The xtian-zionist godfather of Yoni Netanyahu

Recently, I took a visit to the Friends of Zion ‘museum’ in Jerusalem.

There is so much to say about all this, but let’s keep focussed on two things, for this post.

Thing One: Was this very interesting video screened by FoZ – and also helpfully stuck up online, so you can see what I saw:


FoZ explains that JOHN HENRY PATTERSON was a leading ‘xtian zionist’.

He helped organised the first ‘Jewish army’ for Palestine (aka the ZION MULE CORP, where people like JOSEPH TRUMPELDOR made a name for themselves, getting mutilated themselves and killing people for ‘Zion’. Stop me, if this sounds familiar.)


But the thing that really took my notice was when ‘JOHN HENRY PATTERSON’, in the FoZ video above, says this:

(Start listening at 1:50 min mark, where the actor who is playing Patterson is talking about the 5,000 Jews who sign up to serve in the British army under the ‘Star of David’ flag in WW2):

“That’s when I became good friends with Ben Zion and Celia Netanyahu.

They asked me to be godfather to their son, Yonatan. Even named him after me. 

And his younger brother Benjamin, a sharp one. Of course back then, no-one knew that Yonatan would be killed rescuing passengers in a terrorist hijacking. 

Or, that Benjamin would become prime minister, some day.”


Even with a nod to the sins of artistic licence, since when do Jews have xtian ‘godfathers’?

Since when, do Jews name their children for xtian British Army Officers?


This is another video from FoZ – from 2023.

It’s Mike Evans talking to a bunch of evangelicals with none other than our dear PM.

(Puke bags are advised….)


At the 1 minute 10 mark, Mike Evans explains how he got our dear PM his first political job under Menachem Begin….

Really listen to what our dear PM is saying in this video.

It’s all hidden in plain view, who really created political zionism, and who is really pulling the strings here, even today….


At the four minute mark, our dear PM starts talking about how his grandfather (MILIKOWSKY) was a big rabbi, and a great disciple of THEODOR HERZL, who went around the USA giving 600 lectures about the need for ‘creating the Jewish State’.

Apparently, Ben Tzion Netanyahu was good buddies with General Eisenhower….

I highly recommend you listen to that whole video.

You’ll learn a lot.


While you are pondering all this, here’s something else I learned from the FoZ museum, this time about THEODOR HERZL.

HERZL got his infamous meeting with Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany thanks to his best friend WILLIAM HECHLER.

THIS article on Israel Today explains a lot of the basics.

Long story short: HECHLER was an evangelical missionary.

He was working with the LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING XTIANITY TO THE JEWS – as his father DIETRICH HECHLER had been, before him.

HECHLER even wrote a book about Jews returning to Israel many years before HERZL’s book THE JEWISH STATE.


Here’s a snippet of what HERZL himself wrote about HECHLER, when he met him on March 10th, 1896:

‘The Reverend William Hechler, Chaplain of the English Embassy here, came to see me. A sympathetic, gentle fellow, with the long grey beard of a prophet.

He is enthusiastic about my solution of the Jewish Question.

He also considers my movement a ‘prophetic turning-point’ – which he had foretold two years before.

From a prophecy in the time of Omar (637CE) he had reckoned that at the end of forty-two prophetic months (total 1260 years) the Jews would get Palestine back. This figure he arrived at was 1897-98.’


You can read more about WILLIAM HECHLER on Wiki HERE.

We will be coming back to him, and his ‘Anglican Restorationist’ buddies in more posts soon.


That would be LEWIS WAY.

Here’s the stained glass window from his personal masonic chapel in Stansted, UK:


One last thing, I just learned what ‘THEODOR’ actually means.

It’s a Greek name, and translates as ‘From God’ (THEO) ‘a gift’ (DOR).

Or, ‘gift from God’.

Now, who can translate this name into English for me?


Ha mavin yavin.


PS: Just a reminder, this is what the Rav said about HERZL, from a few weeks back, HERE:

It’s like Herzl.

He said that everyone would [should] become a xtian. He couldn’t stand the suffering and the persecution happening to the Jews.

So he said, all the Jews should become xtians!

But Hitler challenged him, he made a rule that three generations…[2] Really, they killed even 10 generations of non-Jews who had married Jews. They recounted this, they were in Auschwitz.

On Sunday, we will travel to Auschwitz, to the death camp.


Someone told the Rav that the children of Herzl became xtians.

The Rav answered yes!

But the great-grandchildren already made teshuva.


I can’t find any ‘great-grandchildren’ of HERZL….

They have apparently been hidden.

If anyone out there has some leads, let me know.

If the Rav is mentioning them, they for sure exist.

And if they are being ‘hidden’ from official history, then for sure we’ll learn a lot if we manage to unearth them again.



William Hechler’s own pamphlet calling for the Jews to be restored to ‘Palestine’ in 1893 is apparently on Google Books here:

The Restoration of the Jews to Palestine – William Henry HECHLER – Google ספרים

But, I can’t get it to open – and I think it’s been taken offline.

Can anyone help me track down a PDF of it?

Here’s the World Cat details:

Apparently, two libraries in the USA have it, but it won’t show any details….

I’m getting the distinct impression it’s being hidden.

So, that’s always the first place to start.

Can anyone help me find it, BH?

6 replies
  1. AK
    AK says:

    Thanks this doesn’t surprise me at all. Bibi has been cozying up to these Xtian Zionists for years. These are also the same people that are the missionaries running around the country, and army bases trying to convert Jews, Hashem Yerachem. They all want mass Aliyah more than Jews do so their Moshiach can come.

    It is worth noting during the scamdemic, when the airport was supposedly closed and people couldn’t travel, these Xtian Zionist missionaries were allowed to travel unhindered to Israel, courtesy of our PM.

  2. Nachum
    Nachum says:

    None of this information is exactly hidden. Herzl’s children seem to have inherited mental illness from their mother. Two killed themselves and had no children. One of those did bounce around religions a lot. The third was killed in the Holocaust with her husband. Her son, Herzl’s only grandson, killed himself when he heard the news. He had no children either. So there are no great-grandchildren. It’s very sad and nothing to attack Herzl over.

    Herzl’s mind was not changed by Hitler because Herzl died almost thirty years before Hitler came to power.

    Herzl’s Hebrew named was Binyamin Ze’ev. In the early days of Zionism some people who didn’t know better called him “Matityahu,” a literal translation of his name.

    Bibi’s grandfather’s pen name was “Netanyahu.” It has nothing to do with Herzl; it is a name in Tanach. His father adopted it as a last name.

    The reference to “godfather” was probably just a mark of respect. Patterson was at Yoni’s brit and gave him a kiddush cup but wasn’t his sandak. “John” is from the Hebrew “Yochanan”, not “Yonatan” which was Yoni’s full name. Again, they probably just did that out of respect. And Patterson deserved a lot of respect.

    Trumpeldor lost his arm in the Russo-Japanese War, not in World War I.

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:

      Herzl himself had a lot of ‘mental illness’, as is clear from his own diaries.

      Also, his paternal grandfather was the gabbai of R Yehuda Alkalai…

      Snippet about him from here:

      “Rabbi Yehuda Alqalai was one of the first rabbis (or Jews) in modern times to formulate the idea of a return to Zion. Following the footsteps of Rabbi Yehuda Bibas, he did not envision the return to Zion just as a solution for the eternal problem of anti-Semitism but essentially as a way to fulfill the Jewish aspiration of political normalization: i.e., Jews living in their Jewish homeland. He understood that the nation of Israel needs not wait passively until the Mashiach comes to realize this aspiration. Rather, it should actively seek the reestablishment of an independent Jewish state in the forefather’s land as a way to advance the coming of the Messiah.

      Rabbi Alqalai formulated his plan and ideas for the restoration of the Jews in Israel in his book Goral lahaShem, published in Viena in 1857.”


      It’s quite the CO-IN-CI-DENCE that the apparently ‘assimilated’ grandson of of R Alkalai’s gabbai should be the ‘gift of God’ who apparently actions the plan set down by R Alkalai 30 years earlier.

      With a ton of help from ‘xtian zionist’ / masons, especially in the UK.

      And the last question for you is this: how do you know that Herzl’s name was ‘Binyamin Zev’?

      The historians can’t even agree on whether he was even called up to the Torah at Bar Mitzvah, and there are no extent records of him in the Pinkas Kehilla being given a Hebrew name.

      So, where is the evidence that Theodor Herzl even had a Jewish name, and it wasn’t just ‘tagged on’ afterwards, when they needed to re-emphasis the Jewish connection to Herzl and the political zionism project?

      • Nachum
        Nachum says:

        Well, he got an aliyah on Shabbat in the Basel synagogue the day before the First Zionist Congress began, so he used a Hebrew name at some point. He had a brit milah and therefore almost certainly had a Hebrew name. The fact that he was *incorrectly* called “Matityahu” indicates that his real name was something else. (Hungarian Jews don’t make an effort to “match” Hebrew and secular names.)

        You’re far from the first person to notice the connection his grandfather had to Zionism and wonder if it influenced him. Most of those who note it simply wonder, though, as there’s no evidence one way or another. Maybe it’s a coincidence (they actually happen!), and most who mention it think it would be *nice* if it were true. I fail to see why you’d think it was insidious unless you have some existential problem with the country in which you live, which is a bizarre thing to have.

        And, again, if you must use the X, it’s Xian, not Xtian. Like Xmas. The X is the Greek Chi, first letter in the word.

        • Rivka Levy
          Rivka Levy says:

          The aliyah in Basel is meaningless. The record of the circumcision would be great proof that he had at least a circumcision – if it exists in the pinchas kehillah.

          SIMON LOEB HERZL – his paternal grandpa – had two brothers who converted to Serbian xtianity. I’ll spell that how I want, it’s still a (partially…) free world.

          And if you don’t have a problem with the State you live in, after what happened October 7, and has been happening all year long, then I don’t think the problem lies with me.

          (PS: Herzl also frequented prostitutes, had gonorrhea (which probably contributed to his early death) and fantasised about blonde 10 year olds. It’s a shame the bar was so low for a ‘redeemer’ that this was the guy that got picked. But on the upside, he was EXCELLENT at staging ‘events’… which is why they went for a playwright in the first place, to front the ‘political zionism’ project. He knew exactly how to play the audience and create interesting ‘scenes’.)


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