTH, to wake up every single night and recite Tikkun Hatzot at the yeshiva in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City.
I’m cutting and pasting the next bit, below, from THIS article I already did on the Kollel Chatzot – that I am not working for in any capacity, btw.
Just a person who is interested in trying to help out ‘authentic yiddishkeit’ and totally sickened by the Chabad takeover of almost aspect of Jewish culture.
For the last two years (at least….) this Kollel of 5-6 men have been following this schedule:
11pm – Arrive at the Shuvu Banim beit midrash in the Old City, overlooking Har Habayit, and hear a shiur from the Rosh Kollel.
12am – 2am – Do Tikkun Hatzot – the midnight lament, that is meant to be the most powerful prayer for negating harsh judgements on the Jewish people, particularly in relation to ending the exile and getting the Temple finally rebuilt.
2-5.30 am – Learn Torah.
5.30 am onwards – prayer with the Netz, or sunrise minyan.
BTW, it’s actually more like 10-15 men who are doing this every night.
I propose, dear reader, that if you really want to put your tzedaka money somewhere where it is making a tangible difference to both yourself, and to Am Yisrael, on the spiritual level, that you consider sponsoring one of the members of the Kollel Hatzot to the tune of 400 nis a month.
This is the minimum amount that Rav Berland has asked the Rosh Kollel to try to pay each one of the members of the Tikkun HaTzot kollel.
You can literally do that online, right now, by going HERE.
If go back to THIS article, you’ll find all the translated screenshots for how to do this in English.
Thank you to all the readers out there who answered the call last month, for the Kollel Hatzot.
BH, more people will be moved to help, and to maybe set up some sort of monthly donation.
Because the Samech Mem is taking out authentic yiddishkeit every way it can.
And it has all the slick marketing, money and political influence required to do that.
PS: I had some complaints that I’m ‘bashing’ Chabad.
Yes, I’m ‘bashing’ Chabad.
Chabad seems to be up there on a pedestal, where no one can mention any of the many, many disturbing things that go on with them, because the shluchim…. the mesirut nefesh of the shluchim….
There are many good, wonderful Chabad shluchim, I totally agree.
If you take a look at the xtian world, you will also find many ‘good, wonderful xtian shluchim’.
Does that mean we can’t ‘bash’ xtianity?
I personally am sick of living in the world of lies.
If you’re not – great! Chabad has a ton of sites online, and maybe you’d be better off sticking with them.
No-one is saying that individuals in Chabad aren’t great – I’m sure many of them are. And I’m also 100% sure that there are really not great people who self-identify as ‘Breslov’.
I’m talking about the organisation, not the people.
And I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable.
as a semi disabled toe amputation) elderly person who davens by chabad(iknow less tanya than tanya tucker!) i can attest to their kindness. your remarks put you in a bad light.re ideaology i dunno from stinkin ideology!(sarcasm) all the best
The problem is, there are tons of kind, wonderful people stuck in Chabad, and stuck with a theology that is ‘bad’, spiritually. At least, ‘bad’ if a person really wants to get on with the work of admitting that we aren’t perfect, that we need to do cheshbon hanefesh every single day, that hitbodedut – and not ‘hitbonenut’ – is what really fixes a person’s soul, that Rebbe Nachman’s path is the spiritual medicine this broken, lowly generation needs, and not just more farbrengens, shmaltzy ‘messaging’ that is full of lies and corruption, and an organisation that is way too close to the ‘Esav who hates Yaakov’ for any of this to really make sense, the way Chabad tells the story.
I guess the only way my remarks wouldn’t put me in a bad light is if I just kept harping on how wonderful the shlichim and Chabad is.
But my soul is not in that place. Rebbe Nachman’s teachings get people to fix their souls, mamash, and the Chabad teachings don’t.
That by itself is probably not a ‘big deal’, you might argue (I beg to differ…) but when you add it in to all the lies being told by that organisation – from its inception – and its cosy relations with the Edomite rulers who literally hate ‘Yaakov’ – from its inception, then more and more red flags start waving that very good people are being taken for a ride, spiritually, to a destination that is NOT helpful, and the opposite of where we need to be headed to get to geula.
I understand, not everyone cares, and some of the readers here aren’t into Breslov.
But I care, and I’m into Breslov, and because I know how much Rabbenu’s advice has helped me become better than I was – even though clearly I have a long way to go – it upsets me tremendously that Chabad is trying to ‘take over’ Breslov, and tell everyone that Chabad and Breslov are the same.
Spiritually, Breslov and Chabad are polar opposites.
People can decide for themselves, what that actually means.
There is Chabad the lay and rabbinical collective of devoted adherents.
And there is Chabad, Inc, a very powerful and rich multinational conglomerate that probably has or is operated as an intelligence agency. With weird connections to the levers of power in many countries.
Ukraine and Russia are two of the most corrupt countries on earth, filled with grabblers, and they seem to have an outsize role in both. Is it really just about the seforim? What’s with all the orphanages?
Maybe, it’s about another set of books?
Personally, I thought the story stank regarding the recent Chabadnik who was murdered in Dubai or wherever.
Here’s some more links about Abu Dhabi:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56S3cBvAr9Q – Jared Kushner in 2003, having helped build the Chabad House in Harvard.
Also, take at look at this, it’s very interesting reading, with hindsight:
why must you refer to habad at all then?my mom zal would say if you cant be complementary,be quiet re them
If a bunch of xtian Jews-for-Jesus were taking over your neighborhood, doing so much kindness for everyone, mamash, and those xtian missionaries were even halachically Jewish – would you say something, or keep shtum?
Would it be a mitzvah to say something, or a mitzvah to keep shtum?
The Pig is saying: “YHVH is good to the good, and to those committed at heart.”
The Fox is saying: “Woe to him that builds his house without justice, and his chambers without lawfulness; that uses his friend’s service without wages, and does not give him for his hire.”
Gehinnom is saying: “For he has satisfied the longing soul, and has filled the hungry soul with good.”
” if you cant be complementary,be quiet” SURE SOUNDS LIKE X MEN AGAIN
2 Corinthians 10:1-2
1 By the humility and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, who am “timid” when face to face with you, but “bold” toward you when away!
2 I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world.
Mark 16:15
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
1 Timothy 1:7
7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.
Interesting, thanks for this.
Xtian teachings are also very good at portraying a lofty ideal that xtians themselves simply can’t live up to.
It’s the same story, all over again. ‘Fake feel good messaging’ with lots of theoretical ideas about how to be a ‘good person’ – and tachlis, it doesn’t work because it’s not real, and doesn’t address the real problems each of us has to overcome our own dark side.
It’s a very apt comparison.
Hi Rivka. Can you tell me if it is a simple process to convert national currency to dollars on Google Pay? and this way I can make donations to Shuvu Banim?
If yes, please, I need some details
I don’t know. I will try to ask for you.
if you equate habad with jews for j ,i dont know what to say to you!
interesting that HW Buszch is son of Prescott, who sold oil to germania in ww2. if this was his personal fortune being spent, probably a good thing to mitigate his own ’emperor’ personality a bit by sending it elsewhere. MK Zeevi Z”l said that HW was an antisemite. Antisemites benefit themselves when they give their own money to tzedaqa, and HW for that matter was representing a college of electors and by extension a bunch of americans who at that point in history also benefited from that tzedaqa. maybe better to try to make a diocletian into an antoninus.
there is a phenomenon of baseless hatred that exists specifically among those who do not know how to prove if they are not jewish,
where this kind of lobbying and chizuk could really go either way.
seems to me that Bibi building private sector was a continuation of the infrastructure-building of the jewish NGOs from 1860s or so til now.
it’s like yosef working in mitzra’im and how that is referenced in kol hator as a template.
different kind of exile, similar in its combination of 3 kinds of antisemitism, agriculture being useful albeit not shepherding, in both cases.
building and planting — this is what happened when the ‘permission of the nations’ turned out to be a ploy, so that the ‘united’ nations could rug-pull later on like ahashverosh. UN vote was a trap, as was balfour declaration.
building and planting is the most unobtrustive and most effective way to conduct a israelite revolution, like irish technique of waiting until the empire fell apart on its own.
personally, i get chizuk from chabad shluchim as well as from the words of moreinu harav shlit”a.
i don’t see it as much as chabad taking over breslev, as a simultaneous thing, where breslev ideas are widespread among chabad, and many are involved in both, at least from the tinok shnishba/noachide side.
i really hope the next canadian federal governement and province formerly known as upper canada is fulfliing the verse in the concluding tefillos in artscroll tehillim.
canada has a long history of jewish life.
zionists learned how to grow food here, as in ireland and europe.
the ceasefire between china and china was brokered by a canadian-educated jewish merchant/diplomat, a major general in chinese military during sun yat-sen govt.
thank you,
אני יוסף
I have a ton of respect for Rabbi Green, he’s a very brave, sincere individual.
Sadly, Chabad has been corrupt if not right from the start of the movement, then at least directly after the Alter Rebbe passed away, when he was running away from Napoleon, because he’d aligned his movement and his followers so closely with the born-again-evangelical Tsar Alexander I.
Chabad were literally spying on Napoleon for the Tsar:
They were ‘political’ right from the start.
Also, this is an interesting footnote on that story from Chabad, above:
“he Rebbe’s contribution to Russia’s victory was recognized by the Czar, who awarded Rabbi Schneur Zalman descendents the status of “An Honorable Citizen For All Generations.””
This status was usually reserved for Jews who had become xtians.
I am looking more into that side of things right now, there’s a lot of pieces of the puzzle starting to slot into place.
sorry about the trouble, sure i’ve said some of these things before.
clearly the chabad rebbe was working against napoleon — and napoleon’s “inclusion” and emancipationist policies were attacks against jewish torah practice. it was a ‘professional army’ version of cantonist decrees. i don’t remember, maybe the revolutionary french had conscription also.
fairly sure that navies at the time would literally kidnap people with the ‘press gangs’ for a bunch of reasons, in port cities. been decades since learning that though, and i forget the source.
much of what i’ve learned about the history of the french revolutionary anti-torah movement has been written on this blog, even if i’d heard or read hints about it before.
rav marvin s. antelman z”l started working on this, as did his sources.
i’ve heard from at least one israeli rabbi that napoleon wasn’t exactly human.
supporting tzar/imperator against napoleon was like working with stalin against the germans.
also, thanks for uploading ‘unlocking the secret of the erev rav’. i bought a few copies in paperback, and printed at least one copy. it’s good to have so many sources on this topic in the same book.
@haish ,youre right . and that was my point re rivka and chabad