There is still no yeoush in the world

Like you, and probably everyone else who still has some heart left, I have been grappling with a lot of yeoush the last few days.

The lies are so sickening, so non-stop, the cognitive dissonance so great for so many people, the prospects of this turning around, or the war stopping, any time soon – without open miracles – has been overwhelming, lately.

Every day since Rosh Hashana, I’ve been waking up, feeling terrible yeoush, and then spending an hour doing hitbodedut in bed, trying to overcome it.

But this week, that started to change.


Last week, just before Succot, I was trying to catch the Rav’s ma’ariv prayers, and I missed them twice in a row – because the Rav was davening at 7pm, and not 8pm, and I just didn’t know that.

So, I sat in the courtyard while they were clearing away the chairs, saying a couple of TKs, while my husband tried to grab some sort of davening before we went home.

That’s when a small kid ran up to me holding a booklet.

Do you want to buy this? she asked me. It’s on sale – it’s only 5 shekels!


In her hand, she held a brand new compendium of Rav Berland’s prayers, on the subject of saying thank you, and having gratitude.

The matzav has been wearing me down the last few weeks, and I could feel I was just starting to get more whiny, negative, complaining and despairing.

That booklet was the antidote.

I paid the 5 shekels, and brought it home.

Dear reader, it’s working miracles – at least, for me.


I try and say 10 pages of those prayers to be grateful every day, and to stop whining, and to understand that God is really in control, and everything is for our very best – and my mood is lifting more and more.

Here’s a taste of what’s in the book – I found this prayer, that some Shuvu woman thrust into my hand 6 months ago on Yaffo Street, on page 2:




It’s called the ‘Prayer for Contentment’.

And that’s how a person gets really happy and content, by being ‘happy’ with their lot, understanding that everything that happens to them is from God – and by batting away the yeoush by doing an hour a day of hitbodedut, and mamash making an effort to pray that this bad midda of despair should be lifted off their shoulders.


Right now, there is not a single Jew in the whole of Israel, and probably, the whole of the world, who doesn’t have a heart full of pain, worry and anxiety about what will be – and what already was.

There are mothers, wives, sisters, friends, worried sick permanently, because they have a guy in the army.

And dying in service is only one of the problems. Having a loved one come back with their limbs blown off is, to me at least, even more horrific.


And then there is all the financial problems everyone is having – regardless of how it looks from the outside.

Even the wealthiest people I know are feeling they are in a financial hole right now, and have to sell their multiple mansions to get out of it….

This is the world we live in.

A world where ‘the last penny has to leave the purse’, before Moshiach can actually come.


The point is: there is so much to worry about.

And so much good cause to worry.

But at the same time: THERE IS NO YEOUSH IN THE WORLD.

Because God is orchestrating everything for our very best, and this whole thing is happening just to break our arrogance, ego, and yetzers.

And especially, the ego that tells us we can do this ‘by ourselves’, without any help from the True Tzaddikim, and their advice and their prayers.

Because we really, really can’t.



While I was looking for that prayer to put up, from an old post, I came across the ‘cliff notes’ I made of one of R Elmaliach’s shiurim, from just before Pesach 5784.

You can see the whole thing HERE – although all the videos R Elmaliach made got pulled two months ago, so this is kind of the only information that got ‘rescued’, for now.

Right now, the Rav is saying very little about what is going on.

At least, that I’ve been hearing.

And part of my ‘overcoming the yeoush’ work has been seeing how so much of 5785 has been playing out as a carbon copy of what happened at the beginning of 5784 – but hopefully, as a ‘rectifying experience’, and not as a total replay, God forbid, of what happened last year.


This Simchat Torah, like last Simchat Torah, the Rav is once again praying down at the Kotel.

Usually, Shuvu Banim puts up their own big Sukkah, and hakafot hashniot are a big deal, with thousands of people attending.

This year, like last year, there is no Shuvu Banim Sukkah.

This year, like last year, I am walking down to the Kotel tomorrow night, where I was a year ago, when I could feel such an evil ‘ruach’ pass over the Old City that blew all the sukkahs around for two minutes, around midnight.

And then stopped.

BH, this year, the story has a totally different, and much happier, ending.


In the meantime, here is what R Elmaliach said, six months ago:

  • The Rav, Eliezer ben Ettia, is Moshiach ben David.

  • Only the people who are ‘written in the book of life’ by the Moshiach ben David are going to make it through what’s coming down the pipe.
  • You get ‘written in the book of life’ by a) making teshuva (if you aren’t keeping basic mitzvoth) – and getting close to the Tzaddik HaDor / MBD Rav Eliezer ben Ettia.
  • If a person is already ‘frum’ – they get written in the book of life by getting close to the Tzaddik HaDor / MBD Rav Eliezer ben Ettia.


  • If a person is a baal teshuva, they need to make ‘teshuva on their teshuva’ (if they aren’t already close to the Tzaddik HaDor / MBD Rav Eliezer ben Ettia and to understand that ‘their teshuva’ came about as a result of the Rav’s prayers and Torah learning on their behalf, when they were still far away from yiddishkeit. (Rav Elmaliach has lots and lots of examples in the Hebrew, talking about various rabbis and ‘big baal teshuvas’, and their process of understanding that without the Rav in the picture, there is still a lot of ‘teshuva’ required.)
  • The ikker of this teshvua is going to occur by way of ‘hearing your disgrace and staying silent’ – in particular, the disgrace and insults you’re going to get when you dare to stand up and say publically: I believe Rav Berland is Moshiach ben David.
  • Anyone who is ‘disgraced’ in this way, will be written in the Moshiach’s book of life.


  • The next ‘revelation’ of the Moshiach Ben David’s soul is going to be Shvi’i shel Pesach (begins the night of Sunday April 28 – 29th).

  • No-one knows what this ‘revelation’ is going to look like, and R Elmaliach is stressing it is most likely going to be another purely ‘spiritual’ revelation.
  • Then, there is another ‘revelation’ – another level of the MBD’s soul being openly revealed – on Shavuot.
  • Then, another level of the soul revealed on Tisha B’Av.
  • And then, the final revelation of MBD will coincide with Elul 25th, 5784 (begins the night of September 27th, 2024) – and this will also coincide with the last stage of the Gog and Magog War, where 70 nations will come and fight against the Jewish people’s Moshiach.


  • The Rav is stressing it’s not the job of Am Yisrael to fight this final war against the 70 nations – it’s not something that the IDF could do, even if it wanted to. And it’s not something that the Jewish people should be ‘mixing in to’.
  • This final war is going to be fought by Hashem and His Moshiach – Rav Berland.

  • And a big part of that ‘fight’ will occur when what R Elmaliach calls the ‘Star of Moshiach’, which is super-electro-magnetic, also ‘comes to fight’ against the nations.
  • The Star of Moshiach is going to cause enormous earthquakes all over the world – and a lot of people are going to die when that happens.
  • This last stage of the war will last until Sukkot-Simchat Torah 5785 (October 24th, 2024).


Again, the people who are ‘written in the MBD’s book of life’ will make it through.

And the Rav wants as many people as possible to make it through, which is why he’s been trying to push things off again and again and again.


And here is what I commented on all this, underneath, back before Pesach 5784:

It’s a self-selecting process.

If people want to carry on weaving fantasies about ‘who Moshiach really is’, and / or talking badly against the Rav, etc, and refusing to accept that they might just have been wrong about the Rav, in so many different ways…

Then it’s going to be pretty hard for those people to get written in the book of life by MBD, before all this starts to go up a level again.


Look at the timings, above.

Understand we all got told exactly what was going to happen, six months ago.

And realise that the ‘books’ are being closed for the final judgement at the end of Simchat Torah this year.

There is still everything to pray for, everything to make teshuva about, everything to ask Hashem to have mercy for, even if we’ve made so many mistakes, and been so very wrong about who the Rav actually is.

Everything can be fixed, even now.

And there is no yeoush in the whole world.


How do we get out of this war, finally?

Like this:

  • The Rav is stressing it’s not the job of Am Yisrael to fight this final war against the 70 nations – it’s not something that the IDF could do, even if it wanted to. And it’s not something that the Jewish people should be ‘mixing in to’.

  • This final war is going to be fought by Hashem and His Moshiach – Rav Berland.


So hold on.

Work on gratitude and seeing the good, work on having more emuna, work on not giving up, working on grabbing every little mitzvah, every little kindness you can do for someone else (and also, yourself!) while the madness outside continues to rage.

Very soon, things ARE going to change around, and Hashem is going to be openly revealed in the world once more.

And on that day: He will be ‘One’, and His name will be ‘One’.

Just like the song (and the passuk it’s based on…) says.

5 replies
  1. Yosef from the Galil
    Yosef from the Galil says:

    When all this Rav Elmaliach stuff started coming out, I asked six of Rav Berland’s closest and oldest students about it, as I do about everything. They all told me the same thing. I won’t repeat it here, I’ll just say that none of them were positive, and some were very forceful in their response.

    So I listened to them and paid no attention to it.

    But, R’ Elmaliach was correct about Elul 25, even if he was merely repeating what the Zohar says about the Mashicah wars and that date. That day last month was *the* major turning point of this entire war. So, I do find myself curious what might happen on Thursday.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      I’d like to know who these ‘six’ students are…. I don’t know six of the Rav’s oldest and most senior students personally, and I live in Jerusalem and go to the prayers regularly.

      So, how are you in touch with these ‘six’?

      • יוסף
        יוסף says:

        who are the ‘six’ students? probably literally the zeir anpin. rebbe m’lubawicz says: a wife is not a student. maybe there’s a meaning there including and beyond pshat.
        yosef is correct about the military situation, how it changed so much.
        it is now publically known among non-eisav lovers of the collective israeli people ‘the entire house of israel has entered the picture’ that muamar gadafi, saddam hussein, hassan nesher-eloah, and for that matter, son of hamas-war are obviously duvdevan and/or gideonim.

        it is an old stranger-than-fiction having to do with the archeology of vendyl jones and israeli chief of staff, a 4-part puzzle involving what iranian mainstream media calls ‘cosmic israeli keys of shelomo ben dawid’ or something like that. kol hator, GRA, perhaps.
        1001 nights, stories within stories, like the beggar-with-no-hands, and the beggar-with-no-eyes. it’s all over masonic and geometric netzach-hod (hanuka, purim, kipurim, 25 elul, 25 october — tractate avoda zarah ‘calenda’) music/ethnopharmakologia, quoting hassidic talmudic midrashic and jewish targum tradition and later perush, pshat, and so on.
        only worry is i do not know if it is too late to be jewish, or if i am tenok shenishba, and how many generations, and i do not know.
        thank you,

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          You could be right about the ‘six students’ – if they all speak good English and can be contacted via Whats App….


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