The Saudi connection
This post is just snippets from a Wiki page.
The Wiki page for Jared Kushner, Trump’s SIL, HERE.
You come to your own conclusions, about the ‘good [businessman] in Esav’, and how much all this is really just about money, access to the gas fields off Gaza, and the oil fields found in the Golan.
Since leaving the White House, Kushner founded Affinity Partners, a private equity firm that derives most of its funds from Saudi government’s sovereign wealth fund.
His father was friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton and attended several dinners with them.
Following his father’s conviction and subsequent incarceration between March 4, 2005, and August 25, 2006, Kushner took a much bigger role in the family real estate business.
Kushner Companies purchased the office building at 666 Fifth Avenue in 2007, for a then-record price of $1.8 billion, most of it borrowed.[25] He assumed the role of CEO in 2008.[26] Following the property crash that year, the cash flow generated by the property was insufficient to cover its debt service…[Qatar bailed him out…]
In 2014, Kushner, with his brother Joshua and Ryan Williams, co-founded Cadre (now RealCadre LLC), an online real-estate investment platform. His business partners included Goldman Sachs and billionaire George Soros, a top Democratic Party donor.[39][40][41] In early 2015, Soros Fund Management financed the startup with a $250 million credit line.
Jared Kushner had been a lifelong Democrat prior to his father-in-law Donald Trump entering politics.[60] He had donated over $10,000 to Democratic campaigns[61] starting at the age of 11. In 2008, he donated to the campaign for Hillary Clinton and his newspaper the New York Observer endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in the 2008 United States presidential election.
Kushner helped broker the sale of $100+ billion of arms to Saudi Arabia, and during a meeting with Saudi officials at the White House to finalize the deal, he called Lockheed Martin CEO Marillyn Hewson to ask for a lower price on a radar system to detect ballistic missiles.[91][92]
Mueller investigated meetings between Trump associates including Kushner and George Nader, an emissary representing the crown princes of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia. In August 2016, Nader offered help to the Trump presidential campaign.[137
He took a special interest in the petroleum-rich monarchies of the Persian Gulf. Kushner attempted to raise money from the Persian Gulf states for a new investment firm he has founded.[140]
Trump put Kushner in charge of brokering peace in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict…
The plan, which was endorsed by the Israeli government, offered the Palestinians a conditional path to an independent state with defined borders.
After Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to the United States, wrote a June 2020 opinion piece warning that annexation of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank would threaten better relations between Israel and the Arab world, Kushner saw an opportunity and stepped in to facilitate talks.[163][164]
The talks led to the August establishment of diplomatic ties between the United Arab Emirates and Israel,[165][166] normalizing what had long been informal relations between the two countries[167] and ultimately becoming the first Abraham Accord, which was the first normalization agreement between Israel and an Arab country since it normalized relations with Jordan in 1994.[168][169]
As part of the agreement, Netanyahu suspended the annexation of West Bank settlements, which the Kushner peace plan had approved months earlier.[170]
[Ed. note: bold emphasis mine. Are you starting to figure out how all this works now?]
Hours after the August 13 announcement of the U.S.-brokered normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, senior Bahraini officials called Kushner with a message: “We want to be next”.[172] Over the next 29 days Kushner and aide Avi Berkowitz negotiated, and traveled to Bahrain, before closing the deal on September 11, 2020, in a call between Trump, Netanyahu and the king of Bahrain.[172]
All three countries officially committed to the deals on September 15, 2020, with the signing of the Abraham Accords on the South Lawn of the White House.[173]
Years later, Kushner was invited to address a forum at the Harvard Kennedy School to talk about Middle East issues. Tarek Masoud, the school’s director of Middle East Initiatives, said he chose Kushner since he was the architect of the Abraham Accords.[184]
In the interview, Kushner referred to the valuable potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should move civilians from Gaza to the Negev desert in southern Israel.[185][186]
Career after Trump Administration
Saudi Arabia investment fund
Kushner’s firm landed the more than $2 billion only six months after Kushner stopped working as a senior adviser for the president,[225] to invest in American and Israeli companies expanding in India, Africa, the Middle East and other parts of Asia. Investors include $2 billion from the Saudi public investment fund, with Kushner stating that he hopes to open an “investment corridor between Saudi Arabia and Israel”,[226][227
The fund plans to invest Saudi money into startup companies in Israel.
As of 2024, the fund had made $157 million in management fees (including $87 million from the Saudi government alone) since 2021.[236]
Upon his suggestion and the Aleph Institute, several white collar criminals have been pardoned; for example in 2020 Philip Esformes, who defrauded Medicare for about $1.3 billion. Esformes has been described as “a man driven by almost unbounded greed,”.[272]
[Ed. note – click that link for the ‘Aleph Institute’. You will be shocked!!! shocked!!! to learn who is behind it.]
That will do.
Everything is hidden in plain view, and the reason we can’t all understand all this so clearly, as set out above, just from the snippets from Wikipedia, is because there are a bunch of people telling us about the tov sh’be Eisav.
Or to explain this in other words, gaslighting the Jewish community, about what is really going on here.
May Hashem come and save us from the world of lies, and the morally-corrupt people and institutions perpetuating it, very, very soon.
Now, you’re “talkin”! You must have read some comments to me:
“ OR
the less said re kushners father and his relations with his brother the better.i feel sorry for jared re that terrible story(hamavin yavin)
Doo Wop Rebbe, doesn’t it bother you, a tiny little bit, that we’re being totally sold out by these people? Do you think George Soros funds start ups for ‘holy tzaddikim’ (to the tune of $250 million…?
Why would you feel sorry for this dude? I simply don’t get it.
‘Those who are kind to the cruel will end up being cruel to the kind.’
i have maintained many times(mainly on the end of times blog and dov barleib)that trump is a narsisistic fellow who cares only for himself/i have no liking for the kushners9putting it mildly )but feel sorry for what jared suffered from his evil father(hamevin yavin)father kushner seemes to be a soros typebut jaren has a good side to him as well( i think?)/if you dont know what pere kushner did to his brother look into it(a terrible story)so notwithstanding his wealth and lovely wife i feel sorry for him
george tsuris along with ron unz and “brother nathaniel” represent the unholy trinity ofevil jews.I hope i anwered you
have my responses to you gone thru?
Yes, I’m not online all the time to immediately approve them.
Personally, if the gaslighting narcissists are very close to home, and God has arranged things that you HAVE to deal with them, that’s one thing, and a very difficult test.
But when the gaslighting narcissists are politicians and ‘influencers’ and fake rabbis, I think we have a duty not only to NOT just go along with all the lies and gaslighting, but to start loudly calling it out.
So many of us are stuck in this PC spiritual paradigm of worrying we’re going to say something wrong, if we speak up about the things that ARE CLEARLY WRONG.
I never really understood why ‘flattery’ was considered such a bad middah before, but now I’m starting to get more of a clue. We ‘flatter’ evil, and that obscures God in the world, and muddies the waters between ‘good’ and ‘bad’.
Long time not been here!
I am absolutely appalled at what the Esavian pres. is doing: what a traitor!
He should be absolutely kicked out of Eretz Yisrael, never allowed to set foot on the Holy Land of Israel: not him, and not his SIL either, EVER.
How about if we asked Rav Berland to hold a public Tefillah about this, maybe in Hevron? Only Hashem can fix such a dangerous and evil machination by our so-called ” friend”. What do you think Rivka? And if you agree, who could ask Rav Berland to do it?
And I hope you are doing well.
Thank you Rivka.
Trump is doing what is best for the US – the real ‘traitors’ are the Jews who have been falling over themselves to persuade us all he’s some ‘Edomite Moshiach’.
He always was bad, evil, yuck, the Eisav that hates Yaakov.
The soul searching needs to happen on the Jewish side of the equation, how anyone could even THINK for 10 seconds that a billionaire property developer, friend of Epstein and guy with so many proven mafia ties was meant to be ‘good’, and even, ‘the good that’s in Eisav’.
Woe to us, that we have so many false prophets in our midst.
But look what I just found, Rivka: that made me feel a lot better. I had no idea about this REAL prophecy. Fantastic explanation of the whole situation.
I hope this rabbi understands it correctly!
Are you joking? This guy is believes “Yeshua of Nazareth is the promised Jewish Messiah…”
How can any of us listen to any “real prophecy” without having done an inkling of research into who is talking to us? He’s not even trying to hide it…
Moshiach really must be coming… I actually agree with what you are writing here.
It’s also driving me totally nuts, that apparently sensible people, sensible ‘frum’ people, keep rushing to post up and to believe and to hype up garbage ‘prophecies’ from people they’ve never met, never researched, don’t know anything about – but hey! They are saying something cool on youtube, so that must make them at least as reliable as the Prophet Isaiah.
Why is this happening?
Because too many of us are focussed on garbage speculations about ‘the end of days’ (just like the xtians, btw, especially the evangelicals….) and way under-focussed on real stuff in our real dalet amot, like making some real teshuva and working on our own bad middot.
these reports about american mercs taking over gaza are problematic.
also, i’m not expert on chabad, but the rebbe m’lubawicz z”l is also against giving away land.
giving land away is a bad idea in general.
maybe the jordanians are ethnically eisav, it is the old territory after all, but still it seems as bad and worse as the gush katif hitkatnut.
this is nothing like the ‘state of judea’ proposal from m.k. ze’evi a”h.
that proposal would have ended up (in the best case) with another jewish state led by semitic jewish settlers living with mountain ger-toshav tinok shnishba noachides slowly mustering the courage to reveal what happened in the schism with the jewish tribes around makkah.
this horrible ‘oceanfront redevelopment’ idea should be opposed. bli neder i should say more tikkun haklali.
thank you,