The Turks ruled Eretz Yisrael for 400 years – comments from the Rav

Is it just me, or does it feel like a lot of stuff is happening ‘under the surface’ today?

The last few weeks, it’s been feeling like a whirlwind. Today, it’s feeling externally calmer for the first time in a while – but it feels like ‘big stuff’ is going on behind the scenes.

BH, only for the good of Am Yisrael, and all the good, genuinely God-fearing people in the world.


Doowop Rebbe – I am working on part 2 of ‘The Jewish Problem’.

I usually have to go and read at least two obscure books, in order to pin things down as properly as I can, and this stuff takes time. But I’m working on it.

In the meantime, the next thing I’ll put up is more stuff about that RAFFALOVICH family, who keep cropping up in all the stories of how the Frankists, and also Chabad, ‘took over’ the Jewish community, in various different ways.

So watch out for that.

And then, we’ll deep dive on HERZL – that will probably be the next bit of the ‘Jewish Problem’ story.

I have been learning some crazy stuff….


Lastly, if anyone feels like doing some homework about Bnei Brith’s connection with the Balfour Declaration and the masons’ political zionism project, I recommend reading this:


I had a file on my desktop that has just been ‘disappeared’.

It was literally open on my desktop, saved on a flash drive – and now it’s gone.


It’s off-topic, but I had to do something very banal with ‘Chat GPT’ this week for someone else, and even though I’m banned on it, I borrowed a tablet and did it there.

And then that tablet came close enough to the PC I usually work on to start transferring data.

And one of the things that seems to have been ‘transferred’ off my computer and totally deleted is a file I had called ‘Bnei Brith Real History’.

It’s totally disappeared, along with a couple of other files that I can’t find now, including the Sephardi genealogy of ‘JACOB FRANK’.

Hamavin yavin.

And the censorship is getting really, really bad.

Here’s the Rav’s comments, in the meantime.


Monday Parshat Vayeira, 10th Cheshvan 5785, November 10th, 2024

Excerpt of a shiur given over to the Chut Shel Chesed Yeshiva by Rav Berland.

[The Rav begins by speaking about Avraham Avinu’s circumcision, and how Ener, Eshkol and Mamre were also circumcised, but Ener and Eshkol die as a result. He then continues:]

And furthermore, Avraham circumcised Ishmael.

And so, 400 years – exactly 400 years – the Turks ruled [over Eretz Yisrae].

The Rebbe says, the real Ishmael is the Turks.

400 years, from 1517 until 1917. This is exact. Whoever learns history, this is exactly 400 years [name missing in the original text] built the walls of Jerusalem. There wasn’t a wall.

And he didn’t deserve a part [of Eretz Yisrael].[1] So OK, he’ll get 400 years.

So for exactly 400 years, they ruled here.


Until Allenby arrived.

He already came a month before Chanukah [to the gates of Jerusalem] but – Chanuka, Chanuka was on Sunday night in the evening, so he entered [Jerusalem] on the first night.

So, the army entered, and after this, he entered on Tuesday – this was already the second candle [of Chanukah]. And he came down off the horse [when he came to the gates of Jerusalem].

He said: I am not going to enter with a horse, on no account, with the horse!

There were cameras, they took photos of him getting off the horse, and going from the Jaffa Gate on foot.


And then, R Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld welcomed him.

He had a delegation from the Cherkassim, from the Armenians, from the Arabs – from every religious group that there was here, in Jerusalem. There were 100 groups here, and he had a delegation from all of them.

He said that the only thing that found favor in his eyes, this was R Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, and the Jewish rabbis, who were wearing dignified clothing, magnificent garments, you could see the ziv (brilliance) of the shechina upon them.

Each of them had hod malchut (majesty).


So, Ishmael [ruled in Eretz Yisrael] for exactly 400 years, to the second, to the moment, as the Zohar says.

And afterwards, he says that Ishmael will come and will rule over the eretz kadisha (the Holy Land), that will be empty.

Because it’s written in the Gemara, Sanhedrin 99[2]:

“For behold, I am with you, and I will turn [My attention] to you, and you will be tilled and you will be sown.”[3]

The moment that Israel gets here, that the Jews arrive, there will be orchards here [in Eretz Yisrael]. The land will blossom. The desert will bloom.

The Arabs, [for as long as they ruled here], everything was a wilderness. But, they ruled over Jerusalem.


It will already be another 200 years, this is Gog and Magog.

And then, the Children of Edom will come, at the end, another nation will come, a few will come.

There will be three terrible wars here. One in Jerusalem, one in Rome, they will conquer Rome. Because Rome is [text missing in original]. And then, there will be in Botzrah.

[President] Bush said this, when he conquered Iraq, [that now] the verse was being fulfilled:

“[F]or Hashem is making a sacrifice at Botzrah.”[4]

Still today, there is the city of Botzrah there, south of Baghdad.


So, the moment that the Americans conquered this, so he [i.e. Bush] said these verses.

Here in Israel, they were scared to say them, but they [i.e. the Americans] said them.

The non-Jews believe in the Tanach more than the Jews do.


“To grasp the edges of the earth.”[5]

All this will only be in another 200 years, or [another] 300 years.

In 693, in 693 is 3605 [years after Moshe said Ve’etchanan][6], 515 times 7.

“To grasp the edges of the earth.”

This will only be in another 308 years.

[text missing in the original].


All of the Angels above – because there are angels above [i.e. Ishmael’s angels, as brought in the Zohar, who requested a share of Eretz Yisrael in the merit of Ishmael’s circumcision] – because Ishmael prays, and so he succeeds.


And not a man of them will remain, only the people of Israel.


“Hashem is your Guardian. Hashem is your protective shade, at your right hand.”[7]

This is talking about the world to come. All the mizmor tehillim chapter 121:

A song of the ascents.

I raise my eyes to the mountains, from where will my help come?

My help is from Hashem, Maker of heaven and earth.

He won’t allow your foot to falter, your Guardian will not slumber.

Behold, He neither slumbers, not sleeps, the Guardian of Israel.

Hashem is your Guardian. Hashem is your protective shade at your right hand.

The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

Hashem will protect you from every evil.

He will guard your soul.

Hashem will guard your arrivals and your departures, from this time and forever.



Translated from Shivivei Or 384


[1] The Angel of Ishmael requested a share in Eretz Yisrael in the merit of Ishmael also being circumcised.

[2] Sanhedrin 99 is a discussion about the coming of the Moshiach, and the Messianic Era, and how long the Messianic Era will last.

[3] Yechezkel 36:9. The verse continues: “I will make people numerous upon you – the entire House of Israel, all of it; the cities will be inhabited and the ruins will be rebuilt.”

[4] Yeshayahu 34:6. The whole verse reads: “The sword of Hashem is full of blood, greased with fat, with the blood of fatted sheep and he-goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams; for Hashem is making a sacrifice at Botzrah and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.”

[5] Iyov 38:13. The full verse reads: “To grasp the edge of the earth, and shake the wicked from it.”

[6] This is the explanation given in square brackets in the original Hebrew. ‘Ve-Etchanan’ is when Moshe Rabbenu requested 515 to enter the land, and was refused. I don’t know what the Rav is really saying here, so I’m simply bringing his words, and each person can ponder their true meaning.

[7] Tehillim 121:5.


PS: Three weeks ago, one of my art chug people was complaining how all of her Excel spreadsheets had suddenly vanished off her computer – and she had no idea where they’d gone.

Then someone else started moaning that their Calendar had also just disappeared, with all her meetings and contacts.

This is 1984 in action – where things get ‘disappeared’ as though they never even existed, while we all sit here scratching our heads and wondering what’s going on.

If you have internet connection on a device – that device can be so, so easily hacked.

The only way to keep things ‘safe’ is to move them totally, 100% offline – and / or write them down the good old fashioned way.

Ah, Tatty.



Apparently, the tech community is well aware that Microsoft Office is also now engaged in ‘taking’ documentation from its users.

The users click that they agree the terms and conditions for new Office 365 – and just like that, Big Brother has legal access to everything you are writing using its software.

Check it out, if you don’t believe me.

Tachlis, no privacy, no ‘intellectual property’ is off-limits, no information you’d rather not share with anyone else.

And this has been going on for a long time – just now, it’s getting so blatant, even non-techies are starting to notice.

Have a read of THIS, explaining how any image you embed in Word docs etc can be traced back to the author and even the GPS in a second, using the metadata:

This article is from 2022.

And it’s been flagging this particular problem since 2015.


I just deleted Office 365 off my PC.

I got a free version of it two weeks ago, and didn’t realise how many ‘strings’ it came attached to.

There ARE alternatives to Office out there – a lot of them, many of them are pretty good.

I use one of them, usually, for my typing.

And I will BH continue to do that.

All it takes for ‘evil’ to win is for the good people to sit back and let it.

And that holds a million times true, when it comes to big tech and the internet.

8 replies
  1. asd
    asd says:

    Hi Rivka, thanks for all that you post.
    Can you please share what you use instead of Office, as well as any other alternatives?
    Thanks, ASD

  2. shmaryah
    shmaryah says:


    It seems that vanishing computer files and the scrubbing of the internet may be connected.
    As reported by many mainstream and alternate media sites, the internet archive and the wayback machine were hacked and suffered a denial of service attack. The hackers accessed the personal data of 31 million users. The site was restored as a read only platform which means that news and events from the date of the attack are not being archived. So this period of history is not being catalogued or stored for future retrieval. Just coincidental, I’m sure.

    Anything of interest that you read online, save the entire article to a flashdrive, or other device, not just a weblink, as the link won’t work if the article disappears.


  3. Simon
    Simon says:

    Also, I’m still stuck watching videos on my phone more than I should be. God willing, I’ll get a “dumb-phone” at last!


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