The USA was founded on the 17th of Tammuz

There’s a really interesting video from R Glatstein.


I like the way that he presents his information, which is way more ‘informed’ and even-handed than a lot of Rabbis, especially rabbis in galut, and especially, ‘rabbis’ in the USA.

Here’s the video (that I found HERE):


Apparently, R Kessin first brought the source that the USA was founded by those satanic masons on the 17th of Tammuz….

In ‘upside-down’ world, this is being presented as a totally good thing – by R Kessin.

R Glatstein is way more even-handed, and is at least talking about the rampant assimilation and ‘spiritual holocaust’ that’s occurred in the USA, as well as the standard stuff about it being a ‘goldeneh medina’ for Jews.


I can’t understand, tho, how the Jews of Naomi and Ruth’s time were meant to have been somehow observing the fast of the 17th of Tammuz, and the Three Weeks, a century before the First Temple had even been built?

What are the sources for that, besides from the Chatam Sofer – and what source did the Chatam Sofer base this idea on?


God is leaving some big clues all over the place about what is really going on with the USA – but free will still exists.

Even for the Jews of the USA itself, the USA has been a ‘mixed blessing’, to put it mildly.

But when you look at how the USA fomented so much war in the Middle East, corrupted our establishment with its own masonic bros – at every level of the State and the army, and forcibly imported every source of tumah it could think of, including missionaries and rainbow parades….

Do you still really think that the USA being founded on the 17th of Tammuz, by a bunch of satanic masons, was a ‘good thing’?

Or the sixth reason to weep?


Last thing, I often pick up some very interesting information from R Glatstein, as he’s very erudite and brings a lot of good information and sources.

I actually wrote up notes from the whole class he did on the mysterious person called the ‘Sha’agat Aryeh’, for example, whose descendants are all over the ‘State of Israel Project’.

I will get around to writing that up soon, BH, with some more background info.

But his comment at the end about Chaim of Volozhin stating that the last, 10th exile would be the exile of ‘America’ is very interesting.


Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin – to name but two – were the direct descendants of Chaim of Volozhin.

And the Volozhin Yeshiva was where all the ‘secret societies’ and ‘brotherhoods’ revolving around the State of Israel actually got their start.

(And a whole bunch of other things, besides.)

But good luck tracing who ‘Chaim of Volozhin’ really was.

Like so many of the leading figures in the story of how the masons co-opted the Jewish community, and especially the ‘State of Israel’ project, you can only get back one generation…. and then all trace of ‘Chaim of Volozhin’ disappears in a puff of pixie dust.

But, I’m working on some other angles still.

And it’s very interesting, to me, that masonic ‘America’ and Chaim of Volozhin seem to be closely connected.



PS: The American (Frankist…) banker Jacob Schiff, and other masonic-frankists, funded the Bolshevik Revolution.

And it was Joseph Stalin’s Russia who cast the vote enabling ‘the State of Israel’ to be ‘created’ at the UN.

Stalin sure was a great friend of the Jewish people!

He did so much for us!!!

Clearly, such a fantastic, great all-round guy and potential ‘Moshiach’ of Edom.



Read more about all that HERE.

This is the snippet that stood out to me:

Joseph Stalin didn’t care much about Jewish people but, pursuing his own goals, helped them to win their statehood.

Literally, there is nothing new under the sun.

Just ask Joseph Trump.


This snippet is also very interesting:

The USSR was the first country to officially recognize Israel, two days after it declared independence on May 14, 1948.

Socialist guns for Zionists

The U.S., which also supported the creation of Israel, officially banned weapon supplies to the Middle East.

Unlike the Americans, however, Moscow sent arms to the Zionists, though unofficially and through other countries, such as Czechoslovakia.

The USSR used German weapons captured at the end of the war.


What did you just learn?

And how is it similar to what is going on still, in 2024?


Last thing for today:

Trump’s xmas message from 2020, bigging up his Covid vax, accompanied by little xtian idols and Melania….


Yeah, just another firm proof that ‘The Donald’ is the good in Esav.

And if he’s the ‘good’….. I dread to think what the bad looks like.

5 replies
  1. Neshama
    Neshama says:

    Our Avos also observed halachos before the Torah was given. This is the special siata dishmaya that comes with living on the Land of Eretz Yisrael (I believe). We have it today, watch Maggie Tabibi make “Shehacol” on AIR to break her fast of the 17th.
    B”H HKB”H is opening sending messages to us.

  2. AK
    AK says:

    The new state of Israel was originally created as a socialist country, makes sense that the Soviet Union would vote in favor. When discussing the history of the state, many people including Jews don’t discuss or realize that Harry Truman was actually a nasty Anti-semite. The only reason why he recognized the new state was because his former business partner Eddie Jacobson (A Jew) had open door access to Truman and guilt-ed him into doing it.

  3. AK
    AK says:

    One other thing regarding Rabbis in the USA. I have lost all respect for the rabbinical leadership in the USA. Many of them ( the ones in the frum communities) openly discourage the members of their communities from making Aliyah, and majority pushed the shot.

  4. Neshama
    Neshama says:

    Sometimes sayings get parroted around and its easy to do this. But they might not be entirely true, and the person might have said other statements that were more worthy of repeating.
    For instance, sayings by Pres. Harry Truman (and there are many):
    “Listen please to the amazing words of President Harry S. Truman, a non-Jew who perceived the kedusha within Am Yisroel: ‘I believe that, just like in the past, three thousand years ago, you Jews saved humanity, wild mankind, via your Torah, so too I believe and hope that, even nowadays, you, the Jewish Nation, will be successful again, to enlighten and to heal the beasts of cruelty in our midst and save the world from total destruction’.” (Miluai Shlomo)
    [from Reb Neuberger, in

    • Rivka Levy
      Rivka Levy says:


      If the ‘State of Israel’ was a commie spin-off from its inception (as it was…) then it’s at least possible that you wouldn’t have to be an ‘anti semite’ to oppose it’s creation, if you believed ‘commies are bad’.

      So much of what we assume and were taught about ‘history’ is missing crucial context that changes the whole picture.

      BTW, that doesn’t mean that Truman wasn’t an anti-semite…. it just means that even a non-anti-semite would oppose the creation of a communist state in the Middle East, if they were opposed to communism.


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