Update on Uman: they just cancelled almost every flight

Flights to places nowhere near Uman and still departing Ben Gurion.

But flights that could be useful for Uman, have all just been cancelled in great numbers (at least, from Israel).

Including my husband’s, including a bunch of other people I know.

I have no idea what is going on now.

BH, all this turns around for the best.

I’ll update you as and when I know more.

4 replies
  1. AK
    AK says:

    Hi Rivka,

    Us too. My son, son-in-law, I were supposed to fly out this morning, and our flight was canceled last night. The Europeans obviously felt it was necessary to cancel all of the low cost European flights over security, even though every Israeli airline was running on time and normally. Of course the Europeans understand our security better than we do.

    It was supposed be the first time for my son and I, Bezrat Hashem next year. I was looking at the departure board from Ben Gurion all day today, and you are right, the destinations near Uman were cancelled, but there were Israel planes that were flying to them. Of course we know that the evils will do anything to prevent us from getting to Uman.

    But they won’t succeed. May this year be the year of Geulah!

  2. neshama
    neshama says:

    maybe they (EU) fear the worst and maybe this is min haShamayim. Its difficult to know just yet, but if IDF actually go into Leb, and Persia/Iran does decide to start up something, it means russia/china/plus will be joining Iran. So IY”H maybe your loved-ones are better in EY?? JUST A THOUGHT

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      The whole path of Rabbenu teaches and encourages not to live our lives in fear all the time, all these ‘fallen fears’, and to only fear Hashem. Hashem is running the world. So whatever Hashem decides….regardless of all the scare tactics being churned out by the masonic-controlled media. Especially about Uman.

  3. Nahman
    Nahman says:

    Maybe they fly directly to another country in Europe.
    From France people go to Chisinau in Moldova and take a ride to Uman (7 hours drive in a minibus of 6, $75/person)
    Best of lucks always Mamach


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