There is still time to do a pidyon nefesh before Rosh Hashana

Without rehashing the whole article, you can go back and read more below:


Bottom line:

 [E]veryone undergoes a certain amount of suffering.

There is no such thing as a person going through life with everything going exactly according to his desire. What comes out of these teachings are that there are three ways to deal with the situation:

  1. through prayer
  2. through acceptance, and
  3. by giving money to the Tzaddik.

   All of which bring about one of two results, either an easing of the suffering or its cancellation altogether.


Go HERE, to do a pid on the Shuvu Banim website – with absolutely no guarantees of anything in return, except the mitzva itself.


My husband’s first flight to Uman got cancelled last week.

After a day of mad stress, he managed to find another one leaving yesterday evening.

I took him to the airport, and started doing my hour of hitbodedut as I drove back home.

10 minutes later, I heard some electronic weird beeping sound, and I spent a couple of minutes wondering what my car was trying to tell me.

Then, I saw a bunch of cars parked by the road leading up to Modi’in – frum guys with kippas, standing and holding their phones.

Oh, that’s cute! I thought to myself. Look how serious people are about davening mincha on time!!!

Then, I realised it was dark and way too late for mincha.


That’s when I started to hear a really loud ambulance siren.

I looked all around the mostly empty highway, couldn’t see the ambulance.

As I get past Modiin, all of a sudden I see a bunch of weird orange ‘lights’ in the sky by the side of the highway.

And that, dear reader, is when I realised that ‘Iran’ was repeating what happened back before Pesach.


I didn’t pull over.

Driving past all the people sitting in their cars, or sitting next to their cars, I couldn’t see how that was meant to ‘protect’ anyone from anything.

And I had a kid at home who totally freaked out when ‘Iran’ attacked before Pesach, so I just put my foot down.

The whole drive up to Jerusalem, I saw weird orange lights in the sky – on BOTH SIDES of the 443.

I.e. it didn’t look like the weird lights were coming from a single direction.

And I can also tell you that what I saw didn’t seem to be ‘Iron Dome’.

But who knows, at this point?


(Video from HERE)


Two hours later, I was back at the airport to get my husband and bring him home.

But the rest of the airport was swinging – nearly every other flight yesterday went out, still.

If these attacks are not coordinated in advance with ‘our side’, how is that even possible in a million years?


Today, I have some mild PTSD.

BH, it will pass soon.


In the meantime, the Rav is in Jerusalem for Rosh Hashana, and praying in his regular olam, on Ido HaNavi.

There are apparently a lot of recriminations going on within Shuvu, about what happened this year.

The bottom line is: no-one really knows.

But I have my own theory, at this stage, which is that the Rav probably was able to get to Uman for Rosh Hashana, at least in theory, but shemayim sent him back to Eretz Yisrael, to protect the country.

Like this:


What do we know about anything, really?

Even if we think ‘we know’ stuff, especially all that lashon hara and gossip that’s passed around on social media and Whats App like the gospel truth, with zero real fact checking.

Do your own hitbodedut, and you’ll get way closer to grasping some semblance of an idea of what might be happening in the world around us.

But even then, Rabbenu says that the greatest height of ‘knowing’, is to know that we know nothing.



I just saw this HERE. Chananya is describing a lot of what I saw on my drive – and also has a very important message that ties in with the theme of this post, i.e. to sweeten the judgements spiritually, and to only fear God:


I wish all my readers a shana tova, a sweet 5785.

BH, it’s going to be a much better year than it currently appears.

But if you didn’t already, go and do a pidyon before Rosh Hashana.

There are massive dinim hanging over everyone’s head right now, in case you didn’t notice.

And whatever you can do to ‘sweeten’ them, ahead of Rosh Hashana, for yourself and your family – you should do it.


Go HERE, to do a pid on the Shuvu Banim website – with absolutely no guarantees of anything in return, except the mitzva itself.


The Rav, on the way back to Jerusalem for Rosh Hashana 5785

2 replies
  1. ak
    ak says:

    Shana Tova Rivka. So in the end Reuven didn’t get to Uman? The flight for me and my son was also canceled and nothing else was available, except for on one of the Israel airlines briefly for 800 Euros a seat.

    Just like you, I don’t know anything, Baruch connected to the Rav.

    Feel good.


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