“There is enough water in Jerusalem for the whole planet earth” – more comments from the Rav

This is another awesome excerpt of one of the Rav’s recent shiurim.

Lots and lots to think about, and unpack.



Shiur by Rav Berland given over to ANSH in Ramat Gan, 7th Tevet, 5785 (January 7th, 2025)

So, it’s written in Chapter 60 what David is asking for.

Who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?”1

The Valley of Succoth – he conquered Succoth.

Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine,2 the valley of Shechem. He conquered Shechem, and Gilad, he conquered Menashe.

Ephraim is the strength of my head; Judah is my sceptre, Moab is my washpot”.3


Because Balak saw that his grandson would destroy Moab.

Ruth was the granddaughter of Balak, Balak was the king of Moav, Balak and Bilaam, and Ruth was his grandchild – and David descended from her. That’s why Balak said ‘mimeni’, from me.

In the end, I see that my grandchild is going to destroy Moav, so what can be done?

So Bilaam told him, bring a barrel full of snakes, a thousand snakes, cut their heads off, and put it on Har HaBayit.

They knew where Har HaBayit was, Bilaam knew. We didn’t know [then, until 440 years later when Shmuel revealed the location to King David].

And there, put the barrel with the snakes. They will build the Beit HaMikdash, and it will be destroyed, this will bring the Temple down!

[And that’s what Balak did.]4


So now, [when David wanted to build the Temple], what’s to be done with the barrel of snakes?! There’s a barrel of snakes!

Who can remove it from there?! He [David] dug 1,500 amot, 750 metres, [to uncover] the barrel of snakes.

What can we do about the barrel of snakes?! How can we find it?


So David said Moab is a boiling pot.5

I need to remove the ‘pot’, that barrel of snakes, because without that it’s impossible to build the Beit HaMikdash!

So first, he went and dug 1,500 amot down, and removed the barrel with the snakes, and then, he found a pebble [?] that was placed upon the tehom (the watery depths). This was from the creation of the world.6


Because in Jerusalem, there is enough water for the whole planet earth.

On the one side, there is no water here at all, they need to bring water from the Kinneret, from the National Carrier, from Hulda – because all the water resources that are in Sha’ar HaGai7, the Jordanians took this.

So in the agreement, they were meant to let the water flow.

They said no, we didn’t know that. This continued for 19 years, for 19 years there was no water in Jerusalem. They used to have to bring it from Hulda, from Na’an [? not sure where the Rav is referring to.]8 There were springs there, from there they brought pipes to Jerusalem, by way of Na’an, by way of Rehovot. Via Hulda.


After 19 years, so Hashem had mercy [and the Jews conquered Jerusalem from the Jordanians in the Six Day War.]

I had still been going to the Kotel, from the age of seven, [before the State was founded], I was at the Kotel. Long before you were born, I went to the Kotel, every day, we went to the Kotel. My mother took me [there] every day.

We used to spend the summer holidays in Jerusalem, we had family here, and we stayed with them the whole summer holiday. In Beit Israel, we used to go [to the Kotel] on foot, every day, at the Kotel for an hour or two.

Then, the Kotel was like an alleyway. The whole alleyway was on HaHadar Street, and the Arabs used to go by with bottles of water. They almost crushed me there, I was squashed against the Kotel, it’s only by a miracle that they didn’t crush me.


So, how can we find the barrel of snakes?! How can we locate it? How can we know how to locate it? There’s the barrel with the snakes!

So, Moav was a boiling pot.

And now, David went to dig, and the tehom inundated the whole of Jerusalem. Everyone climbed on to their roof, David went up on the roof, because the waters were rising.


Like in Los Angeles.

Now in New Orleans, they were run over there. There, six people were killed, in New Orleans. One [terrorist], Jabbar.9 Dafka, he was a friend of mine, a good friend of mine.

He was called Jabar, he was in New Orleans, in America. He ran over 30 people there, and six or seven were killed – he ran them over. And at the same time, someone there, in Dallas, blew something up. Everything was together.

There is antisemitism across the whole world, but especially in America. Everyone is an antisemite, or wants to be, So, there were two Jews badly injured [in New Orleans].


So now we are talking about New Orleans.

This is below the Mississipi, the Mississipi [River] flows at a higher elevation, and [New Orleans] is below the Mississipi. So the Mississipi swelled, and inundated the whole of New Orleans.10

Then, the water reached up to the sixth floor, and everyone ran away – except for Chabadniks.

They finished the whole Sefer Tehillim, as the water reached up to the sixth floor, it was stopped. It had just got to the Chabadniks, Chabad said Tehillim there, in New Orleans, on the sixth floor. Everyone laughed.

For sure, they recited Tehillim a few times, and they saw that the water was rising, rising, rising, rising. 3,000 people drowned there. Everything was full of crocodiles and snakes, sea snakes. All this was the new ‘New Orleans’.11


There was a young woman, Joan of Arc, who fought against the English [who were trying to conquer large parts of France].

Until the Dukes of Normandy (Norway??) delivered her [over to the English]. The French [who betrayed the French king] delivered her to the English in return for 50,000 franks, something like that.

They ‘extradited’ her, and then they [the English] burnt her three or four different times, so that no trace [of her] would remain. But it didn’t help them! [The French eventually won, and kicked the English out of France].


So, she was called ‘Joan of Arc’.

The family was ‘D’Arc’, Jeanne D’Arc. She was 19 years old, when they burnt her, because the English conquered France.

[The French king at that time was called] Charles, it was Charles, we are now [at the time of] Charles VII, this was Charles VI, and he was mentally ill. And he got married. Henry VIII [the English king], married the daughter of Charles V, or VI. And then Henry VIII persuaded him [the French King] that he would give him the whole of Northern France. He gave it over to England.12

And then the English came, and made pogroms [in France].

So, Joan of Arc fomented a rebellion against the English, and she acted in the name of God. She saw angels, angels used to accompany her. She knew exactly where to go, and how to conquer.

Translated from Shivivei Or 393.



1Tehillim 60:11.

2Tehillim 60:9.

3Tehillim 60:9-10.

4In a previous shiur on this subject, Rav Berland goes on to explain that Ruth, the grand-daughter of Balak, knew about this barrel of snakes ‘spell’ on Har HaBayit, and told David the location of the barrel, so he could dig it up and try to break Balak’s evil spell.

5From Tehillim 60.

7Located near to Bet Shemesh, off Highway 1.

8This is spelled in the Hebrew: נען.

9Read more about the New Orleans terror attack, and Shamsud-Din Jabbar, who apparently carried it out, here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2025_New_Orleans_truck_attack

10The Rav appears to be referring to Hurricane Katrina, which flooded New Orleans shortly after the Jews were booted out of Gush Katif.

11Named after the old ‘Orleans’ in France.

12The historical details here, according to ‘official history’ are not correct. As with all the Rav’s comments, it seems the Rav is hinting to something that needs decoding here, and is dressing his comments up in a historical story.



I just typed in ‘Chabad’ and ‘Hurricane Katrina’ to see what came up.

Here’s a few things to consider:

EXHIBIT 1: (Not shmirat eynayim friendly, put out by the Chabad Telethon).




“Perhaps another point of call for Mr. Beinart in his efforts to research Chabad should have been the members of the largely African American community whose lives were devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. “One of those rescued from New Orleans put it this way: In the days after Katrina hit, Chabad saved lives,” said President George W. Bush, singling out Chabad for praise.


That link to George Bush Jnr ‘singing Chabad’s praises’ is dead now – but here it is on the Wayback machine:


You get a brownie point for every verifiable detail and real person interviewed in this story, who is not George Bush or Chabad.


PS: I am getting such a yucky vibe off all this, that for now, I am not going to write any more stuff about this organisation.

BH, God will reveal what’s going on very soon, and in the meantime, I feel I’ve done enough to at least bring the subject up for review and consideration.


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